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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 3, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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you. >> do you have a "strange inheritance" story you would like to share with us? we would love to hear it. send me an e-mail or go our web site one of scottie's kin folk. thanks for watching, here's lou. lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. the obama administration claims they have a winning strategy to fight terrorists at home and abroad. but at this point in the conflict, it's the radical islamist terrorists winning abroad, and they're doing it with weapons that the administration and the pentagon chose to leave when u.s. forces withdrew from iraq. islamic state forces are overrunning iraq with the help of american battle tanks humvees machine guns and howitzer mobile systems and the islamic state is beginning to stir within our own country. the islamic state inspiring terrorists to radical acts
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anti-terrorist authorities allege two men conspired to behead a boston area police officer. police confronted one of those men last night. they shot him dead. the other they took into custody. we take up the rise of radical islamist terror with major general robert scales and president obama once promised illegal immigrants would not receive health care benefits under obamacare, but that's exactly what's about to happen in the most populous state in the country. we'll have more on the story tonight. and the cost of obamacare insurance for the rest of americans is skyrocketing. among our guests congressman diane black on the unaffordable disaster that is obamacare. and if you are among those who thought the clinton foundation scandal would get worse you're right. new reports, the clinton foundation received 26 million dollars from sweden at the
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very same time the swedish government was lobbying hillary clinton's state department to abandon sanctions that threatened its business with iran and looks like the swedes got their money's worth from the clintons. that story coming up. and the daily mail's francesca chambers and rich lowry join us tonight. we begin with terrorism in communities like boston and garland, texas. fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge with our report. >> reporter: lou, the witnesses testified this morning that there are a couple thousand hard core isis propagandists on the web with 50,000 followers. and yet another 200,000 are receiving their messages. on the situation in boston the fbi witness said the 26-year-old suspect usaama
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rahim had gone operational. >> the targets that are out there the counterterrorism subjects we are monitoring them closely for any type of action, any type of overt steps any mobilization factors. when we see those, we're not taking the chance. >> reporter: witnesses also testified that there are two types of radicalization the slow burn that can sometimes take years and the flash to bang like zale thompson in a matter of weeks attacked rookie cops in new hampshire after combing the web after using three discreet search terms for jihad. >> primarily means the radicalization was the isis use of social media. am i correct in that? >> i would suggest congressman, you are absolutely correct in they believe they are able to operationalize people solely through social media. they believe that they can enter into the dialogue i referred to earlier and provide the tools and they're not getting into very complex
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tools. >> reporter: increasingly isis is making contact with american citizens and directing them to encrypted forms of communications effectively going dark and leaving investigators blind there. was an urgent call today from the fbi for help. >> some of these companies build their business model around end to end encryption, there is no ability currently for us to see that. if we intercept the communication all we see is encrypted communication. >> we don't know tonight is whether the boston suspects were inspired by isis or directed by isis in syria lou. lou: thank you very much catherine herridge. despite the spread of the islamic state in iraq and syria and actefforts now in this country the obama administration is boasting about what it calls winning strategy against the radical islamist terrorists. >> in iraq, right now, we have the right strategy.
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a combination of coalition air strikes, training, equipping assisting and effective local partners. that is the winning strategy. lou: the state department also says 10,000 islamic state fighters have been killed by american led airstrikes in iraq and syria over the past nine months, offering a body count for the first time over that period, but that winning strategy in the view of the white house certainly doesn't include disturbing new reports a major part of the u.s. effort to fight the islamic state consisting of bombing the expensive military equipment that our own military provided the iraqis. equipment that has now fallen into the hand of the islamic state. this week iraqi prime minister abadi dropped a bombshell admitting security forces lost 2300 armored humvees when the islamic state overran ramadi. in addition to humvees the
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islamic state is said to have 40 of our m1-a1 battle tanks. 74,000 machine guns. 52 mobile howitzer systems. and now to analyze what the white house declared to be a winning strategy in the fight against the islamic state, we're joined by retired general robert scales commandant of the war college, and fox news military analyst. this equipment, topline battle tanks mobile howitzer systems we're talking about hellfire rockets my god how could the military, the u.s. military have left behind this equipment with this in prospect? >> just remember lou, when the military left in 2011 the perception was that they were leaving this equipment behind
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to equip what at the time appeared to be a competent iraqi military. remember, we had just finished what, almost seven years of training these guys is felt confident in the leadership and the quality of the soldiers at the time the obama administration thought the risk of leaving this stuff behind was worth take and it would give an advantage to the iraqis should they ever be threatened. well, as you know, isis put pay to that argument and isis owns the equipment and it's really, really, really concerning lou. lou: one thing for the u.s. military's leadership its generals to have failed to win in iraq or win in afghanistan, that is one issue but for it to fail in its judgment about its training, and then to fail in its judgment again about how well it had trained iraqis, is there anything that the generals in the u.s. military are doing right when it comes to fighting in iraq or
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afghanistan? >> see, you and i have had this conversation before. this is what, i guess almost the fourth round of attempts by our military to train the iraqis. look the american military is very good at. this we train the greek army the korean army the israeli army the colombian army all to a successful conclusion i'm beginning to think dare i say it that the iraqis and frankly other arab nations just aren't very good at western-style high-end warfare and do well at isis-style war far which is to take the weapons and exploit them. lou: let me interrupt you with all respect, general if they're not very good at it why in the world haven't we done better at it? the fact of the matter is since 2003 we haven't gotten much done, have we? >> i agree, we can't do it on our own. after we left iraq and saw the
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malachy military collapse we created the huge vacuum, with trainers and air sorties a day we're trying to use the strategy to bring us back into the fight. somehow lou i don't think that's happening. lou: is this administration committing fraud on the american people? straightforwardly? i mean this number of airstrikes sorties, these amount to a thimbleful compared to what every military leader including yourself with whom i've spoken would say it would take to be effective. secondly we have rules of engagements. the pilots themselves telling us for all the world to hear including their bosses and the pentagon that the rules of engagement and the limitations on on them are absolutely preposterous and render them utterly ineffective. >> i know that's true. lou: the list goes on general, and at the risk of having the
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conversation again, at what point does the u.s. military acknowledge either that this civilian leadership is out of its mind or that they are not very good at what we're asking them to do? it's got to be one or the other! >> i think the strategy's quite straightforward, lou. when the administration is trying do with the limited resources devoted to this fight is slow roll it so things don't get much worse. there's no hope of ever take back ramadi and mosul. lou: we just had general david petraeus say publicly a few days ago, don't worry about it ramadi will be retaken in a matter of days and you're saying it ain't happening. >> wouldn't bet a beer on it. if we take ramadi there is no hope of taking mosul not until the administration is over. the iraqis don't have the combat power or the will to do it right now, and try as we
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might you can train somebody to shoot a weapon but you can't give them the guts, the will and the courage to stand up in front an enemy and fight. that's internal that's driven from the soul of the soldier, and frankly lou, the iraqi army doesn't have it. lou: general, there are some that argue that america has the inverse problem the bravest best trained men and women in the field, and with some of the most reticent and political leaders in our country's history. i won't ask you to comment. >> i don't think there's a question. lou: thanks so much, general bob scales, good to have you here. >> thanks lou. lou: turning to president obama's secret trade talk, for crying out loud. a free trade talk no free expression. wikileaks is offering $100000 to anyone who will give up more details of those secret negotiations over a so-called
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free trade agreement. the wikileaks website has already leaked some of the documents online but they would lies as every journalist in the country should the whole thing. by the way as every senator and every congressman should desire. wikileaks founder julian assange put out the bounty calling them america's most wanted secrets. the white house says it wants those talks to remain under wraps as it usually does. in this instance saying because the discussions with a dozen or so nations are, quote, sensitive. >> the number of 2016 gop presidential hopefuls is growing, about to hit 11, and the democrats add one of their own. we add it all up with the daily mail's francesca chambers and national review's rich lowry. and a man at a gasoline station tries to blow himself up and take a few police
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. lou: more clinton pay to play revelations today surfaced the embattled foundation set up a fund-raising arm in sweden of all places. its job, to collect 26 million
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dollars in donations at the same time that sweden was lobbying hillary clinton's state department to forego sanctions that threatened business dealings between sweden and iran. the state department never imposed those sanctions, we wonder why, and hillary clinton tried to deflect another scandal with questionable levity. telling those attending a fund-raising earlier this week the white house never would have hacked, quote had they been using my server. no front-runner in the 2016 race for the republican nomination, names percolate to the top. jeb bush and scott walker tied at the top. 12% support, neurosurgeon ben carson third with 11%. senators rand paul ted cruz, marco rubio rounding out the top six. a separate poll on the nsa surveillance program finds 65% of americans surveyed said the nsa spying prevented terrorist
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attacks in the country. the poll coming out too late for the congressman and senators to take some note. joining us the editor of the national review syndicated columnist fox news contributor rich lowry and the daily's white house correspondent francesca chambers, good to have you both here. >> thank you, lou. lou: let's turn, rich, to the clinton scandal. this -- every one of these so-called potential conflicts look like to me a scandal unto themselves. >> they promised transparency and at the very least, you would want to know about this in realtime, when she's secretary of state, when the state department is considering whether or not to sanction the swedish firms and we didn't know about it until now. and again, at the very least, even if you can't prove bribery you can't prove quid pro quo, there is an appearance of a conflict of interest and
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she should have recused herself. lou: bad taste or cleverness that led her to say that the white house wouldn't have been hacked had he had her server. >> by hillary's standards, that is hilarious. that's the closest she gets to funny. lou: francesca? >> that falls under the category of too soon. i don't think she understands how seriously americans take that disclosure. i don't think she gets that. if you look at the new poll that came out yesterday that shows that her trustworthiness now 50% of american don't trust her. that speaks a lot to the situation, and again, i really think she's not getting it. lou: let's go to if we may, another trust issue, that is this president on the issue of obamacare who famously said as you both know, that no illegal immigrant would be getting health care coverage under
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obamacare. joe wilson, congressman joe wilson famously said you lie! and he was hooted down and attacked by the politically correct and the progressive left in so doing, trying to run him out of any kind of office unsuccessfully. yeah let's take a look at obamacare premiums first of all, if we can put that up. we are seeing the premiums just now skyrocket as had been forecast. i'm told we don't have. that nonetheless, new mexico 51% tennessee 36% pennsylvania 30%. i mean it goes on and on, and at the same time california wants illegal immigrants rich lowry to be covered under obamacare. >> on the premiums, this is basic economics. if you mandate additional services as part of everyone's insurance the insurance is going to get more expensive. so we see that happening now they cover the cost for a lot of people through subsidies.
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but someone has to pay the price of the subsidies and it's the taxpayer. you have insurance coverage program that is increasing the cost of premiums and then costs two trillion dollars or more over ten years to cover the cost up for some people, and there's a long list of assurances that were made about this program that if we knew what the reality was then, if the president had admitted it it never would have passed. lou: francesca, the idea if you will, that this administration has a winning strategy, they sent that out as the message of the day. that's the hallmark message of the week, is there some point the american people will react in having intelligence insulted in such a profound, in your face manner that they rebel, or will apathy reign supreme throughout his administration? >> well i was actually at the white house this week when they were talking about the obamacare legal argument and
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their winning strategy. they seem to think the supreme court will rule in their favor and say that americans who signed up for the federal health exchange will be able to keep the subsidies, and if they're able to keep the subsidies they'll be able to afford health care still, we don't know which way the supreme court is going to rule and could rule that the law does not say that people who signed up through the federal exchanges would get the federal money. the law specifically says that only folks who signed up through the state exchanges would get that money. so you could see the supreme court take a really literal interpretation, and then you could potentially see the whole entire law fall apart. lou: back to rich's point, the economics is straightforward, the country can't afford it, and the folks paying premiums are not going to afford it at some point when we're talking 30% increases. i bet you're having a lot of fun at the white house these days, rich lou we thank you. be sure to vote in our poll
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tonight -- cast your vote at three austin, texas police officers put their lives on the line to save a man trying to kill himself. dash cam and surveillance video showed the man setting his car on fire they come after him and as they approach, they're blasted back by the explosion. the man who also was blasted out of the car initially tried to get back in the car before crawling out again. at that point, officers managed to pull him away from the burning car, incredibly, police suffered minor burns, the suicide victim attempted victim, was sent to a burn unit. investigators say there is some irony in this tragic story. they plan to file arson charges against him. a south carolina police officer also being hailed as a hero tonight dramatic dash cam video captured officer adam
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willis arriving on the scene of a burning vehicle. the officer didn't think before he ran straight into danger to pull the driver from the car and run to safety. police say the man inside extremely intoxicated, i think they mean drunk and was unaware the car was on fire as he sat inside. up next american cities in the grip of a new crime wave. liberals blaming guns not people, and guns and cops of course. my commentary is next. incredible video also capturing every skier's nightmare a plunge into what could have been an icy grave. that and much more. stay with us. my school reunion. i don't know.
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shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today. . lou: a few thoughts now on the progressive left campaign against law enforcement beginning with the campaign led by the president. even as murder rates, violent crime rates rise dramatically across the country.
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in new york city, the murder rate is up 13%, in chicago up 17%. milwaukee, incredible 180%. baltimore the murder rate there skyrocketed 40%. all cities run by democratic mayors, by democratic governments, and democratic establishments that have been in power for decades. in new york, mayor bill de blasio who previously proclaimed support for the racial slogan black lives matter has taken a new tack. he's downplaying the violence that is in most instances black on black. but the mayor did take credit for reducing overall crime before he rather dismissively blamed gangs for the surging murder rate. >> we brought down crime across the board. we had a shooting problem last year and this year nothing like new york city had before 15, 20 years ago.
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we have new strategies to go in there with aggressive policing and gang intervention. lou: now the mayor wants aggressive policing! my goodness he couldn't stand cops a year ago. yet the democratic leaders who have been among the most ferocious in the campaign against law enforcement have few solutions of their own to offer. for example, this is mayor de blasio's idea of a solution. >> we're retraining our police force how to work more closely with the community. we're doing body cameras which is going to instill a lot more confidence between police and the community. lou: wow! impressed? the progressive left invariably blames cops never acknowledges the failure of the liberal policies in our nation's major cities that have contributed to and caused much of the environs for this rising violence. how would democratic senators barbara boxer and cory booker how would they solve urban violence and runaway murder
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rates? they're introducing legislation that would require states to report all police shootings to the justice department, now that will fix everything. and new york's attorney general, eric schneiderman, he's got a solution for black on black violence for rising murder rates. his solution a special task force to investigate police killings. what would mayor rahm emanuel do about rising black on black crime in chicago, including dramatically higher murder rates? the best he could offer is a call for tougher gun control laws, that would of course have to be obeyed by the law-abiding citizens who are in no way, shape, or form the problem. and in baltimore mayor stephanie rawlings-blake called in the justice department, she asked for a civil rights investigation of her own police force which she's been in charge of for five years. how about instead an investigation into the corruption and the ineptitude
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of the democratic organizations and leaders who have been running the country's biggest cities with the highest crime rates for decades? all of america can do better and a lot better but not with the leaders that we have tolerated for far too long in those cities and in the nation's capitol. now our quotation of the evening if we may, as we try to contend with the failures of leadership not only in washington but so many of the country's cities, this from a leader revered not only for his victories but the quality of his leadership and character for his manner and straightforwardness. the wisdom of general norman schwarzkopf and how i wish we had the likes of him leading our military today. maybe our government, too. maybe we will soon.
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we're coming right back. president obama promised there would be no obamacare for illegal immigrants. >> the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> boo! >> turns out congressman joe wilson was right. mr. obama lied. we'll have that story. and every parent's worst nightmare as a three-year-old is run over. and we'll have video and some good news next. ♪ (piano music) ♪ fresher dentures, for the best first impression. love loud, live loud polident. ♪ ♪ fresher dentures... ...for those breathless moments. hug loud, live loud, polident. ♪ ♪
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. lou: president obama caught in another lie. this time about obamacare. here is the president back in 2009. >> there are also those who claim that reform efforts would insure illegal immigrants. this too is false! the reform the reforms i'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally. >> you lie! >> six years later, congressman joe wilson proven right. california set to become the first state to offer health insurance to illegal immigrants. the california senate approved the legislation granting illegal immigrant children access to the state's medicaid program seeking a waiver to sell insurance to illegal immigrants through health exchange. health care not the only lie this administration has perpetrated. pentagon officials today admitted the number of live anthrax samples sent to
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laboratories has doubled the previous statements. 51 labs in 17 states and three countries received shipments of that deadly bacteria. no one in the obama administration seems to be tracking anything apparently because as politico now reports, the government keeps no data on who is an american citizen and who is not. the census bureau tracks only the country's total population while voter registration lists are unreliable to say the least despite the very important upcoming presidential election. joining us congressman diane black, as she likes to be called, it is great to have you here. let me just start with this administration, which is i can't recall any administration, including the nixon administration that just simply bald face lied to the american people on so many issues so often, can you?
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>> lou, in your lead-in when you were talking about the president and you actually did the clip of him saying this is not going to cover illegal citizens for health care. i got to thinking about all the other lies he told like if you like what you have, you can keep it. american families save an average of $2500 per family on health care costs. we see extraordinarily high increase in the cost of the premiums and so i could just go on and on and on about the things that he has said that we know were not true, and it is very, very discouraging. it almost makes you feel like sometime you want to put your hands up and say i don't know what else to do we can't do that. we have to keep working. this country is a wonderful country and have another year and a half and hopefully we'll have another leader in the white house that we can trust. lou: hopefully we'd have a leader who can make a distinction have the guts to talk honestly and look hon at this country, keep count of
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things. even under george w. bush, the federal government wasn't tracking who is an illegal immigrant reporting those who are in our prison systems. those who are committing crimes or the number of illegal immigrant criminals that have been let loose. we're starting to get a sense of that now. this is a government that doesn't keep track of anything profound other than race ethnicity, and people should be telling the government to go to hell it's none of their business. any of that. >> we were talking about that last night when i was on the floor there were amendments that were being offered on our appropriations bill. there was one amendment offered by congressman poe out of texas no longer could you be required to fill in in between the years of the census the survey that is a 28 page survey. lou: community survey. why in the world should any
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citizen -- >> exactly. lou: by the way good for you for bringing it up. we get this thing in our house, we look at it. this is nuts! why should we have to put this up. i'll do this once every ten years, the rest of the time the federal government can go to hell! no one tells the government to go to hell. everyone rolls over and sucks their thumb and says yes, sir yes, ma'am. what's happening to this country? >> i'll tell you what you'd have to take me to jail if i said i'm not going to fill that out 28 pages and the most intimate information they ask for. it's none of their business, and i could have put another business but i won't i'm on tv. we have got to stand up to the government and say no, and particularly this administration trying to take away all of our freedoms and rights to privacy, our first amendment second amendment go down and name the types of things and trying to stop this president. lou: you know, i'm glad to hear you say that, and i want to
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turn the trade. this president is telling us we should have our congress approve trade promotion authority turn over the power of the right to amend bills just straight up and down votes on trade agreements, which is really in my judgment you know a diminution of the authority of the senate and the house under the constitution, and now the republicans, you guys are coming out saying you demand more power for the same president that you're suing in court for abusing power. what is wrong with you people? >> it is just the opposite of that, and sitting on the ways and means committee, i've had a lot of time to read this bill, to go through it piece by piece and tell you that we are empowering congress in this bill. would you like to have a bill where in this particular situation where the iranian negotiations going on, it had to be public for 60 days where the public could read it, the
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transparency was there, and after that period of time, if we didn't like what the president was negotiating, we could turn it off and say no, you cannot do it. this is inserting congress into having the empower. to say yes or no, and giving guidance to this president and his negotiators to say you have to stay in this lane, and if you don't stay in this lane we are not going to approve the agreement once it's done. >> the answer to the question is i'd like to see, it i'm going to have to see it to believe it, and i ain't going to vote for it in order to find out what it is. diane black, good to have you here, thanks so much. >> good to be with you too, lou. thank you so much. lou: breaking news now on a broken website discount carrier southwest airlines website is down tonight, and it's been down for a while. the problem they launched a rock bottom airfare sale and too many customers wanted those one way ticket prices starting
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as low as 49 bucks for travel between las vegas to los angeles, and i presume vice versa. we'll find out when that site comes back up. they had a pretty good idea, didn't they. in the swiss alps dramatic helmet video capturing the desperate rescue of a skier. watch this. this is not going well obviously. the man plummeting into a deep crevasse falling up to 20 feet before he finally hit an ice wall, where he spent 30 minutes stranded screaming for help, hoping anyone would rescue him. fortunately, a tour group happened to be passing by heard his cries for help and pulled him from the deep dark hole in the ice. the skier the rescuers said rattled but uninjured and video of it all. you got to love life in the 21st century. up next a driver in florida learns a price to pay for
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trying to beat a train across the track. you would think that would be a lesson that wouldn't have to be relearned as often as it does seem to require. an incredible brush with death. and roller coaster of emotions for a kid who catches a grand slam ball. we'll have that next. stay with us. we're coming right back.
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. lou: on wall street today, stocks closed higher the dow up 64 points, the s&p up 4. the nasdaq up 23. volume on the big board, 3 billion shares. a reminder listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. a close call for a group of passengers in a car they tried apparently to outrun a speeding amtrak train it happened in jacksonville, florida and as you see the car rushes to cross the track as the train comes barreling toward them. the car was literally cut in half. those aboard the train uninjured but the impact sent a woman sitting in the back seat of the car flying out the other side of the car onto the road. she's in fair condition in recovery at a nearby hospital. everyone else walked away with minor bruise, there is a price
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for the incident. the driver of the car has a $300 ticket for crossing the tracks while the barriers were down. $300. sometime walking the streets of brooklyn, new york can prove to be dangerous and a toddler found out firsthand. the four-year-old was taking a walk outside with his grandmother when out of nowhere a car swerves to the right off the street onto the sidewalk knocking over a tree driving over the child. the onlookers immediately rushed to help the little boy and miraculously he suffered only minor scratches and bruises, if you can believe it. what happened to the driver and the car why it crashed still unclear thank god the kid is all right. you would think catching a grand slam baseball would be the highlight for any kid at a baseball game. watch as this young detroit tigers fan catches a grand-slam
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home run ball. there goes the young man. he is sitting there, he's excited he realizes the amazing play came from the opposing team, however. his tigers in trouble. oakland a's hitting the grand slam. he goes through a range of emotions. not all of them pleasant. the tigers did lose 5-3. up next north korea's dictator sparking new concerns. this time not his love for nuclear weapons that's the problem. andy levy and joanne nosuchinsky here to break it down for
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lou: joining me now the a-team, co-hosts of red eye on the fox news channel. let's start with kaitlin jenner amazing how easy it is now to say kaitlin jenner, not bruce. now -- can we look at this cover for a moment? we would like to look at if we can. at the enetwork with this promo clip for the docuseries, this looks like a closely coordinated -- i am not suggestions anything
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here i will later. but it looks like they choreographed this? >> you said later after a few drinks. lou: exactly. >> i am very happy for her i have no desire to watch this series, this is not my thing, i am sure this is coordinated today she signed with a big agency in hollywood but this is all coordinated. i am not sure it not okay. >> they are coordinating it for people like me who love watching these e-shows follow the jenners and kardashians, i think that country is full of curious people. i think there will be a lot of people watching this because they want to know more. lou: like what is hillary going to do with e-mails. >> our priorities are where they should be, lou. lou: what is in transpacific
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partnership agreement deal. hillary clinton has it down. today joking about. the white house would not have been hacked, had they been using her server. >> i like better the whole thing yesterday where she told people to get to the end of the line, i don't have a problem with. lou: that appeals to your nature. >> i don't know how she squares that with being in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants, lou. you either wait your turn or you don't. you can't have to both ways. lou: i think get to the end of the line for hillary may be the same as, marie anya ant wa net let them eat cake. >> if she were going to joke
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about waiting in line, maybe in line. lou: maybe have something else direct traffic. >> she is jovial. that is the word i associate most with hillary clinton. she needed people to get to the end of the line, because half way through the line you have to make a donation to clinton foundation before you get an autograph. lou: that making sense kim jong-un? this is worrisome, i am told with all political leaders in asia pacific region. he has put on a lot of weight, how concerned should we be? >> very. because, often times weight gain is the sig nafl a signal of a deeper root issue perhaps depression,
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eating some feelings. that said we think he is eating a lot of cheese, he got during his schooling days, which if i were dictator, i would eat all of the cheese i wanted. >> i have never been less concerned that someone is in bad shape. maybe he read those pieces about how dad bod is the hot thing he is trying to get's dad bod. lou: that does exist. political analysis? >> i think this shows as you say one great thing about dictatorship, he does not have to worry about opt picks -- optics, if you were leader of a democracy with a food shortage, that would be different. lou: thank you both for joining us time for a look at our on-line poll results is bong's
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claim -- obama administration's claims of winning islamic state an insult to intelligence of americans, 97% said yes in our poll. thank you for be have a great night. good night from new york. kennedy: that dobbs 6 ill don't circle takes a licking and keeps on ticking. separating first overhaul of national security apparatus. there is no doubt that shy nsa contractor snowden had a profound affect about privacy in national security. we're seeing his revelations bear fruit here. the government can no longer


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