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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  May 20, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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like to share with us? we would love to hear it. sense me an, nai e-mail or go tr ♪ kennedy: happy wednesday to you, tonight i am watching the new document pro from the 2011 raid on ahmed bin laden compound. showing his intent to attack the u.s. until the bitter end and there is an angry response to the state of the union address when president bush gets called a liar, a job application that is far more comprehensive than what you filled out on and best of all there's something called osama bin laden's bookshelf. which lists the english language publications.
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he was quite a conspiracy theorist. a regular alex jones. he had looks on the illuminati. one was called the secrets of the federal reserve are you. >> and the 9/11 trooper. if you can believe yourself, who can you believe to there were also wonderful books that are like calligraphy workshop and sports nutrition. because when you are wrestling with the idea of annihilating the west come you have to make sure you have the proper carbs or fat ratio. he has been flipping through applications of potential g5 is.
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obviously be al qaeda hr department has no problem violating the civil rights, they will totally discriminate against you and your religious references and expressions and do any of your family or friends work with the government? and have you ever joined the afghanistan theater? especially for summer shakespeare. and do you wish to execute a suicide operation? and what objectives would you like to accomplish on your g5 pass? and coming up next, bill and hillary's current rivals could become president. and scott walker. he says being a college dropout
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is a good thing for his resume. end run around the will be my special guest to take us inside the world of mma. we are glad you are here, this is kennedy. >> at last we know some of the things that osama bin laden was up to. let's talk it over with our panel, get some of the book recommendations. we have michael moynihan, a columnist at the daily beast. good evening, gentlemen, welcome. >> thank you. >> thank you for having us.
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>> you are a fox business favorite. and we can still be friends. okay, let's talk about this job application. what goes through the head of a potential applicant when they are filling this out? >> i did not know that one had to submit a formal application, i thought that they had to be psychotic and show up. it's incredible, but i love the fact that he is involved in that level of detail. he is involved in the hiring process. i kind of respect him as a boss. and they are actually hiring the knuckle dragging lunatics. >> he knows these people.
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>> were you surprised to learn that osama bin laden was a 9/11 trooper? that maybe he doubted his own thing? >> yes, after a wild, it can get pretty convincing. if you spend the time to read this stuff, even people that are not normally gullible. >> i thought that that was me. maybe i am the crazy one here. okay at one point he wrote a letter saying do you remember all that stuff, don't ever touch it, they put microchips in it. >> it is actually an interesting point although there is documented evidence between al qaeda over the years and iran. but he does make a point, he says he cannot trust the
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iranians. and he was worried that many other people, if they had done this, there would be an implant the could track him. >> you know, i'm really surprised that a guy that has a bookshelf does this. >> i'm also surprised that his book database is massive. 266 documents and books and that is now in today's world, that constitutes a lot of things. >> when he had live, it's going to give -- 9/11 truth is part of us.
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>> in fact, yes, i used to scrub that on my toes. the nsa known for its vast program can add this to its resume. the aclu and tea party patriots joining forces in iowa and new hampshire and dc, pressuring lawmakers not to renew aspects of the patriot act. >> they have protected records on every american phone call. without a warrant, without cause and without your permission. right at this moment. and does this surprise you?
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because i am surprised. >> i'm surprised we have this story on right now. >> it doesn't surprise me. checks and balances, we should always be aware of what is going on. a healthy government is an acquisitive government. but here is the big deal. words anyone can say, whether it's anyone else, the political winds have changed. and what is going to happen, it's always a recalibration between security concerns and civil liberties, and right now we are in that mode.
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what is going to happen if it's going to catch up. it's a two-year lag here. and that includes civil liberties, privacy mode, at the same time or we have more about domestic internal threat concerns. and we certainly have more concerns than we have more open cases than we have had in a long time area did so typically what happens is this goes back. and i understand people have a healthy concern. >> all i heard from was this. [laughter] >> that is all the time that we've got. >> they respect the constitution, they want privacy maintained. >> i am glad people are coming together. the aclu is getting together.
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>> i have so many different things to say about this. >> it is a transformation so satisfying that it needs to be interviewed by diane sawyer. okay, and we have rhonda rousey who is a martial art superstar, a world champion that has won many fights. and something that sets them apart from the rest of the gop field. dropping some knowledge about college on you next. ♪ ♪
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kennedy: welcome back. martin o'malley is poised to announce his challenge to hillary clinton for the democratic nomination for the president to. [inaudible] our panel is back. we have michael moynihan, and guests, we have a man party in the kitchen. so tom, i'm going to ask you. >> are you sure that you're talking about the presidency reign. kennedy: i will not be surprised if he goes all the way. >> at dumping to do with cigars.
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[applause] >> that is for the older crowd right there. >> no, no, we don't talk about that. >> that is not good. martin o'malley is expected to announce his candidacy for the presidency next week. how little you care? >> i don't care at all, that's the answer to my question that you have on me. and we are not getting paid for this. [laughter] >> we have standards, what else do we need? and get everyone in their, i was really cynical. i just have a feeling that the republicans are beating each other up, the democrats are going to nominate hillary, i feel like we could just do ourselves a favor and talk about others. >> you want a dictatorship, you just want to put someone in
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power and never have to worry about this again. >> martin o'malley, i don't care about him. there is an aggressive irish-american running for president, but that is part of the story, we have petitioned the clintons to go on this trip in ireland. kennedy: take mumford and sun's. >> bill clinton, doing this strategically, saying that you know, that they have a campaign for him. >> how many people do you think that they said that would go all the way? at a meeting with republicans on capitol hill yesterday, he dropped out of marquette university in his senior year and pointed out xt 8% of americans don't have college degrees and he thinks that that could be part of this if he runs
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for president. >> eno, it is a huge advantage, george w. bush had a degree and he pretended he didn't. >> i am saying that he tried to pretend. kennedy: is it better to have a college degree or have the ability to kill people with your thoughts? >> it is actually a pretty cool superpower. and i think that a great deal of the country really doesn't care. not minimizing education is important. but do i think it makes any difference? i do not. i know a lot of morons with college degrees and people who have done marvelous things in
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life. >> i want a phd. and i think, granted, a lot of people you learn things in college, there are disadvantages in every part. but this idea . >> you can get a good education and mit at engineering. but i don't think it's something that you want to shoot for.
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>> i think it's a very fair question to ask whether you have a degree or not. and i think it is elitist because they have the education. kennedy: i think that's absolutely right. you can think that hillary clinton is entitled without being sexist. gentlemen, we will see you back here. and then coming up we need the panel to return and come talk to us. there is a 65-year-old woman who just gave up birth. and "sports illustrated" just called her the world's most gifted athlete. we will have rhonda rousey next
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kennedy: yes, i am dancing. how are you reign i could not be more excited to welcome one of the greatest athletes on the planet to the shell this very minute, look no further than the cover of sports ellis rated. there is ronda rousey come the world's most dominant athlete. and she is the reigning ufc champion. and the star on the big screen as well in the upcoming entourage movie, she is the author of the new autobiography called "my fight, your fight." by ronda rousey. i love the glasses, i didn't think it get any better. >> i feel that i look better in glasses so i might as well put the glasses on and battle it. >> it really works.
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kennedy: although some of us have bad eyes. let's talk about a physical defect that you had as a child and i'm wondering if that was one of the big motivating actors are you putting all of this passion and intensity into becoming the greatest fighter in the world. you are born with your umbilical cord wrapped around your neck. you didn't talk until you were six years old fully. obviously big and physical setbacks. did that help you or inform you emotionally to be a champion? >> my family is so amazing and my mom and dad were so wonderful, i didn't even know that they had a problem. my main thing was that i remember being frustrated that people didn't under enemy a lot of the time. and so that really got me to learning in a visual way and being able to communicate with people nonverbally it. i've actually had a lot of coaches throughout my career that barely even spoke english.
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and he spoke mostly spanish and even my coach now when we first started training together, he didn't speak any english at all. >> let me ask you about that. because maybe being not as verbal as a child help do read the physical symbols. are you able to anticipate what people are doing before they do at the perhaps because of your early childhood challenges to . >> i think it could have part of it to do with that, but i think that fighting expresses yourself. and i think that that helped me during my inability to speak for so long. kennedy: can you tell us about how you learn to fight your best
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on your worst day. you are inspired by her mother, her secret champion life, you didn't even know she was good at this, and she said you have to be your best on your worst day. what does that mean to you? >> well, she would get me ready and i told her that is what i wanted to do and what i asked for her help to do. and you only get one shot. until it happens to be a bad day, she said you had to be good enough to win every match twice on your worst day. kennedy: she said maybe the olympics is going to happen on your worst day. you have have to be able to fight at your highest level. just putting things in perspective, we only have a couple of seconds left. one individual said of you she's better at mma than any other athlete is than anything. what you think about that quote?
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>> to even be considered for a statement like that, you would have to believe you that you deserve to have that set about your. really i really appreciate her saying that, i wouldn't say that about myself, but i wouldn't say she's wrong. kennedy: i think it's pretty amazing. what you have continued to accomplish is extraordinary. i love your strength and your passion and what you have overcome in your life and i'm glad the put in a book. thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up next, the panel returns to talk about a guy taking advantage of tourist. but first, bill murray drinking vodka on tv. of s your tropical storm isal next can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene, specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants...
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biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth.
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security 1 lending will send you. we changed lives... and security 1 lending helped change ours... security 1 lending... changing lives. kennedy: what better way to fill up your hump day than to make like a thirsty camel and drink. this is your topical storm.
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last night was david letterman second last podcast ever. with the incomparable bill murray on the show, you knew this was teamed up to be a classic. bill popped out of a cake and surprised dave letterman. and then came the vodka. a good sign that things are about to get out of hand. and after he said goodbye to david letterman, he headed over to msnbc where he started the party off with a bang. >> it looks like bill murray. we will be back. ♪ ♪ kennedy: when the show came back from the break, bill murray ensured everyone that it was not the fault of the vodka. >> i don't know where you get
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these women that push people around. kennedy: it is they have a handler of sorts. topic number two. when the first lady isn't being a busy body telling you where to live and how to eat, she is in the gym working out, the woman is sick, and she has made a two-minute workout video that proves that she is in much better shape than you. i am michelle obama, i'm the first lady, i can clutch a medicine ball. and look at me, look at me. and i get it, bloody blob. i am clutching these 35-pound
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weights. an all all right, that is enoug, michelle. and this makes me want to put on a headband and sweat and i'm not even lying. i would go to a party right now. topic number three. are your fingers and possibly dried? it's not the moisturizer you are using or the sun. you just haven't been licking them enough. kentucky fried chicken giving themselves a reboot by reanimating colonel sanders, the real chicken colonel. but kentucky fried chicken is never too busy to play fast food games. >> i am colonel sanders, and i am back, america. >> i am back, america.
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>> it is still finger licking good. kennedy: chickens so good that you want to look everyone's fingers. kennedy: topic number four. road rage can make you do crazy things, you can make you scream until you're red in the face, they could make you drive through your own house on purpose. john paul jones of georgia had a scuffle with his wife and naturally the next that was to redecorate his living room with a pickup truck. he claims one of the reasons for the refurbishment is that he wanted to cool down his house and an open window wasn't wide enough. he also offered this answer. >> they do not pay you, but hey.
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>> that is how i feel about this job. and idle hands are the devils playground. someone please hire this man, i think we know what is going to happen if he's out of work any longer. ♪ ♪ kennedy: topic number five. what are you more nostalgic for? jean-claude van damme ordered this ad from the '90s? now you don't have to choose because the movie bloodsport has been that famous mentos theme song ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ kennedy: it's almost so perfect that it hurts. i wonder what would happen if you dropped a bottle of jean-claude van damme and a bottle of coke. and i have been there as well. go ahead and we me at kennedy nation and coming up next, it takes a special kind of evil to run a fraudulent cancer care needs. that is what several suppose it's your teeth have been accused of. and is there anything you shouldn't do after a certain age? like have a baby when you're 65 years old? one-woman just did that. the panel wipes the vomit off of their face and returns to talk about this beautiful bundle of joy coming up next
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kennedy: how are you doing? congress limited spending for this pension and another 200 caver expenses. $3.5 million went to the four ex-presidents who earn millions. our panelists are asking and answering questions regarding this. so how outraged are you buy this and doesn't keep you from being a part of it to . >> what did the clintons
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make to 30 million to . >> yes, january 2014. >> i think it's a good idea, it comes across as being rather partisan given how it was delivered. >> clinton alone got that 950,000 last year. >> you can have this little office, or you can go off. you know, ulysses grant, he had to write this book is to put food on the table. [laughter] >> with a name like this, it has to be good.
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>> i am surprised at that george bush's office in houston was more expensive than bill clinton's office in washington dc. kennedy: well, this will certainly not go over well. a hot dog vendor is accused of gouging tourists were as much as $30 for a hot dog. a lot of people are going to be talking about this. >> yes, there is a regulation. but if you are so dumb --
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kennedy: that is one of the references in the show. >> doctor evil. >> [inaudible] >> i guess that there are people that would not get this. but the thing is that this exploitation of 9/11 and ground zero happened to be faster. the new posada story. when you would go down there, three weeks later there were people selling photographs. you can buy them on the street for like $10. and this is an atrocity. kennedy: what is the most you have ever paid or a hot dog to .
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>> i paid $100 for a cheesesteak in philadelphia. >> you really did? >> yes, they have a special restaurant down there that they make a big fuss out of. but there's a really good steak and listen, i'm on record, it's worth it because you eat half of it and you can take half of it home and share it with your wife over a glass of wine. it's very good. kennedy: that is still $85 too much. [inaudible] sounds like a typical presbyterian. >> i'm going to spend $35 for a hot dog, it under be made out of pedigree dog. >> he was raised in shanghai. >> i'm kidding, by the way, i have is fantastic. kennedy: this is a heckuva way
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to spend your golden years. a 65-year-old woman gave birth to a healthy baby boy in israel. ivf is illegal in israel over the age of 54 years old. oddly enough considered very be. and how many women have you impregnated with your supersede? >> weird thing about this [inaudible] and i'm not supposed to talk about it on tv, but yeah, i was surprised by this because i didn't know you could do it that way. >> the secret to world peace. >> if you want to get a 65 woman pregnant, start with a
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cheesesteak that cost $100. [laughter] >> all folks out there that spend the money and work hard trying to get pregnant, god bless them, contributed to be 65 years old and are desperate to have a child in her 65 years old, you should think about the child and maybe adopt because there are a lot of kids that also need to be adopted. >> it reminds me of that old song about i wouldn't trade this older and my in my mother's hair for all the gold in the world. kennedy: i feel like i have to take a shower after this. [laughter] [inaudible] kennedy: good night, gentlemen, i love you very much. coming up next, fathers have a knack for making parenting quite
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fun. they are going to be here in moments for hilarious tales from the front coming up next i've smoked a lot and quit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose
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kennedy: there is a new book that takes a look at fatherhood with a collection of essays by conservative writers and policy be individuals. offering insight and guidance in all of the details about being a dad. adventures from the worst job you will ever love and it features stephen hayes at "the weekly standard". jonathan is also the book editor and senior writer at "the weekly standard" grade welcome, gentlemen. >> thank you for having us.
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kennedy: normally we talk about special things. >> yes. kennedy: why is parent had funny and why is it funny to read about it from a data perspective because it is such a rich field of study. >> we put this book together and that the half instruction manual half war journal with a dash of philosophical, you know, stuff thrown in. and we have like a million crazy stories. [inaudible] and he is building a potato cannon. the barbie's hair catches on fire.
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>> is there something about conservative dads were they allow their kids to have as much fun as they did when they were young to . >> i think in some cases yes, in some cases no. and he thinks that this has to do with letting kids be dangerous. it's like my parents were very strict, they did not let us watch tv on week days am a we could not watch r-rated movies. kennedy: i thought you were talking about your kids, like you didn't let them watch tv during the week. >> i do not. my parents did that to me. kennedy: you passed on the resentment. >> i think that grew closer. so i think it actually made us grow closer because it's like this shared hardship, something like that. we came through it. we have to find our own fun. wiffleball and things like that. kennedy: you have great stories about your kids, especially your son, your wife had just given
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birth to your third child and a nice nurse comes up. he's a little portly and she asked about this. and then connor and then connor says when are you having your baby. >> honestly, it was one of the top three mortifying moments. because she was too old to be of childbearing years. and he says when you having a baby. and you are the dad, and i could see this coming because she's looking at her belly and it's like oh, no, do i jump over the table and trekkies dokken rematch where or do i let it go and try to recover. and so he says this and my recovery was do not take it personally, he says that about everyone. >> and it's as though you had a handful of venice heavy kosher salt and rubbed it in the
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wound to it was the worst moment. no one knew what to say. kennedy: you are still having children, you said the plan to have more? >> know, abort that. [laughter] >> i still have a kid in diapers. but so my two year old will throw tantrums and then rip off her clothes off. and you cannot imagine. the first 15 times a day that this happens, she does this to me a couple of weeks ago. and i say, put your freaking pants back on but i didn't say freaking and she says i will never put my freaking pants back
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on. and i thought great, you are going to pay for college yourself. this is awesome. [laughter] kennedy: the life we have chosen [laughter] >> we do pray a lot. kennedy: please let the will kids be quiet for two minutes. go get it now, only if you want to laugh especially from people you trust. one of them is being held by an adult. just kidding. coming up, how terrible of a person must you be to run a fraudulent cancer tyranny.
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kennedy: okay, tonight's nightcap is enough to make you want to drink. if you are imbibing, it's a little bit different. the clinton administration coming under scrutiny key. terrible organizations have long been fraught magnets because he pulled it donate money often times don't follow up to you where their dollars have gone and in this extreme case, the money apparently went to a really great cause and these individuals ran the cancer charities that have raked in almost $200 million company spent all the money on themselves. it is gone. what did they buy? a minor league baseball team in a free country? they hired telemarketers to raise this money and it actually made it to cancer patients. that five-star cruise was first
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class all the way. and am i right? as libertarians we want charities to thrive because the good ones are far more efficient than government agencies will ever be. it's hard enough getting your tax money to duplicate programs that are mired in bureaucracy. but when you hear about people joking, it makes you hesitate when you should donate. it is a warm spot in hell that awaits people that take advantage of kindness and tragedy. and when they wake up they will only wish that they had cancer. but we have something that is a cure-all for everything. our show is going to be moving to a brand-new time starting june 1. kennedy will air at 8:00 p.m. eastern and 5:00 o'clock pacific make sure that you tell everyone, including the people you despise coming you can watch together. thank you for joining us.
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i welcome you to follow is that kennedy nation at fox business. ♪ here w ♪ next. ♪ ♪ lou: could even come everyone, i am lou dobbs. the united states facing challenges on three fronts. three countries, iran, north korea, and russia, threatening to proliferate nuclear weapons. and to do so without regard to treaties or international convention. iran's supreme leader effectively ending president obama's desperate drive to negotiate a so-called framework agreement to limit the development of nuclear weapons. today adamantly insisted as before will never permit foreign expections of iranian military sides or


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