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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  March 4, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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and tell the begin tomorrow night on fox business we wish you the night of your life. so does lou dobbs. he's next.. lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. israeli prime minister netanyahu's speech to congress reminded many americans of our heritage of plain spoken language. the new defense secretary ashton carter is clearly a throwback to those straightforward leaders who spoke straightforwardly, spoke directly spoke plainly. two weeks into the job carter admitted he thinks it was a mistake to put a three-year deadline on the president's request seeking authorization to use military force against the islamic state carter said the president's decision in his judgment was based not on the military calendar but rather a
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political calendar. >> i wouldn't assure anyone this would be over in three years or that the campaign would be completed in three years, the three years comes from the fact that there will be a presidential election in two years. lou: that'sa surprisingly honest statement comes a day after secretary carter admitted it was a mistake for a centcom military official to give a briefing last month detailing plans for iraqi led ground offensive against the islamic state in mosul, in spring. a bumbling move that telegraphed our military plans to our enemies. carter greed completely with those critics. >> that clearly was not neither accurate information, nor had it been accurate it should not be blurted out to the press. wrong on both scores.
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and the only thing i'll say is that we try as the department of defense of a democracy, to be as open as we can, there are lots of people talking all the time about what we're doing, and every once in a while somebody gets out in front of their skis. >> and every once in a while a leader comes along to speak directly to congress and the american people. we'll see. we take it up and the president's islamic state strategy as well with former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general richard myers with us tonight. also the president's second term looks more and more like a reign ruled by consent of the governed and this president has the second amendment in his sights. the head of the national rifle association joins us tonight to talk about the president's newest fiat a proposed ban on one of the most popular bullets for the nation's most popular
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rifle. and the supreme court set to decide the fate of obamacare subsidies and their decision could affect 8 million people. that's right. 8 million out of the 11 million new enrollees could lose their policies all because nancy pelosi demanded congressional democrats pass obamacare before they could find out what was actually in the president's health care legislation. shannon bream's full report coming right up. we begin with the battle against the islamic state iraqi forces making progress in retaking the city of tikrit from the islamic state. some 30,000 troops two-thirds of which are iranian force encircled the city north of baghdad. joining us tonight general richard myers, retired four-star general in the air force, and former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. great to have you with us general. >> great to be with you, lou, thank you. lou: let's begin if i may with
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ashton carter. you, as the former leader of the u.s. military the chairman of the joint chiefs did that warm your heart to see a defense secretary speak so directly, or did it give you some pause? >> no it didn't surprise me actually, i worked with secretary carter in the clinton administration back in the 90s when i was in the pentagon, and he's a straightforward fellow, and i think -- and very thoughtful and logical and i think that's what we heard from him. and i think he said what a lot of people actually felt, and coming from him that means something. that's all good, and i think the military leadership will like that. lou: and if i may, i'm going add my view, i hope like the dickens it's contagious both at the pentagon and throughout the city of washington. your thoughts what's going on in the islamic state. it's peculiar i think to many americans, to think that we have just consigned the fate of
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iraq and the islamic state to iran, and we are not participating in that assault on tikrit, your thoughts? >> well, to me that's really troubling. iran is mettling lots of places in the middle east yemen, syria by proxy into syria lebanon and, of course now in iraq. so with this large presence in iraq, it's hard to envision how even with the absence of isis that iraq can get back to some sort of normal condition where sunni, shia kurds can get along. this is a huge deal, in my opinion but not unusual since they're in so many other places as well. lou: and to ukraine we are listening to a number of leaders, obviously european leaders who are saying to the administration, you know, just
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pause here as we evaluate it. we're hearing now from the administration some rumblings about arming the ukrainian government. what do you think should be done? >> well, you know, i'm not responsible for any of. that what i think is probably not really germane, but i do think that ukraine is pretty much a broken country at this point. they've got lots and lots of issues and here as a military person here's what i'd worry about. i'd worry about if we arm ukrainian armed forces, it's really easy for russia to step up their efforts with arms and people. so we can never win that sort of escalating combat. and you have to wonder how well used some of the equipment we will give them. i'm not sure that's where i'd start. continue on the path along with european allies to continue to tell putin that, in fact, what
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he's doing is way outside the international norm and there's going to be a price to pay and work it from that angle not try to do this from a military angle. if we get help from a humanitarian standpoint. we ought to do that, too. it's about the humanitarian standpoint. it makes me sad the average ukrainian citizen and children that are caught in the middle in this conflict and with a government that is not functioning very well at this time. so i think i'd stick to the diplomatic and sanctions area, and not worry so much about trying to have an arms race in ukraine. lou: an arms race am i hearing former chairman of the joint chiefs say there's no military opportunity here for success? >> well i'm not going to preempt what others might say. lou: no i'm just asking what you think? >> my view is they think it's hard to find a way to carve military success out of situation we have there because
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russia holds most of the cards and they're right there. they're already there. we're not there, and we don't want this to be a west v. russia. i would much rather focus on assuring the nato allies that are also currently under pressure, could be under a lot more pressure from russia assuring them we're going to be there if russia makes a move on them. i'm thinking of the baltic states and others where russia might make a play, and i would hope we'd be steadfast in that circumstance. lou: general, good to have you with us general richard myers. the oral arguments whether four words established by the states will disqualify subsidies given to policyholders who didn't enroll through a state exchange. language of the law is clear the outcome far from it. fox news supreme court correspondent shannon bream with our report. >> obamacare is here to stay!
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>> reporter: the public rallies are dying down now it's the heated debate behind closed doors that matters. as the supreme court weighs the decision that both supporters and opponents of affordable care act or obamacare agree could send the law into a tailspin. at issue are subsidies, tax credits meant to help low and moderate income individuals afford health insurance coverage. the plain language of the law says the credits are available to those who sign up for a plan, quote, through an exchange established by the states. more than 30 states selected not to set up exchanges but the irs decided to extend the tax credits into states anyway. critics say that was never the intent of the law and pointed by this obamacare architect jonathan gruber. >> that means the citizens don't get the tax credits. >> reporter: called that a mistake and wasn't up for debate before the justices today. justice elena kagan challenged the plaintiffs and seemed on
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board with the government's argument that the phrase in question must be considered in live the the overall law and intentions and that interpretation could only mean subsidies for all. to the challenger's attorney, she said, quote -- later adding if you look at entire text, it's pretty clear you ought to treat the five words in the way you are. justice antonin scalia saw it differently saying to solicitor general donald varrely quote -- potential swing vote justice anthony kennedy had tough words for both sides telling the
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plaintiff's attorney, quote -- later saying, if the phrase in question is truly ambiguous, it would be, quote, a drastic step to say the irs could make a single call worth billions of dollars worth of subsidies. striking the subsidies could have on the overall law, a sentiment echoed at the white house. >> there's not a whole lot that the government could do about it other than congress passing legislation to fix it. but i think we're all pretty realistic about the likelihood that's going to happen. >> reporter: the administration has no backup plan if the government loses this case but a number of gop lawmakers say they do, if they win here they will do everything possible to make sure no one goes without coverage for any period of time. we'll have a decision by late june. lou back to you. >> shannon bream. much more on the obamacare arguments with the a-team steven and lisa join us later in the broadcast. up next new details on the
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los angeles police department skid row shooting captured on camera. if you have made any judgment on this case i guarantee you, you're judgment was premature. we'll have the latest developments. and the israeli prime minister speaks to congress reaction from someone who was in the room. congressman lee zelden joins us here next.
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. lou: in genevasecretary of state john kerry wrapped up three days of negotiations on a nuclear deal proposed with iran. kerry saying the talk were progressing in his judgment. and he offered this aside a snide poke at prime minister netanyahu saying, quote -- so folks, simply demanding that iran capitulate is not a plan. could this administration be more petty or more wrong about mr. netanyahu and his plain talk about the folly of negotiating with the islamic republic? joining us congressman lee zelden, he serves on the foreign affairs committee, the veterans affairs and
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transportation and infrastructure committees as well. congressman i've got to say, a freshman congressman, you're a busy man, you're in the room, yesterday and you're impressions. >> i thought the prime minister delivered an impactful, historic speech you can go on youtube and watch church hill two weeks after pearl harbor. so much going on in the world for people in congress who don't know what makes a difference between a good deal or bad deal. get rid of the centrifuges, don't make concessions in change for temporary concessions. one point after another saying that bad deal would be worse than no deal at all. lou: it was striking first the prime minister's command of direct language. secondly his command of the facts and the way which he organized them to present the case against iran. to be at the table at all.
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i think most americans listening, and i think perhaps many of our elected officials in washington were taken aback by the forthright architecture that the prime minister drew of what seems to be sheer folly, and even madness to negotiate with evil itself. >> he didn't travel thousands of miles to waste this moment, knowing that the american people were going to be watching, and that people around the world were going to be watching. right now there's a vacuum. i believe in american exceptionalism. i want the president of the united states to be that leader of the free world but the prime minister is forced to have to fill that vacuum if we have a president making foolish concessions to cut a deal just to cut a deal. i think he laid it out pretty well what the argument is to what to pursue with iran. lou: i want to share with you a fox poll we just got in today if i may, for everyone because
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this is -- i think eliminating. our fox news poll dealing with the question to let iran have nukes in ten years if they agree not to get them before then. is that a bad idea or a good idea? a brief construction of what seems to be the obama plan. bad idea. 84%. this poll coming as it does after the prime minister spoke i believe speaks to how eloquently and effectively he spoke. what do you think? >> as the prime minister laid out ten years for the life of the nation is just a blip. you're talking about the history of the middle east. the history in israel where iran wants to wipe israel off the map. instead of the president triggering a nuclear arms race because ten years does go by very quickly there is legitimate concern, and the prime minister understands, and we need to understand that our enemies do not respect
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weakness. they only respect strength. and crippling sanctions are a lot more effective than a curtsy and foolish concessions that is going to help iran have nuclear capability. lou: and speaking to strength the economy is beginning, it seems, hauntingly and that is with as great strength as we would like seems to be recovering. but our military budget is declining and will decline further. we are, in fact, eviscerating our military capability and force. are we going to be able to reverse that? >> we have to. instead of reducing military troop strength to the lowest level since pre-world war ii levels. i want to get back to america having the greatest military in the world, which we have, but we have to be strong enough to fight a conventional fight while preparing nar unconventional threat like what we had with isis. we can't always expect the fight to be unconventional fight. you have to always be prepared
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for the worst. lou: congressman, good to have you with us congressman lee zeldin. >> thank you. lou: time for a look at our online poll results. we asked whose judgment would you trust more on the issue of iran? president obama or benjamin netanyahu? 93% responded netanyahu. be sure to vote in tonight's poll. do you agree with defense secretary ash carter that the obama strategy against the islamic state is mostly political? cast your vote at new details emerging in the case of the homeless man who was shot and killed by the los angeles police department sunday. and a lesson for all who leaped to any conclusions on the scant early reports of the shooting. today we learn the man shot by police was a convicted criminal who claimed to be both from france and cameroon. the man also had a criminal record, a bank robbery conviction, he suffered from mental illness and wanted for
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violation of probation. u.s. immigration authorities say they tried to deport the man but could not because neither country would accept him, under and our laws, they couldn't detain him further. he was released into society, he ended up in a tent on skid row in los angeles where he was killed. as they say this investigation continues. up next, fire traps two women and their pets two stories up. we'll have the dramatic rescue for you in moments. and no charges against officer darren wilson for killing michael brown. but attorney general holder may have just ordered up the death penalty for the ferguson police department. justice, obama style, next.
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. lou: in modesto, california, two firefighters are hailed as heroes! they saved two women trapped on the second floor of an
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apartment complex as it was being consumed by fire. firefighters body camera captured this video of the terrifying moments when the women were forced to throw their two dogs out the window to waiting firemen below. the rescuers extended a fire ladder to the window and carried the women to safety. the dogs and their owners uninjured. the firefighters, they say they were just doing their jobs, and doing those jobs very well indeed. a few thoughts now on eric holder's legacy as attorney general. the attorney general none too happy that the obama justice department today had to announce it wouldn't try to prosecute former ferguson police officer darren wilson in the shooting death of michael brown. but holder couldn't stand not to do something given all his prejudgments and intrusions
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into the case that were so wrong headed from the very beginning. and so justice in a separate report claimed widespread racial bias and discrimination in the ferguson police departmenta. and i'll tell you, there is some evidence of that. but the vain glorious holder threatened to sue the shell-shocked suburban city if certain changes weren't implemented. attorney general holder even called the investigation seering, adding however lamely that some of them were right. >> trust and resentment stoked by years of bad feelings and spurred by illegal and misguided practices, it's not difficult to imagine how a single tragic incident set off the incident of ferguson like a powder keg. let me be very clear the
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united states justice department reserving all of its rights to implementing basic change. nothing is off the table. lou: a point of heard that fire keg was not set off until after eric holder was there with his words so divisive. during the attorney general's tenure, the justice department has opened 21 civil rights investigations into local police departments. more than double the number during all of president george w. bush's terms in office. majority of those investigations resulted in court supervision, which sounds more like expansion of federal power than a responsive effective solution to a community's problems. but holder couldn't get what he wanted in ferguson so he came up with a threat that solves nothing, and creates more trouble and is potentially utterly destructive. in ferguson the state of
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missouri spent well over 10 million dollars to quell riots and bring order, that the attorney general in my view could have prevented from the very start had he offered solutions, offered inspiration, rather than the brash divisive rhetoric that i suspect he now regrets. the former head of the st. louis county police department tim fitch warns that the city of ferguson may not be able to afford to implement all of those changes or fight the obama justice department should it bring a lawsuit. so ferguson may have to eliminate its police department altogether hire another agency to police the town of some 21,000 folks and can you bet the crime rate would rise as a result, and with an already double digit unemployment rate, a five million dollar city deficit now, the justice department demands will do little to brighten ferguson's prospects. part of holder's legacy will be his fail, and you are that of
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his boss to solve real, real economic and social problems to resolve issues rather than exacerbate them with racial politics. unable to create jobs, to inspire, to improve education, to create economic opportunity in ferguson. the outgoing attorney general lamented none of the administration's failures to brighten ferguson. instead, he called for the lowering of the standard of proof in federal civil rights cases. amazing. but holder has a record of his own. holder lowered the bar way back in 2009, just two weeks after taking office. >> though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnick melting pot, in things racial we have always been and we i believe continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards. lou: and then we heard little, very little of his views on
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race again, for years until ferguson, and he was wrong again. our quotation of the evening, this one from william shakespeare who said -- we're coming right back. he's called america's rabbi, rabbi shmueli on the
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. lou: the obama administration forced to push back against the powerful speech by israeli prime minister netanyahu. netanyahu was succinct and he was direct in presenting the iranian threat. >> the greatest danger facing our world is the marriage of militanta islam with nuclear weapons to defeat isis and let iran get nuclear weapons would be to win the battle but lose the war. we can't let that happen. [ applause ] >> our next guest present for netanyahu's speech joining us is rabbi shmuley boteach the founder of this world, the values network also the author of only 30 books. >> only sold 30 copy, don't be too impressed. lou: i'm impressed none the
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latter. great to have you here, and to be there, to watch a historic occasion, made all the more historic by the president's objection to netanyahu giving that talk. your thoughts. >> originally i didn't understand why the president was so inflamed about a speech. but now i kind of understand that what netanyahu did amidst the president's objections that was nothing new is lay out for the american public who watched the speech why this is such a bad deal. how you're going to have iran with 6 thousand centrifuges and a clause that they could allow them to do what they want after ten years. the american people we're following like the grammys. lou: we're not being led carefully either. >> exactly. so we are much more focused. i think americans are feeling the existential threat. this is a canary in the coal mine, closer in proximity in iran, the united states is a great satan the iranians are
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much more focused on the nuclear threat. lou: it is instructive we are better informed and we have better perspective, why in the world were our leaders, republican, democrat senate, congressional, the president himself not giving us this kind of guidance and framework with which to judge these negotiations and whatever result. >> i agree completely. that's what was the most disturbing thing about the opposition to the deal. if a deal is a good deal as john kerry and the president says, they want to make their argument believe and they can win arguments in the marketplace of ideas let the prime minister present his position, other people present their position. there was an attempt to silence him. susan rice said that the very speech would destroy the fabric which gave him a lose-lose proposition. he had to either choose between relationship with the united states and being a voice to the tiny little middle eastern nation that experienced a genocide 70 years ago. yogi berra said just because
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you are paranoid does not mean they are out to get you. here the administration was saying netanyahu was paranoid with good reason. but iran backs rhetoric up with action. they slaughter their own people, hang gays from public squares. >> to be parochial about it it was the result of the iranians and that is overlooked. react if you will, to some of the responses, for example, nancy pelosi moved to tears, talking -- a congressman told me about the democrats talked about the condescension of netanyahu who talked as plainly and levelly as he possibly could. >> they weren't invited to the deal that was done, france britain and germany in 1938. forget the chamberlin piece of paper. they weren't there. what netanyahu wanted to do is
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ensure that at least i'm there, my voice is present. the united states is doing this thing with iran without consulting israel. when nancy pelosi said she was moved to tears, originally i thought it was positive she was crying because she thought it was a horrible speech. we should shed tears for the victims of isis having heads chopped off. the 240 kids killed by boko haram. to cry during a speech, that doesn't seem to rise to the level of real cause for tears. >> there is a curious imbalance at work now, in iraq, the city of tikrit. encircled by primarily iranian forces, working with the iraqis, the united states has withdrawn and they are moving with their initiative against tikrit to the islamic state, your thoughts. >> think about it, the united states is the global presence that brings about order, and we are kind of tired of being
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global, i understand that. there is something in the middle, you can't withdraw and lead a vacuum, we see the rise of isis and more importantly the rise of iran, but the prime minister said yesterday, as much as we want to talk about isis who mastered social media and put out the horrific tapes, they are kids play compared to the iranians and if they get a nuclear weapon. the idea that iran could have tens of thousands of spinning centrifuges to create a nuclear arsenal and hold the world hostage. we saw with south korea the american ambassador had his face slashed. if iran gets the bomb, all bets are off the table. we can't do anything about it anymore in the same way we can't do anything about north korea, it's dangerous. >> to think about the propaganda value for the iranians, should they be immensely and forthrightly successful in tikrit, it changes it changes the balance
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and the sense of american power in the region, and not for the better. >> that's the difference between north korea and iran iran exports jihad. north korea only brutalizes and slaughters its own people. lou: you did listen to the prime minister's speech. >> i did listen very carefully. i was part of the standing ovation. jews celebrate surviving annihilatory threat in ancient persia. lou: i believe the scroll of esther will be read. >> i just came from reading it. we're supposed to drink a lot. lou: and you get on repeat the practice, i believe. i didn't want to show off anymore. >> that's very impressive. lou: thank you very much, and i'm going to quit while i'm ahead. >> i'll make you a rabbi. lou: i will stay a student. very happy in that role. >> thank you. lou: thank you, taylor swift's music moves you, some more than others. we'll explain in a moment. and it appears president obama thinks his last executive fiat was so successful he's going
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to just keep on, keep on and keep keeping on. he's got the second amendment in his sights the head of the national rifle association joins us next, wayne lapierre. [ female announcer ] who are we? we are the thinkers. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions our life's work. we strive for the moments where we can say, "i did it!" ♪ ♪ we are entrepreneurs who started it all... with a signature. legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses, turning dreamers into business owners. and we're here to help start yours. now? can i at least put my shoes on? if your bladder is calling the shots ... you may have a medical condition called overactive bladder ...
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. lou: joining us now, the head of the national rifle association, wayne lapierre the executive vice president. great to have you with us wayne. >> thanks, lou. lou: this in prospect the atf ban on ar-15 ammunition. why are we not hearing more of an outcry about this? >> well probably because the media doesn't want the american public to know what this president is trying to impose on them. this is a president he's grasping for straws he hates the second amendment. he hates the fact americans have a constitutional right to own firearms. he can't win at the ballot box, can't win at the congress, and now trying to act like a dictator and planning on forcing this amo ban on the american public by regulation. lou: why the interest in the 56 so-called green tip ammunition
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that would effectively, then it wouldn't be available to gun owners, rendering the gun not much use? >> he tried to ban ar's he tried to ban the popular sporting rifle, now trying to ban ar ammunition. i brought a graphic that explains this. lou: let's see it. >> the one he's trying to ban is the 556 it's a small rifle cartridge. the thing is if he can ban that because it pierces soft body armor he can also ban the .30-06. a popular hunting cartridge and ban the .300 win mag, the .375. he can ban every cartridge in between that, in fact, under this standard he can ban all rifle cartridges because all of them pierce soft body armor. lou: and as an executive fiat.
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this is driving me crazy! i can't understand how a president even assumes he has this kind of power. >> well, he's trying stretch it beyond -- lou: expanding his powers as he put it. >> but here's the thing. i mean this is not about law enforcement. the largest law enforcement organization in the country 325000 police officers says direct quote while this round will penetrate soft body armor as i said, it is not historically posed a threat to law enforcement. sheriff clark up in wisconsin says i'm disgusted that this administration would use the safety and well-being of our nation's law enforcement officers to accomplish this gun control agenda by circumventing congress and the constitution in the rewriting this law. the fact is this isn't did law enforcement not about making any police save. it's about a president who
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hates the second amendment. hates the fact americans can own them. he can't ban their guns so trying to ban their ammo. we're not going let him do it. lou: where are we? there will be a period for comment, do you think there's any chance in the world this president doesn't back off once he launches one of these fiats? is he going proceed? is there any way can you see to stop it? >> he's going to proceed. i tried to warn the american people of this before the election, and the media ridiculed me saying i was trying to raise money. minute he got elected he's done nothing but to try to destroy the second amendment. he's not going to back off. the next 700 days are the most dangerous days in the history of the second amendment. and we're going to have to stand and fight to stop him. we have 230 members of congress that are on board on on this. we're going to look at every option from defunding it to you name it. lou: there are two things that
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are deeply troubling beyond the fiat, and that is it's a congress, democratic party and republican party that have shown no capacity whatsoever to oppose his will, neither the guts nor the imagination to do so so it's going to take a lot of work as you well know. wayne, thanks so much. appreciate you being here to illuminate the issue for us. thanks. >> thank you, lou. lou: wayne lapierre of the nra. on wall street the dow down, the nasdaq fell 13. volume picking up to 3.4 billion shares. listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. we may have found taylor swift's fan, six-month-old rosy, that's not rosy that's taylor, and rosy can be a little fussy but stops crying when she hears the hit single taylor swift's blank space.
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[ crying ] ♪ nice to meet you where you been ♪ ♪ i can show you incredible things ♪ >> i bet they play a lot of swift in that household. swift tweeted out the viral video saying it's the best thing she's seen. one of the best we have. first it was fund-raising from foreign governments, now a whole new deal over e-mails. what is there about this woman? the ateam on hillary's e-mail servers and concept of entitlement. steven and lisa join us next. if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher brighter denture every day. in new york state, we're reinventing how we do business so businesses can reinvent the world.
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lou: joining us now are our guests. senior group for the republicans consulting firm. let me turn to you. the supreme court on obamacare looks like a pretty even split amongst the justices with the intelligence that covers it. what is your sense of which way this is going to go? >> no it is to be seen. president obama decided to ignore the law and move forward
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with spending hundreds of millions of dollars in obamacare and now he's dealing with a ramifications of unilateral action we have seen hindu time and time again. >> as we just discussed he is committed to these fiats and he kind of likes the feel of being able to just simply rule rather than have to be presidential. >> first the justice has made the point that the law is terribly written and push through and that is one of the reasons that it was terribly written. so the ambiguity there let the president an opening to take executive action come but one of the justices made the point that if the administration is allowed to have the irs to pay these subsidies, what is to stop someone from saying that they can eliminate debts.
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he is setting a precedent that the next republican president will drive through. lou: i hope not. i hope that congress finds the guts to stand up to him and i hope that the judicial system find significant result as well. congratulations 100,000 amnesty applications approved before. is that a problem going forward for the ordinary injunction? >> it could be it is a particular part of what the president announced in november he talked about the applications for the dreamers from two years to three years of legal status and so they were issuing these for the last three months and they say that they argue that they do not believe the judge actually enjoy that part of it, but they said what could have misled them they were not doing
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any of this until afterward. as you said a minute ago it's going to be up to the judges to deal with this. >> turning to you on a very simple issue. does it look like this congress is going to roll over? it looks like they have found a way to do exactly what the chamber of commerce and business roundtable told them to do on illegal immigration and that is go with amnesty. >> i think it's disappointing. obviously president obama said it himself he did not have the constitutional authority to do these immigration laws. and that is what they have done. it is so important to highlight what this administration is doing, he has shown that he has no respect for the legislative process or the judicial process either. lou: good to have you both here thank you so much. that is it for us tonight as we review at least for one day all of the fiats originating with this president.
12:00 am
stay tuned, as they say thank you for being with us and good night from new york. >> the veteran of the battle live -- squirrels away enough military gear for a platoon. >> aconite leaving get access to the master bathroom it was so clogged with the stuff. >> it was once-in-a-lifetime >> plus plenty of surprises. >> this is worth $50,000? >> usually wrapped in of blanket in a bathtub. jamie:


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