tv The Willis Report FOX Business May 16, 2015 5:00am-6:01am EDT
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disobedience. let's rebuild america without permission. tell the oppressive state that we are not going to take it. that is our show and we will see money." you don't want to miss it. have a great night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ charles: live from las vegas this is "making money" with charles payne. and check out this beautiful live audience. ♪ announcer: this is "making money" with charles payne. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ charles: tonight we are going to answer all of your questions
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about investing, the stock market, real estate retirement, not just for direct investments by for everybody else in this country. let's meet the investment pros. chris, welcome to the show. check out hilary kramer. she looks like a movie star. and of course not to be upstaged, we have scotty with us. and matt mccall, founder and president of his financial group. thank you so much for being here today. stock set an all-time high today yet we walk around this building and it does not feel like it. i remember doing a money show in 2000. some of you guys were probably here. it was maybe 20 times larger, three-story boost it was
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euphoric. none of that today. but there's something to be said about that because we have come a long way with the stock market. and you want to improve your lives, you want to make more money, you want to control your own destiny. but what is the problem and why is this happening? i think it's a combination of factors and a lot of people are skeptical of the markets and i think a lot of people are skeptical about where america is going and many are more or less throwing in the towel and that is not how we became the greatest country in the world. so what you think it is remap we are at an all-time high and yet it's not palpable. >> i have been here a couple of days and everybody is concerned about the economy. we can talk about this and the dollar there's one gentleman that i spoke with. out of the 10 different presentations i heard i her 10 different things.
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and i think that once you figure it out, are companies going to grow the earnings. what does that mean for the market and so forth? it is the economy. >> it's very interesting, what i have noticed in talking to everyone on the street and in new york city is that there is so little faith in our government and the president obama, and i think it starts there. and then there is so much from 2008 and 2009 in a financial crisis and many people who know those who have a return to work. in many economic revival, the stock market is magnificent, but there are those that are still not back to work. >> chris says the economy, hillary says politics. if you agree with chris, let me know. or is hillary more on point with a lack of leadership that has people worried?
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[cheers] [applause] >> i'm going to say it's both. i think it's a lack of leadership on the economy that has made people lose faith. i think that we see these numbers touted by the president and by the fed. unemployment is down or better than we were eight years ago no we are not. i'm still having to pay more for milk and gas. despite these prices going down in the past few months, people say that and it's nothing against saving, but at the same time we want to restore the confidence in the economy and let people start spending again. >> the economy, leadership we could have sat here 6.5 years ago and said the same thing. but you're sitting here. the bottom line is corporations are making more money than they
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ever have. so you're sitting on the sideline. meanwhile you're going to work an extra five years because of that. >> what i will add to that and believe me, you will hear a lot going up into the election and a lot of this is factually correct although what they are insinuating is wrong. corporate profits at an all-time high that as a percentage of gdp and an all-time low. those profits are not coming from america. when apple reported their earnings 70% of phones sold outside of our country listen i have no problem with the rest of the world nipping at our heels, competition makes us great. but we are fighting this fight with one or two arms tied behind our back. this is why i think you guys have legitimate reason for being frustrated and so to lie. i talk about this every single day. if we would unleash the greatness of this nation,
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instead it feels like the mentality of those in charge ,-com,-com ma they look at america as a group of pirates and we have robbed people and now we need to divvy up the loop. they don't have any real belief in capitalism or free markets or the idea that every individual can pull themselves up by the straps and this is resonating more and more. sometimes it's a higher stock market makes it worse. that is something that we have to think about. and it is the economy, obviously, but why is the economy in the position that it's an. >> looking at the leadership the policies being put forth, the growing regulation that is strangling companies, you look at the inabilities.
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>> when companies make money overseas and they bring it back and they repeatedly that, no other civilized nation punishes companies for doing that we are the only ones the tax companies for making a profit out of side of this country and bringing it back. so what are companies doing? they are keeping it overseas. does anyone in the audience like to pay taxes twice? [cheers] [applause] >> the only way that i think that this is going to get fixed maybe you we start in philadelphia, he brings life to the idea that we have serious infrastructure issues even if it was caused by a man-made situation. a train going 100 miles per hour on a 50-mile track. two weeks ago they were running trains in japan almost 300 miles per hour. so just the idea that we can't even take a train at that speed should scare you guys we
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invented it as well. the great revolution of the economy. the trains and planes. and i think the administration would love to hijack this and love to take it from the companies. it is up to corporate america. if they can get this money back home at a lower tax rate and the administration wants to take this home, that could be the compromise. between you and i don't think that they are going to spend money on infrastructure. you guys remember the $800 billion stimulus plan. do you see any great deals around your neighborhood? is a little bitty bridge that nobody uses and it's still broke. you have to be kidding there's no accountability for the money. this puts up another problem. the attraction washington dc does not look at it's going to change. >> hopefully we are going to have a complete change in leadership and payroll taxes
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simplified reduced and i love your idea in terms of infrastructure, that all of this money abroad, tens of billions of dollars comes over. >> keeping cash oversees the db nines the company, it's done because of regulation and what the government has set for the policy. let's not demonize apple for keeping money overseas but the white house because the rules that they have created have forced apple to keep that overseas. >> they are going to do whatever they can to the letter of the law to minimize their tax exposure. if you want to change it change the taxes. >> we are going to talk about that and a lot more. we are live in las vegas with a beautiful audience. [cheers]
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♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ [cheers] [applause] >> welcome back to "making money" we are live in las vegas home of the money show with an amazing audience and now we are going to do some questions and answers. i'd love to know what you're thinking and we are going to start with las vegas. you have a question on interest rates remapped. >> yet. >> you want to know where they are going? and by the way have you guys seen interest rates over the past couple of weeks to it's
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absolutely nuts. >> federal reserve may not raise interest rates until next year. >> they may not but there other forces in the market. we have seen what has happened with bond yields in america and particularly in europe or it's a questionable thing. yields will go up because the economy is better, there's a sense that maybe there's more inflation. when we think about inflation we think negatively initially although people love to read the value of their assets in place in their paychecks and plays. and so we have a wage recovery. it's a little bit confusing but
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artificially low. and what can they do? how can they raise them? our economy is in a lot of trouble. and so how do you even -- how do you justify this with the risk that they have taken if you can't say something is better? and at the same token i don't believe that they are going to raise rates. the bond yields will start to go up more than where they were. and randy from las vegas. >> welcome to las vegas. >> thank you. >> are you ready to make some money? >> you're helping before. >> my question is, if it's easy for me to get into the bond market, my dilemma is when to get out and i'm looking for
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recommendations on buy and sell and hold canadian and cisco. >> i think that there are polls right now. it's a great question. getting out is always pretty difficult and i think people in general are predisposed to taking a loss. three months later the stock is down 20% and someone says you killed me again. if you're going to take a 20% loss why would you not take a 20% gain? >> i e-mail you. >> those solar stocks, that stock looks pretty good. >> thanks a lot. we really appreciate it. >> my question is interest rate.
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is there anything that can derail this market? >> there was a report out today, they talked about it falling apart, like it or not they are very important to the global economy. the european situation is getting worse and greece is becoming the first domino. and you know, with main street has not bought into this recovery. people are not taking the bait and we can simply slide into a recession. first quarter gdp will be revised probably to a negative number. >> there is political influences, but they are right on it. it's china and greece. >> thank you guys very much, we really appreciate it.
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[applause] >> how's it going? >> i have a question on preferred stocks, it seems like it can be an important part of a dividend providing portfolio. i'm curious why this seems to be in focus. >> gives you a greater degree of comfort less volatile than general common stocks and i don't know why we have a limited amount of time and i'm not sure why we don't talk about it is like i'm not sure why we don't talk about utilities.. perhaps some could find it boring. but from a position that you are talking about it's extraordinarily important and i think that they play a role. >> what i would say is dividends they cannot fix it but the number of stocks out there it's almost a very big market with many niches.
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charles: if you have something that is a part of your portfolio from i think you should stick with it. thank you guys. coming up next more audience participation. make sure you continue to send me tweet. stick around and we will be back. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ good. very good. you see something moving off the shelves and your first thought is to investigate the company.
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[applause] >> welcome back we are live at caesars palace in las vegas and this is the place to be. check out this beautiful audience. give yourselves another round of applause. [cheers] [applause] charles: let's keep the questions coming. how is it going? >> it's going pretty good. charles: will are you making any money outside of the market? >> no the markets enough for me. >> basically common wisdom the stocks are expensive but if interest rates stay low, doesn't that make them cheap in the aggregate? >> yes it makes them cheap in the aggregate. you sound like warren buffett. first of all common wisdom and conventional wisdom, whenever someone says that back in the day it meant it was wrong and contrarian. i try not to preach the market
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is much as great individual companies and their portfolios, but there are some names that are obviously overvalued. but think about this no one can argue the valuations and biotech over the last couple of years have been stretched and that is putting it mildly. you we saw were a biotech company expected a premium. try to look at your portfolio on an individual basis overall the market is not at a place where it would be overvalued based upon past times of enthusiasm euphoria, we started this show talking about the lack of euphoria out there. as for his relationship interest rates it's cheap web relationship interest rates. that's why people argue it's the only place to be. if money starts coming out of the bond market that could be the impetus to take it to the next level higher. >> thank you. >> we appreciate it. >> come on up buddy. how is it going? >> good. >> what is your question we met.
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>> my question is about dollars. since easing was announced on the dollar, it has come down. >> i think that the dollar will probably continue under some pressure, this is just my opinion. it's tough because every nation in the world is planning a race to the bottom of course if we started and try to get currency as cheap as possible, see there is a problem. if you try to do this, it's a flawed strategy. getting us back to the idea that we have true free markets. we wouldn't have to have a cheap product. think about germany. we overpay for german cars and copy coffee machines we don't care where the euro is we want a german product would pay a lot of money for it. people around the world want an american product. and he wanted to talk about the dollar. >> a strong dollar is ultimately
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a good thing. and the world want@and this is where investors all over the world want to put their money, in the united states. it hurts us internationally but then again it is always a good thing. charles: thank you, we appreciate it. [applause] >> how are you doing? >> i'm doing good. >> did you come from the bar to . [laughter] >> no, arizona. [laughter] >> i'm starting to come out of high school and i'm interested in investments, what would you recommend for me and other young investors? charles: first and foremost i recommend stocks millennialist right now are 50% cash they are putting more in their 401ks which is a good sign and also i recommend that you invest in
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yourself and not be afraid to start businesses. but i think you guys are the ones that determine what is cool. you know it before wall street knows it. so think about what is in your world and i bet you can tell the answer better than i can. but we talk about this all the time. >> yes we do i wish that there were more responsible 14-year-olds like that right there. >> here's the thing with whether we're talking about young people are people that are starting to invest under armour nike using facebook especially at a young age you are encouraging her children and grandchildren and that gets them excited. and i always say make sure that you do not rent a stock that you own a stock. >> thank you very much.
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lives for mossadegh guess. >> hello i love your show, i watch it every day. >> my question is do you buy or sell or hold? >> a lot of the pressure came because oil crashes, it has a lot of ramifications. it's a hard business to get into. and so it's pretty tight. i think if the american economy comes back, i happen to like it and they have a line that goes into panama the new panama canal is opening up and it's going to be absolutely amazing. and i won't argue that it's not sexy it doesn't fizzle, they have been under some pressure. >> thank you very much.
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>> coming up taking a look at some of the candidates breaking down their economic views of what it means to you and we will tell you all about it when we come back from las vegas. ♪ ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome;
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announcer: live from caesars palace here again is charles payne. [cheers] [applause] >> welcome back live from charles: welcome back, we are live from caesars palace. a politician once said it is the economy. well he may actually play a role in this thing. because the bottom line, we want to know what the next president
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is going to do to fix this economy. what we want to do is talk about what the 2016 candidates may or may not say. hillary clinton she has not announced or economic agenda that a lot of people will say that she tries to run the coattails of her husband. and again, if you listen, it seems like she is being pushed to more taxes, more regulation taking money to people that are in it. let's talk about this with our political expert, everyone is wondering because there are so many candidates out there. but what plan should emerge? >> most of them sound exactly the same and a lot of them are advocating this you have someone like rand paul that wants to continue to reduce
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spending and then you have scott walker who says i'm going to reinstate this. but that is the problem as why we don't have a clear front runner. >> talking about tax rates from 35 to 25 and he's actually putting numbers out there. >> well, we saw president obama when reelection -- win election and real election talking about how specifically the bush cuts tax were, so marco rubio is going to say that's his plan and the american public is going to say okay? >> well, the american public is going to get marco rubio's plan and his attack on did you have any idea or capital gains. >> anybody on the audience like that? [cheering and applause] >> i've got to be honest with you, charles i'm a little bit more cynical they're angling
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for votes and when they get elected, it's a very different situation . >> so how are you going to determine who they're going to vote for. >> well, i'm going to wait and see what they're talking about, we don't have anybody's full economic agenda and we won't until we get narrowed down . >> and charles, i think a lot of people this year unlike other presidential years you're going to see more of a emphasis on the debate and you had of out who really knows about the economy and who is just -- >> the gop debates, you can't get 73 people on the panel to debate we've got to leave it there. move on. you can save that thought. we'll talk about it on the break, in the meantime we are live at the money show, beautiful las vegas, in the meantime we're going to go back to the audience with their questions and keep tweeting also. we'll get to some of those
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start with albert. how's it going buddy? >> good, hey, i've been watching your show since the day you first came on air. >> i really appreciate it. >> my question is since some of your picks have taken a dive and i'm talking about under armour, what determines your picks to buy? >> all right. i'm glad you said that though. the word dive is really under armour was on the first show i did, it was up a lot on that first show, now it's pulled back, it didn't dive, it just pulled about a being. what i love about companies are companies that have pricing power because they sell products that people want. because when you have pricing power, that means you have margin expansion, we have margin expansion and that means your stocks should go up. and i think under armour is
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positions really well to do that, i think the kid who won the masters all of a sudden everyone on wall street discovered it. so i think it's one of these companies that's going to grow, i think it's going to take market share, i think it's going to have pricing power, and if you hang in there, it's going to do extraordinary well, and we also do peer to peer reviews so that's where we are now. so remember the next stock that goes up about five or six percent, whatever the opposite is i've got to hear from you okay. >> okay. >> thank you a lot, buddy, i really appreciate your support. >> hello how are you? >> how are you. >> so you know that social media is changing everything and i really think it's changing the investment world have you heard of social trades and do you think it compliments or -- >> social changing is the notion that the crowd ultimately knows best. so if everybody -- although
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wall street they believe the crowds don't know best. >> right. >> you know the old story joseph kennedy. >> no. >> you know the bigwig who made a lot of money in the market, one day he was on his way to work and he got his shoeshined, and the kid looked up at him and said i think i'm going to buy xyz today, and he said what? so lesson has it he sold everything and a couple of days later the market crashed. so the little guy is going to get on social media and play around and know more of than them is farfetched. i don't necessarily think it's farfetched but i still think nothing replaces good old fashion hard research. so it's good to get a feel of what's hot and what's not hot on social media but you've still got to take a look at under the hood. thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> thank you . >> what's up, joe?
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>> charles, this is a pretty specific question, but you've been very positive on whirlpool, now after their pull back -- are they a buy? >> i think so, sir absolutely yeah, again another stock you chart it, a year or five years it's done extraordinarily well, and latin machas gone through its own problems, but i think they will correct that, and in the meantime we'll start to see more home building here, i think the u.s. market will probably pick up the baton and take whirlpool north of 200 so i like whirl pillar a lot. now, that first smart washing machine for $1,600 was a bust. >> welcome to las vegas charles. >> thank you very much. >> i was wondering about your
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opinion with massive limit partnerships with etf at the time. >> they were the place to be for a long period of time, in the oil industry, they had special tax codes for them so that they were able to throw off a lot of the cash to the holders, they have come down diagram dramatically, they were acquired they really week or late last week, and i think it depends on your tax bracket and how much money you're trying to save. but the notion that they're bulletproof has gone away. but i think they are cheap enough. anyone know mlp. >> yeah. the owner of mlp got a k-1, if your tax is really really tough, if you own a -- they've gotten hit and i think oil has the base here, and you want some income, it's a great place for income, especially like an ira. >> yeah. they pay big
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let's bring another guest up. how's it going? >> how are you doing? >> good what's your question? >> my question is what are your short and long term views on real estate, given the possible likelihood of interest rates going up in the near future. >> i happen to like real estate, it should certainly be part of your portfolio, i think one of the problems with the notion of home ownership has changed a lot. i'm hoping that that changes again, again the aftermath of that crash we had makes people reluctant, but i think you should have assets in your portfolio, some real estate, antique watched, it doesn't have to be something fairly expensive either, something that has store value. now, we do happen to have on stage right now the man himself, legal expert, real estate expert, and fox news contributor. >> welcome to the show. >> thank you . >> and, by the way johnny said better him or her?
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i don't know. >> nobody knows my name. just my hair . >> what do you think about that? >> i think we learned a lot through the crisis, we learned that certain people never should have bought a home. i think that the person people all of us want to own. and that if interest rates go down and there's an ability to get into the buy they're going to buy again because people -- >> hold on a second bob if interest rates go down -- >> excuse me if they go up. >> okay. >> it's not going to matter because people will fit it into their grid to be able to own again. now, the lenders still tough and i think ultimately the market is obviously going to correct itself. i'm big in real estate. i mean buy low sell high, i still believe in the real estate market. >> yeah. so go for it. [laughter] i think all of that meant go for it. appreciate it. . >> so i'm a student at the university of north carolina and my question is so like
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many of my friends have had to take out student loans to finance their education and i'm just trying to figure out when i do graduate, should i be concerned about paying those loans off right away or should i put my money into the stock market, how should i divide that up. >> you know, that is a fantastic question. i think a lot of people are grappling with that, but you do understand you're going to pay them, you don't think we're going to pay them; right? >> yeah. i have to do it eventually. >> we love you. you know, for me it's -- you weigh what your interest rates are and everyone has different rates i think some of these rates that these kids out there the sooner you can pay it off the better if it's something that's manageable, and you can make more money by putting it to work somewhere else, swing it's an individual decision, personally i look to see the government get out of this business. since the administration kicked out the middle man the loans themselves are $1.3 trillion, 800 billion of
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that on our shoulders and hence all the time of speaking of politics, you know, wink wink you're not going to pick them no, i think it depends on you. and if your interest rate is under a double-digit, i would like to see you pay off a limited amount and invest the rest. >> yeah. if your interest rate is 5 #%, you're losing 5% every year, and if mine was 3.5%, i would still pay off some of the loans. >> that's why a lot of these millennials can't get a home loan. they're having to deal with this housing debt. this is why you do want to get this paid off because eventually, you will want a bigger loan to take out and will be penlized because you have this student debt. >> all right guys, let's move on. appreciate it. we like guys from tollito you're from the heartland. >> yeah. i am. welcome to las vegas charles. >> thank you very much. >> i've been to a lot of
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conferences and they're packed we all feel the bear market is coming what do you and your panel feel will be the trigger that will cause the next bear market. >> i'm not sure. they do come. here's the thing though. bear markets are inevitable. i have booths at this conference in 2000, 2001, 1999, i've seen some of the same faces going around and grab a pens and still making their move in the market. let's be honest; right? because they're afraid of the next crash. if i'm lucky i'll live through at least five or six more big crashes so i think it's inevitable, so i'm not really sure what this mark will be, we talked on the show whether it china interest rates going up too soon, or just the fact that we're in a recession right now and not talked about and that gets worse because the american public doesn't want to step up to the place. >> yeah. don't miss the next five to ten% move upwards because you're nervous about the market, what you want to do is be in it and eventually, yes, we'll have that . >> and we will say sometimes
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don't be afraid if you see this thing to crack up, the key is to get back in. >> thank you very much. [cheering and applause] >> we've got a new yorker in the house what's up? >> i know that tobacco stocks are very controversial the government taxes them to death. >> yeah. >> but the fact of the matter they've been a very good investment they all pay good dividends and the stocks have risen. >> sure. >> my question is do you think this will continue or do you think the government will work hard to put more taxes on it. >> well, tobacco is considered a sin and if you label something a sin and a sin sugary drinks is a sin, and i've got to tell you something. it's really worry some, the one outside of this country is the one i would invest in.
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people outside of america still smoking they're still picking up the habit china says they may crack down on it. i think it's going to continue to be a good investment. but anything with smoking core customers to america to your point, i think they're going to continue to crack down more and more. and plus i think this is health cautious movement starting to work as well. >> yeah. the international one. huge dividend, p -- huge dividend i would go with that as well. >> yeah. >> if you don't care about killing people, go for it, buddy. [laughter] >> we have one question. i've got to get to twitter because we had a lot of tweets, and i want to go to twitter because she wants our real estate trust plg and spg. real estate investment trust with people say what happens to them when interest rates go up bob. >> well, listen. they've been very controversial over the years you know, with reach and it's something that years ago there are a lot of people doing it, it's going to affect the values, they're looked upon very suspiciously now she "they" vary on what happened
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the last several years. >> right. >> so there's a decision on -- >> you would avoid them though. >> i stay as far away. >> by the way guys, let's give bob a round of applause. >> thank you . >> we're going to be right back live with the money money show in beautiful las vegas. more of your questions from the audience next. also keep tweeting us at home. we'll get some more. i promise ♪ ♪ ♪ (under loud music) this is the place. ♪ ♪ ♪ their beard salve is made from ♪ ♪ ♪ sustainable tea tree oil and kale... you, my friend, recognize when a trend has reached critical mass. yes, when others focus on one thing you see what's coming next. you see opportunity. that's what a type e* does. and so it begins.
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with e*trade's investing insights center, you can spot trends before they become trendy. e*trade. opportunity is everywhere. the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the ones with the guts to stand apart - join a league all their own. ♪
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the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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a lot of things, don't let the world discouran you. stay who you are god bless you thank you verythank you very much monday lou's back. have a good night. neil: well never let a crisis go to waste, especially if you can use it to waste more money. welcome, everybody, i'm neil cavuto. and think quick, sherand chuck schumer, what do you think they have in common? amtrak spending the trainer and the entertaining senator using this week's train disaster to push for more federal dollars, not only for amtrak that received billions over the years but pretty much everything else while they're at. it does that ring a bell? it is a familiar liberal theme. >> we need to invest in the infrastructure not just when something bad happens like a bridge collapse or train derailment but all the time. >> our safety is linked to the
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