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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  March 31, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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times that i am called almost every day the market is down 50 points. [laughter] of great panel. the man himself is up next. lou dobbs. lou: good evening. i am lou dobbs iran and the united states and five other nations extending the deadline for an agreement on the iran nuclear program. officials said those negotiations will go on for least another day. the state department spokeswoman added we have made enough progress to mayoress staying until wednesday. there are several difficult issues still remaining. we take those up with former pentagon official k.t. mcfarland former israeli ambassador to the united
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states also indiana governor yielding to political backlash than pressure to back away on the new religious "freedom watch" while backing away two former governors jeb bush steps up going to his defense but what about the other 19 states that have the same law? why not political action against those states and how critical care on the governor of new york be? we taken up with our attorneys tonight. hillary clinton -- every clinton's credibility crumbling claiming she is a personal server because she wanted to carry only a single phone. the scandal is costing her a critical swing states. we begin with the obama administration announcement united states has extended the negotiations with iran
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despite what is the third missed deadline passing just a little over an hour ago part of the white house declares progress has been made so they keep talking. >> our negotiators have determined over the context of the mostly sleepless night in negotiations over the course of the day that they will continue these conversations tomorrow as long as necessary as long as they continue to be productive. lou: joining us tonight former israeli ambassador founder of the advocacy group the truth about israel and former pentagon official national security analyst k.t. mcfarland. ambassador, let me begin with you by saying's thank
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you for staying up so late but another deadline but an appetite for continued talks? >> ambassador? i thought we were just waiting for the delay touche televisa we will try to get back to the ambassador. surely the delay was not that long? thank you. you can hear me well? seven yes. good to be with you. what i see here is from iran not very much impressed with the powers of the world negotiating with a sweetheart deal and it seems what they want to get is an agreement that is not
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enforceable. so these are the last two points to make sure that they get insofar getting that they're the ones that expect the a's hire a's + 1 -- a's hire a's plus one a's hire a's is p5+1. with the representatives and secretary kerry but what is the prospect? they know they will go that direction but are there experted -- expectations is as low as the president's are right now?
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>> surprisingly and uncharacteristically the french government shows a position in terms of not lifting the sanctions run away to major that inspection regime there is no giving a prior notice the you can surprise the iranians to keep the cameras 24/7 and other mechanisms to insure a would be much more difficult to achieve. at the end of the day it is the president's call anger and so far it seems the ayatollah is betting washington will go for. >> i think that's right. the deal was supposed to be
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iran dismantles a nuclear weapons program. that we would exchange to thrive but that was supposed to have a nuclear arms race but what is this deal we will get? other than a couple of parts of the nuclear program but not to have any verifiable investigations and as a result they say we don't believe that we will get our own. lou: with the absurdity of of these negotiations the reality is the united nations itself with current sanctions in place insistent upon and required out in the world should anyone give credit that the ayatollah
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said would not be on paper? how could they give credit to such an agreement to assume there is enforceability and verification of any kind? >> listen to obama or the arena is looking at the country in the region they have decided it is a deal worth the paper it is written on their proceeding with their nuclear program so the most dangerous and unstable part of the world will do the opposite the already signed up the saudis and the egyptians to talk about getting their own equivalent. lou: and the next 24 hours presumably we will know more if there will be a framework for an agreement that seems to be a course we are headed. but within the region the arabs have created a coalition led by saudi arabia and are now moving
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against the iranian-backed forces in yemen. do believe they will prevail ? >> i certainly hope so. the iranians right now his seems there behind every to malts whether iraq or yemen i believe they push out towards libya not only to expand their influence but also they believe it will toughen the position of the united states because after all it was iran then created isis and now it is a leading iranian help against the threat of isis with every ally and makes it much more
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needed by the united states that plays a card for them in the nuclear negotiations. lou: ambassador, thank you. and k.t. mcfarland mcfarland, president obama of provides the military aid to egypt that was sent under president morsi when he was rejected by the egyptian people now we will see the f-16 fighter jets, tankers and others sent to egypt. what about this reversal? to make it is about time they're the only one standing up to the islamic jihad whether iranian version the fact that we have not been supplying them but they were not getting the deliveries because
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otherwise nobody is standing in for the entire region. lou: thank you. our real leaders are calling for another set of separate talks there want to start negotiations to end the airstrike starting in yemen. the saudi arabian air strikes or in the sixth day trying to preside the territorial gains from the rebels conner paul has the latest. >> as the saudi jets continue to strike binyamin the united nations warned the country is on the verge of total collapse the clashes between the rebels and forces those that they continue pushing closer to the strategic course while the saudi troops fight along the northern border sarah
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the reality is a coalition to defeat the iranian-backed group to restore their president to power while at the same time iran's growing influence is in the region. sparking fears of a wider sectarian war 93 people have been killed and nearly 400 injured since the strikes began last week. >> that is what saudi arabia has done. >> but there does seem to be an effort to deal escalate the situation even though it is yet to reduce the violence for or renan officials call for talks to save the situation in yemen should be resolved through political means after reports that saudi arabia was going to send ground troops it was dismissing was up to the and the people to protect their country.
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>> it was tried before and failed given the growing sectarian tensions they're unlikely to succeed the battle is about influence and the there is likely to compromise. lou: thank you very much. we have learned forces and militias have broken through and the battle against the islamic states and tikrit that government forces have reached the center of tikrit moving to full control of saddam hussein's birthplace. the iranian led operation stalled until u.s. forces started the daily air strikes last wednesday. but when asked about the progress today the defense secretary wavered. >> it is too early to say but certainly we have reflected a lot of damage. >> it will take time we're
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still building that coalition that is why i am hesitant but i am confident we will win. >> up next gutierrez holds a pro amnesty rally and that is not a surprise but you may be surprised who is sharing the stage with him. spring break out of control in some parts one city fights back against the stoned mischief violence our attorneys are on the case next.
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lou: jeff bush moving further to the left as he comes closer to announcing a run for the white house. the former governor of florida will headline a pro amnesty even with democratic congressman luis gutierrez next month. name quito's speakers for the leadership conference a new convention bush doesn't labeled the plan to tell reporters they could be supportive of the path to
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lose citizenship illegally. governor pence not supportive of his state's new freedom of religion lot that he just signed. up the debate over religious freedom in indiana takes another twist in the governor demands that they correct the freedom restoration act that they just this - - past that they cannot deny services to same-sex couples. steve nicad this about legalizing discrimination i would veto but it does not give anyone a license to discriminate. lou: nonetheless legislative leaders planned to carry clarify in the coming days. >> there are 20 states with freedom restoration laws only four have public accommodation laws that protect gays and here to talk about what is motivating the protest with
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another 12 states considering adding those we have lease real and also with us attorney, good to have you with us erin. >> but i think pence and his kong reported to far and what he did was he put this legislation and akin to illinois with barack obama voted for it but then look at the illinois and indiana lot there are least for differences one of them illinois deals with private not corporations. lou: that should have an impact. >> with anything that has an impact but that is not how.
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but a corporation or entity could say we are burdened to sell to the gay individuals. lou: it does not say that. >> yes it does provide absolutely is says burden to. is. >> let's just clarify the language does not be your a lot of the statutes that is on the books but this group -- the screen test we will not get into though legalese but it says there cannot be a lot that is substantially burden to. >> goes further than the other a lot. in that is the problem today.
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but the landscape has completely changed though origin of the federal law the famous decision the island of nevis taking 101 in law school that the supreme court said those that consider pay as a religious ceremony. lou: you cannot make this up [laughter] with the supreme court did say there was compelling interest. lou:. >> st. paul -- under the supreme court interpretation that any law as long as there is an interest here
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justified the in french with the religious freedom. >> simic you were all into the weeds but we still don't understand the political motivation to have laws that protect the very interest. >> but that is the point. >> we're still developing this area. >> is very simple they go further than the other states but it is public accommodation. lou: which is superior? freedom of religion under the first amendment?
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testing on inveighed interesting subject. >> is with the hobby lobby decision. is the of lot of the land. and it discriminates. >> just like barack obama. but was never. but the governor walks back to say i won new legislation. lou: we have to dig deeper about why. >> there is a pretext for
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there is going to me. >> it is the focus on indiana the game at 19 other states and also to levy against the federal government i believe someone is discriminating. >> but from 1997 that all? >>. >> as many food groups in one conversation. [laughter] the poll tonight is where you feel better by any prospective nuclear deal with iran if the prime minister did audion who was sitting in on those negotiations?
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cast your vote at concerns over the capitulation of iran here is one from steve bin colorado. obama said he would be president of all the people does anybody feel he was not referring to the american people? sanded is the side of the houses of lake city the driver admitted to drinking 36 beers while doing cocaine. you heard me right. including -- nobody was injured. scientists say they potentially found hot of very old cure for a modern illness.
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lou: breaking news a startling admission from lufthansa airlines the parent of german wings a spokesperson told our correspondent that the german airline did know about the psychological issues of the pilot including the reasons for his break the of the in-flight training back in 2009. but they denied that knowledge previously now they admit it ready to e-mail correspondence and medical documentation that he had undergone severe depression of the airline has yet to claim why he was cleared. a few thoughts on hillary clinton and the congressional investigators breathing down her neck.
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the benghazi committee once hurt to give his committee a transcribed interview by the first of may with though list of questions why did clinton wiper private e-mail server clean? >> we will have to have a separate conversation about the e-mail arrangement she has with herself selby's separate and apart of benghazi. what did she do and when did she do it and why? >> with my opinion has ambiguity to his credit he is not promising any al, but sharing his frustration that it does live on in the media. much to the annoyance of people are beginning to pay attention.
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she is now trailing senator rand paul and jeb bush of florida but it doesn't stop there. now under water in a number of states when it coms on her honesty and trustworthiness. the scandal is beginning to hurt clinton so why should we expect the house investigation of clinton emails to turn out any differently than past investigations? "fast & furious", gauzy or others? trade goudy is a good prosecutor be he is going up hill there has been no resolution with the change of leadership has not improved and of the director does not seem to be better than the last. though lawsuit over obamacare has gone nowhere since it was announced last year.
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on the third set of attorneys with no resolution in sight. anything resembling a resolution is the contempt charges and hold the lowest learner in contempt last may because she would not testify but the u.s. attorney has done absolutely nothing. as he steps down from his post tomorrow. that seems inconvenient. and contempt charges against eric holder as a result of his refusal to turn over documents was "fast & furious" scandal have amounted to nothing. almost certain to drop the contempt charge altogether to turn over the documents
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congress said it isn't enough bedded is important before the election last november we heard no more about there. republicans or the attorney general. the investigation will go on and though dow there will be a good-faith effort made to get to the truce but is breaking hillary account to the emails scandal or benghazi? there is every reason to doubt it. the quotation for the evening. there is an increasingly pervasive sense of not own the a failure but utility. legislative process is a bureaucratic maze and is inaccessible that is the description of our congress and senate in the bureaucracy of president
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nixon's attorney general who refused to fire the watergate special prosecutor and resigned. their different times but maybe not as much as we think. we are coming right back. jay z and fellow artist disrupting the destructors. hillary had a bad day of the benghazi backlash and a bad cold numbers. julie roginsky is next. our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper averages. so in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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lou: breaking news said chairman of the house oversight committee moments ago issued a subpoena touse two-seater service agents allegedly on the scene with yearly march incident where two colleagues allegedly drove drunk to disrupt the active bob investigation taking place outside the white house. the secret service director refuse to make pages available to testify before the oversight committee so the chairman issues a subpoena. joining us tonight we have julie roginsky and columnist michael goodwin. good to have you. what is motivating indiana? there are 19 other states
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with the same loss. >> the only other state that has this exact same lot is south carolina but it is different from the other states and the federal law that the streets companies as they would individuals so while you have a religious view now o lou dobbs inc. can use that you and now is allowed to use that same basis to discriminate. lou: that that is throughout lot corporation is a citizen. lou: it has always been. that is a decades-long war effort to get to the standing. note citizens united as a case. is the politics driving it? >> there is a sense that people are looking for things to you jump on and
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tense has admitted he did not handle it well. which he has conceded. so if he wants to make it a significant maybe just to stop the bleeding. lou: turn to your jeb bush running like a scalded cat. but to see him step up and fold? >> jeff bush made that calculated decision he will run the general election and campaign spending that is a reasonable. >> what is not reasonable is
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jeb bush share in the breeze gutierrez that leading activist for illegal immigrants and amnesty in the open borders will headline a convention in houston together. >> but to run a general election campaign now but that is like us stick in the eyes of conservative voters who don't like the immigration and push it seems if you want to make a case to republican voters he should not be any doubt with gutierrez to a so far extreme he gives up though low-key as a moderate. >>, a trouble is hillary now she is melting in the polls. >> data now it is based on the recent scandal but she has always had problems.
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the problem is up and above the fray then the numbers go down. it goes on and on. lou: starting with 80 percent? to make a big margin of error but it has been reinforced she isn't on this. to think that she is not on this story trustworthy that is the tough place to start. lou: governor o'malley came up with the wind what you pass back and forth to take on the front runners of both parties. thank you for being here. be sure to vote. would you feel better about any prospective deal sitting in on the negotiations? lou
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the hollywood greatest secret revealed from the '70s from the blueprints. they show a grand -- underground tunnels linking to the homes of the nearby celebrities were born baby jack nicholson among others. it is not clear if they were ever finished or used but we can draw our own conclusions. the biggest music stars taking an entertainment giants and why it has to do with money. the controversial justin bieber is roasted. if you don't like him there is something for you when we come right back.
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lou: on wall street the stocks closed lower as the dow plunged 200 points the s&p down 80 in volume on the big board the dow was down a fraction of the s&p is up and a reminder to listen to reports to the salem radio network.
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jay z will take spot if i and my tunes to get the job done though legend would be a destructor joined by kanye west and madonna and though the shacky is among any of -- others for the title streaming service the purchase would be reprinted for audio to offer exclusive content from all the artists involved it is the first to be owned by the artists themselves. and attempt to cut out the middleman. 21 year-old justin bieber has plenty of critics in they got their opportunity to irritate him down during the comedy central roast. he took it in stride spinach you have an all literally
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would have but all except respect love friends good parents and six selena gomez wanted to be here he has spunk and moxie and a few other aristide. >> would you do when you give a teenager to a hundred million dollars? has-beens calling a lesbian for two hours. >> breaking developments of days st. louis man when he refused better to advocate for prison reform than a former cop who went to prison? joining me next. tions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades an idea that reduced overcharge complaints by 98%. no matter how fast your business needs to adapt if hp big data solutions
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lou: st. louis police say they've arrested two suspects in connection with the vicious beating of a man on a rail train. a passenger who didn't intervene to stop the attack captured the beating on his cell phone. the victim says he was savagely beaten after one of the attackers asked for his opinion on the shooting of michael brown and when he refused to answer the question. the suspects are in custody. they are ages 15 and 21. >> my next guest calling for prison reform after serving more than 30 years in law enforcement and three years in prison. joining us tonight, former new york city police commissioner bernard. author of this new book from jailer to jail.
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my journey from correctioner to inmate. great to have you here. >> thanks, lou. >> congratulations on the book. >> thanks, sir. lou: it has to be just an incredible experience to have been the head of corrections. the head of the police department. and to be -- also be in jail and then writing a jail, how to reform that prison. >> well listen, i run two of the biggest agencies in the country. the nypd and rikers. i had enormous success at rikers. unparalleled in reforming rikers. reducing violence and overovertime. i know how this system is supposed to work. i know how to fix it. then i went to federal prison. and i realized that we are incarcerating thousands of people a year that don't need prison to pay for that lesson. and economically, it's
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crucifying the country. >> a couple of issues. do you think there is racial prestigious in the judicial and law enforcement system that results in the disparity that we see in prison? >> yeah. i don't think it's as much in the law enforcement -- you know all this racial overtone that's been out there. i don't believe there's as much as that as there have been despairities. >> how about the sentencing laws? >> yes the sentencing laws. the judicial system. the crack cocaine despairities. all you have to do is look at the numbers. here's the problem. you take urban communities, you know, primarily black communities, you take young kids 18, 19 years old, for first time nonviolent low-level drug offices and stick them in prison for ten or 15 years. they turn into monsters. they turn into real criminals. then you send them out. >> what's the solution? >> the solution for that
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is drug courts. the solution for that is get them back on track. put them in a mandatory book camp. teach them discipline. give them something to live for. most importantly dismiss their conviction. as long as that conviction stands over their head, they're done and finished. >> it's a tough ask in reform. what do you think? what is it going to take to reform the system make it more humane? reduce recidivism? >> there's hundreds and thousands of advocates looking at prison reform. there's one thing that will change the system. that's our will do legislators. they have to work together. they have to change the laws. if you don't change the laws we'll be talking about this 30 years from now. >> the book is from jailer to jailed. my journey from
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correction police commissioner to inmate number 84888-054. i wanted to share that with some who may not have it memorized. i understand and i was surprised that you haven't talked to rudy giuliani your old boss and great friend for so many years. >> it's been a long time. lou: how does that make you feel? >> look i've talked about this. this is a small portion of the book. but the reality is that we create a distance early on to keep him out of the mix of my withdrawal -- and the federal investigation. but what bothered me was that he's the godfather of my kids. and i would have hoped he was there for them while i was gone. >> great to have you here. again, congratulations. time for a look at last night's poll results. we asked whether you think with his foreign policy record, mr. obama should be eager to make a deal with the world's
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leading sponsor of terror. 91% of you said no. that's it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. see you here tomorrow. good night from new york. ♪ neil: good evening, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. it turns out, it's not republicans throwing granny off the cliff. it's the fed. the federal reserves have been keeping interest rates so low for so long that seniors living off them have been, well getting so burned. a charge that burns one ben bernanke, the former fed head blasting off in a blog that he won't take it anymore. thanks to those low rates, the economy is coming back so are the markets. so everybody shut the hell up. okay. he didn't really say that part. but he was very clear when it comes to this fed bashing. not so gentle ben has had enough of this. to katherine and david


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