tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business May 20, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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joining us. i welcome you to follow is that kennedy nation at fox business. ♪ here w ♪ next. ♪ ♪ lou: could even come everyone, i am lou dobbs. the united states facing challenges on three fronts. three countries iran, north korea and russia, threatening to proliferate nuclear weapons. and to do so without regard to treaties or international convention. iran's supreme leader effectively ending president obama's desperate drive to negotiate a so-called framework agreement to limit the development of nuclear weapons. today adamantly insisted as before will never permit foreign expections of iranian military sides or interviews with
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scientists under any nuclear agreement with any group of world power, ayatollah khomeini. such inspections are suspicious am a nuclear site, they would never be part of a credible framework. in addition to this north korea today announcing it has developed the ability to miniaturized nuclear weapons. it's a key step towards a nuclear warhead. and russia, now threatening the west with enlarging its nuclear arsenal to build more nuclear weapons adding to what is already the most powerful nuclear arsenal. and what did the obama white house do in response? out of our the president response? he did not respond at all. instead today he chose to focus on climate change. and described climate change is
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the greatest proximate threat to the united states declaring it an immediate risk to our national security. the risk assessment and priority on climate change comes as the islamic state continues to seize territory in iraq and syria. whatever you think of his priorities, his timing could hardly have been worse. radical islamist terrorist creeping into the desperate city and raising concerns about the fate of one of the world's most magnificent remnant of intrepidity. we take up the president and his foreign policy challenges with k.t. mcfarland. and house arms services committee member ron desantis. the house committee investigating the 2012 benghazi
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attacks issuing a subpoena to bring blumenthal. all of this one day after she tried to downplay the sidney blumenthal's influence. and we began with the many profound foreign policy challenges facing this country and examine whether the great threats facing the nation are made worse by a president who at times seems to have utterly lost its way. joining us now is k.t. mcfarland. it's good to have you here. >> it's good to be here. lou: now the subject of two speeches over the past 12 months to a military academy as the president warns the islamic state and the annexation of crimea and the challenges in the
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south china sea. >> it is his get out of jail free card. if he talks about global warming, he doesn't have to talk about the other things. because all of the things are not as going badly but really badly. and why is north korea -- why is that a big deal? because he put it on top of a big missile and that has the ability then to reach the united states. iran nuclear weapons program the supreme leader said basically you will not be able to verify this deal and he probably won't be able to enforce it yet the obama administration is desperate for that deal which is going to ignite a nuclear arms race in the middle east. lou: no one can fail to be disquieted by what is obviously a nuclear arms race in the middle east. >> all of the other things like isis, russia they are nothing compared to the tragedy and
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potential catastrophe that could happen in the middle east. since the dawn of the atomic age nuclear weapons given the hands of crazy people that want to use them and that is what you get in the middle east. because it doesn't stop there, other countries are marty said that they will acquire this the israelis have said maybe we should help saudi arabia get nuclear weapons. and other countries they say this is a region where leadership if this is a region where countries have nuclear weapons, the likelihood of one being used accidentally or inadvertently or intentionally by a small group who knows. but this goes way higher. >> the president's failure to articulate a vision and a path forward for the middle east and u.s. interest, how those will be
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asserted and preserved, they are withdrawn and perhaps that is what he has done. the inability or the refusal of this administration to even talk about the threats to europe posed by an aggressive and obviously ambitious president of russia crimea ukraine threatened and the balkan states within his grasp. where in the world is this president leading us. and do you have confidence that he knows where he's leading us? >> i think that that is the most frightening thing. maybe he actually believes that the deal with iran is going to be great. maybe he thinks that history is on the side of the united states and russia, that somehow russia is isolated. abe really billy thinks that north korea is not a threat or that isis that their plan or strategy is not working. all of them the president doesn't seem to it acknowledged
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it the media is peddling it. that is what i find the most disheartening a president that doesn't understand this and is letting him get away. >> to his credit "the washington post" describing a very long slumber, but at least the editorial board seems to be breaking with the president, understanding that u.s. national interest is under great threat right now. >> not only that but it's going to get a lot worse. president obama seems to think it won't happen on my watch. he is making everyone's future on the assumption that if we give iran everything it wants we give them sanctions, the economy will be booming. we will let them become a nuclear weapons state.
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we will not stop the expansionist terrorist movement. if we give it up sometime they will become our friend. that is a big bet. lou: ayatollah khomeini seeming to bash the president's hope, the desperate hopes for an agreement with the iranians, saying that there will be no inspections were interviews with nuclear scientists. as he has said previously amongst the things that he has said previously that there will be no written agreement or inspections of nuclear facilities themselves. is this the end of? >> well i think that he's been pretty clear and effectively as you pointed out the iran deal is going to be unverifiable, we have also set in the past that it is going to be unenforceable. because on day number one we are going to lift the sanctions. and it's probably unconstitutional.
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lou: kt k.t. mcfarland, good to have you here. to this day one of the few policy successes has been a mission to kill osama bin laden. four years after that mission the federal government declassified hundreds of letters and documents that were taken during the raid that killed osama bin laden and among the findings, bin laden was very much fixated on attacking the. catherine herridge has the report. >> after years of hiding in a compound, this al qaeda leader who documents released today is per trade as obsessed with striking u.s. on the 19 hijackers osama bin laden says they are not exceptional but the vanguards of a nation and there are millions of others eager to seek the same. language inserted by republicans mandated the documents declassification and public believes. but critics emphasize another
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1.5 million remain. >> i think it's mainly a political calculation at this point unless they do it security or operational concerns. >> al qaeda leader comes across as a micromanager determined to remain relevant issuing orders on media outreach negotiating for european hostages. in this document africans are asked for emergency contact information in the event that they are murdered. >> he was definitely in control. >> the former director of the defense intelligence the recently told red bear that he was not disconnected from reality as was suggested after the raid. >> he was attempting and communicating with members of the wider al qaeda leadership team. >> on the 2011 arab spring, bin laden celebrated the overthrow of dick caters, singling out hillary clinton saying the secretary of state declared that
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they are worried about the armed muslims controlling the region. in this push towards a revolution is a weak one and the countries are weakened international role is progressing. as al qaeda in iraq the precursor to 2011, calling on them to intervene and discipline the group. the documents to the relevant today, they say that the white house stopped them. >> why would they stop now? i mean you don't stop it splitting intelligence. >> u.s. officials disputed the number of documents, saying that thousands were recovered. and the release came because of timetable. the decision was coordinated with the white house. >> thank you. we have catherine herridge, the
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chief correspondent in washington. we have a great deal more on the national security threats that face this country we will be talking with the congressman later in the broadcast. we will be right back stay with us. >> hillary clinton's lifetime pal being targeted by the then select committee. and the united states launching a secret space mission and what was aboard th
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♪hey girl ♪we're having a party happy birthday, grandma! ♪we'll be swinging ♪dancing and singing ♪baby come on over tonight lou: the house select committee on benghazi has issued a subpoena for hillary clinton at visor sidney blumenthal demanding that he testify before the committee next month. the committees the peanut comes after a "new york times" report finding blumenthal had sent clinton several e-mails on libya that the former secretary of state took forward to government officials despite e-mails being unreliable. as the times put it, her involvement in the blurry lines between business and politics and philanthropy that have
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enriched and vexed the clintons and their inner circle for years. joining us now to assess much of what is happening, the editor of national review, fox news contributor rich lowry, let's start with the clintons that are not only enriched but vexed. >> i wonder how vexed they are. >> actually, i have to give credit where it is due i think the times have done a good work on the clinton foundation. this is an astonishing story that brings home how the whole clinton apparatus is 1990s redux many of us have not heard his name since the late 1990s and he was actually banned from working from hillary clinton at the state department by an obama aide because such a toxic and poisonous individual and they thought that he was way over the line in attacking barack obama. so they said he cannot work for
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you and he ends up advising her anyway and advising through the foundation. >> you think that we are ever going to be what was left on the server? remnants of the deletion? >> someone is going to have to go and physically seize it and try to recover the e-mails. and this is why you want an independent arbiter to go through all the e-mails. she herself i'm sure that they deleted everything possible that was controversial. this is another example of something that other people mere mortals would not be able to get a way with us. you have someone who wanted to get rich in libya. that is not kosher in any universe. >> and not legal in so much of what we see of the clintons
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being charged with here it is not the appearance of a conflict of interest. in violation rules of regulations and laws. >> we have this bizarre standard that the clintons have put into effect that too much of the media has accepted. so unless you have evidence to convict him of a crime right now that there's nothing wrong, but that's not the standard where you want to avoid the appearance of impropriety and in this case and in many others she did not. lou: it seems like a long time ago when as he sought to serve the nation in high office are standard of conduct had to be pristine. your background had to be something of which you are proud of it has to be explained and rationalized by a host of accolades as is the case with
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the clintons. >> yes and those that want her to get rich. one of the most telling statement is from one of these business guys who started an adventure and he said that we wanted to be who we knew. that is really a statement of crony capitalism. this is a people that have a brilliant new product that people are going to buy no matter what it's people whose business is dependent upon political connections and that's why so many people gave to the clinton foundation and why so many people were gathering around them. lou: and tolerating only 10% of the money going to the causes to serve. so one individual coming up with a new book the democratic story of what is driving what is happening in america right now in terms of policy. today comes the revelation that the department of justice saying
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essentially that slavery and jim crow are to blame for the ferguson in baltimore riots, saying that it is in part the product of historical awareness about the role that police have played in perpetuating slavery. so to see that kind of -- if you will a racial orthodox -- it is built into the bureaucracy and structure presumably for a lifetime of service. and i mean, that is really radicals. >> it is a perverse way of thinking. there is a legacy of racism of hysteric tensions with the police in these communities and much has to do with the fact that the police pay more attention to those communities because they are high crime areas and the idea that anyone who is throwing a rock at who is doing it because of what police i've been doing a hundred years ago, it is utterly
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ridiculous. lou: what is disturbing is that a mine would function that way and as a government official, speak that way. to say that there is a legacy of racism is true and there is also a legacy of liberation in this country. and the fact is that there is an insistence on denying. but they denying that white people in the north fought to free the state on translators there was not an uprising there was an applet of abolitionist movement and american said enough and we lost more people in that than anything since. >> i think that race relations person-to-person are better structurally in this country than they have ever been before, but some people think that they are worse and it's because we hear talk about this. i have a friend, the daughter of
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a single mother who lived for a time in a homeless shelter and she was just instilling certain values graduated from college law school, she works at a corporation in new york city. that is america. it's a wide-open country to you if you do certain things right. what we need is this both on the right and the left to emphasize those names instead of this grievance policy. lou: and to make sure that this upward mobility remains absolutely vigorous. and i think the fact of the matter is that our establishment in both parties have done a very poor job of retaining the vigor and creating greater energy around the american dream and that we will have to deal with. it's always good to have you here and we thank you. be sure to vote in our poll tonight, the question is does deputy assistant attorney
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general some like them government official or a radical we would like to hear from you. and a blast of a rocket. the air force is x47b spacecraft shrouded in secrecy it is controlled like a drone and lands like an aircraft and the air force won't tell us at all what it does in between those events. theories ranging from conducting military responses and taking out spy satellites.
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lou: a few thoughts on our president's priorities, addressing graduates at the coast guard academy. warning of climate change. >> it will impact every country on the planet. no nation is immune. i am here to say climate change constitutes a sorryious threat to global security, a immediate risk to our national security, it will impact how our military
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defends our country. lou: calling denial of claim at change a dereliction of duty. >> you don't do nothing you take action to protect your ship keep your crew safe. anything less is negligence. it is a dereliction of duty. so too with climate change. lou: solutions are also duty. especially for our commander in chief, one who permitted islamic state to overrun much of syria. and allow vladimir putin to anext columbia. and klein to build -- anext crimea. and china. to build islands in the south china sea.
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president obama's rhetoric is detached from his conduct as president as commander in chief this is not the president's first foray to elevating climate change as a priority to members of our military, last may at westpoint he warned army graduates about the climate change priority, and ignored global radical islamist terrorism. >> that spirit of cooperation needs to energize the global effort to combat climate change, that will help shape your time in uniform. lou: a year ago, but president offered no progress report in his fight against climate change. in the year since he delivered that warning at westpoint russian and chinese aggression have gone unchecked by his administration, islamic state gained ground in iraq, syria and
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libya and ib flew en influence in north africa. a middle east nuclear arms race is now underway. iranians with whom president wants to make peace are making war in yemen. so while we're on the verge of a full on global conflict, possibly nuclear confrontation mr. obama decides to dub ul down on climate change as his priority, president obama it seems to me is playing captain queeg paralyzed as his demands for leadership multiply, and now confuse him, she -- he seems to be
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seeking strawberries, our quote of the evening -- isn't this the moment of most profound doubt that gives birth to new certainties? perhaps hopelessness is very soil that nourishes human hope, perhaps one could never find sent and life without first experiencing its absurdity. those are thoughts havel first president of the czech republic. we're coming right back. >> the islamic state now occupying ramadi. and our commander in chief is worried about global warming. bears turning up in shocking if you're an adult with type 2 diabetes and your a1c is not at goal with certain diabetes pills or daily insulin your doctor may be talking about adding medication
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climbal change. as the national security threat when the islam could state is running across syria and iraq. >> right and i happen to be in ramadi for a time, it was a very difficult place for our forces for a long time, we lost a lot of really brave young men there. but al qaeda and iraq was defeated in ramadi, by the time we redeployed in 2008, violence had all but stopped now to see isis takeover, you know it pains my heart to think of sacrifices that were made by our men and women in uniform. to be talking about climate change as a greater national security threat than isis, they are not only beheading people in middle east and rampaging but they have a propaganda network that we've seen can know spire can
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inspire people he wage jihad against the american people. and you mentioned iran and deal he is cutting with iran that is sparking an arms race in the middle east. and also really driving more sunni arabs i believe to isis, because obama's policy is to green light ran iran as leading power in middle east. so if they think that choice is between shiite backed iranian forces or, isis, unfortunately many of them will choose isis as what they regard the lesser of two evils. lou: sunni-led islamic state let's turn to the other quickly. this is a president he talks about climate change, no one is suggesting not important, but it is not immediate, it is not one that is business dell with in -- that can be dealt with short-term. this president has avoidedded
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any reaction to russian aggression in eastern europe, he has avoiding and reaction to chinese expansionism in south china sea. or intervention in to south and central america in our hemisphere. >> you are right. ukraine is a great example because, what vladimir putin sees is weakness, he sees a president who is not serious he knows he can get away with things there, if we had a policy that was firm, and armed ukraine, with defensive and offensive weapons to defend themselves, i think that putin would make different calculations obama's policy of weakness makes a larger conflict more likely, than if you had a reagannesque policy of strength, you would see people like putin not wanting to mess with us. lou: congressman ron desantos thank you.
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>> thank you. lou: vote on poll, does justice department deputy -- geup ta go gupta sound like a government official or active when she blames jim crow or the riots? >> and new york city's week long salute to caesar to the sea services begin today, fleet week. making their way up hudson river, more than 1800 servicemen and women descending on the city for military band concerts ship exhibits, aviation demonstrations all open to the public as new york city has the opportunity to salute those who serve us, in uniform on the high seas. >> and today performing as part
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of naval academy aclass. blue angels flying a team of hornets. dedicating today's performance to mid shipman justin zimzler who was killed last week in the amtrak accident in philadelphia. >> coming up next. exposing fraud in the faa. >> and christina aguillera turning in a performance. incredible. all that coming up next.
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lou: one of the most disgusting stories that we've brought you for some time, federal trade commission and attorney general of all 50 states accusing 4 charities, cancer charities of defrauding the american public, $200 million worth fox news senator national correspondent john roberts with our report. >> federal trade commission
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describes this as one of the biggest cases of charity fraud in u.s. history officials in all 50 states change 4 related charities, cancer fund of america, cancer support service could children's cancer fund of america, and breast cancer society were sham operations that scammed tens of millions from good hearted folks come plaingtexplainalleging. solicited donations for cancer patients. they were all lies, and donations were used to pay for meals at hooters items at victoria secret, cars, luxury cruises, jet ski outings dating
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site maybes. >> less than 3% of the money of the going for the intended use. >> ftc shut town two of the charities and suspended 3 of 4 principles frefferprincipal principles from ever running a charity again. they said -- ftc and state officials say that is a kroc crock . lou: all right. thank you john roberts. on wall street, stocks close mick dow down 27, s&p lost 2 nasdaq up 2 volume on big board
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3 billion shares, listen to my report 3 times a day coast on coast on salem radio network. >> animal control catching a plaqueablack bear, that has been roaming suburb of yonkers now for three days. he was tranquilized by officers of animal control fell to the ground they moved him to a more wooded area. in canada a bear climbed a power pole there. to raid a bird nest. oonss whounis say that -- eyewitnesses say that bear, ascended and descended unharmed, i remember when we just said climbed up and climbed down, but there it is. christina aguilera, taking a
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break to impersonate some of her most famous colleagues. >> you will learn how to swerve, slap it up, rub it down. >> join team brittney. >> lady gaga. >> i little act warred. >> cher. >> what does this button do? are you kidding me? i have an oscar for god's safe. lou: up next, michelle obama releasing a work out video. we take that up and more. next stay with us. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time.
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that's why i choose nicoderm cq. new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses
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year. we're showing by contrast difference between the first lady and commander in chief. joining us to assess these contracts and more. andy levy, and joanne. do you think she did that intentionally? would a woman do that. >>, of course. always leaving clues to what we're trying to say we don't actually say anything, you have to use your reasoning to figure it out. and she says, i am powerful, i call the shots in the white house. lou: do you think she just played into the president's hands, because men are so nuanced, they would define that. >> he is very -- i am sure he was able to deserve that. but -- deserve discern that, i like that
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you pointed out it was not put out to embarrass the president in anyway. lou: that means a lot. no one should be above the news. news made in cannes, trying to ban anyone not in high heels? or was what with high heels? what is going on with high heels in cannes. >> a bunch of women coming to the red carpet in flats. >> horrible. >> i am team high he'll high heel. >> this is one thing, i want to believe that was a big misunderstanding, there is actually no such policy. but i am kind of doubtful, too many women were saying that they were getting turned away, including one woman with part of
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her foot amputated and could not wear high heels, she got in but they turned her away. >> excuses. >> if they had a high heels policy for men it would not have lasted long. lou: well, i have to tell you, i am stunned that level of detail that organizers of cannes go to, to assure success. the michelle obama work outback to that really? why would she have 35 pound -- 15 pounds is that right? >> well, it is important to lift heavy it is a good thing so long as you have a spotter there. it is good to challenge yourself with weights that is how you bottomed muscle. and i -- that is how you build muscle, it makes sense she would be stronger. >> to be fair he was doing lunges too. not just --
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>> the whole body. >> not on the -- he is doing whatever garbage that is, she is working out. >> maybe the 10 pounds were only one available. lou: we'll take a contrast, vladimir putin man who leads russia. doing extraordinary things in his athletic life, playing -- can we see this as he plays in thisexhibition hockey game, there he is in this game, against retired nhl players. you see the adroitness with which he approached the net. he scored 8 goals. we have seen him in a lot of context but to humiliate former nhl players by scoring 8 goals his no idea, did you?
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>> no, part of me believes lou that it is possible that the players who he putin has power to -- order killed, were not tryings their hardest maybe i am crazy to think that but part of me does. >> no, no, putin is a man of many talents he has won multiple games before, he is known to win in hockey even though he just picked it up. lou: and look at him in. >> you.>> yes. lou: he is up against barack obama, i am thinking not fair. i don't know just cams to me, there it is. joanne and andy, always great of you to drop by. >> thank you lou. lou: and time for a look at result of our on-line poll last evening.
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that is 92% for you any. >> tomorrow,pite irschweizer is joining us, [laughter] that will do. see you tomorrow. >> a world record car collection. >> he just kept going. he never stopped. >> i believe his goal was to have one of every car ever made. >> a maverick driven to leave a mark. >> he went to the auction, bought the whole lot. >> his family promises to carry out his grand plan. >> i think there was a feeling of dread, relief excitement, and enthusiasm. >> love it. love the hair flowing. the top down. >> but can they fulfill the patriot patriarchs dying wish? >> you don't want that car oil on your hand.
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