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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 4, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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on-line poll results is bong's claim -- obama administration's claims of winning islamic state an insult to intelligence of americans, 97% said yes in our poll. thank you for be have a great night. good night from new york. kennedy: that dobbs 6 il don't s a licking and keeps on ticking. separating first overhaul of national security apparatus. there is no doubt that shy nsa contractor snowden had a profound affect about privacy in national security. we're seeing his revelations bear fruit here. the government can no longer
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gorge itself on mass data phone collection. but still peak in on american contact from american tech companies. u.s. communications are the dolphins that great trapped. they die. suffocate with your struggling freedom. mitch mcconnell is the big loser, he tried to rally senate republicans against the freedom act he dillydallied, and rand out of time with that last minute paula buster. i got a million of them. a ca kassem -- that -- cosm that will swallow dinosaurs like him whole. now, civil liberty is his issue, he has moved dialogue, long
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masterfuly, but he voted against the freedom act but paul created more enemies on right and left while strengthening most interesting coalition, libertarians, progressives, and constitutional conservatives on his side hire, but can he -- here, but can he keep them, in his own party have been so vocal with disdain it would be a miracle if he gets a nomination. but if he does, i predict he would be unsto unstoppable, whih should make her hillery ness nervous. my question is there another snowden waiting in the wings keeping an eye on all of the ways that the government is still spying on you? on the show u.s. soccer star tim howard, i am ask him about the
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fifa scandal and his book. a new book, if you are trying to change a job you hate, listen for it, because she is a master. and a clip from kaitlin jenner's new reality show. the world has gone kaitlin crazy, and i am craze for you, i am kennedy. kennedy: rand paul advanced ball to protect our privacy. let's meet our panel. mcdowell, from fox business, she is angel from heaven. with glow in the dark shoes. and fox news senior meteorologist. and look at that, navy cardigan,
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tom, a comedian, and one of my -- >> i did not touch and stroke janice. kennedy: feel free. the memo we sent to you from rea freedom act. is this a win for rand? >> it is, with his father's ron paul's big old fans, he will garner more favor with them, however he might look a little ted cruzy. if you look self centered that does not bode well. kennedy: i will say, to dagen, he has a majority of americans on his side, that is why you have seen liberal democrats and conservative republicans voting for the legislation that he
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voted again, cruz voted for it. >> i would like to have a those people who have their pants in a knot about privacy, what cook said, he got an award that snowden got, by the way, and he was talking about this on this week, talking about companies, google and facebook, gobbling up your information and monetizing it they use your photos, you put out there, americans don't give a flying flip about it, they should. kennedy: they should. that is not true, you are talking about private companies versus government. and government illegally. >> it doe doesn't matter. >> the government has guns, and nsa works with the dea to put people in jail through a coercion, there is a huge difference between the government and private industry. >> i have a question! to your last statement.
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the -- what majority? i thought -- i was surprised by numbers that i saw, 70% of americans thought it was okay to extend patriot act the way it was. kennedy: there is a difference between valuing our privacy and what people persevere to be valuable parts of the act, much is in place. the things that were compromised were the mass collection of telephone metadata, which is something we did not know about until snowden was here. i am asking you, a patriot or a traitor? >> um, partly sunny skies in the 70s, the truth is, i don't mind somebody monitoring my phone calls, i am a good 57, an -- goodperson, and my husband is a firefighter, i don't care, you
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can find out how much times i have a dermatologist appointment or have pizza. i don't care. if they catch the bad guys. kennedy: but it is so vast, there is no way of keeping track of the bad guys, that is what makes it expensive. >> i do think that people are hypocrites, they get upset about mass phone information, collection we're not talking about listening to your phone call but metta data, people put out anything on the internet. the most personal of details, and basically, just hand it over for free. to a major corporation radio. kennedy: dagen. if you don't understand the difference between government coercion and knowing he put out information. >> they have no idea what the companies are doing with that information, they are just as in the dark about that. kennedy: if you are moraly
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equivkating our status update on facebook with the way that nsa is illegally -- >> not illegally. kennedy: it is. >> i think -- just. >> i am not concerned about it. as far as freedom, i am more concerned about drug war, and no knock raids, and seizes of property, but metadata. kennedy: s.w.a.t. teams that stuff all linked. do you understand that is what civil libertarians are fighting against that police department cannot pull you over and steal your cash then charge you to get it back what have you been not been charged with a crime. >> i don't like that, that is the wall that i want to die on. the metadata does not charge me up, it is not tied to personal information listening in, it is just, you know, it seems like -- -- >> i don't think i have any privacy any more. >> i have no problem. kennedy: you know where else? north korea.
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i don't want to liver there. i want to live mere in united states, i don't want too be treated like the enemy of my government, i am not. >> the leader of this nation feeds me to the dogs, if i say something he objects to. kennedy: as your freedoms erode, because they become so apathetic. >> the people who are apathetic are those who put their information out there, it is abused by private companies that is fantastic, and gum drops, and government trying to use that data to track down terrorist then they get up in arms, i think there is hypocrisy there. kennedy: a simplistic, and immature conflation of two things. >> i don't think it is. kennedy: actually they don't have as much in common. >> it is sympathy sim lift --
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simplistic but it is about your privacy and protecting it. they -- >> those who understand difference between government and private businesses it makes sense there is a great deal of consistency, and i will fight for you, but i am not going to fight with the panel any more. we're talking about people who are illegal in california, a bill has been passed giving them healthcare benefits. i will tell you where you can get free stuff, next, team howard, u.s. national team goal who made americans care about soccer, weighing in on fifa scandal. and teaching me how to defend a goal, not even lying it is happening and i am going to grow a beard, say right there.
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kennedy: well, we've cooled down we're happy now. >> we were not angry, we love each other. kennedy: we were all making out during the commercial. >> california state se senate approved a grant for illegal immigrant healthcare benefits, our panel back to discuss it. are you torn between being a mom, and wanting to care for people, and taking care of them, and being a realist. >> yes, just starting off the mom thing, it is in my nature to
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want to help other people, if i am in a bus accident, i am helping the person next to me, not think about it but in the grander scheme. we don't know -- we don't have a history of these people that might be coming in maybe have not been immunizedded, they may be bad people, and not paying taxes. kennedy: are you talking about people in marin county not vacnizing their children? >> i am saying nothing. i am torn between being a mom, and sympathetic and wants to help people if they are sick. to realization some of the people are taking advantage of our system. kennedy: do you think we should stop incentivizing anything in regard to your health status. >> that is why i am not torn, i
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don't want anyone to get health care. corn fed old morning we don't get -- old americans we don't get health care, that is why the world is rich, when a bus crashes, i don't help people, but you do, i run. >> you do? >> yes. >> you are the jerk standing over him taking photographs. putting them on inis instagramu are lookinare looking for that t is sticking out. kennedy: dagen your family is from mexico. >> i am canadien you know. >> someone wrote on twitter there is a moose, loose in the hoose . i am pro canada because canada is more pro freedom than the united states. constituenstate senate raised me
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to buy tobacco products, from 18 to 21. a similar bill on governor's bill in hawaii, and new york city had a 21 and older law since 2016tion they be lowering the drinking age. >> you should lower the drinking age but cigarettes, i have a hard time, i can't believe. i have a hard time with cigarettes, i think that longer you can keep a young person from smokes a cigarette, the less dangerous it is. kennedy: did you ever smoke. >> yeah, i think from the south. kennedy: how old were you. >> 14. kennedy: mm-hmm, was it legal. >> it was. kennedy: no. >> no. >> i don't think it was. >> it was -- you sneak them. >> maybe in the south. >> my father said, you are never
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allowed to say anything negative about cigarette industry, our family would not be wearing shoes today if not for tobacco. kennedy: and fluorescent green louies. >> but everyone is vaping now. >> you can't smoke anywhere. you can't smokeout side. -- you put a cigarette in my face, lets me put it out on your tongue. kennedy: kinky. >> i remember from comedy clubs were filled with people smoking that was just a hazard of working, i want to go whack to day -- back to the days, they would mail cigarettes, my friends and i would go around and collect them, they were send packets. kennedy: ui -- i miss smoking. >> i miss the social aspects of
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it, going outside, at the bar. kennedy: at 2 in the morning. >> i don't miss getting cancer. not cool. kennedy: our panel comes back, don't worry about a thing, but kim jong-un is blowing up baby! but not like you think not in a chet hayes way. but tim howard is here, i am going to ask him about fifa, his book, and later on, he will show me how to be a
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♪ kennedy: with soccer grabbing
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headlines for all of the wrong reason, i am excited to talk with someone who represents what is right with the sport, time howard -- tim howard. and cheering them on during 2014 world cup, like no other sporting event that i witnessed at a sports bar that was packed with police clues cruisers blairing their sirens every time the u.s. scored. the keeper a life of saving goals and achievin achieving tha great book, welcome tim howard. >> thank you. kennedy: i am so excited to meet you, this is crazy, i want to pinch your face, but i won't because have you a beard. and i worry about the pow ter tr it has has a shield. how corrupt is fifa?
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>> i don't know, a good question. i am clearius myself to see who is clean and on not. this is a good thing it is getting cleaned up this sport touches so many people, and so many areas in world it is important that, it stays on the right track. kennedy: we're just getting addicted to it in u.s., it has taken a long time, but impossible to over state how important soccer is to the rest of the globe. >> i have lived most of my adult life in the u.k., it i is -- religion there. in rest of the world, we're 5 in america. you know last world cup in brazil helped to boost the recognition of the players on the team. kennedy: and your performance, i want to see world cup back in united states but i am worried do you think that investigation will first of are all keep that from happening? and is united states going to get such bad bracketing?
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>> i don't think so. you know, again we have to wait to see what happens with these investigations, but i don't think it will hinder us. we usually always do the right thing. particularly with u.s. soccer, i am confident that -- i would like to see world cup back in new york i not be playing but i will be broadcasting. kennedy: your book is great, you are straight forward about some struggles you had. and ocd, and teret's you have to have gone through challenges, how important was it overcoming those things, as a kid to turning you into the international super star you are? >> i think tough times, setbacks in life what make you and help you grow, the good times are easy, you cruise through those. it has been good, there has been you know i think any professional athlete will tell you there are ups and downs i had that grounding when i was 10
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years old, and diagnosed with ts, just fought through it in my own personal way it gave me that -- resilience. kennedy: you still have rituals the way you tape your fingers, and the cones. >> i tell myself they are super stishons they could go without, but i think i need them to perform at highest level, because it lets me know i am prepared. kennedy: tell me about first time i played renaldo. >> i played with him in manchester. kennedy: before manu. >> he was a wonder kid, everyone of in awe, next week manchester united bought him, it is good to have money. kennedy: it is incredible thing. you talk about, you pull up to
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parking lot there was a mercedes for you? >> yes, at man-united. you come to premier league, everything is handed to you, so you can perform, you don't have to worry about outside influences or worries that same goes for a car, i pulled up to training car, they -- draining ground, they gave he a car, that it is they give you so you can focus on football. kennedy: you deserve it. when you watch hockey do you feel for goalies? is there a difference? >> i don't want to disrespect them, but i would like to be a hockey goalie, you can give up rebounding defender clears it are away, but the puck is smaller it goes faster. kennedy: do you think henrik lundquist? >> no, but i like his style, i am a fan of his. kennedy: i am sure he is a fan of yours. you can stick around. >> i can. kennedy: he is going to teach he how to be a goalie.
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that is going to be rich. but first a look at kaitlin jenner's new show. i am kate. i am kate. and a senior economy pe sense -. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside... to clear inside mode. transitions® signature adaptive lenses ...are more responsive than ever. so why settle for a lens with just one mode?
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>> kennedy: just when you think it is safe to go swimming something by chu. it is the "topical storm". number one. kim and john noone has turned into a new person procopius been putting on the pound's who knows if he has a thyroid condition because he cannot make his people suffer enough, but the fascist has been looking like a plant he is rumored
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to have gone out and the inferiority complex and could become the victim of the military to the upper echelon is itching for the regime change. reported the day of the people to hordes of hungry dogs he would make a satisfying meal. number two. shakespeare once wrote nature teaches a beast and apparently taught said german shepherd that tigers are the ultimate enemy watch as a stuffed tiger because the dog thinks it is real.
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[laughter] that is so funny. i can guarantee is ever been to bankroll but if it were real the personal movie would not end like the life of pie. number three. with moses regional players and all of the nba the mvp a family man with the great work ethic and this makes and a horrible influence on your kids who wrote a block post begging him to never come to his high-school. these kids don't have a backup plan if you ask them what they will be able to answer they claimed they will come to the nba or nfl and that makes them think they can do it.
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rather recent press conference his daughter was asked about all of this. >> be quiet. [laughter] >> member for. his life is going great he climbed to the top of the competitive corporate ladder to show undeniable passion for the company product unfortunately it is the year and he was in charge of the anheuser-busch german operations until the sauerkraut was sloshed of the company time and he got into iraq with three other people. hopefully he was not injured and here's footage right after this season. -- seen.
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>> in some industries when you love what you do they reward you with a promotion but unfortunately they fired him for quite know what kind of brought worst he has but he could very well have the itch. number five octopus' gardens are under the sea and in the shade but what do they grow? cocoanuts obviously. museum researcher running around the ocean floor with two halves of coconut shells progress first is seems he was going to make a pina colada but he was using it as a secret hideout.
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i know what you are up to. you are waiting for this. [laughter] if you have an item for the "topical storm" use the # "topical storm" and find me on instagram. we have a clip from the caitlyn jenner new reality show if your child transition could
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♪ kennedy: loading up the slingshot will come back. caitlyn jenner caravan rolls on here is the clip from the upcoming show.
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♪ you learn the pressure that women are under all the time about their appearance. i never had and tell a couple of weeks ago for i had a professional come into my make up. what a difference. [laughter] >> we are officially off the property and in the world is a degree? maybe someday you'll be normal? >> you are normal. >> put it this way i am the new normal. kennedy: is a lot of work. meanwhile caitlyn jenner mom said she is happy for her child but it will be hard to do not call him bruce.
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[laughter] so is this a universal message? a seismic shift? >> think the story is great and hilarious because of a buddy in the media jumps through hoops to be sensitive for politically correct provide think it will turn. who is the guy on nickelodeon who got in trouble? drake? he made a joke band got attacked. kennedy: but it wasn't that funny. >> but it comment now it is like world war iii. he was attacked but the nickelodeon star is my new cartoon. everyone is so sensitive.
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>> i think we should make fun of the story everybody should make jokes then take the bull back from all of those who would tell us how to talk. kennedy: likes dahlin? >> he said sari, still calling you bruising and caitlyn jenner mom said i still have to call him purves. but -- bruce. would you support your kids through the same transition? >> of course, but i am their mom i don't mind that she wants to still call him by his name for you know, the expression i've brought you and i can take you out. [laughter] he did say that my kids can call me dad. but caitlyn jenner for president. bring in on. kennedy: if you want to a
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popular republican in the white house. [laughter] we know how much republicans speaking and love ronald reagan but republicans are in trouble if they plan to use them to inspire the young voters because believe better not to ronald reagan left the white house ted years before this elections youngblood was born. young people don't know whom ronald reagan is they also don't know the show different strokes. it is a national shame. how important is reagan? >> he is. also this is the most millennial topic i have never discussed. but i don't remember at. [laughter] >> i don't even know you. >> it is ridiculous. gallup did a poll asking who
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was the greatest president and ronald reagan won. and they don't know who he is. he had good lessons about communicating on a conservative message. but the republicans mentioning him 47 times in every speech takes away from the message it. kennedy: every candidate it does not matter they have to prove they are the embodiment of ronald reagan. now you are playing the keeper in the hallmark channel special of the week. [laughter] how did you prepare? >> we don't see enough video of him. and you might get a clue i love the bush family but i will blame the whole lot of this that the egg gipper legacy fades because you have george h. w. bush
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backing away from that reagan philosophy. and then the with the compassionate conservatism they're both dumb ideas. to have that cultural conversation now there. >> key would triple down. kennedy: psychologists say the least productive time and today is around 3:00 p.m. and your brain gets sleepy but the most productive time is the first two hours after you wake up. >> science obviously doesn't have children under the age of seven. for those that were kids don't get sleep at night for a guy about my most
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productive riding on the long island railroad every morning to the girl who was talking on the phone doing a makeup and the guy is storing and after a nap. kennedy: i think they are so critical for brave productivity. we should have paid now prove map fox actually have hotels around new york city you can stop to take a nap. kennedy: and also have places where they offer a midsize as well. you have kids in their productive but two hours after that is the best of a day for your brain? director early to bed early to rise there is a difference between going to bed early and getting up with the sun but i go to bed late and get a play i get the same amount of sleep but it is not as good and i don't know why. do you agree? >> complete the.
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my natural rhythm is to go to bed late at with love to sleep until the blood dash until 4:00 p.m.. >> naps. yes. but decisionmaking you are less inclined to say no. >> does that mean they don't have enough brain energy. kennedy: thank you so much. this was a glorious. coming up next kimberley gulf oil is here as more people switched careers. people switched careers. her book tellshave a sunset mod.
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kennedy: welcome back yesterday from millenials are more likely to change careers between the ages of 25 and 34. before you chalk it up to the short attention span kimberley guilfoyl is here and knows about shifting careered years. and now co-host of the five on fox news heard book describes the path. she is here and the author of making the case.
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>>. >> is the pleasure to be here are your show. it is a passion of mine as a way to get back i have said through a lot to make it personal to do their revealed lead to have an impact especially for the young graduates coming out with the economy. kennedy: they are shifting their careers. >> and a lot of times you have to say i need the courage to take a chance for our talk to young man today who said he was really struggling making a career change but he really wants to be a musician. and people in general you see them switching jobs you have to tap into what you think and to be courageous to try something new especially when you are young but i've not advocating to leapfrog.
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kennedy: but you have an interesting system and to talk about make the case, make the case for yourself you said your father would say you can change my mind make the case. >> there was times i needed decisions to get permission and i had to put my arguments together. back to your room figure out what you want to say that come to me and make your case. don't be afraid of no. kennedy: you teach your son that. >> i say make your case the answer may not be yes it could be a tough for the voters cycle on amazon the apollo and pursue your dreams life is far too short to stay in a job for a
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relationship you are not happy. >> you were a great student in college before law school and modeling is a valid profession but did he imagine when you were there struggling to read case after case did you imagine you would be here? >> no. i really did not. i knew i wanted to do to be a prosecutor and work very hard to be passionate for victims' rights that is one of the greatest things you can do in life to have a resolution to what they are going through but there are chapters and doors that open and you have to go to those doors to take a chance i moved from san francisco real boss angeles across the country to new york i did
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not know anybody to try a different career path after a high-profile case. then i got offers. what did i know about broadcasting? but i knew how to be a neat -- a legal analyst the never showed my range interest and enthusiasm. kennedy: what is harder a deputy district attorney or co-host of a live news show? >> was a deputy district attorney for sure bet trying cases, homicide cases and criminal gangs it is very tough. kennedy: you will come back you have more staff. >> maybe you can teach me how to surf. kennedy: absolutely the summer has just begun.
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kennedy: soccer star tim howard returns and will t [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. and that became our passion. to always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. that redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. after all, you can't turn dreams into airplanes unless your passion for innovation is nonstop. ♪
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kennedy: what do you do when you have one of the greatest soccer goalies in the world in your studio? he will give me a soccer less than and we are back. teach me how to be the boot -- the goal they. >> it is balanced. [laughter] just stay balanced and stay low protect your face. kennedy: i am wearing glasses. >> you said one kicked of all so hard in the connected
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but he got out of the way. hands up. [laughter] that is good. >> something like this. >> take it. >> are you sure? vitter i am sure. >> i will not hurt you. >> that works. hands. it is like volleyball. >> kick it began. >> right in the moneymaker. >> look. final score. you are a rock star. thanks for watching tonight followed me on twitter.
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e-mail me at kennedy espn business stock, . a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. (male vocalist #1) ♪ at the hop ♪ well, you can rock it, you can roll it, do the stomp and even stroll it at the hop ♪ ♪ when the record starts a-spinnin', you chalypso and you chicken at the hop ♪ ♪ do the dance sensations that are sweeping the nation at the hop ♪ hi, i'm little anthony from little anthony and the imperials. you know, in the late '50s and early '60s, it didn't matter where you went to high school. east coast, west coast, middle of the country, you shared a common experience. during the year, on a friday or saturday night, you went to your school dance.


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