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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 10, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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now, lou dobbs the man himself. fox business. lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. president obama beginning yet another of his reversals. the president finding no profit in previous pivot to asia is now looking back over his shoulder giving serious thought to a possible return to iraq, and joining perhaps in the fight against the islamic state which as you recall he once promised to destroy. the white house today announced an obama-sized surge for iraq the president ordering 450 troops back to iraq. the president not quite ready to rejoin the fight against the islamic state, however. these troops will only take up the training of iraqi forces
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who of course have already been trained by the u.s. military. also tonight, new warnings that as many feared the administration's desperate negotiations to reach a nuclear deal with iran is driving a nuclear arms race in the middle east. our longstanding allies, saudi arabia jordan the united arab emirates, kuwait and egypt seeking the assistance of the russians and chinese to develop nuclear capabilities of their own to counter the president's dangerous concessions to the iranians. general jack keane with his analysis and perspective tonight on the issue and hillary clinton adding ohio's secretary of state to her enemy's list because he dared to speak out on voting rights and electoral integrity. ohio's secretary of state is now a clinton target. he's with us tonight to tell us how it feels and what it means to him? we begin with iraq.
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president obama ordered 450 additional troops to iraq's anbar province joining more than 3,000 military trainers there already. the obama surge comes days after declaring the administration lacked a complete strategy. my first guest tonight says the president's move is hopeful but far from decisive. joining us is former army vice chief of staff fox news military analyst general jack keane. general you have been calling for some time for a return with high energy and purpose to iraq to achieve our goals. is this what you consider to be an important beginning? . >> no, it's quite a marginal effort. the sad thing is isis has declared war against the united states and our allies but the united states truth be known, based on the resources and our will and our resolve we're not at war with isis certainly not the president nor the congress in the united states who never
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authorized the use of military force and clearly not the american people. we sit with 50 additional trainers which as you characterize will be helpful, but they're not going to make a significant difference. they're going to work with the sunni tribes which needed to be done months ago it will be done now. we're going to train them. we're going to take new recruits for a few weeks and that's all we're going to spend with them basic training. we go through months of that. you have to make a transition from a civilian to soldier and there's a physical, psychological and disciplinary factor that goes into the socialization process. this isn't going to be close to that, and we're not going to spend any time consequentially on the leaders. lou: and iraq itself it is increasingly not only besieged but it is giving up territory to the islamic state. its influence, territorial control far greater than anything we could have imagined three months ago. what is it going to take to
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stop? let's forget degrade and destroy and the rhetoric of the president, which was obviously empty but what is it going to take to slow them down? >> well first of all isis started out as a terrorist organization that morphed into a terrorist army it. probably numbers around 30 or 40,000 that seems formidable it's truly not. the fact is that they have expanded into syria and expanded territory into iraq in the years since we declared the fact we're going to do something about this organization. only way you can defeat this organization is with a decisive ground force that is very effective. we do not have that in iraq and we're taking half measures to attempt to achieve it. you know, if you consider what the president is saying to us he does not want direct combat forces involved so then he's dependent on the iraqi combat forces which we know have problems, then why aren't we
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all into help fix the problems and help them without having direct combas forces that's the fallacy in this. secondly we have no ground combat force in syria. and the third problem with it while all this is taking place and the danger involved here isis is expanding outside of iraq and syria and clearly motivating people around the world for their cause to kill people in their own countries. this is a dangerous organization, must be stopped, must be defeated but we still don't have a strategy to do it. lou: we heard the pentagon for the first time i can recall in this president's administration, speak bluntly, in fact using expletives after the president said we don't have a complete strategy against the islamic state. some pentagon officials saying it's pure bunk and options and alternatives and plans have been submitted none of which have been approved, none of the choices made.
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>> he speaks volumes for so many people in the pentagon. normal way to do this, the president says i want to defeat an enemy. pentagon and general officers prepare the plans with a lot of helps in terms of various options and the risks associated with them that would lead to that defeat. none of that took place because the president at the outset said to the pentagon and to the leaders i want to defeat them but here's what i don't want to have happen. i want no boots on the ground. what about advisers? no. what about tactical? no. what about apache helicopters and forces on the ground? no. all of the things were taken off the table from the beginning. now the pentagon has come back many times and offered other options to the president and the white house. all have been denied. lou: what in your judgment will be the kwoips of the path this president is on for iraq, for the region? >> it's quite disastrous.
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the united states interest and the security of the american people are truly at risk here with the expansion of isis with the expansion of al qaeda with the iranian situation in the direction it's heading using proxy wars to gain control of lebanon syria influence in iraq and yemen and acquiring a nuclear weapon. we are in a most dangerous situation they know of since world war ii that we've had in that part of the world. when you add to that that russia and china are seeking regional domination at the expense of our allies and the united states and the region, in my judgment we've never had a period of time post world war ii since the rise of the soviet union with the significant security challenges that are in front of the president and the american people. lou: general jack keane thank you. >> you're welcome. lou: the secret service still a mess, and again making headlines with outrageous behavior. an unnamed agent placed on administrative leave following
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allegations he was sexting sending explicit sexual texts and lewd pictures to a prominent d.c. staffer. the secret service detained the woman's telephone number on security detail at an event with first lady michelle obama. and with all the constant scandals and security failures little wonder the secret service is having a hard time finding qualified candidates to hire. and in their rush to hire new agents, we learn today they've taken shortcuts, and perhaps created a dangerous dangerous problem. dozens of secret service agents have been hired and posted so quickly in sensitive positions and locations, including the white house, that they lack the proper security background checks and clearances. secret service officials, they blame a backlog of clearance investigations and they now claim fewer than a dozen agents still haven't received the
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appropriate clearances. last month's deadly crash of the amtrak train in philadelphia, a deepening mystery, and it's unexplained, unverified counts of projectiles of some sort hitting that train claims that the engineer was using his cell phone that on impact he blacked out and doesn't remember what happened. turns out he did black out and while he says he doesn't remember a thing, that can't be verified. he did refuse to talk initially with investigators, and now federal crash investigators say the train engineer was not using his cell phone around the time of the crash. that train was going 106 miles an hour going into a curve that's nearly twice the posted speed limit. train deriled of course killing eight people and injuring dozens. the mystery deepens, the cause not determined and the engineer not explaining any of it or
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choosing not to. we're coming right back. stay with us. the clinton machine trying destroy anyone who gets in their way it's simply their way, and their latest target an elected official in ohio. he's our guest next. road rage almost roadkill our next video features a moment filled with anger, stupid you do all this research on the perfect car. gas mileage , horse power... torque ratios. three spreadsheets later you finally bring home the one. then smash it into a tree. your insurance company's all too happy to raise your rates. maybe you should've done a little more research on them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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. lou: breaking news tonight the state department has just confirmed that an american was killed fighting against the islamic statement his name keith broomfield killed fighting with the kurdish forces in syria. kurds called him a martyr and referred to the incident on social media. turning to politics now, hillary clinton on the campaign trail still not talking with the press, but still talking trash to republicans, accusing republicans of systematically and deliberately trying to stop millions of american citizens from voting. clinton's top campaign attorney is even suing the state of ohio claiming the state's laws are designed to suppress minority and young voters. ohio governor john kasich a potential republican
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presidential candidate firing right back. >> don't be running around a country dividing americans. don't be coming in and saying we are deliberately trying to keep people from voting when her own state has less opportunity for voting than my state. and she's going to sue my state? come on that's just silly. lou: clinton's own state of new york gives voters only one day. it's called election day, i believe to cast a ballot. which you would think would be enough for anybody in this country. the clinton machine targeting our next guest, and the ohio voter access lawsuit, and despite proof that ohio exceeds expectations attorneys for clinton's campaign continue to pursue what he claims is a frivolous lawsuit wasting taxpayer money and will only lead to voter confusion. joining us the secretary of state of ohio jon husted. good to have you with us. >> great to be with you. lou: so you have invited the wrath of the clinton machine. how does it feel?
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>> well, it's an occupational hazard when you're the secretary of state of ohio to get election lawsuits. but what bothers me is this is going to cost the taxpayers of ohio a lot of money to defend and it's frivolous. hillary clinton last week called for a national standard of 20 days of early voting. we vote for 28 days in ohio, far exceeding anything -- lou:. [ laughter ] i'm sorry. the governor is right. this is just silly, on the part of the clinton folks. >> it is silly literally, she's saying we are discriminating against minority voters. well the naacp, the aclu the league of women voters signed off on ohio's schedule a couple of weeks ago and said it was a great day for voters when we put out our schedule for the presidential election. it would seem like that you would have election peace when you have a republican and the naacp agreeing on a voting schedule yet that's not good
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enough for the clinton campaign. they're suing ohioans and costing taxpayers money, even though we have a great and easy schedule to vote in. lou: and governor greg abbott in texas saying that really people should rethink these clinton complaints and former governor rick perry saying go home mrs. clinton and take care of your own state buffer come down here. she's not even dealing with the vast disparity between new york and that 20 days that she has suggested for a national standard for voting or the 28 days of the great state of ohio. it is really a head scratcher. they look really like bumbling inept campaigners here taking on these issues in this fashion, don't they? >> well they do. and it's not going to play very well with the ohio taxpayers when you come seeking their votes when you do these kinds of things. not going to play well at all.
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ohioans don't want people to use the federal court system to win what they couldn't win through the democratic process, and that's really the goal here is to throw elections into chaos and to try to use the federal courts to win what you can't win at the election on election day. lou: while everybody is saluting you and the great state of ohio for 28 days of voting. a lot of people are scratching their heads and asking how in this modern era which we advanced as a society, technologically and every other way why is it the old way of voting on one day simply is inadequate to the needs and the capabilities of so many citizens? >> well, the one reason that ohio expanded is because we had an experience in 2004 where we had very long lines at the polls. people had to wait over an hour. now we've enacted an absentee voting system where you can vote for 28 days without
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leaving home. the average wait time in ohio is now 11 minutes. we don't have those problems anymore. so the opportunity to vote early has reduced lines at the polls, one out of every three ohioans voted on election day. as long as everybody is voting by the same rules in your state that's all that matters. we've chosen to expand it. there is no complaint. you don't have a good excuse for not voting in ohio. it's very easy to vote. we make it hard to cheat as well which is another virtue, having maintaining the integrity of the election system is important. lou: it's nice that you said that, because hillary clinton isn't talking about electoral integrity, isn't talking about voter identification which is favored by the vast majority of americans in this country. so i'm glad you did and i'm glad you're standing up so well against the onslaught of the vaunted clinton machine. thanks so much, secretary of
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state jon husted, thanks. >> thank you. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight -- we'd like to hear from you about what you think about that both parties seem to be supporting it. cast your vote at in hollywood road rage turns to a brawl in the middle of the street. all of it captured on video. the incident began when two drivers, well they apparently didn't like being quite that close. they got a little angry. one gets out of his car, the other matches him and one's faster with a right than the other. comes back with a left and the next thing, the other fellow is having a really bad day. one of the men nearly run over as he is sitting on the ground
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and it's -- he got out of town just about time. neither driver called police after the incident. that was a close call right there. they have apparently cooled off. they didn't go to police. the video, wow. this is a problem for them. it went viral. the lapd is asking anyone for information to come forward. but it shouldn't be too hard. we got both license plates in the video. maybe the police are hoping it will blow over. we'll see. up next my thoughts where the obama white house isn't being too tough in afghanistan or syria or yemen or libya or that matter iraq. we'll have the battle of the $1400 drone against a $10 t-shirt. we'll have the winner for you here next.
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. lou: a few thoughts now on what
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appears to be blind ambition as the deadline for a nuclear deal with iran approaches. president obama's former military intelligence chief retired general michael flynn blasted a nuclear deal as wishful thinking. >> once the sanctions are lifted as we've seen since 2013, the genie's out of the bottle, and the phrase snapback sanctions that's wishful thinking. >> it's clear that the nuclear deal is not a permanent fix but merely a place holder. lou: a place holder, but not so clear apparently to the obama administration's cia director john brennan last week made a secret trip to israel. he met with prime minister netanyahu and the head of the mossad trying to persuade them to accept the agreement with a deadline of june 30th rapidly approaching, and joint chiefs of staff chairman martin dempsey showed up part of the obama white house nuclear charm
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squad urging israeli officials to line up with this president. in doing so, just risk israel's very existence. they're not so easily reassured. the former director of the defense intelligence agency general michael flynn warning our allies saudi arabia jordan the emirates kuwait and egypt are turning to adversaries russia and china to develop their own nuclear capabilities. this is a nuclear arms race that the president has created. he's turned our relationships with allies on their heads and with possibly disastrous results. whether israel or jordan, saudi arabia, kuwait or egypt. even the united nations is voicing in diplomatic terms of course, its fierce that the u.s. led western powers are cynically concealing iran's violations of nuclear and military sanctions in order to avoid any possible disruption or collapse altogether of the
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iranian nuclear talk. this administration is so desperate to reach a deal with iran that it's refused to take a strong stance in syria. left a military response to the iranian backed rebels in yemen to the saudis, and mr. obama pivots once again, this time with a return to iraq, and what a pitiful military response it is. sending a mere 50 american troops to train iraqi forces that we've already trained and on whom we spent tens of billions of dollars to equip. why would anyone believe the president's feeble gesture would affect or influence the outcome in iraq or be a serious effort by a serious president to keep an oft repeated promise that the united states would degrade and destroy the islamic state? our enemies tonight are laughing, and surely they've
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never felt safer doing so. our quotation of the evening. this one from irish politician and conservative philosophy edmund burke -- we're coming right back. a pastor in one of the most violent places in america chicago's south side. he's asking republicans now to talk with his flock. he's our guest next. and a mountain hare hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? ♪ well this summer, stay with choice hotels twice
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. lou: breaking news on the manhunt for two escaped murderers who escaped from a new york prison. 500 state local and federal law enforcement officers expanded search to neighboring states. they're going to run down every lead and they have hundreds of leads and no, no estimate as to where these escaped killers have gone. some of the leads leading law enforcement to converge on two towns in upstate new york, about 30, 40 miles from the prison. police now believe however their latest theory is the killers may be headed to vermont. the two men are becoming increasingly desperate and could kill again. police are investigating whether the two highly
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dangerous convicts have inside help? they questioned 51-year-old joyce mitchell she works at the prison. she reportedly gave the killers the power tools they used to make their escape. in new jersey a new jersey woman stabbed to death by her ex-boyfriend while waiting for a gun permit. waiting nearly 60 days for her permit, new jersey is supposed to approve or deny permits within 30 days but purposely slow play those permits. she had a restraining order against her ex. that piece of paper did little to protect her, and obviously, she desperately needed the gun that new jersey laws and pl denied her. the "new york daily news" going after new york city's top cop because he said it's difficult to recruit enough black officers because too many candidates have criminal records. his comments were reported by britain's guardian newspaper
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that interviewed commissioner bill bratton. the left wing daily news is way offbase in attacking the commissioner. he's discussing publicly an important issue not often examined but should be and those criminal records are a significant barrier in many businesses and don't just affect acceptance into the police academy. a 2014 study reported disproportionately the number of blacks and hispanics unemployed in almost all job categories because of criminal records not just law enforcement or a police academy. the biggestes. >> this country have been hit with a violent crime wave, chicago among them, murder rates up 18%, more than a thousand people have been shot in chicago since this year began. that's up 25% from a year ago. my next guest puts much of the blame on failed policies put in place by democrats and liberals.
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joining us is pastor corey brooks, the founder of the new beginnings church of chicago. great to have you with us. >> thank you. lou: it is interesting that you are taking on the democrats for their failure to help the people who make up your flock there in the south side. what is it you hope to achieve by complaining about the folks that you've been aligned with for a very long time personally and certainly the south part of chicago has been for sometime as well? >> well i'm hoping to achieve one thing, that's to make life better for those on the south side of chicago. not just those on the south side of chicago but inner cities where you find black and brown people having a tough time. educational system is failing. the unemployment rate is sky high, and as you mentioned earlier in your comments there are shotings and murders happening every single day. my goal is to make life better
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and in doing that you have to go against the grain, sometimes you have to go against the status quo. lou: you're inquiting republicans to come to your church your neighborhood, your part of the communities and to this point, as i understand it only rand paul senator paul has taken you up on that invite, is that correct? >> absolutely. i've been telling people that democrats have been taking advantage of our neighborhood, and republicans have been overlooking our neighborhood. we're in the day and time where republicans need to stop letting democrats kick their butt in our neighborhood and go and say what they believe and what they think needs to happen in our neighborhoods. we want republicans to come to the table and to discuss various viewpoints and issues and let us hear those views and let them hear our voice so we can make our neighborhoods better. we need competition and that means we need the republican party to stand up and be counted in our neighborhood. lou: let me ask you a question, the issues on black on black crime are important, the vast
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majority of the crimes and the violence are black on black, but also the instances in which because i think law enforcement and law and order in this country is in great jeopardy right now. is there a role for churches? is there a role for public schools to get the message through to kids young men and women of color in this country, in our inner cities to respect law enforcement and teach them how to deal with law enforcement? we've got training on the other side i get all of that. but the idea that you could watch young young people charge a police officer with a weapon. seek to confront him or her, why can't we get to that issue and at least stop the killing and the violence between them and law enforcement? >> well it's not just an issue that we have in the inner city it's the issue we have in america it's called respect. we don't respect one another. blacks don't respect whites
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whites don't respect blacks. police don't respect the public, the public don't respect the police. we have to teach everybody respect is of the utmost and do a better job making sure we understand there are certain lines we can't cross and certain laws we can't break and certain things we need to do. and until that happens we're going to see the same thing whether from the police or the public. lou: pastor i would say to you, you and i would agree on many things but what you just said we disagree on. >> okay. lou: there's a large number of people in this country nearly all people respect nearly all respect law enforcement. they understand the need for law enforcement. police protecting and serving in our communities across the country, irrespective of race, but there is a particular divide that seems like it's encouraged by the power structure of many inner city communities that are predominantly black in particular they're going after cops, and cops are engaged in
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confrontations because frankly a lot of people don't have the judgment the sense or the respect, as you put it to say we're going to deal with this right now, and the first way to deal with it is doing what a law enforcement officer tells me? >> one of the worst things we can do lou, is they that it's not happening on both ends. i'm going to be very honest when i say this statement, and you may not agree with it but it's a way i think and a way i feel and a lot of people see it. that is there's disrespect on both ends. some police officers who don't respect the public. that's been seen. there are people in the public who don't respect police. that's been seen. until we do a better job at collaboration communication and getting people to understand and work together our society is going to continue to go down the drain. we cannot continue to go the same direction, that's not good for america. lou: i couldn't agree with you more, in point of fact, some cops do not respect the public or do not respect the minority
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community. there are very few. >> absolutely. lou: i understand they are broad in america. >> and there are very few people who disrespect the police. it works both ways. and you know -- lou: if we don't pick a way to start treating each other we got the cops training pretty well to work with communities and the public. they're trained. >> and for the most part -- lou: let me finish. we're asking a lot of young people, particularly inner city, african-americans we're not interceding in saying you just can't act like this because somebody is going to get hurt. it doesn't help anyone. with we build respect through the institutions are supposed to be leaders whether it's church, whether it's schools, the city government that is in chicago failing miserably in my opinion. >> absolutely. lou: we've got to turn things around, tonight credit you because we're out of time. you're breaking an orthodoxy that needs to be broken and open some eyes and we're delighted to hear the freshness
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of what you've got to say and hope you'll come back soon and often. >> absolutely. thank you so much. lou: thank you. pastor corey brooks. be sure to vote in our poll tonight -- have they done that? we'd like to hear from you. cast your vote at not every day that a rabbit shows a snowboarder how it's done, in russia that's what happened. and a tourism company was filming this with a skier running for his life boarding for his life i should say, and captured at the same time a white rabbit trying like the dickens to get away from the avalanche and succeeding. look at this thing go! if you watch closely the rabbit scrambling topping over the top of the snow, and several times the avalanche nearly swallowed him up.
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the company shooting the video said the rabbit made it, and so did the snowboarder. up next, critics call "jurassic world" a tyrannosaurus mess! what's happening to the summer box office. move over felix, move over oscar a new odd couple in town. well, in the vatican. we're coming right back.
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last three weekends in a row bringing in 20% less money than a year ago. that's troubling because last year really sucked. the worst summer for a box office in nearly 20 years. box office analysts predicting "jurassic world" would rake in 120 million when it opens this weekend. the ap however has put out a scathing review of the movie, calling it an ugly quote ugly oversaturated movie, and that cgi has run amok, as much as the dinosaurs. disney's "tomorrowland" flop starring george clooney could cost 140 million dollars. hard to feel sorry for disney's chairman and ceo bob iger,
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company laid off 250 tech workers to make way for foreign workers that he brought in at lower wages hired on h1-b visas, and disney had the laid-off workers train the h1-b workers. that was nice wasn't it. the dow gaining 236 points, the s&p up 25. the nasdaq up 63 points. volume on the big board today picking up to 3.4 billion shares. a reminder to listen to my financial reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. the united states topping russia as the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas, where are the bugles, the trumpets according to a new report from bp, the u.s. overtook russia and saudi arabia for the first time since 1975, record oil production in this country last year. crude prices 15% lower than a year ago as a result. odd couple meeting if you
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will, in the vatican. russian president vladimir putin flew to italy to meet with the pope. today's meeting just two days after world leaders shunned putin at the g7 summit because of russia's actions in ukraine. the united states urging pope francis to condemn russia. the pope doesn't look like he's in a condemning mood does he? he hasn't taken sides, he told putin to make a, quote, sincere and great effort to achieve peace in ukraine. here at home drones a pest in some places and some people. a man in california thought one drone was spying on him. there that sucker is. and so he swatted it right out of the air with his shirt, and he broke -- my goodness. that wasn't nice. that was low. he should never have taken that shirt off under any circumstances. the drone's owners want him to pay $1400 for the damage. let you know how that goes.
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up next. a blow for bush's super pac governor jeb bush's super pac, he's having fund-raising problems we're taking it all up, all things 2016 here next. stay with us. ♪ (piano music) ♪ fresher dentures, for the best first impression. love loud, live loud polident. ♪ ♪ fresher dentures... ...for those breathless moments. hug loud, live loud, polident. ♪ ♪
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working at my desk... ...with quickbooks, i can focus on my lines. (dad) i wear a dozen different hats doing small gigs, side gigs...gig gigs. quickbooks self-employed helps me get ready for tax time. to separate expenses, i just swipe. it's the one hat i don't mind wearing. (driver) last year, i was all over the map. but with quickbooks, i'm right here. it even finds deductions- mileage, for example.'s like a gps to my finances. thank you! (passenger) i work for me. and so does quickbooks. it estimates my taxes, so i know how much stays in my pocket. and that's how i own it. (vo) stay in the flow with quickbooks self-employed. start your free, thrity-day trial today at join-self-employed-dot-com. lou: joining us. fox news contributor of "new york post," michael goodwin
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former reagan political director republican strategist fox news contribute or ed rawlins. >> whatever. lou: you are getting me in trouble. >> i am just happy to be with you. lou: i can fix that, let's talk about that that kicked up in new york daily news going after bill bratton, he said he is having trouble brings people in to train as police officers because of their -- i should say african-american primarily with criminal records and condition hire them. >> bill bratton should have spend another month in italy. he should not have made that comment. now he is becoming political that is not the best thing. lou: what do you think of the
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comment? there is a 2013 labor department study, said this is a major bear area for many african american, primarily men to get a job in this economy because of the criminal records. >> originally report is he said this and then implied this is unfair because the police had been unfair. then he walked that part back. i am with ed on this, i think bratton is out of his lane, in a lot of ways. i think he is at war with the two newspapers, the "new york post," where i work, and daily news they are most pro-police newspapers in new york, he is at war with them, because they are writing about crime he wants to pretended this crime thing is not significant yet no one feels that way except he, and
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mayor de blasio. lou: now working for a communist mayor in new york city, it seemed, he walked in the door he was political. >> i think he anxious to return. he was a great commissioner, he did get walked out the door, it was an ego battle with him and rudy guliani. he went to l.a., he was a great police chief there and in boston he wanted to come back do the job here, he has to do the job not deal with politics. lou: speaking of politics, governor bush, super pac having trouble. they said they will get $100 million, now they will tell you they are in trouble but not how much trouble they are in, this
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does not look transparent there at the folks of super pac. >> i think jeb bush and hillary clinton are two peas in a pod in a lot of ways for a lot of voters, their names and histories are a dead weight, they are both as i know it having trouble raising money. there is not a lot of enthusiasm for either one of them at this stage. lou: right now we could say that clintons are most politically corrupt family in american history, do you see them in line that were with the bushes. >> the premise is correct in terms of a fatigue factor on both sides. republicans are tired of the bushes. i think he -- whatever the super pac number will be 50 million
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more than anyone else, but at the end of the day his money alone is not getting there. there are a lot of people who don't want another bush. there are a lot of attractive candidates that will give him a run for his money. lou: i would like a conversation about alliance, we get a vote friday on trade issue that president needs. but john boehner has to push to want. it looks like republicans have aligned with the democrats and will do the chamber of commerce's bidding on impasse trade agreement so call trade agreement we know the cut jobs, and slow economic growth. that is a matter of economic fact. how can the republicans do this. >> a late great friend of mine cid zion used to say about two party system in albany, two pears against the people. -- it is two parties against the
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people, we see that in a lot of capitols including the nation, they go to the capitol they lose touch with the district. lou: but never with chamber of commerce. >> because it takes a lobbiest to get to them. >> my problem with this issue they basically see a president that is grabbing power. they now came out that the immigration well the of this bill is outrageous. lou: it would give the president absolute executive act authority on the issue of immigration. >> the democrats are in a bad place, and they had to put 25 votes is outrageous. republicans should demand, you put half up we put half up if you want it passed. that is appalling it me. lou: both party leaderships are trying to tell american people
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to go to hell on this one. ed thank you. >> michael thank you. >> appreciate it. >> that is it for us, thank you. we'll be back with youorrow, congressman art meadows will join us, be with us. kennedy: it is hump day! that always reminds my of lou dobbs. i am watching presidential hopeful lindsey graham navigate waters of national politics, he is famous or being john mccain's sidekick. as graham steps out to frosty limb of media screult scrutiny he is having to answer uncomfortable questions. from air force to senate, and perhaps all the way to big white house, he has never found the time to get hitched. lindsey graham is a bachelor,


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