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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 2, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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do you have a "strange inheritance" story you'd like to share with us? we'd love to hear it. send me an email or go to our website strangeinheritance.commarket. it's been an honor for one year thank you very much, thanks to the crew. now lou. lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. the obama white house is apparently decided to well try to at least ignore discouraging realities of the islamic state whether in iraq or syria, and despite the islamic state seizure of new territory and its rapid expansion of control in both syria and iraq, the obama administration declaring that the u.s.-led coalition is instead following a winning strategy on both fronts. naturally the message about the winning obama strategy didn't quite reach the prime minister of iraq. today he said iraqi ground forces are largely going it alone in the fight against the islamic state and the promises
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of international help and support go unfulfilled. we take up the administration's strategy of apparent delusion with former pentagon official k.t. mcfarland and the fbi admits it's operating a small air force in the skies over america. launching dozens of low flying aircraft and their purpose to spy on americans. the fbi claims those aircraft aren't collecting bulk data on all of us, and that the flights are used for specific investigation. now doesn't everyone feel better about it all? and why did the fbi also create more than a dozen shell companies to conceal the ownership and operation of the secret fleet of surveillance aircraft. we'll have a full report for you tonight. and hillary clinton, may not be the very best retail politician we've ever seen. in fact, she seems to be just a little grumpy. her plummeting poll numbers may have something to do with that.
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the sometimes difficult path to 2016, fox news jedidiah bila and executive daily standard fred barnes discuss the. we begin with what became the obama message of the day. that message, president obama has a strategy it's unambiguous and highly successful. here we go. first up defense secretary ash carter claimed the obama strategy against the islamic state is, quote, very clear and makes perfect sense, end quote. and then the state department or deputy secretary tony blankin repeated the message of the day during a meeting of coalition members in paris. >> in iraq right now, we have the right strategy, a combination of coalition airstrikes training equipping assisting and effective local partners.
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that is the winning strategy. lou: the winning strategy. iraqi prime minister contradicted the white house message of the day, and instead called for more intelligence and more action by the allies. joining us tonight former pentagon official fox news national security analyst kt macfarland. is the obama message the suggested way to withdraw u.s. forces from vietnam declare victory and go home. >> you know it's almost beginning a joke. do you remember baghdad bob the iraqi information minister. he would give daily press conferences as americans were zeroing in on baghdad. everything is great the revolutionary guard saddam hussein is victorious and you would see american tanks in the background until the day you never saw the spokesman again. the point of complete
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incredibility and absurdit. lou: i have never seen, and we may test your memory tonight have you ever seen an administration absolutely decide to speak contradict -- i will limit this to the u.s. administration, speak contradictly on every level when it comes to foreign policy? >> no and the administration they're politicians, they're going to always spin everything, everything is great wonderful, baghdad bob. but people i fault are the media. nobody is holding them to account. nobody is saying wait a minute you lost fallujah you lost mosul ramadi iraq doesn't even exist. it's the kurds, the anbar sunni tribes and not even the iraqi army it's the baghdad army. none of them fight for each other or defend each other. lou: and the facts on the ground, as folks like you are want to say the facts are the
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kurds aren't getting support from the united states they're not getting the weapons they need, the ammunition, the ordinance the support given their success on the battlefield. the iraqis have the iranians who right now seem utterly confounded by the islamic state, and who are talking about an enemy that they themselves, the iranians the quds force underestimated. this is a pileup in iraq, is it not? >> the wind of war are blowing we're seeing 25,000 foreign fighters from 100 different countries are fighting on the side of isis. iran trying to get more involved throughout the region expanding whether it's yemen syria hezbollah or hamas and the winds of war are gathering and it's a shiite-sunni fight. what are we doing? we're in the middle of it not enough to win, we don't want to
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pull out because president obama doesn't want to have it happen and the collapse happen, quote, on his watch. i think the president's decided he's going to pun everything plop it on the latch the next guy. lou: whatever he's decided one of the things he's decided through nature or whatever intellectual purpose he's arrived at is passivity, and for him to describe as he did the other day, he started going into a pantomime for president xi of china and gesticulating with the elbows he not use the sharp elbows but start thinking about the powerful future that china could enjoy if they just behaved better. i mean it was a bizarre performance by this president. meanwhile the spratly islands are a reclamation project as the president called it extension of the imperial power on the part of the chinese
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nation, just happens to be the biggest in the world? >> the chinese are positioning themselves to claim themselves with the south china sea. not what the president said i have written that off, what the chinese are saying the chinese are saying while secretary of defense carter is there, senior military officials are telling american journalists, we're going to get what we can. we think president obama is a weak president. we're going to take advantage of him however we can and it's almost like somebody's called last call at the bar. get what you can while you can and the chinese are putting elbows out and grabbing what they can, they think it's their opportunity. >> a number of publications and news outlets talking about the prospect of confrontation between the united states and china over the spratly islands. you know and that's sobering stuff until you realize you're talking about the same president who has brought american power back from europe, and has undercut nato
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itself and its purpose in eastern europe eastern ukraine and crimea obviously. doing the precise same thing in the middle east, and ignoring the emerging chinese presence in central and south america. what are the prospects of confrontation against that context? >> the president is putting more red lines down he has no intention of carrying out. if he were really serious about dealing with china, we would fix the economy. hillary clinton said you don't pick a fight with your banker. we owe china a lot of money. time to fix that. lou: bizarre foreign policy relations. >> baghdad bob. lou: and russia provocative again putin too quiet. have we got video of the aircraft. these russian jets. i mean just buzzing across a u.s. warship in the black sea.
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he has apparently given his military orders to be as provocative and reckless as possible. >> not just in the black sea. russians are doing it to the brits and the american ships in the black sea. putin's big plan goal is to get away with whatever he can just like the chinese. lou: what does he gain? >> i think what he's going for is a destruction of nato. he saw on his watch president reagan and president bush the first destroy the warsaw pact in the soviet union. he wants to show that nato is not going to stand up and fight for members. lou: let's give him an update. is there anything of nato left? >> well there's the treaty organization and article 5 which says armed attack against one is an armed attack against all. we will respond. putin's figured out slokz it's not an armed attack he can get away with it.
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lou: k.t. mcfarland appreciate it. the associated press reporting low flying surveillance aircraft the size and the scope of which was not previously public. the aircraft are capable of sweeping up all sorts of information including video and cell phone data. the fbi insists the program is not secret. but the fbi doesn't explain why they registered all of those aircraft to dummy corporations, front corporations for our government. we tracked one aircraft registered to a company called ng research. the address, a post office box in virginia that happens to be very near the offices of the fbi. fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge with our report from washington. >> reporter: the investigation by the ap found the fbi flying surveillance flights in many cases without a court's approval using technology to gather video or cell phone data. and tonight the fbi empathized
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to fox news the program is not secret and the data is targeted. over a 30-day period the ap investigation found more than 100 flights over at least 11 cities. including seattle houston, phoenix, boston minneapolis and over southern california. the ap was asked by the fbi not to identify the front companies used by the bureau. this plane was unusual and photographed in northern virginia. congressional records show the fbi fleet has 115 planes, including 90 cessnas. a member of the senate intelligence committee questioned whether the program respects legal boundaries? >> is it stint? is it authorized? does it have overnight and -- oversight and we will be asking all these questions sooner rather than later. >> reporter: fbi spokesman told fox news adding the fbi uses
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all tools and equipment and conducts all investigations in accordance with the attorney general guidelines. but critics today including the aclu questioned whether the data is retained or destroyed? >> the fbi might be looking for a particular person, but a lot of the technologies will sweep up information about thousands or tens of thousands of people and just as a reminder what we've seen in the last 15, 20 years is the huge surveillance apparatus that american government has created is increasingly swung around and turned inward on the american people. >> reporter: the dea and u.s. marshal service is also using planes for similar collection programs, lou. lou: catherine, thank you very much, catherine herridge reporting from washington tonight. from one government agency spying on us to another. congress giving the nsa the power to resume snooping operations stopped over the weekend. the new law will change how the nsa does collect the phone records of millions of
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americans from now on the nsa will not be allowed to sweep up all the phone metadata as before, it must rely on private telephone companies to collect that information and can only access that information in a targeted fashion with a specific warrant. the success of that bulk data collection by the nsa has been in question the fbi admitted it didn't crack a single terrorism case because of it. the vote in congress seen as a big victory for republican senator hopeful rand paul and other civil libertarians who oppose the government's post-9/11 surveillance methods. we're coming right back with much more. stay with us. >> why don't you go to the end of the line. lou: hillary clinton's inevitability called into question. the former first lady snaps at a supporter and takes a dive in the polls. jedidiah bila and fred barnes with us next.
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. lou: democratic presidential hopeful hillary clinton plunging in the latest polls. the new cnn poll shows she's the most unlikable she's been
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in 14 whole years. that's sort of an interesting benchmark for her. 50% of those polled don't like her period compared to 46% who do. a sharp drop from two months ago when 53% said they liked her. the number of people who said mrs. clinton is not honest or trustworthy. that number is rising. taking heat for an incident in new hampshire where she was less than kind to a supporter asking for her autograph. take a look. >> go to the end of the line. >> okay may i have -- >> why don't you go to the end of the line. lou: now that's sort of an interesting scene here, you can interpret that a lot of ways. but not too many are favorable to her. she reportedly had to open up a women's only fund-raiser to men. my gosh, the horror of it all after she couldn't get enough women to shell out $2700 for a
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ticket, but the men, there's a sucker born every minute, the men i'm talking about. co-host of outnumbered jedidiah bila, fox news contributor, fred barnes. fred, what do you make of that remark to the woman in the rope line there? >> well i make several things about, it one, hillary was in a bad mood maybe she had seen her sinking poll numbers. two she's not a good candidate. she doesn't exude that charm that her husband does for instance, as a candidate. and three, she was going to have to get up and give a speech she's not a very good speaker. there are lots of reasons to be grumpy. the poll numbers that you were mentioning lou are devastating. she's under water on two particular things that are really harmful. one is she's looked at is more unfavorable than favorable by a majority of americans and on
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honest and trustworthiness she's under water. these things make it hard, when you have the negatives on personal traits it makes it hard for you to grow and increase your standing as a candidate. lou: you can imagine jedidiah in the same rope line he would have hugging the one ahead of the autograph while signing the autograph. she doesn't have the retail instincts. >> he would have left the scene and we would have liked him more. she's not a charismatic person you know i'd love to grab a beer or cup of coffee with hillary clinton. interesting numbers from before. we talked about honesty and trustworthiness, those are key. only 47% feel she cares about people like them. that's a key trait. that's empsxaeth that is what president obama was great at. great at getting the public to believe he had their back, he understood their plight. if you're talking about income inequality and getting the
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middle class to rise up you're going to need people to believe that you care, and people don't think she cares about them. lou: "washington post" poll jeb bush the republicans aren't coming out of this unscathed either. in the most recent "washington post" abc news poll, jeb bush is cut in half from the previous poll stands at 10%. so what do you think, fred? what's going on there? is it some sort of complementary or related cycle to that of another political dynasty, the clintons? >> that poll and the cnn poll show people don't look at hillary clinton, but they do think of jeb as being a part of a dynasty, brother and father of course president and you know i'm not sure it's something people vote on but they respond negatively in polls about that. but still, it might have been a bad poll for bush but not
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nearly as bad as hillarys. you know the person who came out best in polls in both the abc post poll and the cnn poll? marco rubio whose favorability is favorable 53, and unfavorable 16! that means that he has a huge potential for growing and increasing and moving ahead as a candidate. lou: and the top gop contenders if we can take a look at this, interesting, wisconsin governor scott walker, kentucky senator rand paul have, taken the lead followed by marco rubio and jeb bush, 10% each. what do you make of that jedidiah. >> i think rubio is interesting, i think he disarmed the left. he has a very academic, the way he portrays himself looks like he could be giving a speech at an ivy league university all the time. he disarms them. very hard to attack him, he's
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very good with presentation of ideas something that hillary clinton is not and something a lot of the gop candidates are not terribly good at. i think walker is the champion of conservatives. i see conservatives rallying around him. for me it's a rand paul, marco rubio and scott walker race. lou: jeb bush saying he's not worried about the polls and he was in the lead. >> i uponing he should be worried about them. i would be if i were him. lou: how about being worried about hillary clinton? and fred i'm going to start with you quickly we're out of time. how in the world can this woman have a women's only event. someone raised the issue what if marco rubio was holding men only events? that's really bizarre. >> hey hillary is a democrat, that's okay with the media. marco rubio is a republican. they just treat the two
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differently. what's worrying hillary clinton, and that is -- and you mentioned it lou, she's only slightly ahead three points ahead in head-to-head polls against marco rubio and scott walker and one point ahead of rand paul. if those numbers flip and the republicans are ahead of her in these polls, there's going to be panic in the democratic party. lou: katy bar the door. >> it bothers me she's ahead of it all, with the issues, the e-mails trustworthiness, that's telling me the american people can distrust a politician and be inclined to vote for them. they're not convinced that the gop candidates are offering a better alternative. don't sit back and think have you this in the bag. she's going to put up a tough fight. the media are behind her, have your act together. lou: i see something healthy in it if the people that say they could vote for her are so skeptical and don't trust her i think we can get that attitude across the entire electorate or might have a
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chance to be skeptical of every politician. >> that's right. lou: jedidiah, fred, thank you very much. great article on the generational issues that the democrats face in this election, terrific thank you. >> you're welcome. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight, is the obama administration's claims of a winning strategy against the islamic state an insult to the intelligence of all americans? we'd like to hear your vote on that. cast your vote at los angeles motorcyclist recording incident of road rage revenge. a lot of r's in that. the video phone shows him approaching a bmw convertible and telling the texting driver to put down his phone dog gone it. the driver of the bmw apparently not appreciating the unsolicited counsel and advice. 30 seconds later knocks the motorcyclist off his bike speeds away. the motorcyclist claims the crash left him with a severe concussion hair line fractures
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in shoulder. the bmw driver hasn't been seen since they're looking for him. up next it's going to take a lot more than missing 95% of fake bombs and handguns for the president to lose confidence in his good old psa? my commentary next, and we found the perfect metaphor for the obama presidency. it has a happy ending, believe it or not.
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. lou: a few thoughts now on accountability in our federal government or the lack thereof. homeland security secretary jeh johnson late last night announced that acting tsa administrator melvin caro way has been reassigned inspector general report showed tsa screeners had only a 95% failure rate when they were trying to detect explosives and
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handguns on the persons of passengers. but the white house today expressing great confidence in the tsa and the response by secretary johnson. they were just pleased as punch! >> the president has very high expectations for the kind of response that will be enacted by tsa and the department of homeland security to address those concerns, and that's why the prompt action that was taken by secretary johnson just last night is consistent with that philosophy. lou: you know, josh earnest is bubbling over there with enthusiasm and delight. this is the administration's idea of accountability, to reassign officials to another department or job after they screw up where they can screw up and a brand-new role in place. it's just about impossible to get fired in this administration. the obama administration's lack of accountability is pervasive, in operation fast and furious, not a single person fired over
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the gun-running operation that led to the death of border patrol agent brian terry. the head of the atf was reassigned, following the 2012 benghazi attack four state department employees were placed on on administrative leave. that did not include the secretary of state at the time one hillary clinton. they were not fired, they were reassigned. and the irs targeting scandal one employee reassigned while lois lerner was allowed to retire, receiving full government pension and avoiding the consequences of congressional criminal contempt charges thanks to attorney general eric holder, the first sitting cabinet officer to be cited for contempt of congress. last year during the scandal over wait times at va hospitals three employees did lose their jobs. i want to repeat three employees in the entire
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veterans affairs department. and most recently, this year two senior secret service agents were reassigned after they drunkenly crashed their car into a barrier at the white house. this president has dismissed altogether the concept of duty, the notions of accountability not even endangering the president or his family or jeopardizing our national security is sufficient cause for accountability under this president. a quotation of the evening, this one from one of mr. obama's predecessors who said, quote -- john f. kennedy, 35th president of the united states. we're coming right back. stay with us. much more ahead. a startling crime wave
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across america seven cities with shocking spikes in murders and violent crimes, and those cities are all run by democrats. and what happens when an elderly man takes his bingo game just a little too seriously? attention. did you or anyone in your household work around asbestos-containing gaskets and packing? the garlock bankruptcy may affect your rights even if you do not presently have an asbestos-related disease. garlock's products were used in industrial and maritime settings, where steam, hot liquid or acid moved in pipes. certain personal injury claims must be filed by october 6, 2015. you may have a right to vote on garlock's plan to reorganize and pay claims. call 844-garlock or go to
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what can only be described as a nationwide crime wave. murder rates are skyrocketing in this country. up 13% in new york city. chicago up 17%. los angeles up 25% over a year ago. the troubling rise in violence evident in baltimore. murders there up 40%. milwaukee up 180% by the way. baltimore recorded 43 murders in the month of may making it the deadliest month in more than four decades. joining us neil franklin a former baltimore police officer. good to have you with us and former new york city police commissioner bernard carrie good to have you gentlemen here. start with you, neil. baltimore is i mean from all appearances right now, the words of its principal leaders its mayor carolyn mosby the
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prosecuting attorney, they sound -- i don't know of another way to put it completely out of touch with the reality that they're responsible for. >> well i think they understand that they're responsible they have to be responsible they're the ones leading this city along with the police commissioner. but i think that they like many other cities like the administrations of the many other cities, think we're constantly dealing with the symptoms always trying to solve the symptoms of a much deeper issue and as reporters here interview citizens neighborhood to neighborhood across this great city, there's something common, a common theme, and it's the drug activity that we have in these neighborhoods it's the gangs that are controlling these drug operations and we've never done anything as a nation to properly deal with that which is taking the money out of this trade. constantly recruiting our kids
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into the gangs and crews, and they're the ones running the neighborhoods. they're running the show here. they're running rampant in our city. lou: bernie, what do you make of it? it goes on and on. in each one of these cities, if i did not say it i should, and will each one of the cities with double digit murder rates and crime is run by the democratic party and has been for decades. >> look, in new york city, you have to look at success from 1994 right up until last year, homicides dropped 83%. we never had an increase over those years. never had an increase in violent crime, never had an increase in shootings. this is the first time we've seen an increase like this i said it last year. if you eliminate stop and frisk, if you reduce the programs -- lou: which mayor de blasio did. >> he did. if you eliminate or reduce the
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programs, you will see increase in shootings and then see increase in murder. that's what's happened. you know, the mayor should have fought for stop and frisk. if you didn't like it the way it was, it's like the patriot act, you don't like it the way it is, amend it then have transparency. then have accountability, have an oversight do something with stop and frisk so that the cops have the tools they need to do their jobs. lou: you're talking about -- >> bernie just touched on something very important when he was referring to stop and frisk. i think the problem we were having for that it's not just new york it's how we used them. it's oversight, it's the transparency. and because we have gone the into the habit of using it so frequently, without that good first line supervision of the sergeants making sure that those men and women are using that tool appropriately there have been officers that have gone the out of hand.
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lou: do you agree bernie? >> yeah, and i think that's right. and i said this from time to time when they talked about eliminating it. you can have tranparency, you need accountability just amend the program to fit our needs and stay within the constitutional guidelines. lou: you know i want to go back to something, and again, trying to get to the bottom of what's going on here. we're looking at a city in baltimore that has been eviscerated over the course of the past 40 years business has been pushed out. not a major corporation headquartered in baltimore now. jobs have been killed the community is being strangled by poverty and frankly the black power structure is making a further mess of it. there doesn't seem to be a single leader stepping up and actually doing something for the community itself. the mayor, the president of the
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city council for crying out loud was afraid to call a gang member a thug. if you're dealing with that how in the world do you resurrect a city? >> well i think that many of our leaders across this country, many of our cities are in the same place -- >> let's take the crime rate in baltimore. >> i am talking about baltimore as well. what i'm saying is you touched on things here, it's not just a responsibility of the police to drive violent crime down, you know it's about economics, it's about jobs it's about how many people we arrest and disenfranchise, it's about housing it's about health, it's about education and the lack thereof. so we can't place all of this on our criminal justice shoulders. that being the police. it's going to take a very concentrated effort of all of these areas to get this job done, and going to take a long-term plan. we have to get away from the short-term plans and develop
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something that's going to be 10 and 15 years in the running. >> do we also have to get away bernie, from these left wing, for the most part not just liberal but left wing big city mayors who have kept following the same ineffective policies, in fact, destructive policies. >> the mayors that are having these problems today has to look at what giuliani did in 1994. nobody's coming to work, visit or go to school in a place where they don't feel safe. the number one issue in new york city was crime. reduce crime for every percentage point we reduce crime i can show you increases in economic development. real estate value tourism and so on. the city rose in every element as crime dropped. lou: bernard kerik, thanks for being here neill franklin, good luck in baltimore and every one of the cities and the folks struggling in those cities to realize the american dream and the promise of this
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country. a lot of people are disappointing them as well. an 82-year-old florida man facing criminal mischief charges after he took his weekly bingo game a little too seriously. surveillance cameras captured fred smith using an ice pick to slash the tires of an 88-year-old woman after she sat down in his seat at the bingo hall! how dare she! the elderly man, if i can call someone in their 80s elderly, admitted to the act of geriatric revenge, in addition to facing charges he could be forced to pay $500 to repair those tires. bingo breaking bad. my goodness. up next, gatorade showers reserved for the victorious players, every now and then an unfortunate tv reporter gets in the wrong place at the right time.
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. lou: in texas rangers reporter emily jones stood a little too close to josh hamilton as team started started celebrating a win. talking about a walk-off double as teammates decided to give him a gatorade bath which he
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saw and she did not. inadvertently so she laughed it all off. and in santa barbara california, one man suffering through a comedy of errors anthony barrelo tried to launch his boat as you see there he tried to launch it but he kept going and drove his pickup too far into the water started to sink, barrelo didn't exactly spring into action at one point he rolled up his windows and turned on the wipers then he rolled them down the truck was fully submerged by the time he figured out he was not making progress. the driver uninjured. his truck unfortunately badly damaged. the boat, it was where it was supposed to be. up next the political correctness police striking again in st. louis. deeming a statue of a priest praying too controversial. and in this they see racism, two of the best
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attorneys in the case, rebecca rose woodland, lis wiehl, they
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lou: joining us now, two of the best attorneys in the country, rebekah arose woodland and lis wiehl. it's good to have you both here let's start with the st. louis jesuits that you. it's been on the st. louis university campus for more than
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60 years. the sculpture as you see depicting a jesuit missionary with two native americans in traditional dress. that is an awful firestorm. and it's really political correctness meets the first amendment and right to free speech. so they can do whatever they want with it. it does seem to me that they are -- >> you see the rest of the nonsense? >> it's unfortunate that they feel the need to move it. they are not destroying this, but there's an argument that they helped the indians and helped the native americans and so i don't know that this was intended in any way to be like this. lou: i mean the idea is that missionaries cannot carry the word of god, there isn't a
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church in the country. >> or any religious institution that wouldn't say that that is what a democracy for texas freedom of religion. >> it seems like the political correctness really comes to that kind of clash on the first amendment. but you cannot say certain things. you would think that it should be up with the idea that you could wear that t-shirt into the courthouse and so that really -- it's just really part of this. >> it's nauseating, there should be some taste better. >> a point you can wear that t-shirt in a courthouse and you can't have this statute. lou: the supreme court ruling in favor of the plaintiff against abercrombie and fitch, a traditional muslim headdress scarf. did that surprise you that it was upheld the?
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>> no, it didn't. because there was a clear statement made to the women and by the superior that interviewed her to her superior saying that i don't think that she fits this strict abercrombie and fitch policies of looks only because of her religious gear and that is completely and fundamentally opposed to her constitutional rights. so i'm not really that surprised at it. >> here is a company that has a look at some policy and you know you could appear half naked and that's okay but this woman wears a scarf and that's not okay enact. >> it is not as if she just chose to do this. >> exactly. and the supreme court said look you have to be fair to everyone. >> that company is a little screwed up on a lot of issues. >> i won't go there. >> it is a bizarrely managed operation. >> they think that everyone has to fit a certain profile or look
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or other customers won't go in but i think it's the opposite. >> the ceos that they have they have two new people in place because they are replacing the ceo. they are changing everything, they are changing their policies. i think that his policies don't seem to be a good thing. lou: i do think that it always bothers me when a private company is told what it can or cannot do. >> again meeting the religious accommodation. lou: they were not very smart in the way they created this policy because they could've had the same effect. and i do as well. it wasn't very effective. >> this is an open carry law in texas. governor greg abbott is going to sign this and he's a little bit
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busy dealing with the flooding in the disaster that has hit in the flooding that has hit texas. but what you make of this? this is going to be great. >> no it's not going to be great. my father was an fbi agent. [inaudible] lou: is that where you're going? >> that's what i'm going, other than security they are the only ones that should have guns. so no. >> luckily there are some provisions that will opt out first of all, private institutions can make their own choices and even in the public institutions that are going to be restrictions. lou: i think that you believe the opt out is a good thing so people wouldn't have guns if they are being permitted to carry. so hallelujah come about is preserving the great state of texas, good to have you both with us. thank you so much.
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>> thank you. lou: it's time for a look at our online poll, we asked of the city of baltimore is an outright lost cause 86% said yes. that is there for us tonight. thank you for being with us andod night from new york. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ ♪ kennedy: happy tuesday to you lou dobbs, i can feel the latex hand of the tsa prodding me in the ultimate invasion of my lady liberty. they made fraud and they made use their spidei fans. but they are as clueless as alicia silverstone. >> get off of me. as if. >> that's absolutely right. the department of homeland security sending red teams and the dhs agents


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