tv The Willis Report FOX Business April 21, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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in. >> good luck to you and the team at northern illinois. we love this. thanks. >> good to talk to you. >> i pay $60,000 a year for my daughter's education. she was coming back with that i might think twice. >> medieval history. right. we'll see you. gerri: hello, everybody, i'm gerri willis and this is "the willis report." the show where consumers are our business. an unprecedented recall blue bell creameries recalled all its products. >> heart broken over the situation, and apologize to all of our loyal blue bell fans and customers. gerri: we'll investigate what you need to been this potentially deadly contamination. in iowa one of the biggest outbreaks of bird flu ever in this country. >> containing this outbreak is a big deal. iowa is the number one egg producer in the nation. gerri: a dozen states affected. we'll have the latest. the new corruption allegations swirling around hillary clinton intensify.
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>> we're talking about changing the public policy of the united states of america in return to financial increase in wealth to her husband and foundation. if that's not briberyhat is? gerri: our political panel weighs in. upstart cell phone carrier promises to save you big on your phone bill. the company's ceo will be here to explain the deal. vanessa williams is here to tell us about her new show. >> called fantasy life. a half hour comedy about fantasy football. gerri: has a new project with dress for success. all that and more coming up on "the willis report," where consumers are our business. a jam-packed show tonight. first the company that brought you the $5 cell phone plan is back with yet another deal. in another blow to high cost carriers, the small north carolina upstart republic wireless says it's now planning on paying back its customers for their unused data.
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david, the co-founder and ceo joins us now. welcome back to the show. we've been talking to republic wireless, you have a deal people find attractive. the average consumer wastes 28 bucks a month in unused data. what's the plan my friend. >> great to be here. at republic wireless we've announced we're going to pay customers for their unused cellular data. here's why. what we know is that there's an enormous amount of wireless waste. when we look out at our subscribers, we realize you don't need to charge for 10, 20 30 gigabytes data you don't need an unlimited plan. if we charge for what you use, 80% of our subscribers will pay less. gerri: david i got to tell you that's a big insight and consumers are eager to hear it. what is it different from what
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t-mobile and at&t allow you to do which is to roll over the minutes? >> they let you waste next month what you wasted this month. there's no benefit. really no benefit to using it next month or 12 months from now. if you don't use it why should you have to pay for it at all? i would rather give a customer $5 on the next bill, dollar for dollar, penny for penny. gerri: dollar for dollar? >> that's right. rollover today, why should i have to count out how much data i've used or not. just like gasoline, only pay for what you use. gerri: pay for what you use the way the service works is different from other carriers explain. >> it is. we launched a republic wireless with a wi-fi first approach. we know it's around us at home. we know wi-fi is around us all the time at work. four years ago we launched republic with a low price offer, hundreds of thousands of folks joined. wi-fi first approach still uses cellular when you need it when
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you don't, the phone is smart enough to let your calls, apps use wi-fi. gerri: you mix it up i got to ask you, other companies want to do the same thing. google has a service they wanted to use and i think there is somebody else out there with free wheel? people have gotten onto this are you not going to be the only carrier or joined by a lot of big players? >> i hope we're joined. this is a revolution the beginning of a changed world. it's a wi-fi first world. i think the key question to ask in all these cases is are these companies benefitting the customer? is the value returned to the customer? that's what we're doing at republic, and people are paying attention. gerri: my question for you, i can bring my phone to you, or do i have to buy a republic phone? >> great question. unfortunately, you have to have a supersmartphone and we offer moto e moto x, moto g, terrific smartphones, android smart foeps. we cannot let you bring your
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own phone. gerri: are you working towards that? seems like a major innovation? >> it is important and something we aspire to be able to do and stay tuned nothing to announce yet. gerri: okay so just to compare we told you that republic wireless is offering service at 5 bucks a month. look at this. you get the picture? yeah republic wireless that's who that is. david thanks for coming back on the show. good to see you. >> thank you, gerri. gerri: you're most welcome. we want to know what you think? i'll share the results at the end of tonight's show. here's a question for you, are egg prices about to rise? an iowa farm is the latest to be hit with the deadly bird flu affecting nearly 4 million chickens make together biggest commercial flock hit by the virus since it showed up in the u.s. last year. joining us a former fda
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official and ceo of the natural products association. welcome to the show. so good to see you. tell us how this bird flu is different in any way from previous ones? >> well this is a highly pathogenic bird flu it's rare it affects humans, there are concerns with cdc it's expansive approximately 3.5 million chickens. people are talking precautions. >> i understand iowa is the biggest producer in the country that would put it in the cross hairs. seems critical it is stopped. how do you do that? >> first and foremost the firm quarantined the chickens and humanely euthanize. gerri: that means they were slaughtered. >> yes. gerri: what do they do with the carcasses? >> properly dispose of them so they do not contaminate the supply chain. gerri: what does that mean? >> sterile and septic and there is no contamination. gerri: are they buried? what goes on? >> i'm not familiar with the
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exact optics it could be burial and other methods of disposal. they take great pains to keep them separate. gerri: interesting question. so you're saying that humans are not at risk here. what do we need to be on the lookout for, though? >> i think people worry about what they're eating. if you're eating chicken, cook it to 165 degrees internal temperature. if you're eating eggs make sure the yolk and white are firm. dishes with eggs in them 160 internal temperature and avoid raw eggs poached eggs. gerri: seems like there's eggs in every dish you have right? and at the same time do you think the prices for eggs will go up as a result for this? >> 5.3 million chickens is about 1% of the total egg ling population of the united states of chickens. 1% likely now. if it doubles or triples you may see price changes. gerri: i know americans are tired of seeing the price
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changes in the store, but certainly could happen. a similar situation with turkeys i think it was last month. what's going on that we're seeing repeated cases of this? >> well i think these are -- for the most part it's rare in the united states, there are strains that seem to be growing in more prevalent -- we didn't have an outbreak for a long time from 2004 to 2014 especially for the pathogenic viruses, they are new. gerri: what causes this? it doesn't start with the birds in captivity? >> yeah, it doesn't start with the birds in captivity and tough to get back to patient zero, in this case chicken zero. gerri: i've heard it might be wild birds and excrement might be trapped into where the birds that we would eat lay the eggs or are stored? >> yeah commingling of domestic and wild species is a prevalent theory. gerri: dan great to have you.
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. gerri: blue bell creameries linked to ten cases of listeria. in addition to the 8 reported cases in kansas and texas including 3 people dead. the cdc discovered two more cases discovered in oklahoma and arizona. the texas-based company pulled all ice cream from store shelves. with more on this the supermarket guru. phil, welcome back to the show. the ice cream recalled in entirety. they're taking all the product off the shelves. some of the cases the problem
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may date back to january 2010, should action have been taken sooner? >> no. keep in mind, blue bell is a terrific company. 100-year-old family company. they're number three in the country and sell in 26 states, number one is brier's number two is dryers. this is a company focused on quality. this is the first recall they've had in 108 years. gerri: this is the first recall they've ever had and clearly they're very sympathetic. i want you to hear from the ceo. here's what he had to say. >> we are heart broken over this situation and apologize to all of our loyal blue bell fans and customers. our entire history has been dedicated to making the very best and highest quality ice cream we possibly could, and we're committed to fixing the problem. gerri: committed to fixing the problem. broken up over the issue. the company also says they can't say with certainty how the bacteria listeria was
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introduced into its facilities. i know they're a privately held company. very sympathetic. you know it's generations after generation that run this company but if the first problem happened back in january 2010 why didn't something do something earlier? >> well keep in mind gerri, the way especially in the dairy plant listeria could form. it could be a pipe in the ceiling that has a very slow drip on a piece of equipment or in a vat. listeria has been a major problem in dairy goods and it could take them weeks if not months to find out what the exact source of this is. now, if you take a look originally they found it in three ounce chocolate and vanilla and strawberry cups, now in cookie dough half gallon ice creams. they are being very responsive and quick on this. keep in mind, this is a voluntary recall. they found it themselves as well. they also decided to pull
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everything off the shelf. all their sherbet frozen yogurt. gerri: everything is gone. and they are in 23 states. this is a big company. lot of people know their product. know what they're all about. they're familiar with this company. the ceo that we showed you, he's trained as an attorney and his dad talked him into coming back to the family business. they have a great story. let's talk about listeria you said it is easy to get into the operation. how do you get rid of it? >> first you've got to identify where it's coming from. then it's relatively easy to -- whether you've got to repipe or what you've got to do to do it. the hard part is finding it. i remember going back 20 years, there was a brie company that had a similar problem it took six months to find it. it was a pipe one drip a day that came out of it. gerri: potent.
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we're showing you a screen that says listeria is the third leading cause of death and poisonings. tell us about the symptoms. tonight somebody could be eating ice cream they've had in the freezer and not been this. what should they be on the watch for? >> first, if it's blue bell i don't care when you bought it bring it back to the score for a full refund. don't consume it. number two, what you want to look for if you're healthy and let me talk about that. if you have stomach irritation little upset getting maybe a little fatigued or nauseous, that could be signs. but if you're pregnant don't go near it. if you have any kind of immune system impact don't go near it. if you're very young or very old. those are the at-risk populations, and to your point. 250 people died last year from listeria. so this is very serious. gerri: it's very serious. what does it is a about our food system? is this something we need to be
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worried about in the broader sense? >> no. we're always going to have food safety. it's about how the companies handle it. if they're transparent and so far blue bell is there is no question about that. if they're going to tell us what happened and how they fixed it that's going to be key to keeping that brand strong and keeping the business alive because there have been other instances where companies have gone out of business because they didn't handle it right. gerri: and just to underline what you were saying, phil, voluntary recall, everything off the shelves, and hopefully we'll find out soon where it is and they can get rid of it and move on. phil, thank you for coming on the show. >> thank you, gerri. gerri: and coming up later, kraft foods is changing mac and cheese. how should they change it? and hillary clinton entering the race with plenty of skeletons in her closet. this week we're following the money as the questions start piling up. ♪
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ry clinton are intensifying today as an indication of how serious the clinton campaign views the charges, it went into full attack mode against the writer of the book on hillary. peter schweitzer. with us chief economist of the heritage foundation and senior political editor of great to have you here. these allegation revelations, very serious, how is this going to affect the clinton run for the white house, guy? >> that remains to be seen. important to recognize the book's coming out in a few
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weeks. if they have the goods. if there are dots clearly connected with evidence that show quid pro quos and who benefitted and how. i think this is yet another major major problem for team hillary, and the one thing i'll point out is not just fox news but the "washington post" and the "new york times" are taking this pretty seriously. >> i know it's the full-court press here. steve to you, i want to give an example. guy said is this going to prove it? there are lots of examples in the book. one involves the keystone pipeline, and while the state department was reviewing keystone canadian backers gave a maelz to the clinton foundation. to be fair here kerry was the secretary of the state department at the time and the state department rules in favor of the pipeline. you got to think that hillary had some pull out of office. how do you react to something like that? >> well, it sure looks ugly. i mean there's no real proof of a kind of quid pro quo here.
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gerri: what do you want? a smoking gun? come on! i'm astonished at the reaction to this book so far because this is so serious and just the simple fact of the contributions to me is bad. >> i agree with you. i agree. i think that the problem is that it looks like what hillary was running is the kind of classic cash in-cash out system where the state department was up for sale. and when you look at connection of the kinds of aid that these companies were getting in terms of the foreign aid programs, they were getting basically an in in the state department, and look, i don't think anybody believes that the foreign governments and companies were giving million dollar checks to the clinton foundation because they cared about the clinton library, right? they were gaining access. that's what really makes americans raise their eyebrows and say wait a minute, was this in the best interest of the
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country? and the answer may be no. gerri: here's another example. exhibit number two, colombia free trade agreement. there is a canadian energy company which stands to benefit give money to the clinton foundation clinton drops opposition to the trade deal. this is so unseemly guy. >> called it bad for workers and all of a sudden fine for workers. there was money exchanged. gerri: 4 million. >> so many millions of dollars, and the thing i want to keep bringing this back to. we have the active secretary of state. the woman in charge of running u.s. foreign policy with her family and foundations taking in millions of dollars from foreign entities and foreign governments many of which were not even vetted by the state department. in one world, is that okay? even if we set aside the details in the book, and eager to see what they are. just the fact this is happening is astonishing unto itself.
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this is how the clinton world operates. >> i was going to say -- gerri: go ahead steve. >> in politics the appearance of impropriety could be as bad as the impropriety itself. i don't know if there's a quid pro quo here but sure smells funny doesn't it? the fact that the companies were giving this money to the foundation and all of a sudden doors were opened you know maybe that would have happened otherwise i think hillary clinton should have been smart enough to realize people would catch onto this and question the kind of access that she was giving for cash. gerri: i want you to hear judge andrew napolitano's take on this and respond. here's the judge. >> we're talking about changing the public policy of the united states of america on issues that could substantially affect the wealth of the country by the fourth highest-ranking official in the federal government in return for a financial increase in wealth to her husband and to her family foundation.
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if that's not bribery what is? gerri: is he overstating the problem? >> bribery is a crime. so i'm not going to go that far yet because i don't yet exactly know what went down. and the book is going to be interesting to read, and you quoted some of these attacks against the author. they've been saying he's a right wing hatchet man, not credible. of course they're attacking the messenger here. the problem is for them, the "new york times" reviewed the books the "new york times" called his reporting meticulous and documented. gerri: ouch. that's what they're saying at the clinton house. steve i'm going move youton something else here. it's still related but hillary is out campaigning, it's been this warm and fuzzy tour no serious questions like we've been talking about tonight that's for sure. she says what she wants to do is topple the 1%. does this mean she has to take herself down too? >> i don't see how she pulls this off. this is a woman who gets
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$250,000, as much as $250,000 to give a speech. as the "wall street journal" reported earlier this week, she's complaining that ceos are making 300 times what the average worker makes. she's making 7,000 times what the average worker makes in terms of what she gets for the speeches and the guy serving at the table is getting a small pittance what she makes. i don't see how she plays the class warfare card when the clintons have gone the so rich off of politics. gerri: amazing. guy quickly. >> steve, you are missing the big point. certain people get waivers from the toppling, and the clintons will be among them. gerri: great job. got to leave it here. >> see you soon. gerri: coming up next will the boston marathon bomber get the death penalty? we'll have the latest headlines. and the u.s. sending navy warships to yemen, what's next for the hostile region? we'll explain.
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gerri: welcome back to the willis report in a moment the latest on a potential showdown this yemen between the and did you say iran. this time now to look at other stories in the news. michelle line heart came under fire after sex parties in columbia paid for by drug cartels. she also but they heads with the obama administration in a number of issues. and the both marathon return dzhokhar tsarnaev beginning today. a prosecutor telling the jury in their opening statements they will come to know the four people he killed and why their lives mattered. the dzhokhar tsarnaev only has to convinced one juror and the
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sentence is automatically life in prison. stocks are mostly lower after a disappointing batch of results today. the price of oil also dipping slightly. and a high frequency trader in the uk has been arrested in his role in the 2010 flash crash. do you remember this? the 37-year-old used an illegal tactic called spoofing, canceled large orders to manipulate prices. today is the first time u.s. regulators have roles played a crash in the crash before dow plunged. and those are some of the other stories in the news tonight. and turning now to those u.s. warships in the east, the pentagon tells fox news that the uss roosevelt is shadowing a convoy and fighter jets. the iranian ships are
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suspected fighting rebellions in yemen. the latest tonight with lieutenant colonel for fox news. welcome to the show, thank you for coming in. let's start with those latest headlines out from the saudis who were saying they're going to stop their bombing campaign. why and when? >> the saudis are stopping the bombing campaign, but they've also announced that they're going to start another phase of the campaign of restoring peace to yemen et cetera. we'll have to see what that involves. i don't think they're going to start entirely, but it's going to throttle way back because there was a lot of protest about it. the media of course while not criticizing very much, was criminal history saudi arabia for bombing facilities. so we're going to have to wait on that one and see how it plays out, but the real drama is out on the high seas. gerri: right. let's talk about. as i said the uss roosevelt is out there, this is an air
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carrier, there are planes on this ship. what could happen here? >> very far things that are good. there's a very good rule in life. you know, in street life. don't make a fist unless you're willing to throw a punch. and president obama always rattled sabers and does nothing. and after diverting the aircraft carrier plus the uss normandy to join seven other ships, if he's magnify all this power and lets the iranians sale right through his and let them delivery arms it discredits the united states navy, so i'm a little bit worried that leading from behind may turn into bleeding from behind. one the iranians are over confident now. they are convinced that obama -- no matter what they do, president obama will not do anything to jeopardize the nuke deal.
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and secondly the iranian revolution guards just suffered a major embarrassment in the fight in iraq where their star quarterback couldn't delivery the goods but the u.s. air power did. so when you stir that into the fix -- mix the chances of them doing something really prospective even deadly and us responding because of rules of engagement worries me greatly. gerri: you say bleeding from behind. that's been the story; right? i mean the u.s. has been trying to accommodate, trying to please, what should be the u.s. be doing here? >> none of us wanted general war in the middle east, but guess what? there's a general war in the middle east. gerri: yeah. >> and when you're dealing with bullies. as i learned being the smallest kid in my class for years i learned very early on if you don't face the bully down, he just takes your lunch minivers. so there are times when you have to say, no, that's too much and you whack them hard.
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so should the iranians in any way threaten the u.s. vessel, we should hit them very very hard because we certainly have the power. their ships could not begin to stand up to us. but the problem is president obama is a hamlet. it is always to be or not to be. s he is the least decisive president we have ever have. he makes andrew johnson looks like a barbarian. gerri: i have to say it's a dangerous situation. >> yes. gerri: and it seems like every day the stakes are rising in this story, and i hope you will come back and tell us more about it. thank you so much for your analysis. >> thank you so much, gerri. gerri: the scandals at the irs are not going anywhere, i'll be joined by a congressman who says he has a plan and who among this hasn't grown up without kraft mac and cheese. but the box will be getting a
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make over. we'll explain. >> kraft announced today that the mac and cheese won't have perspectives or colors, they're also adding two new ingredients. mac and cheese. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome;
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gerri: it was a long and filled with fraud the irs even ignores most of calls that came from consumers; right? on, well, now republicans are demanding change. what are they saying? well the house weighs in means oversized subcommittee releasing a report tomorrow morning saying that they don't have enough money to provide taxpayer service. joining me now the man in charge subcommittee congressman peter of illinois. thank you for joining us on the show. i appreciate your time. you had a laundry list of
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bills moving through the house to try to rain in the irs, why does it need such oversight? >> it needs a lot because over the years the irs has been acting with imputey as if nobody was to wasting resources, which is why last week, there was a group that came together and overwhelmingly passed these bills demanding changes and reform. in fact, there were no voices that were raised in option to these bills and it's our hope and expectation that the united states senate will take them up and seriously consider them. gerri: let me tell you. a lot of these things go on and on. one of the things that concerns me the most that taxpayers, people were trying to comply with the law having their identity stolen. what can congress do about this? the irs just doesn't seem to be stepping up? >> they've been very about it, one of the proposals was offered by congressman from
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dallas texas, and he said that it has to be a requirement under the law that confidential taxpayer information cannot be sent to a personal e-mail of an irs employee, for example, or congressman from ohio said if you are target based on political philadelphia or some other criterion that ought not to be used, that's a firing offense. we also move through a taxpayer bill of rights to make sure that it's the commissioners responsibility at the internal revenue service to make sure that substantive rights are enforced at the internal revenue service. it's cumulative, there's a great deal of work that needs to be done. gerri: congressman, i have to tell you. if we have a taxpayer for the bill of rights just for the irs to do its job, that just doesn't seem right to me. they should have their feet hell to the fire to the responsibilities that they have right now. how do we get that done? >> well, i think one of the ways you get that done is by moving by partisan bills
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through house of representatives, which is a house that is deeply divided and tell the internal revenue service there's nobody that's defending what you've done in the past, particularly related to target, there's a great deal of effort. the other thing is we see it in a conflict that relates to the budget in the appropriations process. gerri: right? >> the irs is arguing we don't have enough money to do our jobs. tomorrow in the hearing in the oversight subcommittee, we're going to demonstrate that they absolutely have the enough money to do their jobs, they just need to spend the money money wisely. gerri: well, that's very interesting, we just don't have enough money what do you want to hear him say and what are you going to ask him tomorrow? >> well, we're going to point out a number of areas where the irs ought to be able to improve. so, for example why in the world was the irs paying 60 million dollars in bonuses to
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people in a sequestration situation? it makes no sense. or why does the irs use hundreds of thousands of man-hours literally half a million man-hours for taxpayer subsidize activity as it relates to union activity, there's a whole host of these that we're going to go through, to just say that the congress appropriated the money that the irs needs to do the job, but it didn't appropriate money for lavish trips and we have a high expectation that the irs is going to use the money wisely. gerri: well, that's certainly something they've done in the past. lavish conferences i hope we get to talk to you soon. >> thanks, gerri. gerri: well onto a food sorry, the iconic macaroni which is cheese, well, it's getting a make over. the company plans to change the plans get rid of
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synthetic coloring, you know, my initial reaction to this is this is what college students eat and there's a reason why. it's so cheap. and the only reason you can make it cheap is fill it with things that aren't real. do you agree? >> i don't agree. i don't think it needs to be full of that things we don't recognize or things that -- gerri: i mean like powdered cheese product. >> we can still eat healthy for not a lot of money. gerri: okay. they're going to make changes to it. >> right. >> and they're going to add a couple of spices et cetera, et cetera, but i was wondering if it's still going to be good. >> there's not going to be that much in it, i think we have to look at it as what we eat throughout the day and you can always throw a vegetable in with the mac and cheese. gerri: i was saying why don't we use real cheese and real macaroni and there you have a real -- >> and there you have it. you can make it from scratch. exactly. gerri: they're remaking their
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entire line, but my question is this. how can you ever make these things healthy? because by definition, kool-aid is sort of fake. >> true. [laughter] i really can't debate that. i think what you can do, though is put some healthier ingredients in there perhaps and may be taking out of the art if i believe putting some more natural foods in there you know it's positive. let's just look at it that way. gerri: it's positive. i'm wondering if it's going to be -- part of the reason they're doing this is because people are winning ring away from these brands. >> exactly. gerri: and they're trying to get people to come back; right? >> right. >> do you think this is going to happen? >> i think that's what they're hoping. one can't say for sure. gerri: you're so noncommittal. all right. so people seem to be making the choices in their own lives. >> correct. >> is this a kick or a trend that won't stay. >> it's definitely staying. i think these companies are responding to consumer demand.
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they want to see simpler ingredients, and i think this is definitely going to continue. gerri: anything else you can recommended to kraft specifically to make some of these really well known brands healthier. >> well, i think they do need to continue to put healthier ingredients in whole grains and that's a good step in the right direction. gerri: get rid of some of it preservatives. >> yeah. and look at what else we're eating throughout the day. gerri: you said that before. >> and i'm repeating it. it's not just this one particular item per se. gerri: every once in a while you slide. gerri is going to give you a free pass. >> correct. >> thanks so much for coming. i appreciate your time. gerri: and still to come. one of the most beautiful faces of hollywood joins me on her new series, and the other down her pipe, vanessa williams, after the break
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gerri: one of the most respected entertainers in the world today. vanessa williams, she started in emmy nominated shows like desperate housewives. after nearly 30 years in the business, she is showing no plans of let's go up and soon she maybe starting on our own prime time show. i recent sat down with her to discuss her new project. >> the new project that i have for fox is called fantastic see life, it's a half our life of football and one of our producers and stars plays rich berry, who is a guy in the
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insurance agent and gets to, basically, having his own football show on fox sports. so it's an office comedy, it was hilarious and we're crossing our fingers that we'll be part fall layup. >> and of course it's based on a book by a young guy who was famous himself by getting into football. are you a big football fan? >> i'm a big football fan, and he wrote the book called fantastic see life and we are bringing combed to his life in life. so not only two amazing pretty amazing super bowl winners so it's a lot of fun. gerri: you know, we're big fans of your work and what you do and you're always concerned, want to make sure that you're paying it forward
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you're giving back. tell us about your most recent project on that score. >> well, i've worked with dress for success for years. not only donating my own old clothing, which is suits and general just who want to get back into the worklife, so dress to success is always there to give a woman a fantastic way to present themselves in a job interview but also give them the skills to get the job. and they have -- dress to success has teamed up with a service on a smartphone, and they started a campaign called success is calling. so what it does is help women get tips to really ace a job through their interviews over the phone. they say that 92% of hr managers say that phone are good when they look for potential employees.
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so this course allows them to get all the skills that they need, and at the end of the course, they get their own smartphone through track phone and they get service for it for an entire year and hopefully it hops the doors for them to start a new life. and if you want to continue dress for success as a wonderful opportunity, you could also go to walmart and buy a track phone by smartphone. a track phone smartphone and 20% of the proceeds will go to dress for success. it's a wynn both ways. you could contribute, you could also be part of the program, and you could start a new life. gerri: well, i've got to tell you that project dress for success is very popular in our office here, one way or another, vanessa you look fantastic. >> thank you . >> it's great to see you and great to have you on the show. >> thanks so much, gerri thank you. gerri: and here are some of
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your e-mails outstanding man. there was no tell prompter during his announcement, the media will go after him. and earl from oregon, when the decision on top was made, it was cobbled together by less than five people. we should simple put a stop to the decisions being out by the people who were not elected we did not learn however the on going decisions by iran are being forcedded by two people and one of those two was not elected. gerri: we love hearing from you. go to we'll be right back
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children you have to keep an eye on these alerts and that is my "two cents more". that's it for "the willis report", that you for joining us coming up next we have "making money." have a great night. charles: breaking news corporate earnings continue to flow in the with major names reporting and it's the same old story, they missed the revenues but we gain on earnings. missed on both yahoo! below that is the stock that happens to be trading higher and another one that impacted a strong dollar i have to say that i was wrong big blue chips initially hired today gave up all of those gains on the weight of a strong greenback. nasdaq managing to trade up 19 points. it's a huge day for the mar
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