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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  May 29, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

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patrick brennan alex smith, great to have you here. >> thank you very much. lou: quick look at online poll results from yesterday -- . neil: all right, a show alert for you, the last time you'll see me at 8:00 p.m. on this fine channel. last time. you might as well record it for posterity, could be a collector's item. our new schedule kicks in across the fox network, "cavuto coast-to-coast," two hours beginning at noon 2:00 p.m., completely unscripted live for live, live for news, no matter where it's happening, we are happening. we figure we owe you that with so much going on in the world, to be there live as it's happening. matters the most. what does that mean on a story like this? well we would be there in the middle of the day talking about concerns we might be entering a
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recession because in case you didn't hear in the first quarter, the economy contracted .7%. i think you know the drill. you have two quarters like that you are looking at a recession. most economists don't think we're going to look at another quarter like that the present quarter will be stronger than that. not everyone is sure. gary says americans should be weary. ty young says no reason to be so panicked. you know how we started off, well telegraphed, gary you say this could be a trend explain? >> look the big worry is simple. we've had seven years of 0% interest rates and the printing of 15 trillions of dollars to bring them down and this is all we're getting?and keep in mind this number included a big inventory bill, would have been a lot worse, and you combine that with the fact that oil prices have dropped in half. if this is the best number we can get, i think there's a big worry going forward and i have
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to add one thing i'm watching the transports here they're underperforming badly and have been a great telegrapher and forecaster of the future. they're acting horribly right now. neil: the flip side to that as you know, ty, some of the numbers we've seen at least of late improvement in employment and retail sales improvement in some, not all housing data, at least limits the possibility of a negative quarter, could be a soft quarter, not a negative quarter, what do you think? >> that's right. there are positives in there, we have to be honest with ourselves. the unemployment rate is down, but at the same time the labor participation rate is at an all-time low. consumer spending is up but not as much as we thought and not as much as last year. income growth is up but not as much as we thought and not as much as last year. so certainly we should be concerned here and we should pay attention, i don't know if we hit the panic button just
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yet. neil: it's never overwhelmingly convincing the negative or positive side within housing data itself, gary you know that better than ground zero than a lot of us in florida you could look at existing home sales new home sales a little better, you could look at pent-up construction activity picking up steam. you could look at the number of available qualifiers for mortgages down more than we thought, but the net net, it is better than it was in the first three months of the year do you buy that? >> look the first quarter definitely had a little weather to it. i think there will be a little improvement but i've been saying for years now, i used one certain word when it comes to the economy, that's blah, b-l-a-h. every time we have a decent quarter another goes down that is not the economic growth that can get us going, and the main point for me is i think we're on steroids and if ever interest rates via the central banks or by themselves go back to normalization i don't think
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this economy can stand on its own, and that's where we're going to see recessions again, and again that's where i bring up the transports. they are starting to telegraph bad things forward, we're going to get bad numbers in the third and fourth everybody is saying we're going to get two and threes. neil: much has been made of that too, ty in the idea that it could be telegraphing something i'm not smart enough like gary to know when that will be that generally is a signal. does it worry you? >> well to a degree certainly neil, this report is a great example how wall street has decoupled from main street. how the market hitting new highs seemingly every day is different than what's going on in the economy and a negative report like that gives cover to the federal reserve to leave interest rates at these low levels going forward and to gary's point as well. we've had this experiment of government stimulus across every different government agency, trillions and trillions
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of dollars in debt highest debt in the history of the world and what do we have to show for it? two years in 3% growth. the rest of it 1 1/2 and 2% growth and the rest of it negative. what do we need to get a different result other than blah, to gary's point, is different policies to get growth, much like ronald reagan got growth through strong dollar policy. neil: guys i want to thank you both, you articulate your positions extremely well certainly better than your host here. i appreciate it. in the meantime something that confuses the bold and derelict, this cuts to the issue, household income how much folks are making. do you know right now, we are doing worse than we were during the recession itself? the big one. that's the stuff that they worry about and call this very recovery into question.
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peter, what do you think? >> this is not a recovery it's a terrible recovery. we have 7 million men unemployed and not looking for work, household incomes are falling. you know for most workers wages are flat, the hours are uncertain income gyrates up and down, you can't plan for the future, so why would you buy a house? neil: you could have used that argument at so many stages here, and i'm the first to agree with you that we are hardly off to the race but the bullish argument on both the economy and the markets is we are certainly off the mat, and that steady improvement, minor minuscule as it appears will carry out this recovery forward and make it last longer than others because of its relatively tepid pace what do you think? >> look at the reagan recovery it was as long and it had numbers twice as big reagan had the economy growing at more than 4% a year he came out of recession that was deeper than
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the obama recession. obama trying to sell the world on the notion his presidency has faced challenges no man faced. the reality is unemployment peaked at 8% for reagan 10% for obama. reagan turned around and put it in the hands of private sector and the economy grew at 4.5% a year. mr. obama shackled the country with regulations, mettled in social program stimulated in every way conceivable and possible, and accomplished 2.2% growth. neil: when it comes to convention time, whether they nominate hillary clinton or somebody else they'll go back to the numbers in the middle of the meltdown when democrats took over the white house and point to the improvement and point to the fact the markets have doubled and whatever they will be by then and the economy is off the map, whatever it will be by then and that we're a long day from the meltdown morass. you say what? >> i don't think they're going
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to run on that. they'll say the economy is better. look how clinton is positioning herself, this say gender based campaign in 2008 she was running away from the fact she's a woman. now she's saying time for a woman in the white house. the polling data says that will work. so they're not going to run on this recovery, they're going to say gee, wasn't this better than the bush recovery. if president bush, george w. bush is the standard against every american president is measured going forward, they all win. he didn't have a successful presidency. but bill clinton was much more successful than barack obama. his growth rate was in the threes. neil: interesting, peter good seeing you my friend, thank you very much. >> take care. neil: in the meantime sometimes things are based on a snapshot but the trouble with snapshots is one snap that it shot, it's over. this is a snapshot that worries a lot of folks, mortgage rates now ticking up to six month highs and the reason why that bothers a lot of folks is that
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they think that all of a sudden we're going to see rocketing interest rates. fact of the matter is whether you're talking mortgages at 3 or 4%, maybe i'm showing my age. when my wife and i got our mortgage, that's what we were paying per day. maybe i'm exaggerating. perspective is in order. housing expert says nevertheless the timing and the scare it's giving people is real and palpable. what do you make of what's happening? how bad does this get in terms of the upward tick in rates? >> there's a psychological threshold when we hit over to another digit. when we roll from the 3.87 of the freddie mac survey we roll over to 4% you're going to see a psychological pause, with we get out with the rhetoric we realize these are still at historical lows. generation of sales should continue. neil: i'm sorry, you're an expert, i value your opinion then you're saying every time
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we hit a marker a level in this case let's say 4% people say whoa, they stop, be
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. >> the millennials need money and a kind mortgage lender to change. that but i guess what i'm asking is isn't all of this ultimately not so much going to be dependent on the rates, as long as they don't go up to what my wife and i experienced when we first bought during inflation. just jobs, jobs are percolating good paying jobs and all of this is a moot point. >> not just jobs income growth. we listened to the job growth numbers incomes are not growing at the rate property values are. that is the biggest challenge for the millennials. i was on set with you nar conversation. millennials are looking at the overall economic position that the county is in, they're looking at the real estate market and i'll tell you what's going to trump them making decisions to buy a home in this market is concern about what is the viability of our current economic value in our
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country? neil: david thank you, my friend, always good seeing you. >> so good to be with you, thank you. neil: do any of you remember the tax inversion thing, the companies that buy another company abroad and then set up domicile there headquarters there for the lower tax rate and save a ton of money? the president once fingered walgreens and all the companies cower and go back okay okay we won't do it again. not in walgreens case, the chairman just unloaded on the president. whoa! did he ever.
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at book club they were asking me what you're doing now, janice. blogging. your blog is just pictures of you in the mirror. it's called a fashion blog todd. well, i've been helping people save money with progressive's discounts. flo, can you get janice a job? [ laughs ] you should've stuck to softball! i was so much better at softball than janice, dad. where's your wife, todd? vacation. discounts like homeowners' multi-policy -- i got a discount on this ham. i've got the meat sweats. this is good ham, diane. paperless discounts -- give it a rest, flo. all: yeah, flo, give it a rest.
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. neil: you ever get the impression, when i talk to ceos off the record boy, do they give me an earful and my buddy charlie gasparino how much they don't like the president pointing the finger at them. but not publicly. james skinner of walgreens, remember when the president was pointing out walgreens for going overseas and trying to avoid the tax inversion thing and trying escape the responsibility to uncle sam. this guy was not going to have it. i want to read what he said. do we have that? what he went onto say, and i think you know the drill enough, enough, enough all right. what do you think?
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>> right, i think within a couple weeks or months, walgreens is going to be under federal investigation. neil: i thought the same thing. i thought the same thing. >> every time somebody we should give them -- he says something about the administration they get the jamie dimon treatment. neil: or the horse head. >> there is a little corleon. neil: jamie dimon got a fast pass. >> not even him attacking policy he championed dodd-frank in particular, and when he got on his soap box too much with the administration they hit him with everything. neil: clearly coincidental what do you say? >> no. and here's the thing they did to jamie dimon, which is fascinating. this is the story i heard he calls up eric holder's office and says i can do any day but friday. i have to be in europe or
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something, holder's office says we can only do it friday and gets down to holder's office and make him and his attorney sit and wait for three hours. neil: is that right? that's what i heard. i believe that's right. that's the disdain this administration has for business. neil: what about the tax inversion thing. that was a legitimate issue people were rightly ticked off. wait a minute, not just buying a small company in ireland or make that their domicile and pay a much lower rate. isn't there something more fiendish about that? >> no! change the tax code! do tax reform. neil: they wouldn't be tempted if they were doing this. >> if we had a different tax system, lower corporate taxes much, much less loopholes that money would be forced back here. that's what all this is all about, and by the way, a lot of the president's friends like warren buffett invest in companies that do the tax
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shenanigans all the time. neil: you are right about that. >> and i would say this. change the tax code. change the rules. this guy is playing by the rules. he's being attacked and pillaried but playing by the rules. neil: they did shell the merger to calm folks down. >> which merger are you talking about. neil: do you know, do the ceo's think twice whether they're going to get a call from the white house. >> yes! they're scared to death. they're always thinking about how washington is going to interpret their words, and every now and then, one of them does something like that and then when he does something like that he gets slapped down by the justice department. neil: we always get a lot of e-mails and breaking news do you know what we get ten times more e-mail on? >> what. neil: what you think of millennials. >> you stirred that pot more than me. you're the instigator here and you had some of the millennials on the other day. very boring.
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neil: they think i'm very hot, and they don't think you're hot. >> they take themselves way too serious, and the only reason you have them on it gives you a chance to talk to millennial women. neil: that's a tacky thing to say true, but tacky. he's going to be back later on. i love this guy he's kind of ticking me off. back later on, he's one of the bitter boomers. something we're going to carry onto the new show 12:00 to 2:00, he's going to bring his milk of magnesia and say here you go. neil: unions say double the minimum wage double the minimum wage, and lo and behold they get what they want, then they crawl back and say now, about union operations and our friends? can we get a carveout for that? governor scott walker on a union double standard he says is over the top. >> they pushed all of this and want a special carveout for
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unions. >> the audacity and the hypocrisy. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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. neil: all right, how many times would you take dietary advice from me? i can't hear i, you're at home. of course you wouldn't! when unions are giving advice to fast-food workers you have to double minimum wage protest for it. risk your job for it. sounds good. $15 it is. in l.a. that became the law. you find it weird that days later unions are saying we'd like a carveout on this $15 thing, especially union operations talk about a double standard. scott walker of wisconsin telling me it was worse. >> they really pushed all of this but want a special carveout for unions, what do you think? >> some of the same labor union the big government labor union bosses who pushed obamacare, pushed this president pushed the liberal leaders in california are asking for a carveout.
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i'd much rather see it i don't support changes in minimum wage the better approach is give people the skills the education and training to succeed in jobs that pay far greater, two times the minimum wage. neil: unions are hypocritical? that's kayleigh mcenany's views or nothing unusual going on here democratic strategist with that view. you smell a fish. >> unions are hypocritical for seve months they were fighting against exceptions for restaurant owners and all of a sudden, now that it's coming down to the pipes, they say wait labor unions need an exception, it's hypocrisy and astonishing to think they can't get away with it. neil: chuck, aren't you ashamed to be a liberal? >> i want to be on top of this building in washington, d.c. you're talking about 10% of the
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unionized workers in california. give them the minimum wage. let's say you have $6 an hour worth of benefits and benefit us that bring into it but only make $14 an hour in pay. if you're collective bargaining you get on vote. neil: no, no you're shifting here. >> i'm not shifting i'm giving you facts about that. neil: the same thing the employers in the fast food industry wanted to do. can we have a two tier pay structure for the younger workers or those who are working part-time, can we have a different lower rate for them and the union said no no no no. essentially what the unions want now, can we have a carveout for the newer members or other members so we don't all have to be part of this $15. >> if we allow all the people to have collective bargaining the unions would have said all of the above. neil: no, they wouldn't! >> when we saved the auto industry, the same thing in the auto city.
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>> i'm sitting here listen to you extol the issues of collective bargaining for seven months they said we need this exception, not right for unions. why wait for the very end to throw this in. neil: after they got the minimum wage hike they knew this was coming down the pike. let's not break it to the guys that we're going to do a 180, push this through and be the lying scheming scum we are. >> let's be clear with the viewers and tell them that the unions don't represent fast-food workers they're trying to stand up for workers who can't stand up for themselves. neil: hypocritical union is hypocritical union. >> they don't have representation, instead of the big boss man getting everything at the top. neil: give me 50 push-ups right now. >> i'm ready! >> so am i, not. when we come back, it was a bad week for the irs that. we know. but i'm telling you my friend it was a worse week for you because of it.
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. neil: you ever wonder the irs can't get out of its own way. let me count the ways, sending refunds abroad to folks they don't know. hiring thousand dollar an hour lawyers to handle god knows what and all of this at a time 100000 americans' tax records slipped out to god knows who. former bush spokes american mercedes schlapp says americans have a right to hate the irs when she's things pile up. what do you think? >> yes, anger is justified. look, neil what we're dealing with the irs is a culture of mismanagement, corruption and political favoritism. when you start looking at, for example, take the case of the new rule that the obama administration has rewritten in the fact of allowing third parties, this means this big washington law firm come in and
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have access to confidential taxpayer information, that, of course becomes a big problem, they call it unprecedented expansion of allowing third party individuals to have access and and also question witnesses. so again neil this i think becomes another reason why americans really have a problem with the irs and why several of the gop candidates say abolish the irs, deal with the corruption. neil: every critical question i'm going to ask you about the irs is coming from a producer and not from me in case anyone at the irs is watching. here's the follow-up i have on that, if you keep repeating mistakes, it's very clear that the irs is tone deaf, doesn't care, marches on isn't fully staffed as the irs commissioner says so you know, don't give us any hard times. at what point do we as taxpayers say wait a minute, you yourself are worthy of a congressional investigation?
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>> you know i think it's time. i think it's time for them to have the congressional investigation. in fact, speaker boehner came out with a letter he sent to u.s. attorney general loretta lynch saying look, let's go after and undertake serious investigation on lois lerner, we can't forget, neil, about the fact --. >> i love you to death that will go nowhere fast. i agree, we now know that the e-mails that are missing are not missing anymore. >> that's right. neil: we know that they're around and out there and some are quite incriminating. we now know all that from people who looked at it. >> right. neil: with the republican congress it's going nowhere. >> going nowhere fast, when you're talking about the fact they paid out over 2.1 billion dollars in terms of tax returns and given millions to dead people who have filed but you know when you have the obama administration in charge they're not going to take any action against the irs if we have the congressional
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investigations, we're stuck. we're stuck until a president comes in and decides we really need to revamp the irs and take control and ensure that corruption and mismanagement is taken under control. neil: and if anyone at the irs is watching i'll give you mercedes address after this. these were all her ideas. mercedes have a good weekend. >> thank you. neil: thank you. this shouldn't be surprising that graduates are paid more. they get more money. those from ivy league schools get paid a lot more money. that's good news right? not when it comes to the bitter boomers. not at all.
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lizzie macdonald, charlie brady, charlie gasparino single handedly wiped out our demo. >> they are boring and spoiled millennials. neil: but very hot. >> they were boring extremely boring. neil: can we stick to the subject at hand. it is a dramatic differential and they might feel, especially those left out of ivy league schools a sense of entitlement. >> i wonder if the numbers are skewed by the kids coming out writing code and get paid a tremendous amount of money. neil: but they work on average. >> average, that's what happens. neil: i understand. the lovely millennials. >> this boomer understands a lot about stats talk about the mean. neil: you're mean. >> what do they do? >> the median. >> the median.
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neil: ooh! >> i want to help out. >> something that really stood out in that chart, yes i agree with charlie the numbers are oo. >> and they were boring, right? >> you know why they were screwed up? they're boring. you know why the numbers are screwed up they were produced by the labor department. they never produce anything that's not screwed up the labor department. neil: i remember you were like a flag burning liberal? >> admit it. you convinced me neil. neil: maybe you were hang around brady! >> one point here, charlie, listen. if you look at how these boomers -- >> he's on my side. >> how the millennials did after the last in the year 2000, college kids that entered the labor folks, their median incomes did not go up in four years. three years later, median income started to trail down.
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now -- could. >> we go with the premise that young people feel entitled. finish your point! >> they felt entitled and had to get angry. high school kids -- >> i'm angry with your explanation. >> we need kids that are not entitled. neil: and grateful for getting less! >> and the premise of the "wall street journal" story was because the unemployment rate is 5.4% kids graduating college have a much better chance of getting a high-paid job. >> what kind of number is that? neil: i'm sorry are you with the "wall street journal"? [ laughter ]. >> people given up looking for jobs and the economy. neil: the market for graduates in 11 years, right? >> the unemployment would be 9.6%. >> a millennial wrote the story, it makes no sense. neil: lizzie, is it fair to say the job market is better than when we graduated from college. you are a lot younger you know what i mean? isn't it better now than it
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was? >> salaries, i'm your life line, phona friend stay with me. neil: can you phone a friend. >> 48 k versus when we -- neil: so was i. >> i made 19, no actually 15,000 when i graduated. >> whoa. >> our college grads they don't know what a recovery is right? it's been five years then, they've been in high school. >> they were take mollies during the meltdown. >> one thing that is pertinent here -- there is the defeatist culture in academia in college grads, we need them to get good paying jobs to reimagine the country's future. >> they can't get good jobs unless the economy creates it. >> kayleigh was here, an amazing millennial.
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neil: what about the millennials we had? kayleigh likes you the others hated you. >> let me tell you, when i listened to the boring and winey millennials. >> they think you're boring. >> want to let people know, they are so boring the millennials. neil: charlie runs upstairs at fox business, and he caught this our charlie gasparino proving he's hip and reaching out to the millennial audience and says -- [ laughter ]. neil: what are you doing? what is going on here? >> my arms look big there. neil: you're a handsome man. notice under the rubbish, 17 different lunches. >> something just moved in the back. neil: i'm reading into all of this, there's a lot of envy here a lot of envy here. >> someone slipped me a molly. [ laughter ] >> you're drunk. >> neil on a serious note. what i'm worried about, i look
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at data from 2000 last time when we had low unemployment and you see median income starting to drop. this time you're going to see the same thing for the kids that are going into college once two or three, in and the economy turns down again which it probably will. charlie brady wants to -- >> you will see entitlement turn to anger, that does worry me that worries me. >> they're too boring to be angry. >> no they're not. [ laughter ] [inaudible]. neil: he just dropped the bomb. no they're not! lizzie, any rescueing? >> i enjoyed your routine at your desk. [ laughter ] >> can we say one thing, college subsidies in the government are at all-time highs as tuition increases have gone up. >> ancillary statement. >> by the way, by the way, take a course in humor. >> it does mean something to
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the millennials. lizzie, it's going to make them -- neil: when we come back, take your medicine see you tomorrow. all right? when we come back google's virtual -- you got to see these things, they're cheap i'm telling you, they're still stupid. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene
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specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth.
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. neil: you know, a lot of you know we're changing our time the last time you can see us at 8:00 p.m., we're going to be 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., that is about the time of day not all the time a lot of the hot new gadgets are announced or revealed to the public for the first time. if that were happening like live right, right right now, i'd be all over this one. google is going overboard with
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virtually reality. these are virtually reality glasses. you can get them for as little as mobile tech analyst is with us 4 or $5. they still look stupid. what's their appeal? >> they let everyone have one. thing is right now, have you these devices from facebook and samsung and apple thousand dollar devices, who's going to spend on that thing. neil: i made this stuff in the fifth grade. >> yes like the 3-d glasses we used to take here. neil: looked like you put an android phone presumably in that thing, right? does it also shield your eyes from looking at an eclipse. >> like the 3-d glasses in the theaters we used to look at. it's a container, and what google is doing is making a statement look, virtually reality does not have to be this elitist thing, it can be
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in a box, you can make it a pretty box if you want or get something fancy. the point is it can be in a box. neil: they're worried because they're going to try to give this stuff away virtually quite literally to get you on board, they're saying no one is into this, give it away, hopefully they come back. >> definitely think they're trying to capture the market absolutely. i gotta tell you. neil: wouldn't it be selling the sales of the far more expensive items the 300 400, $500 glasses. >> they don't really sell those anymore. neil: what does this do? if you can get this for $5 versus the hundreds of dollars that other players have? >> put this on the phone and the software google puts on the phone you're not spending 300 bucks here and 700 there, you're putting all your focus what they want to do which the software, which is the phone which resides in the box. neil: here's what i think when
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i look at this do you have to wear the glasses? you know what i'm saying, i think with 3-d in japan they mastered it without the glasses i don't know how they do that but that is a good thing, people say i don't want to wear the silly glasses, these look sillier and more stupid. >> they're light and don't fry your brain. neil: so there's that. >> there's that. i think they're actually consistent with what you're saying, saying you know what? neil: literally? i made that up on the fly? >> not so much about the glasses it should be about your experience. you know what? cardboard will do it, too. we'll get rid of the cardboard. neil: i got to ask about this apple and the iphone text crash, what the heck is going on? >> basically if you have an iphone, it's scary but if you don't have an iphone you're good, if you have one, and you get a message with certain text characters on your sms and it
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pops up, it reboots your phone. it's scary but what happens to me seven times a day when the battery goes down. it shuts off and turns back on. neil: this never tusd happen to apple. >> it's been lurking messages and e-mails. neil: it's affecting others as a result, right? >> what it's doing is it really affects the apple iphone but what happens is can you send that bad message to someone using any other piece of software. neil: anything connected to the iphone, the apple watch right? >> it crashes the iphone it will shut down your nice watch over there. >> no apologies to apple. i'm kidding. >> i think there are things far worse for your phone than what this does. while it'sscary it's manageable. neil: okay thank you my friend. so good seeing you, you make sense of this and always is so
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patient about my idiotic technology questions. it is almost here. almost. obviously these guys are getting pumped up for fbn's new lineup on monday. you might want to find out next, a good many are looking forward to a certain young lady who already joined us but her big debut comes monday. stick around.
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>> >> everything you ever known has changed on monday. i am just the warm-up act to this young lady with the intelligence report. it is the mouse full -- mouthful.
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[laughter] what is going on? it is all part of the space up -- light up. >> i am super excited to be here and it will be great. i really am excited but we will look at all the news stories that are happening every single day the economic plans and the businessland's there is a lot going on in a critical time with our economy and where we are as a nation geopolitically. so what we're focused on we all want to be secured to know that our money is secure an hour future as a nation is secure.
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but once you learn less. >> it is the intelligence report. >> we will talk to the people in business that matter. about america's place in the world. they're coming at us from a slightly different angle. what is the reality of what this means for my company or for jobs? >> there are two schools of thought. but what is your sense?
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the markets are one thing the economy is another but this is what scares me because the market is on fire with the economy in a dismal state. wages are stagnant after adjusted for inflation. >> on paper. but then when you really digging into the 200,000 jobs of month doesn't matter if they don't pay people to live. the economy is on the tough spot look at the history of the nation as the agrarian society. and there is a lot of questions as to what is next
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as jobs move overseas you cannot just drop out to get a job at the manufacturing plant and take care for family. >> you are right. lung going up against business journalists boito pretty much anything. >> i have three kids for i have been married many years i ever regular for the everyday american. >> doesn't matter with the kids? social security? [laughter] i don't think there -- it will be there for the more for me. >> if they have a rich mom
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and play their cards right. trish will be on the intelligence report. do not forget my warm-up act cavuto coast to coast. >> what do you need to know about college? >> dear richard best friend. >> that is the duty you can major in game boy. >> students pay a fortune. the fastest-growing form of consumer debt paying for things like this. >> ed bass, a climbing tower >> and they want to give more of your money. >> is the economic imperative. >> one and actor


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