tv Cashin In FOX Business April 19, 2015 9:30am-10:01am EDT
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nd its bottom. >> you like pfizer, why? >> i think it sold a lot of xanax last week when taxes were due. >> that's it for "forbes on fox." thank you for watching. have a wonderful weekend. number one business continues with eric bolling and "cashin' in." you can see the media running behind me here. to chase the scooby van. >> guy in the orange pants is pretty quick. alex, i mean, i'm looking at these people. wow. >> see the way these reporters are running after hillary clinton? is your money about to weigh in? looky, looky whose there. that's not juan williams with lipstick, it's our good friend michelle fields. this week, we saw the media treat hillary clinton more than a rock star than a presidential candidate. that should have taxpayers worrying, right? >> 60% of americans think the
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country is on the wrong track but hillary clinton is not that different from you and me. she puts her pantsuit on in the morning one leg at a time just like you do. >> nice, nice well done. go ahead. >> in all seriousness eric, we shouldn't be surprised by this it the liberal media has worshiped at the shrine of president obama for the past six years and hillary clinton's going to be no different. but instead of playing gutch ging got cha questions, they should be getting to the bottom of the e-mail scandal, asking her question, calling her out on her hypocrisy on things like women issues. when the clinton foundation takes money from countries that are known to oppress women. >> one of the things when hillary clinton was a senator, one of the issues that she had was she paid her male staffers $15,000 a year more than -- >> that's not true. buzz feed got the actual annual salary data which they've shown is equal ended up making more.
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>> actually, i think there's several different -- there's buzz feed and -- that have confirmed the fact she paid the male staffers more. >> if you want to talk about what goes on in the clinton foundation, they do have a big pay gap. i don't think that's right as someone who advocates for equal pay. >> so let me ask you, if you saw the media chasing after her they're basically the next coming, clearly going to be the nominee -- >> oh, absolutely not, 72% of democrats and independents want a strong primary challenge. i hope they get them. and i think that hillary hopes they do. being challenged like o'malley came out and called her out on flip-flopping on immigration and same-sex marriage. >> that's right. >> it's really important she has to address these issues if she's going be to the nominee. >> they're chasing after her because hillary's like oprah. i mean she is a rock -- whether you like her or not she's a political rock star.
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recognizable the world over. i think the media isn't challenging her on the economic issues because they largely agree with her. the culture largely agrees with her about taxation about redistribution, about how evil the wealthy are. that's someone like cruz his economies are seen as someone like radical. whereas hillary is essentially continuing the obama redistribution -- >> let me get michelle in. the clinton -- the scooby van pulled up into a handicap parking spot. if you're the presidential candidate, if you're the one that wants to be president, when you pull up to that handicap spot, don't you go hold on, just pull it up further, let's not do this this is going to look -- does she have any clue what this looking like to the american people? >> oh, she doesn't care. she's out of touch. she feels as though she's not accountable to anyone. look, a hillary clinton presidency is basically another four years of president obama. the only difference is it's going to be a female in a
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pantsuit rather than a man. when you look at her domestic policies, if it's exactly the same thing as president obama. she wants higher minimum wage. she wants to tax the rich for all they got. and she's a hypocrite. look at the estate tax. she's for the estate tax. her husband was for the estate tax. if you look at their finances, they've done everything so they can avoid the state tax. it's hypocrisy. she doesn't believe she's accountable to anyone. >> let me say very quickly when you lose jon stewart when he's even making fun of you. >> there are a lot of good reasons for you to be chasing a van. if the van was perhaps a good humor truck. and you were 5. if zayne was in the van. and you were 5. or if you're not so much running towards the van as away from godzilla. >> all right, so funny. you wanted to jump in.
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>> well, this is so condescend condescending. for her to sit down and talk about the downtrodden. meanwhile, she's living in a million car mansion herself. driven around. she hasn't had a car in 25 years. she's driven around. she talks down to the secret service, uses them like servants. the whole thing is just distasteful. >> as she remains unbelievably popular, because these ideas, the redistribution, the high taxation, the high regulation. her basic economic fill loss if i is very much in tune of everyday america. elections are the cashing in of ideas. you don't make ideas during the election. you cash in on them. hillary's leftist economic ideas unfortunately i think are shared not only with the media but a lot of the american public. >> but does the -- >> hold on, $2.5 billion. by far, more than double the other record jessica $2.5 billion. is this all democrats have to spend their money on? >> i hope not. there's a lot march out there.
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it's a sad thing, that's what elections cost. we need campaign finance reform. we need things like that. >> they don't -- >> you had the budget -- >> no, but barack obama had the prior record at $1.1 billion. here we are eight years later -- go ahead. go ahead. >> the problem with all these issues is the fact that she's a hypocrite on all of them. she criticized campaign finance but she's going to spend over $2 billion this election cycle. she criticized income inequality and criticizes ceo and pay discrepancy but she charges $300,000 per speech. she says she's for women's rights but she has no problem taking money from countries that oppress women. she's a hypocrite. >> i've got five seconds. you got it? >> not only hypocrite call why would you trust somebody like that? to be the leader of your country? that's just insanity. >> i don't know. >> maybe it buys into something. >> we got to leave it right
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there. a quick scorecard on our conservative hash tag. it's exploding. you have tweeted over 450,000 times in the last 30 days. get this, on sunday, mind you, we weren't even on tv. hillary clinton announced her candidacy for president. the word "hillary" was the second most tweeted word on twitter. the most tweeted word on twitter, wake up america, i kid you not. going to college is cheaper for some illegals than it is for many legal americans. let's just say college kids ain't happy. >> i'm a u.s. citizen. shouldn't i be able to afford college? >> from my own personal
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can you imagine a better deal on a college situation than legals? it's happening in more than 2 dozen states. yep illegals get a better deal than legal americans from other states. i wonder how legal college kids feel about that. >> that's kind of ridiculous that they don't have to pay as much as i do when like my parents, like work hard and all that, you know? >> that's ridiculous. actually, like, i'm really surprised. >> michelle our friends at campus reform shot that. but how outrageous is it that this is going on? >> i mean, these are the programs that basically encourage people to come here illegally. because they know if they come here not only will they be treated great, but they'll be treated better than american citizens. how is it fair that my family
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came here the right way from honor duringduras and if i were to go to college out state, i would have to pay more than someone who broke the law. every dollar going to an illegal is a dollar not going to help our own. it's not noble to help out a stranger when your own people are drowning. we have people who are, you know, living in poverty 1 in 3 children are living in poverty. we have college students who are knee deep in debt. these are the people we should be helping. not illegals. >> john, your thoughts on this one. you might have an interesting take. go ahead. >> eric, i think -- unfortunately, once again, we're using this issue as a red herring against immigration. this has nothing to do with immigration. the big issue here is instate tuition versus out of state tuition. people who pay instate pay a lower rate. legal/illegal. it makes no difference. the truth is what you call -- >> these guys aren't out of state. they're out of country. and i have a real problem when out of country people -- >> but they're living in the --
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>> i'm about to send my son to college -- >> just like any other instate resident. if you want to make them legal make them legal. >> i'm about to send my son to college. a good chance it's going to be out of state. he's going to be competing with illegals as far as getting a cheaper -- that makes me crazy. >> it should, eric. continue to ask the question, who is looking out for the taxpayer. the problem with this is we're practically begging illegal immigrants to come to the united states. we're rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants and it's sticking pax payers with the bill and it's wrong. >> economists predict they're going to contribute $1 trillion to the economy. also, these are not all border jumpers who did on their own. a lot of people came here when
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they had no choice. their parents may have broken the law but they didn't. >> what about the issue of fairness? this is not fair. >> wayne there are five states in the union that not only will give illegals instate tuition, they'll give them financial aid. >> this is a state issue. they should change it. it's as simple as that. when you start a sentence with the word illegal you've got nowhere to go. an illegal is illegal. we have some sort of policy for immigrants or we don't. now, that's up to the legislator legislators in the various states. if they don't want to fix it they don't want to fix it. i guess people don't want to fix it. it's crazy. >> legal or illegal, it's res residency in a particular state. what you call illegals are residents. they're renting homes they're buying groceries.
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>> they're breaking national laws. >> i understand they're living in the state but -- >> hold on, you can't receive it. illegal. illegally here. illegal. get it? illegal. >> just keep saying "illegal" as if it means something. >> you want to make me feel better, i wasn't competing. my son wasn't -- sometimes, michelle, $80,000 more a legal out of state resident is going to pay. >> look the average american graduates college with $30,000 in students. they're take out this debt because college is expensive. it's expensive for them compared to an illegal alien. it's unfair to people who came here legally. and now they have to pay more than the people who broke the law. who broke american laws?
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it doesn't make sense. >> so now we have people who came here legally who went through the immigration legally behind the illegals. that's why we need immigration reforms. these people are going to be more productive contributors to our economy if we educate them. college graduates earn 60% more than high school graduates. they contribute over 80% more. >> you're making the case -- >> and everyone -- >> wait. >> you want to justify the law. you want to justify illegal with economics. let's have everybody rob banks. that's good for the system too. i mean what are you, nuts? >> wayne everyone you want to be besmirch as jumping the line, as
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illegal -- >> whoa whoa whoa. okay. jonathan, finish your thought. >> well, they would come in legally if there was a system -- people want to jump over the -- and commit crimes. they want to come legally. they want to participate in the american dream. but i think it's pretty disingenuous to say come legally and make a system literally impossible for them to do just that. >> we're going to wrap it up. very heated debate. great stuff. forget the minimum wage battle for 15 bucks an hour. one ceo is making sure all of his staffs make at least 70 grand a year. is he courteous or just downright crazy. the technology changes the design evolves the engineering advances.
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just a few minutes. join us. have you seen the ceo? dan price dropped his own salary from $1 million kahunas to 70 grand as well. here's how the employees took the news. >> here is the man of the hour. it's getting bigger and bigger. a lot of times people are proposing a solution. for me that's a sign of failure that we didn't self-regulate and self-govern. had we done things like this there would be no need -- >> okay, michelle, thoughts on this guy? personally, think he's a socialist. your thoughts?
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>> look, i think it's good he sees his employees can justify a $70,000 minimum wage. but i don't think this is representative of the minimum wage debate. we're not talking about people who are flipping burgers. the people who are out on streets upset they're being paid $10 an hour rather than 15 an hour should go and improve their skill set and maybe they can command $70,000 or more. it's not about getting the government involved, it's about improving the skill set. >> your thoughts? >> well, i mean, i have to say, think he's pretty foolish. he's a second hander. he's a real peter keating type who needs other people to like him. we know he's an obama fan boy. obama met with him. what is his whole point here? you know, that it's a moral imperative that ceos don't make so much more than the lower employees. the truth is, he's worth a lot more. he's the one who started the company when he was 19 years old. i don't know. his employees seem to like it. it's almost like you're saying you're not really worth this amount of money but i just feel
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so bad for my success i'm going to, quote, share the wealth. straight out of obama playbook. >> the 130 employees i think they're going to be on the welfare line soon. >> i'm not sure about that. i think that what he is trying to do, trying to draw attention to an inequality problem that we have in this country. overwhelming majority of americans feel that way. 40% of them think corporations actually need to play a role in fixing that. >> so attention to a problem that needs fixing? >> no he's not just playing there with their future. >> revenue, the company made $15 million a year last year. now saddling that same company with $9 million in payroll. this is a ploy. >> look, it's his company, he's entitled to do what he wants to. it's a free market. i'm just disappointed he's paying it out in salaries because the government is going to get a piece of that in taxes. i'd rather him just make a
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charitable contribution and give it to his people that way. i applaud him. look, it's his money, let him do it. >> thoughts? >> i don't support a minimum wage increase because it's a job killer. if he wants to do this in between hugging trees good for hip as long as the government's not coerceing him to do it, i'm fine with it. coming up wake up america. a warning from the co-founder of burger king. why he's telling fast food workers you can't have it your way. so
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i want to say thanks to our "cashin' in" crew for joining us. all right, time to wake up america. on wednesday, after "the five" i was driving home and got caught behind this. the nationwide $15 an hour protest. that protest ran from central park all the way downtown to city hall. ground traffic to a halt. people just wanted to get home to their families. others just trying to get to work. those protesters didn't care. they were demanding $15 per hour. didn't matter who they hurt on the way. folks, there's a bigger problem with what those liberal potcies get on wednesday. sure, it was an inconvenience. check this out. they're demanding $15 an hour. they may get it. that money has to come from
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somewhere. prices have to rise. have to. they have to. don't take my word for it. listen to what the founder of burger king said this week. quote, you're not going to get these dollar hamburgers anymore that both burger king and mcdonald's had. i see a lot of $10 hamburgers arrivaling on the scene pretty soon. so the so the clowns block traffic for a day but if they get their way everyone struggles to make ends meet who take their kids for the dollar menu. you can kiss that opportunity good-bye thanks to those fast fools protesting. the flaw in the liberal mind-set is this. they never think about how much all the stuff they demand today will effect the people they claim to want to help down the road. never. wake up america. your burger flipper and french flyer fire friar is about to get $15 an
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hour. have it your way. loving it. i don't think so. have a great weekend, everybody. >> announcer: the following program is a paid advertisement for the food lovers fat loss system, brought to you by provida life sciences -- practical solutions for better living. >> i'm annette. i'm from studio city california. i'm a mother of three. i weigh 155½ pounds. this is the heaviest i've ever been. i'm a size 10. and this is me now. i lost 25 pounds and went from that size 10 to this size 2 in just 12 weeks. how did i do it? i became a food lover. >> i'm a food lover, and i lost 36 pounds. >> i'm a food lover, and i've lost 50 pounds. >> i'm a food lover, and i lost 60 pounds. >> i'm a food lover, and i lost 82 pounds in 8 months.
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