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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 5, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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night here at 6:00 p.m. eastern. do not miss one moment of making money right now we send it over to lou dobbs. lou: good evening. i am lou dobbs. racial issues for national politics today a new attorney general travel to baltimore to meet with the family of freddie gray the man who was a rally cry for the riots that shut down much of the city over days. the attorney general's visit coincided with the president's appearance last night on late night television that he told david letterman and his audience says race explains much of what had been dewi take that up tonight with the president's contradiction from just last week.
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also presidential hopefuls from both parties on the campaign trail enthusiastically pandering to the hispanic voters during cinco de mayo former florida governor jeb bush has self promoting video but his was in spanish not to be left out hillary clinton's calls for american citizenship for all illegal immigrants we take this up with one volumes and our political editor. the islamic state claims irresponsibility for the terrorist attack on our freedom of speech in texas with a contest for best cartoon of mohammed. we have k.t. mcfarland and our strategic analyst colonel robert peters. why this administration does not have the stomach to confront the radical islamists enemies.
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beginning with the new narrative that seeks to looks at those riots to project the causes of those civil unrest as part of what mr. obama seeks to describe as a larger and more profound racial divide. using an appearance on the late show with david letterman to address racism in america. >> we don't have to accuse everybody of racism in today's tour acknowledged that is part of our past if we want to get past that we have to make an extra effort >> a residual factor but a buildup of our history. we cannot ignore that with slavery, jim crow, and
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discrimination that built up over time. even if our society has made extraordinary strides and i and a testament to that. lou: he was and he was elected in and took office but it seems he has worsened race relations at times it seems that is his goal. here is the latest on the issue from "the new york times" and cbs poll. 61 percent of americans say race relations are generally bad. that number is up sharply after the fatal police one vast police shooting from ferguson and 61% who believe race relations today are bad it is a complete reversal from those he said there were generally good three months after he took office in 2009. joining us now our digital
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politics editor chris and want. good to have you with us. won millions using this as exploitation of issues is the calling for the truce? >> issing quickies says by the way you can see this in the polling most americans agree much of the rioting that took place people using freddie grade debt as an excuse to participate with the rioting and to get away with it. lou: that template -- implies what? >> you have people mostly the high schoolers to come from broken families, bad schools, lack of opportunity
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and were delighted to have the genes to get their hands into a store. lou: 200 of those arrested were adults. >> because then i think the others joined in. lou: those darned high school kids. [laughter] chris, did the president speak the truth or does he said narrative? >> there is such a thing to paint the incomplete picture to cause people to reach the correct answer and in this case the president did that. letterman was fishing but yes slavery is the original sin of this republic. that is true but when we look across the spectrum
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where are the poorest people in america? in the sticks. not in baltimore. wire they pour out there? indian reservations is a part of it. apple asia? in the south. there are 1 million reasons for the socio-economic problems jim-crow and slavery is also but there are other factors so don't -- those of matter as much as solutions. lou: but the president or his administration will offer any solutions and money has been spent to the point this president who is african-american talking about race when he ignored apparently advisedly that the entire city government of baltimore is african-american they run the city council, the
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mayor, the police commissioner, go through the line. if that was about race and racism then explain it to this audience because i cannot understand talk about jim crow or slavery and by the way talk about the original sin of the republic, be clear it may be a part of those but more than 300,000 americans gave their lives to rid us of slavery so that could be an incomplete narrative of the sacrifice for others. >> here's your. atonement is always available. [laughter] but when we talk about why baltimore does not work it isn't about to what color the skin of the individuals running the city but it is
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corruption. in america we would understand big city corruption when politics of big machine rand and into the ground police and going back to tammany hall and if we put through race we will not address the real problem. >> i agree. >> baltimore's leadership is new with complete control of the city but then i would have to correct my brother but black leadership for generations has failed in terms of delivering to its needy population of west baltimore. also given the nature of
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this program but talk about structural issues like jobs being all source if you are a blue-collar worker you have a disadvantage in this economy. especially if you were an educated coming from a bad family background coming from chaos and dysfunction you are at a great disadvantage. lou: it is about family structure in the environment of public safety or with the necessities of life. we do not hear liberals talking about supporting the family or building the family to create supports and structures. so why is it those clear solutions the you addressed
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at the outset are not even addressed? >> to paraphrase john adams this is a republic design for a virtuous people. if they are not virtuous they will lose their liberty you cannot have the liberty that we do if you do not self regulate. there are things that every can do to facilitate it which strong families can prosper. that if they struggle to address this question is a government based solution? >> the democrats generally to don't forget slavery or segregation with higher rates of poverty but i say
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this is great personal pain the look and added of 70 percent black children are born to single mothers mitt is one-third of the whites. it is a diverse situation in that community. liberals or democratic leadership is reluctant to say this is the problem just like patrick moynihan said said, this will lead to chaos and disruption -- dysfunction. they said that is untrue. i am not sitting here to say there are not other issues at play. but i would take care of my family first. lou: and governments with
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the thoughts and policies of the anti-government party and it seems the family should be the focus of our policies and support them whenever the measures are necessary. great to see you. turning to the foiled a terrorist attack in texas the islamic state taking credit for the failed plot now authorities are claiming the homeland's security department issued a warning that it could attract an attack we are live bin garland with the report. >> that claim of responsibility from isis came by a message broadcast on the radio station. it praised the two texas shooter's hand says soldiers of the caliphate.
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was that incredible claim of responsibility or the to put fear into the minds of america. to make that determination so any direct links between the shooters are any members of isis and was but that was finally removed from the seed about this time last night. 24 hours after the initial incident investigators are studying social bdm background and any others that they can find. it will be a long and laborious task if there were any direct links if they
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were too low molds who were inspired by the ice is ideology. they have both spoken publicly they have expressed horror at what the two men did all of them saying they had no suspicions either man was capable to carry on such an attack and many people here is even if it was directly responsible for this attack and they're taking responsibility that was almost a total failure. to man daring assault rifles with body armor taken down by one traffic cop with a service pistol. lou: well done. reporting live from garland texas. now we are taking it up with our attorneys.
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we will be right back with much more. >> saudi arabia airstrikes if the and then hitting their targets. and the rebels strike back. k.t. mcfarland and colonel peters our next. while the sun is autosome a bomb there are still potential dangers to mankind and our planet. what happens if we are hit with a super flair? the possibilities are next.
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lou: president obama and nominated the next chairman of the joint chief of staff widely considered one of the closest confidants. >> i know joe and i trust him we have achieved key milestones of the transition to the afghan response facility and the historic afghan elections in the drawdown of forces. >> the senate is called upon if he is confirmed who is retiring after the top general. the conflict shows no sign
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of slowing launching an attack in saudi arabia killing three people five soldiers were captured. the first attack on the back troubles since the kingdom began marketing a new phase in the conflict. we have k.t. mcfarland and strategic analyst lieutenant-colonel ralph peters. also author of valley of the shadow. we will discuss that later in the broadcast. this attacks on saudi arabia via rebels is that a new phase we can expect? >> that is the jewel in the crown who will control saudia arabia?
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so that is why the fighting is with i iran's allies and this saturday allies that is no longer in charge of anything it has the oil and the population but it has the of religion. >> the reality is it is part of the reason of the arab coalition striking targets in yemen. >> she is rights but the real issue is we just play on the margins. the last word -- less we forget it is the battlefield it is the eastern front when
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they are as close as they can get with direct combat of course, iran is on defensive with iraq and also with syria they are fighting hard and with afghanistan iran has called off a miracle that they have united egypt and jordan and the arab emirates and against them. >> and there has been in trouble since israel's founding. turning to iran is selfish and the negotiations covering on contemporaneously with the united states and other world powers for a nuclear weapons deferral. it isn't really a treaty will we see such an agreement? to make it doesn't matter iran is getting nuclear
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weapons. the deal he is about to selling -- sign will be unverifiable and unenforceable so it doesn't matter. the iranians said anytime they place inspections they say date number one the sanctions have to be lifted then what happens on a number to? >> if i could invert the cliche you lost me at they will get nuclear weapons no matter what. >> i agree. is virtually guaranteed so the question is what will they do for the build up? they are making mr. fried now but the real question is what do they do after? you cannot snapback of airlifted so if they're struggling to behave as
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viciously as they are today how will they behave when sanctions are lifted in the money comes in and and the assets are not frozen? see you will see rich iran with nuclear weapons and eventually a conflagration. >> the nightmare is nuclear weapons in the hands of those who want to use them. now you will have that unfortunately. >> it is good to have you with us. i always appreciate your troops. >> nuclear explosions are very bright. there is a bright prospect. lou: you never disappoint. [laughter] he will be back to talk about his novel valley of the shadow. do you agree with the
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president slavery and jim crow and discrimination are the cause of the violence in baltimore? cast your vote. lou nasa releases video of a plasma eruption over the surface of the sun last week in the midst of a decline of the solar maximum although the activity is the weakest in more than a century an astrophysicist says it will not last we're due for a super flair -- superflare that has energy of 1,000 times we have seen such a major superflare would not doubt the world electrical grid to disrupt electronic communications for weeks or months if it would hit planted blood dash splatter
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lou: a few thoughts on racial politics of racial exploitation. president obama is set down with david letterman last night. he asked the president what role racism played in the baltimore riots. >> gave residual factor but also a buildup of our history. we cannot ignore that. if you have slavery common jim-crow, said discrimination built up over time you have pockets of poverty and lack of
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opportunity, lack of education all across this country. too often we ignore those pockets and tell something happens. lou: but that answer was to for aid of fact or any specificity. what he did not say is the city of baltimore has not been ignored at all by washington. the federal government has shipped more than 2.5 billion dollars in federal grants over the past 10 years. it ranks number 15 with federal funds for education receiving $280 million a year. this -- disproportionately more funding from the student population it is only the 35th largest in the country. 35th with a number of students by 15 with the
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amount of federal money for education. not ignored at all the federal government is not ignoring them at all. oh the new york city spends more the educational expenditure per student in baltimore is the second highest in the country at $15,000 per student but yet not even 20 percent of the craters score at or above grade level proficiency in math for reading. the dropout rate is 31%. that could be conservative estimate as for the of baltimore economy if not for government redistribution and extraordinarily generous taxpayers it would not have of any economy. $1.5 jobs it is government
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federal or state or local while that may surprise you it is only 30% higher than the nationwide average. 15% of all jobs in the country our government more than half of the jobs in baltimore our education education, health services and government. that doesn't leave much room for the private sector or incentivize entrepreneurs were small business to move to baltimore. typically they are the job creators in the unemployment rate is more than 8% vs. just 3 percent in 1970 and nearly one quarter of the population was below the poverty level. the president didn't mention any of that reality to david letterman nor has he nor anyone in his administration acknowledged the sad reality
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to the american people. only five days ago he actually called for the truce -- truths re-read what the people want more than anything else is the truth. that is what people live around the country expect. lou: he has not delivered it is too easy or convenient for the president to blame racism giorgio and ignore and tell something happens but the real surprise is to a knowledge the city has been run by democrats for half a century the liberal policies of this administration and far too many congresses are part of the cause of the despair. if mr. obama would acknowledge the entire power structure is
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african-american mayor, city council, city council president, a commissioner, the list goes on there are causes for the failure to serve citizens but racism is nowhere near the top of the saddest. for our president to take no responsibility for the broad failure of african american leadership is gut-wrenching disappointing for the president of united states to resort once again to the politics of racial exploitation is damnable because it victimizes the people of baltimore who suffered far too much and far too long in back corrosive corruption. racial exploitation and the politics of the left are nothing more than and transparent rationalization the failure. either the leaders of the city of baltimore nor our president can hide from
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their responsibility for the decades-long devastation that used to be a great city and that mr. president is the truth that you say you wanted. the quotations of the evening on socialism. to british leaders. first winston churchill said socialism is the philosophy of failure the credo of veterans in the gospel of envy the virtue is the equal sharing of misery. the only woman british prime minister said the problem is socialism is that eventually run out of other people's money. we will be right back. >> baltimore city government is still a mess with hundreds of breast now clogging the court system will be back talking about
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the justice and consequences of and the new attorney-general. wait until you see what happens when he tries to get the subway car moving again the test of a man's lack. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to find a bathroom? cialis for daily use, is the only daily tablet approved to treat erectile dysfunction so you can be ready anytime the moment is right. plus cialis treats the frustrating
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for all we have seized in baltimore is starting with the racial exploitation and politics of race stick it is an appropriate. >> catalog and the president to go on the shows when he tries to get elected but once you are elected to have the biggest podium make your stance there don't just go to letterman. lou: crediting the attorney general who wanted to go to baltimore last week but the white house political office dr. but she was there today to talk about civil rights and did have the courtesy to go to the police department talking about the burdens of the police officers in and she tries to show i am here to help. i have been called the pair
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made the justice department called prior to this because there other issues now read as a there are criminal civil-rights charges but there could be taking of the police department to see what is happening here? is race involved in houri correct the problem? not if there is but is there >> with the into our power struggle -- entire power structure the city power structure is african-american every decision maker in the city government. >> the prosecutor. >> police department three of the six are african-american and of the officers arrested. but i am glad she is there to investigate if there is
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civil charges that is a tough standard to meet. lou: the prosecutor said she will not recused herself because she has been doing an investigation of her own and half of her family it seems were previous law enforcement officers and her husband part of the city council that seems to be part of the problem. doesn't she have to be replaced? >> not really. schaede took an oath and i have two alternates sides everybody said i will be affected. by whom? i will be fair i am trying to abide by that. >> there may be the appearance but not the actual conflict. lou: so they go systems says move along we will take care of it don't worry your pretty head? >> i don't know if it is
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that way. >> how did they get a fair trial? train wreck i'm sure they will last for a change of venue spirit able takeback prosecutor were ever their travel? spinach she says i will be fair unless there is real proof she is not that we cannot remove people from the job they have set out to do. lou: the best at -- answer to the challenge of the constitution. the islamic state claims they tried to kill them they were shot dead by one traffic cop dead in your heart just filled with stories? >> not with joy that to a people are dead. lou: but those to tears to would have killed american. >> absolutely. are you kidding me perk --?
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>> of course, . we have free speech rights. lou: we also have the right to defend ourselves. >> of first amendment rights of free speech the woman has the right to speak freely in a democracy in the united states. lou: great to you to be here as always. a reminder to vote to do you agree with the president does slavery and discrimination and jim crow is the cause of the violence in baltimore? lou a man on the new york city's subway nearly blew himself up after he climbed down on the tracks to remove a metal garbage cans in the way of the trade that made contact with the third real.
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-- real. causing data explosion. local seedeater the worker or any bystanders were injured. police are searching with an unlikely hero to the rescue what happens when an earthquake strikes inactive volcano?
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past three days. an earthquake had the killer whale of a volcano that shattered a crater at the top of a volcano sending roxanne and gas into the air it compare the reaction to the moment you pop the cork from a champagne bottle. ended coasta rica that volcano spread ash over 50 miles now has erupted 11 times as the year 2000. soccer fans turned of state soccer match into a riot storming the field to attack one another. brazilian police had fired percussion grenades and tear gas into the mob after
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nearly a half hour of rioting. american schools have some of the most significant battles of the civil war if they're taught anything at all. colonel ralph peters talks about his book volley of the shadow. next. do you want to know how hard it can be to breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled
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. >> back with us fox news strategic analyst lieutenant
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colonel ralph peters, who is also, for the next few moments most importantly the author of the new civil war thriller, "valley of the shadow," available in stores and online as of today. ralph congratulations on the book. >> thank you. neil: it's terrific and people are wondering we're talking civil war history in the novel, which is accurate. >> very accurate. >> at a time when a lot of schools are not teaching about the civil war that's stunning. >> it's critical. we have allowed the left to take the objective serious teaching of history out of our schools. when you do not -- the people the citizenry, doesn't know the facts of the history you are prey to demagogue. so one of the things i'm trying to do with the civil war novels is to give people an exciting way to learn accurate history because we need to know it. going to give you an example
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lou. >> fine. >> we agonize over a drone strike that accidentally killed two aid worker hostages. >> right. >> in our civil war, 750,000 americans died in four years. people need to know the kind of sacrifices we made. >> it's amazing this is your third novel. >> yes. >> and you focus 1864 the shenandoah campaign. tell us why you -- >> man, the civil war is so rich. in the latter half of 1864 you had a daring confederate raid that almost seizes washington. lou wallace rallies clerks and beats it back to the last minute. then you move into the shenandoah valley the greatest best seller in the 19th century. have you these incredibly dramatic battles. one, cedar creek, may be the
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most dramatic of the civil war. by midmorning it looked like confederate triumph, by the afternoon it was disaster. you don't only have the imposing commanders enthusiastically profane and ferocious men but a young 24-year-old cavalry general custer, on the confederate side, one man who fit the mode john brown gordon and former vice president of the united states, john c. breckinridge. on the other side two future presidents, rutherford b. hayes incredibly brave and a very young william mckinley. daring and dashing and in love with every village girl he met. rutherford b. hayes as
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president, honorable, ethical and the first man to try to reform the civil service. >> he took on a challenge that -- >> i didn't say he succeeded. it's an stored book and i love the idea that you focus on this you bring as everyone is witnessing such great passion love for the country's history. i think love for the country implies that one would have such a love of the history, that is not always the case, fortunate you -- >> i'm in awe of what those men went through. >> as i pointed out in the broadcast earlier this evening and talking with chris stirewalt and our cleg -- colleague chris williams. the book is "valley of the shadow," the author is ralph peters. glad you wrote it and congratulations. >> thank you, lou. >> now for a look at online
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poll results. we asked -- thanks for being with us. good night from new york.. neil: mitt romney, herman cain ross perot, carly fiorina. think quick what to they all have in common? i'll tell you, getting into the business because they were big in business. welcome, everybody i'm neil cavuto. if you are a successful business person, you are going to get kicked in the can. mitt romney found that out, herman cain found that out. ross perot found that out and carly fiorina is finding that out. no sooner did she announce her run for president of the united states, then the media was running her through the mill over her years at hewlett-packard. let me be clear, th


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