tv Cashin In FOX Business March 22, 2015 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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trains. >> csx, its earnings are on the growth track. >> have a wonderful weekend. thanks for watching. keep it here the number one business block conditions with eric bolling and "cashin' in".." terror strike again attacking more soft targets, this time a museum in tune is that and mosques in yemen. more than 100 dead hundreds more injured. add to that attacks as an deli in paris, the marathon in boston, the here miss in new york times square, the list goes on. should when doing more and spending more to protect soft targets right here in america? i'm eric bolling, welcome to "cashin' in." wayne rogers, jonathan hoe anything lisa booth and juan williams. wayne, i'm going to start with you. can we do more to protect soft targets and should when doing more? >> yes. you've got to identify the enemy. we know who the enemy is, i
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mean in general we do, idea logically we know who the enemy is, but in order to get the soft targets that are set of you've got to be specific here, i don't think you can just you know blankly idea logically say that these are bad people, you've got to identify them. we need better intel to do that, better intelligence we've got to get inside of these things. >> just this week late this week, we heard high school a new york, upstate new york pine bush high school where they were told to recite the pledge of allegiance in arabic. maybe that's causing some of the problems. >> absolutely that's part of the problem. lone wolf attacks are difficult to prevent, but begin the amount of threats that have been made, western the thousands of westerners that have chosen to join the ranks of isis we need to be more vigilant than ever. but it isn't just these lone wolf attackers, the fight is is a brord and what we need is more commitment, a stronger
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commitment and stronger resolve from the president obama to rooting out isis from their strong holds in the middle east to north africa because the reality is the more ground that they gain the more barbaric acts they commit the more they're going to inspire tease lone wolf actors across the world. >> juan, you and i have had this discussion going back and forth on this. if you really want to beat isis, even john kerry said if if we want to beat them we would do that but we don't want to fall into that trap. if you really want to beat them you can hit them hard with air attacks and we're not doing enough, are we? >> i think you think that we should just wipe them out, including, you know massive force of u.s. troops and the like on the ground. i just disagree with that. >> stop. stop. you and i know this i don't say more massive u.s. troops on the ground. arab troops, yes, no more american troops on the ground. go ahead. >> i'm all for the arab troops but i don't see that they're putting it up. i guess it would be up to us to do it. i will say this, i find this conversation so interesting. i thought wayne was on target. we need better intel and that
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just takes so much commitment. i resist however, you know, all these barricades here in washington around the federal buildings i think that's answer encroachment on my civil rights as an american on democracy, easy access to government to leaders. i just worry. president bush said we should go shopping after snechb, you know people mocked him but he was right. we should be defiant and not be intimidated by these terrorists. >> john. >> juan, it's hard to the to be intimidated because militant islam is getting more brazen and getting stronger. they're hitting shopping malls, hitting sporting events can you get americans heads off and declaring war. and this whole idea of hardening ourselves, protecting soft targets for tress america does not work. you knew, we hardened the airlines and now they're going to go after the schools. to juan's point we're creating this surveillance states where the police are everywhere, infringing on civil liberties.
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we didn't win world war ii by path down germans coming from frank further at the airport, we won it about i decisive is force, a good offense why your best offense. >> do you agree with him? >> well, no in the following sense. if you're not specific if you don't know who the enemy is you can't fight them. idea logically, yes, we can say all these things, we can do all of these things, but if you don't specify who that is and go after and wipe them out, that's what you have got to do. >> what about maraka, it is the headquarters, is the base for the islamic state, why don't we take out 10, 15 blocks and say unless you stop there's more of this to come. >> that's the point we've been trying to make. what about some of the training facilities? we have very good intel that shows you exactly where they are, we know where their head quarts are and where they train and teach people, why not wipe those out? >> we do. we make efforts but i'm going to say, again, if you're talking about wipe them out, it's not just the training, but of course
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their tremendous use of social media that's why i say the intelligence and the capacity to anticipate, to know. it takes a lot of effort not always visible, but, you know, don't forget since 9/11 -- >> juan we're not going to be able to beat isis with social media. the reality is that what we're facing is a lack of leadership and the problem is president obama is going to have a difficult time building the coalitions that we need to build when he has not been a leader on the world stage and that is the problem that we're facing. no matter what anyone wants to admit, the fact of the matter is our air strikes aren't working, sanctions aren't working and the fact of the matter is that isis is gaining ground in the middle east, north africa and they now have, you know -- they're now taking over a dozen countries. >> we don't need a coalition, we just need kahona is s. this whole idea we need to degrade not destroy the enemy, first of all, winning a war is to end the war and to win it. so you know, we just keep playing this out because we can't actually crush the enemy. >> john, listen --
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>> this is not a war that you can win in military terms because of the ideological force of these mad men. >> how about we try. >> i want to bring wayne in. >> jonathan, you've got to identify them if you're going to hurt them. you can't just say we're going to go in and florida and what can them out and do this in a generalized way. >> zip up just a second. here is something we do know, the shiites and the sunnis have been fighting each other for thousands of years. we ought to exploit that differential and ought to be using the balance of power to be one against the other. all those kinds of things that we could take and we do do we specifically if we had the intelligence to use that? part of the problem with that is when you have iran saying we're going to lock arms with the iraqi soldiers that we supported all those years the middle east is such a mess. >> i didn't say it was easy. >> such a mess. >> i agree. >> i just --
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>> we're protecting america period. >> it also comes back to leadership because we have a president who is welcoming our enemies and alienating our friends and we have a president who refuses to name our enemy and our enemy is islamic treatmentism and that is what we're seeing. >> we're seeing more violence around the world let's pray it doesn't happen here on american soil. wake up america clocked another record week last week our social media volume continues to rise and be the envy of every other show out there. thank you for keeping the gate alive on twitter and facebook before, during and after the show. i just tweeted this picture, which one of these guys should when dancing with and which should when ditching? retweet that picture with our hashtag and your opinion. i will have a ven day latte and a trothy conversation about race. starbucks brewing up controversy by encouraging its workers to talk about race. >> sounds like a good idea to
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whatcha' been doing braydon? reading how old are you? three and you can read? yes let's see pictures, pictures pictures, pictures there's a boy riding a bicycle into the forest you can read too grandpa! (laughing) ♪well it's always better when we're together♪ ♪yea it's always better when we're together♪ and tell you that starbucks itself is going to solve centuries old problem of racism in america but i am going to tell you that we're going to try and demonstrate a level of respect of leadership and concern, that we can make a
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difference. as racial tensions percolate in america the ceo of starbucks is encouraging his employees to talk about race relations with their customers if if it comes up. so we hit the streets to see what america thinks. here is what they told me. >> starting any kind of conversation is going to be positive. >> i don't think it's an ultimate solution like showered schultz the ceo who employed this said, but i think dialogue is always a good thing. >> good place to start. >> i think it's definitely a good place to start. >> i'm just here to buy a cup of coffee? would you want to have that discussion? >> not really. i'm just here to have a cup of coffee and go to work, just like everybody else, just like all races. i'm trying to make a living. >> should private business be in the business of talking about race with customers? >> well, look, i think as a private business starbucks has every right to do this, however the customer i find it incredibly inappropriate, if i'm a shareholder i would be concerned that what this is doing is detracting from starbucks' over all mission
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which is to sell good coffee. you have to remember that starbucks ceo howard schultz this isn't the first time that he has waded into controversial waters. he sent a letter to congress this 2013 during the government shutdown and also wrote an open letter essentially telling gun owners that they aren't welcome in his store. >> i'm going to get to you, juan, you wrote a piece on this idea. look, i am firmly on your side in this respect i think it's a good idea, it's a good place to start the race discussion. certainly if you look at the politicians or the media the divide is is getting wider not better, maybe it's a grass roots effort that might work. were you surprised that i join you in this? >> no, i'm so pleased and i've got to tell you i just think it's sincere. i think you know look i think you say things that i disagree with, but, you know i always take you a sincere person on this one because it is such a touchy subject. it's easy, i think to play to the crowd and the crowd here,
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you can see it, they've come out and mocked starbucks, they've put starbucks town, they put the customers down as a bunch of affluent idiots who buy $5 coffee. everybody gets put down, you can't have the conversation. it just plays to the prove can a torse, the dem a gogs, the sharp tons and the like. you know, what real people when real people talk about those issues i think we can get somewhere. >> what about it -- i've got a share ld whoer here, i want to hear your thoughts. >> i think eric, obviously, he has an obligation to the shareholders first because he is the chairman of the board and all of that. if it sells coffee i think he should do it. absolutely. those are two separate subjects one is a social responsibility if you think you have that and you have the right to do that, free speech, yes he can say whatever the heck he wants to say. >> john, a lot of the baristas said they are not forced to have this conversation if a customer wants to have it they'll have it and they also pointed out they're not going to hold up their coffee sales wayne will be glad to know.
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if there's time to do or t. or a place to do it, otherwise they're going to make the coffee. >> eric, there is no discussion needed on race. i resent this idea that america is this racist country that we somehow interest to remedy through chitchat at starbucks. people are individuals. it's their ideas, its their philosophy that matters not their skin color. we see that every week here on the show. stop identifying by your race, you're not responsible for things that came before you and you're not entitled to things that came before you. there's no discussion needed on race in this country and the wants to want the discussion -- >> i think there is a discussion that needs to go on. i think there are too many examples of violence in fact, kareem abdul jabbar who is pro howard schultz say this may backfire, he thinks some violence may occur because of this. >> wow. so i guess there's a risk to the company and you know, to me that's not pertinent here. there's risk of violence every day in america and there's
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racial vie leps and racial an tag niches and we see it in terms of everything from the trayvon martin, michael brown, darren wilson and people talk about it and i think what happens is we go home and just talk to like minded people and share our fears rather hand reach out and share common amounts as americans jonathan, as individuals who want to be seen as individuals. >> well that is what i'm abdicating for that's what is america. coming out and talking about white people have these issues, black people have this issue that's identifying people by their skin color. which has no relevance on who they are or what they do with their lives in my opinion. >> here is the bottom line for me. i think it's an important discussion that should be had, but i think it's not the right time or place to be having that conversation. >> if not there, then where? >> when you're going to starbucks you're going to get a cup of coffee. >> lisa, we've had important racial discussions in churches,
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pool halls, we have had marches bus rides. i mean, it changes america, it's an appeal to conscious. >> but here is the -- as a customer of starbucks i find it to be an inappropriate time and place to be having that can frgs. >> then you don't have to. >> but, eric i made that point earlier. >> what we need to point out is that howard schultz is is not staying to his baristas go out and have this conversation he's saying if a customer wants to talk about it, the company will be behind you, they will not fire you for having that discussion. that's an important distinction. >> i made that point earlier. i made that distinction earlier and i said that as a private business they absolutely have the right to do that, but as a customer i also have the right to find it inappropriate. >> absolutely. i absolutely agree. >> the best statement they could make it so hire the best people they can find and open stores anywhere in america where customers want to pay for the goods. stop identifying people by their race if you want to get by the race i wish knew america. >> final thought from a shareholder. tuning this is going to hurt
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starbucks? >> i don't think so because as you said it's voluntary it's free speech, people don't have to engage in it. i think it encourages -- >> very nice. very open-minded debate. coming up, taking a hike because of the wage hike. small businesses may be going under before having to raise their minimum wage, just how bad is this going to get?
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their doors, mentions a new law that's set to pick kik in that will force businesses to raise their minimum wage on april 1st and pay workers 15 bucks an hour. john, this isn't the only place that's mandating higher wages. >> it's an economic fact of life, eric it destroys jobs, particularly those among the youth. when you look at france, they've had unemployment above 10% for literally a decade. even here in that's correct when we raised the minimum wage in 2007 youth unemployment started to rise and it really hasn't turned around since. there's an moral argument here as well. this is a free country, you should be able to work for whatever you want and offer whatever wage you want. government has no role in private voluntary relationships. >> wayne, a typical restaurant has 36% of its revenue going to labor and only take home 4%. if you raise that labor cost sometimes o 40%, 50% in seattle's case what are you going to do with profits?
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>> you're going to out of business if you can't raise your prices. if you are in the restaurant business there it's a very mundane business. if everybody is serving the same thing and you're across the treat from me and you're serving hamburgers and i'm serving hamburgers we're both going to suffer. >> what happens, mr. juan, we automate everyone. everyone that was an order taker becomes a machine. >> that would be a big problem. you know to me when you look at the reality what's going on here, target walmart, you know mcdonald's they're all raising wages. why are they doing it. >> they have the capital and think it's good for business and people with who are money in their pockets spend more money at their stores. there's not historically evidence to back up what you're all saying. >> i want to get lisa in here before you go. how about when had he praise it from the private sector, that's the place to do it. >> the minimum wage is actual alley a job killer.
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if you look at the federal gate the congressional budget office says that raising the minimum wage to $10.10 would cost up to 500,000 to 1 million jobs. when cash goes into one pocket it comes out of another. you're forcing businesses to raise costs which is going to be passed down to customers. >> we need to raise the amount of time we can talk on tv. coming up wake up america, we ask who is the friend and who is the faaaaa
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i want to say thanks to our "cashin' in" crew for joining us. you can head over to"cashin' in" to see wayne and jonathan's stock picks. time to wake up america. if you just stepped foot on earth and saw what was going on in in america there's a good chance you would think we were enemies with israel and allies with iran. this week president o o finally expected picked up the phone to couldn't grat late the prime minister on his election. then he dropped a bomb, adding a warning to netanyahu. play ball with me or else. in fact the obama administration is considering taking actions against israel, meanwhile as for iran, our greatest threat we're actively seeking their approval in a nuclear deal. let me get this straight iran good, israel, bad. cue the liberal main streel media who is at the ready, tails wagging to support the president no matter how stupid of an idea he may be pushing. >> we begin with a high stakes showdown that tonight has left years of american peace efforts in the middle east teetering on the brink.
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>> and this has pro implications that could mean the end of peace with the pal tin yans. >> liberals and the liberal media throwing their support behind iran is bee if you hadling. iran is on the human rights violators watch list, iran executed 750 people last year without due process. sometimes for nothing more than religious or ethnic affiliation. journalists and bloggers are jailed if they speak negatively about iran. iran believes women need a man's permission to appear in public. they hang gay people for going guy. all crushed because the country is run urnd sharia law. president obama has america touching israel while we're being forced to date iran. our foreign policy is upside down, it seems like that's the president's plan all along. let me give you some advice, sir, step away from the nuclear talks with iran, reinstate the economic sanctions that were working very well and pick up a phone, redial jerusalem and
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thank israel for being the only solid ally we have the middle east. if you don't do it for why you everself, do it on behalf of the american people. with he know who is our friend and who is our threat. going to happen next week? we do. "the willis report" is next. gerri: hello, everyone. i'm gerri willis and this is "the willis report" the show where consumers are our business. the white house announces sweeping new rules on fracking. will they kill the oil and gas boom, a huge win for consumers. >> the petroleum industry contends the rules are redundant as states regulate fracking. gerri: home prices are rising, the number of people upside down on mortgage is going up. we'll investigate what's happening and how it will affect prices. >> could this be the new normal in the housing market. gerri: also price matching. we see it all the time in retail now it's about to revolutionize another part of the economy. paying for college. and senior citizen disc
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