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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  June 3, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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back a little bit where it was. oil down $2.50. below 60 bucks. [closing bell ringing]. melissa: there you go. you hear those are the closing bells on wall street. wall street now officially closed. here is everything that you need to know now. terror plot stopped in its tracks. sources telling fox news that the mon shot killed by boston police was plotting with another suspect to execute a police officer by beheading him. police and federal agents shot and killed one suspect after he lunged at them a knife. another one was arrested. the authorities were trailing the man for weeks. he was inspired by isis propaganda found on internet. david? david: isis sympathizers radicalized online. this new form of recruiting is a subject of a major hearing on capitol hill today. our own peter barnes has the very latest from the white house. peter?
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>> reporter: david, this case in boston is focusing washington policymakers on the fact that isis using social media as a powerful tool to recruit members, especially so-called lone wolves, possibly including suspects in boston, to radicalize them and to call them to arms? >> we should be worried in terms of the new sort of generation of terrorists, that are going basically on the internet, sending out directives to attack in the united states. we believe that both the individual who was killed and now the suspect who was arrested were part of a conspiracy that was tied to internet connection with isis. >> it does set up a tough challenge, a balancing the privacy and civil liberties of law-abiding american citizens with the need for us to try to
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detect and apprehend terrorists before they commit an act of violence. >> reporter: and get this. an fbi official testified this morning that one study identified about 2000 hardcore isis propogandists, 50,000 twitter members, who tweet and retweet their material, and 200,000 people who receive it. this official called on congress to amend federal surveillance laws to help counter this kind of growing sewing media strategy by isis. david? david: really scary stuff. peter barnes from the white house. peter, thank you. melissa: outside of america isis is benefiting from weapons u.s. left behind in iraq including thousands of humvees. now the u.s. is forced to send in more weapons and more humvees and more money to destroy our own equipment? fox news's jennifer griffin following the story from the
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pentagon for us. jennifer, how bad is the situation? >> reporter: it is pretty bad, melissa, since the fall of ramadi a major part the u.s. effort fighting isis consists of bombing the expensive u.s. military equipment the u.s. government provided the iraqi military are that has fallen into isis hands. prime minister abadi dropped a bomb shell on the eve of a coalition summit in paris. he said his security forces lost 2300 armored humvees made in america when mosul fell to isis a year ago. isis gained another windfall of american-made weapons when ramadi fall. the american government estimates it lost 40 m-1 battle tanks. 74,000 machine guns. 52 howitzer mobile gun systems. the state department through foreign military sales program expedited the sale of 1,000 armored humvees to the iraqis and 250 m wraps worth a million
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dollars a piece. they sent 1,000 antitank missiles to destroy the humvees and abrams tanks possessed by fighters in ramadi. the airstrikes to date have destroyed 77 tanks, 288 humvees. the cost of the war so far against isis since last august? $2.44 b or $8.89 million a day. the state department says it has no programs to review its strategy and plans to expedite more weapons to the iraqi government as we speak. melissa: jennifer, iraq alone would cost a billion dollars to bring stuff back. if it is falling to enemy hands you wonder if it would be worth it. thank you so much. david? david: back here at home in los angeles another vote has been scheduled for next week to race the minute plum wage 15 bucks an hour after the resolution failed to pass unanimously.
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if the vote passes it will be implemented next five years by 2020. melissa. melissa: a fox business news alert. it is another big black eye for the irs as a former worker awaits sentencing for pulling off a massive tax fraud scheme. gerri willis has details on this one. gerri? >> it is amazing. demetria brown is the name of the woman pleading guilty. here is what she did. she filed 350 false tax returns. she earned $326,000 in refunds she wasn't due. now she stole names, social security numbers and dates of birth. we don't know if that came from the irs office in st. louis where she worked but somehow she got her hands on them. she filled out fraudulent tax returns, made up all of the information. did this for four years, from 2008 to 2011. and now, pleading guilty to two counts of wire fraud, one count of aggravated i.d. theft. she could be sentenced to 42 years or receive a
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$750,000 fine. melissa, i got to tell you, this comes as very interesting news in the same week that the irs commissioner told congress that it was super sophisticated russian crooks who were responsible for the most recent identity theft at the irs. melissa: hmmm. yeah, those russian crooks. gerri, thank you so much. david: always easy to point the finger at the other guy. melissa: absolutely. nothing to see here. growing concerns over the economy. but everything is just fine if you ask the president. david: yeah, right. plus unions versus automakers. the uaw is preparing to strike while the iron is hot but will taxpayers again be forced to pay? melissa: the new nationwide crime wave. why violence is at rise across the country.
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>> when i came into office, the united states and the world was going through a terrible
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economic crisis. the worst really since the 1930s and, it's, was hard but we ended up avoiding a terrible depression. melissa: hmmm. the president says it but americans still aren't buying it. 73% of people are still worried about the economy now. according to the latest "abc news/washington post poll," now are liz ann sonders, chief investment strategist for charles schwab. scott martin, united advisors, also a fox news contributor. liz ann, let me start with you. he talked about how things are so much better. yes maybe we're not in deep depression but many americans, for example, median income has fallen since when the president took office even though we're six years into the recovery. that is what people are feeling, right? >> i think there is multiple facets to the malaise quite persistent in this period. it has not been just about the economy but the stock market
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too. there is combination of muscle memory of severity of the crisis of the very similar when we came out of the great depression. it changed the psyche for a generation. plus the fact that at least for the overall economy, it is grown at a subpar pace relative to the long-term trend. we've only grown in the low 2% range for real gdp only more recently has job growth picked up. we're not getting a oomph this recovery or expansion phase many remember from past cycles. that is a combination of things. melissa: why do you think that is -- >> muscle memory, that is key for my golf game, thanks for that. she has some great points. the stock market, best few runs last few year. guess who that is benefiting? the rich. the problem is assets, rich have money and investments. didn't get out of 401(k)s, they have perked back up felt you're democrat, on democratic side. very simple, melissa. you tax, regulate, if there is
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anything left you redistribute. that those are failed policies on middle class and lower class. it continues to get worse. melissa: absolutely. this is what presidential candidate jeb bush pointed out sitting down with the our neil cavuto how the average american is feeling about this. take a listen. >> breathtaking. like our president is living in alternative universe. median income is down in the sixth year of recovery. disposable income is down. workforce participation rate is lower than it was 30 years ago. >> okay. >> people have given up. he is saying things are bert. >> i take it you do not agree? >> mark me down as no. melissa: liz ann, another stat, part-time employment, higher as percentage of workers out there. how do we turn that around? >> i think turning around of a job situation unfortunately is like turning a tanker not a speedboat. there is one major problem secular in nature, which is a major skills gap.
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a lot of areas we employed people not at the upper end of the education spectrum like in construction, those jobs don't exist. there is big stills mismatch. for companies with job opens, number one thing they cite why they're not filling them is lack of skill. that takes a long time. there are absolutely plenty of people from cyclical reason working part time for economic reasons. >> lack of skills but also like, lack of government help or maybe too much government help. government has waged a war -- melissa: which one? you have to pick one. >> government says, yeah we're going to help. guess what, businesses don't want your help. that's the problem. so when you have 100 next your business and you think that the government will come after you either take it or tell you what to do with it, what do you do? you recoil. you don't hire. that is the problem. the government is in the way. part-time work is so prevalent because business don't want to hire full time. melissa: liz, that it? can you blame policies out of washington or -- >> i think it is uncertainty.
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i will take a non-political stance. in the fib, federated of independent businesses, they are the biggest net hirers, what they view is important. if you add together uncertainty regarding tax policy and regulatory policy, now by far the number one reason why businesses cite that they cite for their lack of confidence. and i think you could find people on the far left of the spectrum, far right of the spectrum in businesses who may have very differing views what the right level of regulation is, what the right tax rates are, but at least i need to have certainty. >> she is 100% right. you know what the sad part about this is? that has been the case, three, four, five years. what is going on? why can't we fix that? come on. melissa: who can sell something different? who has the best chance? people blame washington in general. i don't know that they necessarily blame democrats over republicans. >> that is one of the problems with politics in general. most of these goofballs have not been this private sector. they don't know how to run a
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business, let alone to help a business. the person or group that comes out to speak, we'll get out of the way. lower regulation, lower taxes, highest in the free world on businesses let you guys do what you do best. guys and girls. melissa: we'll leave it there. thanks to both of you. you can bet senator john mccain will have something to say about this. don't miss his interview tomorrow morning on "mornings with maria" with maria bartiromo starting at 6:00 a.m. eastern. david? david: senator mccain would have something to say about government surveillance which changed for the first time since september 11th. president obama signing a bill into law which will restrict the amount of phone data the government can collect. our blake berman is in washington, d.c. with mower on the story. blake? >> reporter: president obama signed the usa freedom act into law late tuesday night as soon as the bill which was passed by the senate mere hours earlier hit his desk. law enforcement officials once
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again have access to the tools they say help track down terrorist. >> we're pleased to see even belatedly that the senate did act and that many of those torts have been restored. >> reporter: underthe new law the nsa will have to rely on telecom companies to store metadata of american's phone records. the usa freedom act received bipartisan support in congress but was opposed by republican senator rand paul and. >> it does not enhance the privacy protections of american citizens and surely undermines american security taking one more tool from our warfighters in my view at exactly the wrong time. >> reporter: there is a six-month transition period to shift the collection responsibilities to the private sector. keith alexander once ran the nsa and told trish regan, that data collection remains key to fighting terror. >> this doesn't have anything to do with listening to your phone
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calls or reading your emails this is date that that helps connect the dots. there is no content here. >> reporter: there is no provision to force companies to keep data beyond 18 months currently required. back to you in new york. david: blake burman, thank you very much. meanwhile a potential strike is looming for detroit automakers. uaw was forbidden to strike under bailout rules but no more come september. our own jeff flock is on the story. he joins from us chicago. jeff? >> reporter: fingers, crossed, david, there won't be a strike but september 14th is when the four-year contract expires and both sides are preparing for a strike. here is part of the problem. look at automaker profits. this is what the uaw sees and says we're responsible for a lot of those profits. if you look in the last year, gm over $6 billion in profit, ford the same. fiat chrysler, about half of that. overall over the course of this contract they all made $73 billion in profits. and despite that, if you look at what the u.s. automakers pay in
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wages and benefits, they are still paying more than some of the competitors like vw and toyota. so already still a little bit behind the eight ball and, the uaw is going to want more when they come to the bar gaping table this summer, david. david: they are, but you're supposed to put money away -- all years will not be as good as this one of the question is whether or not they will have enough money if they came into the union. is it conceivable that the taxpayer could pay even more to the unions? >> reporter: i'll tell you, i think if the taxpayer ever pays more to gm or any other u.s. automaker i think revolution will have happened and you will have lost. david: i think we have revolution already. >> reporter: i don't see that, i don't see that happening. we're hopeful. i think the u.s. auto industry is in a better position than they have been in years. we're hopeful that both sides are smart. david: and we're making better cars. we like the cars coming out of
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detroit. >> reporter: totally. totally. david: melissa? melissa: breaking news. john malone eyeing content consolidation according to to "the wall street journal." liberty media's chairman is examining ways to consolidate studios and smaller channels, adding a union between lions gate and starz or even discovery could be in the mix. fifa in free fall. more officials linked to the organization are now facing corruption charges. while the fbi investigates russia and qatar's world cup bids. our exclusive report, "cash for slackers." they are fighting over personal email and putting the country's national security at risk? the details next. ♪ shriek with joy. until, inhibition creeps in, our world gets smaller, quieter, but life should be loud.
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>> the fifa corruption scandal. the fbi will investigate world cup bids from russia and qatar. fox business's own ashley webster has latest on this story that just never ends, ashley. >> oh, what a tangled web we weave, melissa. this is getting more and more bizarre, shocking amazing. of course it all hinges on one person turning prosecution witness. it happened right here in montana -- in manhattan. chuck blazer, a former top official with fifa and american, there he is, likened to santa claus, what a gift he gave to investigators that literally brought down the house of cards that is formerly known as fifa. he was literally stopped on the streets of manhattan on fifth avenue on his motorized scooter by members of the irs and fbi. they charged him with taking money to influence choices made by fifa. he turned to a prosecution
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witness. wore a wire. now this is all come about. in fact some documents just being released in the last hour regarding chuck blazer saying, yes indeed, fifa members did take bribes to award the world cup to south africa in 2010. he personally took bribes to award the 1998 world cup to france. how far back does it go? more importantly how high up the chain does it go? fifa president sepp blatter resigned shockingly tuesday after pressure to resign earlier. fbi says yes it indeed investigating sepp blatter. how much did he know if those members just beneath him in the chain of command so to speak, if they knew what was going on how did sepp blatter not know. where this investigation goes and how high and how far we won't know. seems like every hour or every other hour, melissa comes out on
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this case. shaking the world of soccer to its very core. melissa: amazing story. i love how passionate you are about it. >> i am. melissa: you're carrying the soccer ball for all of us. >> you know, for those of us who follow soccer around the world it was always known that fifa is corrupt what is so great about this story, a guy here on his motorized scooter going down fifth avenue in manhattan to bring it all down. there he is, chuck blazer. the fbi used this man to bring down the governing body of soccer around the world. its remarkable. we haven't heard last of this yet. there is much more to come out. melissa: ashley, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. david: is it ever going to change though? melissa: no. david: i don't think it will ever change. watch out amazon, pinterest and instagram are one click taking away the spotlight. social apps are making shopping a lot easier adding direct buy buttons for mobile users. instagram which boasted over 300 million fans. will allow advertisers to add
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the button encouraging clicks through the e-commerce websites. pinterest users can buy items without leaving the app by adding buyable pins. the images posted become a shopping catalog. very cool indeed. melissa: you say that like you have never used pinterest. david: like i never used it, i have in idea how it works. i would have to sigh it if i understood how it works. >> i will get trouble with this i think it's a chick thing. i like pinterest. david: women like to shop more than men? now there us a news alert. melissa: put up pictures of my kids, share it with other people. i don't know. i'm going to get in trouble for that. david: meanwhile something very serious. the rise of crime in our neighborhoods. "wall street journal" calling it the ferguson effect. our panel weighing in on that coming next. melissa: plus, get ready for some football. where you will be able to watch one of next season's big games online. ♪ [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner,
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payne. bill mcgurn from the "wall street journal" and todd starnes from fox news radio. bill, you wrote a great piece in "the wall street journal" about this. look what happened in new york. we want to expand it nationwide. 25 years ago in new york, 1990, 2262 murders. now it is -- if you had told me, i lived here back in '90 we would have 300 murder for the whole year i would have said you were nuts. >> exactly. when rudy left office -- david: rudy giuliani. >> the number was roughly half, half the peak. people would have been happy with that. they would have thought it wouldn't go down any further. the point this says, we know how to handle crime. it is not a secret. they went after the bad guys. send cops where bad guys are. we're pulling back from there. david: pull back from crime prevention you get more crime. simple as that. charles, you lived in new york many years, we remember times square was a cesspool and
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nothing but strip joints and robbers and prostitutes from street-to-street. think if anything, hundreds of billions of dollars times square was worth because we got rid of crime. >> absolutely. you can expand it further than that, in my neighborhood in harlem, there were empty lots strewn with rubble for literally decades. there are condominiums like 30, 40 stories high. david: bill clinton has his office there. >> 125th street. there are places talking only junkies would go. go play, absolutely amazing. it has been an amazing thing. i think there is, becomes a symbiotic relationship. start to get crime to certain level and economic activity goes up, maybe crime goes down a little bit more because there is more opportunities. they start to feed on them service. you mess that up then the whole thing can collapse. david: todd, let's pull it back. it is not just new york. we're talking like places, milwaukee, violent crime up is 80%.
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atlanta, all the crime bashing going on nationwide, or the cop bashing, has really hampered police to do their business. >> that's right. i think it is pretty obvious that the obama administration, they are no friend to law enforcement here in the united states. i believe that message resonates with the criminal element in america. which is why we're seeing this incredible surge, not just in the big cities but also some of the smaller cities. jackson, mississippi, around is 30,000 people -- 130,000 people, already nearly 20 murder this is year alone. i told all of my listeners today, lock and load america. david: bill, is it too late? is the genie out of the bottle? >> no, i don't think it is getting too late. people are getting signal in new york city. mayor accepted limits on stop and frisk. the message is going out to the bad guys, you can carry your gun down the street and you will get away with it. david: this mayor is pretty much of a sandinista. he was a sandinista supporter. happening in cities where the
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mayors are not so far to the left. >> but most cities they are. most large cities are run by progressive for at least five decades. the reason de blasio was elected on stop and frisk, because i think it has to be done a smart way. my son is 18. running and other day put on a hood. if someone were to stop and frisk him i would be upset. he is not a criminal. if every black 18-year-old is criminal first, human being second, then, everyone is going to be against it in these large cities. we'll continue to elect the de blasios. obviously let's say crime prevention is 01, july 4th, someone walks into a bodega with coat on. you know something is wrong. someone walks into a store sweating bullets, you know something is wrong. police know who to stop and frisk. we should trust hem. >> it was going down. stops were going down. david: by itself, because -- >> they know who to stop. david: hope we can stop it. don't miss charles payne's show,
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making money. comes up tonight 6:00 p.m. right here on fox business. melissa? melissa: first north korea and then russia. now federal union workers are putting our national cybersecurity at risk. liz macdonald with the exclusive details in her final installment of "cash for slackers,." liz? >> that's right, melissa and david. the biggest federal union, american federation for government employees. fought a grievance that homeland security wrongfully blocked government workers access to web-based email on their work computers without first negotiating with the union. federal workers instead, can use their mobile devices like smartphones to access gmail or hotmail. the problem is, web-based emails are prone to computer viruses and malware. dozens of federal agencies including irs, department of defense and homeland security ha been hit by cyber hackers. officials fear that terrorists
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or nation states are trying to break in, noting the easiest way via web-based emails like hotmail or gmail that come loaded with phishing malware. the government case file says, that homeland security noted, has quote, sole and exclusive discretion to determine its network access policies. in other words, the right to determine those policies without bargaining at all with the union. and homeland security cite ad federal law. called the federal information security management act in 2002, enacted after 9/11. >> arguing federal employees could go to malicious websites or use outside email addresses that could jeopardize national security perfectly highlights why there is a problem when you let unions get in the way of protecting america's data security. >> homeland security added in the case that the quote, arbitrary direction to bargain with the union over such matters is contrary to law. homeland security has just about
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36 employees to monitor an information technology systemed used by 30,000 workers deployed around the globe. the security agency diddies cover a significant uptick in email infections and privacy spills that occurred in february 2011, which came primarily from employees accessing personal web mail accounts on their work computers. but the arbitrator on this case sided with the union and ruled that homeland security, quote, improperly blocked union workers web mail because it did not first enter into collective bargaining with the unions. for now, these security agencies are blocking web mail accounts at work. the government though, is, the government union though still wants to negotiate about any policy changes affecting the work place. back to you, melissa and david. melissa: liz macdonald, thank you very much. great report. a few stories on our radar right now. you will soon be able to watch football on line for free. yahoo! scoring the rights for the nfl's first live streamed
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game. the october 25th matchup between the buffalo bills and jacksonville jaguars will be the league's first game only broadcast online. the puck drops on the stanley cup finals tonight. the chicago blackhawks visit the tampa bay lightning. chicago is aiming for a third title in six seasons while tampa bay won theirs in 2004. david? david: the rangers, the rangers. melissa: what can you do? david: iran is piling up more nuclear weapons but that doesn't phase the state department. why spokesman marie harf says, she is totally perplexed anyone is concerned. also, banking on a new face? we'll tell you which top cosmetic brand is fighting to cash in on caitlyn jenner. ♪
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months. this is according to the iaea. but officials over the state department seem to be take aback by this information. listen. >> our team read that story this morning and was quite frankly perplexed because the main contentions of it are just totally inaccurate. iran can fluctuate its numbers in terms of the stockpile. they can go up and down. as long as at the end of a fixed date they are back down below a number. melissa: hmmm. joining me mary catherine ham, fox news contributor and editor-at-large. todd starnes with fox news radio is here. michael goodwin, columnist at "the new york post." also a fox news contributor. todd starnes, i will start with you. she basically called the iaea and "the new york times" liars. who is telling the truth? >> i think the newspaper is telling the truth here. no reason for us to believe anything coming out of rare an. i just don't get the state department at all. front porch light is on but i'm afraid nobody is at home. melissa: yeah. listen what the president had to
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say about this to see what side he is on. let's listen? >> our diplomacy is at work with respect iran, where for the first time in a decade we've halted the nuclear program and reduced stockpile of nuclear material. melissa: wait a second. he is not on either side. marie harf said it fluctuates. he said it has gone down. iaea says it has gone up. what do you think? >> right. i think part of the problem for president obama in this deal is that he has been selling it politically by saying look, they're cooperating. they're cutting down on this stuff. they are totally going to play ball. iran is busy saying no we're not going to play ball. doing that quite publicly making this politically painful for obama. in the state department and administration largely this is a political process. looking at the deal as a goal, not necessarily stopping iran from doing much anything, which it turns out they're not! melissa: michael goodwin, part of the problem that they're supposed to get rid of their
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nuclear stockpile of fuel. no one really knows how they're going to do that anyway logistically and where it would go, right? >> and again, what they're supposed to do is only what we have from the obama administration. iran as far as we know has never agreed to any of these things. we have never seen anything in writing. they have contested every claim the administration has made. would i say quickly too, melissa. the author of that "new york times" article, one of the two, is a man named david sanger, writing about the iranian nuclear program for years and years. he first broke the stuxnet story. he is very well-sourced. so, and any situation i would trust him over the obama administration. melissa: todd, the reason why this is important because we are alienating what few allies we have in order to make this deal. maybe it would be worth it if it would stop them from getting a weapon. seems like it will not do that. >> melissa i go back to the idea and the fact that the iranians are holding four americans
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hostage. melissa: right. >> we can't even secure their release. melissa: yeah. mary catherine, i will give you the final word. >> i agree with him about the hostages that should be at least on the table. of course it is not because we're looking to give iran what they want here. inspectors on iaea said we don't know why this went up 20%. those are the same guys we're trusting to see all the facilities in the future while iran says we'll not let you into certain facilities. the idea they will play ball and this is trust of trustworthy process going forward is flat-out crazy. melissa: ludicrous. david. david: i trust david sanger too. remember what he said about bush or bush said about him? we can't repeat it on air. deirdre bolton joining us with a look what is coming up in the next hour. >> i don't know what is going on there, dave, but the nfl is coming to yahoo! in a new exclusive partnership. we'll be talking to the two men who made the deal, one from yahoo!, one from the nfl. that is coming your way. tim cook won the same award as
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edward snowden. we are going to tell you why. and forget, honey, i'm working late. more affairs happen on monday morning as hard as that is to believe. a lot of people in gloomy moods. i don't know how to explain it. we'll try. david: do your best, deirdre. a new report that millions of dollars flowing into the clinton foundation from sweden. what is up with that? we have details. duane johnson's blockbuster, not only bringing big bucks at the box office but you might be surprised who else is making money on this. stay tuned.
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the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do.
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there is a newcomer moving in making himself very comfortable. that is a red tailed hawk. he is prowling the ground, lured by a booming population of gray squirrels which is one of its favorite snacks. really? wow. no word if he has been scared off by those occasional drone landings though. got to watch out. david: we have those in central park. love those birds. more reason to get the lowdown on hillary's emails today. a new report about millions of dollars flowing into the clinton foundation from swedish companies, just as sweden was lobbying hillary's state department to lighten up on iranian embargo. we're back with our panel, mary catherine ham, todd starnes and michael goodwin. actually we have scott martin here in studio. good to see you, scott. mary catherine, the clinton foundation had a swedish branch which nobody knew about which donated $26 million, or sweden donated $26 million to the
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clinton foundation and at the same time the swedes were trying to get the state department to lighten up on iranian embargo. that sounds like a quid pro quo. >> folks in the administration warning that sweden was picking up business, companies like erickson and volvo with iran and should put on some of the blacklists where people were called on doing this. yet bill clinton went over to sweden to a station to drop off bags of money so you wouldn't end up on list. lo and behold they didn't end up on the list. what is confusing, the clintons said they would be transparent. the clintons lack no funds for great accountants and lawyers yet they continue to do these things wrong. perplexing. david: only way we could prove there was quid pro quo, if we had an email, that said, you do this, i will give you this. the whole question of emails turns out goes back about 2 1/2 years when the national archives were sending emails to each other about the problem with the clinton administration.
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>> they knew, right. david: i will read one. there are or may be plans afoot for clinton, talking about hillary, taking her records from state to little rock. we need to discuss what we know and how we should delicately go about learning more about clinton's departure from state. they have known about this for 2 1/2 years. >> they have known a long time, david. guess what, if you had access to the server, which hillary said i turned over emails, i want emails out there, she deleted half of them. those are gone. they play us for fools. does the clinton camp really think we believe she turned over everything, wants everything released and didn't tried to hide everything. i want that server, david. david: michael, all of this is really reflecting what people think of the clintons and hillary clinton in particular. 55% now of americans now disapprove how clinton handle the questions about the emails. of course the whole issue of trust is now front and center in this election coming up. >> right. 57% do not find her honest
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. >> access to all-you-can-eat buffets too. what is funny thousand? michael put up a really good point. hillary's platform, hey, i'm just like you guys. we were dead broke when we got out of the white house. they don't trust her and don't believe -- >> none of those are believable. david: we had scott mcneally on. he used to sell servers as head of sun microsystems.
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he said if i get the server we'll get emails. >> i don't like to speculate but i think that thing is at the bottom of the potomac. i wish we could. that is how you hold people accountable. that is how you have government accountable in the first place. david: thaw you all. very much. melissa? melissa: whether on wall street or main street here who is making money. caitlyn jenner cashing out on endorsements. the reportedly -- formerly bruce jenner is negotiating to become the face of mac brands. a star living her life as she seeks out quote, her new normal. nfl quarterback cam newton raking it in. the panthers star is the latest to earn 100 million-dollar paycheck. the deal keeps him with the team through 2020. it also makes him the highest paid player in caroline history.
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very nice. also making money, disaster kit makers. earthquake has seen a 300% spike in sales as zan andreas hits theaters. the blockbuster disaster flick has quake alarms and water pureification kits and fire starter sticks flying off the shelf. people make fun of that. i grew up in southern california. we all had earthquake kits in the back of our car. you had to be prepared. david: back in my age when i was growing up. it didn't always work. of course we never tested it out thank goodness. melissa: there you go. david: flying saucers may not be a thing of the past. nasa going retro in the next mission to mars. you want to see what they have in their next mission coming up. that is b s after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day...
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>> 50 years ago today, ed white was the first american to conduct a spacewalk. it took 23 minutes.
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and he actually ran out of fuel in the middle of it. now nasa is looking to the future. the agency postponing the launch of a flying saucer. the vehicle is designed to test bigger and stronger parachutes in order to safely land a spacecraft on mars. the delay was due to weather and nasa plans to try again tomorrow afternoon. how cool is that. >> very cool. i got to mention one thing about ed white. he was one of the astronauts killed on the awful fire on the launch pad in 1967. three astronauts killed. the poor guy. awful occurrence, in terms of the spacecraft, you wonder whether there is some kind of spacecraft that the government has somewhere and using the design of that saucer to make this flying saucer. i don't believe in that. i bet we hear about that. >> i was thinking this is cool. i love your conspiracy theory. >> i bet we hear about that from somebody. like the movie contact, if
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we're the only life in the universe, it would be awful waste of space. >> absolutely. >> this went by real quick today. >> it did. >> real quick. >> i'll meet you back here tomorrow. >> i'll be here. that does it for us, deirdre bolton here to take you through the next hour of fox business with "risk & reward." deirdre: thank you so much, dave and melissa. the nfl teamingly up with yahoo! to bring you online streaming games. the deal makers are joining me. steve jobs, edward snowden have more in common than you think, we'll tell you why. and disney bringing toys to life. "risk & reward" starts right now. straight to our top tech stories of the day, showtime taking a page from rival hbo. it is offering a new stand alone streaming service for 1099 a month. thevi


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