tv Bulls and Bears FOX Business June 7, 2015 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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did you finish your derivative pricing model, honey? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. isis not only taking over more of our military humvees over there, they are taking over social media here an isis-inspired terror plot just tmwarted after threatening mess angs were posted on line. there is no way to monitor cysted megsssages. do the social media need to do more? hi everyone.
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welcome to everybody with us. okay are social media companies doing enough to help in this fight? >> no i don't think they are. and i'm not against the government getting this indicatedata to find terrorists but they don't do a good job holding on to it, it gets hack. we've had a major brain drain of scientists chew the siengs sector. that's where the talent is. they will have to help. the army and cia don't have the good coders. google could probably tell me where i'm going to be in the next week, that's the good data other than just having a bunch of phone numbers. they will have to help moving out networks and moving out people. i don't any the government is up to the job any more. >> certainly mark zuckerberg is
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certainly very small but is it their job? >> i think everything we know about zuckerberg and those guys love america and hate terrorists and we don't know what she are doing because we can't know what they are doing. if i had to guess what is keeping these ceo's up at night is not the revenues, it's this problem. i don't think we should villify companies. >> the orange side is if they are shutting down the accounts how is the government able to track their communication patterns. where will they communicate alternatively. we're all about government regulation until it comes to safety. these companies are going to have work quicker and develop
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better stream line communication between the companies. >> john you've had some stockers i understand. >> yeah i actually had a death threat and turned it into twitter, i didn't think it was real but turned it to see what happened and twitter sent me two e-mails back saying it was not against their policy. so you have someone who wants me murdered on twitter and twitter saying this is somehow not against their policy. i think these guys on the panel are giving these guys too much credit. i don't think thair doing anything. i'm not sure it is their job. i think the government is the one who it needs to track this. maybe outsource is to google. but i think the government should be doing the tracking. >> gary what do you think. >> i agree with john. terrorist cars do we go to hertz and say track terrorists.
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they buy food from safeway is it it their job to do that, no. in fact i think we want these goofy terrorists to use social media. we make them out to be like they are gold finger like they are mad scientists that are so smart. they're pretty dumb actually in fact airport has used social media to track these terrorists. let them expose them self lz rather than being hidden under rocks that way we can use our intelligence and turn it against them. >> the government is telling us there's dark spaces within the internet that you can't get these encrypted messages. >> they are better at encrypting than the government is at decrypting it. they are just not good at it. the money is not in finding terrorists so maybe we have to make it their business and maybe
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they can get tax breaks. i get worried with the government goes after people. these people are questionable oh he texted him he's going to kill him let's go arrest him, that's debatable. i know when i was targeted they didn't miss me for someone else who was going to buy atv that week. so the better point, the data analysis people are working at these companies, the terrorists shouldn't know they are being tracked by the top scientists at goog. i think they should be rewarded when they make a company successful. $10 million overnight, the cia can't compete with that. >> what do you say to gary's point. these are all companies. i don't hi they rent cars i think they take our humvees. >> i'm a person that don't think the government and business
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should be intertwined, if ever there's a case tore partnership it is this one. i think obama has suggested but they're not going to tell us because they're trying to shut down the propaganda before letting them know we're doing it. if it is any consolation all of the ceo's have received death threats over social media so they are in it too. >> and the problem with this is you have now private companies will decide who is a terrorist who spt. i think it is easy with isis, very black and white. remember nelson mandela some revered and some called a terrorist. so also, my computer i can take it right now and move if because of the thing i buy on line to
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europe or about 70 different countries, i do it to watch sports in other countries, that's low enkripgs. but when you look deeper the government can't track this. >> you're right. the government can't track it alone. it's a total partnership. the brains are in these companies at google at twitter an we need them. it is not social media's fight to win we're all in it together. >> here's my question though this whole idea of a partnership sounds good but the companies like yahoo and google are in business to make money. do they just all of a sudden carve out ten, five what eight percent of their company and say, okay now gow do this job with the government. it won't contribute to the bottom line or help with the revenue. >> these people are patriots we have to give them benefit of the doubt. they are carving out. we don't know how much money it is but they have judgment and
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don't want to die and don't want their kids to die. >> but here i hate to go back to the bottom line though what is the incentive? oh, you're a patriot. [ overlapping speakers ] >> the fcc now pays cash for tips could give them tax breaks or something else of value. there could be something there. there could be a little gravy, sure. >> and companies don't invest in companies that are unstable. there's incentive for every single company to work with governments to create a stable economy. it is unreal you're saying we should isolate the companies from the government. >> that's a good point. some companies don't want to deal with countries like china would rather it be more of a democracy. certainly don't want to deal with iran. it's in their best interest to make it more of a freer society.
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maybe they should in that sense for their own self interest work with our government. >> john you're skeptical. >> look my dad is one of the greatest patriots i know i don't want him running the nsa text snooping division. not the measure i want for someone to be in charge of this thing. >> that has to be the last word. thanks guy. about 20 minutes from now what do you got. >> from our business debut to the debate. we broke a lot of news on my new show coast to coast as one candidate right after another told me what needs to be done to attack entitlements. why what one of these candidates said in particular is sparking a fierce debate. and son of a -- beach. are regulators making sure you are paying more to get to that beach? we'll see you soon. >> i don't like that one. all right we can't wait. up first a massive food
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dollar and buying drugs and other items. cheated the system to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars and sent some of the profits via wire transfer to yemen. john you say it's beyond time to reforp the food stamp program. >> yeah i think we have to and will have to have a private enterprise do it. we have 3.5$3.5 trillion budget and we have incompetent politicians that are not honest. there's too many favors and fraud in the programs. the real problem is under lying poverty $34 million to $41 million that's a problem.
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>> the food stamp is just a symptom. >> this is a unique situation. whacky situation. can't blanket it across an entire program. over the last 15 years the snap food stamp program is decreased three quarters under 1% today. partly because swre privatized parts. we have the ebt electronic transfer of funds decreasing fraud dramatically. reality is if we increase the minimum wage we would have more people off government assistance. >> it's not just about poverty but government fraud, people misusing the money. >> exactly if there was that much waste, that little waste some would say, in any other company would be bankrupt. i don't think the burrecracy
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krat bureau krats are uncarry or incompetent. it's a matter of incentive. one percent, ten percent waste is no big deal. it's not in their performance plan. in fact if they have a lot of waste they get a bigger budget to spend more and say hey, look how much more people we helped out. we need a sis tempt in place that is privatized because only they will have the incentives to help these schemes out there. it will work a lot better than the snap program which has no incentive to cut down on waste. >> it's clear there should be reform. >> here's the problem when you talk about reforming food stamps you seem like you're mean against hungry children and pregnant mothers, it's hard for politicians to be against
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this. it has to go to some place private if there's going to be reform. to ask the people running it right now, 46 million people federal program you're going to be asking a lot of your food to clean up corruption in russia can't ask the people who made the mess to clean up the mess. >> to me the short-run for solution is to get cash refund. someone selling something for cash i will say this is a small problem. if you go up the line you watch judge judy during the day and you're going to say we should kill all of the programs because we're ripping off the system. it's how the programs are run, you have to get rid of cash in the economy. and government needs to do a better job. maybe it is only helping 70% and 30% fraud, you should bust the
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criminals, not wiping out the programs. we don't know how to run a food stamp program that's ridiculous. >> jonas wants to get rid of his cash. >> i can't believe he admitted to watching judge judy. i think take a private company put a bounty on waste you find and through that you can root it out. you can't ask the same people who made the mess clean the mess, susie's right. >> thanks guy. cashing in just over a hour from now. what's coming up. freedom of religion and the free market. supreme court saying it was wrong for not hiring a muslim woman wearing a head scarf. was the decision right or wrong. plus another liberal cashing in. no shocker. how about a teacher using it to teach our kid. >> see you then.
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we'll be watching. up first. more lawmakers looking for mandated $15 minimum wage. now more companies saying they will replace workers with robots, is that why? you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage , horse power... torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness
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short circuit. >> absolutely. it's really not a growing trend. i ask anyone that is for higher minimum wage why do we have atms why do you now do self check in at hotels. or self check out at supermarket, was it because the companies said we don't like people no it's because they felt they could have the machines do it cheaper than the people. i guarantee if you raise the minimum to $10 to $20 an hour you won't see waitresses and waiters any more but will see a robot taking your order. >> the market will create facebook to eliminate jobs no technology is always innovating ajd workforce shifts around that. that's why the president has workforce training. but if the executives want to invest in robots and cut the jobs for other forces of work than they should pay more in
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taxes. why should they pay less in taxes. this is a real conversation being had in the european union right now. >> exactly it's in the european union. we'll leave it there. this is not a board room this is actual technological advances. it's a historical coins that as the wages are being raised there's is also tech nick logical advancements very unfortunate for people who are unskilled unskilled. these gieg antic shifts occur and there will be pain because of them but hopefully new jobs will emerge and society once again will learn how to deal with this gigantic shift. >> robots will do more than flipping burger. >> a lot more. you're talking about easy pass took out toll person.
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don't vilify that person and say pay more taxes to the person who created the easy pass. that's not the way the world works. i think this will speed up the technology and rob oats taking over jobs. >> is this simple economics. >> waging the wages will definitely accelerate the move to auto mags. we would have to have a robot tax to counter higher wages. if the pound of the economy is to let wages go low to keep under cutting robotics with low-end people and labor. that's bad because robots will take over with or without minimum wage. let's make sure people are getting the kind of education career paths where they won't be head-to-head with a robot cleaning or whatever. that's where the danger is. >> last word. thanks guy. thanks for joining us.
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announcer: they'll test you. try to break your will. but however loud the loudness gets. however many cheese puffs may fly. you're the driver. the one in control. stand firm. just wait. [click] and move only when you hear the click that says they're buckled in for the drive. never give up till they buckle up. predictions. fshz gary b. >> the new hot sector is cybersecurity. i like palo ato networks up 50% in the next year. >> john your prediction please.
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>> the sevan curry. >> love curry. >> i can't watch the triple crown. good for bourbon. it's a jewel. >> who needs to wait for the republican prooirmimary debate. stand on one side of the stage and say they'll cut people's social security and medicaid benefits after they paid on them for 50 years of work and i'm the only other one on the side of the stage saying that i won't. i believe the government ought to honor its promises to people. >> i'm to. campaigning on fundamental reform to preserve entitlements. we should gradually increase the retirement age. >> if we're going to fix it we need to start working on it now and progressively raise the
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