tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 15, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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appetite. the fact that michelle obama hates it so much makes me enjoy it more. @kennedy nation. goodnight. evening, i am lou dobbs, secretary of state kerry said he is confident that president obama will successfully negotiate a nuclear weapon deal with iran, we take it up with house arm service committee member randy forbes, and hillary clinton's e-mail scandal has roared back to life, new reports that congress ask former secretary of state about using a private e-mail account for her tomorrow business more than two years ago clinton a response more silence. so will mrs. capitol hill capitol hill ever be held a-- will mirrors clinton ever be
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held accountable. we ask steve networks it took a massachusets juryy 7 days to decide aaron hernandez was guilty or innocent. guilt of first-degree murder. >> we take it up with our ateam annie levy and joanne with us. we begin with secretary of state kerry, who seems to be optimist like that a iranian nuclear deal can be reached and congress will approve it, kerry in germany for a meets of group of 7 foreign ministers we are confident about our ability for president to negotiate an agreement, to do so with the ability to make the world safer. lou: iranian president rouhani dismissive of any threat of congressional disapproval of such a deal, re-- rouhani said that tehran is not negotiating with lawmakers but rather world
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powers joining me now randy forbes serves on house arms services committee day after you all got a deal on congressional oversight of any nuclear deal with iran, the iranians seem to dismiss your role your response? >> i have a filing that the iranians will dismiss any deal that comes out and not comply with it i think what you see in washington is a bipartisan reject of what the president is doing, this is a dangerous deal for united states, and safety of the world one thing that you can look at, lou is that you know president is talking about lifting the sanctions if it does not work he will change his mind, but already we're seeing russians now moving because of this, to sell their s300 air defense systems to the iranians, once they get deployed in there it would mike it difficult --
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make it difficult to do any military strikes in iran, and almost impossible for israelis to do that. lou: but there is a larger reality for united states and that is, that this president in particular, but many leaders in both parties on capitol hill. have said, sanctions against russia are working. and grinding putin to his knees. sanctions again iran, are working grinding the ayatollah to his knees reality and we've seen greater aggression from russia great "expendables 2" greater expansion by iran. when have we been more inept in our judgment? >> well, i think that it not because we had this sanctions, i think it will because our foreign policy related to russia and iran has been wrong in other
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areas, but i think the sanctions that have you on russia are taken a toll, and on iran are taking a toll to lift these sanctions will put an acceleration of what the iranians do, i think that is not just sanctions alone but i think it fact that this administration has been absent across the world in terms of its leadership. that is what emboldened russians to take the actions they have taken. lou: congressman as you know, russia and iran are aligned. they appear to be getting closer together. as well as being aligned and economic interest. and that has to make i would think congressional leaders such as yourself, as well as the president himself nervous about having that strong, strong combination of iran, and russia, economically aligned and having
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perhaps, significant influ en over the price of world crude oil. >> in the just that but also relationship between the russians and the chinese now we found out that data, now that the japanese have to track bell their -- scram bell their planes -- scram bell their planes as a higher number because of the planes going into their airspace from china and russia since the cold war you see this white house is having a collapse in their foreign policy, in almost of place you look, whether russians issue chinese, north koreans, middle east, koreans you name it, they have a failed policy at-this-point in time, which has everyone in washington concerned. lou: turning to domestic policy, department of justice filing papers with the fifth circuit court of appeals trying to move past judge andrew hannon's injunction against the bong.
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on illegal immigration and president's fiat, the justice department response to the circuit court has been to say that the president did not say what he plainly balsley said he -- bald he said he changed immigration policy, and there would be repercussions on any individual officer or agent in immigration enforcement if they don't follow his policies, they said that the judge miscointreaud that -- miscointreaud that, this is say new level of hutzpah. >> can you imagine a mem memo saying that, and this is an administration that does one thing then they tell the course, no that is not what we meant. look at healthcare bill, they
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said it was not a tax then said, it should be justified because it is a tax. they are doing with immigration is just a travesty, and putting the agents through it just unfair. >> congressman we appreciate you being here, good have you with us. >> thank you. lou: turning to 2016 race for white house and e-mail scandal. fox news, obtaining a litter showing house oversight committee asking hillary clinton about her personal e-mail use in december of 2012. a letter that former secretary of state ignored. and scandal perhaps contributing to new york mayor de blasio's refusalrefuse to endorse hillary clinton. >> if april 2015 this election is a year and a half away, a candidate has not been in public eye in this sense for 8 years we're beginning to hear what she
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stands for it is normal to want to hear more. lou: that lack of support from man who managed 2000 senate campaign in new york. there was some excitement on capitol hill today, but this took place on capital lawn. a 61-year-old florida mailman was arrested by capitol police today, that is him flying his gyrocopter over the west lawn, dug house trying to deliver a campaign finance reform message to lawmakers in his plan, that is close friend claims has been in the works for two years his friend told fox news he called secret service to alert them to hugh's planned pending flight, worried he would be shot out of the sky his friend could not confirm to secret service when the flight would occur we're coming right back. >> coming up, the islamic state
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driven out of tikrit but now on the offensive against another iraqi city. colonel ralph peters, and a quick thinking police officer takes down a public safety menace in the neighborhood, his congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor.
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lou: islamic state terrorist today launching a fierce attack, capturing three villages near ramadi it appears to be in imminent danger of falling to islamic state forces. new islamic state offenses is just two days after obama administration said that iraqi troops had retaken a quarter of the territory in iraq seized by the islamic state last year, my next guest said that pentagon claims are inflated with the islamic state and latest fight for tikrit, illustrated how in-- inept the iraqi military remains. joining us now rolf peters.
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i thought you should know about his book, you will really enjoy it ralph it is good to have you here. >> thank you. lou: let's turn to ramadi, and this new offensive by the islamic state driven from tikrit, you would have thought exhausted stipping back to lick their wounds, instead engaged in a hot fight for much of ramadi, your thoughts? >> well tikrit was actually a fascinating small fight that was a training wheels operation. to see what the iraqi army could do. the bad news that it reinforced the tens of thousands of shia militiamen and iranian revolution air guards, renowned fighter general salomony heading the operation with odds between
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30 and 60 to 1 against the islamic state militants in tikrit they still could not do it without u.s. air power. it was an embarrassment for the iranians and the revolutionary guards is slam is state had some00 defenders in ticket ramadi matters more. when the pentagon claimed that islamic state has lost 25% of the territoriy it had taken in iraq our response is desert dirt and dust does not matter, they lost 5 to 10% of the population they this own taken. in that world that is the people that matter not empty stretches of desert, lou as you know, the offensive is not just in ramadi, and al anbar prove the vicinity, the islamic state in syria seized a massive palestinian
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revenue camp, 6 miles from the heart of damascus, they hate losing. lou: to yemen saudi and egypttion led offensive there three weeks now said how successfully or otherwise the campaign has gone for saudis coalition. >> it is you know this is proxy war between iran and sunni arab western states led by saudi arabia. it is not going terribly well for saudis, their air power is making a give rent, slowing advance of houthi iran rebels, to do it it right you have to go toult the ground, they are afraid, and yemen in arabic really means vietnam. lou: turning to back to vietnam
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surface-to-air missiles, now putin said he will sell those systems to the iranians, is there a do you think immediate change of balance in military power as a result. result? >> if he does release say 10 or a dozen of those systems shore of the persian gulf, really gives iran control of the airspace, or allows them to contest the airspace i should say, because that -- that system could range over 90% of waters of persian gulf, even apart from the nuclear issue and raising danger to our pilots or israeli
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pilots if we had to go into iran it gives them a huge leverage over shipping and aircraft of all sorts in persian gulf, it bad news, it is once again putin sticking it to us, building his new network of alliances. you know obama fantasies fant about bringing iran into the fold. we're not getting any love from iran in the near future. lou: colonel ralph peters appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: remember his new book, "value of the shadow" coming out the fifth the may get your order in. >> do you believe that president obama should consult with all our allies in the region including israel before it guess into any deal with iran? >> shocking new dashcam video shows a arizona police officer
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running over a armed suspect who had been on a language crime spree -- long crime spree we warn you this video is graphic and we want you to know the contact before you steerk the man-- you see it,the man survived the crash the suspect of the armed and dangerous, police say that man had broken into a church, committed arson estole a car stole a rifle and ammunition from walmart. fired his gun into the air suspect now faces several felony charges, including assault on a police officer. and the officer who took action, in all likelihood safed lives up next, national debt, $18 trillion and rising. my commentary on this tax day. >> a verdict in aaron hernandez murder trial the dramatic courtroom conclusion, in moments. we give you a sent of what lis wiehl said about her
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lou: a massachusets jury finding aaron hernandez guilty of first-degree murder, tightened convicted of premedicated murder of lloyd with several firearms changes, jury deliberated for 36 hours over 7 days before returning a verdict charge carries a mandatory life without possibility of patrol. but it is not over for hernandez, a convict on top charge of first-degree murder triggers an automatic appeal to massachusets supreme court he still faces charges for 2012 double murder, in boston. hernandez is accused in drive by shooting of two men he felt disrespected him at a nightclub.
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>> a few comments now on one of the smuggest, and dishonest leaders of any part of our federal bureaucracy. here is irs commissioner john to tell congress why irs cannot do its job under his so-called leadership. >> customer service on the phone, in person has been far worse than anyone would want, it is a matter was not having enough people to answer phones and provide service the at walk in signs as a result of cuts in the budget. lou: the same irs that is under fire for spending $23 million and devoting 500,000 working hours to organize labor activity in fiscal year 2013 alone. same irs under fire for spending 4 million on office furniture for executives and same irs under fire for spending thousands on give away items such as -- bathtub toy boats
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rubber wristbands and kazoos. the secret service wants more money as well, congress was not thrilled with conduct of the secret service and bewildered by the budget request last month. >> you want to build a $8 million white house replica for training? -- i have concerns about that. not that i'm want to be supportive but i have concerned for $8 million. >> we think it is important to have a true replica of the white house to do a better job of integrated training. lou: integrated training, 8 million dollars? yes, they want $8 million to build a fake white house they have done so well up to this point without it.
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we have bureaucrats like administrator of drug enforcement administration, michelle, she claims she can't do her job because of civil service laws that state leaders of federal agencies cannot fire directly. >> do you know any of the prostitutes were underage. >> i do not know that. >> that would ma -- >> i can't fire, i can't recommend a penalty. >> you have to work with agents -- have you no control over security clear answer, what the hell do you get to do? lou: what the legal do the leaders really do? and why are they doing more? the answer continue to be not enough those of us paying for that vast government of ours that produces leaders like those we can't ask the most important
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questions, let alone get them answered. why do they never talk about how much government a tax dollar should buy. to be more productive and more effective? we'll take that and more up with forbes chairman coming up next. urequotation of the evening democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not compel a man to furnish funds for the propgation of ideas he disbeliefs and abhors is sinful and tire ran call. that quote from thomas jefferson. >> coming up, demonstrations again alleged police brutality
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new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at you can call me shallow... but, i have a wandering eye. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment.
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police brutality. one protester punched an officer in the face. we call that demonstrator brutality. fast food workers with union support calling for $15 an hour in pay. their slogan. fifteen on the 15th. they tried to strike at some of the fast food joints. as far as we can tell none of them certainly making their point. demonstrators destructing traffic and businesses from new york to miami to la demanding companies like mcdonald's, burger king and wendy's and others increase pay for their workers. 2.5% of their country's work force earns the minimum wage. 2.5%. that's about 3 million -- 200 million folks. the vast majority are 25 or under working at fast food joints. the unions are drawn to
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the 155,000 fast food franchises and the 3 million workers as a potential lifeline for what is certainly the diminishing numbers of those in organized labor. unions such as the service international have spent a lot to support the fast food demonstrations. potential members to fill their dwindling ranks. union membership in this country is at an all-time high. 6.6%. of the private labor force. as the labor force has grown over the past 30 years, i should point out the number of minimum wage jobs has actually shrunk. from five and a half million jobs in 1985 to that 3.2 million today. that's a good sign for an economy that has otherwise some issues. joining us forbes editor and chief steve forbes. great to have you here.
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lou: i want to start with the economic populace of hillary clinton. the pay gap between ceos and the average worker at 300 times, she will do something about it. >> well, the journal had a great piece about that today pointing out her lecture fees. 200, $300000 for an hours work. about 13,000 times the pay of a typical worker. so ceo 300. she, 13,000. that's populism. i don't think it will get very far. lou: it's sort of tough for her to do with a net worth in nine digits -- it's hard to -- >> when you see the perks she demands. private jet to take her there. all sorts of things. presidential suite. she wants the presidential suite in the hotels even though she's not president. lou: let's make something about what this minimum wage movement is about. clearly with my customary subtlety that
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it was driven for unions. 60% are 25 or under. entry-level jobs. what do you make of this? >> it destroys opportunities for young people. you'll get more kiosks in those places where you punch in your order instead of going to the counter. the other thing is getting to the point you made earlier. half of the people who make minimum wage earn above minimum wage after one year in the work force. as you gain skills, you move up the ladder. the best way to raise minimum wage is not by fiat. they tried to do that in europe. they had massive unemployment in europe. best way to do is a vibrant economy. reducing the tax burden on the american people. reducing the tax burden on people who create jobs. lou: speaking of taxes. imagine that. my favorite people john, the director of the irs. i don't know that i've ever seen the head of an
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agency so just utterly indifferent to his responsibilities to his obligations, to the congress. or to the employees of the internal revenue service for better representation of the agency and its management. it is -- he is a loud fud on capitol hill every time he walks up there. we don't hear anything of him unless he's testifying before congress. >> well he figures he's immune. lou: apparently he is. >> when you see what the irs has gotten away with, lois lerner's criminal behavior. hiring agents who have violated rules before, like not filing their own tax returns. taking people's money for alleged crimes. when people are found innocent, they don't return the money. lou: said they're sorry. won't do it anymore. >> right. just like the head of the irs will practice humility in the future. not going to happen. lou: i worry that we've created
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a monster in this government -- >> that's why, starting with the tax code, you have to jump the whole thing and start with a new system. lou: yeah, even with a new system steve, i fear that if we'll put people like that in those roles of leadership in those agencies, i don't see how you can overcome that kind of -- it's just plain ignorance and indifference. it's apathy. >> that gets to why we need a new president. so you don't appoint those kinds of people. lou: even with a new president you'll have someone like the head of the dea well, i can't fire anyone. why not? why can't you hold responsible those accountable to the leadership -- from the president down to the agency heads. i mean, this is a bewildering morass of frankly sloth indifference and
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ineptitude. >> it has to be reduced the size of the government. there was a historian notice after world war iiworld wari, the agency running the navy got bigger as the navy got smaller. agencies, organizations will always get bigger unless you stop them. private sector you get that kind of bloat, you go out of business. government gets bigger and bigger budgets. lou: and is there a cure at hand? is there a response? why don't political candidates ever talk about it? my guess is they fear losing the 4 million votes of those employed by the federal government. >> well, even though i'm a conservative i'd support retraining for irs agents. huge source of government goes out of the window. huge agencies you can do without. most people wouldn't notice the difference. lou: it might be perceptible.
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thank you. a reminder to vote in our poll tonight. do you believe president obama should consult with all our allies in the region including israel before agreeing to any nuclear deal with iran? cast your vote at a demonstrator today interrupted a news conference at the european central bank. its president mario draghi was speaking. the woman launched herself on the table in front of him. and proceeded to glitter bomb him as it's expressed. draghi, and then tossing papers in the air. she was shouting, in the ecb, dictatorship. the ecb said she registered as a journalist. she had gone through an identity -- she had put her bag through an x-ray machine. they did not know how high her vertical leap was. and apparently how much glitter she had on her person. up next, farmers in california fed up with being blamed for the state's historic drought. and they're fighting
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congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor.
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200 miles an hour winds touched down in three midwestern states last week. and one northern illinois man captured his drive through one of those massive twisters on his cell phone camera and lived to tell the story. >> that is scary. the truck -- oh, my gosh. holy smokes. oh no. yeah. that is completely crazy. [wind blowing] >> the truck feels like it's about to lift up off the ground. not lying. oh, my gosh. woo! lou: i'm not sure that my language under similar circumstances would have stopped with, oh, my gosh. the man suffered no injuries. he remained calm obviously throughout it all. only minor damages to
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his truck. in california, the worst drought in the state's history has pitted farmers against city residents who are under heavy restrictions. some farmers are tired for being blamed for using 80% of the water supply. they say the blame starts with the california government with poor planning. fox news correspondent william with our report. >> people have to realize it takes a lot of water to grow food. >> in parts of california this man is considered public enemy number one. >> it does take a gallon to make a nut. it takes 40 gallons to make a cantaloupe. >> the state endures one of the worst droughts on record, agriculturists are fighting back on wasting water. homeowners get hit with restrictions. >> we have 320 million people wanting to eat three meals a day. nearly a billion meals a
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day in this country. that's a task. >> a task that requires water. >> right now, on the west side there's zero. on the east side, there's zero surface water available. >> zero because the state promised people water it didn't have. overallocating what some rivers can supply. it failed to build a single new reservoir in 35 years. the claim they use 80% of the state's water is wrong. >> 50% of it goes to the environment. that needs to be told. >> not only does river water wash into the ocean, trillions of gallons are held back for obscure but threatened species like the delta smelt. >> we desperately need to have a rebound year next year. this coming winter. we don't that have rebound year, things will change. the face of agriculture in california is going to change probably forever. >> farmers argue that growing food isn't the same as growing grass or
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filling a pool. they've already absorbed bigger cutbacks that urban users are now beginning to feel. the longer this drought continues the blame game becomes a shame game that nobody wins. lou back to you. liz: thank you. william. on wall street today stocks finished higher. dow jones industrial up 76 points. s&p up 11. nasdaq up 34. volume on the big board picking up to 4 billion shares traded. and be sure to listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. an employee of the nba's utah jazz wanted to feel the exhilaration of dunking a basketball just like one of the team members. but as you'll see on your screen that didn't work out quite the way he expected. all he felt was the embarrassment of overshooting a trampoline during a break on jazz maverick's
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game. the team mascots do every night. maybe he would have been helped out by putting on the costume or something. he needed help. as i would have if i attempted the same stunt. well, it would not have helped pitcher carlos last night. the indians righty took a hit to his face. avoided injury. according to his manager he'll only miss one start because of a bad bruise. up next, brazilian supermodel giselle makes an announcement sure to affect the brady's bank account. she caused a billionaire to lose his franchise. she helped. karma came back and bit her hard. that's next. ♪ the lightest or nothing. the smartest or nothing. the quietest or nothing. the sleekest... ...sexiest
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♪ lou: tom brady to return for a 16th season after winning his fourth super bowl. his supermodel wife calling it quits for part of her career. the brazilian bombshell announced on instagram after 20 years on the catwalk, she would walk her last catwalk. she's learned to listen to her body, she said. i don't know what the message was exactly. but it apparently resonated with her. and certainly has with the rest of the world. a definitive message for
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gold diggers mistresses everywhere, please be advised, the billionaire wife of donald sterling awarded a $2.6 million judgment against v stiviano. right here, our own expert lisa weil made a prediction about the aaron hernandez trial. here is lisa's outlook. >> you can chime into this, of course. the longer the juror is out the more likely that it will be hung or an acquittal. i'm not sure i agree with this in this case. it's a complicated case. lou: do you think there will be a conviction? >> i still think there will be a conviction. lou: that's why we call lisa one of the best attorneys in the country. joining us co-host of red eye. and ms. us new york and co-host of red eye.
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joe ann. good to have you both with us. to me, the la clippers judgment, mrs. sterling winning two and a half million dollars. i mean, that is -- that is really a milestone is it not? >> uh-huh. lou: what do you think? >> well, i think that she is a very powerful woman. i love her for it. i can't wait to see who plays her in the lifetime movie. i'm thinking goldie hawn. lou: that would work. >> listen, we have to think about v for a second. she could have been smarter about the gifts she got. because before i expect a $1.8 million duplex, i ask, are you sure your wife is okay with this? you have to. lou: that's very inclusive of you. >> very inclusive. i feel bad for v because she'll never be able to afford a full first name. she had been saving up for all those extra letters. she'll be lucky to keep the v at this point. it's clear that donald sterling was wrong when he told her not to associate with black
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people. the message from this she needs to stop associating with white people. it's not working out for her. lou: i don't quite understand her relationship with mrs. sterling, nor her abiding interest in what exploded in her face. let's go to aaron hernandez. convicted of murder. was pretty much what you expected? >> oh, i think so. i mean, i wasn't on the jury. i don't know exactly everything they saw or felt. but what's a shame, a lot of these pro athletes feel invincible to a sense. especially when you're this thing. he's so young. so maybe this can serve as a positive message to other athletes. if you do the crime, you're going to have to serve the time. >> i also wasn't on the jury lou. lou: come to think of it, neither was i. >> you look at it as a glass half full thing.
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he has another trial coming up. if he gets lucky on that one and he doesn't get found guilty at that, he's back at 500. right back in the playoff hunt. that's probably how he's looking at it. >> optimistic. lou: i'm almost positive, that has to be the perspective -- >> i honestly think he's probably looking at it though. lou: gisele bündchen, retiring from the runway. >> yeah. lou: that's breaking hearts i'm sure somewhere. >> the world is very sad. every time a model retires a new victoria's secret angel gets her wings. yeah. [laughter] lou: can i sit here and take in the fact of what you just said? >> yeah. i can't believe that anybody would want to spend more time with tom brady. i have to think there's something else going on here. someone who also gave up runway work, i would tell her it's great she'll continue other modeling work and, you
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know, promote her lingerie line. but there really is nothing like that rush you get when you're strutting down the runway. she'll miss it. i know i do. lou: she said she was listening to her body. >> i wish my body would tell me things like stop drinking, jo. it won't do you any favors. you'll feel awful of that third slice of pizza. lou: apparently giselle has hit the magic mark. >> i think a lot of people listen to her body. lou: i think i could understand that. andy, thank you so much. jo, thank you so much. joanne and andy levy. your name is easy to say now. >> compared to hers. lou: time to look at our online poll results. we ask whether you believe the american public will have trust in an iranian -- only 53% of you said yes. 47% disagreed. this represents one of the closest poll responses we've had on
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this broadcast. it may be historic in that regard. but nonetheless, still scientific. time for a few of your comments. al tweeted me to say, is it too much to ask of our president to put some sort of effort towards building relationships with our friends? apparently so. and read kennedy wrote i hope voters remember that there's a real possibility that hillary broke the law and has engaged in a years long cover-up in benghazi before they cast their votes. (?) i'm sure there will be reminders along the way. lisa emailed me, most everyone i talked to is embarrassed of our government and we're trying to get on with our lives. we all want stability. and that is how i believe the voters will vote. and she mentioned not a single candidate's name. we love hearing from you. email me at follow us on twitter @loudobbsnews. links to everything.
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