tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business April 18, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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are committed to opening eight studios in canada as well and you are fantastic. 77 degrees in new york tomor good evening. i'm lou dobbs. secretary of state kerry is confident that president obama will negotiate a nuclear weapons deal with iran. we take it up here tonight with house armed services committee member congressman randy forbes. hillary clinton's e-mail scandal has roared back to life. congress apparently asked the secretary of state about using a primary account for her official business two years ago. clinton's response? more silence. will mrs. clinton ever be held accountable. with her populist message resonate with the middle class?
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we'll ask the man who ran for president, steve forbes. it took a massachusetts jury seven days to decide whether former new england patriot aaron hernandez was gelt or innocent. guilty with first degree murder. we take it up with our a team. we begin with secretary of state kerry who seems publicly to be optimistic that an iranian nuclear deal can be reached and congress will approve it. kerry is in germany with a group of seven foreign ministers. here he is. >> we are confident about our ability for the president to negotiate an agreement. and to do so with the ability to make the world safer. >> iranian president rouhani dismissive of any threat of congressional disapproval of such a deal. rouhani said tehran is not negotiating with the lawmakers but world powers.
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joining me now congressman randy forbes. he serves on several committees. a day after you got a deal on congressional oversight of any deal with iran. the iranians seem to be dismissing your role although. your response? >> i have a feel they will dismiss any kind of deal that comes out and probably not comply with it anyway. i think what you're seeing here in washington is a bipartisan rejection of what the president is doing. because we know that this is a very dangerous deal for the united states. and the safety of the world. one of the things that you can look at lou, is the president is talking about lifting sanctions. if it doesn't work he'll change his mind. we're seeing the russians moving because of this to sell their s 300 air defense systems to the iranians. once these get deployed in there, it would make it
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difficult to do any kind of military strikes in iran. almost possible for the israelis dothat >> a posble f te iaeli but the i larr reityere fo e uted stats. th thathis pride in paticur, t nyeade in bo parties on capitol hill have said sanctions against russia are working. and grinding putin to his knees. sanctions against iran are working grinding the ayatollah to his needs. we've seen greater aggression from ñ russia. we've seen iran seeks to institutionize power over the region. when have we ever been more inept in our judgment geopolitically? >> it's not because we've had the sanctions on. i think it's because our foreign policy relating to russia and iran has been wrong in other
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areas. i think, certainly, the ru taking a toll and the sanctions on iran are taking a toll. to lift the sanctions is going to put an acceleration of what the iranians do. i think it's not just the sanctions alone but i think it's the fact this administration has basically been absent across the world in terms of leadership. that's what's emboldened the russians to take actions they've taken. >> and now congressman as you well know, russia and iran are aligned. their interests are aligned because are both are dependent upon the price of cuderude oil. they appear to be getting close together, allying as well as being aligned in economic interest. that has to make, i would think, congressional leaders such as yourself, as well as the president himself nervous about having that strong, strong combination of iran and russia
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economically aligned. and having perhaps, significant influence of the price of crude oil. >> it's also the relationship between the russians and the chinese. we have found outdata now that the japanese have had the scramble their planes at a higher number because of russian and chinese planes going into their airspace than they have since the cold war. we see what you mentioned with the russians and iranians. part of the reason this white house is having a collapse in their foreign policy. in almost every place you look, whether it's the russians chinese, north koreans, middle east, you name it they've had a failed policy. that's got everybody in washington very concerned. >> turning to domestic policy, the department of justice filing papers with the fifth circuit court of appeals trying to move past judge andrew hannen's
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injunction against the obama administration on illegal immigration and the president's fiat. the justice department's response to the circuit court has been to say that the president didn't say what he plainly baldly said which is he changed policy -- immigration policy enforcement policy, and that there will be repercussions on any individual officer or agent in immigration enforcement if they don't follow his policies. they said the judge misconstrued that. this is a new level. >> can you imagine your employer sending you a memo say figure you don't comply with these policies there will be consequences and you would interpret that to mean he doesn't mean that. especially with the president of the united states and this is an administration that constantly does one thing and then they'll tell the courts oh, no, that's not what we really meant.
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look at what they did with the healthcare bill when they said it wasn't a tax, then came back and said now it should be justified because it is tax. what they're doing with immigration is a travesty. what they're putting these agents through is just unfair. >> congressman, we always appreciate you being with us. congressman randy forbes. thank you. the u.s. and uk military go air borne working together in one of the largest trainingónóv
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hey, girl. is it crazy that your soccer trophy is talking to you right now? it kinda is. it's as crazy as you not rolling over your old 401k. cue the horns... just harness the confidence it took you to win me and call td ameritrade's rollover consultants. they'll help with the hassle by guiding you through the whole process step by step. and they'll even call your old provider. it's easy. even she could do it. whatever, janet.
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here we go. newly announced republican presidential candidate, senator marco rubio, addressing criticism his resume looked a lot like then senator barack obama when he announced. this is the senator on "hannity" last night. >> i served nine years in the legislature. i wasn't a legislative back bencher. i will have served a full term before i'm president. i -- >> rubio wrote an op-ed which he called the republican party to restore equal opportunity for every american. rand paul's wife defending her
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husband after the presidential candidate got testy. >> it's a false narrative. my husband has worked with strong women his entire life. he spent over ten years in private practice with a female doctor. his whole family is full of strong women. >> retired neurosurgeon ben carson to make a announcement on the 4th of may. his announcement widely expected to be his launch of his campaign for the white house. governor chris christie trying to break into the top tier of presidential candidates. christie is on a two day trip to new hampshire. today he called for means testing for social security and for raising the retirement age to 69. returning to hillary clinton, the mainstream media gushing over the scooby van tour and her exploits on the road to iowa. watch some of the recent coverage in the mainstream
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media. >> she was wearing sun glasses and no one recognized her. clinton is on a two day stealth road trip traveling in this van. security video of her ordering a burrito bowl. tabt tantalizing glimpses. >> she looks like she's having fun and she's doing for her new stuff. we've never seen her get a burrito. fun and new. >> fun and new. well, joining us now to discuss the fun and new hillary republican strategist advisor to president george bush, karl rove. i sense your excitement. at the fun and new that is being experienced by the former secretary of state. >> yeah it would seem to me to be old, tired and weird. she did this thing in 1999. when she ran for the u.s. senate in new york she got in a van
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and drove through upstate new york. at least then she got out and had connection with people. this is a woman who i thought the reporter got it right, a stealth tour. this thing has lacked excitement and substance. it serves to me as a metaphor for the entire clinton campaign so far. that photograph -- monday's photograph was a grainy photograph off of a surveillance system at chipotle outside of toledo, ohio. abden and hillary clinton in dark glasses looks like they were on the lamb and fleeing law enforcement. you know, we've issued arrest warrants for failed foreign policy on hillary clinton and abdean. detain and arrest when you see them. it was weird. today she goes to a coffee shop and then goes to a garage that's connected to a community
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college. and the footage of her -- she was reading her heart felt emotional talking points off a card. she kept looking down to remind herself what it was she was supposed to be telling them was felt in the deepest recesses of her heart about what she wanted to see as president. then i hate to continue, but the woman on friday the inspector general of the state department announced he was responsing to senator chuck grassly of iowa and was going to investigate her for getting $135,000 salary from the state department and then getting a special dispensation to get $355,000 more from a firm founded by bill clinton's former chief of staff that sells political intelligence and advice to foreign companies. at the same time she is the top aide to hillary clinton at the state department. i wouldn't have had somebody like that as the traveling companion going to iowa where chuck grassly is revered and on
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friday started to get traction on his questions about why did you allow uma abdean to double dip. >> i'm trying to remember how many questions i've asked -- >> one. sorry. >> i have to tell you, most entertaining. i get a sense of who you're going to be working against. and i'm not sure that you've selected who you'll be working for. but amongst the entries now we've got three first year republican senators. do you think one of them will likely be the candidate? >> well i think it's too early to say. i will say this they've had -- all these candidates have strengths all of them have challenges. i think that if all done well in their announcements. the question is how well they have done in the days afterwards. marco rubio last night, i think gave a strong passionate speech with a clear vision.
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but what really impressed me about marco rubio is what i've seen behind the scenes as he's prepared himself for this challenge. you can't prepare yourself in the midst of the malstrumentlstrument. he has been very series about it both in the foreign and domestic arena. he made seven speeches without the a lot of attention to them in 2013 and 2014 that are meaty, thoughtful and indicative of a lot of preparation. >> i've got to say, that i have been impressed and did not expect to be by senator rubio. senator cruz raising $31 million. that had to shock even you, i would think. and rand paul. his wife gracious defending her husband and doing so reasonably. and rationally. i just -- i think these three folks are off to a very very
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strong start. don't you? >> yeah. we've got the best field we've had in decades. and there is more to come. and i think it's going to be a spirited contest. i do think one thing, though. this is a -- new poll out today -- >> how did you work -- i got to understand how you could work that in there. go for it. >> this is a poll -- there we go. this is a poll in 15 battleground states. three of them romney won 12 that obama won. hillary clinton, 43 against a generic republican gets 44%. she's well known, 95% of the people say they know a great deal about her. she is 49 pefs,/44 h. she's got very little place to go up. one of the key findings for republicans is. of the 44% who say they're for the generic republican, 51% of
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them say their vote will be predicated on the republican's ideas and policies. only 37% say it will be predicated being against hillary clinton. the republican candidates have to remember this is not about digging obama not about digging clinton. there is room in the campaign for both of those things. most of their time and effort has to be sharing with the american people what it is that they want to do. what it is they want to achieve and how they'll go about doing it. >> very quickly, clinton comes out, surprises all the savants and gurus at least the democrat savants and gurus by going at corporate america. the gap between ceos and workers. she's marking a path and strategy that is economic populism. what do the republicans do? because how can they persuade the middle class and those who apirea aspire to it to support
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republicans rather than clinton? >> they have to have their own economic vision. they have to speak about it with passion and with conviction and with specificity. they have to do it repeatedly and continually. and when after they become the nominee, they're joined in the battle with hillary clinton. they have to say we've tried your policies we've tried them over the last eight years. you were in the middle of the obama administration. al inequality has rose during your and his time in the office. when you put the power in the hand of government, the wealth benefit. if she says the republicans are responsible for the economic malstrument that hit the country in 2008, we need to go straight back and say it was what you did at fanny and freddy and putting it behind risky propositions led by people who were close to you and your husband. >> karl rove good to talk to
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you. thanks. british exercise at ft. bragg, north carolina. paratroopers jumping from c-17's and royal air force aircraft part of the masage joint training exercise. squf the goal to further streamline cooperation between the army and the british army. up next, her honesty already in question. hillary clinton setting out to persuade the american public we'll take it up in m
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she shocked the politicos further by going on the attack against corporate american's leaders. going after the difference between the ceo pay and that of their workers referring to ceo pay as 300 times that of average workers and their companies and her campaign put her desire to portray herself as a champion of the middle class at the top of their candidate's talking points. >> i think it's fair to say as you look across the country the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. and there is something wrong with that. there's something wrong when ceos make 300 times more than the typical worker. i'm running for president because i think that americans and their families need a champion. and i want to be that champion. >> champion or not, she's aspousing what is economic populism. there's nothing wrong with that. she's going all in on economic
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populism. it is a surprising strategic decision given her establishment credentials and the role of her husband's part in creating the environment of ceos was created. in 1993 president clinton helped boost executive pay. creating an incentive for companies to shift from paying its executives in cash, to that compensation in stock options. legislating limits on deductions for cash compensation to the top five% of companies and removing requirements of corporation to expense those lucrative stock options. presidential history has a long reach. she's going to have to deal with that history. and how populist can a sprezal campaign be when it's expected to spend more than $2 billion. to get a job that pays $400,000 a year.
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during her failed 2008 run, six of her top 20 donors were big wall street banks. where the pay gap is less believe it or not. but chief executives there earn 124 times than of the average worker. as for hillary, she earned between $200,003,000 per speech when she left the state department. don't forget about that $14 million advance for her mem memoir. a lot of people would say $14 million to write a book is not a hard choice. we'll see whether she will pull it off. it has been done before in presidential politics. it has been done frequently. just ask barrack george and bill. is it sexist to call them by their first name? i don't think so either. now our quotation of the
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evening. this one about populism. american exceptionalism is the reaction to the inability of people to understand global complexity. they search for simplistic sources of comfort and clarity. the people they are now selecting to be the spokespersons of their anxieties are in most cases stunningly ignorant. i put him down as anti-populist. he was former national security advisor to president jimmy carter now a geopolitical scholar. we're coming right back with much more. stay with us. coming up demonstrations against alleged police brutality results in two new york city p
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two nypd officers recovering from injuries sustained in clashes with anti-police protesters demonstrations last night. blocking traffic on the brooklyn bridge in an effort to bring awareness to what they call police brutality. one protester ended up punching an officer in the face. another struck an officer on the head with a bottle. we call that demonstrator brutality. fast food workers with union support today calling for $15 an hour in pay. their slogan $15 on the 15th. they tried to strike in some of
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the fast food joints. shutting down as far as we can tell none of them. but making their point. demonstrators disrupting traffic from new york to miami to l.a. demanding companies like mcdonald's, burger king wendy's and others increase pay. about 2.5% of this work force earns the minimum wage. that's just about 3 million, 2 mill million. the vast majority are 25 and younger work at fast food restaurants. the unions are drawn to the 155,000 fast food restaurants as a potential lifeline for what is certainly, the diminishing numbers of those in organized labor. unions such as the international union spend upwards of $15 million.
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they see potential members to fill their dwindling ranks. membership is at an all time low. 6.6% of the private labor force. as the labor force has grown over the past 30 years, i should point out the number of minimum wage jobs has actually shrunk. from 5.5 million jobs to that 3.2 million today. that's a good sign of an economy that has otherwise some issues. joining us a forbes media chairman. steve forbes. i want to start with this economic populism of hntsillary clinton. i was shocked to see that the pay gap between ceo and workers. she's going to do something about it. >> pointing out her lecture fees. $200,000 for an hour's work is
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13,000 times the pay of a typical workers. ceo, 300, she 13,000. that's populism i don't think it will get far. it's a tough thing for her to do with a net worth in nine digits. it's hard -- >> when you see the perks she demands when she goes on the lecture circuit big private jet to take her there all sorts of things, presidential suite. she hasn't been elected by president but she wants the presidential suite in hotels. >> let's make something of what this minimum wage movement is all about. intimating i think, rather clearly with my customarily subtle subtly. but $15 for minimum wage. what do you make of this? >> what it does t destroys opportunities for young people. you're going to get more kiosks in those plazces where you punch in your order. we're getting to the point you made earlier, half the people
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earn minimum wage earn above minimum wage after one year in the work force. as you gain skills you move up the ladder. the best way to raise minimum wage in this can't is not by fiat. they tried to do that in europe and you get massive unemployment. reduce the tax burden on american people and the people who create jobs. >> speaking of taxes, one of -- my favorite people is the director of the irs. i don't know that i've ever seen the head of an agency so utterly indifferent to his responsibilities, to his obligations to the congress. or to the employees of the internal revenue service for better representation of the agency and its management. he is a loud thud on capitol hill
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every time he walks up there. we don't hear anything of him unless he is testifying before congress. >> well he figures he's immune. when you -- >> apparently he is. >> when you see what the irs has gotten away with lois lerner's criminal behavior. they're hiring agents who have violated rules. taking people's money for alleged crimes. when people are innocent, they don't give you the money back. >> they're sorry. >> right. and just like the head of the irs will practice humility in the future, not going to happen. >> you know, i worry that we have created a monster in this government. >> that's why -- starting with the tax code. you have to jump the whole thing and start with a new system. >> even with a new system, i fear that if we're going to put people like that in those roles of leadership and those agencies i don't see how you can overcome that kind of -- it's just plain ignorance and
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indifference. it's apathy, it is -- >> well, that is to why we need a new president. so they don't appoint those kind of people. >> even with a new president you'll have someone like the head of the dea saying we can't fire anyone. why not? why can't you hold people responsibility. from the president down to the agency heads. this is a bewildering of indifference ineptitude -- >> that's why the size of government has to be reduced. there was a british historian back in the 1950's writing a history of the british navy. in world war i the agency got bigger. organizes get bigger unless you stop them. the private sector you get that kind of bloat you go out of
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business. the government gets bigger budgets. >> is there a cure at hand? why don't political candidates talk about it? my guess is they fear losing the four million votes of those who are employed by the federal government. >> i support retraining for e irs. numerous agencies you can do without. most people wouldn't notice the difference. >> i know that everyone would take the risk that the might be perceptible. great to have you here. thank. >> thank you. coming up the islamic state driven out of tikrit. now on the offensive against other iraqi city. colonel ralph peters joins us. a quick thinking police officer takes down a public safety menace in
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comes two days after the obama administration said iraqi troops had retaken a quarter of the territory in iraq seized by the islamic state last year. my next guest says pentagon claims are inflated when it comes to the islamic state. the latest fight for tikrit illustrated how inept the iraqi military remains. joining us ralph peters who spent 22 years in the army rising from enlisted man to colonel. and a best selling author, publishing 31 books. at new civil war novel coming out on the 5th of may. entitled valley of the shadow. i want the audience to know he didn't tell us to say that. i just think you're going to appreciate the book. let me turn to ramadi and this
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new offensive by the islamic state. driven from tikrit, you would have thought exhausted stepping back to lick their wounds. instead engaged in a hot fight for much of ramadi. your thoughts? >> tikrit was actually a fascinating small fight. that was a training whoolzeels operation to say what the iraqi army could do. the bad news it reinforced with tens of thousands of shia militiamen. with odds of between 30 and 60-1 against the islamic state militants in tikrit, they still couldn't do it. they couldn't do it without u.s. air power sweeping in. the good news is, it was an embarrassment for the iranians and the revelationary guards.
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the state had hundreds of defenders in tikrit. ramadi matters more. when the pentagon claimed that islamic state has lost 25% of the territory it had taken in iraq, my response is desert and dust doesn't matter. they have lost at most 5% to 10% of the population they had overtaken. that alone, it's the people that matter, not empty stretches of desert. by the way, as you know very well, the offensive isn't just in ramadi in anbar province. the islamic state militants in syria or what used to be syria has seized a massive palestinian refugee company six miles from the heart of damascus. these guys ain't losing. >> turning to yemen. the saudi and egyptian led offensive there, three weeks now in duration. assess how successfully or otherwise the campaign has gone for the saudis and the nation
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coalition? >> well, it's -- this is a proxy war between iran and the sunni arab western states led by saudiq%@@&h(lc% arabia. and it's not going terribly well for the saudis, but their air power is making a difference. it's slowed the advance of the houthi rebels. but the saudis -- to do this right you got to go in on the ground. saudis are afraid to do that because they know their military is hollow. they know that yemen in arabic means vietnam. >> well, turning to one thing that to bring us back to vietnam. service to air missiles. the s 300 sophisticated service to air systems, the russians now putin says he will sell those systems to the iranians. is there a perceptible and do you think will there be a
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perhaps immediate change of balance in military power as a result? >> well if he does release say, a ten or dozen of those systems aligns those up -- along the eastern shore of the persian gulf really gives iran control of the airspace. allows them to contest the airspace i should say. because that -- those -- that system could range over 90% of the waters of the persian gulf. apart from the iranian nuclear issue and ranging the danger to our pilots or israeli pilots if we had to go in to iran. it gives them a huge leverage over shipping and aircraft of all sorts in the persian gulf. it's bad news. it's putin sticking to us. he's building out his new network of alliances. obama dreams -- he fantasizes
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about bringing iran into the fold and opening up iran. the result of his nuke deal f it goes through is going to bind iran and russia together. we're not getting love from iran in the near future. >> thanks for being with us. appreciate it. shocking new dashboard camera video shows an arizona police officer running over an armed suspect who had been on a long crime spree. we warn you, that this video is graphic. but we wanted you also to know the context before you see it. the man survived the crash and prosecutors cleared the officer of any wrong doing. because the suspect was armed and dangerous. police say the man had broken into a church, committed arson innovated a harm. stolen a car and rifle and ammunition from walmart. fired his gun into the air. the suspect now faces several felony charges, including assault on a police officer. and the officer who took action
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16th season after winning his fourth super bowl p. his wife calling it quits at least for part of her career. the brazilian bomb shell announced on instagram after 20 years she would walk her last cat walk. she has learned to listen to her body. i don't know what the message was, exactly. but it apparently resonated with her. certainly it has for the rest of the world. a definitive message for gold diggers, mistresses everywhere. be advised, the billionaire wife of former la clippers owner donald sterling awarded a $2.6 million judgment against his mistress. last night our expert made a prediction about the aaron hernandez murder trial. here is her outlook. >> the lower the wisdom -- you
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can chime in on this, the longer the jury is out the more likely it's going to be a hung or an acquittal. i'm not sure i agree with that. it's a complicated case. >> do you think there's going to be a conviction? >> i still think there will be a conviction. >> that's why we call her one of the best attorneys in the country. joining us co host of red eye, andy levy. fox news contributor, and ceo host of red eye on fox news, joelle joelle. i got to say to me, the l.a. clippers' judgment, ms. sterling winning $2.5 million. that is really a milestone, is it not? >> uh-huh. >> what do you think? >> well, i think that she is a very powerful woman. i love her for it. i can't wait to see who plays her in the lifetime movie. i'm thinking goldie hawn. >> that would be great. >> v could have been smarter
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about the gifts she got. before i accept a $1.8 million duplex i always ask are you sure your wife is okay with this. you have to. you have to ask. >> they are inclusive. i feel bad for v. now she'll never be able to afford a full first name. she had been saving up for all the extra letters. it's pretty clear that donald sterling was wrong when he told her not to associate with black people. i think she needs to stop associating with white people. it's not working out for her. >> or at least with -- well, never mind. i don't understand her relationship with mrs. sterling, nor her interest in tape that seems to have exploded in her face. let's go to aaron hernandez convicted of murder. it was pretty much what you expected? >> i think so. i don't know exactly the jury
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saw or felt. what's a shame a lot of these proathletes feel invincible to a sense. especially when you're this young. he's so young. so maybe this can serve as a positive message to other athletes. if you do the crime, you're going to have to serve the time. >> andy? >> i wasn't on the jury, but i think -- >> come to think of it neither was i. >> look at this from a glass half full. he was found guilty of this murder. he has another murder trial coming up. if he gets lucky on that one and he's not guilty at that. he's back at .500. i got to think that's how he's looking at it. >> opmystic. >> i'm almost positive. >> i think he is probably looking at that way. >> gazellebundchen is retiring.
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>> every time a model retires, a new victoria's secret angel gets her wings. >> can i just sort of sit here and take in the fact of what you just said? andy. >> yeah. i just -- i can't believe that anybody would want to spend more time with tom brady. i got to think there's something else going on here. as someone who recently gave up runway work, i would tell her i think it's great she's going to continue doing other modeling work, and you know promote her line. there is nothing like that rush that you get when you're strutting down the runway. i think she's going to miss it. i know i do. >> she said she was listening to her body. >> i wish my body would tell me things, like stop drinking jo. it's not going to do you any favors. you're going to feel awful.
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>> apparently she's hit the magic mark. >> i think a lot of people listen to her body. >> thanks so much. thank you very much. andy and joelle your name is so easy to say now. >> the veteran of the battle live -- squirrels away enough military gear for a platoon. >> aconite leaving get access to the master bathroom it was so clogged with the stuff. >> it was once-in-a-lifetime >> plus plenty of surprises. >> this is worth $50,000? >> usually wrapped in of blanket in a bathtub. jamie:
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