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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  April 13, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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and "varney & co.". lou dobbs is next. >> good evening. ayatollah dobbs. the number of the 2016 presidential contenders doubling over the last two days. today after clinton confirmed she is running for president republican senator marco rubio launched his bid promising to move politics beyond the past with ed jab that clinton that could be the oldest nominee in history. we have michael goodwin and former clinton adviser. also geopolitics is complex after russia's maneuver of
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the middle east. with that self-imposed billion with sophisticated surface-to-air missiles. to put putin some in president obama as i. the tepid public response from the obama warehouse to have paid official complaint after a fighter jets intercepted a plane in what officials call the '' and save in a professional manner. with the failures to contain russia. president obama with ties between the united states and cuba former ambassador is with us today to discuss policy.
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breaking news out of florida where senator rubio became to declare his candidacy for president and the first third time senator to do so to take a jab hillary clinton. is a generational choice of a kind of country we will be a leader from yesterday just yesterday. [laughter] began a a campaign for president to promise to take us back to yesterday for. yesterday is over pro and returning to hillary clinton
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and to waffle if president obama is ready to endorse hillary during 2016 as the president indicated that the two of them have become friends but as has been stipulated there are other people who are friends with the president but the president has not offered an endorsement this planet is the responsibility of democratic voters to decide who should be the nominee. lou: joining us now michael goodwin who wrote a column about the announcement doug show and who says clinton made a smart launch. good to have you.
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and a the very idea. you were pretty tough on the former secretary of state? >> some thought we were not tough enough. to lead the country has moved beyond her ideas as part of the royal family is her turn. it is a strong argument against her i think the country has moved on and she has to come up with a rationale that she has not. that was part of the future but i have not heard that from her. at this point we have no real opposition for the nomination of.
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why should she put out a program when all that will happen is the media takes potshots? >> you media types. it is and so much the issue as a program per se but as we discussed the polls in the end of a swing states shows she is not trustworthy or honest according to the voters of the 16 swing states otherwise the election is over already if they don't trust you they will not vote for you. >> in addition the former secretary of state according to the talking points can we get doug saltwater please? i apologize.
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there she goes down the road in a van that they have already labeled scooby doo. per talking points she is there to run because the middle-class needs a champion. she will raise about $2 billion. she has a small nation gdp as a net worth and has not driven a car in in 20 years. how does she connected she has not done that previously? bin rashid as $2 billion worth of communications eventually to outline a plan with inequality and the 1990's to say if you want that kind of economic record
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27 million new jobs created of a balanced budget she will say that is not so bad. that is not a problem. >> the ideas are one paying but if you don't trust the person to carry through it is disqualifying. look at barack obama and the red line to keep your doctor. what is the world upset about? it is about obama not keeping his word. why would hillary clinton? >> there is a potential issue here if they decide to run against obama if they are not of the ballot? again to have absolution from raul castro. >> here is the problem hillary has to avoid she doesn't want to answer would
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you normalize relations with cuba or would you have met with castro or would she vote for them and does bill -- hernandez bell. >> she does not one to answer where you were. >> as long as elizabeth warren does not run and is raising money in and she appears engaged it is a good situation for her. lou: marco rubio people say he has betrayed his good friend jeb bush but i think this is a divide and conquer move for that support for conservative candidates that jeb bush is a rented. what about that possibility? >> but i do think with ted
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cruz and rand paul and scott walker the republican party is getting younger. regardless it is a good sign for the party. they want fresh ideas are fresh faces that works against both jeb bush and hillary clinton. >> that is the yesterday thank. with elizabeth warren to challenge hillary clinton with 251 out of 270 electoral votes they need with the prior elections. hillary clinton and just last year show up to reticulate of vision hopefully makes it to the general election unscathed. lou: i hope so is the image she has in the past when i advised her and her husband.
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why with anything different now? [laughter] lou: you will have an answer next time for pro for blackwater guards to prison terms in the 2007 shooting in which 14 unarmed iraqis were shot down in a traffic circle. nicklaus received life in prison and three others received 30 years. the incident '' transformed blackwater worldwide from the wealthiest and most politically powerful security contractor into unchecked military power. we will be back. >> the russians just keep bombing and the shocking response from the commander in chief with k.t. mcfarland. the british share doubled --
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congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine
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or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor.
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lou: president obama ramp up efforts to have a framework with nuclear iran. secretary of state spending capitol hill pleading with
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lawmakers for more time before they move on new legislation and bringing new sanctions against iran. but senate leadership leadership, tomorrow votes on legislation in june give congress the power to review any deal made by the administration concerning iran's nuclear program. the united states fighting a complaint with the kremlin after a russian fighter jet and reconnaissance aircraft over the baltic sea last week flying in international airspace when of russian fighter approach the aircraft with unprofessional maneuvers also russian president putin lifted a ban to ship iran surface to air surface missile systems it is launched from the back of
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the trucking can target aircraft to go through -- over 60 miles of the surface as russia prepares to send missiles the administration will be expanded to the region the "wall street journal" says maybe searching for vessels in the red sea that are bound for yemen. officials say tehran gives what is that iran it denies those allegations. so with a handshake with the president and castro to unilaterally normalize relations? >> he has to a big legacies' he wants a summit meeting and a peace deal with iran
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never mind it will not cause peace corps be good for the united states or the allies but the deal with cuba once in ted generation or a lifetime opportunity neither of which are good for america and security. >> in the case of iran to provide those surface-to-air missiles is an extraordinary decision in proximity to a deal for the united states and the ayatollah and the bad blood that worsens with obama. >> putin could have waited but he wants to poke obama in the eye. because there is is really
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aircraft all of a sudden once russia does this isn't an option. lou: is this an excuse to take no option? whether the rhetoric over crimea or eastern ukraine or the middle east? >> battle think it anticipated a military action but by letting them be pushed around one more time we will see a lot of them the next 19 months the iranians clearly and the cubans pushing us around i am waiting for north korea. lou: responding to the
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passivity for the iranian deal. >> instead of lifting the restrictions at a fixed date , of better deal is lifting to the end of the aggression of terrorism with a threat to annihilate his real. and into drive effectively a client state. >> absolutely. >> if the iranians would say we believe bin israel's right to exist would not have a conversation that the deal was supposed to do two things to rollback the program not only does it not
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do either of these but probably according to former secretary of state shultz and kissinger it celebrates the nuclear arms race. lou: to say to him to praise for hid his leadership -- leadership with the palestinian authority. what goes your? >> bleeding from behind the president has decided the road is not a better place so we will step back with that global community to step forward but what you see is just the opposite trying to play a decisive role with vice this with the united states steps back it doesn't have been automatically it is chaos.
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lou: u.s. protest with the fighter jet taking on the aircraft united states has responded to have a letter of complaint to say it was unsafe and unprofessional if it was a little safer or professional but it this is getting to be embarrassing. what is the point? is there a point this president will be driven to say enough's? >> i don't think so he thinks it is going well for him he will get the iran deal and a cuban relationship but the problem is it all starts to fall apart the next president has a lot of cleaning up to do.
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beecher to vote deal think at some point mr. obamacare should explain his foreign policy decisions to the we are to people? just curious. a daredevil climber known as the french spider-man successfully climbed one of the tallest skyscrapers in to buy. he did not use artists -- a harness with just chalk and a sticky tape to help him up the tower. no wonder. the 52 year-old is known for his death defying stunts climbing 143 of the tallest buildings including the eiffel tower. has there ever been a strong third left turn from a left-leaning president? succumbing to flattery in
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panama and my commentary is next. and ohio mother faces charges and we will tell you next.
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lou: a few thoughts on our president seemingly conscious choice to hide from public view his personal philosophy and grand vision for the country. i say seemingly because it is difficult to believe that ours is such an accidental president that he would have taken office as a near intellectual blank, a man attached to no ideology. and motivated by no world view, yet here we are his 7th year in office with almost no sense of the men who would have imagined by the way he spoke in previous 6 years he would be at summit of
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americas as he sat next on raul castro. who would have foreseen president obama making such history with first such meeting between u.s. and cuban leaders in over a half century. casualty dismissing the idea the -- idealogical, so late in life to have out waited all of those american presidents for the arrival this one? one who does not see any threat from the communist nation, does not begrudge them their to tail tearian ways -- totalitarian ways and decades of human rights abuses. howell could the cuban leader respond to such generosity but
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to claim he is open to discusses sensitive issues, including human rights and absolve mr. obama of anticuban imperialism. >> i have told president obama myself that i am very emotional when i talk about the revolution i apologize to him because president obama had no responsibility with this. there were 10 presidents before him, all of them have a debt to us. but president obama. lou: castro in addition to absolving president obama of blame, even adding he read his books, the president did not waste time straightening outcast -- castro's version of his reality. can you feel the excitement building? the suspend building?
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mr. castro not in danger of losing his job as president obama insisted to the surprise of many he is quote not in the business of regime change. turns out that the obama doctrine is about proximity strong arm dictators president's targets for regime change in libya, egypt and syria but not a problem in the western hemisphere in particular. an island in the gulf. embattled democratic senator bob menendez had a problem with the conflict slams the obama fawning overtures as wrong headed. >> i think that president has a misguided calculation that if you open your hands to dictators they will unclench fist, raul castro may have said nice things about president obama, at the same time last month we had 600 arrests of innocent people inside of cuba. who were detained.
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lou: not worthy of news in the obama administration. and obama doctrine is also about apiece am, giving -- appeasement, gives your add adversaries what they want, what is our next dictator that president obama could reach out to expecting them to unclench their fists now thomas jefferson quote said, every government generates -- people because today is the 272nd birthday of our third president another of his quotes. >> if nations expects to be ignorant, and free, in a state of civilization. it expects what never was. and never will be.
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>> we're coming right back with much more stay with us. >> coming up good cop bad cop tulsa oklahoma sting sprig goes wrong. the circumstances that led to the suspect becoming a victim. >> a young black man proves that reporting the police turns out to be a two way street, the
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new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968.
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we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at
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lou: president obama calling to turn the page, and develop a new relationship with cuba during his meeting with raul castro, my next guest has a lot of experience negotiating with cuba said this is a foreign policy achievement for obama administration, joining us former u.s. ambassador to united nations, bill richardson, former energy secretary former governor of new mexico. good to have you here with us, we want to apologize for technical problems. you your judgment on so little received by the obama administration in this negotiation if it were such, with the castro regime. >> well, lou, i think what we're receiving is from our latin american friends some 30 countries we have eliminated an albatross around our neck, latins always went after us saying we were opressing cuba,
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the embargo it actually got president obama a lot of praise. but you are right look, cubans are tough they are going to take their time on releasing prisoners and stop harassing our people, i think one thing we should put out right away is we're not going to give up the guantanamo bay naval base, but on the whole lou, i think that we don't want venezuela controlling cuba, we don't want the russians in there or iran, they have been flirting, on the whole because of the entrance and exit of cuban-americans more travel visits more potential american investment there as opposed to european, and others, i think it is a good move. lou: it could be quite the irony, there is a opening. that u.s. investment such as it is does follow. that investment which won't to china -- which went to china for two decade now and instead of
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going through the rest of the caribbean base, and to central and south america goes instead to cuba. that would not please as you put it the latin americans any more than what they put up with over the last 50 years. >> what you will see lou is a lot of cuban-americans some in florida, new jersey, in the country, that they will see if they see some kind of a opening democratic moves more free market which gene will take time -- which again will take time they will put their money there it is better that we american tourism american airlines, i am not saying american itself, delta others, have those flights instead of canadians and spaniards, i think it will is good for us, and cuba and the united states develop an energy relationship they buy our energy and -- i think commercialy would is happening
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makes sense and most personally -- personally there is a lot of personalitieses between americans and cubans, you know, the romantic bay of pigs, you know cuban missile crisis, kennedy-castro i believe on whole obama deserves from credit for opening things up. >> all i could think about is leaders of this country who made a choice to not invest in central and out america but shipped american production to china, trying to building up a consumer economy there. and how different history might have been had we been investing those hundreds of billions of dollars in this hemisphere, creating wealth in jobs in central and south america, what a difference it might have made. >> well, you always cared about american jobs, and i think that is very commend in.
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lou: i say jobs, i talk about hemisphere. >> i know. lou: american country. >> i agree. >> we'll have to -- >> that is fine, no, no, i just want to reinforce what you said. jobs for our people, and i commend you for that i always have thank you. lou: thank you governor we appreciate it, ambassador bill richardson, he has so many titles i could call him i don't know how many honorifics, and probably not get them all in 15 minutes time, a good guy vote on the poll, do you think at some point mr. obama should explain his foreign policy decisions to the american people. >> cast your vote. >> breaking news out of oklahoma a actual is county re-- actual tulsa county reserve deputy is facing murder charges he shot and killed a man during a undercover operation this month he is 73 years old he is not a
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policeman but allowed to ride along with his service women ser weapon after donating equipment to the department. he leaves at one point suspect running officers give chase, but bates ends up shoots and kills the suspect. by mistake. bates is an insurance executive he told police he thought he was the firing his taser stun gun note his handgun. in the video you can also hear him saying oh, i shot him, i am sorry. now facing manslaughter charges. >> a young black man getting a lot of praise for a video he posted on line, recounting his experience with a white police officer, 22-year-old army national guardsman will stack was pulled over for improper use
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of median in luxing ton county -- lexington county in south carolina, this is that video and his reaction. >> i made sure my hands were on the steyering wheel i -- steering wheel i made sure to speak politely, he gave me a warning, i was on my way the point is to say, i am a av african american male, this gentleman was a caucasian there was no problem, people need continued to not all officers are crooked not all officers are racist, not all people who shot or tased or arrested by officers are innocent victims. lou: that video going viral up next 7 installment of "fast and furious" franchise racing closer to joining one of the most inclusive clubs in hollywood history. >> a fresh new face with his own history at masters tournament, making his biggest sponsor a lot
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of money. >> he is doing already himself -- all right himself that is all coming up here next.
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lou: on wall street stocks closed lower dow down 81, sep
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down 10, nasdaq dropping 8. light trading listen to my report 3 times a day on the salem radio network. highly anticipated apple watch only available for preorder they sold a million watches in this country the first day alone this friday, despite a backlog until summer on many models. the difference, the watch case, the band material, and the size. on average american paid more than therein 500 for the smart -- $500 are in500 for the smart watch. >> "furious 7" raking in 361 million in its second week. it is now a quarter of a billion total intake, and fox's "home"
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in second place again. a bit of history made, masters yesterday, in augusta national golf course, 21-year-old texan jordan spieth became second youngest winner in masters behind tiger woods only person ever to lead from start to finish spieth pocketed $1.8 million for the win. 25 million -- endorse the money. 2% on the day as for tiger woods he finished tie for 15, 5 under. >> but when from tyinger to cheetahs, a mother -- this weekend. he dropped her 2-year-old son
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who the cheetah pit he suffered a broken leg in the fall. >> he never approached the child, who was rescued when both of his parents jumped in to the pit. to grab him that add insult to injury. she is an assistance director to a child care have. >> one chimp was minding his own business on a branch, a drone with a gopro camera got too close. so the chimp did what chimps do, swatted to right out of the air. and used a stick a tool. think about this. other chimps gathered to inspect it zookeepers say it was destroyed, gopro camera we're pleased tell you survived
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fall and recorded part of the afteraftermath. >> dallas zoo has a internet sensation on its hand more than 2 million people have tuned in to a live internet stream of dallas zoo giraffe cam welcoming the new baby, unnamed calf has been nuzzling with its mother and learning to run. cute thing. up next, hillary clinton gets a saturday night live treatment does she get the treatment. one of her most trusted confidents refusing to endorse her president rally candidacy next.
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congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease
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or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor.
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new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether.
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with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at . lou: "saturday night live" poking fun at hillary clinton. here is fake hillary preparing for her 2016 announcement. >> my gosh, i don't know if i have it in me i'm scared. i'm kidding. let's do this. [ laughter ] >> want to do some vocal warm-ups and then get started. >> ooh okay love to. hillary is a granny with a twinkle in her eye. hillary is a granny and she makes an apple pie. first female presidents, me
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me, me me me me me! citizens you will like me i will be your leader. lou: joining us gop strategist contributor for the hill, sherry jakobis washington editor of the national review, ileana johnson. that was a funny bit. >> it was, nice to see them giving her equal treatment after bashing republicans for so long. lou: looks like they're settling in for the long haul here. that was pretty strong you think it was a positive or negative for hillary to be so honored by "saturday night live"? >> i mean, it could have been tough to ignore her. there was a lot of fodder here for comedy. you know democrats are presented with something of a problem when you have a candidate who does better when she's shielded from the press and from the public. i think it was noteworthy that
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people praised her announcement video because she wasn't featured until 09 seconds in. it's better that way. and the 2008 video featured her on a couch surrounded by flowery pillows to make her approachable which was a considerable failure. that is a problem to democrats and it is funny. lou: and hillary clinton, sherry this woman is to me at least sort of extraordinary, and that she keeps coming up with ways to screw things up or those who work for her. what is going on? she's got all the money in the world. >> there was a press release saying she's fought women and children her whole life. we know the women she's fought paula and juanita and jennifer. lou: oh! >> i've done this before for candidates, this whole announcement, this rollout is like what's the best thing we can do? we want rally. cheering crowds.
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we want a rousing speech and a video and twitter and on and on, they had to look at this particular candidate. all the problem, we don't want the press asking her questions. we have to have her voice modulated so it doesn't sound shrill and ratchet back the perfect announcement until we end up with this. some advertisement, something that looked like a real estate agent, call me to sell your house, and nothing. i don't know how she gets away with it. lou: marco rubio he looks like he's ready for the run here, but ileana there is also a view, he will be cutting into the conservative vote for those candidates who are already in and those are likely to join, and that would be beneficial not a betrayal beneficial to not a betrayal of budding governor jeb bush, what do you make of that? >> right, i think rubio's argument in his announcement tonight was the problems of the
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21st century demand new solutions and a new generation of leader, new type of leader and by implication, jeb bush and hillary clinton are not those people, and he embodies that new generation, and doing so he presents a stark contrast to hillary and jeb. the knock on him he's another freshman senator, and republicans will be asking themselves do they want to do that again? by contrast he is a great contrast to hillary clinton and so it's something that cuts both ways, and it will be interesting to see how he handing the issues on the campaign trail. >> we saw when bill clinton ran he wasn't running for president getting his name out there. he thought it would be to give heart to bigger names, he was considered second tier and ends up taking the whole thing. i like the fact we're showcasing good republican candidates, who can take off and go after hillary clinton? i thought rubio had a good strong start today.
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lou: how about ted cruz? >> a decent start. lou: what about jeb bush? >> i don't know, i think he's vulnerable because of what ileana said. lou: i wanted to see how far this generosity went. >> the democrats have one candidate that's it. she's not a good one. lou: well, she's about 60% support. >> going to have 2.5 billion dollars too. lou: well that's certainly a disadvantage. thanks a lot. ileana, thank you very much. >> thanks so much. lou: time for a quick look at our online poll results. we asked -- time now for a few of your comments.
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that's it for us tonight. thank you for joining us good night from new york. see you tomorrow. america. . >> a century old amusement park that could be lost forever. >> dying on the vine down here. >> our time is over. it's serious. >> a divided family on the verge of a painful split. >> no amusement park in the world has been owned by a family as long as this one. >> the family loyalty has disintegrated. it's fodder for disaster. >> and a reprieve from the governor, but will it be enough? >> the day after labor day amusement park is not open down there. my father is flipping in his grave right now.


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