tv Varney Company FOX Business June 1, 2015 9:00am-12:01pm EDT
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seat maybe. maria: i point out the technology deal of the day. altera and intel. stocks are trading up. that's it for us we will satisfy see you tomorrow on "mornings with maria". "varney & company" is next. have a great show. stuart: thanks. it's monday june 1st, california get that coffee going, it looks like your money will be off to a pretty good start. historically june has been a tough month for stocks. maybe this year we'll buck the trend and a half hour from now, stocks should be going up. we'll show you how much you are making. hillary clinton desperate to reel in the money. according to the new york times, those who can give $5 million a pop are not yet handing over big bucks. now she'll try to convince them to hand over 10 million instead. a big fight coming over security. how do you feel about the government tracking phone records, not recording all conversations recording the numbers called. this is the rand paul nsa issue and there are new developments
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today. and now we have the numbers on elon musk. he received $4.9 billion worth of green energy tax credits. his stock has done very well. how about taxpayers? welcome to our new time we have a jam-packed three hours for you. we could use four. [laughter] the june 1st edition of "varney & company," yeah we're about to begin. ♪ ♪ passengers set sail that day for a three-hour tour a three-hour tour ♪. [laughter] >> oh the ship was sinking. stuart: welcome to our maiden voyage, a familiar cast of characters, three hours. you're familiar with and some new faces will be joining us as well. we broke the bank on that crazy graphic because "varney & company" is better than ever. and big names you know are on
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"varney & company" today. brian kilmeade. steve moore, ralph peters among the headliners i should say today. now, we're also talking about the on demand economy all week. companies that provide a service at the touch of your screen. today the company is called via v-i-a, one of uber's competitors, it's an app, hales you a car, cheaper than uber. and look who is with us to start things off, mary kissel the wall street journal and on the screen and-- [inaudible] and it's down on average, 1.6%
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stuart in june. the hardest hit sector traditionally in this month ironically are financials. stuart: really? . june historically a bad month? down an average over 1%? >> yes, let me say sell in may and go away that didn't work this time. sometimes tradition doesn't play into it because the s&p gained 1%. >> we don't always have a federal reserve like this. ashley: that's true. messing with the numbers. stuart: let's keep them out of this for a second. another big story breaking that's senator rand paul on the floor of the senate last night. he made his case against the patriot act. roll some tape please. well, he made his case against the patriot act, but i've got a question this morning, because we have indeed suspend-- mary, i think we say we suspended the collection of bulk phone data recording. we've done that. we're not getting into the weeds of nsa, is that stand that rand paul taking good for his candidacy or not? >> no. i think it's bad for his
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candidacy because i think that most americans understand that the patriot act was put in place after 9/11 so we wouldn't have a future 9/11. stuart when you even have the current cia director coming out and saying that this program helped us stop attacks, i think the average american out there, whether they pay attention to the nitty-gritty of the patriot act or not, know this is a time of disorder and bad to disarm. the hypothetical misarm he's for his own political gains. >> the nsa spying on all of you and listening to your conversations that's not true. >> absolutely garbage. stuart: as i understand it the rest of the republican party, what they want is for the phone companies to continue to collect phone records because that's your phone bill and then the government when they want to look at the records, they can do it. >> that's so crazy. a phone company's job is not to protect our national security. how long are the phone
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companies going to keep those records? are they going to be able to produce the various dots that-- and by the way, who is going to take the blame if we have a big attack? is the government going to say, well, verizon, at&t you didn't give us the phone records in time while we have god knows what happen on american soil. this is absolutely crazy. >> you say you want the patriot act to stay as-is? >> yes. >> you do. ashley: i think that's right. had hurt rand paul and he did run on this his campaign was no bulk data collection, but in this day and age, it's necessary. stuart: i want to see the polls in the next few days which will look back over the day which says did rand make a hit or miss. >> you've got to be careful with the polls, if the president doesn't come out and explain to the american people you may have a temporary uplift in the polls for rand paul. that will change through the debates and-- >> it will last a couple of days and the senate are going to pass it so he's just making
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a point by doing this. stuart: fair enough. >> no more than that it's degrading our security if the phone companies are the ones keeping this. stuart: we've got more on this with judge napitano expect a little fire. [laughter] e. stuart: he's happy about what happened in the senate last night the judge is a supporter. watch out. ecalled elon musk i called him a modern pt barnum. maybe that's going too far. ashley: i like that too. stuart: he's using your money to build his empire. the l.a. times reports that his company that's tesla, solar city, spacex benefit to the tune of 4.9 billion worth of tax credits. can you break down the numbers again? >> it's interesting because he created the pt barnum personality that has states across the country just fighting each other to get him to come to their state. for instance a $750 million
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solar panel factory was built in buffalo, new york paid for by buffalo, new york. they're paying $1 a year to lease it. this is the musk's company, no property taxes for a decade. that's one example of the deal they're getting. he's the hot guy, creating jobs. texas. they're putting many many millions of dollars in subsidy to be the place where he can put his rocket launcher for his space program. >> the rocket launcher i don't mind, it's the solar company and car company i mind that's unproven technology. the government will want private companies to send stuff into space. rather that nan nasa. stuart: and for green energy-- >> i'm glad the l.a. times is watching our show because we've been watching this for months and months and months and taxpayers need to be aware of it. stuart: the public needs to
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know that some of the tax credits he sole them for cold hard cash and his is worth $150 a share. >> how sustainable is his business without these subsidies. >> how about the car business who cares about the battery powered vehicle if our gas is a buck 50 or $2. stuart: you know what the car companies are coming out with the sales figures today. i want a breakdown of suv's. and the gas guzzlers. >> i want a breakdown. i'll bet there's less compacts on more suv's. >> a buck cheaper. >> am i right? am i right? >> all right. come on we're getting on here. more on today's top stories, lauren is waiting with the headlines in case you missed it. >> good morning, this beer is for good.
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budweiser, anheuser-busch i should say is stopping production at the brewery in georgia to produce water for those hurt by the deadly flooding in texas and oklahoma. it's produced 50,000 cans of water for the american red cross. those cans will get to the hurt areas pretty soon. well, more bread at olive garden. its new bread stick sandwiches are out today. meatball or chicken are your options. the bun is the bed sticks. between $7 and $8. olive garden hope it will be a hit because the bread stick is iconic. and iglesias cut his hand because he was trying to catch a drone. he wanted a point of view of himself and turn the camera on himself. there was so much flood, it splattered across the stage and he had to get his hand
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bandaged. they wanted him to stop performer, but he kept performing. >> i wonder how that will affect his liability lawsuit? >> i can look into that. >> rights now the fans liked it it. >> and doing it smoothly when you do. make sure that drone doesn't have a blade that sharp. stuart: i want more on the olive garden. too early for that. >> love olive garden. stuart: i want to move on to hillary clinton. no big fish donors yet and now she'll want them to give more than usual. you know more about this story than i do. i don't know why you do. >> who is enthusiastic about hillary clinton in the democratic party? they don't have a choice. martin o'malley are you kidding me? she's holding on hoping the various and sundry scandals don't take her down. it's not surprised that donors today aren't getting excited. they're not going to have a
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choice, if she is the nominee, they'll come in. stuart: it's the big donors 5 million. >> it's also the unions. you read the stories about her money people and they never get mentioned, but they're also big in this. stuart: i love the fact that big money ruins politics candidates is now trying to raise big money. >> hypocrisy. stuart: here is what we've got. futures, yeah i mention futures occasionally the dow is going to open up 50, 60 70 points, 18 minutes from now and the judge, he's going to respond to the nsa surveillance program expiring. the judge is next. will his glee be short-lived. and the men on the screen the five we traded for bowe bergdahl won't be able to travel yet. should they be allowed to travel at all? i preempted this maybe 60-- i'm sorry, everybody, i jumped
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you probably know xerox as the company that's all about printing. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. with xerox, you're ready for real business.
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>> the interesting thing is last week the depar justice, the inspector general came out and said that there's no evidence that cracked one case with all of this, but really, my opposition is more based on liberty, that you shouldn't give up liberty, even if you said it worked to give up liberty, what would be-- we're fighting against terrorists to protect our liberty, our bill of rights and we give up our bill of rights in the process, what really were we fighting for? >> that was senator rand paul on this program one week ago. last night, kind of won, at least temporarily. you know who is happy about the win last night? judge andrew napitano.
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let's jump into this and cut away the weeds, please. what is wrong with the phone companies collecting data as they do it's called your phone bill. >> right. stuart: when the government wants to look at an individual or a group or a pattern they go to court, get a, what is it called. >> called a search warrant. stuart: a search warrant and go into the phone records and they look for what they're looking for. that is the republican position, not rand paul's position, that's the republican position. what is wrong with that position? >> well because the statute has created a new type of search warrants issued on the basis of the government's need rather than the basis of probable cause. probable cause means the government has some evidence of wrongdoing about the place to be searched or seized and the constitution. so the congress can't change it. so if the government has to go to a judge, like i was and
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present probable cause, there's nothing wrong with that that's good the way the system is supposed to work. that's not what the government wants to do. the government wants to go to a secret court and say we don't have any reason to suspect this person, but we want to listen to it and the court gives them a search warrant. that's inconsistent with the constitution and that's what senator paul is arguing against. stuart: in the late 1970's there was a supreme court ruling which said recording the numbers called as opposed to the content of the conversation is not unconstitutional. what they said in the late 1970's, you know more about this than i do. essentially that's what the nsa wants to do. they're not listening conversations not recording conversations they're tracking numbers called. so that in the event of a bad guy getting here to do something bad, we could follow him after the event and find out who he was talking to. i don't see anything wrong for that. >> i'm sorry you're falling for the government's propaganda it's out of character for you.
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you usually see through the big government nonsense. the nsa computers and computers geeks are physically located in the telecom's switching office. there's not a major telecom service provider in the united states of america that does not have the nsa physically there with their computers. they're not listening to phone calls in real-time but they have the digital wherewithal to listen afterwards to the phone calls. stuart: what's wrong with that. >> the constitution says that's a search or seizure and it requires a search warrant. stuart: they're going to get search warrants. >> there are search warrants and there are search warrants. if it's based on probable cause if we have reason to suspect varney, they can do that. if they say they want to listen to and get access to all calls in the 212 area code that's unconstitutional. stuart: i think you're taking it to the nth degree and our security is at risk.
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judge i'm sorry. >> and after the three-hour tour you will not let me respond to that? where we're going. who is on the three-hour tour? >> there it is. you are on the-- who are you? >> the professor. stuart: howell-- >> i'm surprised i'm on the boat. turn it around. [laughter] >> everybody, this afternoon, former congressman ron paul he's on after the bell with melissa francis and david asman he's on at 4 p.m. on this network. moving on the taliban five will not be free to travel at least not yet. the government in qatar say more diplomatic talks need to happen first. concerned veterans for america. you think they're going to keep them in check for long? or within a few weeks they'll be out of there and on the battlefield? >> they'll probably get a six month extension and they may get another one after that, but it's indicative of a temporary
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piecemeal approach. they never had a plan for these guys. taliban five high risk high value taliban leadership traded for a desserter. they wanted it as part of a plan to close guantanamo bay and they said we got them out, locked up for a year and then realized that year is going to expire and their dedication to their cause is not expiring why were we to think they wouldn't try to get out. they are he a -- they are going to. it's patch work. stuart: i'm calling it the victory of politics over security needs. am i going too far? >> i don't think so at all. he was politically dedicated, day one or two, close guantanamo bay he's laser focused on that while wars continue to rage. be as critical as you want as guantanamo bay he had a strategy. the commissions process, intelligence there was a strategy, an approach. this president is dedicated to political promise that runs now afoul of realities in the world
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and keeping dumping them out and we've got to cut the temporary six month deals with qatar and hope they're not communicating with the enemy. we know one of them already is. they're going to get back to their old ways in they want to. stuart: i'm sorry to cut this short. even though we have a three-hour show. >> congrats on the new three-hour show. you can come back anytime. the billionaire billionaire pritser says it's doing pretty good. sandra smith is returning to "varney & company." she's on her way coffee in hand. ♪ here comes the sun, here comes the sun and i said it's all right ♪
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. stuart: commerce secretary penny pritzker appeared on the program and said thihe economy. she said-- i'm not penny pritzker. stuart: she said the economy is doing pretty good. sandra: what's the disconnect there? we continue to hear, you know people like pritzker saying the economy is doing so well, but hesitate to point to one single thing that we are recovering.
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new york state is reinventing how we do business by leading the way on tax cuts. . stuart: we cut the rates on personal income taxes. we enacted the lowest corporate tax rate since 1968. we eliminated the income tax on manufacturers altogether. with startup-ny, qualified businesses that start, expand or relocate to new york state pay no taxes for 10 years. all to grow our economy and create jobs. see how new york can give your business the opportunity to grow at
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opening bell on wall street is about to ring. june is not a good month for stocks, you know. scott shellady in chicago, sandra smith here ashley webster here. hey scott, why is june a bad month for stocks and will it be a bad month this year? >> you know what? i think it's probably not going to be a bad year because we have folks searching for the shield and going to stocks. the reason it could have been bad before in the summertime we see a little lack of investor action. so, i say, we'll probably be okay, probably be okay, but it's not going to be great because of the fact that we already are stretched. we're outstretched already and you've got to be careful of getting too far ahead of ourselves. stuart: we heard the opening bell ring 30 seconds ago. we've opened to the upside as expected. 58 points 59 points for dow industrial average. 70 points for the dow industrials and holding 70 points for the dow industrials.
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keith fitz come in from portland, oregon. you're up bright and early this june morning to get going. you said this month, june you said it's a time to buy, not sell, buy and technology right? >> you've got to be careful how you buy. as scott pointed out. i think we're extended. and june swoon is natural. take advantage of the lull don't expect guess the market and technology in particular. defense stocks are another area. those are things where handwriting is on the wall and. stuart: what do you mean go on holiday in june? >> that's how we do things in the democratic socialist republic of oregon. [laughter] >> sandra. sandra: throw away your stock trader almanac. history does not play a time here. we're in unprecedented times we're beholden to the federal
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reserve, dare i say it, but we are? it's affected the markets in unprecedented ways, for us to look back at history as an indication of what's going to happen this day in june and the rest of these days in june history is no indication because we're in a completely different ball game. stuart: well said. last comment. ashley: i think we're at historic highs and investors are looking for reasons to be bearish. culminating with greece having to make their payment to the imf on friday and i don't think they'll be able to do it. stuart: i'm laughing because i have been talking about greece for years. sandra: this is the big week though, this is it. stuart: okay sandra. sandra: i'm telling you. stuart: several individual stocks they're moving. intel is buying rival altera. an all-cash deal. $17 billion. intel dead flat actually. altera up $3. we like to follow big names. we know you own them so we follow them.
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apple opening ever so slightly higher, but it's at 131. another big name lots of interest in this of course google up about 1/2 a percent this morning 5.-- 548. disney up big and you're going to tell me why. >> it's leading the dow jones industrial average. you're absolutely right. 1 1 1.2%, best. and the barron's cover has chewbacca and bob iger doing a selfie. and the stock could pop 50%, could run up $155 in three years. so this is what we've covered in barron's this is why you're seeing the pop. you talk about the fact that disney, obviously a behey-- behemoth and they have movies and parks and "star wars" with another movie at the end of the
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year, shanghai disney next year and all of these can bring in the flows. despite the fact you may have a little few little flops and blips such as tomorrowland it hit an all-time high. stuart: thanks nicole it's not often you get a company the size of disney and goes up three years, but 50%, that's a very nice run-up. a look at price of oil. isis is destroying oil wells in iraq. no difference to the price of crude this morning though. scott shellady in chicago, you're in the area where they trade a lot of oil in the commodities. isis destroying oil wells, remind me what saddam hussein did all those years ago. it's not having any impact on the price of oil or is it? >> it would be a muted effect. our all-time productions, number one, big guys told us when we see oil 60 65 70
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they're going to ramp up more production and that's going to be a downward effect on the oil price. we're not going to get too spooked about what could happen in the middle east. it's going to be more about how hour production does here as well as what the economy does too stuart. the economy is going to be a driver. stuart: i want to see the oil drillers get out there and keep drilling and want the price below $50 a barrel and gasoline back to $2 a gallon. do you have any objection to what i'm saying scott shellady? >> no, i do not. one more thing i'll add, some of the free money looking for yield has been plowing into that, the oil market. the energy sector. they're going to be ramping up some more just like you just said. stuart: excellent. all right. look at netflix for a second please. they are redesigning their website, going to make it easier to find shows you want. more user friendly we're told. stock is down 6 cents. sandra: can it be any more user friendly? isn't that why they have all of those people using it. even stuart varney uses it.
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stuart: what? >> i mean like seriously. netflix managed to keep themselves out there. it's nice to see you again. stuart: you're so cruel to me. sandra: i love being here. netflix keep themselves in the news, keep themselves hot and innovating themselves. this is a company to watch. i know once you had it on death watch. stuart: no, no we never did. sandra: i stand corrected. so netflix just still batting away. stuart: i'm constantly surprised that a stock like this could go so high $650 a share. i remember reporting on it and breaking through 200 and then 300. stuart: and then everybody you know signed up and was using it. sandra: right. and then i started to understand the meaning of streaming. how big a deal it is. and if you've got a global audience of a billion odd people that's a lot of money you get to sign up. we accept $650 a share, do we. sandra: not for me to decide, but they like it. stuart: now to amazon reportedly adding its own brand
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of groceries. keith fitz out there with us in portland, will you be buying your milk from amazon? >> no i won't. i think it's a huge risk to amazon nobody thought about yet. it's one thing to sell books and hard goods, but completely another stuart to go into perishable goods and find a label. if your quality is no good that potentially damages a bigger amazon brand and that's the risk. stuart: but they go into everything. if they're an area that amazon is not gotten into and the stock keeps. >> $430 on amazon. are you worried about it? >> you bet. i'm worried about it. p.e. multiple 362. negative return on equity. a return on assets 0.42%, that's not an investment that's a gamble. stuart: put that big board back up on the screen again please. we started out with a gain of 84 points and now we're up 47. does that mean all of our talk that june is not such a bad month is all of nothing, sandra.
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sandra: don't forget to watch the u.s. dollar. it's stronger against global currencies today and that's largely by most wall street analysts at least a short-term negative for the stock market. so you've got a stronger u.s. dollar playing a part in what you're seeing in the stock market as well. stuart: a couple of years ago i was putting money into australia and the australia dollar was one dollar and 5 u.s. cents. today the australian dollar is 77 cents. >> how strong the dollar it. stuart: all of that money i put over there, i've lost. ashley: worth a lot less. stuart: i should put more in on the grounds it's going back up. sandra: how much is that? >> not much you know me i'm a cautious guy. texas they say, oh no you cannot buy a tesla car directly. no you've got to buy through a dealership. sandra: no, but that's the big thing. it's a big thing with chris
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christie in new jersey and this company keeps on pushing and tesla has shown it's resilient and it will keep on pushing. stuart: what's with texas, i thought they were ultra capitalist and free market. ashley: you don't mess with texas, that's what i know. stuart: i'm disappointed. ashley: i am, too, you should be able to do that. sandra: trying to protect the dealerships bottom line. stuart: protectionism. sandra: exactly. i'm not in favor of it stu. i'm just telling you what's happening here. stuart: don't shout. [laughter] look at this the big board. yeah, we're up 45 points okay? but we are up. it's june the 1st so i don't say forget june swoon, but let's make the most of it. we're now up 47 points. up next the cayman islands, a tiny group of islands, but, oh, do they have power in the world of soccer. i'm going to ask brian kilmeade to explain it. check this out.
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>> all right. june 1st. new quarter, new month. we're up 50 points. nicely done on a monday morning. look at yum! brands. they own k.f.c. k.f.c. is suing companies in china who spread rumors about chickens that had eight legs and looking for competitive advantage. i'm not sure how far that lawsuit will go in china. look at microsoft, yes, everybody i do own this stock. it will launch windows 10 on july the 29th. yes, again, i have to tell you, i am a microsoft shareholder. i've got this just coming in from the associated press, ap. iraqi officials say isis suicide attacks killed 30 soldiers in anbar province.
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no details yet. 30 iraqi soldiers killed in anbar province by isis. a lot more on this later in the show. now this more on the fifa scandal. that's the soccer scandal, okay? the cayman islands, very very small group of islands, three islands that's all it is, but do they have a lot of power in the world of soccer. brian kilmeade is the host of kilmeade and friends on fox news radio and joins us now. we're a financial program. we know the cayman's it's home to dodgy money and now home to a dodgy football organization. can you tell us what's going on there kilmeade? >> let me see. stuart, congratulations on the new slot. i love it for radio and you will for tv. cayman islands, 1191 out of 209 countries on the national stage. why are they getting millions into their soccer association and why is the $2 million
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headquarters built over since 2002. why are they getting the new fields? because it's a tax haven and that's where the money is and where this guy jeff webb who is the president of that cayman soccer association is one of those indicted last week. this is in your face you can't touch me attitude. i think it's got to stop here. stuart: i did not discuss this before, but i don't think it affects the game of soccer or its popularity in the united states. it's the social bureaucracy that's affected and utterly corrupt i've got that. the game itself not corrupted at all. do you agree? >> the game itself on the field i'm glad there's no fixing scandal and i hope we're not looking at that and the european association this regun. they're so upset this guy sepp blatter was elected for a fifth term they might back out.
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if they back out, you don't have a world cup. when you have a guy that's president of an association ended up being the most corrupt association in the history of sports and he's reelected, it's time to for someone to stand up. i think it starts in europe. stuart: you're right, if the bureaucracy is so corrupt and called on that corruption then it could have an impact on the game itself especially if the world cup, the organization behind the world cup breaks up and we have trouble in 18 and 22 and could happen. i know you're busy and i know you've got to get back to that highly rated radio show. i'm going to get back to my very highly rated tv show as well. is that okay with you? >> i appreciate the time and the breaks. this is the best thing i could do during a commercial. talk to stuart varney. stuart: good luck to you. i've got gee-whiz technology for you. the future of smart cars that could take distracted driving to a new level. look at what you're seeing on your screen.
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images pop up on your windshield. you get a phone call or a text message pops up in front of you. what's up with that? curt the cyber guy explains. am i right in saying they've got the technology and it's later this year. i'm driving along and up pops a text message. >> it's a heads-up display, already $6 million in pre-orders for this thing, not even due out until the end of the year. company well-funded in the bay area, $25 million in their pockets to develop this which is also very controversial because-- >> what am i looking at? >> you're looking at distracted information coming to the screen that when you're driving will appear as though it's about five feet in front of the car. and the idea was that it's a lot better than looking down at a map screen in your car. that may be true about it inspires more distracted
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driving usage. >> i don't see how you get past the lawsuit. if you and i get into an accident and i find that you have been looking at your pop-up display or the text message i'm going to say, that accident is your fault and you owe me money. >> good point. it's likely that that data would be recorded and proved in court. so, this is one of those territories where this is going to come out. it's got very very strong demand. and then we're going to see what happens in terms of legislation. currently, there are no federal legislation or laws on the book. there is legislation proposed. there are guidelines that say, hey it's not smart to have these by the federal government, but no one is saying no to any of this. stuart: six million in pre-orders for this. and we saw the video there, straighten this out, does the driver have to reach forward and do this or-- >> voice gestures or hand
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gestures are possible with technologies. couple more to keep your eye on, google has android coming out puts into the car's telematics. stuart: i don't know about you but i see this coming along. i don't know you can set this back. >> it's hard to get people to put the technology down and there's really no sensible compelling reason, even with laws that say you can't do this by state, no one's really putting their phone down and there are accidents every year contributing to this. >> every day, people check their phone and looking down at their maps and everything else. the fact that they're putting it into the screen may be better than having it on all the time. >> they are distracted though i'll give you that. >> that's like saying a certain gun is less dangerous than another gun. the fact is it's distracted driving and if you're going to-- >> take all the technology out?
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>> maybe it's about legislation. this is one of those things it's going to play out and we're going to find out who wins out on this. people more concerned about safety and putting down technology for two seconds while you're driving or is it something that has to do with convenience and that's going to win out. i think convenience wins. stuart: can you drive and do something else eating looking at text messages. >> some can't and others can't. stuart: a good story there. you came all the way from los angeles for that? >> for you, i would fly around the world. good, especially on the first day of the new show. boston markets, remember those. maria: they're still around used to own stock in them and lost my shirt. jumping on the healthy band wagon. they want you to eat roasted chicken, with eight legs. stop it.
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boston's chief officer is next. charge! so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse.
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changing tastes all the time on this program and now, boston market says enough of that fried stuff, eat our rotisserie chicken instead. the company's chief george michelle is here to explain on this. first of all if you're making quite a shift in your lineup of the menu so you're taking anything fried out of there, come on in and eat our rotisserie chicken. what are you doing about salt? >> great question. we have been working on salt for the last two years, we started working with university of colorado health and wellness center and we put a steak to reduce sodium 20%. we've achieved that and the chicken gravy is down 50%. and chicken down by 20% and some other items we've reduced between 10 to 20%. stuart: you're responding to demands from millennials, i take it?
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>> and we hear from the moms who eat at boston market. stuart: everybody is doing it. all kind of operations that are cutting back on salt fat and fried food. are you perhaps late to the game? >> we've been listening to the consumer. we've never had fried food at boston market. everything is rotisserie or baked in the oven so we're very careful about the good food we present to our customers in our restaurants. stuart: i bought stock in boston chicken years ago. lost my shirt. boston chicken was taken over by mcdonald's and spruced up and sold it went private and now you run it as boston market, correct? >> that's right. it changed to boston market in the '90s actually when more items were added to the menu. stuart: how many outlets. >> 456 and we'll open ten new restaurants this year. we signed an agreement with the u.s. army and opened two on army bases and this year another four to six on army bases so we're excited about the program.
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stuart: all right, george thank you for joining us we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. stuart: repeating a breaking story brought to you earlier on the show associated press now reports that 37 iraqi soldiers have been killed by isis suicide attackers from anbar province. kt mcfarland joins us. 37 iraqi soldiers anbar province. more on this. john kerry breaks his leg riding a bike. what will his absence mean to the talks. and one of the first computers made by steve jobs thrown away. it's worth $200,000. yes a brand new hour just two minutes away for you.
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iran. maybe some impact there. and jeb bush touching the third rail of politics. social security. he wants to raise the retirement age to 70. we have an exclusive report on government workers, gross incompetence. you can't fire them. in fact the union defend them as they should. the second hour of "varney & company" starts now. ♪ we're following a developing story out of iraq. the associated press reports isis suicide attackers have reportedly killed as many as 38 soldiers in anbar province. this story is just breaking. kt mcfarland is here with this one. 38 soldiers killed by suicide bombers in that province. it looks like the destabilization of iraq continues big time. >> what's happened the iraqi
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army has been unwilling to fight corrupted incompetent and haven't been willing to fight because they don't want to fight to protect sunnis why? they're shiites, they don't want to protect kurds or anbar tribes. so the fight has been between iraq which is dominated boo by iran and we're just in for a round of instability. stuart: can baghdad fall? >> at the end of the day the iraqi military dominated by the shiite and shiite militias dominated by iran are going to fight to protect baghdad, but they will fight. stuart: the iraqi shia plus iran-- they won't let baghdad fall because they want it. >> they want baghdad, iran wants baghdad. stuart: we're no longer talking about iran and iraq. that's what it is. >> exactly.
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iraq doesn't exist, syria doesn't exist, libya doesn't exist they're now tribes and the tribes are fighting each other and fighting themselves. and so i think what we're seeing is the winds of war are gathering all around the world, they're focusing on the middle east. we have a u.n. that has given a report, over 100 countries, 25,000 fighters have now gone into this area in the last month in the last mine national correspondents. i think the fight is on-- nine months. it's ultimately shia and sunni. stuart: can you tell us-- >> they're going to kill each other and we don't belong in the middle of a 30-year civil war liz: but yurgen says if oil prices spike up is that when middle america cares? they own 60% of the world's oil in that region. stuart: iraq cracked basically.
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a ism manufacturing, the reading was 52.8. it's the highest since january. construction spending rising over 2%. that helps the market rebound. remember, we opened up 84 and then up 15. and along comes this manufacturing stuff and best construction spending since 2008. not bad. up goes the dow. we're up 68 points and 70 points as we speak. let's watch that. we like to follow tech stocks so look at the nasdaq. it's now turned positive up 3 points at 5,072. the s&p 500 also dipped into negative territory for a moment. now back up again five points. you see the obscure data points on ism. it does have an impact. i'm sorry to say. the oil price right now, let's show you that one, we are up down 3 cents. i'm going to call that dead
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flat. isis is destroying some oil facilities in iraq. no impact 60 bucks a barrel. gas moving unagain overnight. 274 is your price and the cheapest in the land is still $1.97 at m and w express in texas. >> let's go. >> almost worth it. stuart: happening overnight the nsa no longer allowed to collect the phone records of millions of people. we spoke to judge andrew napitano on how he feels about that. >> if the government has to go to a judge, like i was, and present evidence of probable cause and get a search warrant. not only is there nothing wrong with that that's good the way the system is supposed to work. but that's not what the government wants to do. they want to go to a secret court and say we don't have any reason to suspect this person, but we want to listen to it and the court gives them a search warrant. that's absolutely inconsistent with the constitution. stuart: i disagree with judge
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napitano. let's see what lt. colonel ralph peters has to say about it. he's on next hour. and secretary of state john kerry broke his leg on a bike ride. and kt mcfarland will rejoin us. i want to know if there's an impact from this because secretary kerry had to cancel many meetings that had been scheduled for europe. meetings with his iranian counterpart about what they were going to do about the upcoming deadline for nuclear talks. he's not going to be there. he's not going to be at the talks and i wonder if it has some impact on iran getting a bomb on agreement next time he sees them. we shall see. take me back to the big board. up 50 points. that's not much of a gain today, but it is a gain. this is june the 1st. this is the first day of the month which is historically a rot ton month--
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you gave me the numbers earlier. ashley: 1.6% for the dow over the last ten years, all three major exchanges have historically moved lower during the month of june. stuart: so far this morning in june, we're up. ashley: we're not going to take it. stuart: not an indicator. kt, are you with us? >> i am. stuart: come back onto the set. look, secretary kerry breaks his leg and has to cancel a series of meetings on iran talks for the rest of this week. does that make a deal with iran less likely or what? >> probably nothing. i mean i wish it did. i wish we would stop doing the deal now. the deal they're going to get is a bad deal. ultimately iran is getting nukes. the question is it going to get nukes or be rich or get nukes and be poor because the sank sanctions are on. i'd rather have an iran with nukes that is poor. iran with the sanctions off, signing bonus, probably a 10
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billion dollar signing bonus as the assets are unfrozen that's a powerful iran which is going to continue to expand through the region and continue to fight. i think ultimately fight saudi arabia so i'd much rather see a poor iran. stuart: the question is always asked of me i'm sure it is for you guys as well. the dow jones industrial average is at a near record level. 18,000 and change and yet, we have the middle east falling to pieces and the iranians probably getting a nuke in the not too distant future. isis on the rampage. you told us iraq no longer exists, it's greater iran these days, and all of that's going on there and it doesn't seem to affect us over here with the dow at 18,000. >> it's because people don't get their heads around it. how do you get your head around nuclear weapons maybe in the middle east. and iran is probably going to come on line with oil and more oil in the system. then you have volatility and isis and that would take the
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oil out. stuart: it's a contradiction. ashley: investors want return and interest on their money and there are few places out there other than the stock markets to get it. that's why liz: you're looking at a permanent possible partition of the region with isis controlling the northern part of the country, right. sliding toward syria. permanent partition wow, that means a permanent caliphate, really? and oil is not going to rocket higher? it will. >> according to the oil analysts we talked to. in february of 2006 al qaeda targeted oil refineries in saudi arabia. they didn't get there. they got a truck bomb and got within a football field's length of it. had they blown it up. oil prices would have been sky high and months to repair. the that's the kind of volatility i think we're looking at in the middle east. that's when everybody pays attention. >> has some reaction to what's going on. now this jeb bush supports raising the social security age, listen to this.
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>> let me ask you about social security. you recently said you favor raising the retirement age for social security. to what age? >> i think it needs to be phased in over an extended period of time. i've seen ideas that are 68 for example. so people that already have this supplemental retirement system which is a contract. i don't think we violate that for people that are about ready to be beneficiaries of their supplemental retirement i don't think we change that. but we need to look over the horizon and begin to phase in over an extended period of time going from 65 to 68 or 70 and that by itself will help sustain the retirement system for anybody under the age of 40. stuart: well, he jumped right into the third rail of american politics. >> he grabbed that third rail. the wrong talking point. you can't barn storm the country and think you're going to get votes talking about social security reform when he should be saying and all candidates saying first, social security is a spending program
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not a benefits program. the money has been spent on projects. people are going to be mad without saying to congress get your mitts off and stop spending the money. stuart: i disagree entirely. we're living a whole lot longer and makes sense. culturally and morally-- >> there are treasury notes, it's not a lock box. that needs to be part of the talking point, that's all i'm saying. stuart: it's interesting he's also supporting luke warmishly means testing which essentially cuts back benefits for wealthy americans with their social security and their beneficiaries which will not set well with the g.o.p. stuart: i'm answers that. no, i'm in favor of raising the age. politically it's difficult unless it's many many years down the road. reagan did it from 65 to 66 as long as it's way down the road.
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ashley: i like greece 48. >> or the government 55. stuart: lauren simonetti has the other headlines in case you missed it. >> what about right now? that would be fun. and one of the most hated brands of social media, comcast verizon, american airlines, wal-mart, bank of america. no surprise here. we don't love the cable industry, the airlines or the banks. so what is the most loved brands? the same report says mays disney. that makes sense. the love is gone on the bridge in paris. the city removing the love locks. the tourists love these things and placed them for ages. the locals say not only are they eyesores they're dangerous. last year a chunk of the bridge's fence collapsed because the locks are so heavy. this is the 92-year-old woman who made the record books, finishing the san diego
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marathon 7 hours, 24 minutes. her name harriet thompson from north carolina. she's a cancer survivor and she said training was tough for her she had a staph infection and one of her legs her husband died in january and still, she ran the marathon faster than i could ever train to run a marathon and i'm a third of her age. 92. and last year do you think? >> she makes me feel lazy. she was running in her 70's something to look forward to. stuart: moving on. check the big boards we're up 28 points okay i'm going to call this pretty much a flat market. it's june and we're supposed to go down and we're flat. positive reports on manufacturing and construction,help lift the market, but not much. we're up 20 points and that's it. fixing the economy. negative growth the first three months of this year. that means the economy contracted so which republican has the right plan to turn things around?
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i'm going to be discussing that with neil cavuto in the next hour. who is supporting hillary clinton? why her presidential race is missing the big donors needed to win. gas preenerino breaking that down. >> when families are strong americans are strong. >> i did not have relations with that woman. >> what difference at this point does it make? you wouldn't order szechuan without checking the spice level. it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck.
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>> two rulings coming from the supreme court. number one, the court says second mortgages on underwater homes cannot be voided during bankruptcy. full implication of that coming up. another one from the supreme court. ruling in favor of a muslim woman denied a job at abercrombie & fitch because she wore a head scarf. that's, i find this interesting. >> it is interesting, and the question is should the company be liable for discrimination.
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and we don't know if she disclosed she was a muslim in the job interview. stuart: she has to get the job. she cannot be the job because she's wearing her muslim-- >> but the letter of the law stipulates she has to you know, verballize what her relation is. ashley: she wore the head scarf to the job interview lirz liz: i hate to be that way, but a and f ar argue that. stuart: she's allowed to keep that job on the grounds would be religious discrimination. so it's the religious element that gets her to keep her job? i once saw victoria secret a woman in a full burka, whole thing all you could see were her eyes. and she was working for victoria station--
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or victoria's secret selling. >> get your places where you buy your ponties straight. stuart: we're a three-hour show and we're short on time. [laughter] >> look at disney it's up today. it's got a barron's bounce. and phil roosevelt to wrote the barron's bounce article is here. now, in barron's over the weekend you said at that disney, well-run firing on all cylinders will go up maybe 50%, the stock in three years, you wrote that. >> we did. we think that disney has become a total hit machine. has one hit after another and it has two very big things coming up. the new "star wars" movie, which is probably going to gross 2 billion or more worldwide, one of the three biggest movies ever. and a big theme park opening at shanghai, which will be gigantic. >> and i bet the price is up on the parks. i think they have. >> the prices goes up and the
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attendance keeps going up. stuart: that's incredible. the attendance keeps going up when the price is at least $100 a day for the adults before the trinkets and the chachkis. >> a money machine. stuart: you're the barron's bounce guy. it did bounce. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: you're welcome. now to hillary clinton, who exactly is supporting her. she's missing those very big donors, the ones able to give $5 million at a pop. fox business senior correspondent charlie gasparino is here. >> $5 billion-- >> million, million. >> i was doing my austin power. stuart: is that what it was? >> $5 billion. stuart: the new york times report those big hitters have not yet ponied up. >> let's be clear, one of the problems of the democrats-- they're not having a problem
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with money, they don't have a koch brothers or-- they have george soros and-- the rubber meets the road when it happens, they have a deep bench in private equity on wall street in the hedge fund business, people like larry fink over at blackrock, big supporter of hillary clinton. lloyd blankfein, ceo of goldman sachs. tony james number two guy at blackstone, these are major very rich people all worth a billion dollars in their own right for their own. they're not-- it's not koch brothers money, but it's there and she's going to be hitting upon them and not just them their network of other wall street guys. stuart: are they holding back now because they want someone more to the left of hillary to run? >> i don't think -- you know what? no, no larry fink and lloyd blankfein-- the last person they want to
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run martin o'malley stole a line from one of my columns, he said it point blank. do you want to elect the candidates that are supported by the ceo of goldman sachs? that's jeb bush and hillary clinton. and i'm paraphrasing, but he mentioned the ceo of goldman sachs, that's the last thing. lloyd blankfein doesn't want to be in the news anymore. he got the you know what kicked out of him back in 2009 2010 following the financial crisis and goldman sachs was the poster child for all that's wrong on wall street. and they've been out of the news and they're back in it because martin o'malleys and the liberals progressive left are going to make wall street a campaign theme. i don't think they want-- they're waiting for him to get in, as a matter of fact that speech will probably force them to give even more money to hillary. stuart: she'll get the money eventually. >> from them. i don't think she's asked yet. stuart: we call them misses wall street and i think that's accurate.
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and we were up and now we're down. the nice manufacturing report at the top of the hour at 10:00 and now we're below 18,000. we'll keep an eye on that for you. here is something you would not want to throw out. a vintage apple one computer. it was taken to a recycling center turns out it's worth humps -- hundreds of thousands of dollars. and how travel-- unions are protecting slackers. liz has the story in a moment. ♪
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. stuart: several cancer drug makers like, immunen are big winners today, they find big findings. it is up what? 60%. after their report there. results of a the plaintiff drugs to this conference. up 60%. now, there's a big jump. if you don't have one of these. look at it carefully. don't throw it out. if you've got one keep it, please. what you're seeing is an early model apple computer. a lady recycled hers. she didn't know it was worth $200,000. the recycling center is generously lookinger so that they can split the money. that's very generous. >> it is generous. this unknown donor apparently her husband died, she cleaned out the house, she found this old looking computer, one, by the way, that came from 1976,
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one of the originals takes it down to the recycling center, drops it off, thank you very much for getting rid for me. they end up selling it to a collector for 200,000. by the way, one of these went for 900,000 in auction last year. so they probably could have got more. however they're trying to track the woman down to split. >> if you've got one keep it. >> indeed. >> big show. coming up next. the nsa spying debate, the patriot act expiring at least no now. and ralph peters is going to join us. whose side is he on about this debate. and after the break why it's so hard to fire government workers. i've got a hint for you. unions play a big role in this. stuart: . >> the problem is that government unions may be having too much power especially when the rampant are going on, like, allowing
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toddlers to leave day care, like the problems that are happening at the va, and yeah congress needs to step up and makes that those problems are remedied. and if collective bargaining agreements, something really does need to be done. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day.
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whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. and that became our passion. to always build something better airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. that redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. after all, you can't turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. ♪ ♪
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stuart: well, you know, this is interesting. we've got a supreme court ruling on facebook postings. are they a threat or not? here's the situation. a man had written violently posts on his facebook page aimed at his astrained wife and police officers. he says he was just trying out some rap lyrics. it originally sent to jail, and the supreme court overturned that. not going to jail. >> it was interesting. this individual was given a 44 month prison sentence for making threats on facebook. his argument, his lawyer's argument, this was an art form. and part of the his therapy was to put these violently lyrics on facebook as a way to get it out of his system . stuart: okay., liz what exactly did he say? >> violently rap lakes. there's one way to love you but a thousand ways to kill you. hurry up and die, you know, the blank word .
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stuart: okay. so that was okay on the ground that it was art; right? >> they've overturned it and sent it back to the lower court . stuart: if i've ever heard a threat that's a threat. >> yeah. stuart: may be dressed up as a rap lyric but seems that way. and, by the way, the judge is going to join us on this particular ruling, the facebook ruling, and on the abercrombie ruling because the woman was not allowed to wear certain clothing. and basically the bottom line on this first day of trading in june we're dead flat. okay. up five points, but 18,015, i'm going to call that dead flat. now, i've got an exclusive for you. liz macdonald did an investigation into the great lengths that federal unions go through to protect government slackers. that's the word we're going to use. okay., liz, you found federal labor unions will do almost anything to stop any worker
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getting fired no matter what they -- >> yeah. we dug into the federal relations authority. this is the panel that oversees fights between federal agencies and workers. one of the guys, one of the referees on that panel said quote you cannot make this stuff up. we found cases where va workers were threatened being fired who they let mentally ill military veterans wonder out of hospitals and they were reinstated with back pain and benefits. we found -- look at this case. that's the one i'm just talking about. one referee says the union is treating this as a losing a military vet is not more than losing an office key. and the usda failed to catch a rat infestation that food factory. he was reinstated when he was attempted firing. the reason being -- and here you're going to see the quotes here. he negligently failed creating a potential for a health crisis.
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and basically what that case -- that was a shocking case that could have led to a severe health problems for people who ate that food. so the -- the federal union is going to bat for these workers at this panel, a lot of union attorneys, and the federal union is saying anyone who challenges us, we're going to open up a big can of would happen ass . stuart: droughts a direct quote? >> yeah. and they're trying to unionize offices these are the ones found being committed by federal workers and tomorrow we're going to have for you. you know that whole controversy of doing business at your federal jobs, taxpayers are paying to do union business, they're now being allowed to do union business at home, and that's a trend that the obama administration has started. and we have a serious wopper. you know the cyber attacks on
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the federal government? . stuart: yeah. >> the homeland security is trying to stop their workers by logging onto the gmail or hotmail saying huh-uh you can't immediately block those accounts. you have to let them continually use those accounts because they have a lot of virus in them. that's really bad stuff . stuart: it's good stuff. >> it's like a three part series . stuart: you've all of these guy. you can't fire a government worker, period. can you? >> evidently not stuart. and, first of all congratulations on the newly expanded show. i have to say something cheerful because i'm looking at this report. and i was thinking about this all morning. i think in a country with 300 million people, which i think should be less vast, less sprawling but when you have a government this syce size. the american people. i think at least expect some amount of incompetence, some amount of corruption, doesn't mean they like it, or want it,
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but they'll they'll tolerate it. but when it comes to a point that you can't hold people accountable, that's what sets people off, and that quote about would happen ass, i am so mad reading about that as a taxpayer. we're going to use your money government unions are using our money to defend their own people based on the bad actions that they've taken against any former reproduction in the consequences of their behavior. i mean that is -- a broken system. >> look, i feel exactly the same way that you do. but i don't think the country as a whole shares this antipathy to government. government is classical bureaucratic, when you have a program, you can't ever get rid of it. you'll be to death if you suggest any kind of program certainly firing any worker. but the country does not feel angry about it. there is no political
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representation of this antigovernment feeling. it's not there. >> well, i think if you look at polling, you'll see a couple of different stories. people do think the government is too big. it's unaccountable but when you go after specific programs and ask about individual cuts, people start to say hang on there. when you talk about people getting away with them for which we are paying, i think that's a point when small government conservatives and republicans in office ought to make this point repeatly. we're not just talking about labor unions generally. we're talking about government unions where all of the fees, all of the money involved, the entire pot is taxpayer dollars. and here we are as taxpayers our interests are being represented by on anybody in this process. and i would just point them to fdr. the big government from many years ago even he thought
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that government unions shouldn't even exist. i think there should be a debate whether federal government unions ought to be allowed to exist . stuart: i can't wait. [laughter] i would really like to see that debate. i don't expect to see it. but i would love to see it. guy vincent everyone. thank you for joining us. >> thank you . stuart: what are you watching this morning? >> well, a couple of things, the dow is pretty flat, it's been going up and down, up and down but i want to show you intel. that's the big story today. buying that stock is down. but let's look at this sectors in particular. i want to talk about the economy, why people aren't spending. what's going on. but if you look at the retail sector that's when it gets interesting. because take a look at at retail in some of these stocks. these are all they're all trading today. but let's take a look at macy's. it's not trading it's in the middle; right? but here's the thing. look at the one year chart except for a little bit of set back in october whatever. take a look at the stock overall. this is an example where you
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think that maybe the stock market and the economy are disconnecting a little bit. so that's one example. and one of the big retail names that i'm looking at right now stuart, "varney & company," hello, take a look at best buy. i found one example stuart. one where you can see a little bit of a drop i just don't of at the end, but i think this is such, stuart, a great argument that we have that the consumer is so weak and the economy is not growing we're going to have these stocks continuing to go higher and higher, it's worth a question . stuart: it certainly is. sherrill, thank you very much indeed. >> you bet . stuart: the ride sharing app that think so it can beat uber. it is calls via. some of us on the program have used it. it costs about half what you pay elsewhere. we're on it. plus this new york city apartment is commanding what some would assaye a ridiculous amount of money. you wouldn't believe what one saudi billionaire is planning to pay for it. the details on that one in the
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next hour too you wouldn't take medicine without checking the side effects. hey honey. huh. the good news is my hypertension is gone. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. if you can't put a feeling into words, why try? at 62,000 brush movements per minute philips sonicare leaves your mouth with a level of clean like you've never felt before. innovation and you. philips sonicare. can a business have a mind? a subconscious. a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit?
10:42 am
can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive? the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. >> your fox business brief, the dow jones down 14 points right now the s&p 500 down
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2.5. the nasdaq down 12. the market is off earlier moved to the day so we have sold off here. taking a look at some of your dow leaders names holding onto some green let's see if they are doing so. they are enacting doing so. coca-cola, and disney all with up arrows and jp morgan, the stock could double in the next three years. it's a deal. intel, well, we talked about this late last week and now you see intel down 1.6% on this deal. $16.7billion $54 a share. and gopro. watch this one here. right now it's up 1.2%, the new camera with touch screen, wi-fi, romantic for your smart apps. up 2.7%
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stuart: well, watch out. the epa says you have to put more ethanol in your gas. jeff flock is in iowa. home of the ethanol movement. ethanol very popular in the iowa area, you'll never get along iowa if it's not in there. and you know it. >> oh, come on. what have you got against ethanol? . stuart: it's wastely of, destroys the marketplace, and another thing to stick green energy down our throats.
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anything else? >> i have got a great american with me. look what he's building out here in a cornfield. look at this beautiful ethanol plant. oil trains, he's doubling his capacity stuart says it's wastely of, we're ramming down the throats to consumers. tell stuart what he can do with that. >> well, tell stuart that ethanol is 53 cents a gallon creeper, so it's great for consumers, lowers the cost to the pump, got cleaner tailpipe omissions, it's great for america. some pluses foreth natural . stuart: hold on. if he's voting in the iowa i guarantee he votes democratic; is that correct? >> no. sir. stuart think so you're a democratic. >> i'm a conservative quite honestly, stuart. i'm not a democrat. but i think whether or not you're a democrat or republican lower costs at the pump, you know, 50 cents cheaper for gasoline --
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resonates for consumers and it's ain't subsidized product a lot of people are misinformed on that. there's not a subsidiariy for ethanol, it's just cheaper and cleaner than gasoline. >> and we haven't had that in years. this is help with corn prices . stuart: okay., jeff, flock. we will continue this debate throughout the day on the fox business network. good stuff jeff. seriously. we'll see you later on in the day. thanks very much. i want to get via or via, i'm not sure how it's pronounced. it's a ride sharing app. one of our producers uses it every day. every morning, in fact. she gets picked up in her apartment on the east side of manhattan. can a's costs her about $5 a day. that's it. there is a catch. you've got the share the ride with other people going to the same destination. but that's not a big catch when it's $5; right? joining
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us now the cofounder and ceo of via. thanks very much for joining us. >> thanks, stuart. i appreciate it . stuart: so let me get this right. she gets into an suv very he will in the morning she comes down here to midtown $5, she's just got to share the ride with other people. that's it? >> that's it. we just ask that she share the ride with three four, five people and that helps reduce the amount dramatically. . stuart: i'm just not going to give it much time. but essentially you are a is a ride sharing operation. you put people together who are going to the same place at the same time. >> that's right. you can think of it as a dynamic carpool . stuart: yeah, right. so you're not quite the same as uber by any means. >> right. the way we think of it is we're in the public transit space it's a large
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niche it's not like booking your own private car or taxi, it's a shared experience. almost like a movement if you will . stuart: as long as you can keep the price from $5, can you keep the price at $5? >> i think -- we're still early on in our process we're figuring out what the price is, but if not $5, very, very close . stuart: daw dow move the price up ask down depending on that ride and route. >> currently women and children of. you're guardian $5 a ride, and if you happen to be unlucky you're still paying $5 . stuart: now, uber is said to be worth $50 billion on the basis of the money that they've raised privately. >> right. stuart: how much are you worth? >> so we're not worth quite $50 million, but we've raised $37 million . stuart: old a second. you've raised $37 million. >> right. stuart: now, if i were you, i know know how much the overall company is worth because i
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just sold off a piece of 37 million. so tell me how much is the company worth. >> unfortunately, i can't share that information, . stuart: is it a billion? >> it's not quite a billion . stuart: is it half billion? >> not quite. . stuart: 400 noil 500 million. >> we're hoping to be there quite soon . stuart: you've done well, haven't you? >> i appreciate it . stuart: no, i just find the concept fascinating that you can get on the internet, organize a shared ride for a low price all over the country -- in fact, do you operate only in america at the moment? >> only in networks in manhattan between 14th street and 37th street . stuart: wait a minute you've served $37 million that only operates in manhattan. >> right. but you if you look at the number of rides a day it's a phenomenal number . stuart: how many rides a day. if i book a car, do i have to wait for the two or three other passengers .
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stuart: relevant? >> we're there are enough people using the system at any time that we can immediately find out the other people who would to want share your ride . stuart: good luck with that evaluation, and if you ever get the ipo, we want to hear about it. >> thank you . stuart: thank you so much indeed. big nopes disney. the share price is heading higher today after a no to buy barons. it said the stock could search 50% in the next three years. we'll see about that. but it is up today. plus the rap. the first two hours of "varney & company," and if you're just tuning in, you've missed a whole lot. but we'll show you the highlights in a moment
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and he says that they think the stock will search on the new star wars movie that comes out in december and a new theme park coming to shanghai. look at that. almost a whole buck at this point. and leading the s&p 500 intel buying it for almost $17 billion cash. that's a 6% pop. >> well, it's been a fast passed jam packed hour of "varney & company," but here are some of the memorable moments you may have missed. take it away . stuart: i'm terribly sorry. even though we have three hours. >> in a three hour tour, you will not let me respond to that? where is this going? who is on the three hour tour? . stuart: there it is. >> you are. . stuart: now, who are you? >> oh, i own the boat. [laughter] turn it around. . stuart: all right. >> i think we are over extended. it's natural. people go on holiday but, you know what? take advantage of the wealth.
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don't try to second-guess the market. defense stocks are another area. those are things where the handwriting is on the wall. they're must haves and i think that's important . stuart: what do you mean? are you some kind of european? please, he was standing out working for victoria station. i'm sorry victoria secret. >> get your place right where you buy your panties. . stuart: thank you very much, charles you are looking at two airplane fuel gauges. can you spot the difference? no? you can't see that? alright, let's take a look. the one on the right just used 1% less fuel than the one on the left. now, to an airline a 1% difference could save enough fuel to power
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stuart: you could call it an excuse. or you could call it spin. i call it nonsense. the shrinking economy is pretty good. she offered the crucial excuses. bad weather strong dollar, and the usual caution. we have work to do. and of course her analysis was deliberate with the usual smile. yes, she's been through media
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training, hasn't she? so here we have an economy that's actually contracting. they say it's pretty good. and on anybody in the media made a big deal out of it. let me backtrack a little. she's one of the heirs to the multibillion high at fortune. forbes says she's worth 1.8 billion. the 263 richest person in america. she was a major donor to president obama. so a billionaire donor says the economy is progressed, no wonder this administration lacks credibility. actually, ma'am secretary you have work to do. start by understanding the system that made your family wealthy. capitalism did it, not social socialism. government didn't create prosperity record high, they have failed to produce group or jobs or vitality. we've seen this movie before.
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the elite from one high. safely protected by their billions. secretary is far removed from reality. but the rest of us are not. america strivers have to live with the worst recovery from any recession since world war ii. and telling us that the shrinking economy is pretty good is is pure nonsense. ♪ . stuart: calm down a little bit. we'll get my take in a moment. but, look. deadly suicide -- deadly suicide attacks in iraq. isis claiming responsibility. 38 iraqi soldiers killed in anbar province, last hour i asked if baghdad will fall to isis. roll that tape.
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>> so the fight has been between iraq, which is dominated by iran, and isis. but what you're now seeing is if there's fighting now there. we're just in for a round of real instability and vulnerablability . stuart: can iraq fall? >> again, dominated by the shi'ite, and again dominated by iran are going to fight to protect baghdad . stuart: and, by the way coming up in 15 minutes colonel ralph peters weighs in on this one. let's see what he has to say about these latest rounds of suicide attacks in iraq. two big rulings from the supreme court. number one. it ruled in favor of a woman who wore wore a jihab at a job interview. now, you've read it cover to cover. >> yes. stuart: give me the gist of it.
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>> okay. will you remember this case. we talked about it when it first came in, the trial court ruling and then the appeals court ruling ruled in abercrombie's favor because she did not tell them that this was a religious need that she had. so in order for the employer to be liable for interfering with one's religious needs does the employee need to tell them about it? and the court said, no. not when it's so obvious like a place like abercrombie that deals in clothing and she arrives to the interview in it. she doesn't have to say this is part of my religious garb, the employer has a duty to know . stuart: so can she still be denied the job. >> no. she couldn't, but there wouldn't have been a case for her. it would be a clear and obvious case for her. so what it does for the
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interest -- the people watching the show is it puts them on notice that your hr department needs to ask people if there's anything about our work and your work here that might conflict with your religious views that are not apparent from what you've told us in your application . stuart: and this is on your employer to ask that question. >> yes. stuart: that's what this case comes down to. . stuart: now, there's another one. a man threatening to kill his ex-wife on facebook. his conviction thrown out. i think it was a 8-1 judgment. >> yes. stuart: in my view, this is a great freedom of speech. so there's two points here. one is that speech is still protected, even when it's threatening, when it's obvious that the person making the threats does not have the present parent ability to carry out the threats. but just as important, he had argued at trial that this was just freedom of speech that he
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did not intend any harm. and the trial court said to the jury is that the government doesn't have to prove any intent. that was the reverse. the supreme court by 8-1 said guess what? for now on? if you want to put somebody in jail. you better prove they intended to do what they said. . stuart: but the result if i want to threaten somebody, i can just make a song about it, put it on facebook, and i'll be okay. it's a direct threat, but since it's a song, it's okay. >> not necessarily. if they jury think so you intended to harm the person, then you could rule a foul from this statute. but the government has to show that they have was more than a sock, that it was more than freedom of speech it be it was an intent to harm the person at whom it was named . stuart: okay. >> and the presumption is that all speech is protected .
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stuart: i don't think i could be a judge. i couldn't do it. >> it's because the school of economics. >> hang them high . stuart: they poison my mind. >> please don't show that rowboat anymore. [laughter] . stuart: two appearances today in our three hour show. >> i like it . stuart: that isn't enough? thanks, judge. are we moving a little bit higher. we're up 40 points. 18,051. do look at disney. we're going to call that the barons bounce stock of the day. it's said to be firing on all cylinders. and one -- barren said this thing is going to go up 50% in the next three years. i don't know about that. but the stock is up today, and that is a barons bounce. intel is buying it, all cash deal. $16billion, it is up 6%. look at the price of oil. we're told that there are reports that isis is destroying oil wells in iraq.
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no impact on the price though, which is actually down. gas 2.74 is your national average. now, to my take on the economy. and the fact that economist secretary said this about this economy. roll tape. >> you know, actually i think are things pretty good. the first quarter is something that's not unexpected given the severeity of the winter, and consumers are still not spending the savings that they're getting from the gas -- the fact that gas prices are lower. so this is -- we're -- you know, i think are things actually trending pretty good . stuart: okay. the economy contracts. that means it slinks a little bit. now, my rant at the top of this hour was all about the fact that she's a billionaire.
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she's a big donor to the left. i suspect that she got her job in part because she's a big donor to the left. and now -- >> do you think? . stuart: yeah, i do think that. [laughter] she says she's pretty good. that the economy is shrinking. it's pretty good. that's my point. that's my problem with the elite telling us that everything is fine while they enjoy their billions. that's my objection to this. >> well, if you're in the .01%, it is a good economy. but it's not been very good for the rest of us. and, look, i was shocked by this number that they came out with on friday. negative .08%. by the way how do you blame this if they did the same thing last winter and every time we have a bad quarter they seem to blame it on something other than their own policies. and at this point it's been 6.5 years of obamaomics, . stuart: it's a policy problem. >> yeah. stuart: it's not winter or a port problem. it's a policy problem.
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that surely is the bottom line here. >> it is. let me say one thing to defend her, though. i think that if you look at these numbers. and i go around the country and when i ask a businesswoman how are business, they normally say it's good. and some say it's great. and what's really strange about these numbers is it is true that with the savings people are making in gasoline and so on, people are saving more. and that reflects a more negative gdp but i'm one of those people who thinks look, saving is good for the economy and not bad for the economy. it may auger for some better quarters ahead. but, look, i'll give you one statistic and it's been revised with the new numbers that came out on friday. if we had a reagan kind of expansion, it would be for every. now, the growth gap because of obamaomics is about $2.5 billion that's why these polls don't show any kind of
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recovery at all . stuart: precisely. >> congratulations on three hours. [laughter] . stuart: this is the third hour and we're not doing too badly. let's go -- cover the headlines today. sherrill, what have you got for me? >> hour three you're good? just checking . stuart: for a man of my age doing well. >> great show so far stuart. we are following some headlines for you right now. a solar plane attempting to fly around the world had to make an unscheduled stop in japan just a shortly time ago. it landed in central japan because of bad weather. a spokesman for the project said they are sad because everything seems okay. the batteries are charging, the there's enough sun it stopped in india and china. also an update on secretary of state john kerry medical progress. a spokesperson saying -- this could be bad. his orthopedic surgeon
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dr. dennis berk is going to have to fly back with the secretary to monitor his condition. over the weekend kerry fractured his right femaler that happened on sunday when he struck a curb with his bicycle. he flew back to the u.s. but he has to come back in a special fitted plane that has special medical equipment in it. again not sounding very good for the secretary's leg. and, again chase trying to make its banking a little bit more secure, you use your fingerprint to access the app they're hoping it's going to be a lot harder to hack. because it's really fun to get your bank account hack. that always makes my day . stuart: yeah. tell me about it. senator rand paul taking a stand against the patriot act. he calls it intrusive. institutional. which side is he on? >> i'm not going to it anymore. i don't think the american people are going to take it anymore. 8080% of those under 40 say
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we've gone too far. that this whole collection of all of our records all the time is too much ♪ ♪ ♪ (singing) you wouldn't haul a load without checking your clearance. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck. for the millions of americans suffering from ringing in their ears, there's no such thing as quiet time. but you can quiet the ringing with lipo-flavonoid, the number-one doctor-recommended brand. relieve the ringing with lipo-flavonoid.
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stuart: you're looking at lindsey gram is in the town of central in south carolina. he's a two term senator. he's now saying, yes, he is running for president. his motto is security through strength. he says he wants to see stronger national defense, and he also wants to be president to quote prevent enemies. that's. the bank of montreal likes it. and it's up 10 cents. it is by the way the world's largest beverage maker. like that bank of montreal's endorsement not doing very much for the stock. up 10 cents. and a suicide bombing killing at least 38 in iraq. the associated press says isis claims responsibility for this attack. joining us now ralph peters.
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ralph, i want to get to other subjects later. but, first of all your action to this latest horrific attack suicide bomb. >> business as usual in iraq. and when it reports -- some of it. there were several bombings actually and they were done using captured military vehicles we supplied to the iraqis. with thousands of vehicles abandoned to the islamic state, our pilots look down at the convoy and they don't know if it's iraqi military, or islamic state militants because they're all driving the same u.s. vehicles. . stuart: now, isis is fighting to get to control baghdad which is being supported by the iranians, there are iranians trying to get rid of the eyes us there. the sheer oppose to the soony in iraq. i call that one giant mess,
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and i'm not sure america should be involved in that. what say you? >> we should not supporter a corrupt baghdad government. there is no iraq, beyond the they're your exists on old maps where in the white house's imagination. iraq is over. you're absolutely right. our forecast should be on killing america's enemies. defeating islamic state. that's number one. defeat those militants which by the way, is a humanitarian gesture, which we don't get credit for. that's number one and we've got to take seriously. number two is iraq's ambitions. as it is now we're not doing a good job of killing islamic state militants and nothing else works but killing them, and we're doing a terrible job we're knacked flying air missions essentially in support of iran, we're flying air missions if you're going
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to iran's missions all because the president is locked in this fantasy of getting solve everything nuke deal with iran and we're already talking about another extension on june 30th. as i said many times, there is no obama foreign policy. there's no security policy. there's an anne hawk to foreign developments, with their eye on domestic political scene . stuart: i'll try to get more information on these latest suicide bombings, maybe using humvees. . stuart: for now this is a rand paul victory essentially. here's what he said to us on this program last week. >> interesting thing is last week the department of justice inspector general came out and said there's no evidence, they cracked one case with all of this. but really my opposition is really you shouldn't even if
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you said you were going to give up liberator because we're fighting to protect our bill of rights, because if we give up, what really are we fighting for? . stuart: he doesn't want any bulk collection of phone data. and he's been is successful, at least so far. what say you? >> well, he needs to go after google and amazon and every online marketplace because they're collecting data on americans. the nsa does it. he doesn't know how it works. he doesn't care how it works. he is not protecting the american people. he is protecting terrorists to further his own political ambitions, and he reminds you of no one so much as senator mccarthy. with the exception of mccarthy going after economist where rand paul is attacking the patriot intelligence professionals. who does he think they are? he has led the right to buy into this left wing hollywood
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myth that intelligence agencies are dark and they're going to help michelle obama take away your corn chips. they are patriots who are protecting us, and i want to know. i challenge rand paul or any of these others to give me the name of one american citizen tangibly harmed by any of these programs. i mean we need these programs to stop terror. rand paul makes it up as we goes along, and i know this is going to be popular with a lot of fox and fox business viewers. but i'm going to say what i think is right. and i think rand paul is doing a terrible disservice to this country . stuart: well ralph, this is the first day of an extended version of "varney & company," we've got three hours and i wish we had more time for you but we don't. ing. >> congratulations . stuart: that was quite a statement. it lives on videotape and it will be repeated many times. >> thank you .
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stuart: thank you coming up today at 4:00 p.m. on the all new after the bell show with david and elizabeth francis. rand paul's father, former congressman ron paul, don't miss that right here on fox business. next somebody just paid almost $100 million for new york -- one of new york's best penthouses. we'll tell you who he is in a moment. and she says hollywood hillary rather has been a hollywood problem. we'll give you the whole story in a moment the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it.
11:22 am
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. >> lindsey gram, and i'm running for president of the united states . stuart: newest president hopeful to join the race. he is in south carolina. he says it's a paramount of importance that the country beefs up its national defense. he's still speaking there in south carolina. $95million. that's how much a saudi billionaire is reportedly paying for this penthouse in noshes. it's the second most expensive condo in new york. sherrill has details on this one. >> this is a fascinating story. so he is basically -- by the way, he is a retail -- a franchiser. he takes the american
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businesses and franchises them around the world. that's how he's made all this money. but 2655 square feet, six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, and this is at 42 square park. there's two huge buildings; right? 432 park is where he is actually going to be buying. and it's -- what is so interesting about this particular building is that these are just the starting prices for these condos. imagine when we start to see the resells kick in in the next few years . stuart: oh, you think he's buying it for a investment. >> a lot of these billionaires what i'm seeing they're buying these to park money. a lot of times they don't live in them. now, i'm hoping with this much space he would move in . stuart: what's the number one? >> $100.5 million. . stuart: who? >> an american family . stuart: really? >> an actual -- but we don't know. it's the biggest mysteries in
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real estate in new york city right now. >> the . stuart: we'll be back tomorrow on 9:00 and your assignment is to find out who paid $100 million for that apartment. >> i'm on it. [laughter] i'm calling my sources. [laughter] . stuart: all right. south carolina republican lindsey gram just announced he is running for the presidency. coming up after this break he's going to take us through the whole republican field. who is going to bringing bring back prosperity to the united states of america? when of those candidates will do it? neil is going to do it. plus four episodes of strange herniates tonight. it starts at 9:00 p.m. eastern on the fox business network. here's a preview. >> so this thanksgiving dinner literally between the gravy bowl and the turkey, you bring the map out and put it on the table, this table. >> that's true. it was the end of dinner, so it was mostly messy plates. and that probably made it worse. you know, as far as danger to the map. at the time its value was the
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joy it would give you looking at the thing. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day.
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here's neil, his new show debuts about a half hour from now. neil, if you look across all these republican candidates, they all have a plan to return to prosperity. they all have one thing in common, and that's a cut in tax propagates isn't that the commonalty of the plan. >> you know, there is a common theme among them, lindsey announcing that's 700 but you're quite right. that is a big thing. so the only different thing at this point besides tax tax cuts what they're doing with the tax policy. you know the senate and the house are going to be reconvening in about 28 minutes, stuart, and they're going to try to patch something to keep the patriot act or something like it alive. we'll be talking to general michael hayden about what he makes of that because they've been very critical as you know of rand paul, and they face stalling defenses against terror . stuart: does this remind you of 1979? a democrat in the white house
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trouble with iran, trouble with the economy and along comes ronald reagan to save the day. the republican candidate wins big. do you think this might be a repeat of 1980? >> i'm way too young. you're much, much older and remember that vividly. but, no, in all kidding aside you're right. i mean a lot of people have used that analogy to say imploding and exploding. and now you've got these latest isis attacks. what are we going to do? and there are a lot of folks who is this will be sort of, like, the dividing line with republicans on who is tougher in dealing with the treasure or threat. as the judge was telling you. that's in the eyes of the holder. but timing might be the bad issue for senator paul . stuart: by the way you're doing something with olive garden new bread stitch sandwiches. wait a minute that's a certain ethnicity. >> well, we could have done a
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finger sandwich there but as you know your people are horrible she saw. chefs. no offense. but convince i think not these breadstick sandwiches i imagine they're very big, but that is as big of development as anything else . stuart: well, i'm going to be watching your show in 26 minutes because i'm curious as to what you're going to say. and i know how -- >> you are just despicable. but that he knew . stuart: well, you can have the show in 26 minutes until then it's mine. thank you very much, neil. >> thank you . stuart: we'll see you later. billionaire economist secretary, a minus as a good thing. this is what she said to maria about negative economic growth. >> yeah, actually think things are actually pretty good. the first quarter is something that's not unexpected, given
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the severe winter and consumers still not spending the savings that they're getting from the gas -- the fact that gas prices are lower. so this -- so i think are things trending pretty good . stuart: i think are things trending pretty good. the economy is shrinking, but things are trending pretty good. come on in to the economy for economic development. steve. i think we've got a policy problem for the economy. and i don't think she agrees with that. where do you see the problem? >> yeah. stuart, i think that we're sitting in a twilight zone economy. if you look from afar, things look kind of normal. but if you look more closely at any one piece of it, it looks terrible. we're at a multigeneration low in terms of employment, you
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still have all these people out of work, 14% of millennials are at home, and we're going to have to rename them the boomerang because they have to go back and live with their parents, and they average $45,000 in student debt which means they can't afford an apartment or homes all of this in economic growth. we were don't even 4% last quarter, which is over 1% in the involuntary bill. it is a terrible growth rate, but we're simply not getting better. all of the projections for the year is sort of neutral. 60% of people saying we're still in a recession stuart . stuart: but they cannot admit it. the administration cannot turn around and say we've made a mistake with our tax and spend and regular flyings ket debt. they cannot say it. they must spin it. they must form excuses. the weather. the strike. whatever it is. there must be an excuse
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because they cannot admit that fundamentally they pursued the wrong policies and they will never pursue the right policies. >> what is more worrisome to me is i don't think they know it. so we're sitting in a situation here where we need some massive policy change . stuart: well, surely if you've got a billion dollars, you don't know what's happening. she's worth $1.8 billion. she's the 263 richest person in america. she became the commerce secretary. shed what he isn't really going on out there. >> well, .01% of the population is feeling good. that's 11,000 households. that's driving the 1%, the 10%. very small piece. everyone else is experiencing the same thing and it's not good . stuart: i just want to know what you think about this. in sacramento, $13 an hour want to for one minute restaurant workers starting in january. and some restaurants now are considering taking some of the tips off the weight staff and keeping it for their house
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because of the rise in the minimum wage. what do you think of this steve? >> well, this whole minimum wage thing is a terrible idea. you know, the whole point was to let people create jobs, pay the market what it will. and then the wages will rise. the problem when they fix a minimum wage is that businesses look for ways to automate and take jobs out and it hurts the very people you're trying to help. in this case in the restaurant industry people who gave great service would get big tips, and you actually earn more than a higher fixed salary. that's been proven over and over again. so by raising the wages you're going to end up having to these wait staff to have less money and you're going to hurt the people you're trying to help. . stuart: thank you for which joining us. we'll see you again very, very soon. >> thank you . stuart: i started out in america as a waiter. >> did you? . stuart: i didn't like giving any of my tips to the house. >> no, i bet you didn't . stuart: no way. >> were you a good waiter . stuart: well, with a british
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accent, you can't go wrong featherweight has you don't say so yourself . stuart: were you a waitress. >> yeah. i waited tables. absolutely. it is the hardest job, and i did it in college to, you know help pay for my education. and i always. my hat is off. . stuart: i'm a big tipper because i used to be a waiter. >> yeah. >> i will tip. but i don't like feeling that i have to tip. this 20% thing. i feel like, you're paying half of the wages because the restaurant owner won't. >> 20% for dinner, 20% of lunch, . stuart: what kind of american are you? >> i'm a savvy consumer american. that's what i am. . stuart: up next. [laughter] hillary clinton has a problem with the same hollywood elites who helped put president obama in the white house. do you ever wonder why the irs is such a mess?
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stock is down over 3%. but, in fact, what they've been doing -- the phase three trial, they have found that it is demonstrated statistically significant improvement in disease free survival. that's great news and then proceeding for extended treatment. and currently anticipated in the first quarter of 2016. stocks should open shortly. there's still more news spending, so it hasn't opened yet. the stock up 155% in the last year. talk about a great mover. and the dow right now up about 5 points to the s&p. virtually flat at the moment. more "varney & company" coming up in a moment
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stuart: big news from the supreme court this morning. the court rueing in favor of a muslim woman who was denied a job at abercrombie because she wore a head scarf to the job interview. judge weighed on that one earlier today. >> it puts them on notice that your hr department needs to ask people if there's anything about our work and your work here that might conflict with your religious views that are not apparent from what you've told us in your application. >> this is on the employer. >> yes. that's what this case comes down to . stuart: now, you've heard it. the it sits on the employer. that may have an impact on the
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businesses all across the country. next question. is hollywood ready to supporter hillary clinton? hollywood is mostly behind the presidential candidate but it's kind of forced. she says hollywood is mostly united behind hillary with a few outliers and elizabeth dream webs but it's a forced march. nicely put. joining us now radio host john phillips. do you agree with maureen that they get behind hillary at some point but they're not enthusiastic? >> i do. i think it's difficult to cast a woman of a certain age for a starring wole role as the democratic nominee. let's not forget what we heard in the sony hacking e-mail scandal. the only that racist hate more are blacks, . stuart: that's quite a statement there mr. phillips. all right. now -- you say
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they're not prepared to back way woman of a certain age for starring role. do you really think it's about personality or is it an age or is it about policy? wouldn't hollywood prefer someone further to the left? isn't policy the heart of the problem with hillary? >> i think that's certainly part of it. but this is hollywood. so casting is very important. republicans have a very different process that they use to nominate their candidates. they always give it to the person who is next in line. they marry the girl they're supposed to marry. the democrats do it the opposite way. they got engaged to the girl they're supposed to marry, and then they end up leaving her at the alterer for sofía vergara, that's what they did last time. don't think it can happen again, stuart . stuart: but at some point you do expect hollywood to open up their waltz and poor money
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into hillary's campaign, you do expect that; right? >> i do but i think they're going to flirt with others, with liz bet elizabeth warren, hollywood likes new young and fresh, and those are three words that don't describe hillary clinton . stuart: julian castro did you say? >> yeah. julian castro, . stuart: would that person be the preferred candidate for hollywood? >> i could say hollywood getting behind someone like that. he comes outside the belt lay. he's young attractive, he's got a story and hollywood is all about stories. that's exactly how barack obama sold us last time around. it wasn't about hisracy may . stuart: but they're all about winning. and if they're going to put money into hillary clinton's campaign, she thinks she's
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going to win. >> yeah. but these are the same people who bet on the losing horse. you know? stuart: you know, you're losing me there on some of these things. >> how about waterworld? . stuart: i've got you. now i'm with you. thank you very much, john. we'll see you soon. thank you very much. >> thank you . stuart: . stuart: what are you laughing at? >> you don't remember that movie? . stuart: i did not see it. >> you and most of the people. >> jennifer lopez, it was a massive disaster at the box office. and she was horrible in it . stuart: okay. i think i'm catching up. >> there you go . stuart: a three hour show. >> a throw hour show . stuart: okay. microsoft. well, they don't even offer security updates on their 14-year-olds xb software anymore, but the irs is still using it pick up gerri willis dug out that story and she's got it next ♪ ♪ ♪ (charge music)
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63 people now wounded. hospital officials now confirming those numbers. three suicide bombers targeted a police base using formal american humvees loaded with explosives. the irs -- no, we show you this in the middle of the day recently that there's no action on wall street. look at that. we're now well into the trading day lunchtime for some. and we're up six point this is typical. the opening bell. the market moves. the closing bell it moves again. but in the middle of the day nothing happens. that's what's going on now. and look at that. this is the irs using microsoft's 14-year-old windows xp operating system. it's so outdated, microsoft has stopped offering important security upgrades. gerri willis is with us. the irs was just hacked and they're using 14-year-old software? why? >> 100,000 people. 100,000 people had their personal identity stolen. why is this happening?
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the irs is off the rails. you don't need anymore proof. there's all kinds of examples of the irs doing the wrong thing. making the wrong choices. they've gone after small business and now this. they're showing us just how much they don't care about individual tax files . stuart: no i disagree. >> yes. stuart: no, i disagree with you. this is how government operates. never expect government to be at the cutting edge of efficiency. >> but this is killing us. our identities are getting stolen because they have software that is 14 years old. they knew six years ago that this microsoft xp was facing eol, end of life, meaning that there wab no security patches no upgrades, no fixes. they did nothing. this is incompetence . stuart: well, what's going to be done about it isn't nothing. >> do you want to hear what the commissioner of the irs has to say? we still have applications that were running when is john f kennedy was president. i didn't even know there were
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software operations on. what was it? pac-man isn't . stuart: he says you cut my budget. i don't have money. and it's true. >> but this goes back six years. like that budget cuts come two years ago. he's talking out of both sides of his mouth they're obviously off the rails. they can't even do the simplest things, if you're going to have your identity stolen and filing your taxes that is far, far different than shopping at target and having your identity stolen; right? you never shop at target again. but i hate to say this, you're still going to have to deal with the irs . stuart: yes, you are. yeah it's a great story gary. i'm glad you dug it out of somewhere. 14-year-old software. >> ridiculous . stuart: ridiculous. thank you very much indeed. >> thank you . stuart: elizabeth warren going after some gop can presidential candidates, rips into scott walker.
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already, what is left? >> i mean let's be honest. elizabeth warren. she's going out to ted cruz saying they are scary. this is a quote from her. just a thought of the possible president ted cruz or scott walker is scary. but here's something scarier president ted cruz or skoss walker confirming extremist judges and rigging the system even further to the rich and the powerful. . stuart: billionaire, commerce -- >> $1.8 billion . stuart: correct. >> to her name . stuart: correct? >> she's fine . stuart: she's okay. she's a democrat. >> she donated to the administration . stuart: why are you laughing? >> i'm just laughing because elizabeth warren herself the woman is not exactly in the poorhouse, the financials of herself are not so bad . stuart: she made houses in 19 on it. >> yeah. so the system has worked for her but now it's all for the rich.
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king she doesn't know how it works or care how it works rand paul is this gelderland the charlatan, he is not protecting the american people, he is protecting terrorists fee to further his own craven political ambitions it reminds me of no one so much as senator joseph mccarthy with the exception, critique going after communists. rand paul is attacking the patriotic intelligence professionals. stuart: he doesn't hold back. does he? >> ashley -- >> stunned during that interview strong words. stuart: i want to take a moment. you sat through the entire three
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hours. neil cavuto coast-to-coast starts now. neil: thank you very much 12:00 on the east coast of america, senate and house are ready to get back in session and i tell you, folks they are scrambling to save what is left of the petrie enact an easier said then done. we will get the nsa chief big critic of rand paul. rand paul responded to him. we also have general david petraeus oomf years we might be surrendering more than just our privacy issues here. he thinks in an effort to do that we are doing something much more dangerous and florida governor rick scott has a big powwow in orlando with all the major republican presidential candidates. we will cover
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