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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  May 30, 2015 10:00am-11:01am EDT

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hello, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. the obama administration has begun another of its patented politically motivated policy reversals. these obama reversals are called variously flip-flops pivots and just plain changes of heart or circumstance. this time the obama pledges to quote, degrade and destroy the islamic state are suddenly inoperative. instead, the president and his administration are rapidly, desperately trying to distance themselves from the war against the islamic state. the president's top spokesman insisted the united states will train and equip iraqi forces but will not be responsible for
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securing iraq. we'll update you on the new political realities that have led to the president's abandonment of those pledges to degrade and destroy the islamic state. also hillary clinton returning to the scene of her most embarrassing loss to barack obama back in 2008 but her embarrassments continue. she's still not answering questions about her growing e-mail and clinton foundation scandals. the question now is whether foundation donations bought u.s. government favors. we'll have much more on the clinton foundation relationship with fifa soccer's international governing body. the justice department charging fifa with corruption on a global scale. we take it all up with national review editor rich lowrie and the baltimore mayor who once said she wanted to give space to those protesters who wished to destroy parts of baltimore. now she wants you and me to pay for the damage caused by the
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riots that she permitted. former justice department attorney christian adams joins us to talk about the liberal campaign against law enforcement, decency and common sense. we begin tonight with a white house that is as it has been in so many other instances, in transition on policy. this time wanting to move on from the president's forceful declaration that he would degrade and destroy the islamic state to a rather feeble indifference to the outcome of what a white house spokesman today called iraq's battle against the islamic state. >> our strategy is to support the iraqi security forces in doing what we will not do for them. the united states is prepared to train them to equip them and to back them on the battlefield with coalition military air power as they take the fight to isil in their own country. the united states is not going to be responsible for securing the security situation inside of iraq. >> josh earnest's milqetoast
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remarks in sharp contrast to president obama's bravado of only nine months ago. >> our objective is clear. that is to degrade and destroy isil. our troops our diplomats that lead the fight to degrade and ultimately destroy -- we are leading a broad coalition including arab nations to degrade and ultimately destroy -- our coalition of some 60 nations, including arab nations, will not relent in our mission to degrade and ultimately destroy isil. >> ultimately destroy isis. now we are three months on from the president's promise not to relent. the obama white house is obviously as of today relenting. former pentagon official fox news national security analyst k.t. mcfarland is joining me now and my first question to you tonight, is the president's reversal. why now, is it really that bad in iraq? >> yeah. isis has gotten much more powerful. it's not a terrorist
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organization. it is now the islamic state. it's getting recruits by the day. there are 25,000 new recruits that are joining the islamic state from over 100 different countries so 25,000 foreign recruits have now raced to the region syria and iraq to fight for the islamic state. that's a 70% increase over last year. >> we are hearing a number of former generals amongst them stanley mcchrystal talking about isis is organic, isis has been organic. i'm not sure what the heck that means but isn't it about time this country's generals start talking about how to win wars and quit sounding like a sociologist? it is really becoming embarrassing to this country and it is also becoming it seems to me extraordinarily dangerous that our lead warriors are acting like some sort of humanities majors. >> the problem is when the
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president nine months ago basically put down a red line saying we are going to defeat and destroy isis then couldn't do it. why can't they do it? because the iraqi army isn't going to fight. two times now they have been faced with far fewer forces a year ago in the battle for mosul it was a 30 to 1 odds and guess who gave up? the guys who had 30,000 troops they ran away. just last month when they had five to one odds they ran away again. they don't fight. why won't they fight? because they are a shiite army they are controlled by iran even though they are called iraq and they are not going to defend sunnis. what we need to do is not just say oh, this is terrible, we are going to walk away. figure out some way to make sure that whatever fight is happening in the middle east doesn't come home. >> the idea of fighting the enemy on his ground is of course compelling and reasonable but there is something about fighting an enemy on his ground
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not to win that it render ts whole proposition madness. and we have been engaged in that madness, it seems to me, for 14 straight years. >> yeah. what we should have learned in vietnam and we said at the time after the vietnam war never again, never are we going to put american forces into a combat situation to fight and die without the will to win. we don't have the will to win. if we don't have the will to win, the president's not going to send a will to win, let's have a new plan. don't throw american forces into the breach in hopes that it looks like you're doing something when you have no plan to win and there is no plan to win. >> i've got to say i want to apologize to humanities majors. i misspoke a moment ago and said they're acting like they may have been in humanity or something to that effect. the fact is they would benefit if they had read the humanities -- what i would like to say further to those generals is it's time to listen to guys like jack keene.
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time to listen to k.t. mcfarland. time to listen to colonel ralph peters. time to get in touch with the people who represent the institutional knowledge of this country about warfare, who have been there, who have lived it and who represent values that actually travel across this country's history very well. we stand up we are plain-spoken and we fight like hell for what we decide is in the national interest. we are a confused nation. there seems to be no sense on the part of this president that anything matters. >> that's right. that's the danger. because other countries are looking at this this weakness this putting the red line down then never enforce it. everybody's going to realize get what you can now because this president has, what 18 20 months left in office? grab what you can now. that's why you're seeing the chinese doing what they're doing, the russians. >> short of 20 months. >> short of 20. that's why you're seeing
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everybody jump in and take advantage. >> it is perplexing. it must be absolutely confounding to younger americans to look at the people who are supposed to be those who have traveled at the point through decades before their births to offer guidance to counsel wisdom and what they are watching is a nation that is literally tearing itself apart over abstractions that aren't about national values they're not about great ideas, they're not about great responsibilities or noble purpose. we are squandering every, it seems, opportunity to do the right thing. >> you know most people in america today don't know what it's like when america wins a war. that's the tragedy. >> well -- >> fight but fight to win or don't fight. >> it's time this country adopted -- i believe actually george w. bush had it right, but he had it right in 2000.
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he was the first person campaigning for president that i can recall since eugene mccarthy who was talking about a modesty in u.s. foreign policy. it is that modesty but not born of either cowardice or some sense of isolationism but a modesty proportionate to our ideals our values and who we are as a people that would require us to not be reflexive and to be adventurous and frankly, cavalier as we commit both treasure and blood, lives and limbs, to war for what in places that -- >> most people can't find on a map and may not make a big difference to america. >> they talk about the will to fight. it's hard to begrudge a lack of will to fight for goals that are unclear, for interests that seem absent.
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with that k.t. mcfarland always good to have you with us. thanks so much. most of our inner cities are being torn apart by violence. new highs for homicide in both chicago and baltimore. but our new attorney general, well, she's all about soccer. we take up loretta lynch's priorities with milwaukee county sheriff david clark. if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth.
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one month into her job, attorney general loretta lynch is going after international soccer. lynch today unsealed a 47-count indictment of racketeering corruption and conspiracy charges against 14 defendants associated with the world soccer association fifa. >> they were expected to uphold the rules that keep soccer honest and to protect the integrity of the game. instead, they corrupted the business of worldwide soccer to serve their interests and to enrich themselves. this department of justice is determined to end these practices, to root out corruption and to bring wrongdoers to justice. >> noble goals. those officials by the way, allegedly systematically received payment for over $150 million in bribes and kickbacks to give away rights to international soccer tournaments. russia and qatar come to mind.
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a related investigation based in switzerland also investigating the controversial selection of those two countries for the 2018 and 2022 world cups. lynch certainly not focusing on border security and new reports that gang activity and deaths are surging on our southern border. some 30,000 illegal immigrants are expected to cross that border this year. republican presidential candidate governor scott walker telling breitbart news that if the number of illegal immigrants swarming across our southern border were coming by seaport the federal government would be sending in the u.s. navy to stop it. detroit's police chief telling residents he personally wouldn't stop at a gasoline station in the city overnight because of recent violence. james craig's comments follow a series of violent carjackings over the weekend. one man, killed. in chicago, 12 people were killed and nearly 60 shot over the weekend.
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mayor rahm emanuel is now calling for even stronger gun control laws telling a group of officers quote, it is not just about how many police you have said rahm emanuel, it is about the quantity of guns that are on the street so we actually have gun laws that back up the men and women we just recognized and if you can make head nor tails of what the mayor just said, let me know. joining us now to discuss what's behind the violence in our cities and the war against law enforcement in this country, milwaukee county sheriff david clark. sheriff, great to have you with us. let me ask you. mayor rahm emanuel just said it's all about the guns not the people using them and so legal guns in the hands of citizens should be taken away. what do you make of that? >> rahm emanuel is dead wrong. he must have gone to the same school that president barack obama did on how to run a law enforcement agency. this is what happens when you
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have community organizers and academic elites and others who don't know a thing about policing in the american ghetto start to dabble in police science. look i know from my 37 years of experience that cops matter and the number of cops that you have can make a difference as long as you allow them to do within our constitution as long as you allow them to do assertive policing aggressive policing things like broken windows and other initiatives that are going to put the bad guys on their heels, but instead, rahm emanuel reaches into his bag of tricks and pulls out his gun control talking points. that's kind of what we have. city of chicago is under siege. this is not a recent development. we saw as you mentioned what happened in baltimore over the weekend. these cities might as well get used to it because this is what you're going to have as long as you're going to try to turn cops into social workers and try to get them to emphasize deescalation and more dialogue instead of going on the offensive to go after some very dangerous individuals.
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>> those dangers are rising in part because we are watching gangs, it seems multiply monthly in this country. it is a national crisis and yet this president doesn't talk about it at all. the attorney general doesn't address the issue at all. and seems to be more interested in investigating police departments rather than being part of a national law enforcement strategy that assures public safety. >> it's starting to take its toll on the american police officer. the psyche of the american police officer. self-initiated policing is going to go down proactive policing is going to go down in many of these areas and cops are just going to resort to answering calls for service. that's what they're paid to do. that's what they're expected to do. we need them to take those risks sometimes and self-initiate an act to pull that car over that you have reasonable suspicion to do so or to go jack up as we call it the group of gang members hanging on the corner to find out if they have drugs or
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weapons, and but the way they're looking at it now, why should they risk their lives or end up in some criminal indictment because this whole thing has been politicized. instead the president of the united states and others as rahm emanuel did, continue to deflect away from the behavior of many young black males in the american ghetto and instead pile on the law enforcement officer. but as you know in the end, the loser in all this are the good law-abiding black people that live in these ghettos and there are a lot of them. >> they seem to be the last consideration here. they are being, if you will targeted by propaganda principally from the left a power structure that really is using them for political purposes rather than providing services. it is extraordinary. we can go back 50 years and look at some of the early writings of daniel patrick moynihan nathan
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glazer street corner society. the problems aren't changing. the responses aren't changing. and the failures are immense. we continue to permit as you say, a mayor to deflect from his or her responsibilities in the case of baltimore and their service in elected office. they are the ones failing millions of people in this country, and yet it goes on and on and on without response politically and from the american people. >> well here's what has to happen. you have to eradicate the american ghetto. how do you do that? you have to shrink the size of the underclass. we are seeing underclass behaviors on display. we have a permanent underclass in the united states has become comfortable with ghetto life. how do we get them out of that comfort zone? as you mentioned, you go after modern liberalism. modern liberalism is conduct without borders, it celebrates black underachievement makes excuses for this abhorrent
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behavior we are seeing in many of these neighborhoods. it blames others for questionable lifestyle choices like school failure, having kids out of wedlock, not staying constantly employed. so i would start by attacking modern liberalism and start to shame these behaviors instead of celebrating them. make it uncomfortable and you are see the underclass behavior start to shrink. >> sheriff david clarke it is always good to talk with you. >> thank you, lou. a woman recording a hailstorm in ireland just got the fright of her life. a massive bolt of lightning struck just feet away as she was recording the rare weather event. the bang so loud others in the area were convinced a bomb had just exploded. the woman says she fell right out of her chair because of the shock and no one would blame her. that is extraordinary. president obama's real legacy has already been decided. my commentary is next.
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a few thoughts now on the obama legacy on the broadly misunderstood legal legacy of this administration whether it be the actions of its politicized justice department or the public misperception of the president who fancies himself a constitutional scholar and very fancy lawyer. it turns out the evidence is rather clear on both. he's neither. a federal appellate court just yesterday dealt mr. obama's agenda and his legacy another crippling blow. the fifth circuit court of appeals denied a justice department request to allow the president's amnesty fiat for illegal immigrants to go into effect while an appeal is pending. the white house has so often been on the losing side of major legal confrontations that the white house response is now an automatic reflex to adverse rulings. here is the rather predictable
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white house statement which said in part two judges of the fifth circuit chose to misinterpret the facts. president obama's immigration executive actions are fully consistent with the law. they are squarely within the bounds of his authority. the court is ruling on other significant portions of the obama agenda as well. the president's amnesty fiat is only part of the court's threat to his legacy. the former constitutional law professor's signature law, obamacare, has survived one supreme court challenge but could be gutted as early as next month, when the justices are expected to issue a ruling on the legality of subsidies for americans and states that did not set up their own exchanges. other critical elements of the president's agenda are also on the supreme court docket. the docket includes these cases, same sex marriage which president obama now supports after a public evolution on his
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part a court test for mr. obama's climate change agenda is also expected. the supreme court is set to rule on whether the administration exceeded the law with limits on emissions for power plants and the supreme court has ruled against the obama administration so often that the obama lawyers must be downcast. the high court ruled the president exceeded his authority with his recess appointments to the national labor relations board and it goes on and on and since the president took office there have been 13 unanimous supreme court rulings against the obama administration. the president's legal legacy has already been decided. the real question now is just how bad it will be. for the president, i mean, not the country. our quotation of the evening. by the chief justice of the supreme court, who may well have a significant voice in whether the power of the executive
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branch will be checked as envisioned by the constitution. quote, by ensuring that no one in government has too much power, the constitution helps protect ordinary americans every day against abuse of power by those in authority. those are the words of john roberts, chief justice of the united states. we're coming right back with much more. up next secret shell companies, donations from corrupt soccer officials dogging the clinton campaign. jeb bush finds new critics, national review editor rich lowry on the 2016 race. and spacex moving into a very exclusive club. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i only choose nicorette mini.
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hillary clinton today making her first trip to south carolina as a presidential candidate, a state that she lost to barack obama by nearly 29 points back in 2008 which was really the first time as a presidential candidate. clinton using her speech to call out republicans because they block equal pay legislation, she said. now, that's despite the fact that hillary herself paid women in her senate office less than men in her senate office and clinton did not address the ever-growing clinton foundation scandal. we were sure this would be the day. according to a report in the
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international business times, the clinton state department listen to this approved $165 billion of weapons deals to 20 nations whose governments donated millions of dollars to the clinton foundation. pure coincidence? we'll see. former florida governor jeb bush not having the best of days on the campaign trail. campaign finance watchdogs are now asking the justice department to investigate jeb bush for possible campaign finance law violations. the problem? the group's alleged bush has been acting like a presidential candidate, raising tens of millions of dollars from his super pac but skirting avoiding laws against doing so because he's not an official candidate. some of those watchdogs have certain liberal instincts, i would like to add. "washington post" fact checker, however, going after the governor for this claim.
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>> isis didn't exist when my brother was president. al qaeda in iraq was wiped out when my brother was president. >> the "washington post" says that was worth four pinocchios. joining us fox news contributor rich lowry. great to have you here. let's start with jeb bush. that's the maximum. >> what he said was technically untrue. al qaeda in iraq the forerunner to isis was basically devastated after the surge. we leave entirely the iraqi government and the military spirals into rank dysfunction and then isis comes sweeping back. >> and the reality here is that al qaeda, elements of it remained in iraq. there's no doubt or dispute about it. i think i know what the governor meant to say but that doesn't change the number of pinocchios.
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>> it's harsh. i'm sure he's really hurting tonight. >> i have never seen the "post" be harsh with a republican candidate or office holder. let's turn to hillary. $155 billion worth of weapons deals to countries that found it in their hearts to turn over millions of dollars to the clinton foundation. therefore, we understand it would be benign and have only their best interests of the globe at heart. >> well whether you can establish any direct quid pro quo as we always say about all these clinton donations, i doubt it. but the reason you have ethics rules in government is to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. and it's becoming increasingly clear that her tenure as secretary of state was one enormous appearance of conflict of interest. because what you're doing is if you are the saudis or these defense contractors is buying good will buying access just
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ensuring that at the margins, she might be less likely to oppose you or oppose any of these deals. that's very hard to detect or to prove in a court of law, but most ethical people avoid even that appearance. >> yes. and the clintons whatever else they may be certainly were not in any way daunted by appearances of conflicts of interest and on so many levels from every direction, it was -- if ever there were a web, it may not be a web of corruption but it has every appearance of being so because the tentacles of that foundation and the interests of the clintons fan out across literally the entire world. >> you have to wonder why. these people these are people who are going to be well-healed and comfortable and well taken care of no matter what so what is the compulsion to run up to every single line whether if it's greed, you will hear some people doing psychoanalysis on president clinton saying he just
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enjoys always being up against the line no matter what it is but it's bizarre and anyone else on the planet would have to answer for it right now. the press would not let them get away with stonewalling as she's doing. >> let's talk about getting away with something. senator rand paul today blaming republicans for the islamic state. if we've got that sound, i would like everybody to hear this. it's really quite a striking statement from the 2016 hopeful. >> lindsey graham would say isis exists because of people like rand paul. who said let's not go into syria. what would you say? >> i would say it's exactly the opposite. isis exists and grew stronger because of the hawks in our party who gave arms indiscriminately and most of those arms were snatched up by isis. these hawks also wanted to bomb assad which would have made isis' job even easier. they created these people. >> what say you?
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>> four pinocchios maybe five. i think it's completely ridiculous. this is a terrorist group that existed independent of republican hawks in this country. assad hasn't really opposed them. in fact he at times has acted in conjunction with them against so-called moderate rebels in syria. it was the total pull-out of iraq that i believe created the vacuum that was an enormous benefit to isis. i think he's wrong on all counts. i know he can't stand that lindsey graham and he wants to have a fight with him, the same way lindsey wants to fight with rand. >> and a lot of other people. >> sure. it means you don't have to go out and say things that are blatantly untrue. >> dana milbanks anticipated the senator writing just the day before that rand paul basically looked like a man who was trying to be a liberal democrat. it had that sort of ring to it. >> i think that goes too far, but -- and there's a
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constituency -- >> the "washington post" again. >> there's a constituency for the kind of republicanism or libertarianism that rand is advancing here but it's a limited one. the conventional wisdom about rand a year or two ago was he's going to overperform his father in a primary. now i think he will be hard-pressed to match him and might underperform him. >> thanks a lot. good to have you here. the international space station undergoing a major renovation today. engineers moving an 11 ton space station module from one port to another. that move part of an ongoing effort to prepare the station for future commercial crews and cargo vessels. one of those private companies is spacex and spacex released new video of a major test flight result this month of a system that will protect astronauts in the event of a launch emergency. watch this. no humans were aboard for the may 6 flight but this video shows what it would have looked like from an astronaut's
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perspective. the dragon space craft accelerated from zero to 100 miles per hour in 1.2 seconds, reached a top speed of 345 miles an hour. spacex ceo says had there been people on board they would have been in great shape. spacex by the way, has also scored another major victory, earning a u.s. air force certification to allow it to launch spy satellites and other national security payloads into orbit. the six baltimore officers charged in the death of freddie gray want their trial moved. they say a fair trial in baltimore is impossible. former justice department attorney christian adams joins us next. an amazing video of four daredevils and their encounter with an active volcano. they're next. super poligrip seals out more food particles. so your food won't get stuck and you can enjoy
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the city of baltimore now faces about $20 million in damages connected to the recent riots along with wages for police officers. it includes expenses for police and firefighter overtime damage to city-owned property payment to other jurisdictions who were called in to help police the
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city. mayor stephanie rawlings-blake gave instructions to give quote, those who wish to destroy the space to do so then by the way lied about it but then it was corroborated and it turns out that yes, that what's she did say. she now wants and is asking for up to 75% reimbursement from the federal emergency management agency. sort of her idea to let the riots unfold. we'll see how that works out. joining us christian adams, former department of justice attorney. he served under both presidents bush and obama. he's also author of the book "injustice." christian, good to have you here. let's start with first the police officers seeking a change of venue. as an attorney, you think that's likely to happen? >> well it will be a heavy burden for them to carry but if you listen to the press conference by the prosecutor there are some very fascinating
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things in there that i think if you're a maryland lawyer and you follow the law in maryland may have violated some ethics rules with pretrial publicity. another maryland prosecutor by the name of doug gantzler got spanked by the court of appeals for stuff that wasn't as bad as what this woman did. we'll see if that happens or not. >> and the department of justice, a deal in cleveland. there have certainly been incidents of police abuse of power and certainly excessive force. but they are individual instances. does it rise to a pattern that would lead to a d.o.j. agreement? >> well we'll never know because cleveland surrendered. they raised the white flag and invited the obama justice department in to tell them what to do on everything. every time a police officer unholster unholsters his gun they have to file a report with the federal overseer. they have to take sensitivity training. all of these far left wing
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anti-police agenda items have been put into place now without any fight from cleveland. this is happening all over the country, lou. it's part of a coordinated effort to lock down under federal mandates large numbers of police forces across the nation. >> to nationalize local police departments? >> well not to effectively take them over but to impose federal standards written by far left wing lawyers out of washington, d.c. who don't like the police. it's not to take them over effectively but it's to put in idealogical rules to tell them how to behave and it happened in los angeles, lou, and crime went crazy after the justice department got involved there. cops wouldn't even work on gang units because of the reporting requirements. >> we are witnessing what at least some in baltimore, including the mayor, is suggesting is the withdrawal of the police department from policing and blaming police for not being proactive in policing
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a community that has basically told them to go to hell. >> that's right. we are watching the breakdown of law and order occur in a major american city because of the ideas of the politicians. the ideas that the police are the problem. look what happens when the police retreat. you have record numbers of murders. it's a bloodbath the last couple weeks in baltimore because the police are afraid to be police. you have justice department officials like vanita gupta, head of the civil rights division investigating all these departments, who blamed get this lou, blamed slavery on the riots in baltimore. >> we actually have that quote. we would like to put that up for the audience so that they can see that. she said she's the head of the d.o.j. civil rights division, and she said this. it's in part the product of historical awareness about the role the police have played in enforcing and perpetuating
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slavery, the black codes, lynchings and jim crow segregation. those are radical, radical words and stunning. she's not in the role of activist. she's the head of a civil rights division or is there a difference? >> no. make no mistake, the civil rights division is an activist organization. venita gupta thinking that slavery is responsible for what happened in baltimore discounts the role of evil of individual decisions, of lawless gangsters going crazy in baltimore burning down buildings and looting. >> wait a minute. in baltimore, you can't use the word thug apparently, because that also is -- it discounts evil is too descriptive of the behavior of some people in that city or anywhere in the world. >> well indeed they are thugs. they are gangsters. they are the exact menace to society that law is meant to rein in and punish. but when you have top obama
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department of justice officials saying that slavery is to blame, it gives the american people a real insight into the sort of radicalism that you and i have been talking about for years, infects this administration. >> christian, good to have you with us. thanks for being here. christian adams. making history. with wings. winged suits and parachutes. we will get to this video soon. i'm waiting. there it is. worth waiting for, don't you think? look at that. the red bull sky dive team the first ever to fly over an active volcano. we do not recommend this to anyone else in wing suits. the breathtaking video showing those men soaring over the smoldering peak of mt. bromo on indonesia's main island of java. the volcano fully erupting last in 2011 and that's just incredible to watch. my goodness. up next a federal appellate court dealing a big blow to the
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the 2015 c-class. at the very touchpoint of performance and innovation. you probably know xerox as the company that's all about printing. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. with xerox, you're ready for real business. joining us tonight, two of the best attorneys in the business. lis wiehl and mercedes colwin both fox news legal analysts. mercedes i want to congratulate
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you on [ inaudible ]. >> it was very exciting. all nine justices were there. >> speaking of the supreme court, lis, let's start with the president. this is very bad for the justice department his administration, the executive fiat executive amnesty fiat it's frozen as of right now. >> and getting much closer to the supreme court. who would have thought you would have one judge in texas who said a long time ago this is not going to go i'm going to stay this and appeal after appeal after appeal. in fact they sided with this judge. this today, they said look this three-judge panel says you government lawyers, you probably won't win when it gets on the supreme court. we're definitely going to stay this. >> i don't think there are many americans who are dispassionate and objective on the issue, if
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you can find those folks. who would have thought he could just wave his hand like some sort of two-bit dictator and say i have issued a fiat on this. >> he said congress was taking too long. come on. >> poor baby. >> that's not much of an excuse. to make that argument. but that's -- >> would you like to be before the supreme court arguing that? justices, i need your help here. can he rule by fiat? >> this is going to be the biggest issue, he went way beyond what he's permitted to do under the law. he should have waited for congress. congress has that right. >> what happens if the court says on the request to expedite everything says no we're not going to do that we're done here our court ruling stands we're through with you. what happens then to his fiat? >> it just stays. a complete stay. it will stay and stay and stay forever. [ speaking simultaneously ] >> that's really where they're
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headed right now. it will get to the supreme court eventually but don't forget we are weeks away from the session being over. they won't rule anything now. >> the justice department is losing lots of court battles. they look horrible over this five years of this president, six years. d.o.j. in cleveland, they get the demands, they reached a deal with the city of cleveland where they are going to have monitors they are going to be -- >> everything. >> what is that about? >> any time -- >> are they trying to nationalize police departments? is that what this is about? >> that's what's so outrageous here. there are a few instances where you have law enforcement go completely rogue. >> no doubt about it. >> absolutely. >> but you can't -- [ speaking simultaneously ] >> but come on. these are individual officers. you can't have this broad brush and say every single police
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force. >> that's exactly what they're saying. >> my concern going forward on this is are the police officers now going to be so worried about anything that they do being monitored, anything that the public's going to be in danger. not only the officers themselves but the public because they can't do anything. >> can anyone blame the cops in baltimore for hanging back? >> no. >> taking no responsibility. a commissioner who was blaming his own policemen. that city i will say it this so-called charming city as is its nickname, there's nothing charming about what's happening there. >> you see these officers trying to maintain control and people are throwing things at them and they can't do anything. >> right. >> because people -- because there isn't the support there should be. >> a few bad apples. >> i will throw in one other cliche. stewing in their own juice. thank you very much. lis, great to see you. mercedes, great to see you. now that you are a big shot. >> can we touch you?
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supreme court going to rub off on me? thanks for joining us tonight. good night from new york. [ dynamic music plays ]


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