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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  March 17, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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>> spontaneous hand clap, today i was watching you, i was washing secret service director joseph clancy, it was like mr. clancy goes on washington but he got a bipartisan bitch slap about his agent's allege ed drunk driving during a white house barrier bomb gestgation investigation. >> it should be punishment, termination, firing, you can't run an agent like this for god's sake or any other agent. >> it was green tie day, this is day we celebrate international
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day drinking, also known as st. patrick's day. everyone using the tail of a catholic saint to get hammered before noon, in secret service that is known as tuesday. the boys with bangs could build -- badgs badges could build a ra of the white house. >> a lot of thanks to give out here. >> you know what he wants, $8 million to build a fake white house, who is your contractor, what are you? drunk. a few lawmakers doing precommittee tip ling. >> you don't have to earn their trust you are there boss, they are supposed to earn your trust.
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>> he is he going to to handle the protocol breach? a couple of senior agents crash into the barricades after nipping grandpa's cough syrup at a going away party? with a good stern talk. >> there is no -- at the least arof the description of these evens, i should have still been informed. this is my first test. >> and you are failing. that will learn them, you get them joe. set on changing the culture there. that did not sit well with the green tie wearing chairman hal rogers, he had none of it today, joseph clancy, sees himself like this sel sell ulloyd agent. >> i will be thinking about that while i'm pising on your grave. >> he is more like this one. >> well, no, no, no, it wasn't -- it wasn't a bunch, sir.
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>> yeah. not good. when you combine alcohol with frustration, and more alcohol, and congress, and the secrets service, it is a recipe for disaster, for an agency that had 824 misconduct cases in 9 years, these people better learn how to lock it up, passing out drunk in the hallway of a dutch hotel, getting drunk, and hooker in colombia, letting a wing nut run rough shod through the white house -- but enough about joe biden. >> we have a lot of thanks to give out. >> smells like prell. mmm . they think you could fix them by building a high fence at white house, going perfect with the high agents, perhaps president needed to pool from a larger pool than his buddy joe, i am sure did a bang up job heading
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family secret service detail, probably decent guy, well organized. this is a guy has been tasked to run the agency in charge of keeping our president safe, aand live, and stopping people from counterfeiting hundred dollar bills, he is in over his bald head, they need an outsideer. >> no, no, that kind of outsideer. better yet, why not 1.9 billion a year secret service budget, and vi privatize the whole damn thing, problem solved. tonight we dive into the israeli elections, and netanyahu's bid to stay in power, the and same woman that went skydiving at 100, she went shark driving diving today, and we tell you the
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latest congressman to resign, he is done, i will tell you why, good thing you are here, i am kennedy. >> san francisco 49er linebacker chris borland announced he is retiring from football, due to concerns about long-term effect from head trauma. his second year in the league, he has completed one season, because of his worries before brain injury, ricky water ofs, a former nfl running back, who played for san francisco 49ers, philadelphia eagles, seattle seahawks and a lovely super bowl ring to prove it all, and the doctor, a neuroing on thing on the though. great to have you here, ricky, chris leaving after just one
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season, when did he decide to leave, when would you tell someone to leave professional football? >> well i was shocked first of all from that one, because, he was one of the most exciting players last year, this is from an offensive player. to see that after willis retiring and him put in a great position to be a star but maybe a super star in the league, that was shocking. >> millions of dollars he walked away from, he had one or two concussions in his short lived pro career, but he did cost benefit analysis, and he decided that risk is too great, so doctor, i want to ask you, i know that testing is more specific, they tested brains of former nfl players, and people who suffered froed from traumatc brain injury, highway -- how
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prefr len iprevalent is brain de prprofessional layers. >> very prevalent. about 80% of them have some kind of damage. that is a high number, when you look at the number of people that go on to develop. isymptoms and high profile of football players that we've seen, it is devastating, the nfl has taken a strong stance toward better screening and protocol to follow-up. it is the risk versus the benefit. of what they face. >> ricky, would you still play in nfl? >> i agree with what we said, you have to look at it a different equation from when, i first started great career, i met so many greet
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people there are a lot of positive things, but if i could take myself back, in be that young man again, and looking at everything, and seeing what is there before me now, it is a lot different than when i thought we were just getting dinged up, and you know now i'm ready to play, and we're having fun playing ball. people are dying, this is a very serious thing, you have to think about it, and i don't think, at-this-point what i would have done. >> you have talked about memory loss, and about the long-term consequences of your concussions, would have you retired sooner if you knew now, or if you knew then what you know now? >> wha when i look at it all, ad put it out there and object objectively look, at and not really, you know put anything on it just, straight with the facts, i would have to really think about something else. another line of work. there were other things that i could do, at that time i would
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have probably played basketball, and i am a intelligence guy, i could have made a living another way. >> the doctor, i know that league tried to mitigate some of the harder hits helmet technology trying to cash up with demand for bet protection, do you think that there should not be such a thing as full contact, dark else football? >> -- tackle football. >> that would be a big statement, people would jump me for saying that. but, i think that we need to get a lot more aggressive, in terms of technology we use for helmets, they have taken a good step in terms of screening but it is devastating you lawyer about great football player that suffer from depression, and or rage issues, or all the way in terms of feeling suicidal, they have to look back after a banner career, say, would i do it again? i think that nfl has to get a lot more aggressive in terms you
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ho we will protect them, and in college, and in high school football. you know, it is a great sport, but at what risk do we subject these people. >> it a great sport. >> it is a great sport. >> ricky you make a good point. >> i love it. >> don't the players bear some responsibility? you know, kids get into sport now, they know the dangers but that there are dangers in auto racing and down hill skiing and soccer. >> and boxing. >> and boxing. >> you are taking head shots every day. so what do you think? >> right. >> mm-hmm. >> rick stphe. >ricky?>> i look at it first ofi love the game, i love football. one of the greatest games that is why everyone loves to watch it i love it play it it a tough situation, but also we have to understand, that now we are educated. the awareness is there now we're seeing wha what this is doing to people, when -- now i have seen,
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i have looked into steve smith's eyes, i have looked inted into n turner's i see what they are going through now, there is no way i kerbg rac i can't erase t. i talk with players who are experienceing difficulties, saying i did the same things, here i am, and right now, i might feel pretty good, but come, you know compared to what? you know, i was you know was i chairmaner before? -- sharper before. >> i hope you'r your few fewure. ricky and dr. p thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we'll continue this discussion. >> coming up, jedediah, and sam arel, will join our panel. talk about how coca-cola is healthy. >> and a journalist has reported
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from the front line, he has visited isis danger zone, just 10 feet from the black flags they flying he will give you the inside story. but first hillary clinton has a huge -- a trifecta against women, i'll argue with a couple of democrats about that, your crazy kennedy is next.
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the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer,
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that's what i'd like to do. no photos of men working onng ranches. just a ram 1500 ecodiesel that gets the best fuel economy of any half-ton pickup. get more facts at
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kennedy: hillary clinton, lobbed hand grenade on war on women yesterday, implicateing republicans, tweeting, one blocking great nominee first african-american woman a g for longer than any a tkw*rbgs in 30 years, playing politics with trafficking victims, and threatening women's health and rights. am i crazy that think that war on women is a political maneuver to grab hillary votes by virtue of her gender in the next election, some people think so, thus it is time for you are crazy kennedy. skwraoeplskwraoepljijima welcom.
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>> thank you, kennedy. >> and joe. >> jamu, i am a woman, i have two daughters my oldest daughter is obsessed with money, she cannot figure out why there are no women on the bills he is so loves, my husband is a small business owner, i love government, why should i vote for hillary clinton. >> tell your daughter to wait a little bit, it might wait. why you should vote for hillary, if you don't, we need to change the segment to you are not just crazy but cray-cray. when it comes to advances women's rights, not just in this country but globally there is no greater champion than hillary clinton. what she has done -- >> saudi government she has
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taken millions of dollars for clinton foundation. >> no, no. she highlighted that, she has tried to hold them accountable. she is the most credible voice with talking about why by empowering women, you, chief economic empowerment for the country, that is what she did as secretary of state, and three decades of work for her. and so, yes, your daughter, has just a little bit more time. kennedy: i think she might have more than a couple years to wait. by credible, i think you mean hypocritical. >> what!? >> joe, trippy, hillary had a losing strategy in 2008, she did not play up her gender is opposite a winning stra strag g.
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>> i think 53% of electorate in 2015 election will be women, if you look at we've been over 200 years, no woman has been elected president. i think that american people are ready forever a different perspective, you should be ready for a different perspective in white house, someone who understands why it is important to educate our children, and look at violence that is going on, in our country, and globe. and have a different perspective on how to solve it. kennedy: john kerry said that the world is a safer place because violence is going down. >> if you want, one of the white guys running for president, there will be plenty in both parties, and have that same perspective we had for a long time. they have been there, you can pick one. but if you -- >> but, just by virtue of being a woman?
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of having a ou uterus. >> i think that carly fiorina and hillary clinton would come to the offers with a much different -- office with a much different perspective than a lot of men that are running, i do, a perspective that a lot of americans would like in the white house. >> a men! joe, you are so right. kennedy: i am so glad you agree with each other, just get a room. you will find a lot of people will hold their future president to a higher standard. and, we want to see a woman in the white house, it has to be right woman, it has to be a person who knows how to run the country, of integrity who will get people jobs, and a person who isend ar gender blind, i hat seen that candidate yet -- >> between. between. but between carly and hillary clinton, have you a wide spectrum to choose between, if
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your daughter would like to see a woman, on the bill, it -- the two of them are a good choice. kennedy: we might have to put ronald reagan in a wig. >> really? >> thank you, we have to go, you are both. smart, and kind thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you kennedy. kennedy: coming up, congressman resigns in middle of a personal scandal. he was not wearing sandals, but first israelis head to polls, stakes are high for netanyahu, as tensions between he and president obama reach an all-time high, stay where you are. so,as my personal financial psychic,
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i'm sure you know what this meeting is about. yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed... balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn't perform well for two consecutive gold.
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quarters. quarters...yup. then amerivest gives me back their advisory... stocks. fees. fees. fees for those quarters. yeah. so, i'm confident i'm in good hands. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. kennedy: israel went to the polls today to elect members of their knesset.
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they will have to form a coalition government between multiple factions, here is sort it out, anthony fisher, reason tv writer and producer. very smart, and you know he is real. netanyahu just had a content shuga consciousspeech to congret hurt him back home in the election? >> probably a wash, i think he expected it to be a big boost but people who were already with him saw it as a great i did defiant stand. kennedy: where is israel right
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now politically. >> in parliamentary terms it is hard to fathom, their center has moved to the right. herzog, and his quote, unquote, left wing coalition. kennedy: running against netanyahu. >> is far to right of what labor party once was. i think that most of israeli populous is coarse end by extended cop laying, and population, and failed peace -- as far as american terms left, right and center it hard. kennedy: our far right president he wants to stop settlement on west bank, they would like some form of peace in middle east starting with israel and pallares, netanyahu drawing a
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firm line in the sand. reversing his stance from 2009. what would it take to bring peace there. at least if not quality, coics coexistence. >> that is the million dollar question. kennedy: that is right. >> i am of two state solution. i don't think it possible to absorb all of the arab inhabitants of gaza in a west bank into a democratic israel. but the alternative that is status quo having people either under israeli rule or in gaza defacto under israeli rule with no right to leave, no passport, no state hood, that is not sustainable long-term for a country that also calls itself a democracy. kennedy: israel said that every time we let palestinians move in, theyd lob rockets at us. >> i don't know if they really
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say, that main argument when ariel sharon pulled out of gaza in 2005, with no framework for palestinians to do anything, then they were met with -- >> in 2007. >> 2005 they pulled out but rockets had been coming since then, the micro state hamas has built there, i am not saying that is ideal, you cannot blame the israelis for being suspicious of what pulls out of the west bank might look like, bubut it is disingenuous to say- what it looks like right now. kennedy: we have 10 seconds left. netanyahu declared victory. >> he is not the victorit loo h, right leaning coalition will have his back, enough to get 61 seats, but it is far from decided. kennedy: all right very good
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anthony fisher thank you so much. >> my pleasure. kennedy: fascinating in a rabbit hole we will never emerge from. that is why we keep getting back in. >> coming up, a rock star's house gets toilet papered, the topical storm is next, stay with us.
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>> kennedy: just when you thought it was time to go out side. is this thing patrick's day. this is the "topical storm". remember that grandma i showed last night if you jump out of the airplane on her 100th birthday? i think for family pressure to get life insurance now i am convinced now she hopped
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into a cage. she dies into shark infested waters. look at that. she survived as she was thrown to the great to whites maxtor family will center into the desert with no food or water for a month as a meditation to celebrate those hard-earned 100 years paper andir. a house use a couple of rolls and yet drawn or jews 4,000 to complete the mummified the entire home. that is what a prankster did he is friends with how we mandel.
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♪ kennedy: that is like the maypole. >> they convince zemin to let them into the gated community to in trouble house after risky and near death at the enraged how we mandel. he survived then called in the cleaning will they not only used to thousand rolls. number 3-d of a murder confession that has captivated the nation. funny or die has we imagined a longer version of his monologue.
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kennedy: that is a sick murderous bastard. it is not too soon. like to now. howard schultz wants to make your trip to the coffee shop wall inventory he once the arista to write to the word
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race together if you ask what it means they will launch into a diatribe because starbucks suffers from white guilt. that is what i want is someone who was already in the wake with their job to take five minutes per customer to talk about race relations. maybe we could talk about eric holder psychological motivation. perhaps we could bust of a banjo to have an extended gm with the i have a dream lyrics. on second thought maybe i will switch to a tea or will go to a bar when i went to fight with strangers. number five is piling bridge interpreter catapulted to stardom on saturday when he not only translated the lyrics into sign language
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but also added his own smooth the audience moves to the rhythm. ♪ kennedy: at the same time of his curious what he was sighted about and i put his gestures and translate here is the same video with what had to present an accurate subtitles'. ♪
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kennedy: if you have any weird stories you want to use the tweet me @kennedy nation. also on instagram. get the song out of your head. with a hand was and congressman resigns over lavish spending and the epa might be monitoring your shop or use in the hotel. what you doing?
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[bassist] two late nights in blew an amp.but good nights. sure,music's why we do this,but it's still our business. we spend days booking gigs, then we've gotta put in the miles to get there. but it's not without its perks. like seeing our album sales go through the roof enough to finally start paying meg's little brother- i mean,our new tour manager-with real,actual money. we run on quickbooks.that's how we own it. ♪ congressmen schock will resign from congress this
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month according to an announcement he made to date over concerns of his spending rose an office with various reports he did not disclose expenditures and had to make prepayments after improper use of taxpayer funds. and our fox news contributor fellow's dam. welcome to the show for the first time. how were you? >> may have to do with its end and a billing voice. aaron schock decorated his office and they have forgotten it or never learned the terms of ethics. >> they feel they can do whatever they want with our money looking at instagram
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they called attention to it he did not want to be a politician but a celebrity. he was taking pictures with celebrities and of these action shots. that is what he wanted at the same time i am happy he resigned because a lot of them don't they tried to convince us they will change. no. you can not hold public office you did a disservice now get out of the way. kennedy: dell whole "downton abbey" was reared. >> are you a congressman? or what? i have been devastated ever since i found out routine was this morning. [laughter] >> i didn't know much about him but it does it make you look good when the question in your business ethics and menus and i will just retire kennedy: if you throw me into a shallow grave.
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>> because now you know, there's other things. >> when somebody resigns that fast. you know, that was way too soon. >> i hate when he says he responds to responsibly. to make $80,000 of one-year just renovating his office? but a better look good to. >> syndication laying of a grand at the university of tulsa us to create a wireless system that tracks how much water a hotel guest used to modify the behavior that epa wants to modify your behavior and that they
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are trying to get into the shower with you? >> this is a billing. -- hours is the last vice that i have. is interested of. kennedy: they can turn on the microphone on your smart phone. >> now is like norman bates? >> they really are trying to short tenure show were by one minute. >> then the shower head will get weak. they will say we're not there but we will incentivize the hotel that this is the free market of work for crown if you go to a hotel you spend your cash i went to spend 25 minutes
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in the shower that is what i am paying for. no consumer will be attracted to a hotel whose eyes on a shopper time. kennedy: i live in california. now they will be the water not see after, gore. it is already enough if you have to stay with they don't have a drought you better believe i will take my truncated shot overtime from california and spend those pointed york city. >> remind me not to take a black light. hi ray nutrition experts to promote their products as part of an of the dire. to enjoy a refreshing beverage read options. with just one cigarette.
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but i do think the only way to responsibly enjoy is with a healthy shot to of jim beam. >> i am not the soda a fan people should be ordering whenever they bond. this is ridiculous they promote this as a healthy product. >> making your prior day's. >> it is not to undo. that is where you put into the baby bottle. >> they say that teeth are overrated?
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>> and then we must eat to get away. >> to say that coke declined to say how much they pay those health experts said the employee. date employed them for of course, . kennedy: they do so much. a journalist as reported on isis from deep behind enemy lines will join me. he will take us inside the group. >> we were attacking been decided to pull out. anybody thinks that isis is being pushed back just come to the "frontline" to realize it is taking much more to defeat them.
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kennedy: a free-lance journalist to went to the middle east after the trip surgeon iraq after the search of isis with its creeping influence he is here. >> now they're planning on moving. snipers are all around the time he has collected these experiences into a new book. welcome. when did you first year of the group called the isis? >> back that they recall the islamic state of iraq they were a couple of years growing stronger out of the chaos. >> when should governments like ours in know about the of the? >> we did a web belt them
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cresol them back we didn't know what to do the time after time we could have stepped in and though we didn't. >> maybe for that optimism for the western is a sinn of the culture and then obama pulled out all the troops in 2007 but with a jade positive things are happening and it is under very different direction. kennedy: but did receive other journalists be headed but did you go back to the region tells stories like that scare you don't you worry you end up in a metal cage? >> of course, there were times we know what that is like but then there is more
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chaos. >> is there a part that was to end at like that? your life? >> no. kennedy: is that such a high probability is there something attractive about that? >> no. no way at all. a journalist to have lost their lives many friends and colleagues of course, not. kennedy: but people lucy that certain death is this the best way to make a name for yourself? >> it is not balancing risks and we learned early on to get back to certain areas of syria. >> how did you know, where not to go or when to be in the right place? the mcfadyen network of people on the ground that use. [inaudible] with security protocols and
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to travel with deal location and we take a certain risk but i would resent the a dead - - the idea that it is the wrong thing to be doing. >> it is hard for someone on the outside put this story has to be told. how dissident. >> and i see the arms race developing a cold war growing between saudi arabia and iran. it is too late for the west end. >> i appreciate being here. good luck.
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this note you are safe. it is intense. it is a patrick's day. celebrate with me. next. yes, when others focus on one thing, you see what's coming next. you see opportunity. that's what a type e does. and so it begins. with e*trade's investing insights center, you can spot trends before they become trendy. e*trade. opportunity is everywhere. "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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dismount! oh, and he sticks the landing! kennedy: i have a nightcap if you follow me on twitter you would remember i posted if i should give up chocolate or bruce ford plant side decided to give up alcohol 40-- prior to their resurrection i miscalculated said patrick state. but i'll never is thinking me the rest of the is dying. it is so unnatural to abstain on said patrick's day. i should ba in green having college students adding to the puddles on sixth avenue of would be party in white with these folks like last year.
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[laughter] i missed out on so much. instead i will take the high road. there is less traffic and your accidents and i will employee to make bad decisions in my honor. throwback some whiskey tonight get this and baileys and jameson parker you can decide the ratio and tomorrow i will not be hung over but tonight i will be a little bored. send me your tweet and a message to me on facebook i
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will check it all night long i have nothing else to do. thanks for watching. goodnight. next. next. >> good evening, i could lou dobbs, hours closer to finding out whether obama administration has been successful in its effort at reyield change. in removing another world leader from office. you are looking now at live pictures of prime minister netanyahu addressing his supporters. president obama and his administration are alleged to have worked hard to unseat the israeli prime minister. the administration sending allegedly money, support, campaign strategist to israel to intervene, in a unprecedented fashion in the kinneset. polls have been closed for 3


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