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tv   Stossel  FOX Business  April 10, 2015 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT

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popularity contest as well and you have to smile and you have to kiss the babies and you have to be nice when you don't feel like it. thank you very much. in the meantime thank you for watching this evening. neil cavuto is back on monday and have a great weekend. >> a deadly shark attack off theming. coast of maui.. th >> the sharks are coming, are your kids vaccinated? >> there are 70 cases of measles tied to ann outbreak at nationa disneyland. we dabout john: what should we do about it? itit >> all sound so scary. tonight life or death. that is our show tonight. ♪, jo ♪ i john: now it's time for johnut.
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stossel.s i don't want to die, but isi si see a lot to worry about when i watch the news. go >> ebola here in america.tores >> planes, cruise ships buses.odness, >> many have been worried about bpa. >> though, my goodness, what am i going to do? i don't want to die. get the first thing i should do isting med not gettingia freaked out and start making rational judgments. kill what is likely to kill me? isis no scary and horrible as they are. you. one of the bigger risks is something we do all the time and don't even think about it. driving. what if you had never seen cars before and i told you i wanted to replace horses and buggies with a new form of transportation that would pollute less -- pollute more, but much less solid waste. the only problem, it
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weighs 2 tons and goes 60 miles an hour and we're going to let 16 16-year-olds drive. you'd say, no way. you're crazy. it's dangerous. you would have a point. cars kill -- during this tv program, five americans will die in cars. but we don't think twice about jumping in the car or driving somewhere even at night or in the rain, which is more dangerous. i sometimes ride my bike to work, through new york city traffic. this is really dangerous. though the greens tell me i'm doing something wonderful by doing this. which probably isn't true. i do this even though bike riding kills hundreds of people each year. most people are killed by ordinary things. almost 5,000 people die crossing the street. my grandfather died that way. 4,000 people drown. 300 drown in bathtubs. more than 4,000 americans choke to death a year.
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2,000 die in house fires. stairs kill 1,000 americans. heck every year, 50 children are killed by buckets, ordinary five-gallon buckets. that's why this warning is on this. kids fall into them and drown. all these risks get far less intense news coverage than mysterious new threats like ebola. >> it's here and it can kill you. in fact, the odds are overwhelming against you if you can o you get ebola. >> you can bleed from your eyes. >> why not secure the borders. >> why not? it's a very scary disease. (?) kills people in a horrible way. had there been an epidemic here, it would have been a terrible thing. but only two people caught ebola in america. neither died. even in west africa where there was an epidemic, more people were killed by other diseases, like the flu. when the scare was at its peak i tried to provoke the women on the
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fox show by saying this. >> this is an overhyped risk being pumped by news media like us and especially you women more scared of ebola than men. i'm being sexist here. >> why is it wrong to be safe than stronger? >> i would like to see extra screenings. >> what would that cost? again, without putting up walls, no american caught ebola here and died from it. by contrast, 100 americans were killed by deer this year. aren't they cute? deer kill lots of people because we drive into them in our cars. no one proposes killing out the deer. we worry about ebola sharks tiny amounts of chemicals in food. nobody gets in their car and say gee, what if i hit a deer today. >> deer collisions can be a real concern. it happens more than a million times a year. so why do we worry about the wrong things? this book, how risky
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tries to explain why our fears don't match the facts. david is the author. so, why do we get these things wrong? >> it's not just the likelihood that we die. it's how we die. so if i ask you what's scarier dying of heart disease in your sleep or flames. you would say flames. even though it's less likely. it's nature of experience. >> even the likelihood we get wrong. >> we do. we're enumerate. 20% of college graduates couldn't answer this question. which risk is bigger one in ten, one in 100, or one in a million. >> one in ten. >> yeah. 20% of college graduates couldn't get it. mostly it's because risk has these psychological characteristics. do we control it? is it natural --
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>> from years of evolution. >> that's right. we learned all these instincts when things were simple. now bpa is more complicated. we still use the instinctive emotional side to gauge what's scary. >> we need to be fearful. we might be eaten by the tiger, you need to fear the tiger. >> god bless the system. mostly it works because here we're talking tonight. >> so far. >> it's prone to error. the important part of your program the errors can be important by themselves. it's risk. worry too much or too little. dangerous in and of itself. >> you worry about the wrong things. we don't pay attention to the right ones. >> we're freaked out. we worry about the wrong things. >> you write, don't get your information from dr. google. >> go to sources that you can trust. some of them are on google. and some of them are on google and you can't trust them. be skeptical of everybody who is trying to sell you information.
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stossel: if you put in the words can you die from and auto correct to the first ones that come in a broken heart, weed also on the list of hangover, the flu. but these aren't the biggest killers. >> whoever does this search will get awful spam now. [laughter] stossel: i was sexist on outnumbered to say it to the women. i notice a woman screaming. i didn't do that. my perception is that women are more alert to threats. >> amongst the academics who study are we afraid or not. there's something called the white male effect. i emphasize white. they asked them rank these ten risks. they all ranked them the same. smoking was the highest. classical music was at the bottom. white men between between 18 and 59 were about 10% less afraid than white women or
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people of color of either gender. the subpoena obligation is that those people feel like they have less control over the world. (?) that's one of the the characteristics. there is evidence to your sexism. >> good. now, lots of the things that people are scared of are pushed by the anti-chemical left. >> there's new research about a chemical called bpa. >> it can pop up in your kids tea. is there nothing you don't have to worry about? stossel: there's nothing if if you watch tv. but bpa is the recent scare de jure. chemical and plastics. the companies cringe took it out. is there any real evidence that it hurts people? >> well, there is some evidence in wildlife that bpa may be bad in the trace amounts that are supposed to the fetus that's developing in terms of what happens to them when they grow.
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that's being investigated by the government. but broadly the bpa case is that environmental folks have brought against a lot of chemicals over the years. they represent a modern world fighting the natural world. if it's not fluoride or bpa, there will be something else. there's that to it as well. stossel: the things people worry about like ebola or these trace amounts of chemicals are much less dangerous than other things that kill people. bee stings kill 50 americans one year. horse kicks, 100 americans. you know, food poisoning, 3,000. you should worry about the chicken. >> that's right. >> and it makes millions sick. >> fifty-five die because they're scalded by hot water. protect the babies. three americans drown in toilets. it's a big country. a lot of weird things happening to people. >> the big killers though, are heart disease, number one. just short of 600,000.
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cancer, number two. 70,000 less. diseases. when you get to number five it's accidents. all those things. that's the biggest -- >> yeah the babies and the buckets. that's the biggest cause of death for people under 39. the biggest killers catch up to us when we live longer because of medicine and our wonderful healthy lives for these diseases to catch up. in cancer, three-quarters of those cases are people over 55 years old. >> it does mean that people being obese or drinking too much or smoking too much that you ought to worry about it. >> now, that's an important point. so if you're obese, you're in a different risk category than if you aren't. if you're older, you're in a different category. risk is relative to the subgroup. we can't get the average risk of americans getting hit by a horse. i don't go on a lot of farms. stossel: good point. i'm annoyed at how the
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media covers this. look at the stories we do. we have a chart on this. first, i should say it's not -- a spent a lot of time finding out how many people are killed by this or that. these things kill 50 americans per year. the real risk splsz go further. something that kills kids is more tragic than something my age. how many days does it shorten your life? then if you look at what the media covers, plane crashes, ebola kidnappings school shootings. scares a lot of people. the chemicals in food. altogether, maybe one day off the average life. we also cover terrorism as we should. but even if september 11th happened every three years, and it's been more than ten, less than two days off the average life, despite those 3,000 deaths. i mean, compare that to murder, 55 days off an average life. then add on just
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driving. eighty-eight days and the person who drives farther to get to the organic food store is just nuts. and then finally smoking. 1800, five years off the average life. smoker worrying about getting cancer from his cell phone is just nuts. people worry that way. >> and the media responds to what we are likely, we out there in nonmedia land will pay attention to. if a risk comes along like ebola kills you in a bad way, it's new, as you pointed out. we don't understand it. that leads us not -- to powerlessness. scarier to you and me or us out here. fodder for what will get people to watch. mea culpa, i was a journalist for 25 years. i did this. stossel: and i did this too. i'll talk about that
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later on the show. i apologize. thank you, david. to continue this discussion, follow me on twitter. fbn stossel. use that #life or death. like my facebook so you can post on my wall. we want to know what you think. our game show, can you guess which is more likely to kill you smoking a pack of cigarettes a day or drinking seven glasses of alcohol per day. the winner gets an good. very good. you see something moving off the shelves and your first thought is to investigate the company. you are type e*. yes, investment opportunities can be anywhere... or not. but you know the difference.
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e*trade's bar code scanner. shorten the distance between intuition and action. e*trade opportunity is everywhere. people ship all kinds of things. but what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. that need to be kept at 41 degrees. while being shipped to a country where it's 90 degrees. in the shade. sound hard? yeah. does that mean people in laos shouldn't get their vaccine? we didn't think so. from figuring it out to getting it done, we're here to help. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer,
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that's what i'd like to do.
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[office phone chatter] [frogs croaking] you know what, let me call you back. what are you doing?! [scream] [frogs croaking] [yelling and screaming] it's back! xfinity watchathon week. the biggest week in television history. it's your all-access binge-watching pass to tv's hottest shows, free with xfinity on demand. xfinity watchathon week. now through april 12th. perfect for people who really love tv.
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stossel: if you're confused about what's most likely to kill you. take heart, all of us are. fortunately two british researchers looked at a lot of risks and scientifically compared them. they published their results in this book, the norm chronicle. the book says here's what's normal. lots of the norm chronicle's findings are surprising. let's test that by playing our new game show. life or death. can fox news host. faulkner, david asman and the judge figure out what's riskier than what. i invite you to play
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along at home. what's riskier smoking a pack of cigarettes a day or drinking seven glasses of alcohol a day. a or b? a is smoking. b is drinking. >> i would think a. stossel: you're correct. smoking takes seven years. drinking three years. >> although, you can improve more readily from smoking than you can from drinking. your liver is damaged severely. >> what's riskier. we're keeping score. walking through an airport scanner or eating a handful of brazil nuts? the radiation question. >> oh really. i'll say brazil nuts. >> i'll say walking through a scanner. >> you and i think alike. >> you got it right. more radiation in brazil nuts than airport scanner. >> they'd rather clean it that way. >> the way they grow, they suck radiation out of the ground. the roots of the tree.
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>> different ways of getting to the same answer. >> what's riskier being obese or living in the year 1910. one hundred years ago. >> i would say living 100 years ago. >> you're all correct. people lived 13 years less in 1910. an obese person five years less. >> they were a lot happier back then. >> they were drinking. >> no politically correctness. >> drinking and smoking. >> and eating a lot of brazil nuts. >> what's riskier being a man b watching two hours of tv every day? >> what? >> i'll say tv. >> being a man. >> i like being a man. >> correct answer a being a man takes three and a half years off your life. watching tv, eight months off your life. >> i know. it's risky. >> yeah, but i got it right. >> you'll outlive us also. what's riskier riding a motorcycle for 4 miles or, b skiing for a day?
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>> i would say b. >> motorcycle. motorcycle. >> a the motorcycle is twice as dangerous. >> yeah there we go. >> i think i got it more right. >> i think you are. >> the winner, i'll give you one of my emmys. >> did you get that? one of his emmys. >> i took my name off. >> but harris, you have one, and i have one. >> what's riskier, a being a commercial fisherman for one year or using heroin for a week. >> what was the first one? >> being a commercial fisherman for a year or using heroin for a week. >> fisherman. >> twice as dangerous being a commercial fisherman. >> not everything. >> librarians i think are safe, harris. >> here's the thing, you can only overdose one time. you don't have to do it a week. >> what's riskier a driving from new york to los angeles, b going skydiving? >> i'll say b.
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>> that's b. >> driving from new york to los angeles? >> or skydiving. >> oh, i have them backwards. i wanted to say -- >> driving is a. skydiving is b. >> driving is more dangerous. >> really? you gals are great. i'm always getting squeezed between you. >> last few. what's riskier running a marathon or smoking marijuana for a year. >> one marathon? >> or smoking weed for a year. >> i'm with b. >> running a marathon is 16% more dangerous. you're all wrong. >> it's all how you described the danger -- >> the norm people proved it. >> oh, okay the norm people proved it. >> what's riskier giving birth or serving in afghanistan for six months? >> i would guess because it sounds like a trick question, i would guess it's a giving birth. >> the judge gets it
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right. >> wow! >> serving in afghanistan, 20 times more dangerous. >> wow. wow. >> twenty times. i'm being told in my ear you won. congratulations. jeanine. you're stuck to the thing here. i give you an emmy. way to go. >> let me tell you i owe it to my mother and my father. >> play the music! play the music! >> thank you all. coming up next, how researching the subject next changed my life. also, the safety obsessed versus the motorcyclist. >> is that you? [laughter]
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>> a horrific motorcycle crash. >> head-on collision regarding a motorcycle. >> thrown from his harley and died at the scene. >> should the government force bikers to wear helmets?
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nineteen states do. we libertarians say that's wrong. it's my head. once i'm an adult, i ought to take my own chances, even if i'm a fool. as milton friedman said, part of freedom is the freedom to be a fool. but orthopedic surgeon alton who repairs bones of people in accidents says, yes motorcycles should be mandatory. why, it's my head, leave it alone? >> that's a valid argument. i'm a native texas. itexan.i believe in civil liberties. at 23, i lost one of my close friends who was riding his harley pe. he hit a pothole and died. >> so i'm sorry that happened to him. but i ought to be allowed to risk my life if i want. >> but what about the cost to society as a whole? we have a limited health care dollar budget. and 44% of all the costs
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of these head trauma patients which are astronomically more costly to our health care budgets are borne by society because weirdly our -- maybe naturally, the insurance companies don't like to cover motorcycle injuries because of that added health care burden. stossel: this is the argument i hear all the time. other people are paying for this. so this gives the state a reason to intervene. by that logic the state has the ability to intervene everywhere. why not ban all junk food cigarettes, swimming pools. there's a social cost to that. >> it's true. it's true. first of all, we have traffic laws don't we? i mean, i don't think it would be total mayhem and chaos if we didn't have traffic laws. we have seat belt laws. stossel: but two points. traffic laws talking about a car hitting someone else. and we probably have too many traffic laws. a number of cities are pulling out their street
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lights and finding they get fewer accidents with just stop signs. >> well, true. but if you think about a motorcycle they're small, they're quick, they're light, they're low, and you can't often see them. so you're taking a risk and putting others -- >> that's my risk. same with seat belts. it's my choice. my body. >> it's others at risk. what if you're bringing a passenger on your motorcycle. they have a choice to get on or off. >> they have a choice too. these laws do exist, and the government required it in 1966. mandated for the whole country. writers pushed back and they passed the new law that gave the states more leeway. within three years, 27 repealed their helmet laws. shouldn't the states be able to experiment like that? >> well clearly, they have. and the data has shown that a hugely greater increase in head injuries occurs when you are not wearing a helmet. i've treated so many devastated families. i mean a single head
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injury patient whether they survive or die have exakdexacted a toll on their families. i would bet money that a family would say i wish there was a law for a helmet so my loved one was still there. >> what about the laws requiring people to wear helmets when they wear a bicycle? >> right. >> like a ride my bike. sometimes i wear a helmet, sometimes i don't. >> i think that's different. certainly there are states that have strict helmet laws. >> you support that? kids should be forced? >> i think kids should be. because they're not rational human beings. they don't make decisions -- >> twenty-one states require kids to -- >> right. i ride midtown city bike across town to go to my surgeon center. it's a near-death experience. i'm a bit of a thrill seeker. i wear i a helmet. if they mandated it, i'd probably say, it's not such a bad idea. stossel: maybe you would arrive
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then. it's a pain to wear a helmet. in parts of australia, canada, new zealand helmets are a requirement. the number of cyclists dropped. >> people stopped riding because of a helmet. >> some people did. child cyclists by 42% in melbourne. >> that's shocking. i find that data very hard to believe. >> i like to shock you. >> however another concept would be, well if you are required to wear a helmet, but go ahead and choose not to. in texas you're stopped and you have to pay a fine. so pay a fine. >> i don't want to be fined by my government. i want to protect my own heads. these bans on texting while driving. there should be a law against texting? >> i think there should be a law. look i'm an orthopedic surgeon. my job is to take care of people. that's the best way to take care of people. >> the insurance institute for highway safety. the laws aren't reducing
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crashes even though that the laws reduced hand-held phone use. maybe it's because it's illegal, i can't do this so i'll do it down here. >> well -- >> there's no evidence that these laws have saved lives. >> that maybe true. i haven't seen enough data. i'm all data driven. the american orthopedic -- >> you doctors say ban this ban that. >> no not always. not banning everything. a lot of orthopedic surgeons are downhill skiers and cyclists. >> but you want to force me to wear a helmet. >> i certainlyi do. it's in your best interest. representative of the nanny state. next a similar debate about vaccines. the neans nannies have a stronger case. other people may die if you don't vaccinate your kids. does that mean the police should take kids away from -- what does it mean when people say
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vaccinations should
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♪ >> there are now 70 cases of measles tied to an outbreak at disneyland in california. >> that was in january. now there are more than 100 cases nationwide. i think parents who don't vaccinate their kids are antiscientific morons. vaccines save lives. they're unlikely to hurt a child. even if former playboy centerfolds claim they do. claim they cause autism and say there are too many vaccines. >> too many. too soon. >> that's jenny mccarthy. now she says children should be vaccinated, but the damage was done thanks to her and a couple of crackpot doctors 1% of american kids now don't get some vaccines. so should their parents
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be forced to vaccinate? senator rawnd rand paul was asked about that. >> did you say to laura ingraham that you think most vaccines in this country should be, quote, voluntary. >> well, i guess being for freedom would be really unusual. i guess i don't understand the point. why that would be controversial. i think the parent should have some input. the state doesn't own your children. >> good point. the state doesn't own my children. but contagious diseases are a special case. one ignorant parent may harm other people's kids. that's why dr. manny says he wants the government to mandate vaccines. but what does mandate mean? >> mandate means basically, if we get to the point where we have now communities with vaccination rates at 80% you'll have to mandate if you want to send your kids to school, you have to get them vaccinated.
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>> all right. you don't mean hold the kid down or hold the parents down or forcibly do it. keep them out of government school. >> right. but how do you do that? we'll have hundreds of kids now home-schooled. you know, i know they are. but is that where we're going? you know, science is pretty factual. vaccines were generated in a world of science because we wanted to prevent death. look at the death rates of the 1970s and '60s for measles, you had 2 million people dying of measles outbreaks around the planet. the world is becoming so confused with all of these nonmedical, nonscientist people having voices on the internet. people that are prettier than me. like that actress that can go on tv and be real intelligent looking while looking good at the same time. and people listen to all that garbage, then, yes people will get confused. >> all right, they're confused. but you don't want to force them. you just want to say
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schools. no other mandate? >> look i think there are certain vaccines, like the polio vaccine. how could you not -- >> so do you want to force them? >> i want to force them it will come to that point. you get a fine. >> you don't mean forcibly take away the kid. >> you can't do that. that's ridiculous. it's like everything else. do you want me to give my kid a cigarette at the age of five? >> no. >> no. and i think a lot of people would jump up and down if they saw me give my 3-year-old girl a cigarette. because it's bad for you. you'll kill that kid. the same thing happens with vaccinations. >> so pay a fine. because this is a crisis. it's too dangerous. >> absolutely. you're talking about the lives of people. stossel: yet the media calls it a crisis. how many people have died of measles in america? no one. >> you still have relative small pockets. here's the problem -- >> but 69 people have died after getting the measles shot. >> yeah. but here's the problem
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that you have with your argument. i'm going to tell you where you're wrong. you think measles is a baby disease for the little kid. yes, that is true. but if i'm an organ transplant recipient and i'm 65 years old and i have to take a whole bunch of medication to make sure my liver is kept because i'm taking anti-resifnt medication i cannot afford to be around a kid with measles. i'll be sick. we live in a society where adult medicine has become vast. we're putting hearts and livers. people surviving cancer with chemotherapy. we're doing a lot of things for the adult population. that adult population needs to be part of our community. therefore, that's why everybody needs to be safe. >> no question this can hurt the kids or adults. if you're vaccinated or your kid you're protected. so it doesn't matter if other people are
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vaccinated. >> but the more people vaccinated, the herd is protected. you need to have vaccination rates above 90%. >> but so far haven't we overhyped this. no one has died. some people have died from the vaccines from side effects. one hundred people die from being kicked from horses. no one is banning horses. >> let me tell you something. we don't have time in the program to talk about the whole thing. but do i think there's a lot of vaccines out there that may not be necessary? the answer is yes. i'm not totally a fool. i have an autistic child. i know the fear about toxicity. but there are certain vaccines about 14 or so, you know what those things are important and those things really should be for some people. >> and you ought to take them even if they're not forced. thank you dr. manny. next, stuff we're told we must now worry about after we're dead. what?
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stossel: let's pause from debating life and death. and talk about life after death. i never thought that would be an issue we discuss on this show. one of my producers showed me this commercial. >> have you ever
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considered what will happen to your digital possessions when you die? stossel: no. i won't care about my digital possessions. i'll be dead. but eric who runs an internet consulting company says i should care. why? >> well yeah, you should care. you should care just like you care about your bank account. there was a story about a woman who died, no friends, had quit her job, no family, they didn't find her for five years. they did auto deduction out of her bank for five years. >> for five years her internet bill paying kept going, and nobody found her. >> right. until her bank account ran out. >> here's the interesting thing if you have friends that have passed away, you see this on the facebooks of the world. they still live on facebook. the question is, do you want them to or do you not want them to? there's no rules or laws. facebook came up with something in the security settings.
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it's under legacy. it lets you assign if you want, your legacy. your facebook account could be shut down -- >> why would you want to? >> let's say it's your own pictures. and let's say your kids want two decades of pictures that aren't on thaticattic anymore. they're only on facebook. >> they can't get them. i'm dead. >> if you go to the privacy section, you can get them. anybody can post on it. is that what you want your legacy to be? >> now facebook says you can have a legacy contact who may share a message on your behalf. respond to new friend requests. update your profile picture. but you're dead? >> well, yeah, you're dead. that's right. nothing will bring you back. although you can live forever on facebook. but there is -- i mean, the grieving and bereavement and different for everybody. everybody grieves
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differently. and some people actually because of the phenomena of facebook, can keep somebody in their heart, in their life longer. and no disrespect to somebody who wants to do that. it's everybody's individual choice how they grieve. and facebook is now making it possible to proactively make a choice before you're not here anymore. >> and google has a free service called inactive account manager. it's nicknamed google death. >> that's right. for me, when i'm dead. you can shut down my stuff. if there's a box i can check, shut it down because i'm gone. i'm cool with that. >> other people want something different. if there's money going out a paypal account then you want to have a mechanism to stop it. they demand a copy of the death certificate. a copy of the will. photo id of the executor. >> that's right. but all that is is the digital world catching up to the brick-and-mortar world. which is not, you know
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of no consequence. you know if you've ever been through the process that death certificate, unfortunately it -- it shuts down a lot of things. without it, nothing gets shut down. so now they're coming up with the same exact parallel in the digital world. >> thank you eric. more ways the wonderful internet complicates our lives. next how fighting my abc colleagues about life and death changed my life. ♪
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people ship all kinds of things. but what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. that need to be kept at 41 degrees. while being shipped to a country where it's 90 degrees. in the shade. sound hard? yeah. does that mean people in laos shouldn't get their vaccine? we didn't think so. from figuring it out to getting it done, we're here to help.
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ameritrade. you got this. >> >> there is a lot we could worry about i have reported on lots of threats. >> deal had a coffee maker? it could burst into flames to set your house on fire and john stossel has the facts you should know. >> that was one of my many alarmist stories. it does happen and it could set a house on fire but to date -- to be safe you should come plug it but there is so much you could do over my career with the flesh eating bacteria and shark attacks and dangerous food additives and eating while driving and a mad cow disease and exploding hands.
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there were all serious threats pushed by safety advocates and also because of a cancer epidemic had been asked to report on bottled water tap water red food coloring power lines microwave ovens and pesticide residue plastic bottles ascertain leakage from landfills and by the way there was no cancer epidemic the rates are flat or down but it just seems like it because there is more reporting and more people talk about it. we live long enough to get cancer and it is good news. still in and of those had some science behind it like lawyers looking for money but i came to see consumer
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reporters don't help people and the regulation that comes out of it and also deprives of good thing this. some clueless environmental zealots show it could cause cancer in the media jumped on its simic even a growing number of school districts are banning apples and apple products there are so many hazardous chemicals in the environment now. >> scare after scare consumer activists are worried about everything. >> it could spoil the new refrigerator. >> watch out for poultry. >> sometimes contaminated with a rat feces. >> inadequate maintenance. we should all have turf wars
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>> you make life sound a terrifying. >> wife is preparedness. kennedy: i don't want to be that prepared so after that interview i spent a few years to compile a list and drink them that is how i got the charter showed you earlier i took it to my abc boss and said that we do we show the points danger in perspective the and they agreed to give me one hour of prime-time but to get that was not easy to producers said some regulation could go too far was ridiculous that wasn't journalism but conservative propaganda. they even quit rather than work on the program. but abc did go through with the show. there is a lot to worry about we have been told by
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politicians and the media there is danger everywhere and it is getting worse. i want to title the show we are scaring you to death we had to change it to are we scaring ourselves to death? and was so controversial we had to add an extra half hour to let the safety experts as critical questions they give of the ted koppel might lines lot for that but finally i could show the viewers of bar graph. here is a controversial part showing how much strivings and shortens lives i added one more. poverty. been foreshortens lives much more then the other things we worry about and by increasing regulation remake harder for people to climb out of poverty. >> when we try to complete the eliminate these smaller risks in the name to prolong
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lives there is a good chance we're shortening lives to make more people pour. >> how could he say that? at least it was ridiculous and abstract but then the ratings came in and they were good and to save finally a network is being sensible. abc agreed to give me more prime-time specials and that changed my life. that is all they would tolerate in the risk is why i moved to this channel that that is another story. this shows bottom line when it comes to life-and-death we should worry about things like driving and driving drunk, eating and drinking too much abusing drugs and living recklessly but then show about thanks to free enterprise life is pretty
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good and every year we live longer. that is ever show. see you next week for a new episode in the new time slot fridays on fox business. show that touches base with you folks. "strange inheritance." ♪ jamie: a world-famous musician dies and leaves his dollars' prizes cement. >> his heart, his voice. jamie: it's more than 300 300 years old and could be worth many millions. this is about more than money. it's about a european contest, father's legacy and a huge financial dilemma for his heirs. >> it was very clear to us that he did not want it to be hidden away. ♪


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