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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 12, 2015 11:00am-1:01pm EDT

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sales number to set is the tone for the month of april. we'll have it for you. i'll see you later on in the week time for varney & company stuart over to you. have a good show stew. >> thanks maria. interest rates speak stocks fall and then a complete turnaround good morning everyone down not too much 52 points all we've got. but rates spiked earlier and back down again. talk about whiplash what this market is doing to us all this morning. we're on it. tom brady intense debate is a four game suspension too harsh or too soft he's by the way appealing. and a bombshell from a former cia director tara threat in america for generations. and remember this? painted this in 1955 sold last night for $179 million most expensionive piece of art ever. varney & company is about to begin.
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>> well look at it now down well over 100 points and then down 20 points now we're down 49 points. with whiplash there. now look at interest rates. that is the key barometer, yield 2.26% now. couple of hours ago it was 2.34% that is a huge spike and then decline. scott was in chicago and he's going to tell us what is going on. scott couple of weeks ago that tenure treasury yielded 10.7% but now 2.26 why the spike? >> back to good friday that bad number on that day. market, cash markets were closed but future market tanked but by the time we came in on monday and closed monday afternoon everything was much higher than it was say on thursday before good friday, and i don't think that bodes well for the market but upset feds an now fed is now sitting there thinking, they've got a job to do against the
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bonged market. bond market is biggs bond market out there so we have to fight against the bond market and ting they're winning. they're ones bond market is pushing where it is. nothing but rhetoric from jenny. >> i couldn't understand is the spike of interest rates as a result of inflation outlook oring expectation of a more robust american economy? >> neither. we don't have inflation, we don't have a robust economy. we have a situation where the bond market is trying to take over but they think the feds should be doing. pushing around interest rates thinking that the feds should is raise but the feds not raising. so it is the bond market doing work that they think the feds should be doing for them. >> okay, now i understand. we'll talk about your diet in the next hour. thanks so much scott shelly. >> all right. to most people. >> a sharp rise in interest rates felt in the wallet in particular mortgage rates. right now the average on a 30
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year fixed rate is 3.89%. cheryl covers real estate for us. you tell me where are mortgage rates headed from here? >> begin to get pushed up we saw mortgage rates start to go up and seeing once again. we were a little bit higher last. but i have to stay looks like we're going to be on up tick. >> both above 4%. >> 40-year fix seeing jumbo loan above 4% already for a 30-year fix. jumbo loan you can imagine that for smaller size loan not far behind it seeing a rise in all of this absolutely. >> wrong timing because tough to get a loan in the first place and to afford monthly payments as well. >> interesting because you're talking about traders in the bond market but turning americans to maybe jump in every finance. i think what you're going to see when we look back at 2015 for interest rates for mortgages that march was the low for mortgage rates for 2015. i think that ship has sailed still it is a good time to
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refinance to be high for from here. >> call your broker. >> all right. [laughter] right. stay there for a second i have a big deal to tell you about verizon is buying aol do you remember them paying $50 a share. look aol is no longer dialup service of your father's day and content provider. huffing ton post hipster tech crunch that is what verizon's buying, content and advertising opportunities and paying big bucks for it. here's the headline of the morning with one of them. the nfl suspends patriots quarterback tom brady four games fines patriots a million bucks and they lose draft regular appeal. here's the debate is the penalty too harsh or too soft? pete from fox sports won't be allowed to hedge on this one. >> we have the decision is it too harsh i think it is pretty what are had issue around the league texting people this morning and last night everyone is a little surprised not so much about the four game for brady but million dollar fine in
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taking away what bill belichick use as gold. >> wait a minute you're saying it is legitimate? to tack brady out for four games? he's only did what all other quarterbacks -- is choose the ball and the inflation level that they like. >> if patriots had come at this back in january with some sort of regret or some sort of hey we're going to do it and work with you guys but took the exact opposite and didn't stand for that. he didn't give up his text message an e-mail and robert kraft who he has a great rope with rouge are for goodell said nfl is going to end up apologizing us to. we expect an apology well they spent all of this money on wells investigation came back that they were incriminated here they were caught red handed and then patriots -- >> you're wrong. >>it was more probably than not. preponderance of evidence. >> circumstantial is what the agent -- there was in the definite but nfl said look we gave our stop
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up when robert mueller investigated us with the ray rice videos. patriots were not that way. when they asked is for equipment manager to come in for a fifth time they said no you've had hill four times that is enough. that was the tipping point that was enough we have to throw the book at you. : are you a jets fan? seriously i detect a great deal of hostility to patriots. >> for me purgely or the way thanksgivings -- >> they hate the patriots and -- >> wasn't due to the silent. look where this was, ands in the press release got an decision troy vincent said you look back at 2007 with spy gate they didn't deal this as a one time action discipline on that but over a 8-year period by repeated offenses byes patriots. >> surprised you're so popular on this show. : so am i. >> but you're an honest man. we appreciate that.
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now this charlie has learnedded that chris christie has been talking to facebook's chief mark zuckerberg in an effort to secure zuckerberg's support financial support as the governor plans to run for president. here with details. >> yet another sign and also what i picked up in vegas besides dice. i picked up a little info on christie from republican fund raisers this is another that he's borrows something unyou recall and running for president yet an op-ed. >> zuckerberg on the left big supporter -- >> they are -- facebook friends. they share commonality on school choice and other issues according to christie's people and from what we understand with fox business network is christie is indeed cozying up i would use other people using another word to cozying up to zuckerberg for some -- >> to christie? >> no christie --
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making the overture. >> from zuckerberg to christie. you know that. >> don't know yet but trying to get it and trying to secure financial support. we should point out there's for this gave money to his gubernatorial campaign back a couple of years ago or ran for governor or might have been just after. but he gave money to christie in the past. so there is some here. i will say yet another sign we broke on the story on your show couple of weeks ago that christie's wife mary pat christie quit her job at a hedge fund and yet another example and one more point big op-ed from christie. >> you think that chris christie is the most reagan in economic policy. >> you read my e-mail but taking it out of somewhat context. what i'm saying is this, if you look at all of the guys, all of the republican contenders some of them have laid out, you
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know -- sort of bits and pieces of their economic agenda chris christie is first to lay out coherently his economic agenda in reagan terms. awaiting for that from jeb bush and everybody else. we don't know. >> all right we'll take that john. give credit where credit is due please. >> great. i agree. [laughter] >> thank you indeed. let's check that big board like i say you can get whiplash following this market down over 100 points down a near 28. look at mcdonald's please trailing down the drive-thru menu say that is a pretty good move because i want fast food. to go to a fast food joint i want fast food. >> drive-thru at mcdonald's you're not getting fast food but a big old line and not getting food so franchise are complaining new ceo said enough especially with the drive-thru. and also they can their kitchens are overloaded so they have to simplify menu to cut down the
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drive-thru onses for drivers and they're also because the franchises are saying give us medium size menu options something for a buck 50, 2 dollars they have a hyphened you know $6 sandwich or dollar menu saying you have to give us something in the middle. that is their whole plan. not -- health food there. >>ty get for 53 cents a seniors black coffee to go 53 cents the bargain of the year. >> so cheap. >> through the drive-thru. >> restaurant to use the bathroom. [laughter] >> you are so cheap. >> that's correct. >> ones in your life you're right. obamacare. new rules that demand insures provide free birth control. free, everybody. what if you have a moral
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objection to that or religious objection. tszuj andrew napolitano is next. >> to find out away from the fog of the controversy.
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that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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>> still down? not by much down over 100 now we're down 40. that is the comeback. sill got a ways to go before we turn positive. price of ole 60 bucks a barrel as we speak. time is money. three more headlines for you. here we go happening this hour. secretary of state john kerry meets russia's vladimir putin on the table negotiations with china. russia ukraine invasion and letting iran get a nuke. and to speak publicly we'll tell you what they say. ultra socialist himself. new york mayor bill de blasio meeting with -- senator elizabeth warren today in d.c.. they'll unveil their own contract with america. also the obama administration gives shell approval to drill
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offshore alaska. but don't cross the finish line needs permits to actually start drilling for oil. now this the department of health and human services says, insures must pay for the cost of birth control. so does this undermine the supreme court hobby lobby decision that declared corporations with a religious owners cannot be forced to pay for coverage of birth control. look who is here judge andrew napolitano is here. i have to sort this out a little bit. the supreme court said with a hobby lobby case they cannot be forced to offer all kinds of birth control to their employees through their insurer. >> closely held corporation and partnerships. which limits the -- the universe of those that cannot be forced. : some people cannot be forced. >> correct. >> along come health and human services that says yesterday under obamacare all insurance must offer all forms of burt
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control to everybody. >> that is not quite what happened. the statute itself identified 18 medically accepted procedures or means for burt birth control scene says must offer one of these means for free to anyone who wants them male or female. the overwhelming majority of these have been selected by females. what hhs revealed yesterday is that some insurers were not all offering these for free but a copay and some insures were not offering them at all. so hss in its view is enforcing the statute. now you make a very prudent observation. how can they be with some employers when some employers are exempt from this requirements? those employers will have to challenge this in a federal court and they could win those challenges because the language
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in the hobby lobby decision is very clearly intended to protects them. >> why is it that health an human services urged obamacare keeping chips away at our religious and moral -- >> because in my view they're the same mindset at two characters meeting in washington, d.c. today about what you spoke a few moments ago. mayor de blasio and senator warren. they really don't care about basic american values. they care about the progressive ideology of government which is the bigger the government the better. and the more the government feltings how to live the more it will be equal. bring down rich to uplift the poor and somehow think history is the contrary notwithstanding that that will work. >> why is it that birth control has to be free? why? i don't know -- i don't get that. >> asking the wrong person. you want to -- >> to vote? >> >> try to get into their
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mindset as we know nothing is for free. someone is paying for it. the shareholders of the carrier paying for it customer who is do pay premiums are paying for it in higher premiums. i think that government want it is to make available the type of sexual freedom that comes from free birth control to get to reelect that government. >> it is giving something away. i mean, government gives away things all of the time bailouts to the rich. welfare to the poor. tax breaks to the middle class to keep us voting for it. >> developing societies have seen birthrate fall to the point where they're no longer replacement level fertility. >> dangerously -- put aside -- >> talk economics. economics we're not talking about morality. been low for economic security because there's not enough people coming into the work force to compensate for those who are leaving it the other ends. >> look at japan. japan has the most extreme
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demographic of any society in recorded human history. more old people fewer babies. what is that -- >> what is that economy going to look like in 25 years? >> what it looks line now a 20-year recession with zero inflation and losing population -- >> here's a suggestion for you next to where cheryl is sitting get mayor de blasio and two of us go after them. >> why do i have to sit next to mayor de blasio? >> such a figure of stability. >> really? not with him in the room. [laughter] >> do question of 20 seconds left? you're wrong on brady. >> theory was correct and correct with roger goodell strikes at the integrity of the game and he must be punished for it. >> you can't call the familiar by a what tom did. >> what brady did strikes up integrity of the game that is not a court of law and not proven beyond a reasonable
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doubt. [inaudible] >> wrap me because i go over or wrap me because they disagree with what i'm saying? >> no we have a hard break coming up that is it. [laughter] >> love you. >> the young man not bad at all. >> moving on. up next more reports that say yes the obama administration was not telling truth over the bin laden raid. one pakistanis knew, two, one year before that raid someone told the cia where bin laden was hiding. full details coming up next.
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new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at
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>> another earthquake 7.3 it has struck in nepal after devastating quake that killed 8,000 people we've got new video from a canadian red cross worker. look at it that is a massive rockslide near the base of mount everest triggered by today's quake. you can see the entire side of the mountain collapse. hold that video for a moment buzz that stuff really came down. now this, this is inside nepal parliament the quake struck. cleared out building as shaking began. you can see this going on that is what it is like in the middle of a nasty earthquake. rescue crews searching the damaged buildings for survivors. dozens have been killed in this
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quake. 1,000 injured but those numbers are expected to keep on going up. hirsch lenger, coverup in the hunt for bin laden. ashley webster is here. give me the full story please. >> let's run throughiest of what hirsch is saying close to white house tonight but let's get to the core of what he's say is that pakistan has been harboring osama and only time that u.s. found out about this when the pakistani military officer walked in and gave up game said you know what, we have him in the compound paid for by saudi arabia. the u.s. he claims then the u.s. went to pakistan the military official said we're going to give you two choices help us kill bin laden or cut off billions of aid in this country. you have a choice that was a year before the actual raid took
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place. he claims they were going to take out bin laden and say about a week later that he was killed in a drone strike in the mountains. but what went wrong if you remember is that the helicopter crashed during the raid forcing the hand into coming up with another story. >> now, he could be attacked -- no. what is -- anonymous sources? >> that is what i find interesting is the idea that it was not the search for korea that took years and years. >> but 30 and the film. >> it was some a walk-in and pakistani military officer says i know where he is. who claimed 25 million dollar reward and hirsch claims moved by the cia back to the united states and has his identity protected. >> is a fascinating story. >> undermines what president obama said was the full story. >> that is true. and of course white house said this report is riddled with inaccuracy and enforcements
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quote unquote. very big. thanks. radical islamic terror, lone wolf attacks inside america. according to the former head of the cia it won't end any time soon your grandchildren will be facing the threat. we'll deal with that next. >> i believe deeply that the threat that we face terrorist is significant and it is beginning to remain significant for a long time.
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>> right now we're down an even 50 points we were down over 100. a little bit of whiplash on the market this morning. here's another cash of whiplash that is the bond market and interest rates. now yielding 2.26% on the tenure treasury and believe me that is a huge spike and then spike down decline. big deal. michael morell former cia deputy director on special report last night. he said another terror attack on america is iminnocent and we will be fighting radical islam for generations. >> i believe deeply that the threat that we face terrorists is significant and it is beginning to r for a long too many. time. i believe that my children's generation fighting this fight and i believe my grandchildren's
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generation is going to be fighting it we're at risk of another attack here and i want americans to know that. >> now, special report host bret baier joins varney & company this morning. seemed to me watching that interview in its entirety that he is saying that terror is here, it is made a comeback on president obama's watch. that is the gist of what i got out of it. you? >> yeah that is definitely true. and he claims that the cia all along was saying to the obama administration that the al qaeda ideology was spreading all across middle east and north africa as administration publicly and president publicly was saying al qaeda is on run it is decimated we're essentially winning war on terrorism. he said he doesn't know why those messages change change ed and didn't want to get into minds of policymakers that said
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that tracks with what we heard from the former dia chief general michael flynn who said they were throwing up rid flares all throughout the last two years. >> now he was deputy director in the late bush years, and into the early obama years so he saw transition from one administration to another. how does he explain or did he explain president obama's apparent unwillingness to meet the challenge and to define challenge and admit to it? >> he didn't. he wouldn't go down that road he said i was asking the wrong person when it came to politics in this town. he said he just deals with analysis, you know out at langley. you know it is important to point out he was acting cia director after general petraeus, stepped down. i think you're going to see more and more of these intelligence officials speaking out because they want to clear up the record, stuart. i think they want to show that the intelligence community was
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doing its job, and that perhaps the administration was not egg that it or using it in their words effectively. >> the several very senior defense department official who is come out publiclying with their disagreements with the obama administration to their term at defense do you think it is likely that we'll see a similar outpouring from intelligence officials because that would be yet another bombshell for the presidency? >> listen you've already seen bob gates book that was very critical you've seen leon panetta that was even more critical. you've seen now mike morell, you've seen talking out on sunday talk shows including fox news sunday and hour show general michael flynn or former dia head. you've seen a lot already. and i think you're going to see more. that paint this picture of ad mirrors that has a view and president that has a view and perhaps they're not taking cues
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from intelligence officials on a host of issues. >> it was very much a political view gears towards the 2012 election. bin laden is dead, general motors is alive. and then that was followed up with isis is the jv team unwillingness to accept the magnitude of the threat. that is my bottom line. yours? >> yeah, well i think that is a fair assessment and people make that assessment they point to a number of things that back that up. and moore can say this factors into benghazi as welling when you have the white house telling susan rice to go out there and say something about an anti-islam video that was never in the cia's talking points about -- about the situation on the ground. and said when they came out and said that their talking points from ben roads not to get into the weeds here were not about benghazi, he says, you know
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they were essentially lying. he said this is strong word but they were misleading reporters. >> we will be watching special report again tonight all of us here an all of our viewers guaranteed to tune in. bret baier you're on. thank you sir, see you later. >> now this. current rate on a 30-year fixed rate home loan is 3.89%. fox news contradict tore bob massi joins us live. we've been talking about this spike in interest rates a world wide phenomenon we assume that will carry through to mortgage rates 3.89% right now. where do you see it going? >> well i think based on i was watching this show this morning i think obviously, as it goes up it could affect how people buy. but i have to tell you there's a different penaltity right now. a lot of people who lost their homes and rebuilt their credit and they've been renting homes, i will tell you that if their house payment will fit into a
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budget that they now have, because they're tired of remember thing so they don't own i'm not necessarily con have i saided that most americans caring interest rates but being able to own again and meeting payment that they can make and as you know, fannie and freddie have loosened restraints although lenders are holding on. not sure it is as big of an impact but ultimately american family wants to own a home. >> okay. in las vegas, and i do want to ask you about project jack to the. and i know there's a big new building front seat that is on the strip. i think this is vegas's attempt to make a big time come back am i right? >> when you listen to mr. wynn who is greatest in casino business and says notion of a complete recovery is not true. it concerns me. i think that entire -- vegas is so different stuart, because there's this huge synergy here that the casino industry really has always been
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the strength behind vegas now gaming changing and gamings down. revenues are down, where mr. wynn makes that kind of statement it concerns me. now some people, you know, have different visions. but the idea of where revenue is coming in the casino world versus what it used to be were gambling was majority in restaurant and club and booze and food was different that is reversing. so this -- i know exactly where this property is on the strip. it is a phenomenal piece of property and investors go in to buy it , i suspect people will buy it but i'm not con vis ised on what we see with revenues. i'm concerned that they have this vision but is it really going to last and be in the best interest of vegas? i'm concerned about it. >> i'll take your point because gaming opportunities -- usually just vegas and atlantic city now it is everywhere. that is a problem if you're looking for just gaming revenue.
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bob massy thanks for joining us you're not a straiker recently we like that. thanks so much indeed. >> i enjoy being with you and i love your show buddy. >> you're back on tomorrow thanks very much. >> so easy to please. [laughter] >> i am. >> the mother's milk of television. reaction still pouring in on the brady suspension. now harry reid is criticizing the decision. come on in. what is beginning on? >> senator reid is talking about football correct -- and here's what he said quote i find it stunning that the nfl is more concerned about how much air is in a ball than with the racist franchise name that the washington redskins. he believes he wants them to change their name he said that redskins that is a racist term that team should change the name. used brady opportunity to take
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own opportunity to move through with what he wants to see happen. more concerned about lying with protection of the senate floor about were political opponent which is exactly what harry reid did but that is another story. >> but this one just like everyone is talking tom brady today including senator harry reid. couldn't resist. >> football team. >> thanks so much. >> you bet. >> literals love to attack fox news they do. and one left this website that is using it for financial gain. we will explain it all in a moment.
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>> i'm nicole with your fox business brief. right now the dow jones industrial average down 42 points. sitting at 18,062 a loss of one quarter of one percent. s&p down one-third of one percent down 7 points and nasdaq down half of one percent no loss of 21 points dow loses such as intel. also under the some pressure. goldman sachs also down to the downside. energi is one spot and up seven you can see names doing well.
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up over 27%, and also 7 up 1.8%. and look at the gap what happened there. net sales fell about 3%, so stocks down nearly 4% but i have a winner for you that is go daddy. look at this web do main market, and they have it a new high up 5.5%. more varney & company coming up.
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>> this picasso painting women set a world word auction at $17 the million that includes commissioner just over 10%. that is better than real estate commission. >> must be in the real estate. so 179 million sale 12% get about $21 million and by the way, entire lot they sold in this one auction that is 706 million, in total sales. why is art so hot? because the über wealthy believe that it is a better dividend payer than stocker because of the value of art especially fine art because at last they would rather spend money millions of dollars in to this into a piece of art to picasso than going by heck, a piece of real estate or stock if you will amazing investigationments they make and cheap them. >> you can put it on the wall of the $50 million condominium say
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look at this folks. >> by the way there's a little bit of an interest rate we're talking about interest rates earlier. as long as interest rates stay attractive luxury art remains an attractive investment for many of the wealthier people in this country and more so around the world. >> all right. now this. using fox news at click bait here's the story essentially make up a controversial headline and mention fox in it. when you click on the article there's not a word about fox. howard joins us this morning. howard can you give me an example of how this works? >> sure. you know, if i read everything. so i'm looking at it and by the way no problem with anybody attacking fox news free marketplace all of that. but again and again you will see a headline like fox news, no nothings or how to deal with fox news and there will be a
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picture of riley or reagan or so i click on it and see what is there. i scroll down, up, i go back and search and no mention of fox news sometimes throw away line stuart. >> by clicking on to sell, you given them an eyeball click out of which they make money. so it seems to me that liberals are using fox news as a way to enhance revenue for liberal websites. >> that is truly shocking now look we all play this game to some degree. i write provocative headlines you want people to click search but if you're going to take on fox or obama or republican politicians, or conservatives who are clearly does not like, then where's the beef and deliver the goods. click on it and see what the argument is but on many headlines it is not there. using people a way of luring them in as you say quick pay. >> they need us. flattering in a way i guess.
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>> i guess you could say that. [laughter] what about this one? a bloomberg mark, now being forced to apologize to presidential candidate ted cruz after he questioned him on authenticity of the oaky ban heritage and his cultural asked him to speak in spanish asked him about cuban food. what do you make of this? >> this made one me cringe a smart guy who went loco on the interview on bloomberg tv and damage across as smug and airlinely insensitive almost as if senator had to prove that he was a real hispanic. >> it is -- strange. trying to say you're hispanic american now american, you've got -- you are with an ethnic heritage and he wanted to point that out maybe to separate cruz from the other candidates. and i know, but it seemed like that is what he was trying to
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do. worst part for me was where he asked senator cruz to say something in spanish he had to know -- cruz makes no secret about it but he's an american. his father grew up in cuba. and so, you know, has apologized wisely after getting beatup. he said his tone was inappropriate and he shouldn't have done it. but it nearly was insulting to hispanics just to a lot of viewers once this became widely known because of the way of which it was -- trying to embarrass him i thought it came across as condescending. >> given apology and interview is this a plus or solid? >> you know where it is a plus he handled it really well and didn't lose his cool and gave cuban dishes that he like and accepted apology rather than wine how media treating him. i thought that was good on the senator's part. >> got you always a pleasure thanks so much for being with us today harry we appreciate it. >> thank you stuart.
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>> would you trust a machine? to put you to sleep before you go under the knife? a robot anesthesiologist it is a real estate. dock is on that, coming up.
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we were at 2.34% on the tenure treasury yield. now we're 2.26%. that is a turnaround. big story on markets today the turnaround look at this. robots wow, they could be putting some doctors out of business. there's a new medical device that is called setsi anesthesiology machine that may be automobile to replace anesthesiologists in the operating room how about that dock stegall who happens to be right here. >> serious or you mean you don't get a human being putting you to
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sleep is it a machine? >> this is going to happen now because the american college of anesthesiologist is no longer blocking it because they've decided it is beginning to happen no matter what they do. and right now it is targeting very basic things where thefacient is healthy. like a colonoscopy but 14 million done a year and could be big, being business. i tell you i look at it like cruise control on a car. in other words you want to set your car for a set speed. but driver better be there all of the too many because i'm worried about one of these robots going haywire. >> running video there of a human anesthesiologist how does a machine put you out? >> machine will regulate how awake you are and how much sedation you need to be put to sleep. >> machine puts you to sleep. >> computer. it does it by -- rating and figuring out how awake and asleep you are. to a certain point it is given
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enough medicine. >> yes, of course there's a catch -- but anesthesiologist is in the background i think monitoring this. >> there's a needle administering it that knocks me out. >> and computer monitors this. >> but a downside. top story in "the wall street journal" today when should you use advil and tylenol in answer the question. >> advil is used if you have an inflammation like in your knee is swollen or back or inflammation in your body you need advil. problem with advil is if you take it every day it is a problem for your liver and kidneys so people say alternate with tylenol. problem with tylenol is you can use it for a headache. you can use it for pain, you can use it for fever but it does not decrease that inflammation. so some tissue is swollen, the tylenol won't help you. >> i had a kidney stone but i had to make a speech i was in agony. i took a half bottle of --
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blue pill aleve. half bottle did i hurt myself? >> no you're, obviously, fine. >> i made the speech. >> but it can be a problem with kidney stones you're not the doctor here. i'm not prescribing -- >> seriously. >> how did the speech go? >> well, i got a standing ovation and took a half bottle of these pills. >> one by a anesthesiologist? [laughter] >> new york mayor bill de blasio standing side by side with elisabeth warren unveiling a contract for america. how far left will they push the democrats? chris isn't that -- just stealing from newt gingrich isn't it. christian on that in a moment. plus reagan week. continues on varney & company with a man who wrote a book on former president. which current gop candidate is the most reagan, a fresh hour of varney is two minutes away.
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. david: i really have to call this a come back, the dow is down well over 100 points, now its come back to a 32 point loss same story with interest rates, way up at the beginning of this program, now they've come all the way back down again, we're dealing with whip lash on the markets this morning. it's also week, we asked the man who wrote the back on the former president which 2016 candidate is most like him. and at the opposite end of the spectrum, we have mayor of new york elizabeth warren laying out a agenda for america. and tom brady well, you know, he endorses uggs, among other things, i don't think it will hurt his suspension, calls him pretty boy responds. and we take you to a form where they're using drones to survey the land, what are they looking for? you know, this is the
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financial show that actually keeps you interested. hour two starts now. ♪ . david: i keep using this word, whip lash, but it's accurate, we were way down and now we're only a little bit down. same story on interest rates we were way up at 234 on the ten-year yield now we're down to 224. you don't see that kind of thing happen often. now, on interest rates, a 30-year rate is that. 3.9% here's what bob said last hour about what americans really want from the housing market. >> i'm not necessarily convinced that most americans care about interest rates they care about being able to loan again and meeting the payment that they can make, and some of the straightens which bothers me a little bit so i'm not sure it's as big of
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an impact -- david: that's interesting. mortgage rates are going to go up, bob doesn't think it matters at this point. look at oil it's up today and do you remember aol? no longer a dial up company certainly want, verizon is paying 4 billion for them, $50 a share aol a big winner this morning. and in the nation's capital today, meeting with massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, they are unveiling their new contract with america. blake berman is in dc, all right, blake, what is mayor saying in this contract for america? >> well, as you will recall, stewart, bill declined to endorse hilary clinton now he is stepping out onto the national stage in a speech here in washington d.c., later today he will unveil, and i'm quoting here, the provision agenda for combat quality in
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america, and in a speech this morning here in dc, one of the profound lessons of the 1930s was that the government needs to step up and address income inequality. in that speech today he also talked about in order for people to believe in themselves and in their families once again, you need to reward work. listen here. >> we need an economy that rewards work and not just wealth. that is one of the simplest ways of saying this, we need to get back to the notion that we have to reward work. >> all right., stewart, as far as that agenda goes, that will be unveiled later this afternoon, here are some of the key points this was given to me did i a democratic aid who is in the know here. he will talk about universal prekindergarten, tax reform, increasing the tax interest and waking the minimum wage all the way up to $15. that speech here in dc, which
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will also involve howard dean is later this afternoon during the 3:00 hour, stewart . david: that sounds like a manifesto, if i ever heard one. thank you very much, blake. now, senior wall street executives have a good morning hillary clinton. stop bashing the banks. lay off wall street or risk losing the election, just like former british leader lost the election last week. joining us now fox news political editor. what we've been describing for the past couple of minutes is a big push by the left to have their agenda very much front and something in the 2016 election. now, how successful do you think they're going to be? >> well, i think they're going to be very successful.
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she's made an alliance with elizabeth warren, bill is a long time ally of hers in new york, i. "s&p what we will hear from hilary clinton is what this all is a dance in which hilary clinton she's already been through these issues on same-sex marriage, emigration, illegal immigration, income inequality call it, just tease it up now for her to do it, but i don't think the banks have to be worried long term because she'll go right back to what they're selling for the election . david: chris, i want your judgment in britain last week, his stance was tax the rich and spend more on entitlements and other government spending. he lost very very big. what about the here in
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america? if the democrats adopt a similar agenda as we were just pointing out, do you think that would also be defeated in the same way that ed was defeated in britain. >> well, i certainly think that if they packaged it the same way, it would meet with the same result. now, the other thing of course that was significant, and i dare not pass myself off as an expert in -- on your television broadcast, but i would say this. that david cameron's decision to aggressively court voters who might have fallen under the sway, that for him to go out and say i am interested in middle class wages, i am interested in addressing the economic consequences of mass immigration, i am interested in talking about our relationship to the continent middle class voters was the key for cameron, and it will be the key for republicans. can they talk to those voters in a way that makes them feel like they're engaged .
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david: especially when battling the media, that will be an uphill road to on him. >> you've got it . david: have a great day. >> thank you . david: more news from verizon the fcc announcing a 158-million-dollar fine on verizon and sprint for cramming customers. that's loading up their cell phone bills with behind charges. these are charges that appear on your bill as service fee. service charge and other fees. 158-million-dollar fine. how about that? now, remember we told you yesterday that alibaba now we call it the chinese amazon is buying a piece of zulily, now, meet the can. that wants to become the next amazon, a truly global organization. the author of, you know, know alibaba world and he joins us right now. >> thanks for having me, stewart . david: now they want to be a truthful global company. a lot of our viewers like to invest in the up and coming global companies. they want to be into the next google or the next microsoft.
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>> right. david: do you think that alibaba can do it? >> well, that's why i joined the can. in -- david: yes. you're a former employee. >> yeah. i joined the company in 2000 because they had this dream, you know, the company was started by a school teacher with no business experience, he wanted to build a global company from china and actually from day one theas been global. a lot of people don't know it, but there are a lot of buyers and sellers in the u.s. who do import and export already whether they can bring their consumer market to the u.s. -- david: well, you've got to make that judgment for us. because our viewers want to know should i buy alibaba, if i buy it now, can it go to 800? that's what they want to know. >> well, i've been an investor for about 15 years and i've only regretted selling not buying, but i worked in the company, and they had a vision to work in the company for 102 years . david: have they got the expertise. >> well, that's the amazing thing about this story i write in the book how this group of ordinary people with
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no business background built a great team, they did it. so certainly in china where they're running the worlds largest shopping mall, they did a great job . david: are they selling valid products that's not intellectual or knock-offs. >> well, you do have counterfeits on alibaba just like you do on ebay, what we need to do is fight the counterfeiters and put some law enforcement on there. the good thing is that people are moving their buying activity onto their cash cow so by pushing counterfeits off the website and getting those merchants off more and more will be buying from their cash cow . david: now, look, you know the company from inside out, we just quoted it at $86 a share. make me a forecast, please, because that's what our viewers buy. i'm going to push. >> pin me down . david: yeah, i'm going to pin you down, if i buy at $86 today, can i expect 150 in two
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years. >> buy and hold for the long term, and you can feel secure, i think find other stocks if you're going to day trade it. personally i'm very confident in their long term perspective david: alibaba's world the book. thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you . david: back to today's other stories, there's lots of them. lauren has them all in case you missed them. >> it's a business day stewart, and secretary of state john stewart is in russia for the first time in two years he's meeting with putin, and in the icy waters of the arctic ocean the green light is seen as a big victory for oil and gas companies and lower oil prices. centrists very optimistic, they think this area holds whack 22 billion barrels of oil. and former cia director,
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michael speaking out in an exclusive interview with fox news saying the rising threat from isis and al-qaeda is significant and will be significant for a long time. adding that the nation is at risk of another attack. . david: lauren, thank you very much indeed. tom brady suspended four games over those deflated footballs brian calls him pretty boy. does he think the nfl went too far or not far enough? up next. >> i think it's pretty harsh i think around the league texas this morning everyone is a little bit surprised not so much for the four games for brady, but the milled fine.
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new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts.
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we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at
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david: religion in america the latest survey says about 70% of our people identify themselves as christian just under a quarter claim no religious brand label at all.
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liz macdonald is here, fewer people identified as christian. >> yeah. david: it's a huge drop off. >> here's the headline which did a survey from 35,000 adults in america, it was nearly 78% identified as christian in 2007, now 70%. but when you read into the headlines and the research, which i did the headlines don't appear as dire instead what you're seeing is an influx of immigrants who in fact are christian. so there's five million fewer christians in the united states out of a base of that a million adults. so five million is not a lot . david: so it's a very modest trend toward a bigger population. would that be accurate. >> yeah. that would be accurate meaning agnostic,ate atheist or not christian so i want pew to do a deeper dive into the numbers to tell us whether or not millennials who
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are not appearing to be christian, you know, or don't go to services, whether they become boomers, in fact, return to their faith . david: just as long as america doesn't go the loser route of the european,. >> yeah. everybody worries about that, at least i do . david: yeah tom brady suspended for four games, he will fight that decision though. the patriots official twitter page changed the profile picture to brady's jersey, they are standing behind their quarterback. and he thinks that the four game suspension is right; correct? >> yeah. especially what i read in the followally follow-up behind the four game suspension, the million-dollar fine, and the managers suspended indefinitely. they took into account with
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what happened withify spie gate and said you guys are repeat offenders . david: the patriots had a pat enof what you call cheating. >> it happened two times and it happened prior to 2007 they believe, so it also went into 2015. and they don't tom brady was candid with them when they were talking with him, and they're still upset that he did not hand over the text messages and his e-mails . david: well, look, i don't want my private e-mails and messages seen by anybody. >> they said they would allow his agent to see it first and then just hand it over . david: being now, when you're being questioned in this kind of situation you're going to be very defensive because the slightest word might imply wrongdoing, and you need an army of lawyers behind you. >> but they don't feel he was being candid, in the high reigning position of the league they also go to o to say they don't believe the equipment managers were candid to them, and when the patriots
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wouldn't allow the managers to get a follow-up interview then they said they don't believe the candid was fourth right, and they have some videotape of some evidence of these guys going around the bend supposedly taking air out of these balls, and then coming back . david: i don't think tom brady and the patriots are going to be big losers, because the first game he plays in,. >> yeah. he's going to have four games off at 39 years old, that's not a bad thing. >> they were 2-2 last year, with or without tom brady they want to give their young quarterback a young, instead of being speed champions now they have something to prove . david: and the ratings on that sunday night game, the patriots versus the colts, i think it's october. >> right. david: october on a sunday night, the ratings will be huge. >> why is everything ratings.
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>> because that's what he knows works. >> but i'm just saying overall they're going to appeal this, they might get a game or two and i can't wait for brady to go behind the microphone and say whatever he's going to go . david: is he going to speak soon. >> no. he's going to give his side of the story publically . david: i don't think it's going to be much of a new story on friday morning. >> he could have given over his phone and the nfl said your lawyer can vet your smartphone e-mails and texts you can take out your personal private text messages and e-mails, he wouldn't do that. so the smoking gun does sit in his phone, and he won't give it up . david: like hilary clinton. >> yeah. and we have not spoken before this segment; right? >> no. we have not . david: and the record did show that you did not willingly call mr. brady pretty boy. >> yeah. that was the in the prompter. . david: i was watching your
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performance, and he said pretty boy, i couldn't believe it. >> everybody knows. this is a room full of men he's an attractive man, am i right, guys. >> yes. he is. >> but do you think he's a pretty boy? >> no. i think pretty is derogatory so i'm not going to say that, great quarterback, unbelievable story, married to a super model, when you part-time job as a print model, you know you're an attractive guy and full-time job a quarterback so i think he has a lot going for him, but he should have said candid yeah, i told the guys take a little air out of the balls, they did too much, game over, maybe a small fine, that's it . david: about 8 million dollars a year in endorsements. >> money does not buy you happiness . david: but i'm determined to give it a shot. [laughter] >> all right. david: you're all right.
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>> thank you . david: up next jeff, drones and firearm. do you think he's proffered his flight jet flight? >> how do i get down from this thing? whoa is that you?
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stuart: it's a cloud computing company and it gave a disappointing sales forecast down it goes, 13%. agriculture going high-tech farmers now using drones to survey the drops and even spray pesticides on the fields. look who is here, jeff in a flight in illinois where drones are being used. come on, jeff, and you've got to tell us what are they using drones for and on the farm where you are and have they put a drone under your control? >> i think that would be a mistake based on my experience with the f-16, but you're looking at me on the picture the picture from the drone camera; is that right. >> yes. we're shooting with a gopro camera mounted on the bottom of our drone right now. >> and this is the problem this is what stewart's asking, you can only use this for observation; right, you can't use it for the other things you want to use it for. >> correct. we can basically go out and fly over top of our
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fields and see what's going on in our fields and we can't use it for our commercial purposes yet. >> the problem is the faa has not authorized you to do things like, spray pesticides or fertilizer you could do that with drones if you have permission. >> correct. there's one case of it being approved in california, they're going out there and applying some pesticides and things like that to help out their crops but legally we can't do that here yet. >> messages to washington? >> speed up the process so we could pesticides on our farm. >> and the reason we're sitting on the ground right now is it's a very windy day here and you try to take up in the air we already crashed it twice. >> yeah. there you go. the winds reek havoc with these, some of the systems hold the wind better than others but today we're pushing over 25 miles per hour gusts, and it's just more than we can do. >> i appreciate that. they're coming.
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>> . stuart: thank you very much, jeff and we really like that message, hey washington, get out of the way. up next we continue reagan week which republican can carry the great commuters torch into 2016? >> will not make age and issue of this campaign. i am not going to exploit for political purposes my opponents youth and inexperience. [laughter]
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>> we were down what 120? now we're down 56 we have a turnaround in progress. look at the interest rate market , so to speak, ten year yield is 24 couple of hours ago it was 234 talking whiplash on the program this morning. here is trish regan welcome to trish regan joining the fox busy network. welcome indeed. >> so glad to be here. >> you are market kind of person. >> interested in marketses valley. >> you have 30 seconds to tell viewers why we have whiplash. >> earlier in the day a lot of reason to be very concerned right now. you have central banks around the world acting extremely aggressively and my fear stuart is that we are looking right now at an asset bubble in stocks.
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and it is something that has been building up as a result of the fed and as a result of banks around the world at at some point people are going to wake up to realize that, at some point could be a ways away. >> calling for a crash? >> not yet. no i kind of feel these things believe me. wait i felt it a long time before. but i'm not calling for a crash. i do think there are some serious, serious fundamental problems out there and things central banks cannot fix. as in demand in this economy where's it coming from. how do we get it? >> you do see the do coming down from 18,000 at some point in the future? >> yeah, yeah. i absolutely do. >> my real concern is that the fed is trying everything it can, and it can't fix the fund mental lack of demand in the economy. >> what do you think would fix the lack of demand in the economy? >> you know well i suppose actually yes -- absolutely we should be lowering corporate tax and individual
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taxes things to provide more incentive for people. >> i knew i like you. comment. you have a new show on the fox business network gears towards the market i take it. >> geared towards the economy and american economy. future of our economy and america's place in the world from a gee political perspective as well through the eye of business. >> 2 p.m. eastern start ising june the first. >> yeah. >> i would like to put a picture up on the screen if i may. this is two -- twin girls i believe have i got that right? >> yes. >> those are your -- twin girls. >> those are mine. elisabeth and alexandra. my little cuties they are five years old. i get to tell you i was watching your show the other day and i saw that picture of your twin granddaughters and it brought so many memories, to me of these two when they were that small. >> look at my granddaughters
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again and eleanor screen right. >> absolutely beautiful. only granddaughter? >> nine. >> lucky lucky man. >> i had a little boy as welling two years old. he's lost with two big sister. but that is him. jamie my little two-year-old it is fun stuff let me tell you as you will know. >> i really, really do june first 2 p.m. eastern trish regan on fox business network. >> see ya there. >> appreciate it. thank you stuart. >> gop presidential field widening for marco rubio to piling in. which one of them resembles ronald reagan the most that is a good question. let's ask the author of the book reagan, the life his name is hb brandes with us right now. welcome to the program. >> glad to be here question is of all of the candidates
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announced unannounced which of them do you think most resembles ronald reagan. >> we know reagan as ray gang the president and no other candidates has been president yet. but in terms of profile and in terms of approach it is beginning to sound strange considering how he's polling rick perry because here's somebody who can give a good speech an someone who has a sense of humor. >> you're not pulling for rick perry but making objective observation about the -- >> not going to win. but in terms of the approach rick perry has a sense of humor. this is absolutely critical to understanding reagan's circumstance. reagan began every speech with a joke, and he had a story, and reagan understood that if you can get your audience to laugh with you you're halfway to getting them to agree with with you and reagan time and time again use one liners on the campaign trial. soften up members. >> rick perry does the same
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thing. >> when you can't get past one oops moment maybe that is all you get these days. but didn't win until his third whack at it. >> reagan as president so we know his policy and effect of those policies. which among candidates have the policies most closely resembling tax cutting individual liberty policy of right-hand ronald reagan. >> hard to tell because everybody announce reagan philosophy and has been sellerly the creed of the republican party. so they all say the same things that reagan said. question is if anyone becomes president. will they be able to governor the way reagan did and reagan success and governor was his willingness to make tactical compromise. 80% of what he wanted than go over the cliff with his flags flying. reagan understood that progress comes in steps. if you insist on everything at once you're not going to get anything at all. >> just before we did this interview we round a soundbite
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from ronald reagan during the debate with walter and i remember watching that debate. and he had that wonderful one liner where he said i will not allow the youth and inexperience, i will not use it for political reasons and not putting indirectly i remember watching, thug you just won the election. hands down. you've got it. that was in 18984 election he won 1980 election when recession is your neighbor loses his job. depression is when you lose your job. >> that was ronald reagan line? >> and recovery begins when jimmy carter loses his job. he said that? >> that is what he said. >> i did not know that. >> now -- >> if that is -- if any of the candidates today can come up with that kind of performance, then they'll be the one to watch. >> any other one liners? >> i have a long story. i don't know if we have time for the story about the -- the politician and the preacher die and go to heaven and st. peter is shown in their quarters and preacher is shown with a room with a bear bed and
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a chair and politician is wondering my gosh is if that is what he gets what am i going to get? so st. peter takes him to a mansion gold and everything else. a politician says well, how is this so? preacher gets this. we've had lots of preachers you're the first politician who ever made it in. >> that is pretty good. i could laugh at this. a lot of them in the book i take it. hb brandes reagan, the life. just out i think, right? >> it is today is the day. >> is the day, i did not know that. looking for amazon. thanks so much indeed. >> my pleasure. >> all right historic california drought and taking hypocrisy, next.
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against it and volume spike on 48.5 billion merger. now moverrers and markets downside, though, off the low the day. watching walling mart wal-mart and on the market to 100. to 125. disney is on winner. and we have big deal that we've been talking about need is verizon buying aol for $174 billion. verizon lower, aol hire. much more varney & company coming up after the break.
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>> look at stock price of google it is down today 11 crashes involving their self-driving cars. martha robert son a big supporter of google likes the stock, do you think i should be worried about the stock when they report 11 crashes with their self-driveling cars? >> not in the least stuart sound like it is a lot but it is minuscule go to numbers here out of 1.7 million miles that they've logged on these. >> so -- those statistics i'm sorry -- >> you're still you would buy google? you would hold it hold it for a very long time an think that ultimately split up and make more money. that is your position? >> going to make money on google in the long haul. nine times safer to be in one of the google driverless cars this
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is a fertile area with advance technology that is a lot safer to be in a thomas vehicle like i said nine times. dell fy is an interesting country did a cusp of driverless technology about to swoop the entire industry. made history by leaving treasure island and driving ahead of the cargo 3500 miles pretty much without distinct to the new york autoshow. so the time is at happened for driverless technology and so far it is exceptionally safe and so i'm not at all worried about google. they have a terrific safety record. >> ohing. look at mcdonald's they're trying to trim down their drive-thru moan ewe and speed up service. one of the better ideas for better for example than with hugs, which i think was one with of their previous ideas. you still like mcdonald's, yes or no? >> i don't like mcdonald's, i do not. not -- i think it is a good move that they're making to speed things
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up franchise has been upset about the complex of the menu takes forever to get through . you look at what is happening in the mcdonald's and drive outlain if there's an in and out how much faster you can get through in and out. >> good move to simplify trying to cut operating cost out of the company. this is a way to do that. get people through there and speed up the process, simplify order, so that you lower your cost and increase your revenue at the same time. >> he likes google doesn't care about the crashes doesn't like mcdonald's thanks to swifter drive-thru is a good idea. that is mr. robinson for you welcomed guest on the program thanks michael. >> appreciate it. thank you. >> chronic drought in california, but don't tell that to the stars. radio host on los angeles native john phillips is here with a couple of comments about this. have we got pictures of the celebrities lawns which i think are really green, lush. >> lush and green. why don't they obey rules and
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follow their own -- i don't know whose house that is. but -- enings oh, my. looks like a gaddafi -- >> kardashian house. lush and green hypocrites but they're right. when you live in california you pay threw the nose we have high test taxes in the country. roads that you can't use. hospitals you can't use. one thing question of, we have green lawns, we have swimming pools i'll let my lawn go dead when the government does the same thing. as soon as public golf courses go dead and high schools let grass go dead an i'll let mine go dead. >> whose side are you on? >> celebrities at nose with the government too. >> hypocrisy to be superliberal, and they are superliberal, and not obey rules but everybody else has to obey. >> so are liberals in charge of government in california. >> you call yourself a
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conservative. >> dare to appear on this program -- moving on. >> a moving clock today. fast reaction to a variety of stores and then this is next one. brady nfl patriots they suspend quarterback four games to fine patriots big debate is too harsh or too soft you say? >> going to appeal this and going to win it is a sport and most watched television show in the country he's a star and look at golf when tiger woods was gone. took him out numbers collapse it is jackson five without michael. >> do you think the apool will cut the suspension time? >> yes, sir. absolutely. >> yet rid of it completely? >> one or two and on the field. >> first appears on the field if it is sunday night in october against colts ratings will be astronomical and he'll win ultimately. >> so will the nfl. >> is he a cheater and make a statement that he's a cheater? >> no, there's a lot of home cooking that goes on in sports
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if you watch baseball with a ground ball pitcher sometimes they let the grass grow out and knock down ground balls that is what happens in sports. >> last one before you go, ronald reagan's would be assassin john he could go free. you say what? >> nut and should be behind bars he became pen pals with charlie manson and ted bundy in prison just a couple of years ago they let him to watch a movie and what did he do? he went to a bookstore and looked at books about presidents he's not reformed he's a threat living in the shadow of the white house. jodie foster is still alive who he was trying to impress by attempting to assassinate ronald reagan talking about barking up wrong tree. should be in bars the rest of his life. >> with abc radio show host is this how you talk radio in los angeles? >> pretty much. >> but you're a conservative. what is a conservative doing on radio with a talk show in los angeles? [laughter] >> how do you do it? >> i feel like the belonged girl
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on men storings. >> rateings good? >> very sorry i didn't pick up on that. good ratings? plugging along we want better ratings but doing well. >> not a who is tool learns calling in. >> but we're used to it. >> but you like it don't you you like hostile callers. >> i don't mind them at all. you can shut them off on the mic. a welling visit to new york. thank you verying me. >> we appreciate you john. up next the person who exposed boston university professor's racist tweets and now bu may be forced to act doesn't have tenure by the way tonight on strange inheritance and more bonnie and clyde watch this. >> this is a shotgun that was -- off by the baro gang? >> like bonnie and clyde. >> spun a legend.
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those image of young outlaws shooting up highways of america and now -- >> davis, a world class collector. the place is packed. people on the telephone are bidding. intense interest in the bonnie and clyde story a mind blower to watch.
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♪ snots newly hired boston universities professor tweeted comments that were bashing white men. here's one of them. white masculinity isn't a problem for america's colleges. white masculinity is the problem for america's colleges. we're joined now by the guy ho found this and publish it had. a student at the university of massachusetts his name is nick he joins us right now. do you think now she's newly hired. >> thank you for having me stuart. >> doesn't have tenure should -- is she going to be fired? >> i can't tell you that. it is really up to boston university. personally, i thinkhat the biggs course of action is to let anybody make any comments they want and i would prefer it boston university did the same thing wherever a conservative or libertarian made similar remarks but across the country
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conservative and libertarians getting heckled, shouted down not given the same protections as she's getting from boston university in their statements. >>i understand that it is $67,000 for an undergraduate to attend the room board and fees for boston university. 67,000 a year. now, ends that some of the alumni are objecting to this professorrive statements maybe money talks and change their mind because alumni are not happy with this. >> sure, if you just look at our twitter feed it is not just that her opinions are offensive, it is that just quality grounds she isn't the best professor. she doesn't have her history of slavery right and supposed to be african-american studies professor. she has a very pun professional attitude when addresses other people. so perhaps she won't even get terminated because of her views
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perhaps a matter of quality. >> hold on a second because listen, elisabeth mcdonald is with me and she's been going through tweets which this professor has put out. give me most egregious incorrect tweet . >> no race outside of europeans had a system that made slavery a person in the state of temporary condition. there's also no race except european who is capture human beings to enslave them. >> you heard that, nick this is a patent of this tweet from the professor, correct? >> yeah, and it is not just as professor as well. it is commonly taught and believed all across the country and african-american studies departments, and gerund studies departments. left wing bias and college campuses have gotten so institutionalized that it doesn't phase when a professor tweets out stuff because they're so used to hearing it. that was why it went unnoticed
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for months that she was able to make ridiculous statements and no one bothered calling her out on it up until someone who is not used to it came along and saw it. >> you found it and publicized it nick thank you for joining us nick, appreciate it. all right more varney after this. inventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at
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. stuart: a u.s. navy superhornet jet crashed earlier today shortly after launching from the aircraft carrier "u.s.s. theodore roosevelt" in the arabian gulf. search-and-rescue crews recovered the pilots. initial reports indicate that both are conscious and alert, no serious injuries. u.s. navy fighter crashed in the arabian gulf the crash was not the result of hostile activity okay? my time is up. now here is deirdre bolton. deirdre: stuart thank you so much. $4 billion the advice that verizon is paying to scoop up aol. what you need to know about the
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big media merger. tom brady benched for four games, the patriots get a $1 million fine, sports legal expert will tell us what he makes of deflategate. christie's celebrating a global record after the last night's auction, it was sold for nearly $180 million. first up verizon spending big for aol. $4 billion, video ad tech that aol has developed. jo ling kent with me and scott kernet and holder of numerous leadership positions in the tech and media world. jo, i want to start with you, verizon entering this crowd of online ad tech online video marketplace apparently verizon thinks it's a good idea. >> verizon said that the cfo said they want to move to online video


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