tv MONEY With Melissa Francis FOX Business May 13, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm EDT
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of philadelphia as a amtrak train derails. we're now learning that seven people are dead. several more critically injured. we're going to take you there live to the scene as we await an update from mayor michael nutter. the ntsb son the scene to investigate. we're expecting their first remarks shortly. meanwhile your tax dollars hard at work. the annual "pig book" is out. wait until you hear how many millions were spent to stop the decline of pacific salmon. hmmm. plus the irs seizing $100,000 from the a small business without accusing it of any crime? that business owner is fighting back and he joins us with his story. but we start with the very latest out of philadelphia. images of train cars looking like crumpled soda cans as rescue crews sift through the wreckage of the deadly crash. this was the scene last night after a new york bound amtrak train carrying 243 people derailed when it hit a
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turnaround 9:30 p.m. survivors of the tragedy describing the chaos of the crash. >> all of sudden felt something happen and felt vibrations. then the train went, banked hard to the left and immediately to the right. everyone on my side of the train, which was the left side of the train flew over to the right side. >> it pushed me on to the side of the train. it hit my chest. i think i have a few fractured ribs. i'm a nurse. >> some people were looking for exits. other people were asking for help. some people had phones that could light because it was very dark inside. melissa: fox news's yelled waldman is in philadelphia. what is the scene like now? >> obviously sad news now that potentially there was a seventh person culled from one of these cars. prior to that, there was concern that some of the 238 passengers on board were not accounted for. perhaps that is now reality let's look what is going on.
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it has been a very active scene all day. they're taking no chances looking for survivors. bringing in heavy machinery, crains, man power to scour the crash site. speed could be a factor. speed limit at the curb not far from where you're looking right now is reportedly 50 miles an hour. some news outlets are reporting that the train could have been traveling upwards of 100 miles per hour. philadelphia mayor michael nutter says he has never seen anything like it. >> we will do everything we can to assist families who have loved ones on that particular train. whatever their circumstance and condition we are heartbroken what has happened here. we have not experienced anything like this in modern times. we'll get to the bottom of it and figure out what happened, why it happened. that will take some time. >> and part of getting to the bottom of it of course, is the
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black box. akin to a black box that you would see on an airplane. mayor michael nutter from philadelphia says in fact the black box was recovered and it has been sent out for analysis. meanwhile the mayor is set to speak in a few short minutes, around 2:15 eastern time, melissa. melissa: thank you, joel. amtrak is very popular with commuters on the east coast. the northeast corridor where this accident happened is actually the busiest railroad in the country. amtrak runs more than 2200 trains between washington and boston every day. more than 11 1/2 million people rode through that corridor last year. that is more than a third of its total business. now mayors from across the country for calling for increased transportation funding, including new york city mayor bill de blasio. >> this is a wake-up call. it is reminder how much we depend on our mass transit. how much we depend on our roads and bridges.
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how much our safety is directly linked to the kind of invests we make and how we get around. melissa: david asman is here with me now. he jumps out, immediately says more money. we don't know what happened. >> we don't. that is the bottom line. to opportunistically, to politicize this is obscene. this is insult to the dead and injured of the crash. we don't know, there is a lot of evidence, the "wall street journal" reporting as the reporter for fox just mentioned this train might have been going twice the speed limit for that curve. so indications are it had to do with the speed of the train, not the infrastructure. but again, before we know, to jump right in and use this as an opportunistic means to politicize the whole situation is be seen. it is an insult to the families of those affected by this crash. melissa: implication saying they would need more money that there was some kind of problem on the track. that is absolutely not what we know right now. meanwhile, 70% of air and rail travel between washington and new york does go over these tracks.
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>> right. melissa: there was a spike in ridership but they still run a deficit. so money they have isn't necessarily being well-managed to say give them more as a result of this accident, what a leap. >>'s be clear about what de blasio -- the mayor of city of new york wants more money for the mayor of city of new york. his comments have very little to do about this crash that killed seven people. has a lot more to do him wanting money from the federal government for the mta. one of the most bloated public transportation systems in the country. it has feather bedding. michael good win and were talking about in the green room how poorly run it is. he wants to turn this crash into a funding program for the city of new york. melissa: meanwhile latest report on pork-barrel spending is out. a few questionable expenses don't paint a pretty picture of washington. blake berman is in the nation's capitol with more on this. blake? >> melissa, there are two dozen examples in the "pig book," released by citizens expense
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government waste. the price tag are millions of dollars each. here are two examples. the dinnally commission, probably never heard of it. it is in alaska. it received 2.$6 billion to build infrastructure there. here's the catch, it is own inspector general recommend in 2013 the money be allotted elsewhere. it is still receiving millions. more than $51 million allocated to high-intensity drug areas trafficking program which was originally intend for border states. however the group says, only two of the 10 states receiving funding. arizona and new mexico are indeed border states. congress of course banned earmarks in 2011 but the watchdog defines the term differently. the group says unnecessary expenditures are still able to make their way into appropriations bills as they get scattered throughout the legislative language. that group says congress remains hooked on the spending tactic. >> after only four years on the wagon, at least according to congress's definition, it is
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clear that many members feel a compelling need to once again drink at the pork barrel trough. >> the total price tag here in 2015 was $4.2 billion. take a look at this, melissa. to drive home their point earlier, citizens against government waste had someone dress up in a pig costume at their news conference. the pork they say, is $1.5 billion more this year, compared to last. melissa: that picture next to you is a pig costume, very compelling. looks like an actual pig. david asman -- you were all thinking that right? michael goodwin of the "new york post" also a fox news contributor. todd starnes fox news radio. we do this every year. we see the "pig book." it continues to happen, todd. >> owe, my gosh. i had a chance to look at the "pig book," and a couple things stuck out. $1.1 million for the park service agricultural tourism. would you rather go to dollywood
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or look for kumquats. what the heck is agricultural tourism? melissa: michael good win you stay on top of this. i read your articles. it >> another point to be made, both sides of the aisle. republicans and democrats are doing it. the dinnally commission mentioned by blake, which was decommissioned in 2009, they're still getting millions of dollars. that was made famous i about the late senator ted stevens
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republican from alaska. his daughter may be using the same means of getting money. >> don't forget proxmire's golden fleece award goes back decades. it has not stopped. melissa: check out shares of dupont. down 5% as outcome of two years of boardroom jousting rattles investors rooting for change. chemical company shareholders defeating attempt by activist investor nelson peltz to put himself and others on the board. peltz says dupont suffers from a bloated corporate structure around sagging profits. japan is on edge after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake instruction off the northeast coast. officials have not issued a tsunami alert. there were no immediate reports of damage or injury. the quake hit the same area devastated four years ago by the monster 9.0-magnitude earthquake and resulting tsunami. charged with disloyalty and executed for his crimes reports circulating that north korea has
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killed its defense minister in front of hundreds of people using anti-aircraft fire on a person. he apparently fell asleep during a meeting. my panel is back on this one. of course this report comes from south korea's spy agency. do you trust it? >> not entirely. there are some reports that this guy has appeared since his supposed execution. he has appeared on a couple television programs. it may not be true. but the point it happened before. this leader has killed his uncle if i'm not mistaken, other members of the family. he is absolutely megalomaniacal character with nuclear weapons. it is a scary combination. melissa: you mentioned kim jong-un. he executed his uncle and chief deputy after halfheartedly clapping for him this is about him keeping a hold on power and also the image of himself as a ruthless dictator. >> it's a form of terrorism, right? you scare people into lining up
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behind you because you will kill them otherwise. that is absolute power that people suffer from in north korea and other dictatorships. melissa: todd? >> the report is even poisoned his auntie, whatever her name is. this guy is a whack job just nuts. really frightening when you think this guy has the possibility of getting nukes. melissa: absolutely. uncle sam taking your money. how the government unfairly seized $100,000 from one small business owner. plus we are awaiting an update on the deadly amtrak crash. the mayor of philadelphia expected to speak in minutes. we'll bring you his remarks live. plus we hear from a pastor on the scene helping rescue victims. more "money" coming up.
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to do or not to do. hillary clinton tweeting out a to-do list for the campaign manager. seemed like too good of an opportunity to pass up for senator rand paul. the gop candidate responding to his own to-do list for former secretary of state. david michael, todd, are back with us now. his is a little snarkier? >> he is a prankster. and you know we've had other presidents i guess who have a touch of that. ronald reagan was a bit of a prankster. some of the subjects he said, were final update on foreign contributions list. finalize the plan to evade benghazi testimony. sign off on a new private server location. he is a prankster. melissa: todd, that was my favorite one sign off on new location for her private server? >> i love it, funny guy, that rand paul is. melissa: meanwhile on the serious to-do list, setting staffing plans for june through december. finalizing operations for her budget. michael, i mean, does this hit
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to the right people? too look this is her way, her way of making news. only she could get away with something like that. melissa: rather than talking to reporters? >> that's right. she doesn't really say anything to reporters. she is not making any news. for rand paul, i think rand paul has figured this out that it's a kind of free fire zone. anytime you can get hillary clinton make fun much her from the republican side you are scoring points. that is what he is trying to do. she is just trying to keep her name in the news without really saying anything. melissa: without saying anything. one second, because "the washington post" has a clock kicking off and counting minutes since she will actually talk to a reporter because it has been 22 days. there you go. those are the minutes since she actually face ad real question. todd, from someone who will challenge her. >> yeah absolutely. look, you've got hillary clinton -- bill clinton out there basically back seat driving her campaign. he is out there doing all the talking. hillary doesn't need to say
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anything as michael said. >> i would ask michael is there anything she could not get away with? some things she has gotten away with, that i don't think any other candidate could have. >> i think there are things they have already done that will still blow up on them. bill clinton for example, yesterday with univision, giving a paid speech promoting her. i think at some level this thing has run so deeply through them a lot of things are going to come out that are so unsavory she is going to have to address it around try to answer these questions. melissa: not only that, i think a lost traditional media assumed on their side like no, for example are not. in a really, really biting at her heels, right, todd? >> they are. i know right now it is hillary, hillary hillary. you have got jim webb out there. o'malley out there. they -- melissa: come on. come on. >> i'm with melissa. don't see o'malley. >> is somebody with a moral center in the democratic party. melissa: he will do what he is
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asked. former president bill clinton stopping by "the late show." telling david letterman conditions for coming to white house. >> hillary has to win the nomination and she has to win the election. if she wins the election chances are 100% i will move back. [laughing] if i'm asked. [laughter] melissa: see, there you go. there is hillary clinton in many ways biggest problem, the bright light of bill clinton. hear cheers laughter applause. no matter what you think of him as politician he is very charming. >> that is campaign event effectively. that is promoting her without her saying anything. that is the way they are running the campaign, to dodge real journalism, not answer real questions. melissa: how far can that go? his charm he is the son that eclipses all others. he is out there. so charming everyone loves him but she pales in comparison. >> she pales but i think a lot of people particularly in the
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business wall street are hoping that he does do active work inside of the white house to affect her policies because they're worried without him, she would be too far to the left. >> she is running away from most of his policies. >> that's true. welfare reform. that sort of stuff. >> i wonder who gets to pick the interns? >> whoa. badaboom. melissa: fast-spreading avian flu confirmed first time in nebraska. a commercial poultry farm affected 1.7 million chickens in the northeastern part of the state. the major concern is it is spreading in the area. nebraska is the 10th largest egg producing state. the outyaich brings total number of state reporting bird flu to 16 since the outbreak began in december. another live look where mayor michael nutter is about to hold a briefing on the deadly amtrak accident. we'll bring that to you live. we'll be right
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melissa: this is a live look at philadelphia where mayor michael nutter is about to hold a briefing on the deadly amtrak accident. we'll bring you updates on that in just a moment as soon as he starts speaking. in the meantime, the cost of regulation, $1.88 trillion. that is according to a new report from the competitive enterprise institute. here now fox business's own elizabeth macdonald. todd starnes is back along with gregg jarrett with fox news. emac, you have been on the story all day. how do they come up with the number. >> it is hard. hard to wrap your mind how they arrived at number. if it is true, it ranks right, ahead of canada and india in terms, if it was a country, if regular nation was a country. melissa: what are some of the worst regulations? >> some are handle by irs. irs is rightfully called a
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museum of mass confusion. they have to handle health reform. some of the worst tell you worst offenders. there are half a dozen of them responsible for half the regulations now in force being pump out annually. melissa: we'll pause for a second. mayor michael nutter is holding the briefing on the derailment. let's listen in. >> there will be recitation of much of the same information that you had before. again we continue with the search operation but, there is also a full investigation going on. you saw earlier the national transportation board, who's representatives are here. their personnel are on the ground. any information i give you, unless we say that it is confirmed information, it is still preliminary. there is an active investigation going on at the site. as you can see i'm also joined by pennsylvania's two senators in alphabetical order. senator bob casey and senator
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pat toomey. chief inspector sullivan is here on behalf of the police department. fire commissioner derek sawyer is here on behalf of the fire department. sam phillips of course, director of emergency management operations for the city. deputy mayor everett gill son for public safety. rich , director and deputy mayor for administration and coordination. desiree bell, director of communications. we will now announce i know many of you have reported but we will now confirm that unfortunately there are seven individuals who are deceased as a result of the tragedy from last night's train derailment. again we have been assisted at incredible level by amtrak. want to express a appreciation to board chairman casia, as well
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as board member from nts. about, mr. -- sumwalt. we have begun thehprocess. the me's office rather has started a process of notifying next of kin. i do not have any information on names of individuals and, i'm not in a position to release that information in any event. and i don't have it. anyway. we took another site visit with our two senators. we have given them a you will full briefing by all agencies at the table letting them know what their role and responsibility is. also we wanted them expressing our appreciation to both of them for being here. we wanted to make sure that they saw the scene as well. and so, first i'm going to ask dan phillips to come up. we're still trying to get families information about their
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loved ones who may have been on that train and reunify them. after sam, you will hear from the two senators. i will come back with some closing information. and then, as we have been doing try to give you opportunity for question and answers for anything that we can answer. sam? >> good afternoon. as we've been saying all day we are in the process of reconciling several different collections of data points, working with our hospital systems working with our ems transport, trying to account for those who we would consider walking wounded that were able to walk off the scene last night. those who visited our friends and relatives center at 3400 frankfurt avenue. and again coordinating with the medical examiner's office as well. so we have made really good progress and in accounting for the majority of individuals but we still have folks that we would like to hear from. if you know of somebody who left
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last night and doing well, please call into amtrak's 1-800 number. 1-800-523-9101. 800-523-9101. we want to make sure we account for everybody safely. the friends and relatives center on frankfurt avenue has now closed. we transitioned to amtrak family assistance center at the marriott at market street. that is open as of 2:00 p.m. today. thanks. >> before i bring the senators up, let me recognize judge rene caldwell hughes, leader of the american red cross here in philadelphia. one of our partners in any of these efforts. want to thank her and the american red cross and of course the salvation army which is also been on the ground and very helpful, and, the great, great folks at wawa have made enormous contributions to the first
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responder personnel with water and a variety of other necessary supplies, given the work that they are doing, and helping necessary supplies. given the work that they are doing. first will be senator bob casey. then the next senator and then i will be back. >> thank you very much. we are here to offer our condolences and prayers and support. i want to commend the work of the mayor and the city officials, state officials. the most horrific circumstances. finally, senator and i after getting a briefing and 82 or we
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want to offer our help in any way that we can to be of assistance today tomorrow short-term and long-term. >> thank you senator casey. this is a horrific scene. my hearts goes out to those that lost their lives to those that are injured to all of the families. i also want to take professionalism. they pulled together a very, very effective and well corrugated effort. we appreciate what they are doing. that if there's anything we can be doing to help, we do that. >> senators, thank you very
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much. the response that the at the federal level has been tremendous. with that in mind, let me also report that shortly after the earlier press conference, i have the opportunity to speak directly with resident barack obama. the president is very concerned about what has happened here. the president feels very saddened. he was tremendously supportive. for that, i want to say thank you to president barack obama for all of his leadership and support in this difficult and tragic time. with that, let me open it to some questions.
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looking even further in case someone was possibly thrown from the train. the search process is vigorous and active. just give me an idea. i will come right back over. [inaudible question] >> i cannot confirm anything like that. i do not believe that the ntsb would be in a position to confirm anything like that. i think that that is the version. wilmington delaware, and so on.
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let us please try to speculate on what you could find out in a couple of days. i will need you to get out information. overwhelming our good common sense to have active information in the marketplace. i heard a voice over here. [inaudible question] >> i do not have complete certainty about two trains. i am aware of a report about one trade that has nothing to do with this incident at all. different place. different train. nothing to do with this tragedy here. nothing to do with this particular incident. >> you said that you believed --
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[inaudible question] >> first of all i need to correct something that i said earlier. you often think of the conductor as the person that is in charge of the plane or possibly even driving it. that is incorrect on my part. it is actually the engineer. the conductor deals with issues like ticketing and customers and etc. i was incorrect earlier when i gave information about the conductor when i was actually talking about the engineer. the engineer was injured. he was then interviewed by the police department. made whatever statement he may have made. that is a normal protocol processing procedure. his statement was given.
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[inaudible question] >> i do not have any detailed information on the deceased. again, i will ask for your indulgence. these are human lives. these are people with families just like any of us out here. i do not want to get into descriptions about individuals when we know the families are still trying to figure out where their family members are. were they on the train did they not get on the train were they walking on the train? i do not have the details on any of the individuals. yes, sir? [inaudible question]
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>> yeah. i, i am not sure what video you are talking about. i did see him one station. i do not want to disrespect anyone. i saw on television some flashes of light. possibly from a resident video. i could not figure out what was going on. i am not aware of any other video being aware on jan available or being observed. yes, ma'am. [inaudible question] >> it is my understanding from an earlier conversation, at least at that moment, it is not a part of the ntsb protocol. they are investigating the accident of a train. they are downloading information from their event recorders.
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they are looking at where the curve was. where the train actually went off the tracks. that responsibility is left to local law enforcement in this particular case. it is not a matter of ntsb not talking to this individual, it is not in their protocol at this moment. [inaudible question] >> what kind of progress he made during the day. >> i will not get into accounted for or unaccounted for. you know the details that i have given you. several individuals have passed away. we have treated and transported upwards of 200 plus individuals. we have an estimate that is not completely confirmed of about
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240, 243 total individuals we believe were on the train. we are still comparing train manifesto and hospital records and matching up individual information. some and trap personnel trying to get to one place to another may have not had a ticket. we are trying to go through that. i will not get into, you know, the mathematical calculations of how many folks and only did you transport and what happened in between. [inaudible question] >> i have no information about that. i am in no position to articulate on that.
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[inaudible question] >> let me deal with that. so again i will ask for your understanding and indulgence. we have suffered a tragedy here in our city. seven people have died as a result of a train derailment. a very unusual event. i do not believe that anyone standing here today has any memory of a derailment. what i ask is that we not get into discussions or what if or what can you do or anything else. what we have to stay focused on, every person out here make sure
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that we are searching every car every inch, every square foot to find or locate individuals that may have been on that train or through the data comparison make sure that we are servicing people. there will be another day for policy and or politics. we need to respect the folks that have lost family members and those that we are still searching for. next question. [inaudible question] >> we are not going to get into that. you want to talk about what the acceptable speed is. somebody else wants to talk about it going 100 miles per hour. that will not happen. this is really the last question. in not?
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>> i heard neither one of you. i dow that the chairman of the board of amtrak would have that kind of information. i would be glad to get back to you. >> thank you. we will be in touch. melissa: that was the mayor covering a lot of facts for us. right now we will go to fox news joel waldman. he joins us with details from philadelphia. >> alyssa, good afternoon to you. revealing news. >> we will now confirm that unfortunately there are seven individuals that are deceased as a result of the tragedy from last night's train derailment.
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the mayor went on to say that he would not reveal the names of those people. what was interesting was that most of the people on the train are accounted for. melissa: i will interrupt you for a second. the mayor has gone back to the microphone. we want to listen to what he has to say. >> the engine completely separated. you know that this is a devastating situation. that was last night. to see it in the daytime that is almost indescribable. it is painful. it is amazing. it is incredible that so many people walked away from that scene last night. i saw people on the street behind us walking off of that train. i do not know how that happened,
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melissa: moments ago philadelphia mayor speaking about the tragic train derailment last night. seven people were killed in the crash. joining me now on the phone someone who saw the train derailment firsthand. a pastor at the holy innocents perish. father thank you for joining us. tell me what you witness. >> thank you for asking.
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i did not witness much of the accident. i was watching the hockey game. i heard sirens. i heard sirens every night. i kept hearing siren after siren after siren. that is when i saw that the accident had occurred. pretty much, at this point this is the parish where the accident happened. i needed to be there. i got as close as i could. though pulleys would not let me go close to the accident. i went to an area where there was a triage unit. i waited for people to come and kind of be cared for. at that point there were not a lot of people coming to the area. i spoke to the police officers. the walking wounded were being taken. that is where i went. at that point there were about
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16-18 people there. one of our sisters was there. she was really a first responder. she have brought water and cookies to the first responders there. we just comforted them. melissa: what did they tell you? >> well, they told me what they could. talking to police officers. they were kind of getting what happened. one police officer explained to me that they have to record what every person witness. i spoke with a family from singapore. he had two girls and a month old. they were on vacation. part of the vacation was visiting cities on the east coast. they were in washington, d.c. taken the train to new york.
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then the accident happened. the girls were banged up. bumped up. one girl looked like she may have broken her ankle. her parents were at the hospital. she had spoken to them. they were okay. they were injured but -- melissa: father, hang. fighting the irs. more and more businesses are having their bank accounts frozen for no reason at all. one person that had $100,000 seized in an instant. more "money" coming up. double logo it begins from the second we're a single life can be made better by millions of others. ♪ ♪ healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. realizing cold hard data
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♪ owners. the irs seized more than $100,000 from his business bank account under civil forfeiture. he's innocent. he's fighting to get his money back. lyndon, i want to get right to it. last october the fed stormed into your small store. they seized your bank account with more than $100,000. what was the reason?
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>> they said it was the way we were doing our deposits. called structuring of deposits. >> so you were depositing just under $10,000 at a time which raised their suspicion. if you deposit more than 10,000 that's tracked. when people are making these deposits that are just underneath that they're trying to do something wrong or hide money or launder it. that's obviously what they were implying. how did you prove that's not what you were doing? >> i told them that's not what we were doing. we were making our deposits. they were saying, if you make two deposits in a 24-hour period more than $10,000, they consider that structuring. melissa: why? >> that's the way -- that was the answer they give me when they told me they had seized all my assets and my business accounts. melissa: why did you have so much cash? was that what you were making in the store?
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>> no, we had 60, 65 out for checks. that hadn't been cashed out of 107. it's just none of it -- you know we accumulated over it over the years. and it takes a spot of money to run a business, when you're getting gas and getting caught up every day. melissa: okay. so in the meantime they seized this money, more than $100,000, they still have it. you've never been charged. the institute for justice is trying to help you out and trying to get your money back. where does it stand right now? >> i don't have my money back. my attorney is working hard for me and with me. and, like i said i still don't have my money back. >> what does it mean for you, not having control of this money right now, other than just the terror, you know, that you have all this money gone that is rightfully yours. what has it meant for your business and family? >> it's been pretty
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tough. we've managed to make it, yes ma'am. melissa: what is your plan from here? >> well just going to keep fighting and see if we can -- do what's right. i think it should be returned, the money. melissa: what did you say to them to plead your case? >> the day they came in here, didn't have a lot to say. kind of leaves you in shock. you don't know what to do at that point. from my understanding, i'm not the only one that's been done like that throughout the united states. melissa: no, you're not. >> i don't know -- it just leaves you numb feeling for a while. you just kind of have to -- it knocks the wind out of you when they tell you you've done something -- they've took, you know, your money. in my case, i didn't understand why they were taking it. >> lyndon, thank you so much. good luck to you. greg jarrett is back with me right now. you are, of course, an
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attorney. he's never been charged. he says he's done nothing wrong. they haven't shown anything he's done wrong. he can't get his money back. this goes on. >> it's legal plunder by the government. happens every day all the time. not just by the irs although they're the worst of them. but by local police departments who get to keep up to 100% of the assets for their own use. and it's egregious. it's a violation of the fifth amendment. the government cannot seize your property without due process. he's had no due process. melissa: they can keep it. they seized -- is he not going to get his money back? >> after a long protracted fighting where he spends $100000 to get $100,000 back. and generally there's extortion involved. the government says, hey, we'll take half. that's extortion. melissa: he's had 13 years to make 13 seconds to lose. greg, thank you so much.
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our top story of the hour. mayor michael speaking moments ago about last night's tragic trail derailment. seven people killed in the crash. rescuers will scour every inch of the site for missing people and evidence. liz claman is all over this story right now. "countdown" with liz claman begins right now. >> melissa, thank you. and, of course, investigators still don't know what caused an amtrak to derail. the conductor isn't ready to talk. a skull fracture. we are live on the scene as rescue workers try to untangle the wreckage looking for missing passengers. fireeye in play. its services are in hot demand. maybe the entire firm might be as well. is fireeye about to be swallowed up? shares jumping higher after a blog reports it may be acquired by an old line tech giant. back in november, we warned you about the west coast port slow
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