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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  April 21, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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here. lou: mercedes thank you, lis wiehl thank you. time for a look at poll -- thanks for being with us tonight, see you tomorrow. good night from new york.. neil: democrats, keep charging left right off the cliff. at the rate you're going, you're making george mcgovern look like ronald reagan. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. is it me or is this 1972 all over again? that was the year the far left took over the democratic party and only a few months later voters essentially overwhelmingly rejected the democratic party. memories must be short, liberals are doing it all over again with former maryland governor martin o'malley playing the role of anti-business, anti-bank, anti-anyone money. george mcgovern. >> it's not true that regulation holds poor people down or regulation keeps middle class from advancing.
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that's patently [ bleep ] -- >> that was the first clue, i didn't know they beeped you out on npr. whether democrats know what they're doing to themselves again. whether republicans should just sit back and watch. doug, i really -- didn't know that npr beat people. but now they know they do what do you think of what the governor was saying prior to his being beeped? >> well, you mentioned mcgovern and republicans had their own moment where it was perceived that the party had been taken over by the extremenist their party in 1964 went down to defeat. i say perceived because ronald reagan used the same platform to win a landslide victory but perception is important, and, yes, if hillary clinton is pushed to the left and the democrat party is pushed to the left it's going to make a lot
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harder for her to win. neil: you mentioned a good point about ronald reagan. sometimes he took the same message 12 years later against gerald ford and successfully 16 years later on his own, that conservative or extreme view at the time was the mainstream. for all i know this extreme left view is the mainstream of the democratic party. i think in this short interim it is going to do more harm to democrats than help. >> well to me i think you're right to. meet real harm for hillary clinton and for the democrats is to have anybody challenge her. she's been able to keep challengers out because if the discussion is anything other than wouldn't you like a woman to be your next president? she's going to be hurt if it's foreign policy. all of the scandals are coming, tumbling out of closet. if it's economics. if o'malley is able to do that that tool be an issue. the american people want a woman elected as president
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they don't want it to be lannister. they see the nigerian donation and boko haram not being named terrorists. this spells trouble for hillary. neil: you know the one thing that comes up here, doug, is the idea that she will have to then account it is hillary she is going to have to put in perspective here whether she is for or against them. for business or against them. for banks or against them. extreme left will tolerate very little middle ground. i'm wondering with the american electorate that list of in the middle area is that going to tick them off? >> yes, it will tick them off. it's a high wire act. running for president is a high wire act, and that's why i say any challenge for hillary clinton is problematic. she's right now at a very crucial period of her campaign which is keep them out. keep any challenger out. >> why is that good for her. there's a separate argument
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that says the challenger, on the left or the right, any challenger going to keep her and fighting fit for the general election? >> you know richard nixon said one of the big mistakes was in his re-election in 1972 not working harder to keep the challengers out. one on the left and one on the right. they hardly pulled any numbers at all. but it's so troubled and slowed down as campaign, it led to some of the scandals. so it is troublesome to have a challenger. if hillary can get into the general election there's not a lot of time to debate all of the intricacies of these donations to the clinton foundation. but if she gets a challenger right now and some of the issues, economic and foreign are discussed, it can be problem attic and there's time for a journalist to get answers to the questions. neil: assuming they're asking them. [ laughter ] >> which is a big assumption. neil: very big assumption.
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thank you my friend. george allen says o'malley might be wowing the left but ain't exactly endearing himself to the half of americans who have serious money worries that is with the wave after wave of regulations and laws meant to ease the worries. so governor welcome good to have you back. >> good to be with you, neil. neil: your colleague, governor o'malley said we need more not less of that. what do you make of that? >> people ought to understand the surreptitious effective regulations on consumers, on manufactures and jobs and our competitiveness. i brought with me neil the national association of manufacturers report on the cost of regulations, on businesses and particularly on manufacturers. on a typical manufacturer it's about $13,000 per employee per year. for a manufacturer over 100 employees. for small manufacturers who don't have the economies of scale the cost is nearly
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$35,000 per year, per employee for federal regulations. the last thing we need are more regulations. look, we're all for clean air clean land. we want safety and health for our people. in as governor when i was governor, we did regulatory reform. we looked at every single regulation in virginia to determine purpose overlap duplication redundancy or impracticality. and at the end of four years out of all the virginia regulations 71% were either eliminated or amended. and that ought to be done every ten years. we need to look at the ways to make sure people are following the rules in a practical way to make sure our country is more competitive for investment and jobs and the cost when. governor o'malley says the regulations are not regressive they are regressive. if people are hurt the worst by epa's regulations and causing
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higher energy costs or gasoline price or electricity costs or lower income and middle income working families who have to pay a higher percentage -- >> you are right about that. i think regulations should be tied. you get a new one, take the old one out. >> they ought to sunset them and make sure every ten years -- >> they don't do that and, you know you tried that in virginia and succeeded. governor o'malley is saying a bigger point when it comes to financial regulations, you can't trust the thieves, referring to the banks and the financial types, i'll get into this with charlie gasparino. the only way is to keep policing them. make sure the rules are enforced more adroitly and we have more rules to address to once they're ignoring completely. he's doubling down on this. let's say he were to succeed and become the party's nominee. what do you envision? >> if he was the nominee,
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people would be talking about what happened in maryland while he was governor. their regulations and taxes where so many people were leaving maryland. and governor hogan, a republican won in maryland getting support from independents and democrats saying we got to make our state more business friendly. we need to make our country more competitive for investment and jobs, that is reforming our regulatory policies and, in fact anybody thinks that policies in this republic ought to be set by elected representatives. not these unelected, unaccountable bureaucracies. i don't think the american people are saying gosh, we're underregulated. we just finished doing tax returns. they think we ought to have tax reform. they think we ought to have productive energy policy. they think that regulations, especially coming out of washington are too onerous and costly and when people understand how that's affecting opportunities they're going to say let's get some common sense in the regulations rather than
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more of them. neil: in the meantime put you down as a maybe on o'malley. right, governor? >> not likely. neil: good to see you, thank you, sir? >> thank you neil. neil: focus on what hillary clinton seems to be running from. >> i want to be sure that we get small businesses starting and growing in america again. we have stalled out. neil: say what? charlie gasparino says get ready for hillary to run from the obama economy. just as you predicted and outline the biggest worry is the suddenly shaky recovery. but this is the first time for her to be this point-blank about it. >> this direct. i think we're going to see more of that. your first guest talked about the tightrope jittering and that is essentially what she has to do. she has to talk liberal and talk sometimes conservative then kiss up to wall street and beat up on the fat cats.
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it is kind of an odd campaign, and you know, in the end, when you start thinking about it you know we're all conditions to think that she'll get through it, the clintons always get through it. neil: you will not get through it. will not be a party nominee. >> it's going to be a very, very difficult road. not going to be easy. neil: you will get the democratic nomination before she does. >> no that will not happen. [ laughter ] >> what she's going to have to do next at some point, particularly after the first quarter gdp report which is coming out soon. we're going to find out how lousy the first quarter report is. neil: a minus number. >> you can imagine? the atlanta fed predicted a zero print a zero gdp growth and revised it up. neil: won't be 2 or 3%. >> how is she going to explain that? is it all the weather? is everything because of the republicans in congress? i am just trying to figure out -- >> do you think this is stalling out. you talk to wall streeters
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what are they saying? >> desperately worried. there are fringe people who think the economy is good. some of those fringe people are on the fnc show on saturday. neil: ben stein. >> he's fringe on the issue. neil: he's looking at the raw data which is better than it was. >> most mainstream people most mainstream economists and people who look at the markets understand the economy is extremely tenuous and little blips can hurt it. jeffrey pointed out because of this last jobs number and what's going to be coming now, it's only single digit chances that the fed is going to raise rates. >> we vote in november 2016. >> you're right. neil: what do you think the environment will be like? what in reality was the economy 6-9 months prior. and george bush senior found out hard way. >> the economy was improving when he was in there.
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neil: right. >> we'll see. it could get worse it could get better. neil: you think this is her number one issue. not whether she swerves for or against the banks kowtows to warren. >> related in a weird way. if you attack the banks for income inequality and attack the banks for getting rich well everybody is getting poor, guess who's in the white house when this was happening? your old boss. she would love -- i talk to people, i'm not an economist. not a lawyer i'm a simple country reporter. neil: no ben stein. >> i'm no ben stein. when i talk to people who are democrats they understand she's got to thread the needle it's not easy, and she would love love the economy to be off the table. love it. she can talk about who she is her dreams about being the first woman president. how this is another historic woman after the last historic moment. a different campaign. once it starts becoming an
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economic campaign uh-oh. neil: were you offended by all the hata e-mail you got? >> from the bitter boomers? neil: yeah. >> no. neil: i don't want you to think we jumped at the negative e-mail. tom anderson worked on the show he sought those out. >> some of the boomers i didn't believe boomers -- sorry the millennials that wrote those. neil: they did, they took offense to what you said. >> i don't believe that. they're not smart enough to write that legibly. neil: that's nice. food for thoughts, start thinking about the food you eat. the bird flu outbreak that could make you put down the chicken leg, and not so sweet news that could have you skipping dessert. i'll give you the scoop in 90 seconds.
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. neil: can you believe this? it's back. bird flu is back and in a big way to. fbn's a outbreak of been discovered in iowa. this rings a scary bell here. >> reporter: it kind of does. and it's getting bigger. take a look, neil at the map. a dozen states now. state of wisconsin declared a state of emergency as you report in iowa today they are killing euthanizing, 5 million hens and iowa is the number one egg producin egg producing state in the nation. how do they euthanize the chickens? it's not pretty but we obtained pictures from a group called united poultry concerns. they have their own concerns how chickens are treated but what they use is firefighters foam to suffocate the chickens. they need to eradicate this before it spreads further. better news for the humans according to the cdc, if you
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eat a chicken or turkey or egg from a contaminated bird, you don't have a problem with that. if you work on a chicken or turkey farm or egg operation, it's possible you could get the flu there are no documented cases of a human to human transmission of bird flu, you have to get it from a bird. that's the good and the bad and the ugly perhaps. neil: jeff, i'm wondering, they kill the chickens, then turkeys and deal with the details later. they're doing this in wisconsin as well. scott walkers says it's the number one crisis in his state. can they over do it? could they dramatically cut supply to the point that months from now, we're going to be look at a lot more expensive poultry as a result? >> hormel already put out a warning on earnings saying its turkey operations have been really hit hard and it's going to impact their bottom line. in terms of supply turkeys are something they freeze there's a lot of them out there. may not hurt the overall supply
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picture. hormel, tyson sanderson foods beg h econicaly. ne: tnk yo very mu. gat j reporting on it. now the hysteria over listeria. blue bell ice cream is recalling all, all products after three people died, another five fell ill from what they say is bacteria that may have crept into the products. to nurse practitioner erin tolbert what listeria is and whether we should be worried. a lot of the deaths and incidents occurred in nursing homes, more to the point. why is that? what's going on here? >> well we first saw the listeria contamination in blue bell products like ice cream prepackaged ice cream products, in my hospital we serve to patience. three patients in a kansas hospital have died as a result of this listeria contamination. as a precautionary measure,
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blue bell started testing the half gallon containers of ice cream and found listeria contamination in these containers as well, which is the reason for pulling all of the products off the shelves completely. neil: who is susceptible to this? >> well, really anybody is susceptible to listeria. a few groups more so than the general population. pregnant women, for example bacteria can lead to miscarriages and still births. we see listeria at 20 times the rate in pregnant women compared to counterparts. the elderly are more susceptible to getting infections and people who are compromised or weakened immune systems. cancer patients. these people need to be particularly careful in preparing food and paying attention to the recalls. neil: if it's a bacteria how does it seep into the ice cream and all the other stuff vegetables. how does that happen? what can be done on the producer side to stop it?
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>> right, this is a particularly nasty bug to track and identify the source as to where it comes from. it can come from so many different places. we see it occur natural in water and soil it. lives in the guts of animals. it can come from the food source itself unpasteurized milk. and unfortunately it can remain on surfaces in factories for years. once it reaches the factory by means from the food source, it can remain there and infect that machinery that we see processing our food and can be difficult to find where the actual source of the infection and contamination is coming from. neil: erin thank you very much, keep an eye on it and hope to have you back to guide us through this. >> thank you for having me. neil: he may be wearing a cheap suit, but does that mean he's suited for the white house. why scott walker might not be dressed for success, even when he is arguing about not wearing
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. neil: you know this drivesny nuts. message to all you presidential candidates. you're running to be my president, not my pal. so don't think you are impressing me explaining how you are not dressing up for me. >> i wore suitis and didn't wear the $1 sweater like i did the last time from kohl's. this shirt is from kohl's the suit is from jos. a. bank, a couple guys stood together and said the three of us made the price of one suit. that's pretty good. right? neil: governor, i'm impressed you're frugal when it comes to what you wear. all this every man stuff is wearing thin.
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is it me or are all the presidential candidates emphasizing humble roots a bit too much. >> most americans get their start the way i did, in a small business. >> they're lecturing me son of a bartender and maid as someone from the middle class. >> he worked at an ice cream plant. >> when i was young, we didn't have electricity or running water. neil: i was born on a yacht with a silver spoon and grey poupon wedged in my mouth. enough of acting like you are one of us. we do not expect to belly up next to you in a bar. if you are president, your secret service would shoot us if we try. git try soing hard to be like us and explain how you plan to lead us. we're looking for a ceo, not a guy you see at the mall, you are the nation's cop, not the mall cop! someone we can look up to not necessarily relate to. i like my presidents like i
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like my hard to getting golf clubs respectfully distant. so just like i wouldn't trust a club that would have me as a member, i wouldn't trust the next guy with their finger on the button trying to make me their buddy. i'm not, and i never will be. that does not mean i want you to be some arrogant jerk who doesn't care just don't go the other way and be a flannel wearing wearing wearing schmuck. i find flannel fattening, that might just be me. that is okay i will be quite happy watching my boys playing little league, and that's okay, too. lizzie mcdonald wants all the candidates to focus on us and not just trying to look like us. that's it. >> here's the thing. by the way years ago i interviewed at the "washington post," and they said to me
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everybody in washington wants to be president. there's a monumental, quote, egoism to be president. and anybody who's try to be like the regular guy, they're good at deceiving you. you will be choosing a bad president if you're saying they're the regular guy, just like me so i'm going to vote for them right? what they've done is whipped a fastball by you. neil: we all know presidents and those who want to be president have to appeal to people and get their vote. one thing i admired can't remember this when john kennedy was running for president and campaigned in west virginia. now look at him there. in a suit and tie talking to miners at the time the equivalent the $2,000 saks fifth avenue suit. he wasn't going to dress up in jeans and look like these guys. he decided this is what i am. i care about who you are, but
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i'm not going to dress like you to win you over. he won that primary. >> we don't see joe the plumber on mt. rushmore. we understand joe the plumber we know what joe the plumber wants. listen, the regular guy on the campaign trail wants to feel he can connect he or she can connect to the candidate because then that person is reachable i think, when they're in d.c. they become unreachable. neil: they understand. believe me don't get me wrong. that i understand. the one thing you and i can remember, richard nixon in the full two-piece suit tie walking along the shore of san clemente. i admired that, thought he would get hot. it was a little weird, but it's okay. but we accept you being you, what we don't accept, and i think what voters intrinsically recoil at is when you are pretending to be something you are not. >> i don't know how a regular person can do this job. they are set apart.
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neil: as soon as they get the job, they're not. >> they're not. only sticker here is leadership character, and whether or not you have good economic policy, how is the economy doing and the approval rating of the current occupant of the white house. neil: by that standard, then winston churchill didn't look the part. abraham lincoln didn't look the part. >> thomas jefferson used to meet people in bathrobe and slippers. we appreciate and admire that, but doesn't mean he went to the office like that. george washington had one tooth. we all know that about our presidents but it gets overbearing. neil: that was one tooth more than a lot of people had. >> which is why he never smiled in portraits. it does get tedious and the american voter understands what's going on. neil: we lost the pioneer demographic. no offense incented.
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. neil: welcome back, everyone. once burned, twice shy, two-thirds of foreclosure families are sitting out of the housing market for third. a third of them are apparently sniffing around. to chris, and dan recommends they stop sniffing because they'll screw up again. your fear is ones who are burned have a reason to stay shy for the benefit of us all why? >> yes. >> if you think about it psychologically emotionally and monarily what's happened to them. they had a foreclosure on their
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home. if they have children, they are embarrassed. a blemish on the record that's going to take a long time before they can get another mortgage again. neil: what is the statute on that? apparently if they're shopping around, it's up. >> the crisis was a little more than seven years ago. we're right at the end where the stigma is starting to fall off. people come pack in the marketplace. neil: isn't a foreclosure like a bankruptcy? >> you are losing asset. it's a foreclosure, the bank had the lien on it had the control over the property. >> the assets are gone. >> the equity in the home they were building up i'm going to retire on the equity never happened. they're renting, they're living in apartment, condo or something like that. cost of living is much lower and job security today is not what it was. the whole structure -- you. >> would begrudge them shopping for a home? >> if you put the pencil and numbers together renting a home probably right now in the
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current environment is cheaper than owning a home altogether. neil: you don't want them shopping to buy one. >> 2 1/2 million people that might be look. last year we sold round number 5 million existing and new homes. think if we can get these people back into the market. i'm not saying go hog-wild let everybody back in. we don't want a repeat of the problem before it's a positive thing to get these people back in the market. >> i know i'm going to sound like a jerk and cruel. my worry is when we lower the standards to get people -- they're lowering credit scores again. don't put the 20% down put 10% down. some fha loans with a little as 3% down, some with a giveback of 3% are we doing the things that got us in trouble? >> you are right, it could be a slippery slope if we're not careful. the question is where do we draw the line? around subprime. neil: not going to be these
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folks. >> well these folks are not -- just take it back to the 1930s what happened. people lost their homes, they closed up and drove out west and rented for many, many years. neil: how many years, more than 7. >> much more. neil: you're saying wait more than 7 years. >> i don't think the cycle of the credit crunch is over. and to jump in with all the deficits that municipalities have the government has and what's going on in the school system is not a good time to buy a house. neil: do you think, chris, looking at it that you would look, if you were a lender more severely at that pool of applicants? >> absolutely. the last thing i want to do is increase our rate of default or other problems. absolutely i would. if you flip it around for the person potentially sniff are around. we've seen housing affordability get better. interest rates 3.7, 3% for a 30-year mortgage. it's not going to get any
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better. you have the right scores, you have the down payments the jobs you have these things you should be looking. neil: chris? >> i'm going to touch on this one. maybe rates are going to go lower not higher, and that could keep people out of the marketplace, saying maybe i'll get a better opportunity. >> you don't see a rate increase in 2015? >> no. neil: wow, that's a separate argument. stocks are soaring, why aren't savings. why your pension could be looking pathetic? a car that tries to predict your movement. this thing sounds like my mother-in-law on four wheels.
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. neil: if you can't rely on social security, at least you could fall back on your pension right? so-called defy benefits pension plans ended last year a little more than 82% funded. worse for corporate pension plans.
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90% don't have the money to satisfy the pensioners' claims. that works out to national pension shortfall of 296 billion bucks. and that is with these booming markets, which might be benefitting more typical defined contribution plans like 401(k)s but not the fixed pension plans somesumed were okay. lenore hawkins says even more reason for you to take retirement matters into your own hands. people look at this and say really? now i can't depend on company pension. i can't depend on my company. i can't rely on social security. what are they to do? >> investors individuals definitely need to take their own retirement into their hands. because pension funds probably aren't going to deliver. like you said with social security that's not look good either. since 2000 the number of people with jobs dropped 4% while the number of people in
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the country has gone up 14%. and now we have 148 million people having jobs. neil: how do you help them out? we're making the assumption talking about 82% properly funded. bottom line you know, the odds of someone losing everything are very small. at these levels. at this point. nevertheless, worst-case scenario what do you tell them to do? >> the rules of change. you have to invest differently. the old buy and hold no longer works. investors have to be a lot better educated. a lot more alert, and i have have to be more active. with what's happened with these artificially low interest rates sort of the feds viagra, you know keep the economy up and running that's changed the rules of the game. it's happy for borrowers, they don't have to pay as much in interest. neil: that means individuals are going to have to save more, right? they have to put more than the typical numbers we hear they
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should be putting away talking to somebody in 40s and 50s and haven't done, this expecting the pension is a back stop or there for them. is it too late for them? >> it's going to be a lot more difficult, and things are going to get a lot more volatile? we have the largest bulk of the population the baby boomers are either in or heading into retirement. when they need to generate income off of their savings. we've made it more and more difficult to do that with the low rates. so these guys have two options. one get a buy with less, and two invest with more risk. if they try to get buy with less, that means less spending in the economy and with 70% of the economy consumer spending that's not really good news if they take on more risk, which is the only other way to generate higher returns. then you're going to have a lot of people the bulk of the population is taking on more risk than they'd really like, which means they've got to pay more attention. they're going to be a little
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more nervous. that i have to act a bit more, that means the markets are more volatile. neil: nothing you said has eased my concern that it's the end of the world. thank you. i think. lenore hawkins thank you very much. >> thank you, neil. neil: are you ready for this? what the tech? a car straight out of the movies and now heading to your driveway? no chest-beating monologues about engine size, horsepower, or performance. no anthemic soundtracks to stir the soul. just a ram heavy duty that can carry more weight than any other heavy-duty truck. get more facts at
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. neil: forget what the tech. what the f-as in what the fnr is this? the chevy concept car. wheels that could make the camaro an aging male's impulse purchase of the past.
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but first, we have to figure out exactly what this thing is! fortunately we have a young guy who knows. not going through any such crisis. tech guru michael nunez. what is it? >> the chevy fnr is a concept car, that's important to know. made for autonomous driving. the computer system is going to take over for the driver, and that will leave the driver to do whatever he wants, he can turn the driver seat 180 degrees talk to other passengers, watch a movie. neil: a prescriptions for disaster. can the driver drive the car if she or he wants to? >> several decades out as i mentioned. no, they won't have to. it would be foolish to take over for a computer. these self-driving cars are actually much more sophisticated than humans. they are nearly foolproof. neil: you sound like cal from 2001. you would not open the pod bay door. you know how that ended.
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>> i have seen that quite a few times. no this car is actually i think it's great to see an american auto manufacturer embrace the future. neil: it's cool looking don't get me wrong concept or not. >> chevy has their eye on the prize, they're heading in the right direction. neil: okay from a car from the future to a brain from the future, a car that can predict the driver's every move on head movements alerting the driver in dangerous situations. so michael does this sound dangerous to you? what if your eye veers toward a billboard or whatever? >> we have the idea that every human is a unique snowflake and they're all individuals. humans are very predictable and computers are really good at recognizing patterns. so when you put the two things together, you can build sophisticated software to help aid the driver. neil: what if you're not one of
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the humans comporting to the standard? >> well, right now they have 77% accuracy. neil: at 23%, that isn't. >> that's true. this was two months' worth of testing. neil: testing what? what is it doing? >> attracting ten drivers for about 1100 miles. this was a team of researchers from stanford university and cornelle university. so this research is still relatively new, but when paired with other crafts. neil: what does it do? >> it would give you a visual or audible aid when you -- or alarm when you are deviating from your lane or driving too close to another vehicle. neil: there are sensors in cars for that today. >> that's correct that would work in tandem with sensors and other crash avoidance systems. and just by watching someone's face or having a computer watch someone's face, you can predict what they are going to do within the next three to four
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seconds which could mean life and death. neil: i'll take your word for it. i've heard of cars that can park themselves bmw's 7 series can do it without anyone in the driver's seat at all. i know we have the cars that can park themselves. this is just emphasizing the point we don't need you in the car. >> exactly right. it's great. and the fact this is going into a -- >> you know what's weird? you are young hip, welcoming all this stuff that is sdrig the core of the human species. [ laughter ] >> no no. i am a bmw fan and i want one of these cars desperately. neil: how is it different than the one that parks itself now? that requires the fanny in the driver's seat? >> exactly right. right now the cars that have this available require you to be in the driver's seat. you can nudge it along by hitting the gas or basically you are still driving to a certain extent. now, you can fully exit the vehicle and you have an
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automatic valet. your own personal valet built into the car. neil: it's a german valet. this is what we're going to do right? all right. you're the best buddy. i trust your faith in all this. i'm an old fogy, i'm worried. >> appreciate it. neil: it's your future. enjoy it. president cavuto i like the sound of, that apparently more than a view of you did not. i was trying to help america with a 60-second plan to fix everything in this country. and this is the response i get? after this.
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>> "what's the deal, neil?." neil: what is the deal with watching the not even pretending to care about spending? democrats and republicans are pushing for more of it for things like infrastructure and defense? they're oblivious to the ballooning debt that is very, very real and getting worse. karen on facebook writes --
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not at this rate. mariah -- roger -- well, they lie. dave writes -- james -- ken in new jersey says -- ken, if i'm a duns for thinking
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a defense budget or the half a trillion bucks can't address these priorities then yeah, i'm a dunce. we're spending now at levels that were the height of the iraq and afghanistan war spending levels, and committing tens of billions to foreign aid that seems pretty foreign to me. if we are not up to reprioritizing those levels in our budget, i'm not the one that's a dunce my friend everyone in congress is. that's why i stand by my 10% solution part of my much talked about 60-second plan to get us all back on our feet. cut each and every federal program by 10%, not off the growth off the budget as it is right now. it's a start, and will show the world we're finally serious about the stuff.
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banner in san francisco writes -- here we go again, banner, no, it does not. what it lops off is the waste and duplicitous costs that denies aid to the starving kids and poor families whom you feign interest and support. they deserve that support not you lecturing. coach tweets -- kimberly in manhattan -- that's correct kimberly. i'm spending your money, after all. do you want me to splurge on it? jeep writes -- jeep you better talk to marie who writes -- boy, where have i heard that before? have i ever heard that? finally --
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loonie, "strange inheritance" starts right now. thanks for writing guys. . >> a century old amusement park that could be lost forever. >> dying on the vine down here. >> our time is over. it's serious. >> a divided family on the verge of a painful split. >> no amusement park in the world has been owned by a family as long as this one. >> the family loyalty has disintegrated. it's fodder for disaster. >> and a reprieve from the governor, but will it be enough? >> the day after labor day amusement park is not open down there. my father is flipping in his grave right now.


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