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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX Business  March 22, 2015 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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s and everything else is going to cloud over them? >> i sure hope so. i've been a government lawyer myself and i know what kind of greedy pigs they are. i hope they're past it. >> that was the risk in going to ben at that point. all right. the cost of freedom continues now with david asman on fox. >> talk about weird timing with the white house trying to make a nuclear deal with iron two names go missing from a new u.s. intel report on terror threats guess which ones iran and hezbollah, the terrorist group backed by iran. now, some here wonder if the two things are connected and whether that is putting our lives and livelihood in danger. are they right? hi, everybody, i'm ta welcome to "forbes on fox." let's go in feek us with mr. steve forbes, rich carl guard, elizabeth mcdonald mic owe ozanian and bruce jep son. >> david, the answer probably is no. this is typical obama negotiation and that is make concessions in advance. obama thinks he can deal with
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these people the way neville chamberlain thought he could deal with the nazis or jimmy carter thought he could deal with the soviet union and russia before it invaded afghanistan. so the quid pro quo is going to end up being iran is going to get a great deal to get nuclear weapons and we're going to be in more danger because of it. >> bruce, the report clearly was changed, this intel report, last year iran and hezbollah were in the report this year they were not. why is that? >> well, i don't know about this. i mean, i think there's so much light shining on this right now it would be awfully difficult for someone to get political here. iran was mentioned in the latest report about 40 times so i don't think we're letting them off the hook here. you know, the control f on my computer didn't see hezbollah, but i think there's so much line being shined on this, including with this program i don't think it's a political situation. >> well of course, rich it's such a concern to so many people that congress just signed a new
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letter, remember, there was all the about last week's level but this time democrats signed on board in fact eliot engel is one of the co-sponsors, a democrat from new york the majority of democrats in congress signed it they say congress must be convinced that its terms foreclose any pathway to a bomb. i'm talking the treat wree, and only then will congress be able to consider permanent relief. >> well god bless elliott evening else, it means that he listened to bibi netanyahu's speech before congress and it actually affected him. look, i think what's going on is is that the u.s. state department thinks iran is an important ally not enemy, but ally in the war against isis it sees isis as the greater evil and it's worried about offending iran during this time. i think it's a colossal mistake to do that, as steve pointed out, but i think that's their motivation. >> again the question is trust. who you trust. last -- or was it friday night, i believe, it was, or thursday
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night, president obama gave a youtube address directly to the people of iran in which he suggested he believes them more than what bibi netanyahu was saying. >> iran's supreme leader has issued a fat with a against the development of nuclear weapons and president rouhani has said that iran would never develop a nuclear weapon. >> john tamny, we're suppose to believe the leaders of iran? >> i don't think so. and let's face it the exclusion is a bit curious i guess you can sort of give allowance to it because we're in negotiations right now so maybe it's political. my point is that a report no matter what's in there that's to the not what's going to make us safer so what difference is it going to make? what makes us safer is iranian knowledge that if they commit an act of terrorism against us we will knock them back into the stone analogy. that's what matters. some report i think is largely irrelevant. >> well, mike, there is one thing that mattered to this intel report and that is whether or not the nuclear weapons will be developed and i'm going to
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quote directly from it they say iran's overaveraging strategic goal seems to be in opposition of what the president just said is is to build missile deliverable nuclear weapons if it chooses to do so. we to not know whether iran will eventually decide to build nuclear weapons but, mike that is their intention according to the intel report. against what the president was saying to the iranian vid, iran has been very clear what it wants to do it wants nuclear weapons and wants to annihilate israel, they've come out and said it. i don't think any report, no matter what it has or done have matters to president obama. he has his own ideology, he wants to elevate the state of islam, he doesn't mention the jen side going on against christians, he has a better relationship with the muslim brotherhood than he does with the prime minister of israel and all of that is bad for this country. >> emac it is kind of odd, isn't it when you compare the intel report that worries about a specific plan to build six nuclear bombs and then you have the president saying, you know, the supreme leader of iran
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doesn't want to build nukes. >> because the fat with a is just like an executive order, right? >> oh man. wow. emac. >> sorry about that. i couldn't resist. given to what the iranian leaders are saying, they're saying jihad will continue until american is no more because america is evil. until the banner of islam flies over the white house. listen, hezbollah was responsible for the most u.s. deaths pre 9/11 and, you know i've got to tell you something you know the fact that they're now downgraded to a cyber threat in this intelligence report which is very well regarded in the intelligence -- >> industrial industry, yeah. >> the industry. it's a seriously big deal. they want to see how people react to it and it's such a bad thing. >> steve, i'm wondering with this new letter that's come out from congress with the majority of democrats signing this letter, will a treaty or whatever it is the president wants to call what he's doing with iran be able to pass?
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won't congress put up enough of a stink so that it doesn't live? >> well yes, congress will not approve of it and that's why he intends to make an end run about it that's why all this chatter about going to the u.n. security council and junk like that. he is going to ignore the constitution say it's a fate of come plea and the fact that democrats are realizing it means in the senate, for example, they may get the veto proof majority to say any agreement with iran of this that import has to go before conks certainly before the senate for approval as per the constitution. so he's digging himself deeper and deeper and he's -- thankfully he's his own worst enemy on this. >> bruce, doesn't it bother you these end runs he's trying to make around congress, a bipartisan consensus in congress? >> i will say this, that i think that the fact that conks is going to start to take a look at this, i think that's always a good thing -- >> you can't think so had a last week, bruce. >> well, no, i mean, the letter was kind of goofy.
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the iranian negotiations on the nuclear issue is getting public support. there was a poll out this week on another network as they say, saying that americans are in favor of negotiating with iran and so i think that -- and the other thing with he need to know what's in this report. we should ask about -- at some point this can't go on forever. we need to see what the deal is. >> rich, this whole series of business shows on saturday morning it's called the cost of freedom i'm wondering if americans, we've asked this before whether americans are ready to pay for the post of freedom. clearly there will be -- if we don't have a deal with iran there may be something to pay this terms of price of oil, et cetera. >> yes but i think it has to be clearly articulated by the president who is unwilling to do this. this is where leadership really matters. you know, to lay out before the american people what exactly is at stake if iran gets, a, a nuclear bomb and b, has inter continental ballistic missiles they become not just a regional
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danger but a global danger. so, yes, i think the american people are willing to but we need leadership. >> john when you think about short term cost as opposed to long-term cost, look at how much our unpreparedness for 9/11 cost 9/11 not only of course were the human lives most important but then some people put the cost of that up over a trillion dollars. if iran gets a nuclear weapon and does something bad with it chances are it's going to cost the world a lot. >> it would be very costly, but let's also remember the iranians well know that if they do anything that moves on us it's going to be far more costly for them. so i'm skeptical there. >> they're not rational. >> i realize that, but, wait a second -- >> emac i don't know if those costs really bother the iranians, they have a goal that's not of this earth. >> right. you're right. listen, 9/11 was about a failure of the imagination of what could happen, right. yeah, i agree with what you just said, david. we also should remember that iran is moving into south america with deals in argentina
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and venz we will la. >> thank you gang. coming up next, think about creepy, the epa is now looking into now we barbecue and how long we take showers. in our regulation nation just cross the line.
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h patti ann browne. now back to "forbes on fox." >> so you like slow cooking that beef patty over the grill or taking long relaxing showers? well maybe not for long if the government gets its way. the epa is funding studies looking into can you get emissions from barbecue grills and how long hotel guests spend in the shower. sabrina, is this going a little too far? >> absolutely. it definitely has the creepy knack for associated with it. david, this is patently absurd. if you look at the numbers of major programs that the eflt pa tried to initiate like the clean power plan which is almost $500 billion and would have an impact on the environment which is
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minuscule, reducing temperatures by 0.02 of a percent. i don't think we assume it's going to have the same impact. >> bruce, the water is cleaner, the air is cleaner but isn't this mission creep? >> i personally don't want the epa so look at my grill or my shower, but more broadly i think that, you know, it could be a consumer friendly thing. if they start looking at grills they find problems if they find problems in emissions and so forth, if affects the food, you know, they're not spending that much money, it's just a few thousand dollars. >> a few thousand dollars, but it is -- i said mission creep. mike, it is mission creepy as emac said. this is creepy stuff. i don't want them to do it to my life. >> david there must be is something in the constitution that says the government shall never get between a man and his grill, you know, especially after this winter we had. i mean, this is what an imperial
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list i can president does who knows he could never get a law like this past congress, he has his hench men at the epa do it. >> after the studies you know there's always regulations. is it studies are the first step in the regulatory process. >> i hate that half of our income goes to taxes to pay for behavior modification from the government. i'm so mad about it i literally got a shower head that has the washers removed and it is so strong it can clean an entire circus of elephants. >> store them up. like those old light bulbs. rich, i'm wondering if it's time to get rid of the epa. >> yeah, it it might. when i hear this story i think of apple founder steve jobs who didn't eat maelt in his youth, he didn't take a shower, you know, but once a month and i think his it ghost has come back and is running the epa. you talk about mission creep this is exactly why the epa needs to be broken and started over. >> steve i think there was one
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bureaucracy in my lifetime that we have successful gotten i writ of that was the civil aeronautics board and it was back in jimmy carter give him credit it was touring his administration. is it conceivable that we could just end the epa? >> no, ronald reagan was right that the closest thing to immortality on this earth is a government program or government agency and this is an example of it. the best thing to do is what can it back and take the money and earmark it -- grant it to the states and say you do what you need to do if you want to clean the environment it's an $8 billion budget, take it out of the epa have a shell there so they still have the name on the storefront and end the $8 billion to the states and i guarantee you they won't touch grills because these guys want to get reelected. >> maybe you're even successful at can you get back in bureaucracy a couple billion dollars then it will grow again, right? >> right. i think it's very difficult they're sort of like
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cockroaches it's hard to get rid of them. the thing that people should remember is that the social norm today has become to be environmentally sound. we are driving environmentally sound cars and we all recycle because our neighbors do it. and we think about the environment. you know the whole point of this is sort of behavior modification as emac pointed out. i think they're over stepping. people are already modifying their behavior and this is going to push people to do exactly what liz is talking about and to wash elephants in her shower. >> bruce, i think your comments were telling because you said you don't want it to happen to me but it's okay -- isn't that kind of like the nimby not in a n. my backyard attitude. >> perhaps maybe there is a way to meld this into another agency in we're talking about potentially food safety or things like this and maybe you could reduce the spending that way, but i do think that if there are emissions giving off or carcinogens or so forth and we're only spending a few thousand dollars that's probably
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less than congressman aaron schock of illinois spends on a taylor swift concert. >> again, emac, that's the point. it starts out with a study. when was a regulation not followed a study like this? >> by the way, moz mike owes yan keeng occupy from cancer from his charcoal grill. if it isn't broken let's start an agency to fix it. how do you peel back that? >> mike, by the way, talk about a lot of money, there are new white house regulations on fracking issued this week, do executive orders on greenhouse emissions. there are billions of dollars involved in this thing. >> more importantly in my view is what all this is about is the government slowly but surely taking our liberty away and getting control of the economy. >> and, again, steve it's by executive orders. >> yes. epa originally was supposed to improve our quality of life, they did for a while now they're making it worse. time to shut the shot. >> the "cashin' in" gang getting ready for a great show at the
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bottom of the how are. >> another terror attack on a soft target it keeps happening are we spending enough to prevent it from happening here in america. plus a latte and a lecture, starbucks encouraging it's baristas to discuss race relations with customers. wait until you hear what some of those customers told me. >> eric, thank you. we will be watching. up here next the first government run pot shop opening its doors and guess who's in charge, the government. should local governments be in the business just because i'm away
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the nation's first government run pot shop is here owned and operated by a small town in washington state. now, the proceeds from the sales are all said to go back to the local community, but, steve, should the government be in the business of selling pot to its own citizens? >> absolutely not. anymore than they should be in the tobacco business or gun business or anything else. private commerce should be private and the reason the government is in am it is because it wants to steal money so why doesn't it rob banks? into place for the government in this. >> john, what do you think? >> i kind of like this government by definition is incompetent, but the idea is to keep the incompetents to towns as opposed to nations. i'd rather this than rolling out national healthcare plans. >> rich, it may be better than the feds getting government but the government is sanctioning the use of pot, is it not? >> i'm going to sold really old fashioned here, but i think the u.s. the american experiment was built on a moral foundation to the degree we have freedom, we have to be undergirthed by a
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morale foundation, when the government gets in the vice business it's a bad thing. >> bruce, what do you think? >> we've had liquor control but i think a pot store is not a bad idea. i think that the use of the revenue is good because they use it for police and also for other potential uses, health and such. i think that you know, maybe they should send -- congress should take it up and they should take -- order some first and then do a couple pilot projects and bring some property tax relief to people. >> i don't know. as emac would say my head is about to explode. sabrina, there's something wrong about it. something seems wrong about it. >> something is wrong david. first of all, i am opened to the idea of government getting into the business of anything that's competing with a private marketplace, whether they're providing mount boubsers for children's parties or pot. if this is a legal substance their job is to safely regulate it not get into the business of it. to rich's point we just saw this
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week this student at uva who was attacked by not police but by alcohol agents. i think it's very dangerous when we start seeing government representation in this area. >> steve, the manager of this pot store by the way she used to be manager for bed batting and beyond, she calls this her dream job. i'm wondering whether you would see that on a resumé i used to run a government pot some, as a manager would you accept somebody like that? >> i don't think so and i wonder if she's getting paid in kind. the government has gone in the -- >> maybe that's why it's a dream job. >> maybe the government should go into prostitution, may hay it raises money. >> john i know it may be better than the feds getting involved here, but you're okay with all of this? >> obviously we want government never involved with commerce at all, but if it's going to err and it always will i would rather contain it here than something national. government is vofds involved with alcohol i don't see the major business. let's not nationalize things.
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>> don't you think that somehow the federal government will get involved at least the obama administration sees favorable to this whole son september. >> yeah, and i think that's concerning. i think that legalization is something that's okay and as john always, you know, suggests the states are individual laboratories, let them figure these things out at the local level and see what works for them but i am really reticent to see government get into the business of selling pot. >> at least the feds aren't involved. coming up we have spring baekers and they're not going wieltd because spring has sprung, it's because our informers are abbbbbb [beep] why is connor having trouble focusing in school? [beep] having trouble finding connor's middle school? would you like directions? no. why is connor having trouble focusing in school? [beep] finding lowest airfare to istanbul. no. i'm tired of fighting with him over homework. [beep] home wok restaurant. need a review? no, i need help. he's very smart, but his mind wanders. he's disorganized. [beep] i think i understand. ah, good.
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our informers and their stocks ready to spring forward. emac, the ph arma company into mic sais it could be a takeover target. >> mike ozanian you love trains.
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>> csx, its earnings are on the growth track. >> have a wonderful weekend. thanks for watching. keep it here the number one business block conditions with eric bolling and "cashin' in".." terror strike again attacking more soft targets, this time a museum in tune is that and mosques in yemen. more than 100 dead hundreds more injured. add to that attacks as an deli in paris, the marathon in boston, the here miss in new york times square, the list goes on. should when doing more and spending more to protect soft targets right here in america? i'm eric bolling, welcome to "cashin' in." wayne rogers, jonathan hoe anything lisa booth and juan williams. wayne, i'm going to start with you. can we do more to protect soft targets and should when doing more? >> yes. you've got to identify the enemy. we know who the


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