tv The Willis Report FOX Business April 29, 2015 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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liz: we've actually had analysts come on weeks and weeks ago said don't buy first iteration of this thing precisely because of that. ashley: they say for many tech products. >> thanks so much for joining us. ashley: "the willis report" is next. have a great afternoon, everyone. >> hello, everybody i'm gerri willis and this is "the willis report," the show where consumers are our business. we continue to follow the money trail as the clinton foundation. did hillary fail to disclose more than aand donations from foreign contributors? we'll investigate the troubling new allegations. baltimore eerily quiet overnight as business owners begin to assess damage from days of violence. one store owner tells us his story. it has been found guilty in the court of public opinion. now the justice department looking at lumber liquidators. we'll have details on possible criminal charges. marginal economic growth so far this year. that is what a new report is
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telling us. the what is behind the punk gdp number and what is for your money. >> could changing your career be as es as you think this we'll tell you who you to do that on "the willis report" where consumers are our business. gerri: we told you about foreign governments giving to hillary while she was secretary of state. the foundation failed to disclose identities of a thousand other donors. chelsea and bill traveling with the foundation's 20 biggest givers on a sightseeing trip to africa because they're just regular people like us. here to weigh in, former republican senator from massachusetts scott brown and katie pavlich, how could they miss the 1000 donors? how could those go uncounted? >> well, they shouldn't have.
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they obviously hire very experienced auditors and tax people and, they either either did it on purpose or they made a mistake. quite frankly i don't buy it was a mistake. i think it was intention. here is the problem with the clintons. there is absolutely an intersection of politics and money. especially now when secretary clinton's running, that foundation should be basically shut down because the appearance of impropriety the fact that bill is traveling around with these major donors who have given not only when she was secretary of state but also giving to her candidacy, just doesn't pass the smell test, gerri. gerri: katie i want to ask you if it should be shut down the clinton foundation. was there a 2008 ethics agreement with the obama administration they would make all this stuff public? >> yeah. going back to 2009, just mentioned the obama administration said okay if hillary will be the secretary of state we need to make sure there isn't ethics problem with donors
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of foreign governments to the clinton foundation and the clinton foundation agreed to that here we are now years later as hillary clinton announced her run for president and we're seeing that at least a thousand donors were not disclosed. they aat least, because transparency with the clintons is the exception, not the rule. the big question if you didn't disclose a thousand donors from canada, what other donors didn't you disclose in maybe more hostile parts of the world? gerri: good point very good point. scott, to you we cover charities all the time because we're a personal finance money show, right? we're always analyzing how well the companies do, how well the charities do giving away their money. the answer with the clinton foundation is not so good. less than 10% of the mon they collect goes to helping people of the rest is going to salaries, something like 2,000 employees out there. it is not bill and hillary but it is their travel. this shouldn't be allowed. if you're going after tea party
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groups and not give them 501(c)(3) status why does this organization have it? >> well, i think it was said earlier. the guest said there is and are a double-standard with the clintons. not only out of touch with the average american family as you see traveling first class to africa again for the 12th time but more importantly, 10 or 11% of those proceeds going to charitable causes? that is outrageous. any other group, any other person if it was republican or republican slanted entity, they would be audited. the obama, justice department would be there. just amazing to me and others that there is not the same level of scrutiny in the same level of compliance and transparency that every other groups that to do. it is unbelievable. gerri: it's a special world. katie to you, hillary today speaking at, in the wake of baltimore.
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i want you to hear what she had to say and then analyze it for us. >> there is something wrong when trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve breaks down as far as it has in many of our communities. we have allowed our criminal justice system to get out of balance. and these recent tragedies should galvanize us to come together as a nation to find our balance again. gerri: there is hillary talking about restoring trust. katie? >> look, i think that trust between law enforcement and communities is very important but what hillary doesn't mention in the context of baltimore is that it is a minority-majority police force. means majority of the police officers working in the baltimore police department are part of the community and are representative of baltimore's community. it is bottom line too also in her speech, hillary clinton
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mentioned that one in three black men in baltimore don't have a job. she failed to mention why that is. baltimore has been run by one-party progressive liberal government since the 1960s. if you want to really have change and rebuild trust with communities, it starts at economic level. hillary clinton doesn't seem like she wants to address those issues and look why maybe baltimore was burning this week. gerri: yeah scott, katie makes a very good point very articulate on this topic. i have to ask you, what is ironic here, hillary's husband was the one who put in place the war on drugs. by the way which is something i'm not against. is it ironic here she sis calling for, you know, loosening some of those standards, calling for non-incarcerating people selling drugs or taking drugs? what do you say? >> well, i think it is always appropriate to reevaluate and review any law that is in place. i don't expect that she is going to have the same positions as
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her husband on every issue. gerri: right. >> that being said, katie i thought was very articulate expressing what the problems are in baltimore in particular, and i served in the maryland national guard which was in baltimore. understand the issues and certainly respect the people there, law enforcement and men and women serving but secretary clinton also said something interesting, re-establishing trust with politicians. with all due respect, madam secretary starts right with you. the lack of transparency lack of honesty failure to disclose, two sets of rules double standards, it starts with her. and just find it so hypocritical. gerri: great job, guys. >> absolutely. gerri: just awesome conversation. thanks, scott, katie, appreciate your time. >> thank you guys. thank you, katie. thank you, gerri. gerri: more on "clinton cash" scandal, tune into lou dobbs. she he joined by author peter schweizer with all the information. that will be 7:00 p.m. eastern time. that will be great.
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another story we've been following for some time here, lumber liquidators facing possible criminal charges. the company revealing the department of justice is seeking criminal charges for its imported products. impending legal battle comes as hardwood flooring retailer reported a first-quarter loss amid allegations that chinese laminate flooring contains high levels of formaldehyde that can harm consumers. with more we have a former federal prosecutor. welcome to the show john. apparently from what i'm reading there is some suggestion this company broke, violated something called the lacy act. tell us about that. what does it mean? >> this is like a searing missile coming into a cop. what the company revealed for the first time is that the government is investigating whether or not it was importing wood products illegally, which the lacy law prohibits, including lan nate wood products with too much formaldehyde which is carcinogen. what the company is saying we're
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under investigation for importing tainted wood products that could hurt americans. that is a very serious issue. gerri: we've been covering this for some time and reality we don't really know, have independent verification whether that is actually true or not. there are lots of allegations. it looks clear there were issues with the california regs which are super high. but we don't really know the details here. we're waiting to find them. tell me this if the charges are filed, what kind of a blow will this be to the company? >> it is devastating. first of all a company facing criminal charges will do everything it can to avoid that. one of the things it can do is try to give up individuals to the government and say, here are the people that are responsible for doing something that was inappropriate. go prosecute them and leave us alone. but for a public company like this one, to be prosecuted criminally is devastating. gerri: you know, today i read that the cfo the chief financial officer of the company has left. now i have covered business news
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for a long time. that is usually not a good sign. what do you make of it? >> not a good sign and i think it is an indication that heads are going to roll. they appoint ad special committee to investigate themselves and what will come from that, individuals will be served up to the department of justice for prosecution because that's what happens in today's corporate america. gerri: do you think this is all fairly being handled? i mean the department of justice, you know, sometimes these things are witch hunts. sometimes they're just, you know trying to get money out of companies? is this fair in your view? >> one thing the department has responsibility to investigate allegations of wrongdoing. and no one should suggest that at this point anybody has done anything wrong but it's a process that has to buyer out. it has to take its course. one thing for certain there are individuals in this investigation that are entitled to due process. they're entitled to fair representation. i think they will get it. gerri: john lauro thanks for coming on the show and
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explaining it to us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. gerri: still a lot to come this hour including advice on finding a second career. you can do it. bad news seems to keep on coming in this economy. a punk gdp report. homeownership numbers falling, halting the recovery in its tracks. details coming up. tweet me @gerriwillisfbn. go to our website for email, we'll be right back. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day.
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gerri: we have breaking news. the apple watch, well it is only available for about a week but there is already a rollout problem. a key component of apple watch made by one of only two chinese suppliers found to be defective. the faulty part is necessary to produce the sensation being tapped on the wrist by the watch. that is what it does. people who are familiar with the matter say this will prompt apple to limit availability.
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bad news for people who want the watches. on the economy which has hit brakes. commerce department said gdp barely budged, .2 of a percent. barely eking out a positive gain. that is in sharp contrast to 1% expansion economists were hoping for. is there more trouble ahead? we're asking rick sharga, and bank rate dot-com chief financial been lift, greg mcbride. greg, go to you and then rick. economists got a big surprise. what did they miss? >> well, we've got a strong u.s. dollar which means we export less and import more. you have got stagnant household income, so consumer is not ramping up spending any meaningful way. the drop in oil prices has done little for the economy. not only is the consumer pocketing savings rather than spending it but in the energy sector you have companies laying off workers rather than hiring
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as they have been over past few years. they're not making capital investments buying equipment they have been buying past few years. so a lot of headwinds. gerri: a lot of headwinds. rick to you, the administration says this is temporary. it was bad weather in the first quarter. do you believe that or are we on to a new trend here? >> well, bad weather was robly a contributor but i don't think it was the root cause of the problems. i think greg did a good job outlining most of the headwinds the economy is facing. i do think housing continues to be a major drag. i also think something greg alluded to is, business investment, basically fell off of a cliff in the first quarter. so that is an issue as well. gerri: got to tell you though, consumers were not spending either. look at consumer spending in the first quarter. it grew 1.9%. it grew 4.4% in the fourth quarter. so consumers, big engine of the american economy, just not playing here, i know people just not seeing income increases.
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and that's behind a lot of it. i want to go to interest rates now. the fed meeting today saying they're not raising rates. how long will the rate hike get delayed? >> i'm not surprised. metrics, that they're using to figure out when they will raise prices have been consistently weaker than they like. i think gdp report is final nail in the coffin in terms of early price or rate increase. so i don't think we'll see rate increase anytime before june. and, if then. the most probably will be a quarter of a point. i think that is good news for the spring housing market. that might be part of thinking behind this is let's stimulate buying activity with the notion that rates might go up. gerri: i tell you what will stimulate housing market. people getting jobs that pay well. greg, let me turn to you on this rate issue because you did some great work for us putting together real numbers about how rate hike would impact people,
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whenever it occurs whether in june or september or even next year. start by taking a look at retirees, who have money in cash investments. tell us about the impact of a rate hike on them. >> well, what you have to look at is the totality of a series of rate hikes. one rate hike, you have a quarter of a percentage point, just isn't going to be very impactful one way or the other. if they raise interest rates by a total of a full percentage point. look that could take a couple of years at this rate. gerri: good point? >> if they raise rates by a full percentage point somebody with 100,000 dal cash investment will pull in extra $1,000 cash a year in income income. adjustable rate mortgages that is where risk lies. if you have $200,000 adjustable rate mortgage, a lost borrowers seeing payments go down because rates are in the cellar. if rates go up a full percentage point, that is difference of 100
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bucks a month in the monthly payment. gerri: don't want to tell impact on credit cards because diminimus. $4 a month for everyone percentage point increase. spend money on credit cards because it will not make a darn bit of difference. rick back to you, we got surprising numbers on rates of homeownership. they're at lowest level since 1989. shocking to me. what is going on? >> if you're shocked by that you will be more shocked what i'm to tell you. i don't think we're bottomed yet. gerri: wow. >> i would not be surprised we drop below 63% before the market bottoms out before we recover. gerri: why? wait, wait, wait. why? >> a few things we talked about before. one of the big ones we're seeing increase this household formation. that has been expected for a few years. finally starting to take place. more and more households being formed are opting to rent rather than to buy. one of the big disconnects is, if you look at types of households being formed, for
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example last year over 40% of the households formed were latino families. latino families have a disproportionately difficult time qualifying for conventional loans. so a lot of them are choosing to rent. you have issues in terms of that in terms of low supply in terms of overall tight credit and demand generally isn't all that strong. so, i wouldn't be surprised if we see those factors contribute to a lower homeownership rate. gerri: great information, guys. we'll have to leave it there. rick greg, thank you so much for coming on the show. >> thanks, gerri. gerri: most welcome. now we want to know what you think. here is our question tonight. should the government stay out of the housing market? go to and vote. i will tell the results at the end of tonight's show. we have the spring guide to real estate. what is hot, what is not, even upgrading your home. you will not want to miss it. later in the show new life for the show about nothing, you
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remember that? next we answer the question, how do you do that? we'll have advice finding a new job but a new job in a new career. not as hard as it sounds. ♪ (vo) rush hour around here starts at 6:30 a.m. - on the nose. but for me, it starts with the opening bell. and the rush i get, lasts way more than an hour. (announcer) at scottrade, we share your passion for trading. that's why we've built powerful technology to alert you to your next opportunity. because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours.
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5:25 pm tony. >> good to see you tony. i think this is a topic that's so relevant. i get questions about this all the time. let's start with why people opt to do this. why do people opt to find another career? >> they find out climbing the corporate ladder wasn't as fun as it was. a lot of times their jobs went away. they find out they had a lot of intrinsic value in them. they can give to a lot of people. they go to work not so much for the money or the corporation as they do for the intrinsic value for the job itself. they are a lot more comfortable with themselves and making mistakes. oftentimes they've already raised families. so they don't have a lot of the economic pressure. and they're just better at doing what they do because they're more relaxed and more comfortable. >> you make it sound easy, my friend. i know it's not. tell me about the challenges. look just figuring out what the career should be in the first place is no easy thing.
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>> yeah. i didn't say this would be easy. you know, like i said before it's like bench pressing 500 pounds. it's simple, but it's hard. what you have to do is be realistic about what you can look for. the further away you get from the kind of thing you've done before the harder at me be. it will be. if you're an accountant in the banking industry, it's not hard to be an accountant in the nonprofit industry. get ready for the long haul. read a lot of inspirational stuff. i recommend knowing yourself. go to the johnson zero o'connor foundation. it tells you the kinds of things you can be doing. measures your skills. forget trying to apply for a job online with a major corporation. gerri: this is critical. this is critical. i want to slow you down here. you just rat-a-tat that
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advice. i think people miss out on things. folks are sending out resumes to some voiceless anonymous emails. no one reads this stuff. it has to be personal contact. right? >> yeah. especially if you're changing industries. people are comparing your resume with 180 our resumes of people doing hadwhat they want in the job they want. that's not going to work. you'll have to do it personally. you'll have to go into businesses. make a lot of contact. volunteer. do pro bono work. find out if you'll be interested in something. then network like crazy. forget sending resumes. and realize that you'll probably have to go to work for a lot less money than you worked for before. gerri: we have a full screen that says not everyone is unhappy with the salary they get in a second career. 18% say they were paid the same. 50% said their salary
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rose. 31% said they had a lower salary. so it is possible to find something that makes you happy and also pays you money. tony we'll leave it there. so good to see you. thank you for coming on the show. >> always a pleasure. thank you. gerri: coming up, the teacher who tried to fail his entire class is here to tell us why he took such a drastic action. head live to chicago as the windy city gets ready for a big weekend as the nfl draft kicks off tomorrow. how the city is celebrating. you'll want to see that. ♪
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earthquake in nepal tops 5,000 people. more than 10,000 have been injured. several thousand remain hospitalized. the gyrocopter that landed on the capitol lawn was indistinguishable from a flock of birds. a kite. a balloon or other non-craft on radar. michael telling a house committee today the slow moving gyrocopter just appeared as an irregular symbol. not posing an apparent threat. doug was arrested when it landed and charged with violating restricted airspace. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke has a new job. joining pimco as a senior adviser. after joining citadel as an adviser later this month. he will contribute his experience and engage with clients. hulu landed the exclusive rights for one of the biggest tv shows of all time. seinfeld will be
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available to start streaming in june. hulu will have future shows from ifc and sundance tv. those are the stories in the news tonight. are you ready for some football? for the first time in almost 50 years, the nfl draft is kicking off in the windy city. jeff flock joins us from draft town chicago the ultimate fan experience. you have the best assignments, my friend. jeff: this is pretty incredible. i've been to a lot of ex-trav gandexraf gand as. this is up there. take a look at where it will take place. friends from fox sports. look at that. all kinds of exhibits and other ways for fans to participate here. roger goodell was the first person to take
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place in an interactive exhibit today. we saw it live. >> you know who that is you're looking at live with his hands up in the air. the commissioner of the nfl, roger goodell who yesterday -- whoa, he just went down. uh-oh, he's down. jeff: i think he took more of a chance today with the skydiving, gerri than he did yesterday when he gave up the nfl's tax exempt status. i talked to the commissioner about that very thing. take a listen. >> you brought republicans and democrats together today both praising relinquishing your tax exempt status. how did you do that? maybe you can get a job with the state department. >> no it's something we've been talking about for over a year. it doesn't change our operation in any way. the business of football and the revenues generated has always been generated by the teams and taxed by the teams. it hasn't had an impact on us. instead of letting that
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be a source of controversy, we changed our status. >> now, we won't know how much money he makes from here on in. there you go. this is just amazing. what they built here this is an incredible extravaganza. >> i love the windy city. why take it out of new york city? the big apple. why shouldn't the draft be here? >> well it's there for 50 years. the last time it was here was 1964. very different then than now. and they can do something like this. they couldn't do this in new york. now they can take over chicago. chicago competed for this. this is something pretty crazy. >> it is pretty crazy. and i got to tell you jeff there's probably a little more elbow room in chicago, that's my thinking. am i right? >> and a lot more elbows. the two networks. this is espn's setup here. that's the nfl's setup.
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12 million people they expect to watch on tv. when the draft was here in '64, a total of 12 reporters covered it. >> appreciate it. when we come back, a professor making headlines after threatening to fail his entire class. his side of the story. next, while baltimore burned his store -- was destroyed and jobs lost. one store owner gives us his take on the chaos this week. but first here's your consumer gauge with the numbers that mean the most to you.
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gray. harvey levy is here with a heartbreaking story. his sport shop was looted on the first night of the riots. he shares the shocking video of what they did inside his store. harvey, thank you for joining me. i appreciate being on the show with us and sharing your video. i know you watched these security cameras from your home. what did you see? >> well i got the phone call about 9 o'clock monday night, and you get that phone call that every store owner hates. that call from the alarm company. you get that sinking feeling in your stomach. i knew what i would see when i turned on my webcam. eight cameras in the store. and i saw people -- as i expected, all the lights were on. people were rummaging through all my stuff. maybe 50 people in my store. the alarm company told me the police were coming. the fire department was coming. and i was watching these pictures of people running in and out with boxes of all my clothing and shoes.
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and it was -- it was pretty gut-wrenching. gerri: it sounds like it. did you know any of these people in this video? >> well, you know, i watched five and a half hours of video of them looting my store until 7 o'clock the next morning. the first arrest was at 6:30 when the police finally got there. gerri: six hours. oh, my goodness. >> i -- i was watching this video, and i saw a policeman come into my store. i actually called the store. and he picked up the phone. and i said, are you the police. he said, when are you coming down? i said, are you kidding me. he said, you have to secure this building. i'm leaving. i said, you can't leave. there's 50 50 thieves, i kicked them out. you have to protect my store. i have a single store in
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a -- most shoe stores have five -- i have a million dollars' worth of inventory. we have a small family owned business. been there for 35 years. they woke me up. i watched all night long as they went in and out. >> i can't imagine. i need to ask you about a headline that fox is reporting today. which is that the mayor may have ordered the police to stand down. i want to play some sound, which she has said and how she's contradicted what she said. i want your response. listen to this first. >> while we try to make sure that they were protected from the cars and other things that were going on. we also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well. and we work very hard to -- to keep that balance. >> i never said, nor would i ever say that we're giving people space to destroy our
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city. my words should not be twisted. gerri: what's your reaction to that? >> well, you know, let's be realistic. the mayor is a human being. she was in a very tough place. i'm not defending the mayor because i have some qualms about it. a lot disappointed about her -- her not alerting the national guard in advance and at least putting them on on standby before the trial knowing the history of baltimore. the violence that takes place especially in certain sections of the city. and i thought that the national guard didn't really get on the scene until late monday night. i didn't see them until almost tuesday afternoon. first national guardsmen i saw. i don't think she would intentionally want people to loot. and i think that she only said that because she wanted to put personal lives before property. gerri: right. okay. well harvey, we'll have to leave it there.
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you are a very patient man. we wish you the best with your store, which has been in the family for 35 years. a 35-year-old family business. thank you so much for being on this show, harvey. good to speak with you. >> thank you. gerri: and we move on now to a story that might make you smile. one texas professor found a new way to show his displeasure at student classroom behavior. irvine he was teaching a strategic management class. he says was misbehaving. (?) he flunked them. all of them. professor horowitz joins us with his story. you must tell us what these students were doing that made you flunk them. how were they misbehaving? >> well, it wasn't all a matter of misbehavior. i mean, at the root of the problem was the fact that the students were not really prepared to take what is the
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cumulative class in the program. which is the strategic management class where they're supposed to integrate all the information that they've learned in their past administration classes. they were a large majority of the class could not even perform simple analyses of how many apples to sell out of a cart to break even. gerri: isn't that the job of those students to learn that? i mean, it's a business class after all. >> they should have learned it -- they should have learned that far before even getting to my class. i mean, it's i think a weakness. and i don't think the school likes it very much. but it's a weakness that's been exposed that they should have two accounting classes and an econ class or two teaching break-even analysis before they got to me. i had given it for a one-day review. turned into a three-day session. frustration built upon that. that's when the bad behavior began among
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certain pockets of students within the -- gerri: they said some not so nice things to you. i would have never considered saying to my professor. what were they doing? >> if i said that to my professor, i would have been chewing soap that my dad put in my mouth. gerri: okay. >> but i can't repeat what -- gerri: i thought that's what you would say. >> what was said about me on your station. but it wasn't very nice. gerri: answer this question for me. you're a teacher. you spend time with these students. what's with these millennials? i mean, i just don't understand the attitude. is it that they're paying a lot for their education, and they feel like the consumer can demand what they want? is it a feeling of entitlement? what is it? >> well, i think it's a combination of things. i think entitlement is certainly you know, an issue. i also think schools have sort of moved over to a business model, where the students are
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customers and no longer students that need to work hard to succeed as much as pay their tuition and the professor is rated on whether or not they make the students happy. and the students are happy only if they get good grades. if you give good grades the students are happy. the school is happy. the students don't have to learn a darn thing. gerri: i've heard this add nauseum from other professors. that's exactly how it works. (?) your school stood behind the students. what's going on now? >> well i think that there's something actually very wrong with what's going on at the school. and, again, i want to make a clear distinction. there's texas a&m college station. that's not where i was at. i was in texas a&m galveston. they still enforce an honor code there. when the honor code exists and let's say a cheater was caught but they don't do anything
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they don't enforce it. the rest of the students are very quick to catch on to the fact that they don't enforce, you know cheating. they don't enforce swearing. gerri: they were cheating in your class. that was part of the behavior. openly cheating. i apologize. we have to leave it there. i think this is incredibly instructive. a view into college life as it is today. professor, thank you for coming on the show. appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you very much. okay. thank you. gerri: and now the latest developments on the collapse of corinthian colleges. the for-profit colleges we've told you about. 16,000 former students saw their classes closed overnight. can now have their federal loans discharged at taxpayer expense. the secretary of defense say they won't have to pay these loans back as long as they forego any credits earned. it shut down. twenty-eight remaining
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campuses. that after corinthian college was fined $30 million for inflating job prospects including paying agencies to hire grads for two days or less. what a story. we'll continue to follow it. in the meantime, still to come, in the wake of the long list of nfl scandals. one player speaking out against domestic violence. telling his own tragic personal story. william gay will join me after the break. there he is. ♪
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rookies must attend training and awareness of domestic violence. my next guest has been leading the fight against this abuse for many years. his experience with domestic violence, super bowl champion, william gay. so nice to have you on the show. thank you so much for coming in. i want you to tell people. tell me your personal story with domestic violence. >> well, i always go out and tell my mother's story. and she was a victim of domestic violence. when i was seven, she was shot by my stepfather. that just left my whole family just in a dark place. me personally, just being lonely and with a lot of pain and anger. and i went through a whole four years of just not trusting anyone. not telling anyone about my feelings. just being a bad child. at that age. gerri: so your stepfather shot your mother. she died. then he shot himself.
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is that correct? >> correct. gerri: you and your two brothers left without parents. >> it was my younger brother's father. and my older and me we didn't have our father in our lives. so we always just had each other. and luckily my grandmother, you know she raised five kids on her own. and she just took us in to raise three more boys. and i was just so thankful to have a grandmother like her. gerri: now, you weren't aware of the violence at the time as a kid. what was going on in the background. is that right? >> no, there was no signs. just thought it was a happy family. i just knew at one point that my mom was ready to leave the relationship. i thought it was a day we would go over to my grandmother's house and go in and have fun with our cousins. friends in the neighborhood. and end upturning end up turning into a tragic day. gerri: very tragic. how do you overcome that?
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>> it was tough. it was tough. even when i was going through middle class highmiddle schoolhigh school i found football to be a safe haven for me. when i went out on the field, i got away from the problems. anything i was going through emotionally, and went out there and played the game that i loved. but it still was something that wasn't clicking. gerri: but you've turned this around my friend. so this isn't a sad story anymore. >> right. gerri: this is a happy story. this is a story -- tell us what you're doing to help women who might be in trouble. >> i teamed up with verizon hope line program. that's just one piece that we all are trying to team up to end domestic violence. it's just simple by donating an old phone or old accessories. which is a great opportunity. and they also help, like i say great awareness and we can all come together as one nation to stop this. and we're trying to get 1 million phones or accessories by the end
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of this year. gerri: into the hands of women? right? >> right. the donations of the phones and the accessories will also be grants for the many organizations that stand on the front lines to end domestic violence. gerri: all right. we're out of time. thank you for coming in. such a pleasure to meet you. thank you so much. we'll be right back.
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♪ gerri: welcome back. should the government stay out of the housing market? that's the question we asked on 95% of you said yes. 5% said no. that's a clear answer. finally, nik wallenda is at it again. daredevil has completed a rock across the 400-foot orlando fair to say wheel. ferris wheel. he road to the top of the wheel. began his walk. lasting just a few minutes. oh, my goodness. he previously made
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tightrope walks between the grand canyon. niagara falls. thanks for joining us. "making money" with charles payne is next. ♪ charles: breaking news, the national guard continues to enforce a 10:00 p.m. curfew in baltimore you can see right now crowds are beginning to swell there. in fact, police expect more. this crowd is interesting. extraordinarily organized. a lot of signs. a lot of different types of people. not just black youths. in fact, look at them. they're marching in unison like a military column. no doubt this is organized. you have to wonder, as we approach that deadline. as we approach that curfew if this can get out of hand. this is a different sort of protest we've seen over the past couple of days. perfect unison. a lot of signs. a lot of different types of people. there are protesters gathered here
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