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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  May 24, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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mother load i think it changes the dynamics of the race. >> i'm watching the gdp report out on friday. that is it for "sunday morning futures." thank you for is here for you and your money. >> meanwhile, "the willis report" is next. gerri: hello, everybody. i'm gerri willis. this is a special edition of "the willis report" with a fox business exclusive investigation on the faa's new hiring policy. "trouble in the skies.". a diversity program for america's airports comes into question. >> the faa takes dramatic changes to the way they're hiring our air traffic controllers. this is troubling. >> they threw you away, what do you think of this? >> they don't know what they want. >> reporter: and there's evident of cheating to get crucial aviation jobs. >> there are valuable pieces of information that i had taken a
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screen shot of. i'm going send it directly to you because it's exactly how you need to answer each question. >> i am shocked. >> sounds like cheating. >> sickening. >> very unfair and unjust. gerri: are america's skies safe to fly? >> social engineering at the risk of compromising safety. gerri: and welcome to this special edition of "the willis report." "trouble in the skies." tonight we're investigating the faa's disturbing new hiring policies. it's going to be the busiest summer ever for air travel in this country. over 220 million americans will take to the crowded skies. there are more than 5,000 planes in the air at any given moment. in fact, including military, commercial private planes, nearly 90,000 flights crisscross the united states every single day, and that is a lot of planes and it's the job of air traffic controllers to safely manage those flights.
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you think the federal government and the faa would want the best most qualified people in the control towers? but a six month long fox business special investigation reveals that's not the case. adam shapiro brings us this exclusive report. >> reporter: each day, almost two million americans take to the skies. and all depend on aviation professionals to get home safely. hello. i'm adam shapiro. air traffic controllers, eyes in the towers are key to this. new hiring practices by the federal aviation administration have called into question if the best most qualified people will be working in the towers? moreover, there are accusations of cheating to get the controller jobs. will you be safe aboard an airplane? or is there trouble in america's skies? they've been called the guardians of the skies. >> good morning american. >> reporter: america's air
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traffic controllers manage the safe takeoff and landing of more than 87,000 flights a day. it's been called one of the most demanding and stressful jobs in the u.s. >> united 93, go ahead. >> reporter: never was the importance of what controllers do more apparent than on september 11th, 2001. >> bomb aboard. >> severe bleeding, there is a slashed throat. >> another one hit the building. >> wow. >> reporter: controllers scrambled to determine which of the thousands of planes had become guided missiles. they also tackled a tremendous logistics of landing 4,000 planes within a few hours. >> a new type of war. >> reporter: today the federal aviation administration or faa, the government agency responsible for air traffic control faces a new crisis. >> probably the next one to
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three years, we're going to see real problems. >> reporter: doug williams is program director of the aviation collegiate training initiative at community college of baltimore county maryland. one of 36 cti schools established by the faa across the u.s. offering two and four-year degrees in air traffic control. >> cti program brings in people genuinely interested in air traffic control. gives them the skills that are required to be an air traffic controller. >> reporter: the faa faces acute shortage of air traffic controllers required to retire at age 56. the faa estimates it needs to hire 1,000 controllers for the next ten years to keep traffic moving safely. >> they created the cti program in the early 90s anticipating the retirement of the air traffic controllers. they saw the shortage coming. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: williams says recent faa hiring changes are
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make the problem worse. fox business brought together six recent cti graduates who had one dream. to serve the nation in a control tower. ryan grew up around air traffic controllers. your dad is an air traffic controler. >> he was he retired. >> reporter: ben served five years in the u.s. air force. >> i directed fighter intercepts from the nato awacs. >> i love this industry i love airplanes. >> reporter: miranda found her life's passion early. >> i think it's fascinating this industry is a unique one. >> reporter: matthew douglas visited a control tower in his native seattle, washington he was hooked instantly. >> i like mapped spatial information, it's a way to contribute to the community and make sure everyone gets home safely. i quit a job at google maps to go to school in anchorage alaska. i made the drive with myself and my dog.
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>> my dad and uncles and grandfather are pilots to varying degrees. >> reporter: lucas johnson grew up around aviation. >> travel tours ever since i was little. >> reporter: and arianna found her calling in college. >> i started my sophomore year in aviation because it fit my personality. >> reporter: to pursue career as air traffic controllers all six entered cti programs. >> the established way to get into air traffic control. you go to and said attend a cti school. that's what di. >> reporter: after graduating the next hurtle to being hired by the faa is the air traffic selection and training exam or atsat. >> administered by the faa. >> actual control scenarios, games that enhance your ability to multitask all skills that are essential to the job. >> reporter: is it your understanding that the atsat is the test? >> the test. >> reporter: as i understand it, the atsat is a 0-100 score.
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>> 85-100 is well qualified. >> reporter: tell me what the atsat score was? >> 94. >> 100. >> 93.6. >> 85. >> 100. 86. >> reporter: all achieved the well-qualified status on the crucial test. they were confident they would be hired by the faa to become certified professional controllers or cpc's. it made sense, the faa gave hiring preference to cti grads with the highest scores on the atsat. >> two degrees finished air traffic control program with the 4.0 and interned for the faa i thought i had a decent chance. >> reporter: ben you had the highest score on the test. you're a veteran they're required to seek people like you out, what were you thinking in november 2013 as the 2014 job bids were about to be announced? >> i was excited to get the
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ball rolling. >> reporter: but out of nowhere on december 30th, 2013, the faa suddenly informed cti schools and thousands of graduates it was completely changing the hiring process. >> we learned about it in a letter that we received on december 30th, 2013 explaining they were no longer going to give hiring preference to cti graduates. >> reporter: after years of study and thousands of dollars in student loan debt. cti graduates had to start all over. everything they had worked for was deemed irrelevant. not only was preferential consideration for degrees discarded the test the crucial aptitude test would no longer be a primary requirement. instead the faa introduced a biographical questionnaire or bq, and in february 2014, thousands took this new test. let me read some of the
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questions from the test. what has been the major cause of your failures? a question that everyone seems to love is question number 21 which they ask -- the number of different high school sports i participated in was and these are multiple choice questions. what did you think when you saw this biographical assessment is what it was called in 2014? >> how does this relate to the job? how does this determine what's going to make a successful candidate. >> i thought it was easy, sure, i can answer these. >> and then what happened? >> i got an e-mail saying i was not qualified. >> reporter: anyone else get, that's mail? >> all of us. >> reporter: these six and thousands of other well-qualified cti graduates were deemed ineligible. how did you feel lucas? >> crushed, lost. what am i supposed to do? >> breaks your heart to work so
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hard for something and someone to say you're not eligible because of a personality. >> i don't understand how people in this group were not able to proceed. >> there is some valuable pieces of information that i have taken a screen shot of and going to send that via e-mail. >> reporter: did someone have the answers to the test? >> absolutely sickening, that is cheating. >> very unjust and utterly disgusting. gerri: adam, amazing reporting. congratulations on. that i want to know about the cheating? >> did someone have the answers to the test in the answer is yes. you're going to meet the person who sent the text voice mail. you've got to see how the students react when they hear it for the first time. gerri: adam stay put. we'll need you more here. up next as we continue our special investigation into the faa's corrupt new hiring policies. why did the agency suddenly throw out test scores of thousands of potential new air
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traffic controllers? and we'll hear more from the military vet who flew planes into battle for a living and was told he didn't have the right stuff back here at home. stay with us.
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. gerri: we're back with our special investigation into the faa's hiring practices. practices that could endanger the millions of air travelers in this country. before the break adam shapiro reported how the faa suddenly changed its hiring process telling qualified candidates they had to start over and pass a new test. what's worse people who dedicated their lives to being air traffic controllers were shut out by a dubious test which others may have cheated.
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here's more of our investigation "trouble in the skies." >> in february 2014, thousands of graduates of air traffic control schools learned their dreams had been crushed. the primary path to a job in america's towers a path established years before by the faa was suddenly abandoned. their degrees were now irrelevant, scores on the at-sat test ignored. worse the graduates had been deemed ineligible to be controllers. why? a murky and strange personality test newly implemented by the faa to select candidates. >> being a military aviator was my life long goal and achieved that go. air traffic control was a very very solid fallback plan. the g.i. bill got into a graduation program in my hometown. >> reporter: they deemed you ineligible.
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>> there is no information for us to understand how we can improve or what we can focus on to make ourselves a better candidate for the faa. >> i contacted senator and representatives and no one could get an answer. >> reporter: anybody say what made you eligible or ineligible? >> we asked ourselves and congress asked the faa. >> the faa made changes to the way they're hiring air traffic controllers. nobody understands what the biographical questionnaire is evaluating or why they're not making it through. >> i'll have michael reach out directly to you. >> this to me is really troubling. >> reporter: let me read what the faa says. this test has been proven to be instrument for experiencing work habits education and dimensions related to success on the job. and yet months later, the faa published a different conflicting report titled using biodata to select air traffic controllers.
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it says based on analysis of the relationship between certain biodata items and training success we conclude that the evidence for using these biodata items for controller selection is weak. >> makes no sense. where is the logic behind it? if it's weak why would you use it? >> based hiring force on biographical data, and now saying it's weak? >> reporter: by all accounts what's driving the changes and hiring of air traffic controllers is a program to promote diversity in the towers. >> diversity is a noble goal. i'm not going to deny that. >> it generates a better atmosphere when you have people from different backgrounds. i completely agree with it. >> reporter: back in 2013, the faa office of civil rights based analysis on impediments and barriers for minorities it. state the first steps are the most likely process for systematic adverse impact because the steps are responsible for the vast majority of fails.
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it also says the cti program such less diverse than off the street hires. >> the barrier analysis concluded you are not diverse. >> we completed a diversity study which showed that we were showing significant progress in helping the diversity within the faa air traffic controller ranks. >> reporter: lucas are you african-american? >> yeah. >> reporter: they threw you away? >> either they have enough african-american or don't you what they want. >> reporter: you are african-american, right? >> correct. >> moranda you are a female. >> they had a goal they went about it the wrong way. >> reporter: a former air traffic controller himself, mike works as an aviation lawyer. >> it's my belief the faa is engaged in a pattern of discrimination and covering it up. >> reporter: they believe advocates strong armed the faa
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into changing hiring practices. >> you had social engineering in my belief my opinion going on it was driven by two arms of the faa two, different organizations. one was a human resources group and i believe another group engaging in what i believe is discrimination against qualified candidates. >> reporter: what is that organization? >> the nbcfae. >> the national black coalition of federal aviation employees. >> anybody can join. >> the nbcfae formed a team to change the hiring process. they're allowed to advocate for their group that's legal. the one thing they're not allowed to do is advocate for a group at the exclusion of another group. >> reporter: he suspects the faa abandoned the well-established cti training program and threw away qualified and well-trained
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graduates to bring in off the street hires without aviation degrees and achieve greater diversity. >> social engineering at the risk of compromising safety. >> but there's more. the advocacy on the part of nbcfae appears to go far beyond a change in hiring practices. fox business obtained a troubling recording made by an faa employee, who's also an nbcfae executive. >> i'd like to play something for you. >> associate members brothers and sisters listen. i know that each you are eager very eager to apply for this job announcement, and trust after tonight, you will be able to do so. >> reporter: it was sent as an audio text to certain applicants who were already members of the organization. >> allow me to go work and come home provide you with an e-mail that will be extremely crucial in the opening stages of this hiring process.
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there are some valuable pieces of information that i have taken a screen shot of and i'm going to send it via e-mail. i'm about 99.99% sure that it's exactly how you need to answer each question in order to get through the first phase. >> utterly disgusting. >> the answers. >> that is sickening. that is cheating at a most unacceptable highest level i've seen right there. pure and simple cheating. >> it's my belief that the faa is hiding the truth. >> sounds like cheating, sounding like someone inside giving information out to people. >> people from the nbcfae that say you gave them the answers to the test. who do i speak to? >> no comment. gerri: adam, the last clip, is that the man who sent the audio text message? >> that is the man in the recording you're going to meet him in a few minutes and hear what he has to say or not say
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about all of this. there is even more. we haven't begun to tap what's in the recording. you're going to hear a lot more. gerri: all right, did the faa know about the cheating and what do they do about it? and more on the man at the center of the cheating scandal. >> it's a simple question just want to ask you why you gave the answers to the students. we have people from the nbcfae that said you gave answers to the biographical questions.
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gerri: welcome back to special
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edition of the wittic report, we investigate the corrupt practices hiring practices of the faa. and how they changed their test, adam shapiro is with us. you reached out to faa why do they say they changedtivity. >> important to note they refused to come on camera. they said, to increase objectty and select those applicants with highest probability of success in faa's air traffic controller training process there are questions about whether that is valid. gerri: what do they say about cheating. >> i asked them, no individuals have made credible allegations to the faa about this issue. >> where are the people who passed this bygraphical test are they in air traffic control towers? >> yes some are now in the centers and towers.
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we reached out to the nbcfae starting in january they refused to talk to us, they said down talk to fox news, said if you talk to the press you do so at your own risk. gerri: is this biographical data test legitimate? >> very, the military uses them, but this test, they say it has been validated but they never put validation studies to the public. there are great questions to whether this test is legitimate, most people say nope. there are documents we found from faa that support that no. gerri: unbelievable, coming up, we track down the man at the center of the scandal, go to capitol hill to see if congress is taking notice. we'll put story on-line on fox, after the show, take your time, read the story that is and share it with others, we'll be right back.
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gerri: millions are americans about to fly on summer vacations, unwork unaware some air traffic controllers may have cheated to get their jobs, we trade raise troubling questions about the men and women that faa hires to staff control towers. here again adam shapiro. >> in 2014 an audio text-message of sent to members. >> i am sending it to you it is how you need to answer each question to get through the first phase. >> reporter: odd reparticular reaudio text
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suggestions that cheating took place. >> you look upset. >> i put a lot of effort into this and i haven't gotten a chance it sounds like someone gets an e-mail and thigh get a chance no effort, no up and move to alaska to go through school, no studying for exams no sweating over an app sat this seems unfair, and unjust and disgusting. >> the disclaimer telling now to share tests and answers. >> i received that voicemail. >> others got this voicemail. >> mm-hmm. >> they don't top talk about it. >> no. >> why do you? i want to talk about it because i joined the nbcfae -- when i saw what was going on, i knew i had to stand on the right side
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of the fence. >> reporter: miranda received audio text and subsequent e-mail with screen shots, she said she did not cheat on bygraphical -- biographical questionnaire. >> they need to be held account in. >> reporter: we contacted shelton snow, the faa employee who sent the tax and invited him to talk with us but he refused. >> why did you give the answers to students in the air traffic control -- that says you gave them answers to the biographical questionnaire. >> he continued to avoided answering the questions. >> people from nbcfae said you gave them answers on the test, who do i speak to about this? >> no comment. >> is there -- they say you gave them the answers, i am just
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trying to find out if it is true or not. >> no comment. >> we contacted the president of nbcfae and she is not returned our calls the faa said that cti program failed to produce better qualified candids than people off of the street, fox business obtained a draft document from october 2014, titled studies of next generation air traffic controller specialist, which contradicts this. >> overall larger proportions of vra, and cti hires achieve certified professional controller status than general public hires based on these give sinces, a simple model suggestions that hiring them over general public hires could wroaproduce net. >> they are saying that
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cti program benefits taxpayers and flying public. and if you have somewhat prior military experience, and the outcome will be better. >> why won't the faa make this public this report is a year old. >> it does not shock me it is my belief that the faa is engaged in a continual game of hiding the truth hiding information from the public on this not only the public there are numerou congress many involved. >> we went to capitol hill, spoke with illinois congressman. >> there is a debate within faa that ctiprograms were being pushed aside for people off of street and faa saying that people off of the street are just as qualified as those with the cti . >> i disagree, you might get lucky to find a few people, but what i have seen from the
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cti programs, have you passionate people willing to commit and the time and energy to become qualified to serve in the jobs. >> congressman is a cosponsor of air traffic controller hires act of 2015. >> biggest objective is to make sure our air travel is still the safest in the world and the most qualified people serve z as air traffic controllers, the purpose of my legislation to make sure we get those who are committed, with the training andure qualified to do this very important work. >> we played audio text for him. >> this is how you need to answer each question. >> it sounds like cheating, someone inside getting information out to people, that is very concerning, we want stave skies people -- safe skies, people who are qualified serving in the roles to have a test that has tricking answers to get through first process concerns me. >> for the cti grad left
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stranded attorney mike pearson is convinced there is a discrimination complaint. >> it could be from 2000 to 3,000, potentially plaintiffs that 8 be part of that class. >> what has been negative impact on the cpi students. >> they come into system believing that last person on on the earth is that going to discriminate them is the very entity that is trusted with nondiscrimination, that sends a horrible message to anyone. >> they also are student loat student loan debt pervuing the ctidegrees with thousands of air traffic controllers facing retire am. transparent hires of a workforce so important 2 save -- to safety and national security should be concern of
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all americans. they hope to fulfill their dream of working in the tower for those younger than 31, the only path forward each year try to pass from the biographical questionnaire. >> the test of the last year, who took the test again? ben why not? >> i aged out. >> show of hands you took the test for a 6 time, you got -- for as a second time, you got your score who is eligible to work for fay faa. >> thank you. >> i am curious how i failed first time and passed the second time. >> you age out. >> i will never be an air traffic controller that is heartbreaking it is. >> there is 3,000 of us, who are more than willing to do the work so if anyone wants too represent of out to us -- reach out to us, we're ready and passionate, we want to work.
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>> adam shapiro is back with us, what are the chances that any of these folks will actually becomair traffic controller. >> if the congressman's bill would be law the faa has to go back at that time students and it would grandfather in people like ben. otherwise, knowo option to take the bq test, again and again matthew has a chance. he is 26, but miranda will be too old. gerri: now when we come back, we meet some of those people adam spoke with whose dreams a career as an air traffic controlern were dashed. and miranda riley, the woman who helped blow the whistle will join me next.
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gerri: welcome back to our special investigation of the faa's questionable hiring practices, concerning air traffic controllers with us miranda riley whos aced her test but was told she is not good enough. listen to this. >> allow plea to go to work, come home provide you with an e-mail that will be crucial opening stages of this hiring process. there are valuable pieces of information i have taken a screen shot of, i am going to send that to you, i am about 99.99% sure that it is actually
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how you need to answer each question to get through the first phase. gerri: what do you make of it? >> i received it -- you listen to it, it sounds like there is some information that is not being i guess forthright. i saw the system that was in place previously. it seems to be objective. then suddenly things were turned over. it seems like this special interest group is having something to do with it, i didn't have the whole story at that point. but it didn't seem you know, out right it didn't seem something that was valid like something that was you would want to necessarily utilize. gerri: you said, i knew i had to stand on the right side of the fence. what do you decide 1 you heard this. you decided you done want to play.
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>> i got the voicemail. and you know, i thought for myself for a minute you go, ago how do i play the game to be hired, i go back, and i think of people that i was in class with people that i thought you you know would accel at this job veterans and how knowledgeable they are and how experienced they are. to say that the people on other end of this text message have a leg up on these people, that did not seem fair. gerri: there had to be outrage on your part? were you visceraly angry? >> i was. i was really disappointed, here is a government you hope encourages people to better themselves, go to school, get training and succeed every way they can by their own initiative. and now this same government is using cheating systems to hire
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you know government employees? gerri: the thing that amazed me you said, i'm going to talk about this, adam contacted you you said i will be the whistle-blower, why were you willing? >> i didn't really think about it i just did it after the hiring changes were announced within 48 hours i created a facebook page. i knew all of the different programs there -- they were disassociated with different graduates and students across u.s. that were maybe not necessarily being informed of everything they needed to hear. maybe they heard about hiring changes but did not know how to connect with others. i already started hearing and connecting with so many of these graduates across the u.s. hearing so many stories of people that gave up so much for this for their life dream matt and ben and everyone that you
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saw this the video have pursued this with a vengeance it is what they want. gerri: wild talk to them in the next block. miranda, sit tight, you and adam are coming back. thank you. >> thank you. gerri: and still to come, air force veteran who was good enough to fight for his country controlling nato, and u.s. air force fighter planes, but was told by faa, he is not good enough to work at an airport. >> and young man who was so passionate about his career, he quit his job at google. they tell us more about their stories coming up after the break. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're
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gerri: we're back, joining me
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now two people whose dreams to become air traffic controllers have been dashed, ben and matthew, welcome you to, ben. i don't understand how the faa can turn you down. and say essentially there is no difference between you and somebody off the street, when you have military experience. your reaction. >> i'm not sure how at that point. quick note about my military ex per yengs yens -- experience, i worked in radar and intersept. >> to you matthew. 100 on big test, 4.0 at school, great grades do you think you still want to become an air
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traffic controller? why did you decide to go public. >> it is difficult if i still want to pursue this passion we are going through these politics and we do not have our foot on the door, i have no idea what would be waiting on other side if i were to get in, this is disheartening, it encourages me to pursue other things. gerri: adam, in his package he played for you sound from this person offering answers to some candidates, but not you ben what was your reaction to that? >> it was a punch in the gut. i didn't sign up to defend people who cheat. that is not acceptable in this society. gerri: matthew, you had a strong react to that. >> yeah, it is just really hard to put that much effort into it and see someone else have red
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carpet rolled out this is dishonest conduct by those in power, that allowed them to have an opportunity instead of the people put forth an effort. gerri: unbelievable, this is complicated, but one reason it so difficult to understand, it so astannishing this go the -- astonishing that the government would do this with people who are supposed to be proseconds protecting us. choosing political correctness basically over the safety of the american public. if he were in front of you right now, what would you ask him? >> why? why take a list of people who have proved themselves and throw it out why? why not utilize that? why not take those people that are most driven that have pursued this for years. and you throw it out? gerri: this raises a ge question,
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there are about 3,000 people, who have been thrown out. >> they have been told they have to start over, now ben is aged out, you get someone like matthew, who is 26, he took the personalty test twice not deemed eligible. the agency insists that this test is valid. so how did ariana not pass in 2014 but pass in 2015, they created a new test they say is valid. you have two opposed outcomes for her it makes no sense. gerri: it makes no sents and ben and matthew to you last word from you. ben, what will you do next? where will you go? >> i am emptied in aviation sector at a great company, i am in a good spot. gerri: good for you. >> i am still fighting this for
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the people behind me so they get a fair shot. gerri: matthew? >> i am keep staying around the plane like ben, i am in aviation i am going to move forward, by these actions you will have qualified candidate who turn the back to job of serving and protecting the skies. and who knows that outcome will be of that. gerri: i look at this three of you, i think these are 3 young people i would like to have protecting the flying public. thank you so much for coming on the show. thank you miranda, ben and matthew, we'll be
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gerri: wrapping up our special report troubles this the sky what is next? >> you will see the congressman try to push his bill into law. that would help these kids if it passes, but you will see the faa
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stand up insisting that the bq is a validtivity test, they -- valid test they insist it works. they stand behind the hiring practices in the new gateway test. gerri: thank you adam. well faa responsibility for ensuring safety of 87,000 flights each day you would think you would think that agency would endeavor to hire best possible candidates for the job of manning the air traffic control towers, but they use a personalty test as a gateway to the job goal? boost number of racial and gender minorities among air traffic controllers social engineer, petty political correctness appears to be job number one at faa it should be
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our safety. fox business will fall this in days and weeks ahead you can see adam's great reports on tonight on "war stories," under fire in iraq. >> machine gun, explosives, hand grenades. >> fighting an elusive enemy. you'll witness acts of bravery. >> i'm not the director of this political party. >> and but your troops hang tough. that's next on "war stories." i'm


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