tv Varney Company FOX Business May 1, 2015 11:00am-1:01pm EDT
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for criminal charges if in the death of freddie gray. the death has been ruled a homicide. prosecutor marilyn detailed the incident just moments ago. we'll have more on this throughout today's program we also have this tesla's new battery for a store is from electricity from the sun at use at night in your home. is that the break through back to technology with more on what we've been waiting for. the debate is on. tesla charge. here's a detail about forecast. linkedin cuts outlook and stock is up at knees down 20% how about that? here question go big fight saturday night that is a big money story. the kentucky derby saturday afternoon, i personally like it is a knockout. okay, markets are up 100% varney & company is about to begin. ♪ ♪ >> the findingsings of our
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comprehensive, sorrow and independent investigation coupled with a medical examiner's determination that mr. gray's death was a homicide which we received today as led fuss to believe that we have project cause to fool -- file criminal charges. >> there you have it. that was the baltimore prosecutor marilyn moments cheers after they heard the word homicide. milwaukee county sheriff david. i was listening to the prosecutor's report there. it was a thorough and detailed laying out of what happened in the death of freddie gray you agree with that? >> i don't know. i didn't hear the whole thing. but she got case that was a little quick. but i trust the process. that is one step in the process and see how it develops as we move forward. >> to me sheriff it sounded like they were throwing the book at
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the police officer's involve ised in this. not because they directly caused the death of freddie gray but because they totally mishandled his medical condition. >> gets into a legal aspect really. further down the road if she forces this thing, forces criminal indictment here, she's going to be met head-on down the road with trying to prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. because that is why i said it is one step, and moves forward. >> now we have to see whether or not the crowds were engaging in baltimore do they accept this process? do they accept this process now that the use of the word homicide is in play, and criminal charge hads are in play? >> they're claiming meaning those speaking on behalf this thing that i've seen say they don't trust the process. now all of a sudden they trust
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the process because they got a determination that they like. so it is situational really. but i would imagine now if you look at it logically protesters can go home. >> how do you see this thing playing out? >> well a court battle will be lengthy and long depending how many defendants you have named in this thing. you know, this could go well into the summer well into the fall. >> by taking a long too time, the process gives a little more food for thought in reflection and maybe buys time for peace, could you say that? >> sure. that is why i trust the process. trust our criminal justice system whether or not we get a determination that we like that is what i keep reminding people that justice isn't a decision you accept or look. it is applying to the rule of law a allowing everybody along the way to allow criminal
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prosecution and ultimately the jury's determination. >> does it sound to you a little harsh that these men and women are being held on criminal charges? because they failed to prop properly handle freddie grey and did not put hmm in a seat belt in the back of the van. will you make the judgment that that is a little harsh? >> i have experience in the form of homicide detective and supervise cases as well. that which you just presented to me again i'm going to upon the this out. i don't know all a of the facts yet but that you pointed out to me seems like a -- standard they're not going to able to meet. that sounds like a civil tort than it does a criminal indictment. do you think prosecutor was being political when she imposed those criminal charges? >> i would be less than forthright to say that she's being anything less than political.
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i think this is very political. [laughter] voice she sounded almost exuberant in her announcement when she needs to remember that she represents the state in this ping. not a protest movement. and not trying to appease the -- angry crowd. >> sheriff david clark we appreciate you coming on the show at short notice to comment on something of great importance. thank you for joining us. >> thank you stuart. all right to the market this friday morning where are we? we are up. dow jones industrial average snapping back after a down week up 130 points now, closing in again on that 18,000 level. but in a pretty narrow range several weeks just below 18,000 as we speak. now linkedin it cut profit forecast. don't do that. down 20% at 200 dollars per
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share for linkedin down she goes. tesla has a new line of batteries, $3500 to ten hours a power. we'll have more on that in a few minutes the stock is down $3. oil, real closing in, where we thought it was closing $60 a barrel, now it is 58.90 you get the point it is close to the high for this year. 2015 gas, oh, dear me. up again overnight i'm sorry about this folks. i really enjoyed $2 gas. and it is gone. $2.59 is your average now across this country. now this. united states maybe will extort it's and british flag commercial ships through hairmass after fired and ceased got a cargo ship. one-third of the oil flows through those straights that you're looking at there. why are we protecting shipping from iranian attack as we
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facilitate an a iranian nuke? steve will joins for that subject and that debate ten minutes from now. all right let's go back to tesla big announcements about for your home. spend $3,010 get 10,000 hours of power. in my humble opinion that is not the battery power game changer that we were expecting. what do you think of the wall street journal -- >> from one money losing business which is electric car business into another taxpayer -- another taxpayer subsidized business. think about this, stuart battery storage gets federal subsidies it gets state subsidy, he's going to eventually produce it in a state in nevada where he built a battery factory with more than a billion dollars of those states. taxpayer subsidies, and ho is beginning to buy this stuff? first of all it is not $3500 after installation it is more like, 6,000 you need a lot of value out of a gas generator
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than that chunk of change. who will buy it? incredibly rich people who don't care about spending that amount of money, and it will be energy companies that themselves have to meet federal requirements so renewable energy. so yeah, he's a smart guy because he just takes a lot of money from us. >> now to the business side of what we're talking about here. the business side of tesla. there's another side now to the technology side. along comes elon musk unveil this is battery that can sit on your garage wall or outside your house. comes in a variety of colors. >> right. [laughter] >> like what your iphone? iphone case -- [laughter] maybe a gold one. >> 6,000 pretty looking thing on your wall. >> sunshines all day, and you collects the electricity from the sun's power and it stored in this new tesla battery. and then with the sun goes down at night you turn on battery and is powered with the sun during the day. now i don't think that that is the huge game changer that we
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were led to expect. >> if it were you would have been telling audience that the stock was up 50%. stock didn't go -- >> stock went up when -- musk made the announcement that he was going to mac. >> any increase in that stock is due to investor confidence that they'll continue to subsidize that guy. if you "don't ask, don't tell" see a big fall in the stock. at some point investors have to look at these company whether it is the car business and the battery business and ask, does he really make money you know on his own steam, own power no fun fun -- pun intended. >> you create this electricity during the day and store it in this battery, can you store for six months? >> germany tried this experiment. they wanted to go to a huge percentage of their output
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renewable. debacle because technology is not there. so what have they done? made an embarrassing retreat after they cost german consumers billions of dollars. after they saw double digit increases in the cost of their energy. so do we really want that here? >> no we don't. [laughter] >> no. going to find out how many people watched the nfl draft last nights. we'll get numbers very soon. this has become a three-day spectacle a total spectacle. millions tuned in as expected by the way jamus winston went to -- and a lot of drama and surprises to those first two picks. but also this danny shelton big defensive lineman from the university of washington. he lifted up there with go lifted up roger goodell put him in a bare hug after a drafted by the cleveland browns he's a very big guy.
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later this hour we'll ask emanuel of the philadelphia eagles what it is like to get a phone call to say that you are an nfl player. a good guy on the show at 11:30. but next our lady is going to restore u.s. and british flag vessels off the coast of iran. so why are we still negotiating a deal that would giver the iranians a nuke? back in a moment.
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>> all right, how is this for friday morning, triple digit bounce for the dow 17,961 now web security firm fire eye raising forecast for profits in the future. more businesses and governments are spending money to protect their next and stocks up what is that 6% just like that. not bad. time is money we have stories from charlie ohio governor john republican, he is planning a run with the president.
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next question does charlie think he can win? he'll answer it. also jeb bush announce his run. he knows he's raised a ton of money. we're going to talk to the man who helped run his campaign for governor of florida. how big a deal is that bush name is that an insurmountable problem? we'll ask the guy 11:45. you don't want to miss this jeff block in a fighter jet trying to hold under has breath no doubt. you never know what this guy is going to do strapped in as we -- watch out. [laughter] now this, the u.s. native will escort u.s. and british flagged commercial ships through the straights of hormuz to make sure they encount mother interference with iran or from iran. they fired warning shots and then ceased a marshal islands flagged cargo ship. congressman steve joins us no from capitol hill. what is going on there congressman negotiating new clear deal with iran, and we're protecting our ships an british shipping from the iranians. what -- this is like a contradiction here.
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>> stuart, it is but we've seen a step up aggression from iran. that is it does u.s. ships and other ships as well threatening that the sea routes that we need to move commerce through the world. but it also makes you question even deeper why the united states is in these -- this negotiation with iran and even considering pulling back more sanctions that were working to cripple iran's economy bring them to the table to end their new clear weapons program. >> this should be another sign -- >> what are you going to do about this in congress? there's a bill moving forward that would make sure that congress gets to oversee the terms of this deal. are we going to get that? is congress going to have its say? >> i do think congress ought to have a say in whatever deal is agreed to if there is one. the deal that we've seen a bad deal. president netanyahu laid out incredibly well point by point why this is a bad deal and if
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those problems aren't addressed then the president ought to walk away. if he doesn't congress is looking at a number of options on not only the legislation that we're seeing moving through the senate that would ultimately come to the house to let congress reject the deal but also increase sanctions. actually ratcheting up sanctions against ran until they end the nuclear womens program and stop working with terrorist organizations and funding organizations. >> as you know we follow this story very, very closely on this program. and a it seems to us and now viewers that the iran is winning. on all a fronts winning down in any negotiation of any keep in mind or military confrontation we're losing which would be in agreement with our state. >> that is a big concern that you've seen not just from republicans in congress but many democrats who feel that we shouldn't be having these negotiations with iran while they're doing these kinds of things to not only u.s. ship but
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others and no movement from iran to end their nuclear program. they can literally comply with terms of the deal that we've had and still be within one year of breaking out and b develop a new clear weapon's camibility that is not the good deal. and that is something that president ought to walk away from. listen to our allies like israel and say this is something that we have to revisit because we are getting rid of the centrifuges we have to take away their ability. >> another story we're following through you is veteran to get back to work. jobs for veterans young men and women coming out of arm ad forces can you give me an effort to get them back to work? >> we saw the administration making change in policy last year. nash is resulted in the loss of jobs in america, and those jobs being shipped to asian countries. president obama loved giving speeches when he was running as cabinet criticizing previous administration saying shifting
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jobs overseas. president obama has made a shift in policy of his own that is literally leading to lost military jobs but blind people in the city of new orleans, other cities across the country. blind people that were working making -- making different types of equipment for our troops, those jobs are now shipped overseas. millions of dollars in lost contracts in asia sent to asian countries. president needs to reverse that policy. ful we appreciate that update. congressman steve skully thank you for joining us. >> great being with you stuart. >> billionaire george champion of the left. he says the rich should pay more in tax. but does he practice what he preaches? well maybe not. we have ashley webb shaking his head. what he thinks about the bill in a moment.
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delaying taxes. interesting. ashley webster has details give me the story. >> of course he's held up high by liberals says the wealthy kind of guy who says income equality we should be paying more anxiouses he's not being paid billions of dollars of taxes by deterring taxes and moving to tax refuge island now this is from regulatory findings sokols straight from the horses mouth if you look. he matched 13 billion dollars but deterring taxes on client fees they're taking in and reinvested in his hedge so he takes in money. but he takes into his unit, so to speak, in ireland he doesn't pay taxes in ireland and he saves money and uses that money to reinvest even more money. >> exactly right. exactly right, and you know, his
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tax bill is around the a $6.7 billion. congress closed this loophole back in 2007 and a 2007, '08 so we pre-empted. a new one around the law, and operating in ireland now for last seven to eight years. what is interesting about this trip. think about this lodge egg billions of dollars that he saves will be spent on candidates that he supports to raise taxes on middle class that is the irony. >> yeah that is just not the take. >> hard to take. there actually. >> hypocrite the hypocrisy just is -- mind boggling. >> outrageous i wonder if harry reid will stand there and denounce this billionaire. >> i bet he won't. : i wonder who is senator from vermont who is just -- bernie sanders. >> yeah. he hates the billionaire.
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getting money how much does he hate? >> put your money where your mouth is. floyd mayweather versus panini pacquiao. >> yeah, thank you. >> manny. biggs money fight in history. hundreds of millions of dollars on the table, in fact, "forbes" says it could be first ever billion-dollar boxes match how about that? we'll cover it for you. also jeff watch out is in a fighter jet about to land by the way. you can see him strapping in, then he took off. about to land and you're gong to watch hem land. [laughter] i don't think he's going to be that eventful but you never know with this guy. as green as the flight -- [laughter] yeah.
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ice man from top gun. >> that is right. anyway, there is ice man, in -- [laughter] he took off from the air force base in texas. he's going to land, and we'll show it to you when he lands. expected to land in seconds, okay, so he's coming around. coming in to land. >> done this flight stuart by this tile in my flight was sweat luke a -- not describe but five pounds and 15 minutes green as the flight suit i dry heave in the anything of the flight thank good -- [inaudible] >> onboard who did this? in tennessee of all places. >> are we just -- almost down. now where do we have jeff in the f-16 jet landing on our program? the answer is why not? [laughter] >> he's very good television. frankly i like that. >> on there.
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anybody in the audience ever been next to an f-16, they are huge. gigantic planes, extraordinary power. >> you get to sit behind the pilot first thing he tells you to do is if there's any sort of problem if he passes out supposed to eject him first before you eject yourself otherwise he's going to die. after they first take you up they say how are you feeling great let's see some acrobatics after that i regret it had. but you can go straight back down if you don't -- >> i went after a six hour fishing trip and wouldn't come back. [laughter] >> so look you tack off, in the boat, in the plane in trouble, sick, whatever. my fishing trip they wouldn't bring me back because there were 20 other paying customers of all things. >> would have brought hmm back.
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are we going to hold this shot until jeff -- staggers out but i want a fir of when he gets off that plane. standing up straight. [laughter] all right let's get back to the big board please ladies and gentlemen take a look at this. it is a rally officially 143 points higher. price of oil around 58 59 a barrel right now. and the price of gasoline i have to tell you has gone up again overnight to a national average of $2.59 here's the bit we like. cheapest gas is up 17 days in a row. but cheapest gas in america. where is it? reveal it please. well, there you have it. [laughter] cheapest gas in america is in the jarrett, virginia where it is a dollar 89. for the cash. now waiting to get on the show. they're calling the fight of the century that is floyd mayweather versus manny pacquiao huge
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flight, big money. aforementioned is with us right now. what is this about a billion dollar boxing. >> i like the way you say pacquiao we were talking about how it is going to be biggs money night in sports history. we department remember that or realize with the sporting events but unyacht fight they split 40/60 recorded right now. they'll put it up from now they're estimates we don't know what the pay-per-view will be and a everything else. but it is $300 million plus. so wait a minute, 300 million is the revenue from pay-per-view. >> coming in for the fight that they'll split. >> pacquiao gets 120. >> 180/120 so undefeated fighter 38-year-old pacquiao 36-year-old and there's hype for a fight with two older gentleman fighting like this. but everybody is into it now and unyo i was thinking about it today. interesting to see how do these
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pay-per-view numbers go? because as we lead up to the fight there's more talk about it. so people who are casual fans boxing fans and maybe haven't paid attention since tyson days are like, i have to see this and pay my $100 you know, going to the bar to pay the cover charge whatever it is, and numbers start to go up for this fight. but 180, 120 right now in a 60/40 split. >> it was 89 dollars. >> for standard definition stewart which i'm sure a man of your stature would be high-def in addition at this point. >> yeah, baby. >> will you pay the money to watch the fight? >> i'm look a undecided voter i might. i was a no until this morning. but now i'm embarrassed to say i'm falling for it and might purchase is because even is talking about. what time -- curious by the time they fight 11:00 after that. by then through your kentucky derby will have watched your
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yankees, red sox a lot of a sports coming up. on saturday night. >> again -- [laughter] >> let me thank you two for having an irish video on bbc. wearing green tie. not going to last long. [laughter] >> you done? uncomfortable. drum roll i think we should have one of the frequent guests and favorite guest on the program that is philadelphia line backer emanuel in vegas for the fight who is going to win? >> down to the fight -- [inaudible] i have my money on mayweather just a little too deeply routed in base -- keep him undefeated. >> i have to do the talking because the line is not very strong do you happen to know odds you played when you met mayweather? >> i didn't actually bet -- but i've got a few gentleman --
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in philadelphia. >> okay. so now you have to tell me how did it feel when you got the phone call during the draft when you were picked and you became an nfl guy. how do you feel? >> the draft was, you know -- it was a combination of glee with gratitude. [inaudible] for the first ten years of my life playing football after all of the work i put in. >> emanuel sorry to say that line just isn't good enough for us we can't exactly understand what you're saying so trying to get line better and try to get back to you. but right now i think i have a shot of jeff flock out of it. he's getting out of the plane. very -- pour hmm out of that. >> he's unstrapped. that is not jeff -- that is jeff flock sitting down
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recovering. reforming am i? what day is it? >> it is may the first, and you're on tv. >> is he awake? >> he moved. >> we'll move away for a second. oh. he looks -- better shape than i did. i don't know whether he knows he's on or not. which make its it even better. mic on. such a pro. >> okay. we'll have to break away for a second to prep him. [laughter] [inaudible] >> lord jesus geez because we told him. on the air lori? >> yeah, there. >> my god. awe -- got to get out of the aircraft. first of all, i've got to show you something. you see -- there's major pest right now. he gave me the ride of my life. look at this. my name is --
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major where are you? please come over here. [laughter] as a i get down from this thing. awe, awe is that you? how many g's did we pull? 9g's. >> that was incredible. >> i have to tell you the rolling was an incredible thing where is my ear -- i have to tell you it was empty right? [laughter] >> not throw up. >> no issues. how did i do? >> you did great. a ten out of a ten. awesome. >> you say that to everybody. >> no i don't. >> what is going on here? >> yes sir. >> out of g suit yeah that way you look way cooler. >> i don't care how if i look. on live tv right now. i'll leave it on for just a moment. what is this i'm going through right now walking too good? >> liked fulling g's one gravitational force but he wanted to do that over and over.
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so blood went from your brain down to your feet, you department pass out. but your body -- body is saying that hey you put me through an hour of stuff that i'm not used to that is why you're having issues. [laughter] >> leak an hour of varney & company. [laughter] i can't hear you but i'm lucky to hear anything right now. incredible good muscles there too. >> i want to say you have to spin around to see all of these people. this is all of the people that made this responsible today. even there from, spin further around. we see this remark public display of air power. no i'm not speechless. but starting to get my legs back too. major welcome thank you. , is that is a b1 bomber that went by us there. okay i have to go. you've got to go. thank you sir.
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>> okay, all right really you really never know what is going to happen on varney & company especially when flock is doing a live 9g pull right there. a little later in the program, maybe in the next hour we'll show you video from the cockpit as he was going through what? under 9g4, that is a lot stuart. show you in a moment. we have to take a commercial break. somebody has to pay the bills. we'll be back in a moment. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. nicorette mini starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. anytime. anywhere. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i choose nicorette mini.
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>> i'm nicole after a rough week on wall street back a little bit here. you can see dow jones streel average up 17,957. s&p 500 scanning about half a percent, and nasdaq up 31 points. take a look at dow winners mostly winners today dee month up hours throughout the day and couple of names put pressure on the dow those authority their quarterly numbers. defense and chevron, said the profit and revenue rose volumes increase but didn't see as a much from the pump for example. gasoline cheaper. drop in quarterly profits there. expedia all time record high for expedia seeing higher bookings. but stocks up 8% at the moment. more varney & company, coming up.
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>> look it is friday so we have an off the wall question for you. do football fans know their grammar? no, they don't. who are the worst grammatical offenders jeff job this in "the wall street journal." why on earth are you writing about grammar used by football fan in "the wall street journal"? >> if there's one thing nfl fans
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love it has to be ranked so why not rank them in grammar and spelling? [laughter] so we knew that would get a good response to this company did it for us they have a automated proofreading service and looked at the comments board an news sites took a total of about 13000 words per team calculated mistakes and a grammar spelling punctuation per one hundred words. >> which fans of which team are worst -- >> redskins were worst by a long shot. they were awful. 16 mistakes per 100 words. >> 16 mistakes that would be grammatically you solve spelling therefore, that kind of door >> redskins worst fans. >> dolphins up there. team has been doing so well. they're angry sort of given up. they're not concentrating but
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then the patriots were number four with so maybe it is just the two extremes. or who knows. >> why did you do this? >> i thought it would be funny they presented the i do -- idea to us. nfl wasn't great, they were worse than baseball. best was golf they were better than nba and nags car so more fun to take that information, and take that -- service and just put it on the team. >> jeff foster smarty pants from the wall street journal i have a grammatical question for you. >> boy. watching is wrong with the following sentence my mother told me to quickly run to the store. >> it is a -- too quickly run. >> round of applause for "the wall street journal" very good. >> we appreciate it you passed the test. let's go to politics why not it is friday morning. jeb bush yeah he has raised a ton of money. when he's officially going to announce that he's running officially when, i don't know.
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but maybe edanos, he worked as co-chair of the jeb bush campaign for governor of florida. and welcome to the programming. >> welcome thank you for having me. >> he's going to run so you tell us when he's going to officially declare. i was original chair down in south florida, and he will decide to run when he's -- probably i would say next 60 days. >> okay here's what people in our audience is doing, they're rolling their eyes because they can see an election coming where it is clinton versus bush two names from the past. how does your guy get over that name, bush? >> you know in florida we don't know him as bush but jeb, and jeb is a strong conservative leader. i do, i do, and we've got to give jeb an opportunity to let people know what he accomplished in florida, style of lope he brings to the table. i'm going to tell you if he's the nominee he'll be the next president. >> you're his guy. you're a jeb bush guy.
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so you think that he can easily beat rubio? >>ening that rubio brings a lot to the table in inspirational story, but when it comes to executive experience republican voters have always a leaned towards governors as looking for their leadership as president. jeb bush brings it from a state with a diverse state with a futuristic look to the country a diversity between community, et neck different areas economic interest, well diverse and a leading the state and feeling his leadership to this day. >> need to raise $2.5 billion to run. jeb bush so going to raise in the billions? >> i don't know what he's going to raise but if i were hillary clinton, you know hillary has to raise a lot because he have to clear more -- disk space on her had computer but need money to run. get a message out. plenty of money out there. but issue and i want florida to know that jeb bush is conservative leader. >> we did hear that.
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[laughter] >> thanks so much for joining us. lauren buffett 50th verse is are you liz claman is in omaha for this shareholder meeting. take it away, liz. >> i'll tell you something here in omaha crowds are starting to descend some 40,000 people are expected at the centurylink tomorrow for the event. but guess what this is how you know warren buffett is a smart he's making money off his own shareholder business. you can get a discount so weed to by lurch free standing jewelry company in the nation second only to tiffanies on fifth avenue stuart to find out what we can get. what kind of discounts we can get with this. >> here it is the holy grail yellow diamond ring for $2.3 million. what the shareholder discounting? >> offing a special price of
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$1.725 million. to our shareholder. >> and join us for special fox business report warren buffett america, yes, we have on monday night all access pass for you for the five day business extravaganza things that you have never seen before in any share holdser meeting whether it is live spears walking down streets yeah, can you imagine that? or more of that 50 carat deemed. i puts it aside on hold for you. you have daughters and granddaughters too buy that for them. [laughter] >> yes please. whatever you say to me. but we'll be watching that show and we appreciate you being with us. thanks liz, great stuff. >> john is next i'm going to to ask him did you he think president obama would ever say something like this -- >> in this present crisis government is not the solution to our problem. government is the problem.
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you could take issue with the president on that, aren't you. >> well, of course. i'm maced that hilary even after obama was criticized for saying hilary said it again with passion. >> don't anyone tell you, you know it's corporations and businesses that create jobs. in baltimore they're saying the governments got to provide jobs for inner city baltimore. government has to provide it. but your show takes issue with that tonight doesn't it. >> right. and when we ask people on the streets what creates jobs, several people said government. but, look, those aren't real jobs. government pays people to dig holes and fill them up, that doesn't make anybody rich every, the private sector creates jobs. and the idea that we need jobs handed to them, we need to the job center not far from here. people are lined up for welfare, i asked them custody jobs no, there aren't any jobs around. we went around and within two hours found 40 job openings, a
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lot of people said i would love to hire people. nobody applies for these jobs. i went back and they said oh, i wouldn't work in a restaurant, you know, you can't live on that. they feel now thanks to our welfare state entitled to more. >> you actually went out to the benefits center, you talked to these people who want a job -- >> and then you went out and found jobs in the immediate area going level jobs and went back to the job center and asked them down the this job isn't? it's just down the street. >> i can't live on this, i have medical. . >> what time is your show? >> 9:00 tonight? >> network? fbn. >> the quiz. >> believe me. new at noon, ohio governor john casey says, yes, he is running. he's got details only you will see here.
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. >> six baltimore police officers now face charges for the death of freddie gray, standing by to respond to all of this. elon musk unveils a $3,500 battery, it's about the size of an air conditioner, is this the game changer in the battery business? round two of the debate, baldwin takes me on again. now this sounds like a game changer. the test that can detect cancer 13 years in advance. that is a big deal and we're on it. and charlie has another scoop on the 2016 race. ohio governor, he is running. charlie is here. if you were with us last hour, you saw jeff flock as he got
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an air force thunderbird f 16, he had been on it for an hour, now a video from inside the cockpit, we don't do boring because we are no ordinary financial program. hour two right now. ♪ . >> let's start in baltimore. state attorney marilyn declaring the death of freddie gray a homicide. says there is probable cause to charge six officers in connection to his death. the crowd cheered when she made the announcement. listen to this. >> the findings of our comprehensive investigation made that mr. gray's death was a homicide, which we have received today has led us to believe that we have probable cause to file charges .
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>> all right. you heard it. fox was there, we heard the cheers at the end. >> sound bite. come on in. do you think that when she used that word, homicide, and criminal charges, does that satisfy the crowd that wanted criminal charges and wanted a homicide declaration? is the crowd satisfied? >> it seems the crowd was excited. satisfied we're going to have to wait and see what happens tonight once people are out and about and once large crowds start to form because after all yes, she did sayer that they're charging these officers but now she's also accusing police officers of murder of participating in the death of freddie gray. it was really interesting though, she was playing to the -- for the protesters a little bit because she said something to the effect of, look, you guys are chanting for no justice no peace, i hear you now i'm going to try
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to get justice for freddie gray. and this is how she's doing it stewart they hand out this sheet. look how long this list is of these six officers, it's on the front and back of this handout, and the worst charges up to 63 years of penalties to the officer caesar good son the one who was driving the van where we're trying to figure out with a variety of leaks and talking to sources trying to figure out what happened inside the van. the officer driving goodson is the one facing second-degree murder charges but then you go down the rest of the list. basically she said marilyn on her fourth month on the job the biggest spotlight so far she said the officers on bicycles had no reason to stop
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mr. gray. they accused him of carrying illegally was not legal, and then they just roughed him up and he died so now she wants six officers of the baltimore police department for face charges for that. >> right there as it happened and we appreciate you coming on the show to tell us all about it, peter. thank you very much, indeed, sir. >> thank you . and judge joins us now on the phone. judge, i know you've gone through this list of charges and i'm sure you heard the detailed record on exactly what happened from the prosecutor there. what's your judgment of these charges that have been laid and the use of the word homicide? >> well, my judgment is that the prosecutor has made a prudent and professional and under maryland law appropriate decision to do the right thing. now, i listened with interest to your q and a with peter and it prompted me to come to the
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following conclude. i hope she is not doing this to please the crowds. this is not england under henry the 8th where justice is determined by the mobs, she has to make a decision based on the constitution of maryland and the solemn oath to be faithful to them, and it appears from from from the medical examiners report and the description of what happened to this poor guy and the horrific death he has had a had is a good decision. however, having said that, all these police officers are innocent until proven guilty, and they have the full plea of protections given to them by the maryland constitution and the united states constitution at their disposal and to be used in their defense. >> judge we appreciate you coming onboard very short notice like this, and we appreciate your judgment too.
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thank you very much indeed, sir. >> thank you . >> it is lunchtime, we have a tip tripp he will digit gain and still shy of the level. look at linkedin, that's a no-no on wall street the stock is down 20%. just dropped below $200 per share. and gasoline, 2.99 is your national average. now, another republican, ohio john kasich, who is here -- >> i'm not going to go that far, but this is what i'm going to say because i'm getting this primarily from republican donors and this is what they tell me. that they are -- he's clearly indicating to them that he's seriously going to run. now, he hasn't jumped in yet but this type of conversation, they're asking him would you like is to run? we'll raise money. he's telling them, if i do, i want you in my corner, i need you big time . >> so he's not actually said,
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yeah, i'm running go out there and raise money. >> no. he's not raising money yet, but the educations are to the gop donors that he is really moving in that direction. whether or not he does it, there's at least one midwestern governor who has already got the coke brothers on his side, i've got other conservatives in this race, it's a very crowded field. here's the interesting thing -- go ahead. >> i want to know where he would be positioned in the field. >> that's the problem. >> yeah. >> i know where ted cruz is i know where rubio is, i know their positioning on the scale. >> right. >> in the policy. but i don't know john casey. >> i think the problem with the republicans, if you talk to donors right now nobody's exciting right now. rubio has his negatives rubio had a major fund-raiser last night, he actually had a coke
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brother's representative there, so they're thinking of possibly back in rubio if walker doesn't run out. nobody has captured the field in that vacuum comes a guy who is extremely confident often goes to the democrats during presidential elections who's incredible competent. when he is approached, he doesn't say no. he basically says i'm thinking about it. and if you've talked to people who have spoken to him, they say he's leaning to do it . >> and it would be a popular thing for a republican from ohio to run. >> right. and you can right now john running for thinking about running. >> look at tesla please. look at that stock price. here's the backdrop, the chief executive has unveiled a battery that powers your home.
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now, that battery costs $3,500 for ten hours of power okay? so you suck out electricity from the sun and you store it in a battery from elon musk and you use it when the sun goes down. that's the theory. i've got it. host of risk and reward is here going to take me on again about it. >> i certainly am because you said yesterday if he comes out with a product i stand corrected. >> no. no. i said it is a game changer. it's a big deal . >> so what do you think? >> do you think it's a game changer. >> no. >> and why not? if you get one of these batteries, $3,500 a pop, which is not cheap, talking about it in store and then you're home and that's going to be another couple of thousand dollars; right? >> yeah. installation -- okay 6,000 out the door and what does it dodo? it takes the sun's electricity and stores it in that battery and you use it at night.
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now, that's interesting but it's hardly a game changer. >> you don't think so? what he's saying is i want to take the world off of fossil fuels, and i'm going to quote him here. we have this handy fusion reactor in the sky called the sun. so why not? he actually did this whole event, and i know you like to call him pt barnum, but even at this event last night this huge unveiling as he pointed out, this whole thing is being powered by solar power. >> so what. if it's such a game changer why is the stock down today? it's down $4. >> well, it could be a rumor sell on the news, and here's, you're not alone in doubting him, he did have a bit up today. there's there is a slightly cheaper version, i heard you say $3,500, but yes it's less powerful, it excludes the installation, but i think about elon musk and why people want to work with him, why they find him inspirational is
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that he's willing to take on these bigger picture bigger problems, he said we wanted flying cars and we got 140 characters, meaning all the money and brains sometimes go to things that aren't even in attempt to make the world better. >> can i summarize about this, you are exciting about this new battery. >> yeah. >> is it a game changer? >> yeah. i'm going to say yes right here on this program. >> you're entitled to your opinion . >> what time are we going to see you? >> i don't know. about 40 minutes. 1:00. >> 1984 of. thank you. >> the u.s. navy now escorting and did you say british flagships off the coast of iran. next. but first this. we all know his songs benny king died of natural causes, this was most recognizable song. he was 76 years old ♪
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. >> multibillionaire and huge champion to let left, but a big part of his billions come from delaying taxes. here's a comment on that. >> well, they all do it. i mean i hate to define, but i haven't met a billionaire that hasn't taken a tax break in their entire life. what is ironic about people like warren buffet is the preaching that they do to average folk, entrepreneurs people like you and me who work our rear-ends off to put our kids through school and they think we should be paying higher taxes is all they do all day is manipulate the tax
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code warren buffet getsase tax at capital gains, and he would say i'm just playing by the rules but okay just playing by the rules. but if you talk to any entrepreneur, they will tell you that one of the hardest things to deal with is being taxed -- because most of these who start small businesses are not taxes corporations, they're taxed as individuals. that is one of the hardest parts of starting a small business . >> and they tax on their income. >> on their income. >> these guys are taxed on their capital gain. >> it is lower. >> and it's a huge difference. >> and the average guess what? they don't have capital gains because they put their money into the business. they're not making money which is essentially -- let's be clear here. we know him as this liberal you know, guy from media matters. he's a speculator. that's the way it is. he made billions doing it, he's very good at it, and that's essentially what he does gillespie us to pay higher taxes, which he does not have to pay. >> it's a great country
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though. >> i wish we could get some of that huh? >> the united states navy will start accompanying escorting u.s. and british flagships as they go through the sea. they're trying to stop experience with of iran. remember we're negotiating a nuclear deal with iran. come on in, lieutenant, what is going on here inspect our navy the united states navy is protecting our ships and british ships from attack from iran while we in washington d.c. and in switzerland are negotiating a deal, which will give the iran's nukes. what's going on here? >> well, apparently the iranians have figured out that this most important oil choke point in the world ruffle 21 miles wide about 200 miles long is a good place to exercise their leverage. according to what they're saying, it is now being held because apparently there's a
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debt owed that's in dispute of course. >> uh-huh. >> very unusual for someone to try to collect the debt by hijacking the ship at sea. apparently up a 24 crew members are safe, representatives of the shipping line and those who actually own the ship, it's not a mersk ship, it's charted by them -- >> but it's a huge provocation. >> absolutely. i mean i don't get it. >> well, what you get is the united states navy -- by the way, it's not really escorting them. what they've agreed to do is that they're going to provide over watch they're going to do a so-called accompany. the term escort has a very specific meaning in nautical terminology, it means the other ships have to follow the orders of those who are escorting them, much like the convoys of world war ii. in this particular case, you've got one united states
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navy destroyer a handful of coastal boats an aircraft which is the headquarters of the 5th fleet that is supposedly going to -- i guess somehow stop the iranians without firing a shop if they try to endear with u.s. and british shipping. by the way there's only one or two ships with u.s. flags that go through this at any particular time. it's not like the 77 or 78 of all different flags that are going through. and then of course the biggest oil shippers in the world. this is a place where -- >> yeah. >> about 35% of the oil goes through. >> i think we've been distracted. distracted by baltimore and other issues and i think we're losing side of what's going on in the middle east. and, in my opinion we're losing. looking for hands down to the iranians. >> well, there's no doubt. the last time shots were fired out there was in april of 1988 when the uss roberts hit a mine in the straights ask four days later the united states
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sank an iranian frigate damaged another one took out a gunboat and six other high speed boats that they swarmed these ships that were coming in. that's what happened the last time there was a gunfight out there. the possibility of a miss calculation given what's happening now is enormous. everybody remembers the uss vincent shot down in civilian airliner. the price of crude spiked yesterday, we all saw that, but it raises the questions of one. why are we negotiating a nuclear deal with a country that does this, this is piracy on the seas, and whys has the congress changed that 19 73 law, this whole problem goes away once america starts exporting oil and becoming energy independent ourselves . >> and why don't we open up our own oil reserves for expourtation because it is ours. lots of questions. llc ales a pleasure to have
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you on the show. you're a favorite guest. thank you very much. >> thank you . >> if you missed it last hour, jeff in a fighting jet pulling 9 gs. you might be able to say he's a little woozy when we got out of the cockpit. are we on the air? yes, you are young man. more of this in just a moment . >> is that you? >> yeah. >> how many gs did we pull? we pulled 9 gs today. you pulled 9 gs. that was an incredible experience. i've got to tell you the back and the rolling. the rolling was incredible.
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. >> let me bring you up to speed on the price of gasoline. the national average is 2.59, by the way we've spiked 19 cents a gallon just in the past month. you know, i want to talk to you about oil. you and i went through this. it went from 70 to 60 to 50 to 40 and we thought may be it was going to go down to 30, it didn't. it bounced back up to 60. at the moment it doesn't look like i'm going to get that price down to the downside for gasoline does it?
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>> here's the deal. i mean the economy is not firing on all cylinders we're producing what we need to produce, oil is not going to get back to the highs at this time last year. and also if you're the government you've got to be thyroid all the mine we've seen going back in the pockets of the consumers at the pump these has shown up in retail sales or any other economic figure and now we start to see gas prices rise? that's a lot of worrying to do on the horizon. >> yeah. we've got a lot of e-mails by you and your diet. would you just tell us how you lost 80 pounds. i mean we are really intrigued, scott. >> i tell you what, stewart unfortunately, it's all about the sugar. there's sugar in almost everything we eat, so you have to be very particular, and you can find the things out there but i've given up sugar for a year, i'm going to say what happens, and so far it's been 80 pounds, and everything we eat now is loaded with sugar and that's the problem. anything that says low fat
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means it's packed with sugar. that's bad . >> we're watching you and following it. just moments ago president obama laid in the latest out in baltimore. listener to this please. >> it is my practice not to comment on the legal process involved. that would not be appropriate but i can tell you that justice needs to be served. all the evidence needs to be presented. those individuals who are charged, obviously are also entitled to due process and rule of law. so you know, i want to make sure that our legal system runs the way it should. and the justice department and our new attorney general is in communications with baltimore
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officials to make sure that any assistants we can provide on the investigation is provided. but what i think the people of baltimore want more than anything else is the truth. that's what people around the country expect. and to the extent that its appropriate, this administration will help local officials get to the bottom of exactly what happened. in the meantime i'm gratified that we've seen the constructed thoughtful protests that have taken place, peaceful but clear calls for accountability that those have been managed over the last couple of days in a way that's ultimately positive for baltimore and positive for the country, and i hope that
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approach to nonviolently protests and commending engagement continues. and then finally as i've said for the last year. we are going to continue to work with the task force that we put together post ferguson. i'm actually going to be talking to mayors who are interested in figuring ways to rebuild trust between community and police and to focus on some of the issues that were raised by the task force right after this meeting. our efforts to make sure that we're providing greater opportunity for young people in these communities, all those things are going to be continuing top priorities for the administration and we'll probably have some more announcements and news about that in the days and weeks to come. thank you very much,
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everybody. >> thank you . >> have a great weekend . >> now the backdrop to what the president just said is this. earlier this morning around 10:30 eastern time, the baltimore prosecutor marilyn gave a detailed report on what happened to freddie gray all the way through from what happened the moment police first saw him to the moment he went to the hospital and subsequently died. in that news conference held this morning, she said there is probable cause for criminal charges and that the death of freddie gray has been ruled a homicide. those are harsh words. six officers. they've, basically, had the book thrown at them, and it appeared to be somewhat harsh bearing in mind the full results of what happened. that happened they really morning, you just heard president obama comment on that press comment. he went through great lengths
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. >> all right. one hour ago an f 16 carrying a jet fighter carrying our own jeff landed at an air force base in texas. we gave jeff sometime to set that his stomach out of the ordeal, and he joins us now from the air force base in texas. all right jeff, get yourself on camera and you tell us how are you feeling now? >> i could throw up at any moment stewart, to be very honest with you, but i think that's probably the power of the course. these are fabulous pieces of equipment, but what they do, you know, you see them at an air show, it's nothing like being actually in the thing and watching it, you know, watching the world spin around like i said at any moment now . >> you pulled 9 gs i believe. >> you know, here's the thing. i found out myself the pilot told me he said a lot of
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people like to roll, they think that's cool. not me. not at all. but the gs, i didn't have any problem with that. i mean i did black out, but that happens, but that did not cause me a problem. i thought that was actually kind of cool. you have to really endure the gs because it's, like, like that. [laughter] and i apparently survived. >> yes. you did survive and congratulations. we'll get more video on this network during the day. jeff you're an amazing guy and great job for us right there. thank you so much for being -- >> you know, they had to make an exception for me for my age because i'm old. i'm almost as old as you are. [laughter] and they don't normally let people my age do this, but they made a special exception so thanks to the u.s. air force, and they said if you want to come, they'll make the same exception for you. >> me? not a prayer. now, get off my set and i'll see you later.
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he wouldn't catch me up there. stocks lost a little steam fine nice, 17,89 63. now this. this is important stuff. huge break through in the fight against cancer. researchers say they have developed a test that can predict with 100% certainty if a person will get cancer in the next 13 years. look who's here. i want to repeat this because this is kind of amazing stuff. >> yeah. >> they've got a test that can test you and they can say conclusively you are going to get or not get cancer in the next 13 years. >> yes. you're right. and, you know, you almost never see a topic like this. you can never say 100% in cancer. this is special because it's coming from northwest harvard so we're going to get a blood frets patient and look at their chromosomes and see if
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it's too short and that means that some cells are dividing rapidly called cancer cells that are eating up that chromosome so that in the next 13 years you're going to have cancer whether it's plo state cancer or lung, now today how do we diagnose cancer? somebody will come in with symptoms, i have blood in this, i have weight loss, already it's too late. this is a game changer. if this is really pan out to be the right diagnostic tool for us, we're going to change the whole thing . >> are you confident this does pan out? >> so far they have looked at 1 patients and 135 of them they found out are going to have cancer. so this is a great start point. this is going to change the way we practice medicine and we also look at liquid biopsy
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and see if there's cancer cells floating or not and are you cured or not. so i think the future of medicine is extremely bright and i congratulate you because you have the eye for this kind of stuff. you pick up the topics. >> well, it just seems like it's such a breakthrough. i mean a predictive test that says conclusively, yes you're going to get it, no, you're not going to get. that's extraordinary. >> it is and the core of our dna, it's at the core of the chromosomes, and that's why in my field of cancer i was very excited with this. unfortunately, with science and research, sometimes they don't always pan out the way it is, but the preliminary results do is very promising and i'm glad you're bringing to the attention out there. >> things pan out just off the top of my head, how long before i can take that test? >> probably in the next five years or so we're going to see something and since it's on fox business, the name of the company i bring it to you and we report it right here. >> i want to know. >> doctor, this is an
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extraordinary break through and i'm glad you can tell us about it. >> thank you . >> we just heard from president obama six officers charged in the death of freddie gray. people cheered when the announcement was made. we'll deal with it next got your back. but who's got your back when you need legal help? we do. we're legalzoom, and over the last 10 years, we've helped millions of people protect their families and run their businesses. we have the right people on-hand to answer your questions backed by a trusted network of attorneys. so visit us today for legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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volume, some of the dow leaders are home depot and intel, s&p and up 1.5%. take a look at some of these material names, in fact, the best sector of the day aluminum maker dow chemical among the winners. cybersecurity stocks are doing very well, of course take a look at fires boost the whole year revenue that stock is up about 8% at the moment, and the rest of the group is doing sole barracuda and cybersoftware, and don't forget cybersecurity is such a big target with target and home depot the company missed expectations and is down abouty s 13%. more of that. and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? with cialis for daily use, you don't have to plan around either. it's the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction
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so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision or any symptoms of an allergic reaction stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. why pause the moment? ask your doctor about cialis for daily use. for a free 30-tablet trial go to the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze
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100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. . >> tesla elon musk unveiled that new air conditioner size battery that can power your home. it costs $3,500 gives you ten hours of juice. elon musk drummed up a lot of excitement over this one but is it a game changer? as pt in the middle, joining us now from i'm just going to make sure i got this right. i've got solar cells on the side of my house. it creates juice from the sun. it goes into this battery from elon musk. stores that musk, the sun goes down i use the electricity at night. break through?
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game changer? yes or no? >> well, game changer in the fact that you can finally store all that energy. a lot of people with solar cells are selling it back to the grid because they have no place to put the electricity so now you have a $3,500 device that can store the power. that's kind of -- especially for something that doesn't look bad in the house and the price a lot of people are saying is a break through, but the technology, the boater technology is not a breakthrough . >> that's not -- >> not really. not with lithium ion batteries, he's building that factor in nevada. >> yeah. >> but that's not going to be ford years. in fact, the batteries than inside of these devices will come from a number of manufacturers who are already building lithium batteries including panasonic so, you know that's not something brand . >> so if it was a device that would store electricity for a long long time. >> yeah. >> and you've got a windmill and you could store it in that
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battery for six months. i mean that's a breakthrough, in my opinion. >> yeah. >> but i don't think this thing stores the juice for six months. it doesn't store very much juice either . >> so it doesn't store all that much joyce, but it makes the idea of storing your own energy practical. a lot of people think oh, when gas prices go down -- what if i could store the gas at my house? of course that's illegal and dangerous, but storing electricity in a device like this that's built to do just that and built for the home, it's actually a pretty big deal because consumers haven't had that option before. takes they have to get solar panels, a windmill, they have to get something to install it. so there's a lot of got to gets first. >> got it. i you know what you're talking about and we appreciate that on this program. six police officers favoring criminal charges for the death of freddie gray. i'm sure you heard the announcement of the charges
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the use of the word death ruled a homicide. criminal charges i'm sure you've heard. all of the details. what's your first reaction to what we heard this morning? >> well, we have to trust the process and that's what we're asking everyone to do; right? if they weren't going to bring charges or they were going to bring charges. let's show up hope that that process works itself out. it's very possible that what the cops did was, in fact, something criminal. we've heard before these rough rides where they put these criminals in baltimore in these wagons, they don't kind of secure them and then go and deliberately rough rides that caused sometimes death, which has happened in the past and people sue the city. so if that's what happened and we don't know yet that to me sounds criminal. when but we have to let the process work itself out and let's see what the facts are and what actually occurred in this man's death. >> i think the prosecutor, marilyn was heavily pressured to this. a lot of pressure coming at
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her from all sides. do you think that she relented a little to the politics of the situation? >> you know, it's hard to say. i don't know. i know that if she didn't bring charges, there would be the other side saying that, you know, what did she do that's an unjust decision? so i have to put my hope and faith into the system here that the right decision will be fade maid and the facts will be put out here whether they were adjustly or unjustly charged. so let's see the facts of the case . >> that's the actual facts of the case, that's that there. now, on the other side, what are we going to do about these in our cities? i suspect, and i want your opinion on this. i suspect we're going to have a whole bailout, an enormous amount of money spent in these inner city areas. that's what i think is going to happen. how about you? >> that's probably the solution they're going to come
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up. i don't know if it's going to help much. >> right. >> keep in mind all these cities including baltimore have been run by a democratic machine for decades. so this is the solution that they've been coming up with for decades, and they don't seem to have worked all that well. i would hope that there's morin save the solutions in ao create opportunity for these inner cities to get people back on the kind of track to american dream. i'm not sure throwing money at the problem is the solution. it certainly doesn't seem to have worked over the last several decades. >> thanks very much for joining us on this issue. very important sung, and we appreciate you being with us, jamie. >> thank you . >> up next. a guest from strange inheritance. the man who said that this nickel, which you're about to say, was worth 3 million dollars. >> we spent 45 minutes talking about the different nuances of the car. the experts hone in on that strange three what shocks them is that it's identical on
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coin expert joins fox business' hit show strange inheritance, listen to this. >> i am the only dealer in the history of our industry that has got to tell a family who thought they had nothing that they indeed had millions of dollars. and that is the best thing that happened to me in my career. >> yeah. i could say a smile on your face when you say that kind of thing. well, the founder and president of freshes medals is with us now. tell me that moment again. because that is a special moment. you're telling people who thought they had nothing hey you have $3 million. tell us. >> well, it gives me chills to think about it now. it was an extraordinary family and the opportunity for me to say wow you guys have found more than i thought. i actually offered $1 million for the coin, and that's how we discovered it, and to testimony that it was worth
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much more than million dollars, we're going to see that coin go up in value for generations to come . >> so a coin collection was herniated by the family which was featured on strange inheritance, and you're the coin guy who said it's worth this this, and this. have you had any idea of what coins were in the collection and how valuable they were before you actually got to them? >> well, what happened after i made the offer for the -- of the million dollars, i was contacted by the family and when i saw the coin, i saw prepared to testimony that it was not genuine because it was a coin that was thought to have been lost since 19 63. the family who owned the coin, actually their uncle had died in a fiery car crash back in 19 62. so the coin was thought to
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have been destroyed back then. so when i made the offer of million dollars, it was gimmicky, i never thought the coin would show up . >> why is it worth $3 million? is there only one umph? >> no. actually there were five made. the transitional year between the liberator head nickel and the old buffalo nickel that most are familiar with was from 1912 to 1913 and someone made five coins right before they changed the dyes to the new design, and they stayed behind for years . >> what an incredible story. was there a moment when you looked into their eyes, the owners of the coin, and you said you know what? this is genuine, and this is worth a lot more than million dollars. was there that moment? >> it was -- i reattorney-client privilege all the time because after we finally were certain that it was an authentic coin, i
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pulled them aside and sat down with them and i said three things. i said the coin is absolutely genuine, it's worth much more than million dollars and god bless you. . >> well, done. it's great to have you on the show. thanks for joining us. that is a terrific show it's a hit show and we're glad you're taking part of it. good stuff . >> by the way, that will do it 10:00 and 10:30 tonight that will be strange inheritance, the 3-million-dollar 1913 lost nickel. it's been a wild friday here and there's more to come after this
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stuart: you did survive and congratulations. why did we send him up in an f-16? we could, and he always delivers good television. my time's up here's deirdre bolton. deirdre: that is good television indeed, stuart thank you. homicide, that is how baltimore's top prosecutor describes freddie gray's death. >> lieutenant wright, officer miller and officer narrow failed to establish probable cause for mr. gray's arrest as no crime had been committed by mr. gray. accordingly lieutenant wright, officer miller and officer narrow illegally arrested mr. gray. deirdre: a former federal prosecutor will join me in just a minute, along with one of the stars of hbo's the wire. from the road to your living room billionaire elon musk unveiled a battery that caps and stores solar energy to power your home. and a kentucky derby is this weekend. the ceo of the breeder's cup will join
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