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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 6, 2015 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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maria: welcome back. thank you for being with us. time for "varney & company." stuart: take you. now what are we going to do. the economy is slowing. good morning everyone. president obama has spent really big money on government stimulus. we are stuck with failed policies. what are we going to do? violence in egypt where christians just try to build a new church.
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the baseball season starts, but desperation is in the air. good luck, everyone "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: very good. nice choice of music producers and i think that works. enough with the music. let me speak. after six years of aconite policies that do not appear to restore prosperity and growth. the jobs that we are getting our low-paying. you would not know anything is wrong with the economy when you look at the big board this morning. opening up this monday with a
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near 100-point game. a week of economy means interest rates will stay at zero forever and ever and ever. cast down again. 238 is your national average. on in. heritage foundation chief economist. we are stoutly failing policies and a weakening economy. we are stuck for a couple years. what say you? to charitable. i agree with you. i will give you an amazing statistic this morning that will blow your socks off. the deficit of jobs that we could have and should have.
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it is a very weak roof covering. it continues to be. you hit the other nail on the head. wages have not grown. they have not grown under five and a half years under barack obama. people do not have money to spend. i do not care what the interest rates are. >> we all admit that the labor market is not what it ought to be. what are we going do? what will happen here? >> we know what the solutions are. talking about it week after week after week now for two straight years. we have to get lower.
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we need to fix obamacare so that employers are not kurds to hire people for 30 hours a week or less. they are all obvious. stuart: none of it will happen. if we are in this downward spiral i think we are you may disagree with his -- >> by the way we will probably get a gdp report for the first quarter. we are looking at zero-0.5% growth. >> in the third quarter last year we had 5%. down to 2%.
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we are down to maybe a half of a percent. that is a very worrying downtrends. >> one of the things that you will hear over and over again by the way one of the said thanks came out saying it would be closer to zero. i grew up in middle west. you get a lot of snow. you get a lot of blizzards. they are still profitable.
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the profits dropped a little bit in the last six months. the problem is, they are not expanding. they are not hiring new workers. when you ask what they say they said the same name. they are terrified. washington is bearish right now. stuart: okay. always a pleasure. take care. rand paul for president. expected to announce his presidential bid tomorrow. >> it is time for a new president. [cheering] stuart: we left it short and
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sweet. that was an online video. it was released last night. >> we are also getting a look at what his slogan is going to be. that will be his main slogan under his name. he is going anti-establishment. it can go either way in a general election. we have just had with washington in general. >> i think that there is a big demand. >> it is defeat the washington machine.
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it is pretty good. i do like it as well. stuart: good luck, maria. it is baseball's opening day. disney investing a good amount of money. >> moving beyond fantasy land. disney is investing $250 million. that is a company that lets fans play fantasy sports using real money. it does say on it that it is 100% legal. online gambling. this is a big deal. just about $1 billion. shares are up about third of 1%.
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four days before the apple watch is available for pre-order. you can learn how to navigate the watch if you like it, you can watch it in store on april april 24. what that means is this is likely an apple product that we will not have lines of people waiting outside for days. there shares are up $1.72 right now, stuart. >> you can pick it up and they tell you how to use this thing. >> it is a personal product. you learn how to use it. stuart: thank you very much. yes, indeed, it is easter
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monday. muslims attacking egyptian christians. k team farland next on the ongoing war against christians. look at this. all caught on his go pro camera. he slides down the mountain. do you see that? they have shovels there. the guys survives and go pro gets another great commercial. ♪
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[announcer:] what if one stalk of broccoli could protect you from cancer?
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our experienced investment professionals are one reason over 85% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper averages. so in a variety of markets we can help you feel confident. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. stuart: that is not a bad rally. interest rates will stay at zero forever. good luck with that.
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we are up with 91. west virginia has banned direct sales. where is cold this morning? only 20 years of mineable gold left. up $23 as we beat. time is money. thirty seconds. yellow cabs in new york city threatening to sue over. with us at the top of the next hour. it is also masters week. who will rise to this okay agent this week? i will demand.
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easter monday in many parts of the world. attacking a group of christians who were building a new church. kt mcfarland is here. all the right things. said all the right things. these people who rioted and threatened the lives what is going on? >> a threat from radical extremists. he has gone and called them out. you guys have to reform.
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he also has a problem with people around the nile area. gone with the conflict christian pope and said merry christmas. you are our brothers. we support you. he has an internal domestic security problem. stuart: all over the middle east. where is president obama? >> he refuses to call it what it is. christianity is being snuffed out. it is happening in egypt iraq, syria, the route the entire region. i really fear that what we need to do is stand up and say you cannot do this. you cannot get away with this.
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the safest and allowed to thrive is in real. stuart: north africa or the middle east. some are good to be in power first by the rapid decline. a billion people. chaos. it is highly dangerous. >> i think that it is a 30 year war. it is going to go from north africa to the middle east. it could spread to saudi arabia. it could lock off one of the world greatest points. it goes from the suez canal. that is 10% of the world's trade
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going through there. you are not only looking at the political and economic story but a world trade stories. stuart: listen to this, that easter message. >> questions are not stop loving thy neighbor. they live it out. it is for all of these reasons. this is a christian company. we are a nation that welcomes and accepts. we are still a christian country. stuart: that is a shocker. you would not hear that out of the president's mouth.
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>> it is just the opposite. everybody is equal. every culture works. it does not exist for him. the british home is even more genetic. we will shut down. we will read evaluate our system. they are facing it. they are in the front lines. they are taking steps to deal with it. stuart: sometimes they take
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steps. thank you very much, indeed. fraternities and rolling stone magazine. full story after this. ♪
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stuart: rolling stone magazine named its story after and independent review. cheryl: is here. the media just jumped all over this. it became an excuse to attack fraternities. cheryl: yes. they do a lot of the woodwork. do you know what greek week is?
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they all come together and they set aside their rivalry. they raise money. they do all kinds of funny things and events. we volunteered at the special olympics. do good work. they do fundraising. they do team building. all of it is being overshadowed. it is kind of the extreme side to this right now. stuart: decent people should not be in a fraternity. >> i disagree with that view. >> i do, too. that is what is out there. cheryl: the university of
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virginia is one of the colleges that is under investigation. unrelated to the rolling stone article that came out. maybe the administration does not handle it as well as they could have picked each of these have a national organization. it oversees these chapters. they have to get more involved. >> with that. of some of the binge drinking? >> i doubt it. there are some very good kids
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out there. >> president obama does a deal with iran or tries to. a senator says that congress will have its say. more on that after break. >> the president needs to sell this to the american people. ♪ ♪ ♪ the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... from the smallest detail to the boldest leap. healthier means using wellness to keep away illness...
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knowing a prescription is way more than the pills... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. realizing cold hard data can inspire warmth and compassion... and that when technology meets expertise... everything is possible. for as long as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here.
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stuart: president obama defending his nuclear deal with iran. netanyahu criticizing the deal. senator bob corker says he may be two or three votes shy. chris stirewalt is with us. always a welcomed guest especially on a monday morning. in my opinion this has to go through congress and will go through congress. i do not think that america will stand for this deal.
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>> when it comes to a question like a treaty with iran, the american people, that is why we have a republic. we out source that stuff. in the case of senator corker hill it is pretty tough. he would really have to have two vito doherty's. his legislation would be if the talks do not meet the right standards. another vote to go directly to that. this will fall into the category of congress trying to make it feel better. stuart: you do not inc. that we the people will be able to pass judgment on this deal. it is not a treaty, it is a
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deal. >> i think that this president does pretty much whatever he wants when he thinks he can. congress has taken itself out of the mix but the president is giving them the back of his hand. if we see any mushroom clouds, we will know that the deal was not any good. stuart: to you know who these votes are pushing mark two or three votes needed. which signatories are needed? >> it is hard to say who he is thinking about. the bill which can be changed. the great priority in congress -- there is an old joke, the end is near, look busy.
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they have to look relevant even when the resident disrespects them. stuart: randolph. looking very carefully. i do not think he can win if he goes out there and says abolish the irs but of -- abolish the federal reserve. >> senator paul is unlikely to be the nominee. it would require some calamity. jeb bush and or scott walker. he has about 10% support what his dad had in 2012. maybe rand paul can build on this. becoming a louder voice. national security issues like
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the one you were just talking about. >> i dow that you would mix with a newbie to that degree. i am not so sure he would take a senior cabin tree position. i do not know. what do you think? >> if i am wrong delete this file. i think you may like the idea. he will help jeb bush exercise his demons. giving the establishment credibility that his father lacked in mainstream libertarianism. stuart: you have successfully disagreed with me on two key points did. >> with tremendous deference. [laughter] stuart: pretty good. one of our favorite asked. we appreciate you being with us.
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have a great day. check out the big board. we like what we see. the weak economy will keep interest rates down forever. good luck with that. oil on the rise this morning. gas falling. $2.38 as your national average. using your phone to check the weather. that is threatening the weather channel. cheryl casone -- cheryl: big trouble. the weather company runs them. the deal is in trouble. 14 million subscribers. they barely made it out last year. direct tv was about to cut the
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cord big time. >> i think that they have bigger problems. everyone is going to their website or to the weather app. the weather channel has the number one weather app out there. 53 million unique users per month on the app. that is a big number. what is happening is they are going to the technology. if you are a television network dude just go in a completely different direction or do you try to incorporate? >> this is technology. leapfrogging over established cable tv to provide a service directly immediately, to people like me.
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>> it is cheaper. if they can lower their production costs they may have a chance of making it out. stuart: when there is a big snowstorm coming, i tune into the weather channel. i do watch at strange times of the day. that is very true. frequently i want to know if that storm is coming at me and they will not tell me. nbc is a part owner of the weather channel. they signed on big time to climate change. i do not like it. >> in phoenix arizona the weather segment. the sun shines most days in phoenix.
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stuart: maybe we should do more weather on this show. >> i think we should. stuart: thank you cheryl. jay johnson says 40 americans went over and are back in america. constitutionally what do we do about them? judge andrew napolitano is with us next. ♪ the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers.
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it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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nicole: after starting to the downside right now we are at session highs. 17,883. the s&p 500 up. microsoft apple exxon and chevron. airlines are under pressure. take a look at this. all to the downside. in fact, we do have a big winner and that is tesla. 55% increase compared to the first quarter of last year. gold is up about $20. much more "varney & company" coming up after the break. ♪
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stuart: as many as 180 americans have traveled overseas to join isis. forty of them have him back to america. listen to what jay johnson said about that. >> we have in fact kept tabs on those that we believe have left and come back. arrested or investigated. we have systems in place to track these individuals.
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you can not know everything. stuart: i would throw them back where they came from how about judge andrew napolitano. >> i am not sure what you mean throw them back where they came from. they are americans. stuart: i not feel like providing them with all of this for 20 years. keep them where they are. take their passports off of them. >> the government believes that they will do more harm they are. >> totally false logic. >> then you should comment to jay johnson. arrest people often before they
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leave. often before they provide the material assistance. the court standard disagreed. the courts have said that going and sitting there and sitting and listening not training, not giving money but listening can constitute providing assistance. do you believe that? stuart: i am not passing words. vicious terrorist that want to eradicate us and our culture. knock it off. >> you are not credible. [laughter] that is why we have these statutes. a little bit more advanced on your side. first of all congress does not have to declare.
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the secretary of state or treasury may do so. if the government has evidence that you plan to join it, it will arrest you. you can be arrested. why jay johnson has not arrested them? i do not know. is he doing it? he probably does not want to say. >> a have some freedom of maneuver. the home secretary a printed she says we will shut down the speech. they will shut down the communities and send them home.
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they do not have a constitution. they are facing and emanated and tired threat. they have every right to protect their so society. >> whatever you want to call it. in america hate speech is absolutely protect it under the first amended. stuart: do you think that our government will be acting unconstitutionally? >> i think it underlies much of the law that we have written. it includes freedom to other hate speech. that is the supreme court of the united states. >> just put aside your extreme
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libertarianism. >> this is all mainstream rulings. stuart: is there a smidgen of ceiling on our part? >> yes. i said that a few minutes ago. given the government probable cause. if the government knows what they did and they did provide assistance to isis, they can be arrested. >> you would not go further? >> i think that a should be able to go over there and not come back. they have the right to do it.
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>> okay. stuart: you are turning it around on me. [laughter] don't we have the right to say you've gone over there. you have made your choice. live with it. >> no. [laughter] >> rand paul. he cannot win. text to a. >> i do not mean that it will resume with voters. get rid of the huge politicized apparatus. isis back to you agree with that. >> i do it i do not think that he can win by saying abolish the irs. i do not remember which one of these proposals he has.
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it is one of those taxes where your tax return would be the size of and index card. [laughter] stuart: judge thank you very much indeed. it is easter monday. in europe, it is a holiday. a question about your taxes do not call the irs. they are giving up on helping you. ♪ him
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stuart: well, do i have a number for you. the irs chief wants more money so he can provide better service. gerri willis is here. i say john has a point. the police force overseeing obamacare. >> come on.
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here is the real problem. they have had all their attention completely swept away scandal after scandal. they are not working like they should. they have been thinking about the conservative. they have overspent on conferences. and then just recently they've paid bonus to people that did not pay their taxes that worked for the irs. >> suddenly, it have become vigorously anti-irs. >> what is going on with them, i believe, scam artists all over the country are coming after us. the fact that they are not doing their job as they should is
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hurting us double e so. stuart: he appears to be misleading us all. then he demands more money. i can see the man's point. speed even he says they are giving crummy tax service. 98% of us who actually felt our taxes and do the right paint. if he helped us that would go a long way. >> you are really fired up. >> when not irs gets that phone book -- [laughter] >> no, they are not. gerri, we will be watching. the mac 5:00 o'clock.
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there you have it. 5:00 o'clock eastern time. big news on uber. it could hurt uber's value as it gets ready to go public. ambassador john bolton the man that says do not give iran a bomb bomb iran. a fresh hour of varney and company is two minutes away. ♪ e. ok, great. and we do. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it.
11:58 am
for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. friday night, buddy. you are gonna need a wingman. and my cash back keeps the party going. but my airline miles take it worldwide. [ male announcer ] it shouldn't be this hard. with, it's easy to search hundreds of cards and apply online. hi, i'm henry winkler and i'm here to tell homeowners that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement... it's called a reverse mortgage. call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like... how a reverse mortgage works how much you qualify for the ways to receive your money...and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free! when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments
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and give you tax-free cash from the equity in your home and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control of your retirement today! ♪ stuart: this is no fun. we're stuck, stuck with a weakening economy stuck with a set of policies that have failed stuck for another two years with a president chasing redistribution not prosperity. when the history of this period is written, we will be astonished how blindness to failure. we keep repeating the policies that do not and have not worked. for six years we printed trillions of dollars and kept interest rates at near zero. that helped the stock market but
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not so much the economy. for six years president obama pushed higher taxes more government spending, intense regulation and a whole lot more debt. and what have we got? 2% growth shrinking middle class. very few good jobs and $18 trillion worth of debt. yes, we're struck. we're in danger. what do you do to stop the rot? print more money? another big stimulus program? tax the rich some more? that is not going to work. surely this is the opportunity for the republicans. stand up and shout, growth, jobs, free enterprise! get government off our backs, it is killing us! we're stuck and i'm worried but i do live in hope. stuart: laughing because i think that was a rather weakening to my little editorial there, follow it up with this shall we? that's a rally.
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it is a monday morning. that is a rally. we're close to 17, nine. despite a very weak jobs report last friday. here is the thinking, the economy is so weak the federal reserve will not put interest rates up. in fact the rates stay near zero forever. so the dow goes up. the price of gasoline goes down. we're at $2.38 a gallon and has gone down 10 straight days. not quite a streak but we're down 10 straight days. look at it go. get to the nuclear deal with iran. this is a major story over the weekend. essentially america caved. iran got what it wanted. ambassador john bolton is with us. he is one of the leading voices against this deal. he says it opens the door for iran to develop a nuclear weapon. it does, just like that? >> iran right now is on the path to nuclear weapons. absent some development they will get a nuclear weapons at a time of their choice. the question is, if there is a deal with iran and i don't
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think there is one yet, if there is a deal we can accept or will accept, will it slow them down or stop them? the answer to that is no. even under the white house's own assumptions the iran is left with a free path to get to nuclear weapons. stuart: we're told it at least slows them down and we can check if they're cheating. what is wrong with that. >> if pigs had wings they could fly. if we could slow them down and check that would be one thing. we made a critical mistake when you get all the technical details, to allow iran to have any enrichment potential at all. they're still free to do research on more advanced ways of enriching. this assumes we know everything there is to know about iran's nuclear work and manifestly we do not nor can we be guaranteed as the president said what they will do over the next years.
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stuart: it looks like it will be done, no matter how bad it is from their side good for their side it looks like it's a done deal and the congress will not pass judgment on it? >> yes. i don't think congress will do anything in the next three months. i think the president still has a lot of negotiation to do. if you listen to competing statements out of geneva and what has been said since the gaps between the parties are still quite wide. i don't think there is yet a meetings of their minds. there may be, but even if there is it will not stop iran from achieving deliverable nuclear weapons. stuart: what is your time frame? suppose there is a deal basis what we found out already there is a deal how long before iran get as bomb? >> if iran wanted to race to get a nuclear weapon as soon as it could, it could get one in two to three months. stuart: i have to hold you up on that. two to three months? >> sure. if they expelled the international inspectors and enriched their stocks of low-enriched uranium to weapons-grade and fabricated as
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a weapon would take two to three months. but that's not what they're interested in. they're building a very broad, very deep nuclear infrastructure. so when they do decide to go to the weapons level, they will produce scores or hundreds of weapons in very short order because they're not afraid of us. the only, thing that stands between them and that is israel. stuart: okay. could we reimpose sanctions the moment we feel that they're cheating, could we reimpose them. >> i don't think they will be reimposed anything like the magnitude they have been. but let's be clear. the sanctions that we've seen in the past three or four years have not slowed the nuclear weapons program down at all. the director of national intelligence has testified to that in open session. what the sanctions have done is caused economic pain. does iran want to be free of economic pain? of course no kidding r they willing to give up anything significant on nuclear program to do that? no. given up anything significant? no. stuart: your position is very clear but what is your read on american public opinion?
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>> i don't think america wants iran to have nuclear weapons and i think they realize once iran gets nuclear weapons it doesn't stop there the saud i consist egyptians and turks will get nuclear weapons. the real question is whether the president can sell this deal as if it is will work. he is making his best efforts. the fact this regime in iran can not be trusted. they have been trying to get nuclear weapons for 30 years plus and they're on the verge of doing think, you're leading hard-liners aren't you? i'm leading those who do not want iran gets nuclear weapons. this is somebody takes military action to stop it as israel has done twice before in its history. one against iraq and once against syria. stuart: ambassador john bolton, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: exclusive for you. yellow cab guys getting ready to sue uber. charlie gasparino is here.
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let's go through this story. the yellow cab people threatened by uber they say that uber is allowing hailing of cabs, not with raising your hand on the street but by dialing them up on this. that is the equivalent of hailing a cab. so they say, unfair. you're breaking the rules. we're going to sue. >> breaking the law. you're taking money out of our pockets and you, new york city, by allowing them to do this there is a letter one of the biggest financiers of the medallion, you need a medallion to drive a cab. if you have the medallion you can lend it to somebody you can lease it out. one of the largest financiers of that melrose credit, sent a letter to mayor de blasio i believe overthe weekend. we obtained the letter. i'm not sure if it was delivered sunday or this morning. and essentially said this you're going to be on the hook for treble damages a lot of money because we are being deprived of our income and we followed the rules.
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listen, i will say this. i always wondered when new york would be the place where uber was attacked. remember, san francisco, some other cities. you had some sort of a backlash from the taxi operators. listen my dad was a cab driver. driving a cab in this city is a long time, is a legendary profession. it is very difficult to get one of those medallions. they cost a million dollars right? peep lease them out. a place where immigrants start off. stuart: yep. >> uber is eating into that business. this is the first attack from a major part of that industry against, to stop uber. it till with be an issue when they do their ipo. stuart: exactly. they want to go public. they want to sell shares to the public. i was told they would raise $40 billion. the company is worth 40 billion. this would take away that value, surely. if they're facing a major lawsuit like this where they could lose big that value comes down. >> that is a good -- listen, they haven't set a date for their ipo but all these attacks,
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legal attacks especially something like this if you know anything about the new york state or city law it is kind of interesting. you can't hail, you can't compete on a hail. i can call up cab service pick me up in an hour. stuart: yep. >> call car service. on a hail, just going out there wanting something immediately there is a whole bunch of rules. by the way you know, uber doesn't pay any taxes. they don't pay the mta tax. they evade all the taxes yellow cab driver goes to the city. stuart: definition of what is hailing a cab? >> yeah. stuart: if you dial it up on this thing -- >> want it immediately. stuart: hail it in the street. >> might be the same. that's what these guys are saying. they're very strict. stuart: where is your heart? where is your heart? >> my dad was a cab driver. so i'm fair and balanced because i work here and i will tell you listen, uber is a great device but my cab was a cab driver and people taking out of money people still alive. this is interesting backstory, david plouffe, former obama
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administration guy, guess who works forethe melrose people? they have their own set of political operatives. a guy named michael kepner, part of their pr strategy who is very close with with president obama. if you go to the twitter page you see michael with his arm around president obama. inner fighting between lefties at uber and lefties at melrose. stuart: good story, charlie. thank you very much sir. delaware family vacationing at a nice resort in the virgin islands allegedly poisoned by an illegal and potentially legal that the pesticide. liz macdonald will join us on this. the justice department is looking into this. give me the story. >> so the father was found unconscious and two boys and mother were experiencing seizures. they rent advil la, a condo in st. john at a resort there. and, downstairs, terminix, owned by a publicly-traded company, service masters.
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terminix had gone in there sprayed pesticide using methyl bromide. that is the allegation. it is lethal. it can shut down your nervous systems and your longs. the two boys remain in coma. the father can not move or speak. the mother is in occupational therapy. the justice department according to service masters global released an ak, sec filing, saying yes justice is doing a criminal investigation of us. the epa is investigating as well, stuart. stuart: the allegation this toxic chemical was used to fume my gate the inside of the villa being rented by family? >> no. the downstairs unit the downstairs unit. that is illegal to use a toxic substance inside in the united states. >> it is outlawed since 1984 for use inside by epa. terminix said they stopped all fume my mitigation in the virgin islands. stuart: what is the name of overriding -- >> servicemaster global.
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lbo brought to market, ipo, july summer of last year. publicly-traded. the stock traded flat down earlier. stuart: liz, thank you very much. >> sure. stuart: up next the movie, "furious 7", took in $143 million this weekend at the box office. you bet it will make a lot more. why is it so popular? look at this. >> need some fresh air? ♪ >> think it couldn't get any bert, huh? ♪
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stuart: big smiles, everybody, and that dow jones industrial average is up 133 points. why is that? because the economy is weak. if the economy is weak, maybe janet yellen will either keep on printing some more money or keep interest rates at zero. we love that, don't we, investors? up we go, 133 points.
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"furious 7" won the weekend box office. it set record numbers for the easter weekend. took in $384 million worldwide. $143 million in america. why is this franchise such a winner? reporter joins us from los angeles. answer the question dominic, why is it such a big deal? >> well stuart, let's be honest, people love fast cars. there is a lot of fast cars in the "fast & furious" series. i think one of the reasons this one works with it is multicultural diverse cast and also it travels. i don't mean that as a pun. it literally this is movie that plays all over the world. which is one of the reasons why it is shot all over the world places like u.a.e. furs just 7 it took off -- "furious 7", it took off with a roar. stuart: it has a lot to do with special effects. we're looking at cars chucked out of an aircraft, several of
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them. that is special effect. it is all about cars. that is very american. there are lots of things going for it? >> that is true, stuart. the special effects are incredible. personally i love any action movie franchise with a movie name character named dominic. that is rare. cars are not just popular in america, my man, but all over the world. let me mention one thing stuart i would never be one to correct you, our figures here this will make $148 million this opening weekend domestically. a easter record, a franchise record around also, it is going to be an april record. stuart: are they shooting furious 8 already? they must be. develop in the development plans. one of the things i think particularly for this film, we're seeing it on the screen was of course paul walker, who tragically passed away almost couple years ago. a lot of people were very interested to see the way the film handles it. it handles it very well in my
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opinion. they had his brothers in to stand in as well as digital effects. to go forwards the franchise as they say at the end, i will not give it away but everything will be different going forward. stuart: do you know if the actors got a piece of overall revenue as opposed to a flat fee? >> we do know vin diesel is executive producer on this series. i'm sure whatever deal he said on this, we'll see some profit participation. let me tell you stuart you know as well i as i do, numbers add up. everybody is making bank on this one. universal is over the moon. stuart: last night's finale season finale of "mad men" on amc. you say it will not beat walking dead in the ratings. i'm not surprised but tell me why? >> we, i mean, first, it was the debut of the final seven episodes of "mad men" which is critically acclaimed. "mad men" as you has been a big
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one with the vital demographics but it is numbers have never been up there in the walking dead. the season finale of waching dead, got 18 million viewers in the 18 to 49 demographic. "mad men" never reaches those numbers. it reach as very strong demographic. you see especially going into the final episodes, those numbers will go up. here is what is interesting this is the second time. amc introduced a split final season strategy. it worked so well for them two years ago with "breaking bad." you won't see "walking dead" numbers but you will see very good numbers i think for "mad men" going into these last episodes. stuart, we're all talking about it. stuart: dominic, one last word, no more coffee for you. you're out there in los angeles. i know it is early in the morning but no more, all right? dominic patton. >> i hear you my friend, you should. thank you very much. >> happy easter. stuart: decaf. that too. now this a growing number of
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millenials raising their demands when looking for a job. they want free meals. they want flexible time. deirdre bolton is with us. before you lay into me -- >> yes. stuart: nothing wrong with asking for these things. very nice if you can get them surely, give me a well-paid job first and foremost. >> stuart, i think that is the catch. i think for companies it is easier for them, and cheaper to stock their break rooms with bananas say, free breakfast, pay every single millennial 10-k more each year. i want to bring results of this survey. flexible schedule, making a difference and challenging work. that is what millenials say in that order. not working for money. stuart: give me job, give me money. show me a way up the food chain. this is america. is that what we all want or is the new generation is different? >> i think this new generation is different.
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stuart: oh, lord. >> they want mentorship, stuart, more senior people no they want pool tables and massage artists. isn't this argument for outsourcing? i didn't go into the workforce expecting free bananas dr pool table in the office. i. >> i didn't expect a piece of fruit. what i think is worth noting by 2025 10 years from now, essentially, 75% of the work force will be millenials. whether or not we went in i'm with you, i was grateful to be there. happy to be there. stuart: they will learn. >> i don't know. they're the majority. stuart: university of hard knocks it is called. >> but if you're within the majority, i don't know if it matters. stuart: they're talking about googles of this world which do provide that kind of thing. no problem whatsoever. >> google is monopoly though. stuart: if i'm going to get a good job, i want a good job. if pay for masseuse whatever it. stuart: means i don't get a good job i don't want a masseuse. >> what if you're the employer stuart? hey if i get a masseuse here
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one day a week it is cheaper than paying people a little extra. they feel good. work harder. i make money. stuart: wrong on the masseuse. good for the cheap breakfast. cheaper than them buy it someplace else. >> or have time wasted ordering online. stuart: have we reached agreement? >> i think we have. write this day down. stuart: what time are you on? >> 1:00? stuart: want more of that. 39 minutes from now. >> all right. stuart: thank you deirdre. >> thank you stuart. stuart: up next, the governor of california, the drought, jerry brown, ready to fine people i mean big money for taking a long shower. when i say big money, i will define big money for long shower after this. ♪
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[office phone chatter] [frogs croaking] you know what, let me call you back. what are you doing?! [scream] [frogs croaking] [yelling and screaming] it's back! xfinity watchathon week. the biggest week in television history. it's your all-access binge-watching pass to tv's hottest shows, free with xfinity on demand. xfinity watchathon week. now through april 12th. perfect for people who really love tv. stuart: the price of oil getting a very nice pop today, 5%. what is the thinking there? well, iran will not be able to flood the market with a million barrels of oil a day anytime soon. so up it goes now. taking the drillers with it by
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the way. danbury, transobserve shen, nabors, apache all up. california is preparing for one of the state's worst droughts in history. residents can face fines for taking too long of a shower. listen to this. >> it affects lawns. it affects people, how long they stay in the shower. if they don't comply people can be fined $500 a day. stuart: elizabeth macdonald has been following this very very closely. first of all, how much for taking a long shower the fine? >> 500 a day. it could be equal to more than $182,000 a year if the state, by the way, it has not yet defined how long a shower is before you get find. stuart: you are taking a long shower or not just running dishwasher more often or flushing toilet. we don't know how they define that yet right? >> that's correct. the state warred board is coming up with rules. they are approaching this. that is the organization, the entity that will do the fining. stuart: okay. at that news conference or
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wherever it was talking pub puckly -- >> it was on abc. stuart: didn't the reporter ask him why do you allow them to produce almonds which takes more water than san francisco and los angeles combined? >> his answer was the state provides the nation most of it is fruit and vegetables. this farming provides jobs for most vulnerable residents of the state of california. you're right, farmers 80% of water usage is farming industry which is exempt from restrictions. stuart: he dent mention starting up new reservoirs. >> no he didn't talk about that at all. desalination plants will require dirty energy to run the plants. talking coal and other ways to get water into california. stuart: liz macdonald on former golden state. >> that's right. stuart: president obama allows iran to keep its nuclear industry. many say that will lead directly
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to the bomb. >> congress has taken itself out of the mix and the president is giving them the back of his hand. he will just pretty much do what he wants. if we see any mushroom clouds we'll know the deal wasn't very good.
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stuart: it is really nice on a
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monday morning to show you something like this. a 155-point gain for the dow jones industrial average. that despite what i'm going to call a lousy jobs report that came out last friday morning when the market was closed. first opportunity to respond, we're up 155. come on in. keith fits gerald in portland, oregon. why is the market up so much after that jobs report? >> well, this is continuation of something you and i talked about many times, stuart the good is bad and bad is good memi. the news that the job data was so bad it will keep the fed involved and delay looming interest rate hikes that traders have so long been anticipating. stuart: that is still it then. we're still down the same road bad economic news is good market news, same ol', same ol'. >> same ol' same ol'. this is last call at bar. everyone wants one of those drinks or in this case addicted to cheap money will make a run. this enables trading and stock
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buybacks. a lot of reasons people will use the cheap money. that will be net positive for the stock market. personally i don't like it but love it as investor. stuart: we've had several stories about the california drought. you're in oregon where it is raining all the time. what about california real estate? i would thought there has to be an impact there? >> this is the thing nobody is thinking about, stuart. this is first shot across the bow of california real estate. i would not want to be long real estate. l.a., if they don't fix this could be first modern ghost town. property values will decline and all kinds of expansion across the west coast. stuart: you're dreaming up your own book aren't you? all kinds of real estate in portland oregon where it rains all the time. i'm on to you, i really am. keith, thanks very much for joining you this morning. take your umbrella outside. see you later. >> my pleasure. stuart: get to something very, very serious. that would be the iran nuke
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deal. we had several days to look at it. all people are unhappy wit. here is what ambassador john bolton said earlier this hour. roll tape. i'm sorry we just lost that tape, my fault. so come on in, conservative strategist jeff balbon. >> good to be here, stuart, thank you. stuart: if iran keeps nuclear industry and the deal says they can keep the nuclear industry you say that opens door to the bomb no matter what. >> we're kicking can down the road but not that far. stuart: how far? >> i heard ambassador bolton, two to three months. i had people on the ground talking to in switzerland and israeli security that's it, we're months away. stuart: that would mean if we don't get a deal and iran stays as is right now, within three months they could have a bomb that accurate? >> they certainly could. stuart: therefore, wouldn't you be prepared to say, maybe we should have this deal? >> we except this deal does
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nothing. all we've seen are concession after concession after concession. we're talking about the six most powerful nations in the world up against a second-rate, country with a third-rate economy and we keep giving in, for no good reason. stuart: why? can you get inside of president obama's head? he just did an appearance with the "new york times," trying to explain why the best deal they could come up with. what is inside of president obama's head. why should he do this. >> that was great metaphor i think rationalist value of president obama. bibi netanyahu comes to america and presents to congress. he presents to the american people. president obama goes to the "new york times" and tom friedman. that is his idea of presenting a case. the case he makes is, you have to understand they think like us and we'll treat them as though they think like us but they don't. they have a different culture. it is a very long and ancient culture. they have a set of ideas that
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are rational but different set of goals than the united states or president obama. stuart: president obama, i believe got roughly 70% of the jewish vote in the last election and one before that. i think it was really 70 to 80%. in the next election will a democrat get 70% of the jewish vote? >> depending which democrat they will get somewhere above 70% of the jewish vote, quite likely. stuart: how do you explain that. >> it is complicated. i didn't know we were going here this morning or this afternoon. the way jews vote tend to be fear of other issues than this. there is a lot of trust in government including big government. and they're i guess jewish vote is divided into two categories. they're ethnic minority category. they vote like any other ethnic minority. democrats say we'll protect you from the majority. if you're a racial majority we'll protect you from the white majority. if you're women, considered a minority in terms of power we'll protect you from men. if you're from jews, who will we protect you from?
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the party of white christians. it is overt, if you look at democratic talking points it is overt play to jewish fears of being minority. there is the other group, 30% of talking about, different form of jude aism mission set of ideas. they run in line with conservative thought and republican thought and reliably voting for republicans. stuart: at the end of the day you're convinced the iranians get a bomb? >> at end of the day i hope something happens to intervene but right now it isn't looking very good. stuart: always a pleasure. thanks for joining us. we do appreciate it. >> thanks. stuart: opening day for baseball. there are some new rules that promise to speed up the game. is that going to work? brian kilmeade is next. ♪
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>> i'm nicole petallides with your fox business brief. stocks sitting not too far off session highs. the dow is up about 170 points. majority of stocks are in green arrows. all sectors higher, s&p 500 up nearly a full percentage point. nasdaq is up 31 points. consumer stocks hitting highs. delphi automotive and positive comments and upgrades from several analysts.
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l brands, parent of victoria secret and revlon and dr. shoals. constellation brand, all hitting all-time highs. looking at michael kors and kate spade, looking to see if there are too many discounts for luxury names. all three have up arrows at the moment. gold up 20 bucks, we're seeing gold stocks i here, names as newmont mining and the like with up arrows. "varney & company" up next. fficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased
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stuart: yeah. it is opening day, major league baseball. fans will be watching. faster games they say. who better to ask about this than brian kilmeade, host of "fox & friends" on "fox news channel." what are they doing to speed the game up? >> they're document a couple of things. number one, we have to get more people watching. we have to get younger audience pick up the pace. one thing, tv replay, do it from the dug out. don't walk out to the mound a million times. two minutes to get the new pitcher in, ready to go. have them ready to go. buck showalter tells me you need the time. you're not a good manager. nothing is more boring than a pitching change. and you got to stay in the box. if you're batting, in the batters box don't get hit by a pitch or dirt or something happened, like a broken bat, stay in there. one foot out, go back in. that is way it should be. no more boring to watch somebody adjust themselves 20 times. stuart: do the glove.
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>> tommy lasorda, no one says going to baseball game to go home. we want to see action. there are no actions between pitches. debate it but not too long but quicker on inning changes. stuart: you like this. >> absolutely. 2 1/2 hours in 1981 when we were in high school. >> what if you break the rules? >> right now talking about a fine. eventually they will say, okay, that is a ball and strike. that is where they will be heading. stuart: tell me about disney investing in this fantasy sports website. i mean you can gamble, all the rest. they're putting in 250 million. >> they said that the fantasy, what they're talking about with draftkings, will be something now word over $900 million. disney saying we're doubling down on this put more money in it. because people are going to games, watching games, for most part, rooting for their own people they drafted last week. get together. going back and forth with friends. no longer being in the same place. you can be at various colleges and places. could be drafting online at the same time.
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this gets you more involved. the leagues love it too, stuart. stuart: i thought it was fantasy or real baseball but it is not. >> you can do both. stuart: this is real baseball. >> money for getting in. money for certain incentives. stuart: you gamble on this. >> absolutely you can gamble. stuart: i don't the fantasy stuff. >> i don't either. i'm staked into reality. so i think. i'm amazed how many people just do fantasy. care more about their team than the team they should be rooting for. >> this is for dr. keith ablow to investigate. just kidding. stuart: would he approve or not? >> living through other people but having a stake in the game as opposed to just rooting for laundry. >> he might like it. stuart: tell me about the masters. i will press you. you have to tell me, who is the next big star of golf? >> well, i will tell you this i'm not willing to move off tiger woods right now. i know he is coming back after a terrible off-season and last season. listening to the bbc to get to doing this spot to get used to
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your accent they said we can't wait for tiger woods to come back. he is globalstar. dustin johnson is other one. he has his act together after going through rehab and various stints and problems. he is living up to potential. stuart: go back to woods. the man is 39 years old. he has a bad back numerous surgeries. you think he can come back win a major? >> almost everybody watches play it is in his head. it is not a matter of coaches. he knows how to fix his own game. he needs confidence in himself. my fear he is so in love with the woman. remember what happened to mcenroe, meets tatum o'neal, never reaches heights again. you might be happy he found a relationship that but that hurts the game. don't have single focus. if you're an athlete you should not date the opposite sex if you want to be successful. do what jeter did. date a lot. wait until you retire. settle down. did it work for him?
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stuart: jordan speith. bubba watson. what about rory mcilroy. you have not talked about them. >> i thought you wanted my reasons behind tiger woods. a lot of people could win. what i feel it hurts game. as much as it hurts for purist of golf you want a person to root for, good and evil. >> celibacy in sports is that what you're advocating. >> i will say this i'm not willing to push for it but if i was managing a local professional athlete in a single sport, i would say hey, put off the dating and let's focus on your game. back to work. look what happened to mcilroy when he and his friend backed off. stuart: why don't you tell, knock it off? >> i would say in diplomatic way. here is stack of money you could have. here is the stack of money if you will have if you continue to date instead of practice. focus. stuart: of all the sports that i know you follow basically you're a soccer guy you like all
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sports but i think golf is your least favorite, isn't it? >> i think that that is a theory you might es south because it is your show you might stick to it because "varney & company." i'm not even and company. stuart: that's right. >> you have nothing to base it on. the way i struggle with the golf club in my hand will be your testified that i'm not for that. stuart: i watch you three hours a day on "fox & friends." i listen to you very carefully when you appear on the show. you're not keen on golf. i just know it. >> i will say this i appreciate the skill of the sport but i would say if you had football, if you had baseball, if you had basketball or soccer or boxing i would take them all over golf although i appreciate the game and know the majesty of the masters. stuart: you know who is listening to this greg mormon. a friend of yours. colleague and and acquaintance of mine. >> friend of yours. he watched me play and he has asked me not to, right? stuart: he was on the show, i asked him -- >> did he bring me up?
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stuart: no he didn't. he asked, how often do you play these days? half dozen rounds a year. one of the world's greats he only plays half a dozen times a year. >> has his own golf company and his own clothing line. his own wine line. i'm surprised he place once in a while. he can scale mountains with one hand. there is nothing that he can't do. greg morman is somebody that didn't have to practice. he picked up the game after high school, one of the best in the world. >> he has a great relationship. >> he now does. >> just teasing. >> he had a long-term relationship. long-term relationship and now he is in a longer term relationship. have to make your decision. great in sports. stuart: are you done. >> i'm not sure. i'm surprised i've been on this long. i thought this would be a lot shorter. i think liz lengthening this thing. you will have to cancel in the green room. stuart: a cancer vaccine lady actually. >> great. now i feel terrible.
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stuart: kilmeade, get out of here. we'll see you soon. >> right away? stuart: no. austin will get you off. wait. up next a cancer vaccine, helps people live longer. the company that makes the vaccine will have 30 seconds after this. ♪ hi, tom. how's the college visit? does it make the short list? yeah, i'm afraid so. it's okay. this is what we've been planning for. knowing our clients personally is why edward jones is the big company that doesn't act that way.
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stuart: how about this?
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an injectible cancer vaccine that actually worked on people who had already been given up on so to speak? joining us is linda powers, ceo of northwest bio therapeutics. linda, welcome to the program. >> thanks for having me. stuart: i want to zero in on the 51 people i think it was -- >> that's right. stuart: basically they were operable. they got a tumor. people had given up on them. you gave them the vaccine. what were the results? >> results the patients in the worst group whose tumors were regrowing within weeks, lived 50% longer than expected. about a third of the patients lived twice as long as expected adding a love of time. stuart: extending life. not get confused. this is not a cure. it will not halt it or reverse it. it extends life. >> extends life quite significantly by years. stuart: what about quality of life? >> quality of life is beautiful. 10 years of experience in clinical trials, no toxicity.
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the patients get a shot in the arm. go back to work and go on with daily activities. stuart: is it that simple? a single shot in the arm, go pack to work and it works its magic hopefully on your tumor? >> each time they get treated, that's it. they get treated first every couple weeks. every couple months, twice a year for maintenance. just like a flu shot for a patient. stuart: bring me up to speed. success in the trials but not yet okayed by authorities in america to go out there and put this thing on the market? >> no. this is experimental. it is in clinical trials. we've been in clinical trials for 10 years. and our phase three final trial is due to finish next year. and this 51 patients of data have come out in the meantime alongside that. stuart: there has been publicity recently on "60 minutes" where the polio, whatever it is called goes street into the tumor and kills it but you're using a very different approach.
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can you give me 20 seconds to make me understand how you're doing it? >> yes. so we're taking the master cell of your immune system that mobilizes the whole immune system, all different parts and we're putting a fresh batches of those cells back into the patient. because what tumors do is they either turn off the immune response or they hide from it. and we're turning the immune response back on. stuart: you are northwest biotherapeutics? >> that's right. stuart: publicly-traded company? >> that's right. stuart: ticker i am bowl. >> nwbo. stuart: nwbo? >> that's right. stuart: got it. linda, appreciate you being with us. a fine story on a monday morning. >> thank you, we're excited. stuart: yes ma'am. tonight on fox business, the hit show, "strange inheritance," jamie colby meets a man from new mexico who earns the nickname, doll boy. he inherits his mother's big collection, 5000 dolls. check this out for a second. >> i was shocked. i know lori was really shocked.
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>> oh, my gosh. >> first room we tackled you had to suck up to walk around. >> right. >> we knocked some dolls off while we were counting. >> like, oh, my gosh. i don't know if this is collecting or hoarding. i've never seen anybody with that many dolls. >> oh, well -- >> stuart? stu is so jealous of me aren't you? stuart: i have 2006s. >> house full of dolls. unbelievable collection. stuart: occasionally that i'm jealous of. >> the show is doing great. everybody loves it. tonight is the night i've been waiting for. not only see the incredible doll collection and amazing man in new mexico who only wants to fulfill his mother's wish, including the dolls, 600 originally boxed barb byes, anybody, including me -- bar by's. gator park in palmdale, florida,
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raise little alligators. one tried to rip off my hand. stuart: separate edition, right? >> you give them too. stuart: keep them separate. audience. >> told i only had a minute. stuart: you got to strip it. is he selling these dolls? >> he is looking for someone to buy the dolls. they're interesting because his mom was a teacher. her brother died in the march of bataan. told all the students when they went to war to bring back a doll from where they were deployed. massively historic collection. stuart: tell me that to start with. i will try to get into gators. >> that is 9:00 p.m. fox business. stuart: which one is on tonight? >> both. >> both are on. barbie doll collection, how far does it go? >> they are amazing. more significant dolls than barbie. i wrestled and alligator. name was gucci. he may have become a pair of
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shoes. what are you wearing? stuart: not alligator, believe me. we'll watch you. thanks very much. more "varney" after this.
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