tv Varney Company FOX Business March 3, 2015 11:00am-1:01pm EST
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iran clearly working hand in glove with al qaeda. iran has worked hand in glove with al qaeda. iranian troops are now in iraq. it un inspectors are being barred from a full look at ukrainian installation. that news came out just a couple days ago. very much a defining moment. previously we have seen all the senators arrived except for some democrats. they have all gathered to hear the speech from benjamin netanyahu of israel. this is a big moment in politics and world affairs. he will be presented with a bust
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of winston churchill. he is now making his way into the chamber. he is about to begin speaking. that will be momentarily. just moments from now. judy is the american islamic forum for democracy president. doctor you know pretty much what we think netanyahu is about to say. he is about to say do not trust the iranians and do not negotiate with them at this point in time. do you support prime minister netanyahu. >> not only as a muslim. syria has become what it is today. the evil of becoming perpetrated
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like you said, the iranians are working hand in glove with both sides. anyone who believes in the future must support those like americana, like israel that are standing strong. we must understand and it is important for us to listen to prime minister netanyahu now. our president is not letting us know. there have been negotiations going on for years. meanwhile, just yesterday stuart a cleric and i run said the black flag of ironic will fly above the white house. this appeasement is not working. we need leaders like that and yahoo! to let us know the
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reality. >> what proportion would be in full agreement with you? i suspect a very small minority among american muslims. >> let's separate this out. i think the vast majority of moslems hate their democracy. they want to see the green revolution. now, the anti-semitism the conspiracy theories about israel unfortunately dominate the media, if you will. that clouds their ability to be vocal. i believe moslems agree. >> thank you very much. the chamber is filling up, as you can see. maybe yahoo! will make his appearance very short leap.
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speak of benard, a brief meeting with him before going into the chamber. the demand for tickets to be present at this speech, 10 times the normal level. many house and senate democrats will not be there. president obama is making a very studious attempt that he will not even watch the speech. to say that the white house is not happy would be an understatement. a video conference begins at 11:30 a.m. this morning. precisely the time that netanyahu will be in the middle of his speech. a defining moment for israel and iran. one brief side note.
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some of you may remember the brave. that is when israeli troops went to the airport in uganda and they rescued hostages. only one israeli soldier was killed in that operation neared that was benjamin netanyahu older brother. netanyahu has a clear stake in this. great feeling for this. it is likely to be a very impactful speech. it is possible that prime minister netanyahu will offer new details about what is going on in the talks between iran and the united states. if he has some kind of revelation about what has been going on, it would clearly be a block buster. we do not know what he is going to say. is this speech being watched
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closely? almost universally by the moslems of this world? >> absolutely. the saudi newspaper had a column yesterday congratulating the u.s. congress for listening to the prime minister and taking in the facts and realities of iran. you will see many of the arab leaders and also reformers beginning to say we are sick and tired of the islamists getting the megaphone. reformers that really have the future of the middle east that heart. i think that it is very interesting. >> i believe that by minister netanyahu is about to enter the
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i guess it is true what they say, you cannot keep a good man down. friend i am deeply humbled by the opportunity to speak for a third time before the most important legislative body in the world the u.s. congress. [applause] i want to thank you all for being here today. i know that my speech has been the subject of much controversy. i deeply regret that some perceive my being here as political. that was never my intention. i want to thank you democrats and republicans for your comment support of israel. year after year, decade after
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politics. [applause] because america and israel we share a common destiny. cherishing freedom and offering hope. israel is grateful for the support of america's people. henry truman to barack obama. [applause] we appreciate all that president obama has done for israel. some of that is widely known. [applause] some of that is widely known like strengthening security operation and intelligence
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sharing. some of what the president has done for israel is less well known. i called him in 2010 when we had the carvel forest fire. he immediately agreed to respond to my request for urgent aid. again, he provided vital assistance at crucial moments. more missile interceptors during our operation last summer but we took on hamas terrorists. [applause] in each of those moments i called the president and he was there. some of what the president has done for israel may never be known because it touches on some of the most sensitive and strategic issues that arise between an american president
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and an israeli prime minister. i know it and i will always be grateful to president obama for that support. [applause] israel is grateful to you the american congress, for your support. four supporting us in so many ways. especially in generous assistance. including iron doom. [applause] last summer, millions of israelis were protected from thousands of hamas rockets because this capital dome helped build our iron dome.
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[applause] thank you america. thank you for everything you have done for israel. my friends i have come here today because as prime minister of israel, i feel a profound obligation to speak to you about an issue that threatened the survival of my country and the future of my people. iran's quest for nuclear weapons. nearly 4000 years of history many have tried repeatedly to destroy the jewish people. tomorrow night on the jewish holiday we will read the book
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of esther. we will read of a powerful man who plotted to two straw at the jewish people some 25,000 years ago. a courageous woman read esther, exposed the plot and gave the jewish people the right to defend themselves against the enemies. the plot was foiled. our people were saved. [applause] today, the jewish people face another attack by yet another persian to destroy us. iran supreme leader. the oldest hatred.
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the oldest hatred of anti-feminism with the newest tech knowledge ease. he tweets that israel must be annihilated. he tweets. and iran, there is not exactly free internet. he tweets that israel must be destroyed. for those that believe listen to the leader of hezbollah. iran's chief terrorist. he says if all the jews gather in israel, it will save us the trouble of chasing them down around the world. the 6 million jews murdered by the nazis were but a fraction of
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the 60 million people killed in world war ii. it poses a grave threat. not only to israel, but also to the peace of the entire world. to understand just how dangerous iran would be with nuclear weapons, we must fully understand the nature of the regime. the people are very talented people. in 1979, they were hijacked by religious violence. they imposed on them dark dictatorship. it directed a revolutionary guard to protect iran's borders but also to fulfill the ideological mission of jihad. exuded his followers to export
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around the world. i am standing here in washington d.c. the difference is so stark. america's founding document promises life, liberty and happiness. the states are collapsing across the middle east. iran is charging. iran's revolutionary guards are clutching israel with three tentacles of terror. shiite militias are rampaging through iraq. seeking control of yemen. threatening the strategic strength at the mouth of the red sea.
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giving iran a second chokepoint. just last week iran carried out a military exercise. lined up a box u.s. aircraft carrier. that was just last week. while they are having nuclear talks with the united states. iran i attacks have been anything but block. the targets have been anything but all too real. murdered hundreds of american soldiers marines in beirut. beyond the middle east, iran attacks america and its allies through its global terror network. it blew up the jewish community
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center. it helped al qaeda bombed u.s. embassies and al qaeda. it even attempted to assassinate the saudi ambassador right here in washington, d.c. iran now dominates for arab capitals. if the aggression is left unchecked, more will surely follow. many hope that iran will join the community of nations iran is busy gobbling up the nations. [applause] we must all stand to get there to stop the march. [applause]
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two years ago we were told to give president and foreign minister a chance to bring change and moderation to iran. some change. some moderation. prosecutes christians. execute even more prisoners than before. last year charming western diplomats laid a wreath at the grave. the terrorist mastermind. i would like to see someone ask
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him a question about that. the regime is as radical as ever. this should not be surprising. the ideology of the revolutionary regime is deeply rooted in militant islam. that is why this regime will always be an entity of america. do not be fooled. the battle between iran and isis does not turn iran into a friend. i rant and isis are competing for the crown. both want to impose a militant islamic empire. first on the region and in the entire world hears they disagree upon themselves who will be the
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ruler. in this deadly game of thrones there is no place for america or for israel. no rights for women. no freedom for anyone. when it comes to iran and isis, the enemy of your enemy is your enemy. [applause] the difference is that isis is along with butcher knives, captives. we must always remember i will say it one more time.
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the greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militant islam with nuclear weapons. it would be to win the battle but lose the war. we cannot let that happen. [applause] that my friends is exactly what could have been. a deal now being negotiated could be accepted. that deal will not present iran from developing nuclear weapons it would all but guarantee that iran gets those weapons. let me explain why.
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while a final deal has not yet been signed, certain elements of any potential deal find out a matter of public record. you do not need them intelligence agencies and secret information to know this you can google it. we know for sure that any deal with iran will include two major concessions. the first major concession would leave iran with a fast infrastructure. the time it takes for a nuclear bomb. according to the deal not a single nuclear facility would be demolished. thousands would be left
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spinning. thousands more would be temporarily disconnect it. not destroyed. iran's nuclear program would be left largely intact. the breakout time would be very short. about a year by u.s. assessment. even shorter by israel. if iran's work faster and faster is not stopped that breakout time could still be shorter. a lot shorter. certain restrictions would be imposed. the adherence with the supervised. they do not stop them. that did not stop anything. turning off the cameras.
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now we are warned about nuclear bombs. at least three separate occasions. iran broke the locks. i know that this is not going to come as a shock to any of you. not only did find inspect theirs also playing a pretty good game of hide and sheet with them. i rant still refuses to come clean about the military nuclear program. iran was also caught twice not one, twice facilities that
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inspectors did not even know existed. as a former head of specialists you said it will be the first time in 20 years that he doesn't have one. they have proven time and again that it cannot be trusted. that is why the first major session is a source for concern. a fast new infrastructure. that concession creates a real danger that iran can get to the bomb. the second major concession creates an even bigger danger. that iran could get there by
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keeping the deal. virtually, all of the restrictions will automatically expire in about a decade. a decade may seem like a long time and political life. it is the flick of an eye. a blink of an eye in the eyes of our children. we all have a responsibility to could sit or what will happen when the capabilities are virtually unrestricted. they would then be free to build a huge nuclear capacity. many many nuclear bombs. the leader says that openly. they need to have 190,000 center fuses.
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190,000. iran could make the fuel for and entire nuclear arsenal in the matter of weeks. my longtime friend john kerry secretary of state confirmed last week that they approve when the deal expires. now, i want you to think about that. the former sponsor the foremost sponsor could be weeks away from having enough rich uranium for entire arsenal of nuclear weapons. by the way if the program is not part of the deal, so far iran refuses to even put it on the negotiating table.
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the means to deliver that nuclear arsenal to the far corners of the earth. you see my friends this deal has two major concessions. one, leaving iran with a fast nuclear program. two, lifting the restrictions on that program in about a decade. that is why this is so bad. it pays iran's past to the bomb. why would anyone make this deal? because they hope that iran will change for the better in the coming years or they believe that the alternative to this deal is worse. i do not believe that iran's radical regime will change for the better after this deal.
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this regime has been in power for 36 years. its appetite for aggression grows with each passing year. it would only let the appetite for more. would iran be more aggressive when sanctions are removed and the economy is stronger? gobbling up for countries right now, how many more countries will i rant is our when sanctions are live it? mountains of cash to fund more terrorism? why should the radical regime change for the better when it can enjoy the best of both worlds? this is a question that everyone asks. israel is neighbors. iran's neighbors.
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knowing that iran will become even more aggressive. sponsoring even more terrorism. given a clear path to the bomb. many responders i racing to get nuclear weapons of their own. this will not change iran for the better. a deal that is supposed to prevent nuclear bullet for ration was instead spark a nuclear arms race in the most dangerous part of the planet. it will not be a farewell to arms it will be a farewell to arms control. a region where small can trigger big wars. turning into a nuclear tinderbox. if anyone makes anyone takes that this new kicks the can down the road, think again.
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when we get down that road, we will face a much more dangerous iran. a middle east littered with nuclear bombs and eight countdown to a potential nuclear nightmare. ladies and gentlemen i have come here today that we do not have the best security in the world. we do not have to gamble with our future and with our children's future. we can insist that restrictions on iran's nuclear program not be lifted for as long as i rant continues its aggression in the region and the world. [applause]
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a normal country let it act like a normal country. [applause] >> what about the argument that there is no alternative to this deal. the nuclear know-how cannot be erased. this program is so advanced that the best we could do is delay the inevitable. that is, essentially what the proposed deal seeks to do. a racecar driver without a car cannot drive. a pilot without a plane cannot fly. iran cannot make nuclear
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weapons. iran's nuclear program can be rolled back well beyond the current proposal. insisting on a better deal in keeping up the pressure on a regime. [applause] pass iran threatens to walk away from the table and this often happens, call their bluff. they will be back. they need to feel a lot or they've you do. [applause] by maintaining the pressure on iran and those that do business with iran, you have the power to make and need it even more.
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my friends for over a year we have been told that no deal is better than a bad deal. well this is a bad deal. it is a very fat real. we are better off without it. [applause] now, we are being told that the only alternative to this that deal is warped. that just is not true. the alternative to this ad deal is a much better deal.
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at a better deal that does not leave iran with a fast infrastructure in such a short break of time. keeping it in place until the aggression and. [applause] a better deal that will not give iran an easy pass to the bomb. a deal that israel and its neighbors may not like. no country has a greater stake in israel and that good deal that basically removes this threat. ladies and gentlemen history has placed us at a fatal
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crossroads. must not choose between two packs. one path leads to a bad deal. it will immeasurably lead to a nuclear armed iran whose aggression will inevitably lead to war. the second, however difficult could lead to a much better deal that could prevent a nuclear armed iran and a horrific consequence of both to all humanity. you do not have to read robert frost to know that the difficult path is usually the one less traveled. it will make all of the difference for the future of my country.
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learned. i can only urge the leaders of the world not to repeat the mistakes of the past. at not to sacrifice the future for the present. not to ignore aggression in the hopes of gaining. i can guarantee you this. the days when the jewish people remained passive in the face of genocidal enemies those days are over. [applause] [cheering]
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we are no longer scattered among the nations to defend ourselves. we were store our sovereignty. the soldiers that defend our homes have courage for the first time and 100 generations we, the jewish people, can defend ourselves. [applause] this is why as prime minister of israel, i can promise you one more thing. even if israel has two standalone israel will stand.
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[applause] i know that israel does not stand alone. i know that america stands with israel. i know that you stand with israel. [applause] you stand with israel because you know that the story of israel is not only the story of the jewish people, but of the human spirit that refuses again and again to succumb to history's horror. at back facing the right up
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there in the gallery overlooking all of us in this chamber is the image of moses. moses led our people from slavery to the gates of the promised land. moses gave us a message that is still the resolve for thousands of years. i leave you with his message today. be strong and resolute. neither fear nor drive known. my friends they israel and america always stand together strong and resolute. may lead neither fear or dread the challenges ahead. may god bless the state of israel and may god bless the
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he spoke and as you can see he ended with tumultuous applause and a standing ovations that just will not quit. great force and great power. we have response to the speech. i want to turn to you first. that was a very forceful present tatian. >> yes it was. stuart: did it undermines the president position. >> revealing some secret of it. simply put together a clear and compelling argument. >> a lot of us were waiting for
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some clue of what has been going on in these talks. he did not do liver that. what he delivered was great parity. he set out the case. the claim is israel is a part partisan issue in congress. i paid to differ. i think israel does not have full support of the democrats. you say what? >> there is a huge gap between republicans and democrats in israel. in congress, using more bipartisan support. >> you are an american citizen. you served in the u.s. navy for 11 years. i will pick up on one thing that president met in yahoo! said. referring to the proposed deal,
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he said it is a fat deal. eight. that deal. we are better off without it. as a muslim, do you agree with that? >> absolutely. finally hearing someone fill in the vacuum of leadership in the world. call out militant islam for what it is. christians jews, muslims that agree and freedom never again will allow fascism. guide us and lead us into disaster. he laid out the details. he allowed the american people to finally and what is at stake and what is happening by cozying up in an appeasement manner. i think he is beginning to feel the vacuum.
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he went so far and beginning to educate americans. do you think that it did undermine the support the president? >> well, as i just said, what do you mean has undermined? i do not want to see us come to a deal with them and somehow that gives them 10 years to walk away. allowing them to have 190,000 centrifuges. this is absurd. if those are the details -- the bottom line is that is not the way to please. we heard the right of iran.
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we come through strength. it is not a deal that i would be afraid to undermine. i was watching you during the speech. you were sitting next to me. >> very emotional. a child of holocaust survivors. it is simply unprecedented. not only is it extraordinary that in this chamber we see this kind of reaction, there is no other world leader, i believe who would receive such a reaction. it was emotional. it was a speech of a lifetime. thank you both for coming in like this. we do appreciate it. lou dobbs kicks off a full hour of learning and company.
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to our second hour on a very full day. america gripped by netanyahu's speech to congress. the president and many democrats stay away. i have other headlines for you and here they are. the president is interested in raising tax revenues through executive action. congress by past again. another big problem for hillary clinton while secretary of state she may have broken e-mail rules. stocks down triple digits fairly close to record levels, gas price surge rolls on. our two we are in it, let's go. >> america's founding document promises life, liberty and
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pursuit of happiness. iran's founding document that pledges that, tyranny and the pursuit of jihad. state collapsing across the middle east, iran is charging into the void to do just that. to defeat isis and let iran have nuclear-weapons to win the battle and lose the war. the foremost sponsor of global terrorism could be weeks away from having enough enriched uranium for an entire arsenal of nuclear weapons and this with full international legitimacy. even if israel has to stand alone, israel will stand. stuart: that was benjamin netanyahu last hour giving the rousing and impassioned speech to the joint meeting of congress, making the case against letting iran have the
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weapon the bomb. we are on it and joined by lou dobbs. if i may go to you, chris, that was the rousing speech and the president was not there, many democrats were not there. does it change the debate? does it change the debate about the conversation the talks we are having with iran? >> i just came back from over is there and it was electrifying on the hill today. a huge turnout, accused level of interest and i can say at least this about the consequences of the prime minister's speech. for the remaining number of democrats who side with israel, for the remain number of democrats who are strong zionists, the amount of pleasure placed on them today was a enormous to help try to block the president's deal with iran. that could be very consequential as we get to the end and they look to block the president. stuart: it just doesn't look like support for israel is
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bipartisan looks like it is heavily concentrated among republicans. said many state away from the speech and so did the president. >> he not only stay away from the speech but brad on his behalf, the white house brags he wouldn't even listen to it. he would not even watch it. the use of his time to take in the speech which was pretty extraordinary and remember, this is short of the exclamation point on a three or four decade shift in the two parties in the united states. 34 years ago the democratic party was primarily interested in the establishment and defense of israel. that has changed and democrats of turned against israel and republicans other pro-israel party. it is amazing. stuart: lou dobbs, does it stop in its tracks the talks with iran? that is an exaggeration. does it alters the nature of the talks? lou: whether it alters the nature of the talks it certainly does alter in my judgment at
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least the process going forward now. what we just witnessed was a prime minister delivering the most controversial and anticipated speech since arguably winston churchill in 1941. benjamin netanyahu against those expectations, against those demands and that controversy delivered through not brilliance as an orator but through clarity of mind through force of absolute belief and every word he was saying a clear message that israel is extraordinarily blessed to have this man as prime minister at this pivotal time in history and so was the united states to hear his voice against this deal that was negotiated by secretary of state john kerry in geneva. stuart: if iran is allowed to continue and keep its nuclear industry.
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you can go forward with a obama ten years from now. that was the nature of the deal, that will not be accepted in america's congress. >> i agree that it should not be. i did not know to what degree is this president referred to his interest in executive action. he is not simply circumventing congress, bypassing congress, he is indeed violating the constitution and traditions of the office that he holds. he is going beyond what was defined in previous administrations as another presidency. he reached the level of authoritarian is and with many of his most recent actions whether it be through executive order, executive action, by fiat, amnesty, talking about ammunition, this man is going in directions never anticipated for the office he holds. stuart: chris, come into this
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with the same argument. if this is the deal, iran keeps its nuclear industry, go after a bomb ten years from now does that deal have to be put to congress? not sure of the process here. if it did have to go through congress i don't think it would pass does it have to go through congress? >> depends on how they'd do it. circumventing action here is essentially to not have a deal and the sanctions are at issue. once upon a time the debate about iran and the united states and its nuclear program is you will be they're given up or we will bomb you and we will destroy your ability to do it. that was once upon a time in the bush era, that was the discussion and a discussion now is mostly focused on what the array of sanctions being enforced what the president aims to do is not meet congressional authorization but instead operate through the sanction regime and treasury department and other means by which he can take the pressure off of iran. that would mean that congress would have to act proactively.
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not that they would have a treaty on which to vote but congress would need 60 votes in the united states senate to and join the president and saying if you make a deal with iran that you were in violation of a law, not that they have to bless any treaty. stuart: you saw the speech. would they get 60 votes? >> for a bill to enjoy the president with the deal? absolutely think so. i absolutely think for the remaining democrats as i said netanyahu played the situation and the administration a stradivarius on this thing. they created expectations that he would monstrous address, that this would be a dark bizarre world. instead he praised obama, a deeply concerned man but reasonable man, not a partisan figure. the democrats some democrats who stayed away are going to be embarrassed. stuart: the same question for
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both of us. for both of you. following that speech, is the deal as outlined by israel's leader did? chris first? >> i won't say it did. i am going to stay under pressure. this administration demonstrated the political will is not enough to stop it. stuart: is the deal dead? >> the deal i believe as envisioned by this president from the onset is dead. a deal could be had as the prime minister intimated, but it will have to rise to such a standard to assure the security of israel, of our allies in the region as well as the prime minister put it, civilization itself. we will find out who iran really is. stuart: raised the bar of what could be in the deal. thank you very much. i want a quick note on wall street. when benjamin netanyahu started
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his speech the dow jones average was down 106 points. when he finished it it was down 140 points. 20 minutes after he is finished we're down 130 points. i am not making any association. neil: we would like to hear you define that. stuart: there is no association between what happened on wall street and prime minister benjamin netanyahu's speech. lou: i am absolutely edified. lou: stuart: the market is down 130 points. as for the nasdaq, it is close to the 5,000 level. 4,964. everybody commenting that 5,000 that bubble territory, the russell hit record territory a couple days ago and yesterday it is down 10 points and still close. stuart: if we are to look at ali baba hitting an all-time low. commentary from lou dobbs. lou: that is as deep as it will
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get. stuart: ali baba is plagued by fake orders, and false advertising and the rival is gaining on them. lou dobbs wants to speak some more. lou: are you shocked these details came out before the ipo? stuart: i am not shocked at all and you know it. another big story today hillary clinton using a private e-mail account for offical business while she was secretary of state. that is the big no-no. the judge will respond in a moment. >> what difference at this point does it make?
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look at best buy. we are told they tell us they're selling a lot of phones and tvs, profits are up and stockings and a fraction higher. the stock dividend let's look at gas. $2.44 is your national average now, up another penny over night. that means gas has gone up for 35 straight days. i got to tell you about california. won't like this. up $0.95 a gallon in one month. that is a spike and half. they still have the highest average, a $3.41 in california. president obama is considering executive action to raise taxes bypassing congress issuing a decree taxes are going up. listen to press secretary joshed ernest. >> the president seems to examine the rate of executive authority is that available to him to try to make congress on his goals. i'm not in a position to talk
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about this in detail at this point but the president is very interested in this avenue generally. stuart: did you hear is that? the president is very interested in this avenue generally. do you think he will do it? >> he could do and this would really be something outside the separation of powers clause set down in the constitution. bernie sanders sent a letter saying president obama, you could raise the one hundred billion dollars by shutting corporate loopholes and you could do it via treasury regulations. you have the irs shutting these loopholes, regulatory powers, the irs makes a lot of rulemaking and already came up when u.s. companies wanted to move their headquarters overseas. that debate came up at all white house, yes they could force the irs to shut that down. stuart: you think they might do it. judge andrew napolitano is with us fresh from his lunch with me
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yesterday. in all seriousness, what they are thinking of doing is tweeting the irs rule not raising tax rates. judge napolitano: to increase the tax burden on corporations forgetting that those taxes will be paid by shareholders. stuart: will it be constitutionally legitimate again judge napolitano: absolutely not. people who are paying those taxes elect of congress they expect will be writing tax laws and not a precedent. this is the lone wolf president who has no regard for the limitations on his office. he is in the death throes of his term in office it is desperate about being irrelevant and frustrated against the conservative republican congress. "imus in the morning" when you think he will do it? judge napolitano: yes. stuart: the new york times, the new york times is reporting that hillary clinton used a personal e-mail account to conduct official state department business while she was the secretary of state. that is against the rules.
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so much for transparency. roll tape. >> i believe in transparency. i believe in taking response ability and i have done so. >> what difference at this point does it make? stuart: that with the juxtaposition of two sound bites, when referring to transparency and when referring to benghazi. judge napolitano: being honest about the cheating if i may. stuart: is that legit to use deprive it e-mail personal account? she never had an e-mail account from the state department. judge napolitano: is now obvious from the days she was confirmed as secretary of state she reserved the domain name and did she used. stuart: the day she was consumed by the senate. judge napolitano: violation of the federal records act which is not a criminal statute that it is a statute that declares the
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documents and information exchange by high government officials belongs to the government and not those individuals that if those individuals take those documents digitally or actually and transferred them somewhere else they have an obligation to return them. it may be impossible for her to return her e-mails because e-mails reside forever on the server or in the cloud of the server once they are put there. that is problem number one. problem number 2 is far more serious. as prime minister netanyahu was speaking to the congress of the united states and the american people the justice department made an ominous revelation that general david petraeus would feet guilty to one count of unlawful dissemination of classified documents on his personal e-mail account to his then girlfriend. stuart: that happened and our ago, just an hour ago.
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judge napolitano: was buried by prime minister nan yahoo!'s borland and compelling speech. i can't imagine it was the coincidence that this was announced while he was speaking. the question is did secretary clinton on her personal e-mail account examine classified information like plans to kill usama bin laden and she did she transported into a non classified fight, classified materials. that is arguably the same crime for which general david petraeus has just pleaded guilty. stuart: that is the revelation. did not know about general david petraeus. liz: colin powell did use his personal e-mail accounts when he was secretary of state and you cannot have government information such as blackberry which is known to be secure
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summit raises other issues about hacking and espionage into the private sector. judge napolitano: that is correct. the government accounts are far more secure and hurt defense as all of her predecessors did it which is a political defense. stuart: as i understand if she turned over 55,000 pages. judge napolitano: she cannot pick and choose which to turn over. she has to destroy the stuff and tell lois lerner how to destroy a server. destroy this stuff whether it was originally proposed. i don't know how you can do that. stuart: we don't know if 55,000 pages is everything. judge napolitano: we believe they are two long time and as to spend intelligent personal aides have been going through the e-mails. under the law they are not permitted to do that binge that is the property of the government, that is not for mrs. clinton to began choose what she will review lorie kane. stuart: may are some up and say hillary clinton has another big problem? judge napolitano: yes she does. not caused by her husband.
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liz: especially with the clinton delegation raising money from foreign governments can $6 billion in taxpayer money vanished through private contractors on her watch as secretary of state. stuart: we had the benjamin netanyahu speech, general david petraeus revelation from you and thank you very much the executive authority going around congress to raise taxes. what am i missing? hillary clinton on the e-mails. judge napolitano: and not -- about to announce a candidacy. stuart: we're glad you're with us and glad for the judge and liz. and next more headaches for ali baba. merchants using fake orders, shells or friends, charlie gasparino will bring us the story.
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stuart: disappointing car sales across the board in february, general motors up 4%, ford alan 2%, a fee of chrysler up 6%, nissan 3%, toyota was up 13%. all of them miss the expectations of those all knowing analysts. these numbers are compared to february of this year. ali baba share price is at an
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all-time low. wall street journal says the site played by fake orders, shall storefronts and false advertising. sounds like the wild west. liz: the wild east. stuart: it is not like ali baba is cooking the books but the merchants who trade on the web site that they are messing around with. liz: the vendor pays the customer to be a customer and so that improves the vendor's standing on the internet but the chinese official apparently was quoted, ali baba official was quoted as saying nearly a fifth of all ali baba transactions are fake. possibly half of a billion transactions a loan could be fake. this is a company that in november was being called bigger than walmart. it lost $47 billion in market cap from 250 to $200 billion. stuart: investors would like to have known this before the ipo hit the market.
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stuart: it is down dramatically. stuart: went to 91 on its first day. the day of the ipo. now it is holding at 80. liz: hockey stick action. stuart: another problem with numbers out of a chinese company. twitter shutting down 2,000 isis affiliated accounts hoping to cut off the terrorist most effective recruiting tools. pc o john gilliam on that next. first, strange inheritance new hit show on fox business. here is a clip from tonight's show at 9 eastern. listen to this is a family business destroyed by hurricane sandy saved by comic books. >> the first comic book out, and looked at it and it said $1,200. i screamed. and i took the next one and it was $2,000 and $3,000 and $4,000 and i was screaming like a little kitty schoolgirl.
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down. he made no such call. staying at a loss of 140. laurence simon davies with the headlines we may have missed. >> the house could vote as early as today. the senate bill would fund the dhs through the end of the year. the dhs runs out of funding on friday if congress does not act. david the traces of green to a plea deal for giving secrets to his mistress. expected to plead guilty to one count. that carries a maximum penalty of one year in jail. a shocking new report. a department of justice turned
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down someone being sent to work. the irs never ask it professionals at that west virginia storage site for the backup case. they were indeed discovered at that site two weeks ago. those are the headlines in case you missed it. stuart: i missed that story. extraordinary. check the share price of twitter. let's start with that. suspending at least 2000 accounts. jonathan gilliam is here. welcome back. social media. a breeding ground for recruits. >> i think that twitter needs to make it a little easier for people to complain. >> this was -- first of all
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twitter, the guy who runs twitter, suspended a couple of isis accounts. they've been threatened him with death. i do not think he is waiting for people to complain. >> they are going out and policing their sites i guess you could say. other sites do not do that. they are not act this. what they have to understand is free speech is not free. it comes with a cost. here is the difference between all of these profits on twitter and facebook. these people that go out on twitter and they say things that are very evil, very vicious you better take that seriously.
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if somebody says i will come and turn the united states down and you do not take it seriously it is a big deal. stuart: a more if approach. >> right. the celebrities and the people that run twitter they need to take security for themselves more seriously. >> they sent out 90,000 daily tweets to try to recruit and 90 countries. couldn't they just pop up elsewhere? >> short. they will do that. 90,000 tweets. they go and they link themselves to breaking news. they are very good at what they do. we are not looking at amateurs here.
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you need to continue to shut these things down. it also helps identify the people that are doing it. stuart: let's get back to the big story. benjamin then yahoo!. a historic address to congress. roll tape. >> to let iran get nuclear weapons would be winning the battle but lose the war. we cannot let that happen. [applause] stuart: here is father john warner's. who is doing a better job of defending christianity? netanyahu or president obama? i am not hearing much from obama. i do believe he wants to protect christians. i do believe he wants to protect
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americans. he has decided stuart, to take this approach. not talking much about any sort of religious element to this conflict. instead he says, yes we need to stop these radicals. it is actually an ideological and religious leap. >> you are being very gentle. i think you are being very generous. president obama is not out there expressing any kind of outrage at the slaughter of christians. they are being ran out of town. our president is not taking a stance.
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it is not an approach to the slaughter. you cannot be happy about that. >> i am saddened by it. those whose lives are being taken in the name of their first chance at the. i believe it is because he believes it is not good to stoke the flames. though coles. i think it is imprudent. i do not think that it is working. i am hoping that the visit of the prime minister will wake up, not only the president but members of the congress. you cannot speak strong enough when you have christians being captured and then beheaded. you saw the speech i take it. your overall impression.
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>> i think it is an embarrassment for the president. the president is saying that dialogue. that is a very ethical thing. a very moral thing. if it does not work, it is not a very ethical thing. i think the president has a good peaceful goal. if it is not going to work, you have to change course. >> this is a bad deal. a very bad deal. we are better off without it. the only jewish republican in his house. we get his take. bipartisan support for israel and america. >> letting iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle but lose the war.
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teen al gore escapes jury duty. the former vice president reported for duty in tennessee yesterday. he was dismissed right away because he had a scheduling conflict if the trial ran long. let's talk about the markets. the dow jones industrial average is down 127 points. i have to remind you harry dent on this program said we are about to start a rolling crash that takes the dow down to about 6000 by early next year. >> there he goes again. i believe the market has a high potential to go lower.
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i think it is dangerous stuart. people come on and say things like that. they need to really understand that they are hurting peoples portfolios. people get scared. people need to have money to retire. bring the support. bring the fax. stop scaring people. it is not a responsible thing to do. the nasdaq hits 5000. people saying it's a bubble. is it a bubble? >> there is no bubble. there is evidence. there is support. in the social media stop, not including facebook, there are some that you could say is a bubble. that is a bubble. the question is, will those
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earnings eventually of peter? harry, stop saying it. >> those companies just beneath the headlines. they have not gone public yet. tens of billions of dollars. sorry to cut it so sure. thank you so much for being with us on a big day. we heard from the and yahoo! earlier this hour. we are getting some reaction on the floor. no single individual has done more harm to the vitally important relationship then met in yahoo!. republican congressman from new york is with us now. i think you believe otherwise i take it, serve. >> it is important for the american people. the president everyone to
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understand what makes a good deal or a bad deal. the prime minister has been very careful and outline he supports a good deal. >> it has been stated many times. support for israel is bipartisan. many democrats did not show up for the speech today. a poll asked people who you are more sympathetic to. israel or the palestinians. only 48% of democrats said they are more sympathetic to israel than the palestinians. >> i think the democratic party has an identity crisis right now. there are members of congress that understand we cannot support a bad deal with iran.
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not allowing weapons inspectors in. there are members of congress who get it. the leader of the party who is negotiating the deal, has a different deal. >> the deal as outlined by president that in yahoo!. being allowed to develop a bomb 10 years from now. if that deal were ever presented to the united states congress, shortly, it would not pass. >> no. absolutely not. the other thing i would be nervous about is the president to announce the terms of a deal. there really was no agreement in the first place.
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the way congress is structured right now republican majority in the senate as well. democrats who understand what a deal would look like. i am confident that a bad deal would not get passed in congress. stuart: the deal as he outlined it is usage of the dead. >> as long as the president keeps negotiating a deal and the president insists listen, when he is signing the executive order, when he does something one day that should be called a treaty into calls it something else the president is talking about sanctions that were passed by congress i think what is important as far as what is dead and what is not dead is the president making any concessions
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john sylvan, the cocreator of the machine believe it or not of greece. liz, what? the guy creates this machine. made a ton of money. >> those little pods are not biodegradable. they are not recyclable. that is the issue. so much plastic in the ocean that you could walk from california to russia. stuart: is that an iphone or a samsung galaxy. stuart: can you recycle that?
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>> people recycle smartphones all the time. >> see what you are doing to the planet. the hot water hitting that lasted in the curate machine is having an affect on the human body. it is an issue. on, stuart. you know what is going on with the plastic in the ocean. it is horrifying. the plastic in the oceans is at a hideous high level. stuart: do something about the plastic going into the ocean. if you do not want plastic in the ocean to not put plastic in the ocean. stuart: let's take a trip to the
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great pacific garbage patch. it is all because of plastic and those nonbiodegradable cups that they sell. will you feedback with us tomorrow? >> hopefully. stuart: more varney, i promise you, after this. ♪ the real question that needs to be asked is "wt is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer,
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>> in yahoo! played his whole situation. they created expect haitians that he would give a monster is addressed and it would be this dark bizarre world. instead, he came out and praised obama. the democrat some democrats who stayed away, will be embarrassed that they did. stuart: i think that he's got it
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right. reacting to benjamin netanyahu's extraordinary speech. our time is up. deirdre: stuart, think you very much. talking about the relationship between the u.s. and israel. we will also take you to barcelona. the mobile world congress is going on. shares of aly baba trading near an all-time low. jack ma making some big shifts in asia. three out of five. the san francisco giants record so far. my exclusive conversation with the ceo had. and anticipated speech. be
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