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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 9, 2015 10:00am-11:01am EDT

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hello, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. racial issues and some pandering driving national politics over this week. our new attorney general loretta lynch traveled to baltimore. there she met with the family of freddie gray the man who was fatally injured while in police custody and who became the rallying cry for riots that shut down much of the city for days. the attorney general's visit coincided with the president's appearance monday evening on late night television, at which he told david letterman and his audience that race explains all that happened in baltimore. we take that up here tonight. the president's contradiction of his own call for truth just last week.
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and presidential hopefuls of both political parties this week on the campaign trail. the enthusiastically pandered to hispanic voters the occasion of cinco de mayo in particular. former florida governor jeb bush putting out self-promoting video. nothing unusual for a political candidate but his video was in spanish and not to be left out, hillary clinton calling for a full on path way to full on american citizenship for all illegal immigrants. we take all this up with fox news political editor chris stirewald. former president clinton defending donations to his family's charitable foundation, saying they never did anything as he put it quote, knowingly inappropriate. we'll be parsing those key words in mr. clinton's statements and we analyze the ever widening clinton scandal. former white house chief of staff john sununu. we begin with a new presidential
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narrative, one that seeks to incorporate a week of demonstrations and riots in baltimore and to project the causes of that civil unrest in baltimore as merely part of what mr. obama seeks to describe as a larger, more profound national racial divide. president obama using an appearance on the late show with david letterman to address racism in america. >> we don't have to sort of accuse everybody of racism today to acknowledge that that's part of our past and if we want to get past that then we've got to make a little bit of an extra effort. and i thisnk the vast majority of americans are willing to do that. a residual factor but also a buildup of our history, and we can't ignore that. look, if you had slavery, jim crow, discrimination that built up over time even if our society has made extraordinary
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strides, then i'm a testament to that. >> well, he was a testament when he was elected. he was when he took office. but mr. obama it seems to me has actually worsened, not improved, race relations at times it seems as though that is his goal. here is the latest on the issue from a "new york times"/cbs poll. 61% of americans now say race relations in this country are generally bad. that number up sharply from 44% after the fatal police shooting of michael brown and the unrest that followed in ferguson, missouri last august. and certainly more dramatically 61% who believe race relations today are bad it's a complete reversal of the two-thirds of americans who said race relations were generally good just three months after mr. obama took office in 2009. joining us now, the fox news digital politics editor and the five cohosts columnist for the
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hill, juan williams. gentlemen, good to have you with us. the president on race again using it as exploitation of racial issues or is he dealing with what he called for five days ago the truth? >> i think he's speaking the truth. i think that what he's saying is -- and by the way you can see this in the polling is that most americans agree that much of the rioting that took place in baltimore was the result of people who are using freddie gray's death as an excuse to participate in looting and get away with it. they don't connect it directly to freddie gray except as a veil. >> and that implies what? racism? >> no. what it implies is you have people and i think these were mostly kids coming out of high school in that west broken families, bad schools, lack of opportunity and we're delighted to have sort of a free take at getting their
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hands into a store. >> it's worth noting, is it not, that 200 of those folks who were arrested were adults. >> yeah, because i think the gangs and others then joined in to the fracas. >> those darned high school kids. >> you were never one. >> not that i can recall vividly. chris, did the president speak the truth he called for or was he using simply an artifice behind which he hid? >> there is such a thing and politicians love to do it which is to paint an incomplete picture and cause people to reach the incorrect answer. i think in this case, the president did that and letterman pulled him into it. he was fishing. but let's face it yes, slavery is sort of the original sin of this republic. that is true. but when we look across the spectrum, where are the poorest people in america? they're in the country. they live out in the sticks.
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they don't live in baltimore. why are they poor out there? what does it have to do well, indian reservations, that's a big part of it. what about appalachia? why are the poorest counties in the south? there are a million reasons for the million kinds of socioeconomic problems we have in this country. slavery is part of it jim crow is part of it but so are a lot of other factors. those factors don't matter nearly as much as solutions. >> correct. and the president nor anyone in his administration since 2009 has proffered many solutions. a great deal of money has been spent but not many solutions. you know, to the point that this president, an african-american president, would be talking about race when he ignored apparently advisedly the fact that the entire the entire city government of baltimore is african-american. they run the city council. the president of the city council is african-american. the mayor, the police commissioner. you go through the line. if that was about race and
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racism, explain it to this audience because i cannot for the life of me understand how this is an analog for anything he would talk about in jim crow or slavery and by the way, chris, you talked about an original sin of this republic. i think we have to be clear. it may be an original sin of part of those who made up this republic but the fact is more than 300,000 americans gave their lives in the civil war to rid us of slavery and i think as you would suggest, that might be an incomplete narrative to leave out their great sacrifice for others. >> hear, hear. absolution, atonement is always available. >> bless your heart. >> but there is this. i think this is tremendously significant. when we talk about why baltimore doesn't work it's not about what color the skin of the individuals in the city or running the city is. the problem is corruption. in america we used to understand
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big city corruption and what happened when machine politics ran cities into the ground. we understood corrupt government, and if we put everything through the prism of race we will not address the real problem. >> i agree -- >> chris seems to be making a bit of a case for baltimore's leadership is new to complete control of the city where chicago and new york are more practiced and therefore more clever in their corruption. >> i don't think chris is making that case, lou. >> i have to correct my brother. i think that really, your point is that black leadership and black liberal or democratic leadership for generations now has failed in terms of delivering to this very needy population in west baltimore. i would say fair. i would also say that given the nature of this program and its focus so often on economic issues, that when you talk about
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structural issues like jobs being outsourced and the like, if you are a blue collar worker in america, black, white, hispanic, i don't care, you are at something of a disadvantage in this economy and i think that it has especially if you are uneducated come from a bad family background surrounded by chaos and dysfunction in your community i think you are at a great disadvantage. >> i would like to ask you both this. i think it is about family structure, it is about the stability of the family the environment whether it is public safety or the warmth, the comfort and necessities of life in one's home. we do not hear liberals, the left in this country talking programaticcally about building the family, supporting the family. chris, i would like to turn to you first for why it is that those clear solutions that you addressed at the outset aren't even discussed by the left. >> to paraphrase john adams,
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this is a republic designed for a virtuous people. if the people aren't virtuous they will lose their liberty. you can't have the liberties we do if you're not self-regulated. i hate to say it but there probably isn't a governmental solution. there are things that a government can do that will facilitate, that will create a fertile space in which strong families can prosper but one of the reasons, we have a party in this country that's the government party and we have a party that's the anti-government party. part of the reason the government party struggles to address this question is that there isn't really a government-based solution. >> i think they make excuses. i think the democrats generally prefer to point the finger at whites and say don't forget slavery, don't forget legal segregation, don't forget that we have higher unemployment, higher rates of poverty and the like. but you know the statistics are damning here. i say this with great personal pain. i'm black. that you look at it now 70% of
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black children in this country are born to single mothers. it's about 60% for the hispanic and about a third of the whites. clearly it's a problem across the board but it's a specifically dire situation in the black community. i think lots of liberal or democratic leadership is reluctant to say this is the problem because just like when patrick moynihan said in his famous report, this is going to lead to chaos and dysfunction and was called a racist, if you recall back then. >> the benign neglect reference. >> now, when he said that that's not true, how can you say that about black people we love families. but look at what's become of that family. so i'm not sitting here to say to you, mr. dobbs, oh, there aren't other issues at play. it's not the case that you don't have in some cases brutal cops. but you know what, i would take care of my family first. >> great to see you. chris, good to see you. thank you, gentlemen. coming up a terrorist
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attack thwarted in texas. the senate working to review any deal with a leading state sponsor of terrorism. senator john barrasso our special guest.
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the senate could vote as early as this week on
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legislation targeting the iranian nuclear deal. joining us now, senator john barrasso, a member of several committees including energy, natural resources, environment and foreign relations. he's also the republican policy committee chairman. senator, if you will, tell us about your amendment that would require the president to certify that iran is not supporting terrorism against the united states. >> well i think we should force the president to certify that there is no terrorism because we know that iran basically is a country that supports terrorism. we've seen it with hamas, we have seen it with hezbollah now we see it with the houthis. but the president doesn't want to do that. i think the most important thing is that the american people get the chance to see whatever deal the president comes up with with iran, that it should come to the congress of the united states before it goes to the security council of the united nations. my big concern is the president
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is so eager for any deal that he is going to accept a bad deal. >> you know senator what you say makes great sense and i think reflects the will of the american people, according to every poll every survey certainly i've seen. but the reality is this is a president who is charging ahead. the president seems to have no trouble, if you will, in inserting his view and it would be no more than that, it seems to me that iran isn't sponsoring terrorism. at what point -- we know that iran is the world's greatest state sponsor of terrorism right now. we know that a third of our casualties in iraq were the result of iran's effort to kill and to wound our men in action and women. why is there not just simply a statement on the part of the republican-led senate and congress to say this is a fool's errand to even go about this
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negotiation with a nation that sponsors terrorism, that demands the extinction of israel? >> i think that the president actually would like to veto any legislation that we put forth saying that he must come to congress, but the president has backed down because we have bipartisan support to making the president come to congress. but let's face it, lou, this is all about the money, the relief of sanctions is huge amounts of money, tens if not over $100 billion to iran and i'm concerned they are going to use this for terrorism. you and i know they are not going to use this to build roads or hospitals or schools. they are going to use it for additional terrorist activity. the problem with this president is i think his judgment is so poor in foreign relations we've seen it with his red line in syria, we have seen it with the reset button with russia and his desire, and he did to pull all the troops out of iraq which set
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up an opportunity for isis to take hold. that's why i just don't trust this president's judgment and now he's playing what seems to be a schizophrenic game with iran where we are flying bombing missions, air support over iraq but the iranian army is on the ground and at the same time we are dealing with yemen and the straits of hormuz on the other side of iran. i just think the president has to be held accountable. >> i think that phrase is the perfect phrase and really underlines your constitutional responsibility in the senate. and that is to provide advice and consent on any agreement by the united states government carried out by this president, negotiated by this president, yet he's giving every indication that he is going to ignore the senate if it displeases him it's a whimsical demeanor that he has adopted here toward the
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congress, the senate. what recourse, how can you hold him accountable, what recourse have you? >> i think the american people realize that iran with a nuclear weapon makes the world less safe less stable and less secure and we want to expose what is actually in the agreement and why that exposes the american public to this additional risk of iran with a nuclear weapon. and we know we're going to have a nuclear arms race because saudi arabia and turkey, egypt the emirates will all want a nuclear weapon if iran develops a nuclear weapon. remember, the president two years ago promised that the goal of negotiations was to stop, to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and now he's changed his tune and now it's just managing a nuclear-armed iran. >> senator good to have you with us. we thank you very much. always good to see you. senator john barrasso. nasa unveiled a new high
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tech drone they are calling greased lightning. this is a ten engine battery powered drone that combines, as you see, the attributes of a helicopter and conventional aircraft that looks like ten engines worth of osprey in a tiny package. it can toggle in midair between hovering and flying with the flick of a switch. the drone has a ten foot wingspan. it is said to be quieter than the average lawn mower. or as noisy as the average lawn mower depending on how you look at it. up next, president obama trying to change the conversation from anything but the truth. that he said he wanted about baltimore. tonight he gets his wish. my commentary coming up. life begins with a howl, we scream shout, shriek with joy.
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until, inhibition creeps in our world gets smaller quieter, but life should be loud. sing loud, play loud, love loud. dentures shouldn't keep you quiet, life should be ringing in your ears. live loud, polident.
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a few thoughts now on racial politics. the politics of racial exploitation. president obama sat down with david letterman last night. letterman asked the president what role racism played in the baltimore riots.
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>> a residual factor but also a buildup of our history and we can't ignore that. look, if you have slavery, jim crow, discrimination that built up over time, what you have are pockets of poverty, lack of opportunity lack of education. all across this country. and too often we ignore those pockets until something happens. >> but the president's answer was devoid of facts, devoid as you probably noticed of any specificity and all together more than a little facile. what the president didn't say is that the city of baltimore hasn't been ignored at all by washington. the federal government has, in fact, shipped baltimore more than $2.5 billion in federal grants over just the past ten years. baltimore ranks 15th in terms of federal funds for education
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receiving nearly $280 million a year according to the most recent data. disproportionately larger funding than baltimore's ranking by student population. it's only 35th largest in the country. 35th in the number of students and 15th in the amount of federal money for education. not ignored at all. the federal government isn't ignoring baltimore at all, is it, mr. president? only new york city the largest city in the country, spends more on education. the educational expenditure per student in baltimore is the second highest in the country at more than $15,000 per student. yet not even 20% of baltimore's eighth graders score at or above grade level proficiency in either math or reading. the dropout rate in baltimore is simply stunning, 31% of its high school students drop out, and
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that rate may be a conservative estimate. as for baltimore's economy well if it weren't for government redistribution and extraordinarily generous federal taxpayers all over the country the city of baltimore wouldn't have an economy. one in five jobs in baltimore is a government job whether federal or state or local government, and while that number may surprise you, it's only 30% higher than the nationwide average for government jobs. 15% of all jobs in the country are government jobs. and more than half of all the jobs in baltimore are in three areas, education, health services and government. that doesn't leave much room for a private sector, does it? and it doesn't exactly incentivize entrepreneurs and small business to move to baltimore. they typically are the job creators in our economy. the unemployment rate in baltimore, more than 8% versus
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just 3% in 1970. and nearly a quarter of baltimore's population lives below the poverty level. president obama didn't mention any of that reality to david letterman did he? nor has he or anyone in his administration acknowledged baltimore's tragic and sad reality to the american people. it was only five days ago that president obama actually called for the truth in baltimore. >> what i think the people of baltimore want more than anything else is the truth. that's what people around the country expect. >> but that's not what mr. obama has delivered, is it. it is too easy, it is too convenient for this president and the leaders of baltimore to blame racism to argue they have been ignored as president obama argued on letterman until something happens. the real surprise would be if mr. obama acknowledged that the city of baltimore has been run
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by democrats for a half century that the liberal left wing policies of this administration and far too many congresses over the decades have been part of the cause of baltimore's despair. if mr. obama were to acknowledge that the entire power structure of baltimore is not white but african-american, an african-american mayor african-american city council president, police commissioner and the list goes on. there are lots of causes for the failure of baltimore to serve its citizens but racism is nowhere near the top of that sad list. for our president to take no responsibility for the broad failure of african-american leadership in baltimore is simply gut-wrenchingly disappointing. for the president of the united states to resort once again to the politics of racial exploitation is utterly damnable because it again victimizes the people of baltimore who suffered
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far too much, far too long in that city's corruption. the racial politics of the left have become nothing more than transparent rationalization of failure. neither the leaders of the city of baltimore nor our president can hide from their responsibility for the decades-long devastation of what was once one of this country's great cities. that, mr. president, is the truth that you said you wanted. our quotation of the evening. i should say, quotations of the evening. on socialism. by two british leaders who lived with it and fought against it. first the great winston churchill who said socialism is a philosophy of failure. the creed of ignorance and the gospel of ending. its inherent virtue of the equal sharing of misery. and the only woman british prime minister margaret thatcher who said the problem with socialism
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is that you eventually run out of other people's money. we are coming right back. coming up here tonight, the ayatollah says a nuclear deal may not happen. and u.s. allies in the region make demands before they agree to anything.
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the pentagon has announced an end to the navy's mission to protect u.s. and british flagged cargo ships in the persian gulf. the u.s. navy started escorting those merchant vessels just a week ago after a marshall islands flag container ship was seized by iranian patrol boats in the strait of hormuz. the pentagon says their mission has ended because there have been no issues with american or british flagged ships since. the iranian foreign minister today announced the tigress will likely be released in two days after an undisclosed fine is paid. that development coming just hours after iran's supreme leader threatened to walk away from nuclear talks with the u.s. and world powers in a speech in tehran the ayatollah khomeini accused american officials of threatening a military attack
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against iran something he warned could, could end any possibility of a nuclear agreement. khomeini gave no details about the alleged threat of military force or who made those threats. joining us to discuss these latest provocations in the middle east, former army vice chief of staff, fox news military analyst, general jack keene. good to have you with us. what do you make of the ayatollah threatening to walk away from talks and stamping his foot a bit and claiming he's been threatened by military force? >> well he's grandstanding again. look the ayatollah wants a nuclear program and he wants removal of the sanctions. we are going to leave his entire nuclear infrastructure in place, we are going to leave his r & d program in place and we are likely going to remove most of those sanctions when that deal is cut. so he is well on his way for what he wants and every time he raises his voice and grandstands
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and wants some kind of capitulation, by and large he gets it. this is just to remind the obama administration that he's still out there. the other thing on the ship business, they made their point. this was a quid pro quo for what was happening in the gulf of aden when we moved our carrier battle group in there and they had to turn back. they are going to release the ship because they have accomplished what they wanted. they wanted everybody to know they can affect the straits of hormuz, that they have the power to do it and we are still here. >> prefatory to any agreement if the ayatollah can bear to stay at the negotiating table and take any more gifts from the obama administration our arab partners are now asking for greater military support, greater military equipment, including the f-18 super hornets, kuwait to get 28 of
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them. obviously there are a series of orders in now one would expect from the emirates from saudi arabia from the other states, qatar, jordan, egypt for these sophisticated fighters and technology. what do you make of this and is this -- does this basically suggest that we are going to see a done deal here very quickly? >> what they should be doing at that meeting is putting their cards on the table in terms of what a nuclear iran truly means to the region and why, why this deal is a pathway to their nuclearization talking about iran as opposed to going in there with a shopping list of things that they need to upgrade mayor their military which means they will capitulate with the administration on a deal. that's outrageous after all of what they have been talking about, everybody that's ever visited there, how dangerous
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this pathway that the united states has chosen with our allies to leave iran with a nuclear threshold capability. it seems on the surface of it that this capitulation by the gulf states. >> capitulation by the gulf states and yet it leaves israel in the most dangerous position one could possibly imagine. that is with a nuclear iran. can israel, irrespective of the negotiations, irrespective of the interest of the arab states can it tolerate the threat of absolute nuclear annihilation? >> well, i don't see how they can. and certainly the prime minister has said this from the outset. and clearly, we are going to come down to that reality because that's the path that we are truly on. look, the ayatollah when he hears senator ash carter, secretary of defense say that the military option is on the
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table, he knows, the ayatollah knows full well that it's not. it hasn't been on the table for years. they know that and everybody that's around this administration knows that and so do our allies know it. so it will come down to israel and shame on us that it would come to that. >> if i may, shame on president obama and his administration. i'm going to reserve shame for the rest of us pending the outcome. general, thanks so much for being with us here, as always. general jack keene. >> good talking to you. up next here, president clinton breaking his silence on his foundation's donor scandal. a denial reminiscent of, well previous scandals. we'll say it that way as we take that up and more with former white house chief of staff john sununu. he's next.
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joining us now, former white house chief of staff under president george h.w. bush, the former governor of new hampshire as well, john sununu. great to have you with us. >> evening, lou. how are you? >> i'm great. i have to say former president bill clinton seems to be in fine, fine fellow. i would like to quote his
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defense of his donation straight out of the clinton lexicon, if you will. he said quote there is no doubt in my mind that we have never done anything quote, knowingly inappropriate in terms of taking money to influence any kind of american government policy. i love that expression, knowingly inappropriate. your thoughts? >> it's a very clintonian expression. what you have to know is what the clinton definition of "knowingly" is. >> i think inappropriate, too, might be tested as well. is it your sense that he and hillary and chelsea because she's part of the foundation, that they're going to survive a foundation that puts only 10% of the money raised toward the actual causes that they are trying to donate to? >> well, you know the problem they have is the other 90%.
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the question is what did that billion plus buy over the last few years and what were they doing, were they preparing for a campaign, was it really a political action effort in hiding? i think they're going to have to start answering questions from their donors as to what they did with the 90%. >> let's turn, if we may to the republican field. tomorrow, mike huckabee governor huckabee is to announce. today we heard from carly fiorina, dr. ben carson, that they are in and running for the republican nomination. this looks like a field that's going to expand substantially from here. you think that's a good thing for the party? >> well, i think it's a good thing that there's such diversity in the party right now. i think each one of them brings a slice of the party back to co coherence.
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carly is a smart lady she certainly knows how to speak directly to the issues. i think she will be a formidable voice for the republicans as they go in attack mode on hillary through the primary season. ben is admired by all of us who are conservatives. he's outspoken, he's direct, and he certainly will articulate the issues in a way that will attract republicans with some energy back into the game. i think it's good that the republicans have a wide, deep and strong field. >> are you excited about the possibility that governor, former governor jeb bush could be meeting former secretary of state hillary clinton as two dynasties would collide, there would be a match-off on dna? does that thrill you or concern you? >> well, i think jeb's got a much better chance than hillary. i think hillary's going to find that the problems that we opened up with are going to be spoken about and attacked and addressed over the next few months. i think at some point the
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democrats are going to throw up their hands and say we can't really have such a tainted candidate. >> a tainted candidate and all the questions about their foundation. is it possible that clinton is getting hit too early in this campaign? is there time here for speaking forgiveness and seeking redemption and returning to the campaign trail with greater vigor? >> that might have some validity if this was all her problems. i've seen the fact that there's a book about a foot and a half high that's going to dribble out between now and when she decides to drop out. >> i want to turn if we may to what is happening right now with the iranian nuclear deal. we keep being told, the administration continues to tell us that they're close to a deal. the senate seems to be getting even more agitated, listening to senator john barrasso, they want serious, serious constraints on
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this president's if you will, latitude in negotiating any deal. how do you think that's going to go? >> i think the senate is getting more and more concerned hearing some rumors that the language is extremely soft in what they are putting together. i think the key individuals in deciding whether this thing gets slid through or not are some of the democratic senators particularly senator schumer who is the de facto leader of the senate in the democratic side right now. i think most of the senators are now beginning to pay attention to details and they are getting extremely concerned because they really don't like what they're seeing. they're seeing a president giving the store away. >> and the events in garland, texas two terrorists shot dead as they tried to descend on a free speech event, one in which it was a contest sponsored contest for cartoons depicting
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mohammad. were you surprised by it? or is this do you believe, a natural outgrowth of the jihadi movement? >> look, i think we should all be concerned about terrorism and freelancing terrorism, even if it's not connected to isis, although there are some indications that these folks were at least admirers of isis. >> good to have you with us. >> thank you lou. take care. up next the verdict is in. super bowl mvp tom brady well, the probability is, says the nfl investigators, that he's guilty. now probabilities? this is the way the nfl's doing it now? i think i smell the sweet scent of controversy. we will take that up next.
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joining me now, former miss new york usa, and andy levy, both cohosts on "red eye." it seems i just saw you both. delightful to have you here. >> thank you. >> let's start with bill clinton. it just seems the right thing to do. could we again remind the audience of this president's rather dismissive attitude, i think, of the whole thing alleging that the clinton foundation is a corrupt enterprise led by, well, less
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than attentive clintons. >> i just work here. i don't know. you know, there's one set of rules for politics in america and another set for real life. you just have to learn to deal with it. >> there it is. i thought he laid it out there pretty square. >> i used to say this all the time when i was waitressing and bartending when someone would complain about the menu or the prices i would just say i just work here but that's because my name wasn't on the menu or on the establishment. his name is on this foundation. so a serious question deserves a serious answer, not a brush-off like that. >> are you offended? >> look, this sums up the clintons perfectly. nothing is ever their fault. every ethical problem, every lapse in judgment every lie, they are all just explained away
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or shrugged off. i don't even blame them at this point because they get away with it every time so why wouldn't they do it. they know the rules -- he said there are two sets of rules. no, there are three sets of rules. the third set is for them. he knows that. and he knows nobody cares except us that he just said that. >> it is truly amazing how the national liberal media, i think a lot of the media it goes beyond that really just don't want an accounting. they don't want an accounting. they don't want to hold accountable the president. they don't want to hold accountable the clintons. they will hold accountable mitt romney and the cayman islands. >> if this had been the romney foundation he would have had to have pulled out of the race by now, had he been running for president. >> i don't think that's hyperbole at all. are you exactly right. so women held hostage by their boy friends. this is one of the most interesting stories. a woman actually used her boyfriend holding her and her children hostage, her boyfriend holding her at knifepoint she
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uses a pizza hut app trying to find the word app, not new to technology, not new to much tell you the truth used the app to call for help. >> yes. brilliant woman. although she took the time to add pepperoni to the order. every second is valuable in a hostage situation. while i do love the cured meat myself, i don't know if that was the best decision. >> there was something going on. >> i don't think we should shame her for that. she may have been forced to order the pepperoni. we don't know. let's not cured meat shame. look, huge props to the pizza hut employees who didn't treat this as a joke because you know, they could have easily just ignored this. i hope that they get a nice bonus out of this or maybe free trip to new york where they can try some real pizza. that would be really cool. >> i think it raises the question, does the hostage taker get some leniency because he permitted her her phone permitted her to order out.
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i thought that was awfully -- >> he gets a slice. >> maybe that little table that comes in the box. >> that would be good. deflategate. tom brady, he has been accused of the probability of being, well, in the know on the scandal. what do you think? >> look i hate the patriots, i hate tom brady, i hate bill belichick but i have a serious journalist, i have to be fair and balanced. i read the report and sadly i have to conclude the patriots should vacate their super bowl and the seahawks a team who i happen to like, should be declared the champions. i'm not happy about this but i got to be fair. >> you don't often encounter that kind of independent judgment and objectiveityobjectivity. >> i think it sets me apart. >> it's kind of sad if he was in on this, we have a bigger issue and that's his insecurity if he doesn't think he could have won the super bowl on his own. it is a lot of pressure but we need to build up that man's confidence again. >> you know, i think you have
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gone to again, the nub of the issue as it were. thank you very much. thanks for joining us tonight. good night from new york. [ dynamic music plays ] [ dynamic music continues ] [ dynamic music continues ] [ dynamic music continues ] [ dynamic mus


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