tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 2, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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w we have lou dobbs keeping it right here on fox business. lou: good evening, everyone, i am lou dobbs. a framework agreement on the nuclear program after eight days of marathon talks. president obama hailed what he called a good deal that needs america's objectives but many disagree including those that tell fox news that the bad framework that is going to deal to a bad and dangerous deal. we take out those concerns with colonel ralph peters.
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also president obama focusing on iran's nuclear program and threatening nuclear war without comment from obama or nato or anyone. new reports that russia is warning about pro-western baltic states if nato moves more forces into those countries. indian and arkansas moving ahead with changes in their religious freedom laws to ease concerns by big business. we will have a full report on the national outrage sparked by the laws and the reaction of the christian church. we begin with the iranian nuclear framework for potential deal. president obama himself said that framework is a deal and a story. >> this deal provides the best possible defense against them building one covertly. if iran sheets come in the world is going to know it. if we see something suspicious, we will inspect it.
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>> none of those measures include closing any of our facilities and the proud people of iran will never accept that. lou: joining us tonight former governor of new hampshire john sunnu. >> again for having me. lou: your reaction that none of the facilities of theresident himself that it's absolutely unnecessary to any nation, that is not seeking military nuclear power. what do you make of this two sumac it has been hard to get details. but look this means that one third of the centrifuges will
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continue to run and we have to see what kind of constraints they are going to apply to the use of those. i suspect that the iranians are going to get to run in their most modern ones. so it's not like cutting two thirds of the capacity. it might be like cutting the capacity and half were taking 40% off of it. the second question i have not been able to get an answer to what i've been reading is where the enriched materials now is going to be kept. will that stay in iran or go to russia as the u.s. has been pushing for to be converted into commercial fuel rather than weapons grade. those two big issues still have to be dealt with in the details. and as you know in an agreement like the scum of the devil is in the details. the third concern is that the iranians are doing a pretty good job of using this against us and using it as an agreement put
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together against him. actually at that last cycle they had the u.s. negotiating against itself. in any negotiation when you get to that point you're losing rather than winning. lou: in this field seems to be acceptance by the administration that it is in fact a deal while acknowledging that it is not. and the president is hailing this deal while at the same time admitting there is no deal at all and admitting that the next 90 days will be critical in constructing some range of agreements. >> near get the handful of something. lou: it's going to be fascinating to see if even the puppy shows up here.
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the president is caught up in this process of the own making and it goes back to his election and his campaign election which he was criticizing in 2008 for saying that he would deal directly with iran. he has lived up to that promise and with thousands of warheads running rampant over the ukraine and making threatening noises too much of eastern europe and in fact threatening nuclear warfare with the baltic states and with denmark as well. >> even beyond that if they are doing mischief in syria, doing mischief and funding the rebels in yemen.
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and it's putting tactical support all over the middle east. it has our allies, saudi arabia and the emirates extremely worried. and they are still running wild in that region of the world and against the interest of our allies. lou: pursuing strategic interest while we don't have a strategy at all in the region and whatever policies we put forward. lou: senator robert menendez there in court. he pleaded not guilty to corruption charges brought by a federal grand jury. he did not speak in court but he certainly did not talk
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outside. >> for nearly three years the justice department has pursued allegations based upon campaign smears launched by opponents. as i said yesterday, these allegations are false and i am confident that they will be proven false and i look forward to doing so in court. lou: the senator released on his own recognizance that he has to surrender his own passport. a trial date has been set for the 13th of july. and breaking news moments ago, indiana's governor mike pence signing into law, clarifications to the states religious freedom act. the move comes as a national firestorm of criticism in indiana and arkansas shannon bream has the report. >> we are here to announce that it is fixed and we are looking for the future. >> following what some have said is a campaign of misinformation they are introducing a compromise that they hope will
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satisfy those looking to protect religious freedom and prevent discrimination against members of the lbgt community. the new language will explicitly bar discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. a provision that indiana does not currently have on the books as part of any state law. prior to the revision one major nominations announced its opposition to the new law and vowed to pull this out of indiana. in the wake of the announced modification, advocates are expressing dismay. the original would give people their day in court. the proposed fix would be a green light for driving that people out of business. senator ted cruz and others had
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rushed to support indiana governor mark pence. but depending on how the issue is phrased, it may not be a factor for 2015 voters. >> if you make a list of all of the important problems facing the country gay rights competing with climate change and campaign finance reform to the lowest issues on the list. that is true for republicans as well as voters overall. and we're not talking about social issues but religious freedom. i believe that religious freedom will be a fundamental issue in the 26th election. reporter: mike pence sign the so-called fixed to the religious freedom law. it doesn't allow them to say that they will not participate in something that violates their religious convictions, they can still be sued. and also asa hutchinson signed a religious freedom bell but not until after lawmakers have revised did in the wake of the
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indiana controversy. lou: shannon bream reporting. much more with art "a-team" tonight. we are coming right back stay with us. lou: a horrific terrorist attack. al qaeda is not on the run. and the commander in chief focusing on a phantom nuclear deal while the real nuclear power gets a pass on aggression in europe. congressman mike kelly on
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congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness,
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lou: vladimir putin reportedly threatening nuclear war in order to force nato troops out of russia according to the times of london. reporting that russian officials threaten to destabilize in the baltimore balkan republic. this latest threat comes less than two weeks after russia threatened to end nuclear missiles into denmark joined and
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to the missile defense system. the kenyan government says that a 12 hour attack of al shabab has ended on a college campus. the interior minister saying that most of the killed were students that included police officers and two soldiers and watchmen. christians singled out, forcing their way into dormitories and taking hostages and killing them. back in september of 2013 al shabab terrorists carried out an attack in nairobi, killing 67 people. honoring the airport. in today's attack the worst terrorist attack since the bombing of the u.s. embassy in 1998 in nairobi which 224 people were killed. a major blow to the saudi a let coalition, rebels fought their way to the commercial center
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seizing the presidential palace. coming just hours after the al qaeda terrorist freed about 300 inmates from a prison in another port city and there is only a list of dangerous u.s. concessions that will put iran on the path to nuclear weapons in addition they will get massive sanctions released, making potential so-called snapback sanctions were truly impossible. and saying that appeasement has never produced a good outcome,
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we have mike kelly member of the house ways and means committee. >> the president quickly changed his rhetoric from framework as if a deal had been constructed even as he knowledged that it isn't real. >> there is no such thing as a redline or deadline with this president. we know that. they come and go and there's never any mention. but i would just say that right now we do not really have any idea where this deal is going. it's framework. everyone says this is a dangerous situation. we have legitimized about bad behavior. we have secret underground enrichment facilities and we are saying now that they are going to have to shut down two thirds of them. the united states france, germany, russia and china.
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and there's not many people that you can say these save these are the people that i would trust with his deal. lou: in the framework agreement we do know that the former minister of iran who is a peer of the secretary of state of the world's only superpower says that they will keep all the nuclear facilities, whether they are below ground above ground, or processing facilities this is extraordinary. >> it's absolutely stupid. we have allowed them to have stature in the world. the world's superpower, the united states, has gone to them, one of the largest state sponsors of terrorism and say that we want to negotiate with you. we want to sit across from you and have a dialogue. really? that has never happened before and it makes no sense. the wrong path to pursue.
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lou: why is the house, leave out the senate. why are they not dealing with the bellicose language of representatives of the russian government whether it be towards the lobby and states denmark or nato this is becoming outrageous and this in the face of these threads for those who refuse to need with the secretary general himself refusing to meet with them. lou: i'm not talking about benjamin netanyahu or israel but russia. and those specifically. >> i think for most of us that had studied history, if you look right now and this is similar to the germany in the '30s, pressure continues to move forward and it's always the same. there are russian citizens were not being treated right by some
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of these nato nations that we have to move in their best interest. and again it's appeasing of dominating, not the way to do it. lou: really quickly your thoughts. governor hutchinson in arkansas, relenting with the freedom of religion act that they put on plays, running like scalded cats come in a number of presidential candidates stirred up among them. our behavior and not exactly the kind of conduct that you're going to expect from the governors who did not anticipate reaction of the legislation emerging from their own state legislature. >> i'm a little surprised that they have taken this position. i know him because i started with them, know how he thinks and feels.
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but i think it's odd that we are allowing this to take front and center stage. we are just saying that people do have this. lou: i have not heard either one of them talk about freedom of religion this week. and i think the concerns of its termination are entirely valid. and that is the most important part of our constitution. lou: it is great to see you. a lot going on. >> this is america, we have to get it figured out. lou: i have been waiting about six years.
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about eight years before that. [laughter] lou: thank you so much. >> happy easter to you. lou: happy easter. do you think the government should actually address the problems that matter most and a veteran walking again because of the gift of anonymous donor. roosevelt anderson paralyzed from the chest down in a motorcycle accident three years ago. giving them a 70,000-dollar exoskeleton and with the help of the cutting edge technology, as you see there he is walking again. >> it is exciting. i cannot wait to walk down
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doors in the aircraft in the days leading up to the crash. he was also shopping doctors. he lied to them, saying he was on sick leave rather than flying. >> and now president's so call nuclear deal with iran, in my opinion over cooked and half baked, our national media seems to be as lost in it as the president. lost any sense of perspective on the complicated global calculus that confronts the president and this nation. president obama today called a rather ambiguous framework agreement historic. >> today the united stating it with our allies and partners, has reached a historic understanding with iran, if fully implemented would prevent
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it from maintaining a nuclear weapon it is a good deal, a deal that meets our core objectives. lou: president called this historic, but his measure isn't almost anything he does historic? mr. obama calls this a good deal it is actually not a deal at all which he acknowledged in the rose garden. the iranians have not agreed to a single thing. this must have vladimir putin laughing as he watches our president exhaust himself with speeches on television as if all of the nonsense about stopping one nation from building one bomb was somehow as merit orous, as stopping one nation possessed of more than search,000 nuclear war -- 7,000 -- nuclear warheads.
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threatening nuclear war with 5 nato nations russia threatening to use nuclear weapons if nato reinforces latvia, belarus and estonia. president obama all the while ignores china's rising military right, and influence in latin american with present of russia and iran. kerry proclaimed the era of monroe doctrine to be over, opening wide his arms to the instruction of foreign powers in in hemisphere, since then china pledged to invest $250 billion over the next decade in latin american. china's strategic influence is rising dramatically throughout the hemisphere, for example
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beijing backed, ports company now controls both ends of the panama canal. as for russia, its foreign minister, lab officer last week was in colombia, guatemala, nick gregory, and -- nic nirveg -- nicaragua meeting with its leaders, what is on the list in sailings, russian sales. construct of russian military basis in strategic locations. in this hemisphere. all that, while the obama administration and secretary kerry were busy negotiating with iranians. when is the last time kerry was in central or south america? 4 months ago in per and you colombia but not talking about economic or strategic initiatives.
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he was talking about climate change in peru and peace talks in colombia. he was in panama last year to talk about the surge of illicfing well immigrants what are we to make of this administration? against the backdrop of international straggic competition, and geopolitical adversaries, president to me seems to be a dabbler. one who is sure of himself but nonetheless a dabbler and a dangerous one. whom national media gives a free pass our nation's enemies take advantage. turns out iranian defect or from talks, might have it right.
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>> if congress seals this deal not based on expert analysis, then it is united states that will be blamed for failure of diplomacy. >> failures of diplomacy under this administration. well they are unprecedented. still, we have a leader who talks down to the american people. and who ofencedded when we does -- efends when he does, his 57 is not lofty -- his perch is not lofty at all. our quotation of the evening from benjamin who said this. he was a 17 century provost of kings college he knew a thing or two we're coming right back. >> president obama celebrating
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so-called framework for a nuclear deal with iran. >> benjamin netanyahu is not. colonel ralph peters on the deal. >> and america's fighter pilots, fitted with people ship all kinds of things. but what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. that need to be kept at 41 degrees. while being shipped to a country where it's 90 degrees. in the shade. sound hard? yeah. does that mean people in laos shouldn't get their vaccine? we didn't think so. from figuring it out to getting it done, we're here to help. hey, girl. is it crazy that your soccer trophy is talking to you right now? it kinda is. it's as crazy as you not rolling over your old 401k. cue the horns... just harness the confidence it took you to win me and call td ameritrade's rollover consultants.
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president on today's so-called framework agreement with iran, telling president, quote a deal based on this framework would threaten the survival of israel, end quote. fox news strategic analyst ralph peters is joining us. let's start with your reaction. netanyahu could not be more succinct. or much more critical. >> anybody that wants to know bottom line on these pathetic negotiations need only google, iranian foreign minister, news conference today. you don't need to turn the sound on. he was so happy he was ecs
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with the deal. because, iran gets what it wants, sanctions are going to be lifted. i know there is no formal agreement, there will be no lifting of sanctions until iran demonstrates good faith, blah blah. sanctions are over today russia and chinese will be in thereby saturday europeans monday, there will be cheating, this deal means to america and the world okay this framework. means that for next three months iran gets breathing space. and aia. >> they play us wonderfuly, we're not doing anything to impede iran's aggression throughout the middle east for the next 3 months. money will start flowing back in. there there is a final deal, it will enrich iran.
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and iran will have more money to spread its aggression a-- against our insists across the middle east, and oh, by the way iran is not giving up a single nuclear facility, there will be no snap inspections this is a loewser from jump street -- a loser from jump street. lou: right now iran is winning and yemen winning in syria across the middle east, achieveing it appears or -- it has within its grasp. a hegemonic domination of the region. we all knew its ambitions and strategic goals meanwhile anotherstrategic goal. with vladimir putin with 7,000 warheads, no comment from this president at all. what do you make of that? >> well, this president is so
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inopen the -- this president is so inept. telling american officers you may not send any more troops to baltic nations of let latvia, they are telling us what we can't do in nato member states and even threatening us with nukes putin is working us like the iranians are working us. lou: colonel ralph peters thank you. >> thank you. lou: vote on the poll, question do you think on occasion our government should seek to address the issues of problem that matter most to middle class men and women.
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lockheed-martin showing off. the most fascinating part of the fighter jet the helmet for the pilot, protecting his head, and allowing him to have x-ray vision there are cameras embedded in the aircraft. and projectors in the helmet, each one costs more thans there are 400,000. >> up next, new fox news poll, that shows a new leader among the likely candidates for president. >> and a tennessee police officer, putting his life on the line to save the lives of others his dramatic, act next. stay with us.
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latest. >> wisconsin governor scott walker gained 6.s now leads the g.o.p. presidential pak. jeb bush is second, followed by ben carson, ted cruz, and mike huckabee. ben carson gets highest marks for tea parties followed by cruz then walker. walker has been working hard to clean up missteps. there there is no place in the world she played a role it is not screwed up right now. >> former secretary of state destruction of 30000 e-mails and her family foundation was accepting big donation from foreign governments threatened to overshadow her announcement
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this month. nearly half think that clinton either broke the law or did something unethical. she is under water slightly in terms of popularity. among republicans cruz raised 4 million dollars in his first 8 days as a candidate. in iowa he accused big business, and -- republicans of caving on the gay rights movement. >> a lot of republican are scared to stand up and defend marriage. it is distressing and heartbreaking how many politicians are running from the hills. >> cruz is positioning himself as most conservative alternative to jeb bush. in a closed-door fundraiser last night, he shifted to support changes in the law saying, we should not discriminate based on
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sexual orientation so what the state of indiana is going to do is probably get to that place jeb bush ties clinton in head-to-head match up, and walker rubio and rand paul are within margin of error. lou: thank you. a tennessee police officer tonight, a hero. with a dramatic dangerous action he took to prevent tragedy officer cliff thompson learned there was a speeding driver going the wrong way on a highway in brentwood police rammed his cruiser head on to stop the car thompson and the driver were treated for minor injuries, charges again the driver are pending, thank you to all who salute tonight officer cliff thompson. >> up next, indiana lawmakers following governor mike pence by backing away from that new freedom law the a-team takes it
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congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. . lou: joining us tonight, the accountability project co-founder, political strategist fox news political analyst, american radio personality, the answer 970.
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new york city, john, great to see you. >> hey, lou, good evening. great to see you, too. >> since you're the most distant. what do you make of, if you will, all of these republicans running from the freedom of religion law that they passed in indiana and arkansas? >> it's so disappointing, lou, i mean this whole thing has just been a pile on. the criticism whether democratic or republican has been so patronizing. we know the details. we know what was going on here. nobody condonees discrimination against anybody, but you know what? this law was enacted not only not only in indiana and arkansas or soon to be arkansas, but in 20 other places, for a reason. that's to protect the religious freedoms of those that belief. who could ever imagine that the lgbt crowd would have more leverage than the religious people of america?
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it's all upside down. it doesn't mean they're wrong or write but the leverage goes to them now, and not to those that have a belief. lou: you know, what strikes me is we haven't heard the words religious freedom from the two governors mike pence who was a presidential candidate for president, he's done. what i don't understand why we haven't heard the balance here. the fact that both rights are so important. the rights of those not to be discriminated against and the rights of churches not to be discriminated against the right of religion in the first amendment. >> i think we actually have heard it who was perhaps --. lou: who was it that expressed that? >> more tolerant in trying to fight back. lou: i've got to ask you, who did you hear do that? it wasn't the republican governors. >> all over fox news and fox business for the past few days. lou: talking about elected officials, part sans can you think of anyone?
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>> this is the problem it's a politicized issue and much more nuanced, and the ability of an individual or religious organization to express the religious right versus a personal individual rights as a civilian civil rights. lou: i'm sorry say that again? >> it's come down to civil rights versus freedom to express religious rights, and the problem is it's become politicized and you have governors trying to appeal to a base to make it about an assault on religion, when it's not at all. lou: i'm sorry, these are restoration of freedom rights of religious freedom acts. they are about religious freedom. that doesn't make a lick of sense, what you just said. >> let's take the pizza owners for instance. lou: i don't want to take the pizza owners, i want to take what you said, and what you said is it's not about the rights of religion. it most certainly is. >> lou, can we take what the supreme court said in 1968 which is that a religious freedom defense is patently
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frivolous and we do have to -- i think, look at that sage advice that we learned from kindergarten. everything we learned we learned in kindergarten. kids to be kinder, stronger and smarter. that's where the tea party -- lou: i asked a question why there isn't equivalency with the first amendment of the united states and equal protection under the law. they are precisely the same they are constitutional rights and what you are saying is gibberish you know better than that. >> it is freedom to be with who you want to be and freedom to have the right not to be refused. lou: i said at the outset i don't know with whom you are speaking but it's not with me. i asked why is there not an equivalency of quits here mutual respect here, rather than the nonsense that we are watching in indiana and in arkansas, and the fear of two governors that's palpable. >> they're trying to back track
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now. they realize this is tremendously unpopular, they're being shamed. lou: they are backtracking? >> unfortunately, they are playing to a base. lou: no they're not. >> absolutely today. lou: either one of these governors has talked about the freedom of religion as equivalent to the right under equal protection of the law. they are one in the say. they require mutual respect. i think john gambling a political exploitation of the, if you will, the cowardice of the two governors and the insufficient political judgment of the entire legislature in both states. >> listen, it is so patronizing as i said, when governor cuomo says he's not going to send any essential new york representatives to indiana, we had that from the mayor of san francisco, the mayor of seattle business owners, the ncaa.
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this is idiocy when as you said. lou: well the equivalent. >> freedom should be applied equally to both and all. lou: these are both rights that need to be respected. >> correct correct! >> actually, it was funny to hear senator ted cruz say that why are republicans scared to death to mention the freedom of religion here? >> i don't think they're scared to death. i have been consuming a lot of conservatives defending that position. lou: like who, like who? i would like to hear who. >> mike huckabee, ted cruz, everybody who is running for president is talking about freedom of religion. on hannity last night talking about it. lou: ted cruz? >> yes in distant conversation on the republican -- >> it does not equate with the right to defend -- >> i see, and i appreciate your thoughts. thank you, both. >> thank you.
12:00 am
lou: and john in florida, my goodness. >> listen my friend happy easter. happy easter. lou: happy easter. >> passover. lou: time for a look at intertance starts right now. see you tomorrow. >> at the edge of death valley. >> weird and unique. >> a man puts a dusty weigh station on the map, but the down and his legacy foul on hard times. >> i was hear from residence it was an eye eyesore. >> has he left his family a money pit. >> keep it in the family at all cost. >> or a monument. >> sometimes in life we don't appreciate things until they are gone.
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