tv Kennedy FOX Business May 13, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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thank you for watching. >> send me an e-mail or go to our web site ♪ ♪ kennedy: the glasses are on, let's go. your meriting book came out today also known as libertarian porn. they have put together a list of expenditures that illustrate just how dumb and inefficient the government can be. did you know you're spending $50 million for the salmon recovery fund? it seems a little bit excessive. or how about those little or it
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were friends that hang around military installations. they get $25 million to learn math and science. i am sure they would much rather have iphone's. 2.6 million going to some romantic notion. even the inspector general said the money should be put elsewhere. and if only they were honest. okay, it's more fun than singing tv songs around the campfire, poking fun at earmarks doesn't get close to fixing washington structural spending addiction. one beast is redundant with programs we don't need, that cost $45 billion every year when these programs do the exact same thing and that is according to the gao. and health care, social
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security, interest on the debt, that is going to account for about 85% of the budget and i would be remiss if i didn't mention obamacare, that is went at 1.8 trillion over the next 10 years. enough to make me sick. and hi, it's great to see me. kim jong-un has added another notch to his belt for those insane executions. michael is here to talk about it and ross mathews is here in the studio. buzzing already, maybe you remember him where you have seen him on the rupaul drag race. there is a new book about ronald reagan and why not reign we cannot bring back the best president of my lifetime and so i will take all of the juicy details that i can debt ♪ ♪
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>> on kennedy and welcome. my producers told me that i could not play this mean from deliverance. so you're going to have to use your imagination and i know you do. but what about government spending and waste? making you squeal like a pig. currently as a producer and joe devito is also here. and patti ann browne, a fox news anchor is with us. so good to have you back. >> it's great to be here. >> whenever she is here we thing karaoke. >> we all sing show tunes of government expenditures. so you have this report, what struck you as the most egregious? >> there was so much, but i think the aquatic plant control program. just give me half of that and i
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will dive into the depths of the ocean. the government just doesn't know where to look. i would have done it for half off. >> every time i see this, i think, is that really the situation? >> it's not like cleaning out a fish tank. i like the salmon money the best. who do they think they are? do they think that they are spotted owls? for the amount of money they should be able to swim upstream. >> the problem with these earmarks, and i know that there have been reforms and so they are not was to be as many, but they are no longer transparent and that is the problem. you don't necessarily know which legislator has inserted these and the appropriations bill and it is patty murray. and she drives me crazy because there are other ways that they
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can do this. >> i love salmon, i have no objections. in my problem is with the department of defense. those earmarks are responsible and the amount of money spent went up 44% from last year to this year which i would have no problem with, we obviously have to support our military and you have to spend it on the things we are currently fighting. >> it doesn't make a lot of sense, first of all we talk about the redundancy, we are spending billions of dollars on duplicate programs, but they say that they spend $20 million for energy research for the dod because they have the money. wasn't sequester spies to cut that out?
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>> exactly. also they are talking about this being a jobs program, spending $120 million on retro knitting vests that the pentagon says we don't want them, we want to spend that money instead on coming up with asymmetric warfare. >> the $120 million is not necessarily necessary when you have 2000 of them in the california desert and they can provide the date for next years coachella. and nothing like having the leader of the free world take shots at you. president obama said of fox news unfairly for trades or keep old as lethe. >> i have to say that if you watch fox news on a regular basis, it is a constant menu dash they will find, folks thate me mad. i don't know where they find
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them. looks like i don't want to work i won a free obama phone or whatever. [laughter] >> actually, no, i have seen a lot of the analysts on fox news take issue with several things about the president, megyn kelly did a great job compiling a few of these other rants. >> i have one television station entirely devoted to attacking my administration. >> are you talking about fox? >> that's a pretty big megaphone. >> just in case some of you are friends or neighbors or your uncle who is stubborn and been watching fox news. [laughter] and he thinks that somehow i have raised taxes, if you have talked to someone that says i don't know, i was watching fox news and they said it was
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horrible and you can say, you know, don't take my word for it. go on the website. >> especially he didn't complain because of this. >> and his solution to change how the media reports, this from a president who has been charged by lisa 38 news outlets for being completely opaque, the opposite of transparent, he wants to use the bully pulpit and he has forgotten about the first amendment and he has also forgotten that it's not just this but it's other ways that he has behaved and screwed up the country that gives him plenty of fodder to discuss. >> i think it's amazing that someone who has gotten such an easy ride from the press is complaining about the one network that is willing to call him out if he doesn't like the reporting, why don't you change the news. >> that's a really good point.
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>> they don't like the image of saying i don't want to work. well, we have turned the cameras on them. >> he shut down a reporter who is trying to video him if he was nal teacher of the year, this is one of the most controlling president. >> fox talks about policy, they don't talk about individuals a way that obama said that he did and the gold for it left and right is to decrease poverty in the united states. and so briefly his policies are not working the way that he really wanted them to. so he spins it around and now he is blaming the media for perception issue. >> he is lucky that he has that
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opportunity. if he really wants the government controlled media, there's a lot of dictatorships in communist countries it can go to where the media is controlled kennedy: they have state run news in moscow and beijing and commack. and if you understand that this is highly un-american. and that, people don't necessarily want that sort of emotionalism and they turn to places like fox news. >> it's pretty good but he is concerned with what fox is saying, it means that we are doing something right. >> that is exactly right and we will have nightcaps all around in just a moment. coming up next, you may have discovered him as the intern, but he's going to be right here in just a little bit. the first, when it comes to the world's most insane leaders,
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the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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his defense minister and he took them out with an antiaircraft gun. one of the giant things that takes down helicopters and planes and mad people. he has a spectacularly gory track record. in 2013 he took out a senior government official who happened to be his uncle, the reports claim that he was stripped naked and fed to hungry dogs that those reports were found to be false and then there was his ex girlfriend that he allegedly killed her as well, although i think i saw her on young and restless the restless last week. so what is crazier? being hammer getting close to him? michael malice is here to discuss. he has written about north korea and he knows it all too well. so what do you think when you
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hear stories of an execution like this? who would be so silly to disrespect him in this environment? >> mrs. not par for the course because people assume that the most evil or crazy story is true, but from the history, when people fall from favor they are not automatically executed, he himself got demoted in 2012. or they get shipped away. >> that is a much nicer thing to do. why is he proving to be such a bully? >> this is a tricky game he is playing because you can define reality is a dictator, but you cannot defy the consequences of reality. social psychology comes into play because all these gentle start to get nervous and that's going to be very bad are for the man at the top of the pier med. this is him being very nervous
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and it's very much a big sign against the regime. >> according to the intelligence report, which is not necessarily trustworthy, he was executed in front of a hundred people with an antiaircraft gun and that is gory and brutal and very public it sounds like. >> you are forced to watch it with the whole town, this is a great thing that we are killing an enemy. public executions are par for the course. in a way that is the leader admitting that i have someone in the hierarchy where my judgment was flawed. so it's very odd. but toward the end of his life he increased everyone's salaries and then inflation had and as a result he shot his finance minister and that really happened. so there's all sorts of things on both sides.
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>> crazy things tend to happen. but apparently he fell asleep in a meeting. >> i think that that was an excuse. what happens is when you are at the top you have to be psychic and anticipate what the reader wants, for example they shut down the borders, was that the right choice? if they didn't, it's a dead, no matter what choice you make, you're taking a chance with your life. if you make the wrong decision you are the one that is going to have to be punished. >> it's weird to think that they have this tourism industry but they do. you have been there and you have been a part of it. and i hope that somehow the region stabilizes and i know that even china has this about north korea.
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that is the larios ross mathews on rupaul's drag race. he can be heard on straight talk with ross mathews where he will teach you how to be heterosexual. you've also probably seen him on the red carpet. what a big deal with. >> this is a really big deal. >> i am so excited to be here and get to talk to you. >> i love you as well, i love you cents you are in turn on the "tonight show." >> i started in 2001. that's like 14 years almost. >> did you guys ever get to ride motorcycles? >> now, i have a vespa. >> do you have a helmet? >> of course. but we never go on the open road together but i love him with all
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my heart. >> that was fantastic. so quickly, what makes a good drag queen? >> 100% commitment. it takes balls to dress up like a lady. and that not only do face discrimination you face discrimination but you have to prove that this is an art. not just the illusion but the attitude. and it really is about entertaining a crowd. >> far more lucrative propositions than your average dancers. >> they not only get $100,000 that they began to tour the world. >> that is incredible and impressive but not nearly as impressive as tiger woods. a close friend of his has been quoted as saying that he had a relapse in the sex department and that accounts for his split
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with his girlfriend lindsay, lindsay vonn. which brings to mind some of the previous mistresses, totaling 120 by some account. >> is in that exhausting? >> no wonder he has so many injuries. >> that is going to affect your swing. >> he is swinging something. only talk about this on my podcast which we talked about, to call in with relationship advice all the time. what i would tell these girls getting involved is that we want to forgive, but there is a pattern here, perhaps maybe he wants not date someone who has such a history with cheating. >> i would not let that in the same building as me let alone. >> that's the thing if you want
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to date someone like that come up like nice to meet you, nice to know you, let's take a trip to the clinic. >> i don't trust that those microbes aren't hopping off your body. >> i need a team of physicians to clean that up. >> things to think about and words to live by, the more you know. >> i know that you give out a lot of advice on your show. is it warming to you that people now turn to the great ross? >> i think a lot of people, the culture is embracing us more than they know why it is important and i am always giving advice to my friends and strangers whether they want it or not.
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>> that is fantastic. i hope that your career continues on this beautiful trajectory. i think you are a wonderful person with a great attitude. you make people feel good and i'm glad you are here to talk. >> thank you, lady. >> i am going to come back. >> will you come back often? >> i will come back a lot. >> okay. >> coming up, a woman fired for disabling or companies knows the application. plus hillary clinton and bernie sanders in a debate. the socialist meet up? it is your topical storm coming upitse next. using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care...
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and consistent. no wonder she has a legion of followers. they were testing the resolve of the most strident acolytes. here is the trip to the national mall in washington dc to burst some balloons. >> as senator, hillary clinton paid women to make you cents for each dollar that she paid men. >> did she really do that? >> that is a tough situation. >> that is terrible. >> issues for equal pay, why did she do that? that is a double standard and i'm not sure why. >> niedermeyer, sister, but of all the scams and schemes and travesties, it's not the opacity, none of that.
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good old-fashioned hypocrisy. topic number two. there are certain phrases when of associated with all foods. cage free, grass fed, end of course lesbian winemakers. >> these were all grown in malaysia. they were harvested by collation children and they are free range kids and we let them roam around. >> we are doing equal opportunity stuff. >> i love those organic lesbian couples, they make the best wine. that is not a real whole foods employee, that is a comedian who pretends to work there.
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the pretentiousness of the customers is 100% real. well done, little buddy. topic number three. who says hillary clinton doesn't have a serious challenger for the democratic nomination enact what could make bernie sanders run and he'll be even more? sanders came up with a clever way to encourage his supporters to fork over that fast cash with this tweet. bernie will think the 1000 donor with a personal phone call. will it be you? [laughter] in the if you are already connected and can throw around the rubles or if you're just looking to buy and influence people, you could win a call from your man ernie and it might go something like this ♪
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♪ ♪ this land was made for you and me. >> if there's one particular thing about toddlers, it's throwing a temper tantrum. this mother busted out the iphone to play kobler karaoke. [inaudible] [inaudible] >> bo, you are darn right that mother will pay for this because she has monetized the video and it has gone viral, you are
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actually paying for your own college with the embedded ads. an astroturf. the decay of the lawn world. how are we supposed to cover up the gray hairs of the universe? with green spray paint? residents are fed up with the dead brown grass as a result of the drought and so they have taken matters out of the hands of mother nature and into their own, looking fresh and green for the start of summer. going to have to touch up the roots. and that is going to be sexy on a slip and slide. if you have any more stories you'd like to be, i know someone who speaks french. you can send me your tweet and
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♪ kennedy: hello and welcome back. a woman says she was fired for removing an application from her smart phone that she says was tracking her during off work time. her boss reportedly bragged he knew how fast she was driving. she is suing half a million dollars for invasion of privacy. our panel is back and we have not fire them.
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i will start with you, patti ann browne. i think there was something going on that we had in mean. i think that her boss was somehow obsessed or her. there was no way for her to not be trapped on the weekend. >> in actually didn't turn it on. and then he is bragging to her like i know how fast you were driving over the weekend, it was a creepy stalker-ish thing going on and really, during work, it's like, okay, your hours are not your own network. but it's none of your business how many shoe stores she goes to. >> she says that she went to her employer and that it feels creepy and wrong end i think it's illegal, and they said maybe, just go with it and at some point it will feel fine. >> i think that it is a slippery slope.
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>> the problem with this boss of hers, but you cannot just be a legal part of the way. you have to keep lying because she said it's kind of like okay, i have an eye on you, and you should of been like no, i don't think so. >> yes, this makes me want to buy a flip phone. simpler times. >> i agree with you guys, she was joking about how fast she was driving, which means that she was 100% being monitored. you have to stick up for yourself or your creepy boss is going to show up at your laundry mat. >> but why would you want this in the first place? are you hiring people that are so distrustful that they cannot be out of your sight for five minutes?
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>> the one thing that she did was apparently drive too fast. >> that is what he admitted. >> switching gears to an army veteran who found a hot dog locked in the car on a hot day, fearing that the dog would not survive, he smashed the window to free the dog with a woman the woman who owned the car and the little dog as well, did not appreciate it. she had the bad arrest him. and so what do you think about this? before i give you my take i want to hear your opinion. >> they mentioned that he was in the military. and the thing is that the police were on their way and we all love our pets, but you don't have the right to smash someone's window for a pet. you can do for a child but not for a pet. i don't think he's going to have to because i think they're going
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to do what they have to pay for. >> are you an animal lover? >> yes, i am. i have a dog. >> joe is right, a lot of people were concerned and apparently the dog was in distress. a minute later the dog could've been dead. i think that he did the right thing and there is leniency and you have the opportunity to let the charges dropped. but as for him being a vet, i wonder if they are just saying that. >> here is my problem. these are the kind of busybodies that call the police when the children are playing alone in the park. everyone has to be a vigilante, a savior, a hero, i think he could have hurt the dog by shattering the glass. and so i have mixed feelings. >> first of all, i think the dog
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owner should have been arrested. because you are stupid for leaving your dog in a parked car. but how do we know he saved the dogs live? i think he should have waited for the police to come. >> i have faith in the police department that they were able to jimmy the door open and get the dog free. he could've gotten glass in his eyes, it could have nibbled glassy beds and had a very scratched up colon. >> i like to the owner of the car's name was bill on draft. [laughter] okay that's hilarious. >> okay, hillary has been asserting her right to remain silent and not her husband.
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here's what will said when david letterman asked about moving into the white house. >> if the chances are 100% i will move back. [laughter] i will move back if i'm asked. >> there were many appearances to make him back the bill. what do you make of the former president max. >> him being in front of the camera while hitter his wife hides from the media is such a good idea. i mean, the clinton foundation scandal is on everyone's minds so if you put the time in front of the camera to act as a mask and a distraction, then hillary can just come back into the public eye once again.
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kennedy: i'm so glad you brought that up. in just a few minutes i want to figure out what it is about presidents that allow them to connect with people because i think president clinton had it and i think that hillary clinton does not. but i also think that she can't stand having him around. >> can you imagine what kind of a pain in the neck he is going to be? if you get him into the oval office are never going to get him out again. once he sees the desk and thinks about the great times. >> it is going to be cuban cigar >> she can find a way to pay. women even less money. >> do you think that the former president and first lady are having some trouble in paradise we max.
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>> i don't think anything is different than it has ever been. but she is just not as charming as he is, there is something appealing about him. he is very charming and she is not. but also he is the former president and she is trying to be the president, just a different dynamic there. every time she opens her mouth she sticks her foot in it. >> that is an uncomfortable loafer to try to extract. >> ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here. the beauty is end the beard. coming up, turning up some very unexpected places. we will explain all of that in tonight's nightcap. and first the author of the new book i was telling you about. sharing insights on one of the most popular presidents of the 20th century. stay with us.
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>> hello, there are a bunch of ronald reagan biographies in a library and on my shelf, but that doesn't mean that there's not room for one more. this man has written a compelling take on a life of the 40th president that employers his compromises and his reputation as the great communicator. he joins me now and he is author of new book, "reagan: the life." >> see you had access to ronald reagan's diaries. >> well, they were published, for the most part, about six or seven years ago, nancy reagan decided it was time to release them, but oddly there has not
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been a full biography since 2004. >> how much time did you spend going over them? >> it's hard to say. i teach american history and i have been teaching about it and thinking about him since he was president. >> isn't someone that you like and admire to or someone that you despise them he wanted to bring him down? >> for me, it's all about the story and the importance. and i wrote a book so that people who love him, like you, and people who hate him, they can both get something out of it. my job is to tell the story and to describe and explain. >> can you describe how he connected with the american public? i think it's a difficult thing for presidents to do and i don't think a lot of them are able to do it. they want to, but i think that there's only a few. i don't think nixon could, i think clinton did it, obviously
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reagan did it, and now all of these republican candidate are trying to bolster themselves as the next ronald reagan. >> it really helps to have experience on stage and on camera. franklin roosevelt knew how to do it, he didn't have to be on radio. and ronald reagan considered franklin roosevelt to be his political idol and he learned a great deal about how to make that connection. he understood. he can connect with the american people. without the filter of editors, he can go directly to the american people and accomplish nearly everything. roosevelt did in the 1930s, reagan did in the 1980s. >> his critics will say that he was a gum flapping after that happened to yap his way to the top. it was a case of someone that was just acting like a president than was there more to the man than he found? >> i will say that he knew how
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to perform the presidency which was essential. there's a lot of talented and capable people that don't know how to do it. jimmy carter knew more about the details of government and policy. but he knew nothing about actually being president. but the other thing is that reagan benefited from the underestimation and a lot of people thought he was an empty head. but in fact he wrote more of his own life than any president since woodrow wilson. so he really dined out on the facts that people thought they could pull stuff over on him. >> he wanted to shrink the size of government and he wanted to defeat communism. and maybe this is sacrilegious to say, but i think that this is part of its. >> you could more easily mobilized this.
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but his secret to success as president that he was willing to focus on two things and he said it again and again from his first speech in 1964 to his last. there were two things that he wanted to shrink and he accomplish the second one, he got half of the person he was able to bring taxes down. he couldn't shrink spending and it turned out that spending was more stubborn than he thought and he under estimated the people that like their programs to hang onto them. >> of you want to read more about him and his personal diaries, "reagan: the life." thank you for being here. >> coming up, tom got himself into a precarious spot and i was there when he almost killed himself and about 1000 other people. he is going to creep into the nightcap which is happening next so stay right here.
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>> a nightcap to you. radiohead is one of the most widely respected and critically revered bands in the world. and the lead singer is not only an adept songwriter but a human version of viagra. reportedly on the cover of a new book whose title translates to marital and sexual problems in men. they find him suddenly arousing. just seeing his face puts magic back into the pond. if only we had this when we met in 1993. i interviewed the band and tom decided that he hated me. so when the band visited the beach house the next summer, he was ready for a fight and we had some words in the hallway and we stared each other down and when
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i asked him what he was looking at he said absolutely nothing. at the end of the arm and of anyone can play guitar, he almost electrocuelectrocu ted everyone on stage because he was starting to drown. his doc martens filled with water. watch this. ♪ ♪ >> and he panicked. he saw the microphone and he reaches for it. if either were other people in the pool. at that point i pointed and laughed and said that he looked like a wet rat because he did and oddly enough only added to his displeasure. at the wasn't for a few quick thinking individuals he would have died in thank god he can help men again.
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follow me anytime and i will swim if you any day of the weekt andh especially tomorrow night. . lou: good evening, i am lou dobbs, new reports that united states may engage in a military showdown with china, over the south china sea region, pentagon reportedly considering sending u.s. surveillance aircraft, and navy ships to within 12 nautical miles of disputed reefs that china has built up, and now claim as their own, naive's goal to force china to make concessions. for its part china lashed out at united states for considering sending military force in to south china sea, s
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