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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  April 20, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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. neil: paul volcker warning this regulators do not go far enough. >> in a way that reflect the changes in the market we're in trouble. big trouble. neil: volcker said, here is why we're in big trouble banks door big to fail, and problem for financial industry are too many to count. his big fear, big banks are way too much.
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or something hits fan we're all going to regret that. to david asman and charlie gasparino on whether they agree with that. charlie you bemoan the same wing with dodd-frank. >> there is a bit of hypocrisy on former chairman volcker's part he was part of the apparatus that created a massive regulatory structure kept the banks huge went that structure. neil: and left out fannie and freddie. >> i think he is write in what he says are there will be another crisis, it will be worse when it does happen with more risk in too few banks, but he is reason why we have this. >> i 1 wouldn't go that far. neil: let him answer. >> would you let me finish. let me finish. >> i am not wrong. >> you are wrong. >> i know what was happening in
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there. he was put in there add window dressing -- let me finish. he is my hero he did sleigh -- sla y inflation, he stood up to banks and wall street, and he was the put on this committee without really -- i think he is right, that banks are more concentrate, they were dodd-frank was supposed to make it less concentrate give community banks more power but they are less power. cause frankdodd-frank is doing opposite. >> you're 100% wrong on volcker's role. >> i wanted this out -- i wanted this out. >> i am not wrong. >> he was not on a committee
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paul volcker was ad visor to alabama onissues volcker has never mentioned to president obama they show should do one thing and one thing only that is break up the banks. neil: he is now saying it have a problem is it? >> it is. charlie would agree -- >> don't assume anything. >> i should not he was against doing what happened 20 years ago when they split up or allowed financial and commercial banking to come together so financial wheelers and dealers on wall street had access to money pumped up by federal reserve that is when glory days of wall street started. volcker was against that he saw that normal focus on the there their money will be mixed in with wall street money that is a
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problem, volcker saw that. >> i never heard paul volcker saying we should reinstate glass-steagall that is what you are talking about. >> he was biggest enemy of getting rid of glass-steagall. >> this is what paul volcker wants. neil: he worked with him some so did i. >> and longer, and i am older and longer. neil: he is rubber you are glue. >> volcker wants banks to be regulated by utility. with 0% earnings, that is okay. but if -- >> is it a mistake if you break them up. >> no, here is how you do it you create a free market way of doing it you tell any bank if you want to be involved investment banks on the side, doing that crazy trading stuff guess what we're not going to ensure your deposit. >> the scary thing about what he is seems to be endorsing is a
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mega-regulator that would carry out the work that scc and other bank regulators do it reminds me of how homeland security would solve all problem after 9/11, we get fbi and cia all together under one roof, it did you did you not -- it did not solve all problem. neil: if bank of america were to be on the rocks right now would we bail it out. >> absolutely. >> financial crises did not occur because lehman brothers and bear sterns went under they like to say lehman brothers was the trigger it was not when they went under everyone realized that citigroup, bank of america, and goldman and motor beganmorganstanley had the same crab on their balance sheet. >> we were -- we were up against
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the wall in terms of trying to go against that pole see. neil: milting down. >> fox just began when that bailout began we were fighting against it tooth and nail, there was a determination to keep these banks afloat, when probably what should have happen they should have broken up on their own. neil:? -- they created a monster if -- >> if you done bail it all it would have been armageddon, this is what fed did, i think volcker is right somewhat, federal reserve, government over last 20 years has bailed out the banks several times on the way. >> yeah. >> creates moral hazard, and allowed glass-steagall. >> so why should they -- >> we -- okay, all right. neil: okay you see why he is the
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better boomer. >> sad i love it. >> thank you so much. >> i look younger than him. i am not. neil: each is over 80. >> and meanwhile hillary clinton a banker friend is doing everything she can to assure her party's left but not in banker's pocket? de blasio is reportedly thinking of jumping who the race as a antibank guy. with his financial baggage glech en yougretchen you said this would hurt hillary clinton. >> it will. it far left does not believe it
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is being represented. that comes with inequal treeity and occupy wall street they want hillary to be pulled to the left on these issues. neil: the issue is this sort of stuff is like a thousand cut its does hurt her. >> right it is come down to in primary and direction candidates will go to survive in their own party, de blasio is a huge clinton ally, bill clinton score him into his office. neil: this just wreaks phony to me doesn't it. >> yeah, he was up against eliz elizabeth warren trying to the do the same thing, i think he is trying to occupy the warren space. if he does not run he would be a huge ally of hillary clinton he would help bridge in the more
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progressive democrats that hillary needs to distance herself from wall street. neil: you are going to think i am crazy, but i think that clinton will end up the democrat's nominee. i don't know what happens, but i think it would be akin to lyndon johnson not running for president in 68, that the rumble on lift was too much to -- left was too much to deal work he opted out, i don't know the mode and pattern of events that would lead hillary clinton to opt out or get defeated out right. >> i think that is a real possibility. we're in april 2015, we're already saying that is a core on -- core nation. think back in 2007 we thought hillary clinton of the nom ni nominee.
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if anyone says they know what is happening in 2016 they are lying to you. neil: i just told you what is going to happen, but morningy, what do you think -- margie what do you think this will hurt her. it looks good from afar, but far from good up close. >> obama was elected he was the untouchable and put on a herculean platform, i think she is the same thing that is dangerous, living up to expectations is always a challenge, she will be scrutinized with a sharper eye she has more history more things to point to and pick up and for republicans to go after. i love that confidence, neil, i want that 8 ball you have. neil: would it be ironic the one thing she has supposedly her
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biggest advantage is her undoing. >> it could be. neil: thank you for indulging my wacky thoughts, i think time warner and comcast or getting worried top brass getting in to sell a merger that is looking iffy and dicey this announced pairing starting a wave of m&a activity. if you think about this whole merger or talk of it, set in motion huge deals but, i am wondering if it unravels then what? >> if it unravels this is a dangerous message why go through effort of due diligence to figure out quality combinations that the market will like if the government will step in 9 months later and say this is not going to happen.
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neil: these two are not known for their customer service, but the beauty is you would have two companies with lousy customer service becoming one big company with lower customer service if it does fall apart on feared washington scrutiny, a lot of deals could fall apart. >> it would send a bad message about be on obnoxious federal conceit time warner merged with aol about 15 years ago we know how well that worked out. idea that feds can look into future better than they, is not credible. neil: lay say that deal unfoldeds and other deals start unfolding, normally it is a market creation then, but message would be. what from washington? for those pondering deals post
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barack obama. >> it would be a very negative message that the the government will decide winners and losers. it's so hard to know, aches nbc, and -- aches abc and nbc and cbs turned down the sopranos. neil: i forgot major networks turned their noses at the sopranos, i just thought they were anti-italian. neil: meanwhile the latest isis atrocities they are beheading them now republicans are calling for more money to fight them it is not the money we're spending it is how we're spending it.
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people ship all kinds of things. but what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. that need to be kept at 41 degrees. while being shipped to a country where it's 90 degrees. in the shade. sound hard? yeah. does that mean people in laos shouldn't get their vaccine? we didn't think so. from figuring it out to getting it done, we're here to help.
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neil: you know it never eases afternoon seeing these images of isis thugs rounding up christians and killing them, they say defense needs more money to put isis away. i support the goal, are they saying a defense budget of $560 billion, to go over 600 billion next fiscal year, can't do the job? isn't that what democrats have been arguing in defense of more infrastructure spending even though we fork over 100 billion each year in taxes and fees for fixing our eroding and bridges. to hill reporter, kevin on when it comes to spending republicans, might not be that
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much different from democrats kevin, what do we make of this? i am for strong defense and but if we can't do that on close to $600 billion, i don't know if one .2 trillion could cut it. >> you know, i think that is a classic case of washington saying one thing doing another there is this wild reaching feeling in washington that time to rein rein in develop defense, a lot of weary about cutting that government spending despite the $600 billion budget. neil: but why? i know we have to fight isis, but this is a budget, that iraq war, afghanistan car spending highs, so, i am not saying we can't be vigilant but don't republicans criticize democrats or thinking this solution is always more money with
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infrastructure or entitlement 1234. >> you know, and in addition to, that i have to tell you that, the just the other week you had republicans that were saying they want to rein in government spending but also indicating they want to increase defense spending, i think as we enter into the 2016 election cycle republicans will criticize former secretary of state hillary clinton for how she managed the state department. there will be a lot of questions how republican contendors would manage that budget themselves, the wars have since declined. we do face an emerging threat overseas from isis, we have to look at what is being done here in u.s., u.s. bases across the nation that perhaps are not managing the money the way they should be. neil: and i should stress not all republicans and not all
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democrats. i'm saying, sequestration cuts, were like a back up backbone for these guys they should adhere to that to instill some confidence that they are up to the task. >> you know, i also think that the defense community in particular all these defense officials are going to continue to testify on capitol hill should have to answer to where all that money is going here. at u.s. bases based in our country, not just, overseas, but a lot of that wasted full spending does not happen oversea bus at u.s. bases here, outdated military bases thats without date -- outdated technology, and programs that is where i think that defense officials who have been critical against lawmakers they should an story that too. neil: okay, what would you cut or adjust or reprior ortize to
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meet the challenge? well put kevin thank you very much. >> thank you. neil: what is greek for uh-oh . >> what is the big deal if greece just leaves european union, who cares if others follow? you ever think the club itself is the problem. why it is time for europe to pull a frozen, and just -- "let it go" "
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to get plug & protect interactive security delivered to your door. arm or disarm your system from anywhere. lock or unlock your doors, turn your lights off or on even oversee your home with live video. with plug & protect your security system is configured, tested, and then shipped directly to your home. no wires, no installers, just peel and place. go to because with plug & protect we customize your security to fit your home. the plug & protect secret is technology. with technology, you buy airline tickets without a travel agent you trade stocks without a stockbroker. now with plug & protect, you can protect your home without an installer pushy salesman or a long contract. >> every day the kids got out of school before i left work. i worried whether they were home okay. then i found plug & protect from livewatch. and now i see when they open the front door so i know they're home safe. livewatch helps me stay in touch and in control.
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>> founded by a paramedic in kansas, serving tens of thousands of homes in all 50 states, and trusted by policemen and firemen throughout the country livewatch is the new choice for home security. no door to door salespeople, no messy installers, no long term contracts. just plug & protect. now you too can enjoy the home security and control you want for your family. try plug and protect in your home for a full 90 days. included is our hassle-free guarantee. go to plug & protect is not available in stores so go to right now. that's neil: europe, let it g let greece go, and let other sick members go, it is time to move
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on. the european union fans are frozen in time, quit trying to make this club of your work. it could mean italy spain or portugal or france emaybe the whole club. maybe eugoes away and the single currency of yours goes away too. you are lick ending it to -- likening it on u.s. of america. it was stupid then, and study stupid now. we answer to the same government. give up on this club of yours give the greeks back their drachma, the italians their
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lira. it failed. this is saying nothing negative about germany, but this is a new world, the same europe that does not want to be part of new world world. todd agrees with everything that i said, todd, lit it go? >> i think you will never get a drink of use -- uzo and you will never get the chew bani yogurt again. this is not worth it here is key, italy and spain are no longer quite the basket cases they were. neil: you are right. but fear is they would be. >> today when greece looks like it is close to being pushed out bond yeles yields soared to 13%
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italy, and spain are borrowing at 2% today. neil: is it the end of the world if you leave this club? >> look, at iceland. neil: don't get me started on iceland. >> there is your frozen metaphor. neil: there you go. >> look at what iceland did during the whole meltdown they reneged on their debt, they left some british police pension plans high and dry they said we're not paying back any of this iceland's economy has been growing,. neil: so too argentina. there is life after something like this? >> yes and i tell you a problem that greece had looking at it, among greece's industries that are successful, tourism for example. but if you stuck as a week hotel hotellier or a restaurateur in
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euros it is much difficult to drop what you are doing. it would be a good thing for greece economy. neil: we went force everyone to be pegged to the same thing. right? >> they don't fit. it really, should have just been a german alliance perhaps with french. neil: what would happen in it disbanded to local currencies. >> germans are scared that if it breaks apart the value of their currency a new deutsch mark would skyrocket and exporters would not be able to sell because daimler-benz cars would be too expensive. neil: daimler-benz customers
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would happily pay more for their stuff. there is a market for good stuff, they make a lot of good stuff, then the reality retail to see europe is better in its individual strengths in countries than it is -- >> if instead of skinny little me you had helmut kohl. he would tell you,. neil: he held big men everywhere. >> he would tell you it's not economics it is politics, eurozone is a political movement, i ask vladimir putin in russia, would be salivating at idea that europe falls apart if greece falls out remember he went to this length to send his storm troopers to crimea, and ukraine. if he could create a partnership
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with greece, that -- >> are right about that. i did not think about that little part of whole global security thing, but i ill think i am right. >> you probably are but state department is calls white house. neil: keep it together so russia does not move? >> right, vladimir putinna is a dangerous whiley guy. neil: i looked in his eyes, he looked fine. >> i have a piece in "time" magazine. neil: la dee da. >> urging putin to see broadway's dr. what shavago . >> you are a genius, a beautiful daughter here today, she is the same dna . >> she is a genius too. what did hillary marco and rand learn from charles? hoping to gain by listening to charles payne?
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>> >> at least the 2016 candidates agree that the candidates trying to local regular. and charles payne says that is why people invest in chipolte. you did not listen then i hope you this is now. to invest in that new stock. good to see you. said the number by restaurant between 18 and 24 year olds. they like the food aid of the impression it is clean and healthy. they have options. >> i had an apple pie from a
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farmer's market the next day it was gone. i need chemicals and my food. >> but i did did realize that they pop up there. >> it is that urban info this the place to me. neil: des you were looking at this long before. >> i thought it was the huge mistake had the reason is because the boston chicken was the disaster i thought it would be the same thing. but my son is 18 he tells me what is cool.
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>> we talk about ibm and the huge darr on the cusp of the major breakdown of. -- break out. >> with acquisitions of the lake to see them do more. there is selling us to the nonperforming assets. there almost going all the way. also monster beverages. neil: very quickly you advocated this with young people to invest in what you know, people are concerned there could be dead downdraft but you don't pay attention and. >> if you were said her dad
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has a million dollars that we will have the crash of course, he has been saying that five years. crashes, . they are inevitable but the market will go back up. the first doctor i had on my show the very first one was under armour. ♪ [laughter] in the meantime lie is this the ultimate. a very sharp difference.
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neil: forget high tech there is money to be low-tech. to lead is focusing on bells and whistles with razors
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that vibrate and 28 blades another company is benefiting to keep things simple and cheaper. to stay in there is huge benefits. >> with the simple notion with said cheaper price. >> other company said reselling a razr. but they just sell a researcher at the end result so it does not have 63 blades but. [laughter] neil: remember the company's of hewlett-packard and the other cartridges they have
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said no names but it is so much work it did not make dead-end. >> it will not make a huge impact but potentially it is the gray market that you subscribe to our research service said get a guaranteed check every single much you might forget to buy them one month then gillette loses out now they get that month after month. neil: here is where i take a leap. because they are worth the price per ago but there is of vast market. but can i get too cocky on
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the premium side? >> you always have the luxury brand and the bmw to say you will pay more for our brand. >> i just want to get to work. you have the demand to feel that space. neil: with all of those reviews to conclude the galaxy offerings. it is interesting you. >> o i never.
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neil: intake of look at these seats on the playing. i could not sit in the middle five. they are squeezing an additional seats in every row but they're not cutting prices. the profits are flying even as they tumble. it is half what it was one year ago when oil prices but
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the ticket is not. maybe 2 percent on average or higher like most people. is just another reason to be fed up but it is amazing what they're doing for capitalism this is what you get but what does that mean for the industry? so i thank you get a grief fliers? >> absolutely i just blew this weekend a and i got where i was going but i bought the cheapest advertising is fair of was the end of the west system i was right next to the toilet. it was a budget experiencing rand you are seeing that pushed back there is only so much they will tolerate. but at some quiet people will push back. we're just hit it is
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unbelievable. neil: but with the corporate nature but when things slowdown customers will remember how they retreated to pick and choose who they like. i know who is in the long term interest. >> you are absolutely right that airline business is cyclical. we will look back as the golden age because what will happen in the market will fix the problem that the new entrants will enter. remember southwest has been about the customer but seven of these larger airlines
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pushed it too far to find themselves said competition. >> you treat your customers fairly it will come back to buy you thank you. of hot friday's segment so all of those curmudgeons should be put to sleep? people ship all kinds of things. but what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. that need to be kept at 41 degrees. while being shipped to a country where it's 90 degrees. in the shade. sound hard? yeah. does that mean people in laos shouldn't get their vaccine? we didn't think so.
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from figuring it out to getting it done, we're here to help. gives you security. technology gives you control and now technology gives you home security and control in a new and revolutionary way. introducing plug & protect from livewatch security, an easy to use wireless security system customized just for your home. control from any smartphone, tablet, or computer and monitored by professionals 24/7. go to
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to get plug & protect interactive security delivered to your door. arm or disarm your system from anywhere. lock or unlock your doors, turn your lights off or on even oversee your home with live video. with plug & protect your security system is configured, tested, and then shipped directly to your home. no wires, no installers, just peel and place. go to because with plug & protect we customize your security to fit your home. the plug & protect secret is technology. with technology, you buy airline tickets without a travel agent you trade stocks without a stockbroker. now with plug & protect, you can protect your home without an installer pushy salesman or a long contract. >> every day the kids got out of school before i left work. i worried whether they were home okay. then i found plug & protect from livewatch. and now i see when they open the front door so i know they're home safe. livewatch helps me stay in touch and in control.
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>> founded by a paramedic in kansas, serving tens of thousands of homes in all 50 states, and trusted by policemen and firemen throughout the country livewatch is the new choice for home security. no door to door salespeople, no messy installers, no long term contracts. just plug & protect. now you too can enjoy the home security and control you want for your family. try plug and protect in your home for a full 90 days. included is our hassle-free guarantee. go to plug & protect is not available in stores so go to right now. that's "what's the deal neil?". neil: did somebody tape
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that? why is the deal with this segment? >> if you ask dave millennial how to get out of the draft and they will tell you to shut the windows in air so dumb they cannot catch us. they are pampered loser morons. neil: you do that would cause trouble because charlie gasparino takes on young people so much he sounds like a born -- a grandpa.
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. kelly how but all put a sock in it take a prune juice and a nap, i am talking about a long nap, i am sick of hearing from amp all of you. the long-term picture. chasing daily trends is no way to to invest, bobby in milwaukee said finally somebody says what i have long agreed with.
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you admit impact of inflation and capital gains taxes that destroys much long-term thinking, true enough, i say long-term, and long haul, addresses those concerned as well, all of these taxes will be with us, they might get adjusted here and there but longer term investing is the way to beat, that rusty in las vegas, you advertise your program as business news, on a day when market took a plunge, you never mentioned the market when the program ended that is a fraud neil, you are a phony. it is dangerous to be worked up about it, sheila in rhode island wants to know why i am getting worked up about airlines crowding more seats on to their plane admit it cavuto the last time you traveled
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commercial is when your mom had you on your lap and they served meals in fine china. sorry, to you, i don't know how big or small you are it is the way of my world. and if you were ever next to me spilling over on to my lap i would clock you stay in first class or don't get on my damn plane. do you want to be one of your bitter boomers? you complaint because airlines are reducing size of seat because they make more money then workers wanting more money. i am pointing out that i am not a fan of this moneymaking strategy. that is it. tammy, on why i report on such
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matter neil you are a different type of anchor, covering things that no other anchor would perhaps you should consider the fact why they are not maybe they realize that the stories are stupid so are you. bosco writes -- is this your name bosco? is it true you won your job in a contest? yes, enough about me, what do you do. neil do you still think that republicans won't have their nominee by convention time, yes, the sheer number of candidates and break down of delegates awarded makes it impossible for anyone to have all of the delegates they need by time republican gather in cleveland. just my opinion but it is based on my math or my read of the mag, so take it as you will,
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george in connecticut, i think you are an excellent tv host and a viewer however when you have multiple guests on the show they all start talking at once your show ceases to be interesting and a switch channels immediately karen you wear great suits and ties, who dresses you? you are not going to believe this i do. neil you look like the guy i would be happy to walk up to, i know you would be nice, tell me i am rite, you are right ! but try pulling that with oh, realezo'reilly he is not nice, elections is in arkansas neil, you are not funny, you are not insightful, you are not smart so stop talking, what you are is old start thinking of retiring. i want you to start thinking of never e-mailing me again ever.
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i want you to go now right now, away. gone? all right. lou:. >>. >> a century old movie theater. >> did he know you would step up? >> i didn't get to tell him. >> will be there an encore performance. >> do you ever wish to yourself i wish my grandfather would have just left me the house. >> more than you know


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