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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX Business  May 3, 2015 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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linkedin. linkedin shares up 30% in a year. >> jonas? >> jeff bezos from amazon is a millionaire. how is his competitors going compete with his science project? neil is next, stay tuned. to baltimore and the question everyone is asking at this hour not what becomes of those police officers charged in freddie gray's death, but why there aren't more moms like this one trying to prevent the situation from even getting worse. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. she is the mom with whom it is safe to say you do not want to mess. particularly if you're her son, and you're messing around with the police at a riot. >> at first i felt like i was embarrassed but now going through all this that i'm going through i feel like my mother do care about me. i shouldn't have been there. >> toya graham taking matters into her own hands you might recall grabbing her son with her
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own hands. in a week of violence and protest who knew this single mom of six would emerge it's unlikely hero. ben stein, charl i-payne, adam and charlie. what did you think? >> i love her. i tweeted out mom of the year and got picked up by newspapers all over the country, as soon as i saw that. i really really think it's an amazing thing that she did. you know she wants so desperately for her son not to fall into the wrong path and here is the thing. this is about the last time she could probably do it. here is the problem when you have these situations in the urban settings if you will they have single moms they can put the fear of god into their son to a certain point, you see still a skinny kid. she won't be able to do that a year, two years from him. this is the only time she'll be able to come out and do that. what she did i wish i think she's an amazing hero. i love her. >> i'm thinking when he was on
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television talking about this i felt a sorry mom you embarrassed him on national tv. i think what he appreciated was the fact she cared enough and loved him enough to do that. i wish i saw more moms and by the way, dads who are missing in this whole drama. and i liked it. >> moms rule, come on. >> yes. >> and more moms need to rule. >> what did you think of the outcry you don't slap your kid, you don't curse at your kid. >> that's the way of this country, right, like you can't even touch your child as part of discipline anymore and then it gets into child protective services shows up at your house. >> by that definition gasparino would be in prison. >> if they see you in the front yard grabbing your kid by the arm. i don't think this is a sole solution to problems of race and violence in this country and poverty in this country. >> this is about sfl accountability which i think is the central issue before you get to anything else. >> i don't think it's a sole.
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>> by the way charlie we have the race thing down take a chill pill enough. go ahead. >> i think it's part of the solution but bigger than that i think a lot of this country's problems and not to make light of what is the sad situation in baltimore, are rooted in the lack of personal responsibility making your children take responsibility for themselves and taking responsibility for our own self. >> i this i thisnk this say huge part of the solution. i grew up at a time when mothers did smack their kids and if you were bigger than your mom you put your hands up and say "stop please mom." that was part of growing up you did get a kick in the rear end when you did something wrong and you were embarrassed. what this woman did is courageous. it would be nice if the father was there, too, that's a whole other story. she took responsibility and if everybody did that there would have been less riots. >> what do you make of this ben stein? >> i think she is rosa parks for 2015. she is the woman of the hour. she's the woman who for example
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could turn the tide for the whole underclass in the united states of america. she stood up for the dignity of her son, for his accountability under law and under conduct. she is the woman we need a great deal more of. everybody else where are the dads? as long as the dads are missing, let's pray for more moms like this. she is exactly what this country needs. i hope her picture is on the cover of some big magazine very soon. she is a star. >> adam? >> well i would just sort of tweak what ben said and add to it, it's interesting. first of all very poignant moment as a parent you wonder how long you can have that influence on your child and at some point you can't, but she was not making -- i sympathize neil but i think it's fair to say this woman was not making a political statement the way rosa parks very much was. she was simply being a parent and i think that's why we're so
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moved by it and we want to see more parents being parents. she just happened to be caught on videotape the way it happens in our society these days. so i admire her and laud her. she wasn't doing anything more than parenting her son which is great. >> adam with all due respect, adam -- >> go ahead, ben. >> exactly right, charles, miss parks said i was very tired and i didn't feel like moving i didn't feel like moving for a ridiculous illegal law and exactly the same thing. >> that's a great point, i understand. >> this was a political statement even it was inadvertent. it basically said that people can control their families their lives, their neighborhoods, essentially she was saying i'm not going to let my kid get involved with this and i have power to not make it happen. basically she said skrou oyou to the liberals don't hit your kid every now and then. don't shame your kid. >> what if you saw a mother chasing your kid, and you saw that there were many liberals i think on your fine imus show
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degan who raised that argument. would you endorse a mom cursing at her kid, slapping her kid not knowing she was grabbing him away from a riot to protect him? >> i believe there should be a degree of corporal punishment. it didn't hurt me to be -- >> whoa whoa. >> that's debatable. your case is debatable. >> i grew up getting switched by the greatest mother and grandmother on planet earth. and i used to have to go out in the yard and pick the switch and it was just -- >> really? >> it was just the threat and the -- it. >> i thought my dad was bad. neil you've done nothing wrong. you're just so hideous i want to slap you. >> talk about a generation of lazy ne'er do well lazies raised by parents and crosses all income groups parents sitting by a swimming pool in south florida watching their kid vandalizes property and then when they get called on it by a security guard or even a cop, it's the cop's fault and the security guard's fault, it's not
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the parents' fault or the kids' fault. >> ben stein, i know you're a great dad yourself and i just think that we sometimes detach ourselves from our kids' lives because i don't know what they're doing, i don't know what they're reading, i don't know what they're doing online. i really can't be bothered they have their own lives and we have a laissez-faire attitude about it and i think this woman, you know sort of you know shook us back to reality here that we should have a vested interest and a lot of attention to what they're up to. >> when i was a late middle aged man, my father god bless him, who was on fox many times, said to me there's a simple rule of lifetime be prudent. that's the sense this mother is saying being prudent. don't throw your life away. joining up with the gangs and the mobsters and the thugs, be prudent. she loved that kid enough to tell him the truth. god bless her over and over and over again and for the parents who don't give a damf about their kids or too lazy and getting high themselves you're screwing up your kids very badly. >> i think she also did make a
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political point against liberals you listen to a lot of people saying that black people don't have a way to make it. remember president obama when he answered this earlier in the week he had a six-point answer but he said society can fix it if society cared. in other words the only way black people and impoverished situation can improve their lives is if everybody else comes to the rescue and help them she was saying we can control our own destiny if we do the right thing and that's exactly what she did. >> god bless you charles. >> my mother was like you're not going out there and looting. >> god bless you, god bless you. god bless you. >> what do you mean you wanted to loot? >> i looked out the window timex watch thing and they dropped it right in front of my building and then there was a boom box i wanted for three years, i could never afford it someone ran around the dorner with the bomb box and i'm looking at my mom, what's the deal? everyone's getting stuff but me. auto she's like you're not going
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out there. >> my dad would have said go out and do looting. my mom would say don't do it. my dad was that type of guy. >> it's amazing, charlie, you made it as far as you have. >> tell me about it adam we've been raising that issue here. all right guys we have a lot more coming up including forbes on fox just getting ready to go. elizabeth mcdonald in for david. what's coming up? >> before the riots there was the instagram post inciting riots. is it time for authorities to track social media better to help protect us better and guess who is bashing our police now? iran's supreme leader is it one more reason we should stop the new talks and walk? we'll see you soon. >> looking forward to it lizzie. forget what hillary clinton is doing, is her big
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powerful name in news, fox news channel. did we just see a one-two punch for hillary clinton? a guy named bernie and something called the economy vermont senator bernie sanders is running. the economy may be stalling. tony gasparino says it's the economy she has to worry about. >> i think there are plenty of jobs out there and the economy is doing great. i heard that somewhere a couple weeks ago that the economy is doing great, there's so many jobs that you know -- >> you're an idiot. >> she wouldn't be right to worry about this.
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on some shows somewhere i heard that. >> your point is their biggest fear in the clinton camp is that this goes south. >> here is the point i made the last time i'll make it again and here is the point i want to make now. >> by the way there's a touch of vindictiveness to you i find unseeming. >> sarcasm. >> go ahead. >> listen this is an economy which gdp will probably be better next quarter. there were a lot of external factors like the weather and everything else but this is a -- >> it was up all of 0.2. in the first quarter. >> better than zero. >> understand that that's two-tenths. >> it's going to bounce back i believe but -- because it's never really gotten on track and listen the wind blows the wrong way in this economy and guess what? we have negative gdp and that's the problem she knows about the obama economy. >> what do you think? >> here's the thing, i think they perfected the art of blaming rich people for
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everything bad economy, listen have you seen the stock market? rich people are making money. how come you're not? bad economy, have you seen the sales of this and that? we're selling apartments in manhattan for $100 million. it's only bad for the little people. >> they're definitely using, blaming businesses and blaming the rich for the lack of income growth in this country because you're already seeing them blame the companies. >> the minimum wage and all the other things. >> her only potential solution because you can blame all you want but you have to have solutions if you're running for president and it will be the answer bigger government more government spending and the fact that bernie sappeders is running will make her go even further left than she would have already. >> so she's going to double down on the economy that barack obama -- that's her problem. she wants the economy according to her -- >> her problem is her husband's economy. >> we make the point her problem is she wants the economy off the table, not to talk about, and she's going to -- >> might not be. ben stein, it might not be. what do you think?
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>> with all due respect, i know mr. gasparino is making fun of yours truly but the economy is very strong and i'd like to give you respectful examples since charlie likes anecdotes. i was at the a big midwestern city. the employers there were very rich they cannot find decent workers at the hotel i was at to get people to clean the rooms or carry up the bags. they have to go to nepal to get people to do their work for them. there is a great shortage of workers, not a great shortage of jobs. we have a serious, serious problem of workers who won't work. that's the real problem, not lack of demand. >> adam ben makes a good point and so does charles here. my point on this is that all the democrats have to say if hillary clinton is the noment know and she's trying to compare where we were with democrats eight years ago is that unemployment is way down. the market is way up and whether it's a cover or not
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they'll argue it's a hell of a lot better than it was and will that be enough to get her over the top? what do you think? >> it will be enough to get her over people already inclined to vote democratic. >> that's not what i said over the top meaning the presidential election. >> oh to win? no i mean i understand. i'm sorry, i misunderstood. it's not that funny. i think that at the end of the day the economy will not be her number one issue. i don't think bernie sanders is going to be her number one issue either. she's going to be her number one issue. >> she drives to thelet degan, what do you think she makes a hard drive to the left? >> i think bernie sanders will highlight everything that is wrong in this country still, everything that is wrong with this economy still and it's going to make her move even further left in terms of handouts. >> sanders is not the ghost or shadow of elizabeth warren.
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>> is the issue -- >> he is a setup cook. i'm just saying there will be other cooks to follow. she looks injured and bloodyied. others will follow. >> elizabeth warren is not a kook. she's just going to keep a presence to keep hillary, move hillary to the left and not run. i will say one thing, no i don't remember an election in my lifetime that wasn't really won on the economy, either positive or negative and if this thing goes further south she's going to have to explain -- >> you can argue that barack obama was reelected under worse recovery. >> you know why, because the guy that wanted to replace him was considered -- >> what are you saying? >> i only want to say even if if the economy goes more south it will still be significantly better than it was years ago if that's your argument. charlie f that's your argument. >> if you're making a comparison
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you're right, it's an adeemic recovery. >> it's better than the great depression. >> the election of '68 was not decided by any means on the economy. it was decided on civil unrest and the fact society was coming apart and people were sick about vietnam. so it's not always about the economy. with all due respect i was not 6 years old. i was not 6 years old. >> after 1968 i don't think there's been an election not decided on the economy. >> bernie sanders is jerry garcia the liberal and listening to his tunes. >> when we come back former detainees at gitmo i'm a teacher. let me tell you what
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i make... i make learning a privilege. not a chore. and frustration a tool. not an obstacle. i make working hard seem easy. and giving up impossible. i make an old subject feel like a fresh thought. and unconventional methods common. i'm a teacher. i make more.
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they want you to pay up for the time they were locked up. former gitmo detainees sent to uruguay. they say the $600 a month in welfare they're getting just not enough. now they're camping outside our embassy until their demands are met. all the more reason not to let the rest of these gitmo guys go. this is a very good point. >> they're a bunch of psycho trouble making lunatics dangerous. why did we send them down to south america? that's all we need is to have south america -- >> how do you really feel -- >> -- stirred up by these maniacs. i mean why let them out at all? what was the entire purpose of letting them out at all? >> it was oururuguay's former leader who said bring them here. they offered these guys jobs.
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one was meat packing. they said no. in a way, even uruguay, they're saying -- what the hell is your problem, right? >> the beauty of america is you can ask us for anything you want. you can complain. we'll listen. somebody here will listen. we're listening to them right now. we're pretty much agreed that gitmo was a bad idea. the president's trying to unwind it -- >> we're not saying that at all. >> i just want to say -- i meant as a country, we're pretty much agreed -- i know you don't agree -- >> you're the guy with the tan suit on not us. i can't -- >> -- out of the bubble every now and then okay. here's the option. three hots and a cot or you can get the 600. make up your mind. go back to gitmo or take what you're getting. >> my only hesitancy for telling these guys -- for not telling these guys to take a prolonged hunger strike is did we detain them improperly. some people i'm sure got
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detained in gitmo -- >> would you give them money? >> yes, if it wasn't proper. >> you're a hopeless fool. >> this issue shoots down the argument we have to close gitmo for cost reasons. so the costs didn't go away clearly. >> the final word on each. very good having both of you. i appreciate it. i'm done with you. officially find you tedious. >> do you like my suit? >> no i do not. >> if the economy is stalling our guys have the names that you should be buying.
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the names that go up when the economy is down. dr. payne. >> i like green brier. i like it here. >> adam. >> xlp which is a consumer staples etf, that does well when times are tough because you got to have staples. >> ben. >> norfolk southern. the rails have taken a bit of a hit but in the long run nobody's going to build any new long rail lines. they're a great way to move goods. i love it. >> what about the market
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overall, find its ground or what? >> i think in the long run it's still a great play. >> i agree. extraordinarily resilient. don't try to guess the top, stay >> adam? >> yes. >> that's great. more after this. before the riots broke out in baltimore this week postings broke out on social media to quote purge. that's the name of the film where all crimes are legal for a 12-hour period. now some here say we need to start monitoring social media better to help find violence like this. are they right? hi everybody. i'm elizabeth mcdonald. welcome to "forbes on fox." let's go in focus with steve forbes. police did hear about this quote, purge message. you say it's why we need to pay closer attention to what's happening on social media.


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