tv Kennedy FOX Business May 14, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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watching, and remember you can't take it with you. >> do you have a story you would like to share with us? we'd love to hear it. send me an e-mail or go to our web ♪ kennedy: bottoms up, glasses on, i am watching in disgust, i should had our hypocritical president with his vaguely socialist dogma, wielded like a sword. he told wealthy people society's lottery winners and had misguided things to say about education, here is what the president said happened when people get luckier and wealth year. andier. >> kids start going to private
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schools, work out at private clubs, instead of public parks, a ain't government ideology -- antigovernment ideology. kennedy: according to what data? he is such a commie, he is not even trying to hide it any more. now this is wrong on so many levels, mainly because, the president went to private school his entire life, his children go to a private school, they live in the most protective bubble. that is as far away siz afrom tn good you can get, this is psychotic, he is not school chancellor in chief, he has dismantled the successful voucher program in dc.
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the same one that serves black and latino students and has spiked graduation rates. teacher unions hate private schools, when kids go private they don't take public dollars with them. it would be great for parents if they could, but it leaves more money for public school, that is why school choice is critical. this has created a by furcasion between the -- bifurcation between the have and have-nots. instead of where a proliferation of choices would create better specialized schools, this divisive rhetoric widens the kassem and creates more inequality, only common good we should becaming for is freedom to choose. >> coming up, what some would
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consider a silver lining of california drought. does it lead to more potent pot. >> the simpsons of renewed for two more season but the voice between ned flanders and mr. burns is not going to return, doh, is this the end of "the simpsons"? is your dog a generous. i am glad have you joined my now, i am kennedy. kennedy: yes, fancy private school scholar obama lectures on private schools. we talk about it. all right, sassy fall, would it be better if there were no
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schools, then we would not be separated. >> we would live in a giant field, and get along. he is talking out of both sides of his mouth, he condemns free market and capitalism, then an hour later he flies to do a wall street dinner for $50,000 and singing praises of free market capitalism, he is -- the word in politician. he wants public -- people who can afford to put their kids this private school, in public schools, public school are interior, i am sorry. it is not the rich's fault, it is like saying, i am going to go eat dinner in milan or the olive garden, you know that is a poor choice. kennedy: is there too much inequality. >> there solution is to bring everyone down then bring the
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poor kids up and allow them to go better schools. kennedy: because that is casist and racist. >> -- classist and racist. >> it is -- there is a divide because the economy is doing well, people get rich, then they send their kids. i am not defending democrats but this a rich versus poor, it is legitimate, but not the rich's fault, my problem with what he says, it is all the rich, it is on you, you are the one that runs the government. kennedy: and they created this system, where there are so few choices it is either $60,000 a year private school or a public school, sam did you go to school? >> no. rich don't hang out with people that are poor, you don't connection to them, always warren buffet hanging out with people who cannot make next month's rent, you know. kennedy: in places like dc with the voucher program that the
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president dismantled there were a lot of black and latino students tries to get into private schools, only way they could do that was with a vouch irprogram. >> it was working. kennedy: yes. >> charter schools were working it is just, it is -- you know he wants rich to do what politicians do, which is pretended to be poor so everyone likes them, the rich don't have to do that. >> right now, i think that you know private school are like nightclubs, they are harder to get into, and everyone does a lot of blow there. but public schools are like dive bars, you can wear whatever you want but there is more fun. kennedy: they have a generous powerful as well, you get a jack and coke. >> problem, you know not like -- i don't know what dc rate, but in public schools this other states it $8,000 to $12,000 per pupil. kennedy: and choicer to dollars 20,000 in places like l.a. and new york.
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>> yes. kennedy: but the perk is not making the simms better. -- the systems better and hillary clinton, is leading all competitors, but unfortunately for her, she tops fox news poll as quote less ejt call tha ethir politicians follow by chris christie, and jeb bush, and corrod-- tedcruz at 85, and rant 20%, chris christie has similar numbers, 37% of americans find him topless ethical -- to be less ethical. >> because he got in that scandal, that concession at giant stadium, almost like something you make up, a yo mama
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joke. >> he was spinning approximately 1400. >> is a beer like $500. >> right. it serves guilded cup. now should voters be concerned about future klystron clinton ? >> like winning gold in the olympics, they were almost proud of it. >> we're totaly unethical. >> what would i do? i think that is what obama and clintons, and -- they all do. >> it is. >> is is what the rich do. kennedy: paul you said back stage that you would go around punching hobos it the face. >> absolutely. you are coming with me, we're going in a towncar. why do we care about their
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ethics? why is there a poll measures politicians against each other? is that standard, don't we have better standards like a hit man they have better ethics than politicians. >> they do. they get their money. kennedy: there is a code. >> i know i am italian, i feel like, you know, relatives to other politicians she is ethic ethical. i am not defining her -- >> you love her. >> as far as i'm concerned, this is just another race that hillary is winning. kennedy: you love her. >> like say water is less wet than other wet things, if they had to poll about jeb bush, i would defend him, it is just the idea of it i don't care if my politicians are ethical. kennedy: really? >> no. kennedy: you don't care if they're alienating the press.
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>> they all do it on some level. kennedy: the fact they are all doing it. >> a nonprofit. kennedy: -- >> they are doing it is certain degrees, i want the budget balanced. kennedy: we're going to have a lot more to discuss, with our panel, including tom brady, appealing his suspension. >> news from simpson that monti burns will not the least bit excellent, not good, is the man behind the voice, and other beloved springfield residents actually leaves the show? did obama get the big snub? our friend will talk about the snubba roo .
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good. very good. you see something moving off the shelves and your first thought is to investigate the company. you are type e*. yes, investment opportunities can be anywhere... or not. but you know the difference. e*trade's bar code scanner. shorten the distance between intuition and action. e*trade opportunity is everywhere.
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kennedy: welcome back, 54 president obama he held a slumber party at camp david with a bunch of gulf leader, a big summit, and none of the cool kids came, bummer. kuwait and qatar heads of state did show. they meant to -- concerns over a potential nuclear deal with iran and discuss instabilityy. how did it go? ceo of concerned veterans for
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america is joining me, how bad was this saudi snub? >> pretty bad. the power in this summit was optics, that president obama was reaching out to his arab -- our traditional arab allies, very snubbed by our out reach to iran, he was trying to mend those fences, saying we'll protect you, maybe we can work out a security agreement. then trying to send a signal to iran we still have that swagger. well only two of six show up, the snub pulled rug out from the whole thing, they will talk about weapon systems and a lot of talk no action. kennedy: but nothing substantial. >> only thing is, you know if they held a summit and saudis would show up, tom cotton, i. what would be substantial is if
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this administration actually recognized what our allies want and need, and the iranian bomb is the problem. kennedy: the president does not have an answer, and saudi arabia's reactor sur reactor surance, i know they want guns and weapons why not f 35. >> we might do that -- kennedy: and make them pay for it. it is a stupid program. >> it has been billions overdue, i have been very much a critic of f-35, and what is broken. what needs to be reformed. i am a hawk and believer in defense spending strong military but if we don't fix things like f35. kennedy: let them fix it in saudi arabia. >> nothing but time and an enemy who will have big old bombs. kennedy: do they want an iron dome. >> they would like a ima guarane of security, a pass through
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congress iron clad, agreement that we would come to their defense, they are not getting that with this white house. so, i think unrealistic expectations were set bay sert of state kerry -- by secretary of stater with to begin with, they have been trying to find a fall way to demonstrate support by pursuing this reckless route with iran. we have made the bed, and we're going to sleep in it with the folks in tehran, and saudis are saying, well, we see how much you care about us. kennedy: they're not vibrating beds. >> that bed is not a fun place to be. kennedy: no like -- >> rigid. kennedy: made of straw, and oatmeal. >> and sterile. kennedy: it's angry bed. for sleep and oppression, thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: i enjoy it. >> i do too. >> we have our sameness as well.
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coming up, simpsons could lose mr. burns, principal skinner and ned flanders, why? i'll tell you next. new york state is reinventing by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at yup, we're constantly making thinkorswim better. here at td ameritrade, they're always working. like a custom screener on your desktop, that updates to all your devices. and you can share it with one click. wow. how do you find the time to do all this?
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>> call down diddley, kidly, kidly, they did their best,. >> oh, no, that was simpson's neighbor ned flanders, voiced by ledgetary harry sherer. behind characters like mr. burns and principal skinner, you have to bid fair well, she just he jn a $14 million deal to get to the show, because his contract would
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not allow him to do freedom to do other work. who needs freedom from 14 million. the show, seems to be trying to woo him back, producer james, brooks tweeted we're still trying let's talk. but sherer is showing no signs of willing to negotiate is this the beginning of the end, our panel is back. sam, can this simpsons go on without harry? >> has, i have not watched it in years, right now simpsons is like brett favre, call it quits, you were great, you were one of the best. kennedy: brett favre is playing for new york jets next season. >> he is back. you know. simpsons in the time may be best show ever. it is funny, but yeah -- kennedy: you saying they can go on? >> i am not going to watch regardless, but yeah. >> when they replace barney
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ruble's voice in the flinstones, bedrock was never the same, he is 72 and a millionaire -- what other work is he going to do? sell reverse mortgage oscillatee night tv. kennedy: is he being greedy? >> i hope he is working on a spinal tap reunion. that would be worth it. kennedy: that is a lot. >> i am sure -- i know that homer guy makes a lot of money but teacher died she is not on there any more. >> he does it probably from his house in his underwear in a booth. you don't even have to go to work. kennedy: i want to go to london here i am. >> that is what he is doing. >> just called, his tv show will
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be, constantly explaining why i left the simpsons. kennedy: like diane from cheers. >> right. kennedy: i see her walking in my neighborhood with her dog, she is all sad, that is a bad decision. >> how much does your life change. kennedy: we'll try too focus. a new study claims human beings have an attention span of 8 seconds. a goldfish, can focus for 9. which is -- okay, now, what do you think is it, tricks or lucky charms. >> i am not die going flushed don a toilet. kennedy: we pay so much attention to cell phones and social media -- my mom called -- that we're more distracted than ever. so paul, is it more important to focus or multitask? our brains change so quickly because from 2000 to now we used
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to focus for 12 seconds now 8. >> look, we have to multitask, we're human beings they are goldfish, they have 3 things to do, that is look at tiny you know treasury chests, and tiny castles and attend towel toilet bowl funerals. >> we can't focus like we used to. but we made fun of goldfish, you have the attention span of a gold fish, that is now a compliment. but other thing could is that people focus on what they want to focus on, you see a kid watch a movie ther for the 1,000th ti. >> like frozen. kennedy:ia, le yeah, let it go. >> they could hook on to that watch it, and you put them in line waiting for something they are twitchy after third second
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could. kennedy: yeah, take them to disneyland, my goodness, what do you do? restrain them or give them brandy. >> both. it is brutal, someone tells you a bad story, i feel my handshaking and reaching toward my phone, my phone would never bore me the way this person is boring me. i know how much time is left, in youtube videos, i wish i dock that with people, they are telling you a bad story, you wish you could tap their face, and say thank god only 30 more seconds of this. >> lindsay lohan becoming a muslim? it is not a joke. >> but first a rif restaurant or loses it on a yelp reviewer, topical storm is next.
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sorbet let me clear your whistle, topic 1, such a incredible accomplishment to make it past 100 years old, and celebrating 102 birthday in style, she remembered to keep her wits and sense of humor but she did not put glue on her dentures before blowing all her candle on the cakes. >> blow it out. >> [ laughter ] kennedy: oh, i will take the corner piece with extra frosting, and. you know she pulls same trick on fellows, when she feeling randy. >> topic two. a woman had a bad experience at california restaurant sunset terrace, and shared opinion of place on yelp, writing that establishment staff was rude,
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and service poor, she received a facebook response from the owner, wrote, quote, brooky, you are an ignore ant disgusting measure able lying pig, and i feel bad for your mother. that was the pg version, this is the bark side of internet, the days of happy couple turning to professional reviews to plan a date, like this happy couple. >> how about mario's restaurant, mini pizza and delish dessert makes it italian eatery a must, day and night she talks, each word more useless than the next. kennedy: is there a better poledder child? poster child. >> and new york rangers with a win streak going, they run last
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6 game 7s in this play-off round they were facing elimination against washington capitals for last 3 games, and tied at end of regulation in game 7 it won't into overtime, it looked like capitols were dominating until eric stephan did this. i'm going to disneyland baby ! rangers live to play another round. i was at the janes addiction concert last night, the game was on in back of venue, people were watching esteve a steve after st the end of jane said, and the place erupted with cheers. the band was like, yeah we still
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got it. by the way, yeah i drank from the stanley cup in 1994, i can still chase the champagne mixed with messier man sweat. >> michelle obama, want foss takto takeyour freedom by shamio giving up fast-food, carls and hardies teaming up to give you the clumsiest sounding meat treat, called the most american thick burger that sounds leak a butchered translation from a exchange student, a burger, a hot dog, american cheese, and lay's pott potato chips, it has0 calories, and 64 grams of fat, your heart is bursting with pride your asse asss is bowfor f
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new york state is reinventing by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at
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for exampleeleforexampleeled --t lick. our panel is back. lisa, paul and sam, what do you make of lindsay lohan's latest book club. >> this is awesome, turning to islam for her troubled life, no one has it easier in islam than women. really, they don't support women or alcohol, she is both. like -- i don't know what she is thinking. kennedy: she is a walking bottle. >> she walked into a jail cell, does not know it, she is walking out of a free society to a society where anything she does kennedy: hey, man, media has already put her in chains, bro . i have a question, are we losing lindsay lohan to isis?
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>> probably. >> to whom should we send a thank you note. >> are you asking me the isis question because of my eyebrows. kennedy: eyebrow. what is worse, lindsay lohan to isis or dennis rodman to north korea. >> that is extreme. kennedy: she read koran, she said this harry potter book took a weird turn. kennedy: she is like koran, i wanted to draw with crayons, she just trying to get attention? >> yes, have you noticed with brittney and other starlets they carry their stuff in their hands, they want it all to be seen. kennedy: i see it in "us weekly"
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every week, they have giant bags why not put their stuff in there. >> they carry their stuff, she had mascara, and koran. >> she should have a islamic woman next to her carrying kor koran. this is going to make teenage girls walk around where korans. kennedy: a report in daily climate, said warmer temperatures are and droughts could be a boone for plant life, in particular plants like marijuana. yeah,. more potent weed, thank you california drought, so, lisa, are stressed plants good thing, because stressed plants, become more potent is that good for society. >> worse part is, you know that cure for this, you water them more, and with all problem like
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california has, i would rather have a high pressure shower than a more potent weed. kennedy: ideal would be a high pressured shower while smoking a j . right? what do you choose between fish, wild life and weed. >> i hear you get more baked if you deny the holocaust, a whole other high. kennedy: what? >> i don't know. this is how pot heads think. kennedy: the plantologists, they note that carbon levels, thousands of years ago were higher. now that carbon levels are rising, you know marijuana as a plant, used to the higher carbon contend, now we're see more
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potent marijuana. does this mean more carbon is good for marijuana should, al gore eat his own words. >> and not speak at all. because pot will put us to sleep. look whole water thing is not an issue, the global warming, polar ice caps are melting that is your bong water right there we're covere. and pot ent pot is good for people who are paranoid boo climate change. kennedy: maybe we need a construction of pair nowa like we have now, a rise in concentration. thc . >> to tb tom brady appealing her susarcing hissuspend shin today.
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>> nfl said they would reduce charges to 2 games this they saw photos of him pushing gisele down the stair case 92 tha. >> that is horrible, that is not true. >> i am a patriot fan. kennedy: what happened. >> that chin, so sexy, i -- he has had a charmed believe, i can't feel bad for him. like he is married to the most beautiful in the world, he is a millionaire 70 times over. kennedy: he should not cheat. not enough is it? >> no, it is not 4 games is over the line. too much, they are likening it to you know performance enhancing drugs. kennedy: shhe is cheating in nfl. >> am i over weactin reacting be
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book and my phone at him. >> for anything. for jame i jameis winston. thank you so much. >> friday, and saturday, i'll be the brokerage comedy club in bell more, new york. incredible place. >> you are coming. >> you know i'm loading up the minivan with people from kennedy show. >> tom brady will be there. kennedy: they are all that is where models like me go to laugh and frolic. >> coming up, any chance to bring a dog on sit, i am for it, a preview of a new show, is your dog a genius? a canine painter will be here to tickle the canvass, and that is
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a euphemism, that is next. good. very good. you see something moving off the shelves and your first thought is to investigate the company. you are type e*. yes, investment opportunities can be anywhere... or not. but you know the difference. e*trade's bar code scanner. shorten the distance between intuition and action. e*trade opportunity is everywhere.
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>> all of us have ideas about what makes talks tick. >> we can say, hark this is a dog that really reliant on memory, this is a dog that is really that orgie on makin fran. >> brilliant, that was a clip from nat geo wild 3 part series is your dog a genius. it will be good, dog owners love their furry friends but do they know how they feel about you? we're go to get a look at dog's mind, expnd mor and understand t
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pups and personalty, is your dog a generous? -- genius. welcome to you. i am so happy to have you here. not only are you a doctor, you play one on tv right now, and you study evolutionary anthropology, a fascinating field of study are all dogs geniuses? >> the title of the show, is your dog a genius. the answer quickly is yes, so what kind of jea genius we visit with genius dogs like, they help witexpert help with those with ptsd, and people in wheelchairs, and find bombs, we play a set of
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games that measure how dogs think with those dogs then we visit with family dogs, play the same games. >> that is a great thing, you actually have a series of games, we'll too two of them here to test ox anna's natural genius. >> well we'll play the memory versus pointing game, you can play. we'll let her see where we hide food and . t and then point to e other location. >> we'll see, maybe she will so depend on your communicative gestures she goes to where you point, instead of where you might remember. kennedy: you give her a fake out. >> okay.
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try with a cup. here w we go, treats in her han, bringing dog over. >> i love play by play. >> two blue cups. treats, cup a, and where is the cookie? yeah. where is it? come on. where is it? over here. i know it is. idea she is more reline on her memory than gestures, then other dogs so trusting, they just saw with the food was they don't remember. >> does that peak to their empathy. >> we have other games for empathy, we help you mosure how much eye contact your dog makes and whether your dog contagiously yawns, that is an
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interesting game, you spend two minutes yawning every few seconds then you see if your dog yawns, you have to see if your dog is a yawner. maybe your dog a psycho path. >> we -- her skill is goes beyond just helping people, she is an artist. she will show us some of her painting talent. some purpos purple paint. >> i see great scra ucla colorsn there blue and gold. and she will add some others, there you go.
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>> she is temper mental. >> what puts her in the mood to paint. >> food. >> come on, paint. >> yeah. look at that tail wagging, booty momentum. i do the same thing when i paint. oh, yeah. point, what you see. >> she is a brilliant dog who has been trained. most dogs cannot paint. >> a lot of dogs, saying my dog could never learn to paint or a genius, have you a chance to actually find out, play the same gain that we play -- games we that we play, she is a socialite. >> different levels of dogs. >> right, and so then you can do is find out how your dog compares to other dogs, what
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their special skill, your dog can solve a bunch of problems. kennedy: there you go, portrait of lou dobbs in b ab abstract. >> coming up, that time of week, for love and hate, in mailbag. i am diving in and hopefully not bump my head on bottom of pool of your love next. ♪ ♪ ♪ the ones with the guts to stand apart - join a league all their own. ♪
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"what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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a 500 on a scale from 1 to 10. kathleen said, have a weekly ross segment. i heart him. >> and angela, wrote this, finally a voice of logical reasoning, california build a desalination plant 4 o or a bunf them and screw the train. >> and who was most fun to interview. what is first concert you saw. most fun was john lighten from my mtv days, and we had him on the show. where he got mad and walked off the set. as for first concert, fourth grade, the grateful dead. still suffering from that couldn't tacontact high. all right, now, i have received
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some hate, we post on-line our show is taking night off last week, and michael wrote, i didn't notice, the hate hillary wining and hypocrisy gets old. wait until she is president, and thank me then. >> then this e-mail from jim thornton, i am getting ready for tonight's show, made cookies, and sorted my socks, and i am praying this is night you have lesbians discussing summer trends and fashion, still a fan, you know what? that is not a bad idea. >> and vet arrested for dog rescue, is only clean double -- you hear on kennedy nation. what can i say. i have a dirty mind, but a clean heart. you can follow me on twitter, and facebook. kennedy e-mail us.
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if you are watching because you hate me, just know that yomama is so big, she used stay buss for roller skates, thank you for watching the show, i love you and your mama, good night. much. >> good every ending i am ashley webster in for lou dobbs, president obama wrapping up a news conference at camp david after spending the day reactor suring gulf leaders concern about his nuclear deal with iran, but the message may not have been received, just two of the 6 were inattendance. -- in attendance. we'll take up the slim expectations for the summit and concerns, obama house is contributing to a nuclear arms race in middle east. former united nations
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