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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 2, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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we'd love to hear it, send me an e-mail or go to our web site. kennedy: jamie colby always turns my monday into a fun day. welcome, cpac was rand paul's convention to lose, for a third straight year in a row he prevailed. how? is it enough to change the race? senator rand paul is most in his element at a place like cpac where his young followers can get randy without remorse. rand's dad was their ent tray, they are ready to finish the revolt with the guy who has more to lose because high wants to win. there is no doubt that over flow
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crowd was ready to devour the raw meat that paul through them. they responded by chants okay president paul, president paul. none of the republican challengers seemed eager to bloody one another right now, they have learned the self defeating lesson from 2008. and 2012, rand went right after hillary. >> i believe hillary clinton's abdidcasioabdocasion of respons, and her dereliction of duty should forever recollid recollir from higher office. kennedy: rand is appealing to a excited, young ar younger base e been let down by big government. is that enough to get him elected. he knows how to arouse their
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passion, is it enough to launch him on the white house, perhaps not, it is like trying to get pregnant through masterbation. by the way i have tried. >> senator paul this year with scott walker, at his heels, but what because walker that that paul lacks? executive experience. and although paul is highly principleed for many hawkish newo cons he painted himself into a isolationist corner. >> we should not succumb to the notion that a government inept at home will somehow become successful abroad. kennedy: slight contraflt to mancontrast to themany republict cpac this year. now scott walker second bisis -- big *eflbiggest asset is he cany
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much make it up as he goes alo along. he does not have to worry about backtracking. >> i did vote for the 87 million before i voted against it. kennedy: john, you look like ran old shoe. republican butt sniffers like what they are huffing from walker thus far, he has a incomplete foreign policy education he is trying to bolster, but even with this blank canvass it is possible to make some blunders. >> i want a commander in chief will do anything in their power to make sure terrorists do not wash up on american soil. if i can take on protesters from the union, i can do the same across the world. kennedy: comparing union protest ors to isis. >> you have to be crazy to' to be president of the united states you have to be crazy.
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>> yep. i agree. wanting to be president is in itself, a mental illness. instead of coronation like conferences and empty debates, maybe she should submit the candidates to rigorous psychological testing before they turn the white house into their own personal cuckoo nest, coming up, saturday night live gets in trouble. i will speak with two leftists and a double of doctors, a great story, stick around. good show, i'm kennedy. kennedy: israeli prime minister netanyahu is scheduled to give an address to congress tomorrow.
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this is a president in a new interview. >> this is not a personal issue. i think that it is important for every country in its relationship with the united states to recognize that the u.s. has a process of making policy. kennedy: here is netanyahu today, when speaking with the israeli american public relations committee. >> my speech is not intended to show any disrespect to president obama or the esteemed office he holds, i have great respect for both. the friendship between america and israel grew stronger and stronger, decade after decade. kennedy: ktmcfarland is joining us. >> thank you. >> and jimmy faella he never fails to impress meer ladies who hang outside of fox. >> ladies outside of fox.
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every one of my dates begins with, do you have a quarter. >> kt, on netanyahu. where could not the prime minister postpone his trip until after the israeli election. >> because if the united states and iran are negotiating nuclear deal -- kennedy: not until the end of march. >> whatever message that netanyahu thinks he can give to congress he wants to give before that agreement is potentially signed or agreed to. i think, i look at this, i say, protocol is not bad. prime minister netanyahu, understands that if iran gets nuclear weapon that threatens the very existence of his nation, he is not going to stand on protocol for good manner he will come give what he thinks it his hail mary pass. kennedy: is there any -- do you think they drop it on israel? if so what is our nation's responsibility? >> i think their reason that there is a problem if iran gets the nuclear weapon or a
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threshold nuke fo nuclear statey can push everyone else around. kennedy: they already are. >> and if u.s. agrees to this and other country in region say i know that maybe iran said they don't' nuclear weapons, they are pretending i know that americans, administration president obama is pretending to oing tobelieve them, but we dont believe it. we realize that america has blessed iran's nuclear program we're on our own, i fear most that within 5 years have you a nuclear arms race, and part of the world that is unstable, governments change, willy-nilly, you could potentially have several country with nuclear weapon with an islamic extremeist group which wants to get them. kennedy: and into a civil war. >> chaotic chaos. kennedy: that was my rap name in high school. jimmy what do you think? >> i am in a bad spot.
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i guess agree with his -- disagree with his actions but i really like netanyahu, he looks like the old man that is really fun at weddings, for me, i get behind a guy like that. but i think it is elect rhetoric by him, if push came to shove could they not get rid of iran if they wanted to. >> no. kennedy: there was a respect this weekend that united states of scrambling jets to call israel out of of the iranian airspace. kennedy: we don't want to be in that position either. >> we don't top do clean up, but i feel that is an example of dad said no, so we're asking mom. kennedy: we'll see what the speech holds tomorrow and how political is really is. today he did response, if you are from texas throw your hands in the air. >> saturday night live, catching flack for lam lampooning isis. >> looks like your ride is here.
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you be careful, okay. >> dad, it's justice i -- isis. >> take care of her. kennedy: so, jimmy, they caught a lot of heat, you are not supposed to make fun of isis, only way we can figure out how much we've been hurting is if we learn to laugh. >> this validates my theory, people need something to get mad at, if we can't hit isis, what who do we hit? layoff the loveable hitler, i don't understand why we draw that line, this is people that
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know nothing about comedy, what other field is this acceptable. we don't tweet at dentists and say you can't pull tooth that way, i think that people who are funny professionaly, who should hear from, i don't see a comedian condemning it. >> we should not have political correctness rule for isis, the best way to deal with groups like this is make fun of them, their whole thing is we're the big group, we have been chosen, and we'll destroy, so make them look like idiots. >> and in comedy, people come up to you after a show, and share a come, one i get most is quit the, bu business. the second is do i still have that taxi license the, have you do a joke, on the edge, people say thank you for going there,
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that is how we handle it, you take the power away from tragedy. kennedy: that is a good point, the most poignant moment at funerals are when people are able to open up and laugh, that brings people together, that solidifys someone's memory, and the power of comedy is -- >> that is not even an underlying message, this is say problem with isis, young people signing up to fight for isis like they are signing up for summer camp, i am going to take my jihadi vacation, and go to gejihadi boot company. kennedy: a great time. >> thank you. >> a hoot. >> you will find out why bill clinton 's official presidential portrait has scandal written all over it. >> and i will argue that hillary clinton is in a overblown, and crummy race for presidency.
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we'll begin our russian game of clue in moments, stay right here. no chest-beating monologues about engine size, horsepower, or performance. no anthemic soundtracks to stir the soul. just a ram heavy duty that can carry more weight than any other heavy-duty truck. get more facts at
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kennedy: welcome back, thousands
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taken to straoefts moscow to moss protest the killing of boris nemstov, he was shot friday, while walking home from dinner with a young ukraine model lady friend, she did not see the killer, and conveniently does not know who it was. let's go into putin's -- >> let's go. kennedy: all right. who was boris nemstov stp- >?>> a prominent politician back to yeltsin. a reformer who would bring russia to the worst ern fold, and make russia's civilizeed country as we used to say, when putin was elected in 2000, and
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he became an opposition leader argue that russia is not taking russia -- that putin is not taking russia to civilizeed world but taking it back to the stone ages. kennedy: nemstov, his mother said, she is scareed that putin could kill me for all of my statements, in real life and social network, was his mom right? >> i don't think he was killed by vladimir putin but he was killed by a -- that putin created, everyone who is seen as an opponent to the state, the state is popular, putin has an quick approval rate -- 86 approval rating, so his mother of right, in a sense that everyone, my mother is afraid. i am not important, however, do write things about putin he may
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not like her his people may not like, my mother is afraid. it is say problem to be in that position. it is dangerous. kennedy: you say, this was not a political hit but that putin created a environment of lawlessness and nationalistic fervor. >> i think it is a political hit, that does not need to be run by the kremlin, it can be run by those mid level security forces people, or, national pay thery art, someone that came from east ukraine saying well, if -- if nemstov is against the russian state, and he is an enemy, and therefore all actions against him are lawful, if not legal, it is say political hit, it may not have been by the kremlin. kennedy: your grandfather is crew okpraourbcrew chef --
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>> do you think that putin trying to bring russia back to the -- >> i think he is trying too bring it back to stalin area. which was before khrushchev. i think that citizen way, this murder is presented that it is against putin, it was done as a provocation, that is a stalinesquesque technique, you n go to opponent morse than you would before. kennedy: almost in crow broad daylight. is vladimir putin a russian castro, is he in it for life. >> i am not comfortable comparing putin to other leaders, i compare him to stalin, he was there for life. he is putin's predecessor, i
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think that putin needs to stay their -- stay there for life, i don't know why casto, in fact, cast vo not there focastro is n. but putin needs to stay the minute he gets out of power he will probably be killed. that is the system he created and enforced. kennedy: is it going to get worse? >> unfortunately, my fear that is phaoeufplt because i think that we may be facing the time when after, you know stalin went to his opponents but then actually acting as if he investigating a murder is prominent communist, and that is how the great purges began in 1937, my fear is we may be facing the new kind of stronger even opression because putin, even if he may not have ordered the hit, he was going to use it
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to strengthen his power that means going up to every opponent there is. kennedy: all right, a scary time and a scary place to be right now, thank you very much nina cruschewkhrushcheva. >> thank you. >> first i am tangleing with lefties over hillary clinton, i don't know what she has done. but, they do. your raze crazy kennedy is next. is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day.
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whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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kennedy: fantastic. liberals are hot and bothirded
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about hillary clinton. who reportedly could declare her run for presidency next month, that means april. i'm not blown away by someone with no senate accomplishment and dubious record at secretary of state. i am crazy to think that hillary clinton's popularity is more oned to her gender, name or resume? some people think so. it is time for you're crazy kennedy. joining me, president of the accountability project. and caroline heldman. professor of politics at oxydental, i will start with you caroline. i don't think that if hillary clintony last name were thompson, if we were talking hillary thompson, she was a run of the mill senator when became secretary of the stay we would
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have this discussion. >> 10 years at first lady she took a active role in policymaking matters, almost a decade in senate matters appointed for half a decade, at secretary of state, she is best qualified presidential candidate that we've seen in decade. kennedy: i am so glad you are a big fan of hers, i do not share your joy or passion, i do not think that being first lady, and geegraphical product imhe qualified you -- proximity tkwal qualifies you, if that were the case, laura bush would have just as good a shot. to you, what is harder for secretary clinton, cronyism for nepotism. >> i don't think it is a case of cronyism. and jeb bush fits both, monarchys should not live
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and rule in america, but take away title, and every her last name, hillary clinton, visited more country than any other secretary of state. and 112, she renewed relationship. kennedy: what did she do there. >> she renewed relationship. turkey armenia court, she engaged with pakistan, for first time in 40 years, she did a u.n. speech, saying that gay rights are human rights she created the diplomacy development review, which was modeled after defense department, these are unprecedented. kennedy: what under cuts that if he spend so much time in the air, could she not have read and of the benghazi security memos and responded to them appropriatappropriately. back to cronyism statement, her biggest donation from goldman sachs back, j.p. morgan, and citigroup, she will have a hard
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time selling this pop limp that works well for warren but it is hallow for a millionaire. i am say that caroline, one thing i like about senator clinton, she is pro fracking are you with plea? >> you know, he is by and large, environmently she does win liberal issues, she was against the artic drilling he takes steps and acknowledges crime changes real and human made. certainly, she appeals to liberals more than to moderate democrats, she is not going to have an issue with the liberals, you know kennedy, i do -- >> she is not going to have issues with liberal in democratic party. >> none. kennedy: she -- okay, address this, and you can take this if you want, she wanted to invade syria, and arm god knows who in
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syria. she is as hawkish as john mccain, when john mccain talks about hillary clinton in a match up versus rand paul you is see his face flush with excitement they are hawkish peas in a pod. >> she is. kennedy: that is not problematic. >> it but also several wars this that region, she try to to engage in diplomacy, she did a thing called smart power. kennedy: was it effective. she bragged about her part in what rand paul calls hil hillars war? libya. >> rand paul does not know anything about libya, having worked in libya, i can tell you the state department 69 very involved. kennedy: how would you describe the straight of affairs in libya
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right now. >> they're chaotic. kennedy: do you know why? a big win for her? >> you can't -- you don't want to go to libya but you don't' to to leave libya, so what is the answer, we went in helped 24e78 withem win thewar. kennedy: it worked so well with the iraqi military, we gave them 25 million dollars and they still suck. don't election jeb bush. >> i will ring the cow bell, tell me what you think follow me on twitter. lovely, and always there. coming up, duck dynasty phil robertson's rant in hippies, causing stds, and their privates, a half hour of plane ride lasts 9 hours. and a florida police chief retires buts due to liz his alls
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of prostitutes, the topical storm is next. rugged square miles with a single broadband connection. when emerson takes up the challenge, it's never been done before simply becomes, consider it solved. emerson.
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kennedy: when the weather is bearing down on you like a polar bear from arctic north, just give that thing a hug, make it a rug. that don't make sense. but let's get to topical storm. shanks for the memory, nelson shanks the painter responsible for bill clinton a presidential portrait, so nice. it hangs on national portrait gallery, what a great home for that, in i ain't ter view, shank said that he incorporated monica lewinsky's dress into the work. he said, quote, if you look at the left-hand side there is a manmantel in oval office, i puta buy shadow into the painting that represents a shadow of a
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blue dress that i had while i was painting it but it was not there. bubba's likeness, not wearing a wedding ring. are there other meaningful shadows in presidential portraits? like this one. could this be silhouette of a missing weapons of mass destruction? or. one of bombs dropped on iraq? how about this president obama official. we swoop in, look at that joe biden appears, ready to finger the president's clavicals, i get chills just thinking about it, i get sick every time. someone brings up joe biden. topic two. cpac gores gettins goers gettinf stds, the conference -- duck
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dindynasty phil robertson broke down the math. >> you say what do you call 110 million that have sexually transmitted illnesses, it is the revenge of the hippies. kennedy: that is what it is. i call them loyal viewers. i 10 to not judge the people who'. >> phil, left out his own philandering. topic three. one of the most stresssul jobs in the united states, is being a police chief with all prostitutes and johns to arrest. it can really wear on a man's soul, and his lo la his -- we go florida for mug shot monday, police chief there, steven
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edward jonahtan dwye johnson had hooker film threesome. cost him his job. he admits, and claims that job was so stresssul, he was just trying to blow ouch some skpaoepl. -- blow off some steam, never mine arresting the people for very crimes he was committing makes him a hypocrite. maybe he should stick with yoga or -- maybe his day would end with a happy ending, oh,. >> topic 4. flight from dallas to oklahoma city is a hop skip, takes about a half hour, some frustrated passengers were forted to sit to a 9 hour delay in an american airline doom craft, for a flight that is supposed to be less than
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an hour because of weather, mechanical problems and in dallas they don't have extra planes, they could have walked to oklahoma. they were trapped. on a groundeedeeded legal capsu- grounded hell capsule, theyism teed those liquor bottled. one group of passengers pinned down a old lady, and ate her meaty calf. >> they did not but they were hungry enough they could have. coming up, 1995 is the year of the future began. you remember it. you love it. find out why so much went on to
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make it so great, strange, then. i will talk with two doctors who provide free health care to poor people without help from government, highway does that work? we will explain. stay right here. is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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kennedy: welcome back, two doctors see patients enrolled in medicaid or without insurance, a husband and wife team they do for free. in new jersey. as doctors they are critical of what obamacare has done to their profession, welcome doctors. >> good to be here. kennedy: all right, so tell me about your clinic, how does it work. >> we're open 12 hours a week, we see patients with no
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insurance or fedex -- medicaid office senses them to us because they can't find a doctor. they don't get charged anything. kennedy: the paperwork has to be annoying, but for a lot of these patients for my parents some friends it is difficult to find a doctor who take medicare. >> very much. kennedy: what has obamacare done to medicaid? a lot of people don't know there is a relationship between the aca, and the government provide the insurance that is supposed to help the low income americans. >> daily we see patients with their insurance card, and say i have obamacare. but i can't find a doctor. that is like having a gun without bullets. or you know, you -- there is no asm card, i am saying we're
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seeing thousands of people. who cannot find a doctor, whether they have medicaid or they have the obamacare. kennedy: and you know people on medicaid, it has gone up. in your state new jersey and the nation, let me ask you about charitable aspect of your clinic, is this a possible replacement for obamacare. there are enough good doctors like you to treat people who need the help. >> if you incentiveize them properly yes. kennedy: how. >> offer free malpractice coverage in their private practice. give us 10% of your time. we will take the medicaid burden off of state. kennedy: all right so, you once said that the reason you got you -- went to medical school was to help people. are there enough doctors who have gone through the process and training who want to help people like do you? >> we starred our practice, we
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realize we would go under if he took medicaid. that is why we started this clinic apart from our practice. we see people, 12 hours a week, we just, can care for them, we did go to school to take care of people. even if they could not pay, we did not want to go through a big government program where you have to get permission to do things from a house miles away, the bureaucracy is huge, we learned early on, not to do that, for 11 years we have been doing this. kennedy: but the paperwork that drives doctors crazy, and out of the profes profession. >> what do you say to doctors who are frustrated. >> you have to fight back, sometimes, when you can't get paid for something do, it for free, care for people, we're often accused of being uncaring, we say no, we just' to be jenureous with our time -- generous with our time and
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money, not other person's time and money,. kennedy: and not be forced by the government to give of yourself, that is not charity. a lot of libertarians talk about time with fraternal organizations take care of their community, what do you say to. >> a lot of clinics like ours. a health center in new jersey if we had 10 in new jersey we would have be able to -- that ul one primary contact place to see people who needed help, if they needed specialist they could also von tear, if the -- volunteer their time if the state would protect us from malpractice we would do it. >> all right, and that is another thing, patients cannot find doctors, doctors are drowning in paperwork, and the ma practice insuranc -- malpraca
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frustrateing cocktail. >> a third of the new jersey budget is medicaid. it is 1 in 8 now with obamacare it is going to 1 in 4 in new jersey. kennedy: thank you so much, good luck with your clinic, you are a great example. coming up the year of oj, monica and internet. but was 1995 the year that future began. my next guest says yes, we talk about his new book. stay with us. ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪
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♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling -- now, that's progressive.
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kennedy: i love 1995, a huge year for america and me, america, became familiar with the internet, and i met my husband dave. love you.
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95 super epic year. joseph campbell author of 1995, the year the future began welcome. >> thank you very much. >> everyone should bee your book, i agree with your assessment, 1995, is that when future started and why? >> year in which erving -- everything began in terms of familyality we deal with today. take internet, and world waoeub worldwide web, it entered mainstream cone -- chon shoesnes consciousness n a buying way. of started in 1995, netscape was big in 1995, and the ipo irk leup irk illuminate,
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the internet is a major factor in why 1995 was the year that the future began. it was also the year in which a preoccupation in understanding the left to terrorism deepened in u.s., in aftermath of the oklahoma city bombing. kennedy: that happened in april of 95, that changed the way we looked at our country, ourselves and where an attack had come from. >> still the worst deadliest of domestic terrorism in u.s., and in aftermath of oklahoma city bombing, efforts and precautions were put to place to thwart prospect of terrorist attacks those restrictions, only deepened skp-b came mored and bd after 9/11, we could trace them to aftermath of the oklahoma city bombing. kennedy: and lost some more of our political innocence, presidency has no shortage of political scandal in 1995,
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government shut down when president clinton and monica lewinsky began their trustee. tryst. >> right, in beginning of 1995, if not that are that shut down there is no way the intern would have gotten close to the president, because after that shut down most federal employees were furloughed. and that included most of white house staff. and into this breach, stepped unpaid interns including monica lewinsky. kennedy: when you hear a democrat or a republican, itching for government furloughs and a shut down know, what they have in mind. now in 1995, also year we lost a little bit of innocence with oj verdict? >> right, trial stretched like a stain across the year 1995. trial started in january, and ened in october. with not guilty verdict against oj for sleig slayings of his wid
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her friend, it was a moment where country stood still, a moment unlike any other but for the lunar landing first one in july of 1969. and the country really just shut down, people would not get on planes, news conferences on capitol hill were postponeed. and you people wanted to be in a position to know, not knowing what verdicts were because they were going to be announced at a set hour in los angeles in courtroom of judge lance ito. kennedy: we have about 30 seconds left. what was it about 1995 that made you top write about it? >> it was really the year of the internet, i remember "newsweek" magazine at end of 1995 declareing that year to have been the year of the internet it stuck in the back of my mind, the more i reserved, i more 1995 was this pivotal moment in the american past. kennedy: i saw your interview
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with nick galespi, i knew tra this moment i had to read your book, thank you joseph champ bell. >> thanshamble. >> thank you. >> coming up next, a lessen it one of the most infamous music videos ever. get red stay with us.
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kennedy: this week's saturday night live isis furor got me thinking about our culture, rage, and america's ability to take things way too seriously, on this day 1999, pepsi put out an ad with madonna singing her new hit single like a prayer. >> go ahead, make a wish. >> i wish that it was 1989.
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no big deal, but then, the following day, madonna practice mereed her actual music video, on the mtv. >> ♪ like a dream to me ♪ like a prayer i'll take there ♪ it's likyou are a mystery ♪ kennedy: just like a dream ♪ okay. it is less about carbonateed soft drinks and has more to do with cross burnings about witnesses a white girl by white is up resupremacist, and -- pept boycotted, the company canceled that commercial because of the video, now 26 years later people are freaking out about comedy.
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remember the go daddy commercial, look how offense they've is compared to madonna. >> look it's buddy. >> i am so glad you made it home, i just sold you on this web site i built with go daddy, ship him out. >> that is so horrible, someone selling a puppy, that happens in life all of the time, has america become more up tight than we were in 89. lighten up, have some bushon in bourbon in your pepsi, maybe you should roll with the punches a little bit, because have you a right to bear arms, and a right to assembly, but you dean have the right to not be a fended. all right -- you don't have the right to not be offended. all right.
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thank you so much for joining me tonight. i am going to pour a bourbon for you tony, because i love you, good night. lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. few speeches in modern times have been as anticipated or so hotly argued over as israeli prime minister netanyahu's address to the joint session of congress tomorrow. the obama white house and netanyahu today tried to lower the heat ahead of that speech. first, president obama. >> that bond is unbreakable. so we need to make clear from the outset how strong our alliance with israel is. the second point is that we actually share a goal, which is making sure iran does not have a nuclear weapon. there is a substantial disagreement in terms of how to achieve


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