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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 7, 2015 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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re like a business guy every time i speak to you. >> i don't know about that. my academic family won't be happy to hear that. maria: good to see you, great to talk with you as always, larry summers. time for "varney and company". see what "the opening bell" tomorrow. thanks for joining us. stuart: rich cheaters. not bill and hillary brady and the patriots. the morning everyone. tom brady the super bowl qb champ was generally aware of deflated footballs. you should see the tabloid headlines this morning. suspensions fines lose a draft pick or two? brady's agent has weighed in. ladies and gentlemen, the football fight is on. speaking of sheets, how about those guys at the irs? thousands of irs employees cheated on their own taxes and some of them were promoted. we are on that one. what is with mcdonald's? there turnaround plan includes the return of the hamburglar and also talking kill.
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this is not your father's business show. "varney and company" is about to begin. ♪ >> if huge sheet you don't play fair you will be the mvp of the superbowl and marry one of the most beautiful women on earth. stuart: everybody is talking about it. the patriots did intentionally deflate balls at the afc championship game. quarterback tom brady most likely new what was going on. the new york tabloids were having a field day. the front page of the new york post nfl probe, the cover of the new york daily news great balls of liar. he is laughing already. with who is here. lou dobbs host of lou dobbs tonight.
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hold on a second. i have to say my piece here. i am astonished at the venom being directed against the patriots and tom brady. all quarterbacks select the ball they wish to use and the inflation measures thereof. lou: it is always amazing. over the course of my career we have seen it. there is this righteousness that explodes over the most sometimes trivial things. i am not suggesting this is trivial in any way but this is right up there with -- if the nfl wanted this conduct remove from the game they would have someone to if you will guard the balls. a ball guard. whatever is they would use. they have a lot of money. six officials on the field at
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any time. an entire replay crew. they have every opportunity. with we have every treason suspect and my goodness. how about just a level of common sense by the nfl here. >> yeah. surely you don't think that brady and or the patriots should face fines or suspensions. >> i personally believe this is such a trivial matter. the record is empirical. he through better in the second half with fully inflated balls than he did with deflated balls. >> this is all about hated of brady and the patriots. >> he is married to one of the most beautiful women in the world, he has a lavish fortune, he is the best football player arguable in the world and who wouldn't want to say -- may be just a peg or two down, please.
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>> i wished you could say our floor managers face, and he is -- >> not at all. >> but he's a refugee from the seminary, and he is the epitome of -- so holly that we can't possibly obtain -- >> molly is with us and she's got 10 seconds. >> had a whole array of adjectives to describe tom brady, from a female view, he lot of the out one word. hot. >> i meant to start with that. >> glad, your honor. >> let me just say. when a team is as good as the patriots, there should be no need to cheat. this is human nature. it was like watergate nixon was leading by 20 points, is there was no need for a watergate break in. they go down this road when there's no need. >> insert the word competitive and powerfully so and four
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super bowl championships. >> talk amongst yourselves for one second, i'm going to check the big board. we turned positive mildly so, other than that very flat, very important on jobs report that comes out at 8:30 eastern tomorrow morning. this is not your segment yet just stay there. you want to come back on the show? [laughter] all right. -- >> another segment . >> this is very serious. look at allen basher, we call it the amazon of china. >> they cheat. [laughter] >> they made an awful lot of money. remember on tuesday the stock hit an all-time low. what you're looking at is a nice bounce. up 7% and they've got a new ceo and that is helping the stock as well. green mountain. people are not buying their new brewing system and it has cut its sales for the profit
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forecast for the year. down it goes 8%. dropped below 100. tesla, they lost money but sold more than 10,000 cars, apparently that's good news but stock is down. you're laughing, why are you laughing? >> good volume. let's boost the stock. do you have anything to say about the liquid lamb narrates they're being investigated for their allegedly toxic content. what do you think? >> i'm just shocked that anything would be from inferior quality coming from china and influence the health of americans . >> sarcasm is a low -- let's move on. what market of action do we have for you today? oil down we're up 62, but gas that's gone up again.
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2.65 is your national average and gas again has gone up for 23 straight days. i think that may have v an impact on the economy. and hilary clinton has been campaigning for 26 days, and in that time she has answer just seven questions from reporters. now the times will start publishing questions that they would have asked clinton if they had the opportunity. sounds like they are edging away from hilary. >> well, one of the reasons that the stories have had such traction is it's not just coming from the right wing, these stories are being investigated by and coming from left wind media organizations like the new york times and the washington post and others, their motivates are not conservatives, they're not in love with ted cruz and would like to see him elected president, they are frustrated with hilary because she's not left enough. what they're trying to do is weaken her to get a more
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revolutionary character to challenge her in the primary. >> can you confirm this? i am told that elizabeth warren held a closed-door meeting yesterday with her principle supporters that are being told to run is that true. >> a closed meeting with senator warren, she says she's not running when the temptation might be there. my column today in the washington times gives hilary some advice. it says mrs. clinton should give her own checked speech, which is what nixon did when he was accused of having a legal fund he saved his political career. but it only worked because he had the truth on his side. >> you've got 10 seconds. >> i think to think of nixon in the checkered speech when you have the family with $2 billion -- >> it was over $18,000 in 19
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52. now we're talking hundreds of millions. >> talk amongst yourselves while i deal with another subject. there is another dig talking today as well as deflated footballs and tom brady. mcdonald's. the new ham newham -- he made his return, he first debuted back in 19 71, that's the one creature there on the left. and now he's all grown up. see him on the right? some say he looks creepy with his mask and top hat and monica other say he looks hip if not hot with that beard he's got red sneakers on, i don't know what you think. >> it is a little christian gray. >> she says hot. >> i have no idea what you're talking about. proceed. >> it means he's hot.
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anyway mcdonald's is hoping that the hamburgler will help the sales it's down for mcdonald's quarters end ceo announced the chains turn around plan on monday, totally disappointed. if you take a look at the stock, it's down 1.5 percent from that announcement. mcdonald's is also hopping on the kale trend putting green on their breakfast menu at the california stores. >> i want to ask you. i think the biggest thing for mcdonald's is what's going on in new york right now where have made pushing for $15 for fast food workers. that's a huge threat to mcdonald's. >> yeah. unhelpful to the fast food industry. >> entirely is to so. >> and this going back to the ham berger,. you. >> you're cruel.
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>> the hamburger very 1970s if they're trying to reach a young hip audience, this is not the way to do it. >> even if if you come way down market to talk about kale and football. >> i told i live here. >> now something very serious. a key ruling by a federal court might be the first step in eliminating the nsa controversial phone spying program. ready to take a victory lap maybe? here he comes. all right.
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♪ (music plays throughout) ♪ the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... from the smallest detail to the boldest leap. healthier means using wellness to keep away illness... knowing a prescription is way more than the pills... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others.
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♪ ♪ healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. realizing cold hard data can inspire warmth and compassion... and that when technology meets expertise... everything is possible. for as long as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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>> it is a flat market ahead of the big jobs number tomorrow morning. we're up 42 points.
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now look at priceline. profits were up a little, but they expect slower growth. don't do that. the stock is down 3 1/2 percent. whole foods it's down 2, by the way, that company is going to roll out a new chain of less expensive stores geared to younger shoppers. time is money. three other stories. here we go. we have a lawyer who is suing uber. is she trying to put uber out of business or what's so bad about this sharing economy? the washington post says why it's okay to hate millennials they're not patriototic and's war on fossil fuel, if he's successful, could that ruin our economy? we have someone on the show that says, yes, it can and it will. and appeals court appeals that
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the nsa phone records is not authorized under the patriot act. this is a very big ruling. i understand the significant. what exactly is illegal? >> there are two rulings by federal trial judges on whether or not the language in the patriot act permits the nsa to gather content of phone calls and e-mails under this law . >> and store it. >> and store it and keep it and examine it as it wants to. one federal judge says it does not, the other judge says it does. the federal judge that says the language does authorize was reserved today. it's about 97 pages long, is the highest court in the land to rule on this. just below the supreme court and it said the interpretation of the patriot act by the obama administration and the by the george w. bush administration, which was approved by the court is
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wrong. it does not recognize the data without a search warrant. so if the congress wants the nsa to have that authority telescopically lay it out and if it does, then we'll decide if it's constitutional. >> we've been doing this had to years. >> we have. >> there's an enormous amount of information stored in that. >> digitally 27 times the library of congress. >> if it was illegal to collect that information and store it, must we now destroy it. >> probably yes, but this court does not go that far. this court basically says because this law they just found does not authorize spying the way the government's spying expires at the end of this month. it's up to the court to decide what happens at the end of the month, but more importantly it's up for congress to decide what happens after june 1st. >> suppose we have a temporary
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incident in the united states and we find out the name and the phone number and the e-mail address. >> terrorist in america. can we now go back to that illegally obtained information, search through the nsa's records and find out who that terrorist was talking to, has he plotted the event. >> my guess is no, but the nsa would probably do it anyway because because of their dedication to their mission . >> and i would say do it. >> well, i'll tell you why. we had a terrorist plot over the weekend. we had two jihaddist try to murder peoplous of dallas texas because they came together to mock muhammad, an absolutely protected free speech,. >> okay. >> they were not stopped by federal spies. they were stopped by an off-duty traffic cop. >> that is a failure of the information collection and sifting through it. it doesn't mean to say we
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should not do it ever again in the future. >> it says we should sift information from the bad guys. these two guys were on the fbi's list. instead of shifting their information, the government is shifting the information of people like you and me. >> it was a failure of search, not a principle, in my opinion. >> it gives the nsa too much to go through. it limits them to probable cause, if they follow the substitution, they will only go apt bad guys. >> so would you be happy if they pass a bill and say yeah, you can do that. you can have a mass collection of information and you can store it. would you be happy. >> first of all, i wouldn't be happy, but neither would the constitution if it had a happy meter. it can't change the constitution. do you remember we had a constitution in this country something henry the 8th never had. >> you're going back to henry? >> i wish we had more time
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because you're also totally wrong on brady and the patriots -- >> what does brady have to do with this. >> separate from this. >> okay. >> if tom brady can get rid of this he'll destroy professional sports. >> what? >> you can reward a cheater of that magnitude you can encourage cheating. >> you want some applause from the producers, the control room, and from our -- what's your name again? [laughter] okay. i've got the third wrap okay? we're done. >> i'm out of here. >> totally wrong on both counts. believable. the irs one of the most feared agencies but if you work at the irs and you cheat your taxes, you get a pass and you'll keep your job
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>> two tornadoes touched down in the oklahoma city area. the first hit in the afternoon. it destroys hundreds of homes in bridge creek. later in the day tornado graced the south side of oklahoma city.
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and brought down power lines flipped over a lot of cars. pretty dramatic video of this. it whipped through texas nebraska and oklahoma, at least 12 injuries, no deaths at this time. an audit by the treasury departmentds of the irs refused to fire most of its employees who were found to be cheating on their own taxes. some of these tax cheats were even promoted. blake is in dc with details. what have you got blake. >> that's absolutely right the government watch dog that released this report, found over a 10 year period 1,600 irs employees were nontax compliant. the irs commissioner decided not to fire the employee stu mentioned. some were eventually promoted. there were also repeat offenders. the example cited in the report pretty basic. the over extend of the
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expenses repeatedly failed to file and even got a home buyer tax credit without buying a home. it did not say why these employees were allowed to keep their job, but the irs says we can improve this process. >> i've heard that before. blake, thank you very much indeed. >> thank you . >> i think to me, the bottom line here is, you can't fire a federal employee. >> there's irony and then there's irs irony as we just saw in that story. but it does raise the bigger question about federal employees and the inability to fire female people who are in gross violation of the law or engaged in unethical activity. it gets down to this, stewart the government has no profit motivate. they're not run like a business. within a business if you have an employee that's doing illegal or unethical stuff they're fired. they're out of there. the government has no profit motivate -- but they're fully
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unionized,. >> so they're fully protected so between those two things, you can't get rid of people who are even engaged in the most grotesque behavior . >> thank you monica. up next the lawyer who is suing would have been if she's successful, she could put them out of business. and the debate on taxes spend versus taxes cut on government. same debate here as there. i'm going to explain why that election over there matters here. and i'm going to pose this question. what happens if the left wins? >> it would be a total disaster. we're talking about -- the economy going down, then you're talking about sterling. sterling probably at 140, you know the foot is going to drop thousand points
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when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. nicorette mini starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. anytime. anywhere. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i choose nicorette mini.
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the 7, 88 points. look at zynga. this is the farmville people, they lost less money and they are cutting jobs. that is what investors like. stock is up 6% at $2.77. the price of oil, $59.52, down one dollar and $0.40.
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national average is $2.65. uber classifies its workers as contractors which means they don't need health insurance but regular employees might get. shannon is the lawyer fighting uber in court. she wants uber to reclassify its workers as regular employees. welcome to the program, good to see. >> thank you very much. stuart: uber is doing nothing illegal by classifying people who work under the bernard: uber umbrella as contractors, self-employed contractors. there's nothing illegal about that is there? >> we think there is. that is what we are doing in court, challenging them classifying their drivers as independent contractors. under the law we believe they are employees and should be entitled to the protection of the wage laws workers comp, unemployment, and bernard: is saving tons on its
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labor costs by shifting these expenses. stuart: there's nothing wrong with the startup company spending money on labor costs. the people -- not volunteer but uber drivers make themselves available under those circumstances. they make themselves available to the contractors because that is the way they wish to be employed. why are you interfering with their freedom to be employed in the way they want to be employed? >> there is something wrong with classifying workers as contractors when under the law they are employees and it is not a question of what they want. we know they want flexibility and that is great. we are not challenging that or trying to put uber out of business. we are making sure carley shimkus to place by the rules. stuart: interpretation of the law and if you win to put the ubers of this world out of business. doubt that carley shimkus to which is valued at $40 billion will be put out of business because they have to
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pay their drivers as employees. they can afford it and a lot of other companies out there that are trying to take advantage of their workers' by not taking on their obligations as employers are doing the same thing. stuart: under what circumstances may i work for a company and say to that company i want to be self-employed, i want to be an individual contractor. i am quite willing to meet your work terms i want to be employed in this fashion? what is wrong with that? >> the law doesn't look to what the parties want. the law looks to what the situation actually is. there is a multi factor test. the most important factor is how much control does the company have over the workers? uber and other companies are trying to do is have their cake and eat it too. they want to have control over the workers so they can provide this wonderful high-quality professional car service to the public and that is what they are selling. the only way to do that is have a lot of control.
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they have a lot of rules and enforce the rules and punish drivers who don't play by the rules terminate they call it deactivate the drivers who don't meet their standards and because they have all that control, under the law we believe they are employees home are entitled to the rights of employees. we want and a great job if it helps them make ends meet or have an extra did to get income we are not challenging that. at flexibilities greg. lots of american employers are giving their employees more flexibility and that is a great thing for workers but we went uber to play by the rules not take advantage of employees the way the law undercuts their competitors who are playing by the rules. stuart: okay. i want to follow upon this. is an intriguing concept, an intriguing lawsuits that you have launched and i do believe if you are successful you will
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really hurt these up and coming start up businesses. i think he will really hurt them. you are not part of the new economy. you are the old 1952 economy with rigid work rules and all the rest. i didn't mean to take the last word like this that since you are a lawyer you can understand it. thanks for joining us. we appreciate it and we will see you again soon. the british election the most unpredictable election in decades over there and the divide between conservatives and the barrels mirrors the divide we have here. left over there says tax the rich spend more money the right says lower taxes and spend less just like it is here. welcome back to the program. glad you kept out of that interview. seems to me very important, the result over it there because it will tell us the state of play of public opinion on this proper role for government. >> that seems to be the great debate and great divide
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happening across the western world. the little leaguers is everybody else right versus left free-market its purses socialist redistribution. those of the great debate. the first harbinger may have been the israeli elections because israel is not considered part of the west per se but they are because they are a democracy. the left in israel, more complicated dynamics but they were running on wealth redistribution, they were running on the economic issues of the left and he was able to win. if the conservatives are able to pull this off it might be a tight election in the u.k.. it might be of a good predictor of what might happen here in 2016 in terms of the trend lines. stuart: there is another important element in the british election and that is ed miller band. he leads the labor party. he wants a law which would ban islamophobia as defined by him and his labor party.
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i see that as a very dangerous thing. it is a slippery slope. you are going down the road of the government saying what speech is permitted and what is not and i vigorously oppose it and i hope he loses. >> the second you get into that you are dead as a civilization. in the united states the second you give into it we had this debate over the shooting in texas and free-speech, the second you get into that the first amendment and you are dead as a free society. they want to establish cause and effect meaningful cause of your and i islam speech as they see it and the effect of violence. therefore we need to put limits on that speech. and going down the road of with the islamists won, constricting speech in the western world is incredibly dangerous and so what he is is a useful idiot. stuart: he will pick of the moslem vote in britain which is
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substantial. much larger than it is in america. the house that was featured in the classic movie starface has a russian owner and the russian owner has cut the price in half. it has been on the market for a year. cut in half. we have more pictures coming up next and also left five reasons the washington post says it is ok to hate millennials. we will debate all of them in a moment. orn. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here.
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nicole: i am nicole petallides, stocks have moved into the green dow jones industrial average up 80 points, 17921. traders the latest trading action was choppy. the is and be at eight, the nasdaq up 23 points. the dow movers including home depot, microsoft and intel the same names that held back yesterday, and caterpillar among the laggards. exxon is in there because energy has been one area today, take a look at the others, down 2.5%. you can see oil well schlumberger and apache under pressure and take a look at earnings. activevision has been a winner the maker of car -- they have been doing very well. customizing doing great up 3.7%. more "varney and company" next.
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stuart: take a look at this. it is called the home that scores areface was filled in, it is on the market for half the original listing price. cheryl casone is here. where is it? >> calif.. how much is it? it cheryl: they want $17.9 million.
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it was over $30 million and they had to drop it. $35 million, ten acres four bed rooms, is stunning home. but he overspriced it. we should all learn from this. stuart: we sausage shops of a rather ugly looking back end. cheryl: the house you can work on. you could do so much. you can view the pacific ocean it is a stunning property but he overprice it. stuart: any idea what he bought it for? cheryl: no. he held the property for a long time. he bought it for $20 million in 2008, 2007, 2008. he was trying to get more than
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what he paid. he's actually going to have to sell it for less than he bought it for. stuart: i bet he didn't establish residence in california. he didn't establish residence there guaranteed. cheryl: probably right because there's nothing worse than new york taxes. that might be worse. it is a tough decision. you don't like you don't like it. stuart: well said. here is the headline for you. five reasons to hate millennials from the washington post. here is what fat have to say. reason 1, millennials policed patriotic generation. number 2. as racist as their elders. number 3. least informed. 4, leading vaccine skeptics. 5 in different on free-speech. there is a roundup of hatred for
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you. we have two millennials charlie eric axley pratt. you agree with these criticisms? >> some of them. out of all five the most concerning, the most accurate is yes, the younger generation is one of the least patriotic that we have seen and also we see a generation that has almost unlimited access to information but they live in a barren wasteland of knowledge. so clueless to what is going around them yet they could do live in five seconds and be aware. who is to blame? not the young people, the parents. we are what we learn and young people are all byproduct of poor parenting and a poor environment we put some in. stuart: before we get to you, how old are you? >> 21. a proud member of the millennial generation which i try not to bash my fellow colleagues too much but i tried to tell it like it is. stuart: don't bash your parents
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either. ashley, you are going to defend millennials against these charges. >> i am. what i am going to say is when i looked at this the main reason has charlie alluded to is the parenting here. we grew up in a generation where you couldn't play in your backyard or ride on a bike by yourself five miles down the street or play with your friends without helicopter parents. we were also told you can't offend people playing into the pc culture. when it comes down to what we are learning in our schools from professors from teachers that america is this bad place so of course we are not all that patriotic. but this is important, if we go to the country concerts' you'll see a lot of red white and blue and american flag, that is another discussion, but i think that is great. there is room for patriotism. a lot of is inherently because of the fact that our generation was so different in how we were
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brought up. stuart: there's one quibble and i think both of you agree with me on this. one of the criticisms is they are as racist as their elders. i am sorry i simply absolutely do not see that. >> we are the most tolerant generation. in the one you agree with that? >> yes. 50 or 60 years ago, just the thought of the president of the united states, was rejected and our generation was the one that helped get the president to law as ants time and time again i reject that notion out of the five. stuart: on being in formed. you were big on this. i don't think young people are ill informed as much as interested in something other than budgetary issues. and conventional politics.
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what say you? >> a lot of what we talk about today, one of the biggest concerns is the economy. day care when it comes to whether they can find a job. i think that is where there needs to be some sort of education but then again i will have to say i graduated from college four years ago and never once did i have to take a course in personal finance. if that tells you anything i am very responsible with my money but if we are not learning how to save or how to spent efficiently, how to sell away for later on we are not going to care about these things because we grew up with plastic and not cash. cash was pretty dispensable. that is something to be sit here and i did realize that you asked charlie his age and because he won't ask l.a. i will tell you today i am 25 but tomorrow i will be 26.
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stuart: your birthday is tomorrow. happy birthday in advance and thank you for being on the show today and defending your generation and charlie you better have a chat with your parents because you had some nasty things to say. >> i always throw them d the and. many thanks, happy birthday. now the floyd mayweather versus manny pacquaio fight didn't live up to the height. probably true. can the sport of boxing recovery? we have a boxing promoter on in a moment and we will challenge him on that subject. do you want to know how hard it can be to breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment
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stuart: the big fight saturday night call the debt by lot of people and an expense of dead at that. may be boxing got a black eye. that is how i define it. the president of star boxing joins us in new york. my premise is this. that fight was a dead and they
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got lawsuits about pacquaio and his injured shoulder and should have declared that before you went into the ring? there is a lot of bad stuff surrounding that fight and i say boxing the sport got a black eye and you say what? >> i said boxing may have a black guy in some respects but it is still going on still fighting. that is what is supposed to do the same way many pacquaio you look and say we want to see a warrior. what did the man do? he got into the ring and fought to. stuart: is the sport of boxing going to command that kind of money again in the future after that dead? >> that fiue ightersdy was looking to see the fight happen. it generates $500 million this year. will we have again in the future? sure. stuart: this thing about his injury, pacquaio's injury, your guy was on the show many times and he was on before he fought
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many pacquaio. pacquaio goes into the ring against makewhether ed has an injury and doesn't tell anybody. that is the terrible thing. if you put a grand down and you say pacquaio is going to win and then you find out he lost because he was injured and we did note that doesn't do boxing any good. >> it is concerning something that as a promoter -- but the flip side of it is what are the alternatives? stuart: the i tell you, mix martial arts, u.s. c ultimate fighting is the alternative. >> meaning -- he goes to the ring to fight. how many made parties all over the place, how many private jets and las vegas for the show? how many clubs and bars are working? you are a fighter. you flooded different way. you are married. everyday. you are doing a great job.
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you have a cold u.s. coming and going to work. manny pacquaio trained and worked and gave people what they needed, a fight. stuart: appreciate you being with us today and we will follow his career. >> may 29th. stuart: we will be there. warren buffett. some have called him a hypocrite somewhere other than "varney and company". hedge fund billionaire tells him to put his money where his mouth is. we got the story and our nfl insider is here to tell us will tom brady be suspended? if so how long? of fresh hour of "varney and company" is two minutes away.
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>> headline this is hour tom brady fights back labeled a cheater. his agent calls it a witch hunt our nfl insider joins us. here's the question will brady be suspended you will not finding many critics of warren buffett outside of varney &
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company but a billionaire hung fund guy sounded off on that theme in my opinion it is about time. transparency honesty, two big issues to hillary clinton, "the new york times" of all places, all people calling her out. and we have the list college majors that make you the most money. this is what you want your child studying surely. a cheater, billionaire calls out buffett and times takes on hillary it is a world to your knowledged upside down here comes a big hour two. >> in the rules i would never do anything to break the rules. i believe in fair play. i respect league trying to create for the nfl teams. >> well you heard it new england patriot quarterback claiming he
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didn't know anything about the deflated footballs not so says the medical. the new report from the league ponds it probable that the patriots did intentionally deflate footballs before the game and tom brady, quote, generally aware of what was going on. 15 minutes from now fox sports and ask him will tom brady be on the game for the first game of the new season. check out the big board please not a bad rally or huge but going up 75 points higher. big jobs report tomorrow affecting markets. big names that are trading lower. disappointing forecast from green mountain. tesla lost money and sales are slowing down a whole foods those stocks all down big time. look at alibaba yes it made a lot of money, and it has a new ceo, and that stock is bouncing nicely at 6%. price of oil well below 60 -- not well below 57.75 a barrel
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near to a five month high by the way. gasoline keep on going up. 265 was your overnight price for the army on regular. billionaire hedge fund manager daniel calling out warren buffett at the salt conference in las vegas. this is quote, he's a very wise guy. but i also love how he criticizes hedge funds yet he really had the first hedge fund he criticizes activists, yet he was the first activist. he criticizes financial services company yet he invest in them. he thinks we should all pay more taxes but avoids paying them himself. here's a comment on warren buffett. big smile on his face his name is charles payne. what do you say? >> well, because i love warren buffett's success but been calling him out for years on this. warren buffett is admired in a big fight with pilot who is think they could be paid more. you don't want to pay more of a fine. but some accuse hmm of being a
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predatory lender to the clayton home it is division. here's parking a man to progressive administration and tax policies that are crushing small businesses nowhere near his size of scope businesses that make it a day when he makes minute. they have to pay higher taxes because he lent credibility that they were ripping off american public so i'm glad that more, and more people are standing up. listen, warren celebrate his success but don't be -- try to get away this grandfatherly you know listen i just drink dairy queen all day and one of the people. you're not, you're not you fought tooth and nail and 5 million because out of principle you believe in the same they things that all capitalists believe in unless you want it both ways. unfortunately hurt a lot of people with this. >> thank you charles ask him to get his hand out of my wallet i would like that very much. "new york times" says hillary clinton has been campaigning for 26 days.
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and in that time she's answered 7 questions from reporters. now "times" will questions if theft opportunity. dan here from "the wall street journal." hi there. >> it sounds like the times is beginning to soar a little on hillary clinton. what do you say? >> well, yeah well she's the kind of candidate who creates doubts in people's minds as i was trying to write in weekend in the wall in "the wall street journal" because clintons are living as though, it was 1994. and the world has changed oblivious to the way political opinions are formed in our time to say social media, twitter facebook tv talk shows like this. newspapers which have websites and wherever they do something like the foundation or erasing those e-mails they stone wall which is what they did in 1994 forget it that is right wring
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spheres. what hillary clinton doesn't realize is that when she does these sorts of things, that is going out into this ecosystem of political opinion and people are forming opinions about her. downward pressure in other words, on her approval rating. and i think democrats and liberals like "new york times" getting to become concerned about her awareness. >> what you're talking about is the impact of social media because it really does pick up and circulate the buzz. >> we don't see necessarily the broadcast networks on tv or major newspapers. but that new year, that social media is really starting to counting for something. it -- you're saying a negative for hillary. >> i think it is a complete negative let's take this thing today in the new york times that she's going to support the big democratic superpack usa earlier in the week she came out for a constitutional amendment to overturn the supreme court
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decision that enabled superpack like this. this is a contradiction. and she seems to think she's living in a you recalled two where she can get away with that. can't do that anymore because of what we described. >> what do you make of this meeting that was held yesterday between senator elizabeth warren and her principle backers who were urging her to run? it was a closed door meeting -- i suspect that didn't get much play. we report it had this morning. hasn't gotten much play and generally in the media but that meeting did take place. that tells me that the problems for hillary are creating a ground swell in the left to get to run and they're putting to her, run please liz. >> yeah, there's no question about it. but senator warren has kept them at arm's length for a long time and i think part of it is she's not going to get into this race unless hillary drops outs. i don't think that senator warren wants to go and compete against the clinton --
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>> that is not going to happen. what happens in the primaries when hillary starts to fail -- look really bad -- then elisabeth warren comes in? >> i think the pressure on elisabeth warren gets in then will be tremendous. but it is beginning to be very difficult for her to compete against the clinton machine. >> but -- right now warren does relish the role that she has at pushing hillary around, i mean, here running against warren right now even though hasn't been officially announced feels like by the way, that a lot of people saying this is why "new york times" have been so tough to prefer elisabeth warren. >> well hillary is trying to be. this is the irony, this great public figure, hillary clinton is trying to turn herself into elisabeth warren. , i mean, she constantly compliments elisabeth warren and adopts left wing positions it that democrats want in their candidate right now. so hillary is trying to be all things to all people in the democratic party and she's just not good at pulling that sort of
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thing off. >> moderate democrats must be in despair. [laughter] >> moderate . >> i know a couple. both of them. [laughter] they're all retired. as a matter of fact they are. let's say a middle of the road democrat within the current party structure that, you know, it you must be desperate because your candidate hillary clinton has big problems that will not go away in the next 18 months you have to be worried. >> i think they're extremely worried because her numbers are beginning to have downward pressure. "new york times" yesterday did a poll in which they said 80% of democrats incredibly think she's still honest and trustworthy. 80% if you went into the tabs and pulled up independence it was 41% that is a very low number. >> huge with democrats in the first place. >> yeah. : all right you did your duties on a thursday morning there. thanks so much. >> and a new candidate. >> that is right. let's get to the headlines of the day. lauren simonetti has them for us
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just incase you miss ited it. >> extreme weather slamming central plains with 20 tornadoes in nebraska oklahoma listen to this near wichita, kansas. >> we have -- mike we have a roof that just flew through the air. i don't know where it came from. >> roof in the air, storms continue to cross the midwest, leveling home witness and farmings killing animals in the process. these shots near oklahoma city of people returning to their damaged homes, and then a shot of an animal sanctuary that was hit. the storm even dumped record rainfall in some areas stranded drivers and it turned roads into rivers. and now to the u.k. where elections underway david cameron faces off against the center left labor leader. issues there, well near issues here. right wants to cut government spending and income taxes left wants to raise them. this is cody wilson and his
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first ever 3d precincted gun he shared the how to on the internet. feds came after him barrels blazing, obviously, but now he is suing them for violating his second amendment rights and he is on the show tomorrow, stuart. >> he is. this show right? >> your show. and what is this about ed sent to left. nonsense she's a socialist. >> that is how he's described. >> not by us he's not. [laughter] >> that is how i describe other socialists. >> agree with me on this one? >> i would. over here and not over there. >> exactly right. question, after the break will tom brady play in the patriots first game of the season been labeled a cheater. our nfl insider, coming up next and then there's this. also from the world of sports former basketball great shaquille o'neal taking a spill after femming tv show inside the nba don't worry shaq is okay
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although he spent a lot of time on the ground. watch this. [inaudible] >> oh oh -- you set me up. the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here.
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>> look at this. another oil and explosion in north dakota wednesday morning. less than a week after the government issued new regulations. just listen to what democrats and former pressure secretary larry summers told maria today about it. >> carrying oil on trains is a 20th century technology and nots the last. we need an advocate pipeline infrastructure. >> we need an advocate pipeline infrastructure. jeff locke is at a rail yard in white plain indiana you heard what -- that is larry summers treasury secretary he's making the case to build a pipeline let's say
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you -- the people your with right now. >> i don't often agree with you stuart as you know but in this case, well, when larry summers is onboard i think we're starting to come to a consensus these are old train cars the d.o.t. 11s outlawed by the government but you look five years ago less than 10,000 shipments of train cars in the u.s. but now 450,000 of year. these are rolling, you know, environmentalist could call these rolling bombs at the same time they don't want a pipeline but i tell you you have to move the oil somehow. so a.m. with you on this one. i'm with you. >> if you did all of these safety changes to that railroad rolling stock, you would put warren buffett in his train cars out of business. wouldn't you? >> the government itself estimates it is $3 billion to make these because there's, you know, you know how many cars these are, and they're increasing the thickness of the steel on the cars providing an
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interior thermal barrier. but you know this takes a lot of retrofitting. pipeline would be easy. >> it would indeed. all right jeff you're there all day. this network will be back with you later. jeff flock everybody. thanks so much jeff. this is what almost everybody is talking about today like it or not, the nfl which says, patriots quarterback tom brady was generally aware of deflated footballs in january's afc championship gaming. tom brady agent don made this a statement called this a witchhunt here's the report. reports emission of line of inquiry suggest investigations reached a conclusion first and then determined so-called facts later. joins us now from las vegas fox sports, nfl insider, pete slager here's any first question and your answer will tell me a lot a about what you think about this subject. will tom brady beyonds and be on the playing field?
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>> i do not think he will be. i honestly think the nfl will suspend him for at least one game and patriots play the first game of the season, a thursday night affair with ben roethlisberger and steeles usually a great celebration of the championship team and spent a lot of timing on this investigation and what they got incriminates brady based on what has been sent with falcon and browns and new orleans saints i can't see how they can explain to america this isn't worth at least one game for someone whose hands are dirty right now. >> hold on a second look, i'm not a football guy. everybody knows that. but i watch games and i see quarterback choose the ball that they want. and locker room guys present those balls and quarterback picks them. what did brady do that is different from what everybody else has done? >> yeah team has been pretty much exonerated right so bill
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belichick and robert kraft they're in the okay. but brady looks like in its lying and cheating not so much the competitive advantage might happen every day. it is that they were asking him and he wasn't upfront about it and denied it and came back in text messages he's been actively trying to circumvent the rules. >> saying no big deal they were going to win the games anyway. but america will not stand for that and they want from the football field but to las vegas where there's a lot of money being wagered i think brady is in trouble here. not going extreme by that take. >> do you think that this part of this story is the general dislike hatred, and jealousy of the patriots and a tom brady because i don't know anything about football but i can pick up on that hostility from people around me in the studio and in the control room behind me. they hate the patriots.
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and they're bug on this story. let's say you? >> stuart you know how it is when you're the best people come at you. when you're they come at you, stuart. a reign over the years four championships since brady has been taken over at as the quarterback several other super bowls lost twice to the giants on the big stage. they're the ones that everybody is coming after. so trying to circumvent the rules and tote the line legal or illegal. i think at this point, with they've been caught. they've been caught of actually doing something that is against the rules. people want justice. now if this happened to say the jacksonville jaguars yes stuart that is a team. they might say who cares this team is very good. but on the big stage with tom brady all a american quarterback i think they have to come down on these guy. >> cleveland browns play these day? >> cleveland browns are a team in cleveland, ohio, i think
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you're going to enjoy watching them this season. >> sarcasm you may or may not be become on this program. thanks tin deed. >> appreciate it indeed. >> using government credit cards to pay for escort other adult activities. will they be held accountable?
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new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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>> by the way, dow industrial is showing a nice gain now up 115 points and not doing badly either. they've made a lot of money and they have a new ceo stock is up 6% that is a big bounce. yahoo! owns a piece of alibaba about 15% of oustanding stock, obviously that is why they are up nearly 5%. now this a defense department already has reported significant numbers of pentagon employees use their government credit cards to gamble. and pay for adults entertainment here's blake with more on the story. blake. >> hi there stuart, credit card swiped at casino and a, quote, adults entertainment
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establishments and we have numbers they were given to fox by a defense official. over the course of a year that ended in june of 2014 over 950,000 dollars, was charged on a government credit card by the defense department employees at casinos, there were more than 4400 traction transactions now at those adult entertain. establishments over o 900 charmings carried up to more than 96,000. and important to point out that defense official says use of a government credit card doesn't necessarily mean that taxpayers ended up paying for that behavior. a pentagon report looking into the matter stuart is due out later this month. >> looks bad doesn't it? all right blake. >> charles payne is here with a comment on that. >> but imagine, though, the gumption that you have to use it in the first place in the kind of settings say my supervisor don't care to use this credit
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card any way i want without any shame, and it shows about their responsibility of these major -- >> but you cannot fire them. >> a level of a higher level degree of pride there i think. i don't know what is happening to it. but we see stories whether it is pentagon secret service, across the board. >> irs. >> yeah. thousands of tax cheats within the irs. >> within u.s. some were promoting. >>ing so flag still were not pursueded rather. >> thank you charles. >> you've got it. president obama's war on coal report says if that war is successful, it could ruin, that is the word she uses ruin our economy. full story after this. and forget that liberal arts degree, if you want to make serious money study engining we have the top college earnings that is next too.
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>> well, look at this. the dow industrial is now up 118 points. can jump in the last half hour, 17961. afraid to sagas lean keeps going up 265 ample price and by the way regular gas is gone up four 23 straight days cheapest gas in
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the land cost $189 a gallon and exxon station in jarrett virginia. we talk about president obama's war on coal all of the time on this program and next guest says that the u.s. will pay dearly for anti-carbon crusade here's liz pique who joins us now in new york city. welcome to the program. >> thank you for having me. >> premise of your story is you want to hurt china you raise workers if you want to hurt america you raise energy in america. it is one of the great competitive advantages right now. >> that energy costs here are extremely low, and what president obama anti-coal regulations is raise cost of power. the reason i wrote this is because i'm reminded of this reality over and over again and once again recently when i heard investors out at the milken conference in california talking about how renewables are not simply economic.
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this is a message that we need -- we need people to understand that there is no free lunch. you cannot replace very cheap coal with renewable power in this country without seeing energy prices, electricity prices in particular go sky high. as they've done in europe. >> but you save the planet. and you leave the rest of the planet towards the promise land of renewable energy. i mean, you could make that argument and they do. >> that is the argument. but, in fact carbon emissions in the united states are down 10% over last decade because we're replacing the coal, free market is replacing coal with cheaper natural gas but now to start basically taking coal plans off the grid we're going to put our electricity security in jeopardy and eventually we're going to have less benefit from chemogas prices, cheap last winter for example, we had higher electricity prices, even
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though natural gas prices were down 42% that is not going to continue. this is really something that americans need to be educated about. >> haven't we done a big cost basis analysis cost as you know the cost and benefit analysis is what we're going to say. haven't we done that with mass five change to energy prices i want to know what benefit we get from that. do we know? >> we do not know and some of the presumed benefits have to do things like health. the epa weighs in and says oh you know we're going to keep kiss from getting asthma. there's, i mean, i've done a far amount of reading on this. there's no link between our energy sources and asthma. >> afford it certain assumption on death and how much those were cause. death in the obama administration is cost a lot of more than in the administration a whole different story and they do this on and on that is how you get the tally. candidate obama said it he
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warned us and promised it must necessarily go higher. although germany almost went up years ago. >> that is the other thing i talk about is -- what is beginning on in germany because that is really good example of a country that is really embraced renewables at the expense of oval consumer households who were paying much more for power than we are four times electricity cost that americans pay, but amazingly what they're doing is backing out nuclear power. they're backing out natural gas, they're increasing their import of coal and emissions are increasing as ours have declined. the whole thing is so -- mixed up and the thing is you need policymakers to look at as you sate cost benefit analysis. >> we don't want to be sitting here arguing about whether the earth is warming. or the climate is changing, we don't really want that argument. what we want is how are you going to reduce the carbon in the atmosphere in a rational
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easily affordable fashion is that the argument? >> that is exactly the argument, and americans need to know that it may cost jobs and may mean that they're not running air-conditioning in five years because it has too darned expensive, et cetera we're blessed with cheap energy and we don't even know it. >> when are we going to find out? >> not from this administration. that is for sure. >> i want to go back a little bit. you said milken conference, out there in california, and they were saying guys they know what they're talking about. that renewables are take it solar and wind and power, not economical. >> not economical without massive subsidies. >> exactly head of one of the countries's biggist private equity firm when you invest and also interestingly his comment was its noise which a hedge fund guide mean it is not going to move the needle and not really impacting either our long-term energy security or really the price of oil and gas.
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>> liz we like your stuff and live from the political times. big fan . >> i like that thank you. your work is fantastic. come back. thank you very much. >> thanks very much. attention college students which majors will earn you the most money and which will earn you the last? this study from georgetown university top three moneymakers and -- guarantee you. architectural engineering the fact that we have top ten paying jobs out of school, computer statistics, business health physical sciences and then get to the bottom of of the list education. the top ones yeah architecture and numbering. that is big. note that i guess in the last couple of years 160,000 foreigners graduated from our universities with these degrees. [inaudible] >> problem with anyone actually taking advantage of it. but i'm worried why we don't
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have enough kids who are qualified coming out of high school to pursue that. it is a real red flag. >> bottom of the tree. our history has to be in there. art number three on the bottom of the list just a little bit more than a high school graduate but fulfilling very fulfilling particular article there's a woman who said she want to go into community service and she expects to make $40,000 a year but it is her calling she's not lucrative but what she sees herself doing. >> i don't look down on that. i don't -- >> this is what i do look down shears 21. at 25 voting for policies that make taxpayers pay her student loans or punish over people because she's making $40 grand and they're making 100 this is the problem i have. he's chosen this path but don't punish engineering grad because it is paying a lot more money with the other. that is the problem we make decisions and then there's no accountability and waste it on
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the rest of society. >> do you want to do any cost benefit analysis? >> i've written on this topic and truth is in mosts a protect of society you lend money to people assume there's reward for doing so, right? the problem with student loan debt same amount of money to a person who wants to be a poet to a chemical engineering and a has 100 million coming out of school. there's no analysis ever -- student loans. >> because the federal government -- >> but really. >> they think that we should loan money to students according to their expectations of income after graduation? now liz? >> no, i don't. i don't but truth is there's no oversight of the legending done to students of any kind at this point. the government has taken this all in. even in terms of processing loans, so forth they're not very good at it. we know that. i mean, i totally agree. but shouldn't there be some rational basis for what is now a
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1.2 trillion student debt oustanding that is not insignificant amount of money. was you have to come back on this program. you're add aing one thing after another. >> creating total nice here. >> we look this. >> liz peek and ray stevens up next. a musician making fun of president obama, i have to ask him, why is country music so conservative? listen to it for a second. ♪ let the government does, it workses with him and i work for us ♪ ♪ soy forgot and swallowed my pride ♪ ♪
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>> i'm nicole with your fox obeys brief we crossed through session highs, in fact dow is up about 128 points right now at 17970. s&p 500 up 12, and the nasdaq composite up 36. we dropped al be baa come off recent lows and jump todays on big news that quarterly revenue beat expectations and newly named ceo daniel will be coming in effected sunday and sat down with our very own jo ling kent and gave his process of competing with amazon here in the u.s.
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market we're still learning a curve and we have to learn more to understand the customers in the u.s. market, understand the environment in the u.s. market. >> that was daniel zhang with our jo ling kent. thing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate
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got it, now stock is down a little bit. the charles faine afore mentioned here with a big fan of the elin musk and i'm going to ask him should i be buying stock at 228? >> i'm not in the stock right now. i've been wanting to buy it on a dip that goes down a day or two and rockets back up. >> you would buy shares in a company that exist entirely on me the taxpayer. : hate to say it, but yes. i know to a certain degree hypocritical but i've been following stock since it was 30. and up to 300. i've played three or four times, a huge moneymaker. i love elin musk. and here's getting things done that our government never could get done. spacex this train will be take you from new york to california in like 30 minutes this kind of stuff. >> it will never happen. when a guy like this you're a taxpayer money -- it will happen. [laughter] and your tax breaks, it is happen. >> but what about why the stock is down the other day.
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not because they lost a lot less than they thought they would. but burning through so much cash and scratching its head like you can't keep spending $600 million every three month use don't have that much. >> taxpayer will give it -- >> that is asterisk next to the miracle . >> you're wrong on the guy i think he's a visionary, also a pt bomb -- trying to have that kind of -- [inaudible] >> you know, he was a showman. this guy, with i mean you can get tesla and drive from point a to point b, he has something of a track report. >> 100,000 for a car when gasoline has been cut in half price. >> you know what people like he could afford it. [laughter] >> i see i see. >> a couple of times. charles thank you very much. all right everybody, listen to this please. ♪ ♪ >> run health care, and control our take-home pay ♪
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♪ wages are increasing our debt ♪ we haven't even seen of start of it yet ♪ ♪ our grandkids will be paying till their dying day ♪ ♪ for this obama nation ♪ ♪ obama nation ♪ ♪ that is what we got ♪ ♪ >> i do kind of like that that was two time grammy winning countries star ray stevens he played with elvis now making a name for himself with songs of our president obama. joining us himself ray stevens from nashville tennessee, a pleasure to have you on the show. >> my pleasure stuart thank you. >> anxious this question for me please why is country music conservative? >> i'm not sure i know but i suspect that people in country music are a little a more in touch with reality because they do come from more of the heartland of america. >> are you -- you're selling well.
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there's a sterical song about barack obama and you're in opposition to it selling well. can you give me any numbers? >> we will i don't think anybody is selling anything these days. i mean music business is -- on life support. you can say at this point because was internet. the interpret is enabled people to download anything they want for free, and if you don't sell something you don't make much money and, of course only people that i think are making money are the folks doing live show and selling tickets. and -- you know, just the way it is. >> always conservative? >> yes yes. because it is the only thing that makes any sense to me. i -- i'm the a musician, and music is math, and two and two is still four. i don't care what the liberals say, it is still four. >> tell me about forthcoming
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election. who are you for? >> there are a bunch of good candidates out there. i've always a liked mike huckabee and there are so many good candidates on the republican roster and it is really too early to make any statements about it at this point. >> now you have a book out. i believe it is called ray stevens nashville. is this about you and your career in music or is it a political book what is it all about? >> it is nots a political book but it is about my career, in music and in nashville talks about nashville then and now and i, you know, it lets folks in on the behind the scenes things. that have happened down through the years. i moved here from atlanta in 1962, and so i've lived here longer than any other place in my life and this is my heart's hometown nashville, tennessee. >> i've been there, many times
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actually. i've been in america 40 years, and i was in nashville 40 yelrs ago, i was there last year as well. and boy, has it changed. >> wow. >> incredible. >> absolutely. it is hard to get around a two-edged sword same for the economy. at the same time you have to fight the traffic jams, and all of the construction. >> you know i'm going to be 67 soon, and a i believe that tennessee is the retirement capitol of america. watch ray stevens you might have a neighbor down there if you're not careful. >> we would love to have you thanks so much for being on the show today. we love your music and like the book too. thank you. thank you. >> breaking news here we go . the winner of the prophet muhammad cartoon contest, sents out this tweet sent it out moments ago, guys signal is bosch, he says he has been
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removed from facebook. no reason given. we're following this one obviously, very important story. we'll bring you details as they emerge strange inheritance on this network. we have owner of this gator farm. >> as alan discovers, wrangling 600 ten foot carnivores is not without a finger. a crocodile bit it off? >> that is a day at the office? that day it was. ♪ ♪ you can call me shallow... but, i have a wandering eye. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment.
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real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro.
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call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. >> patty register and her two siblings inherited a road side attraction alligator farm called gatorama after their mother passed away. patty is on this week's episode of strange inheritance and joins us now from florida. patty one of the most unusual. you have one with you. i didn't realize that. that is a mall one, a baby? >> yes, sir it is hey there, mr. vaughn isny. >> if i feel, was it a surprise when you inherited gator you must have known it was coming at you. >> it was a hope. >> a hope?
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>> yeah we hoped to be able to work out the deal. we did inherit the breeding stock. but there was a lot more to workout. >> okay how do you like your inheritance you look very comfortable with a baby alligator right there. are you doing okay? >> we are, we love what we do. >> so wait a second i want to get the economics of this rite. it is a road side attraction. so i'm driving along down the highway and i see gatorama apull over. how much do i pay to get in? >> well, if you're an adult it is $14.95 and little kids are $6.95. >> what do i get for that i tour the alligator farm and touch baby all a alligators. >> you get see the largest collection anywhere. a lot of florida history and we have a small road side zoo with panther bobcats and birds and
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florida wildlife. >> little baby alligator that you're holding her name or his or -- not sure which, the name is jamie is that correct? >> that is right. this is the one that jamie hatched out when she was on our farm. >> angry got his mouth wide open there. oh, no -- [laughter] >> we played a clip a few moments ago where -- i think it is maybe your brother or a relative. his finger -- >> my hubby. >> had his finger bitten off by a crocodile every day at the office kind of thing? >> we hope is tonight but it does happen you know we do get bites every now and then. very airy, though, if we're doing our job right. >> just keep your distance we don't want you getting bitten live on tv. you'll be on tonight on strange inheritance huge hit show. thanks so much for being with us.
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you and jamie right there strange inheritance sharp teeth week. tonight, 9:00 eastern, this network be there. more varney in a moment.
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>> here is a man who lent his credibility and success to administration and tax policies that are crushing small businesses, nowhere near the size and scope that businesses are making a day what he makes in a minute. now they have to pay higher taxes because he lended credibility to the notion that now they were ripping off the american public. stuart: there is charles payne. >> making a year what he makes in a minute, but i'm glad warren buffett is called out a little bit. i love success, play it out. don't be-- it's the american dream. stuart: you're the last in the
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generation. get into politics why do you do that. >> i'm confused. stuart: so am i. we'll however, unconfuse ourselves. >> a lot of fun. stuart: my time is up and here is lori rothman. >> millions of americans phone records are not authorized by the patriot act so a judge ruled and we'll take you behind the ruling and what it means for the obama administration. meanwhile, in the u.k. the elections are underway as party leaders cast their votes. doubling down on four square. ceo and founder dennis crowley talks about strategy recruitment and the chances of acquisition. all righty just four hours left until the polls close in the u.k. general election. the votes will determine how many seats each political party has won in the house commonsment if either of the conservative or labor party has more than half of the 650 seats they can form a government, but that's not likely this time around and fox news's greg palkot i


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