tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 11, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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do you have a "strange inheritance" story you'd like to share with us? we'd love to hear it! send me an email or go to our website, "strangeououououououououououououououououououououou a whole lot of money. the guy that's got you control around the world is lou dobbs. he's next. lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. the house republican leadership tonight is scrambling. they're trying to assure president obama wins a vote tomorrow in the house that will give the president not only more authority to negotiate trade agreements but also greatly expand the president's executive authority over immigration policy and immigration. these are the very same house republicans who last november sued president obama, charging him with abuse of executive power. that matter is still in the courts. and no one in the house republican leadership apparently finds all of this to
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be either in congress or embarrassingly contradictory on their part, and so tonight we are just hours away from what will be a showdown vote tomorrow on whether to give president obama authority to complete global trade deals. trade deals that congress will be able to approve or reject but not change in any way. trade deals that critic say cost our middle class jobs, cut further into economic growth and put more pressure on working men and women in this country. trade deals that benefit principally well-healed associations, the lobbyists who work for big business and big multinationals, the associations like the chamber of commerce and the business roundtable, and tonight it appears the republicans will deliver the trade bills to the president over the objections of his own party. so what in the world are congressional republicans
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thinking. we take it you of tonight with republican congressman mark meadows. also tonight what is the obama administration thinking the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general martin dempsey saying the military is now considering opening a number of outposts of iraqi bases near the front lines of combat. outposts that dempsey described as quote, lilly pads to support iraqi troops. you heard me correctly. the general said lilly pads. we'll talk about the unexpectedly flowery language and a pentagon whose general officers are starting to sound a little like daffodils. i expect major general bob scales might disagree with me when he joins me next. the liberal mainstream media going after a republican presidential hopeful the "washington post" targeting former governor jeb bush and his campaign which they say ran
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off-course before it even govern. one of the problems of the article is the campaign hasn't officially begun. among the quote, unquote problems as identified by the post bush was in the paper's words overly optimistic. to take up the newest unfounded left-wing media hit piece we turn to editors among the very best the national review's rich lowry and fred barnes are our guests tonight. we begin with house republicans moving full steam ahead for a vote to give the president fast-track trade authority despite objections from the democrats. a full core press is under way with the chief of staff, secretaries of treasuries and labor all on capitol hill trying to persuade skeptical democrats to bactpresident's trade deal or john boehner's trade deal or mitch mcconnell's
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trade deal depending how you want to construct it. an issue that put paul ryan and ted cruz on the very same team and has a republican party working for a president they say they don't trust. >> this is how you get higher paying jobs, faster economic growth more global engagement. the rules to the global economy are right now. no question about that. the question is who's going to write the rules. >> what the president said is members of congress should be concerned about americans jobs than their own jobs. that's why the president has sought to advance the trade legislation he believes it is clearly in the interest of middle-class families and middle class workers. lou: joining us tonight, congressman mark meadows, a member of the house oversight and foreign affairs committees. great to have you with us. let's begin with the secret service. you have been leading the effort to expose what is
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happening with the secret service, that is a rush to hire that has put agents without completed background checks and necessary clearances in proximity to the president and the white house itself. what is going on with the secret service? >> well lou, this is another chapter in what has been a troubling story. the good news is director clancy is getting right on this particular issue, but i can tell you we wouldn't have known about it had it been for a whistle-blower who called me to let me know this was a problem. and much of the narrative it's been, well, this has been just a few people we've recently hired but i'm here tonight to share with you that it was really, there were 133 agents without background checks on the job. 133 of them. lou: whoa. and the secret service had tried to suggest that there were only a dozen or so,
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correct? initially. >> initial report shows there was only a few. actually, there was much more than that. some indications indicate that this problem went back to 2013. director clancy has been very transparent since i raised it with him, i'm hopeful by this friday we will have this all resolved. but the real question remains is in this culture of secret service where perhaps this culture of not trustingly leadership thesing decisions that were made by senior officials that shouldn't have been made. lou: and to that point, and our compliments and our thanks to you, in exposing this to the whistle-blower who risked much to bring it to your attention but this culture that you referred to that doesn't trust its leadership the culture seems to be about the only thing within the secret service right now that makes any sense.
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because these leaders that are being put into the top position and presumably other high-level positions, i mean they are absolutely horrific! are they going to really be tolerated? >> well, i think i had a private meeting with director clancy express the concerns. this is one issue that i brought to his attention because of the national security risks, but i'm getting calls from california to new york and in between which highlights a number of other problems that need to be addressed and we believe that there's some issues with management on the eighth floor of the secret service that must be addressed and in order for the director to restore confidence, he's going to have to let some folks go. lou: i want to turn now to trade, to immigration. >> sure. lou: to human trafficking, smuggling and a number of other issues. you wrote i thought an
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interesting op-ed calling upon congress not to include malaysia within the group of 12 nations that would make up the trans-pacific partnership because of their record on human rights. do you think that they really should be singled out beyond say mexico and other countries? >> well they're far beyond mexico and other countries. and i think that's the troubling thing for me out of 194 countries the lowest 10%, malaysia is in that along with iran, north korea, syria. some of the most horrific things, and what breaks my heart honestly lou, is that we have forced labor some industries as much as one-third of workers are forced labor, and we wouldn't tolerate that in our own backyard, and certainly when you're talking about little girls from nepal and vietnam and all over it's
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an issue that we need to reserve our trading rights for only those that have a respect for human rights. lou: you know i couldn't agree with you more, and i do think it's important to take into account the way in which countries are, in fact conducting public policy. for example, in mexico, sending 10% of its population to the united states illegally. it is because of extraordinary discrimination in that country if you will a form of racism within mexico that goes without mention by the national liberal media, certainly by this administration. i would like to show you a chart of mexico and why i think it's interesting that it gets a free pass by this administration and for whatever reason. look at comparison between malaysia, and i want to point out that malaysia has the fourth the population of mexico. mexico's population people will be shocked to know has risen to 120 million people.
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malaysia 30 million. 600 murders in malaysia. 23,000 in the most recent year reported by mexico. 23000 murders in one year. kidnappings no data. but we do know in mexico by most estimates 105,000 over the course of one year. kidnap for ransom number one is mexico. trafficking victims, they will not comply to even bring those statistics forward. the list goes on. we are dealing with a delusional administration that is trying to project its own delusions into an illusion for the american public. can we fix that? >> i hope so, i wouldn't be here on capitol hill if i didn't think we could fix it. but first what we have to do is make sure that we read the bills that we sign. i've been down into skiff reading the tpp deal as well as
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the tpa deal. lou: hallelujah! >> and a lot of folks are not doing. that the devil is in the details. 701 pages so far, there's a lot of if's and's and maybes. lou: i've got to ask you, are you going to vote for something you have just been given access to. are you going to vote for something that we know because we know part of the construction of the tpp part of the fact is the trade adjustment assistance which means people will lose jobs and that is a counterweight to it supposedly. part of the concerns here are the degrees to which there will be a level playing field among the countries. we already know better than that. we know trade deficits cut into economic growth. we know trade deficits amount to the 17 trillion dollars. these are the same idiotic policies followed by this country for 40 years. we're the only advanced nation
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following this kind of mindless, profoundly destructive trade policy and we are on the eve of doing so again? >> we are on the eve, but not there yet. i think it's a question mark, the vote for the rule today only passed by five votes, and so i can tell you that tomorrow there's two critical votes. i'm not so sure that it gets a pass out of the house. right today if the vote were held this evening, the answer is no so they're scrambling around trying to do it, as you mentioned with people from the executive branch coming to capitol hill to twist some arms but the troubling part for me is we seem to avoid some of the things, and i'm a free trader. i believe we need to find trading partners. the other aspect is currency manipulation and human rights that you as a business guy understand need to be part of any comprehensive deal, and yet we seem to turn a blind eye to
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that. lou: are you going to vote for or against it? >> i'm going to be against it tomorrow, and so it's one of the few ta makes me at odds with some of my colleagues but really right now, i think there are too many unknowns ifs and maybes instead of musts and shalls. lou: i want to end it some other if i may, commendations to you, bucking the chamber of commerce in the business roundtable who subsumed the leadership of the republican party certainly on the house and the senate. you're showing you're a profile of courage congressman. we respect and appreciate that. >> thank you so much. i appreciate you having me on lou thank you so very much. lou: congressman mark meadows. the obama administration's war on not only law enforcement but whistle-blowers alive and well. this time american war hero facing court-martial for speaking out about what he calls the obama administration's completely dysfunctional policies for getting american hostages out
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of the middle east. fox news national security correspondent jennifer griffin with the latest. >> reporter: lou, lieutenant colonel jason amarrin was among the first americans on the ground in afghanistan after 9/11. later wounded received the bronze star with valor. in 010 general john campbell asked him to look for ways to get sergeant bowe bergdahl home when army commanders realized there was no coherent plan to do so. he says the army retaliated against him for blowing the whistle on a failed foreign policy. >> warren weinstein is dead colin rutherford remain hostages in pakistan. i used every resource available but i failed them. after i made protective disclosures to congress the army suspended my clearance, removed me from my job and sought to court-martial me. >> reporter: the army won't say
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why it's investigating him. quote both the law and army policy would prohibit an investigation based solely on a soldier's protected communications with congress. lieutenant colonel amerrine describes tougher battles that he says cost the lives of american hostages like warren weinstein killed in a cia drone strike in january. >> my team had a difficult mission and i used all legal means available to recover the hostages. you, the congress, were my last resort. i'm before you because i did my duty, and you need to ensure all in uniform could go on doing their duty without fear of reprisal. >> reporter: amerrine contacted duncan hunter about his concerns the retaliation began when the military tried and failed a ransom for bergdahl which is against u.s. law. lou. lou: jennifer griffin reporting. coming right back with much
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. lou: joining us retired major general robert scales fox news military analyst. general good to have you with us. >> hi lou. lou: i told our audience at the outset of the broadcast, you might argue with me over my concerns that our general officers were turning into daffodils using expressions like lily pads and a surge of 450 of our soldiers, rather than sending real real massive forces into achieve a -- what the president said was his goal of degrading and destroying the islamic state. >> first of all let's define lily pad. old vietnam term, the establishment of little subbases that allows units to hopscotch around them and get close to the enemy. in this case what marty dempsey is saying maybe this is a way to get the new trainers closer to the people they train. lou: how did the strategy work out in vietnam, as a curiosity?
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>> as i recall it didn't come out well. here's the thing i'm sorry 450 soldiers only 110 are trainers, that is incrementalism, that's mission creep. it says that the president does a strategy whether it's lily pads or anything else and that is not to win as you mentioned earlier but simply to avoid losing for another 19 months. lou: and i've got to turn to colonel amerrine the special forces colonel who is facing a court-martial because he went to congress and said, look, this is the deal. he is supposed to be protected in so doing. instead the army says they are launching an investigation of him. what do you make of what looks like again on the part of this obama administration an abuse of executive power, and, in fact, corrupting the u.s. army? >> okay, let's be very clear.
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lieutenant colonel amerrine is very very credible. he's got an incredible background, enormously brave. he was actually given a job he didn't want which was to look into the hostage rescue apparatus and he found a mess, and by the way what he told congressman duncan hunter has been in the public media years it's dysfunctional between state and dod and the federal agencies and merely told truth. the problem is the pattern. you can name generals whose careers have been cut short jim matis, mike flynn stan mcchrystal, all taken off the front lines because they talked out of school in front of the administration. that's not right. and to my mind at least lieutenant colonel amerine is a victim of the policy which is incredibly corrosive, lou. lou: how can we assure in this
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instance, in the other case it's far too late. in case of colonel amerine justice is done and he is protected by the united states congress, protected by our constitution against politicians within the u.s. army? >> well here's the thing. i mean i believe colonel amerine's career is over. he recognizes that and willingly sacrificed a brilliant career to get our hostage rescue house in order. the key is to keep him from being punished by the criminal investigation division of the army and congress can do that but he's done so far from what my source tell me he's done a great service to the nation and to the families of those still being held captive and we should salute him. lou: then where the hell is general dempsey and all of the general officers of the united states army to do the right thing and say the hell with this kind of politics within the pentagon itself? is it so important to be able
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to make that walk to 1600 pennsylvania that they would just simply surrender their honor? >> you have to serve the executive. the executive has a strategy. the strategy that these military men support is one of minimalism. it's one of avoiding loss rather than winning, it's a strategy of hanging on long enough to change administrations. it's clear this is what this is all about, and you either as you just said, you either salute and support the policy or you go away that's the constitution, that's the tradition of the american military that you either support the policy or you leave. lou: colonel amerine is -- i'm sorry to interrupt, we're getting short on time. colonel amerine, as you made very clear, is doing the honorable thing sacrificing his career for a higher purpose. >> absolutely. lou: does that sense of sacrifice and that sense of
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honor does, that end when you hit the general officer rank? or is it to be expected by the american people? >> some of the generals i mentioned to you like matis and flynn and others have called careers up short because they have a story to tell we need to salute them as well, lou. lou: so we do as we do you, general. general bob scales. >> thanks lou. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight. this is the way we're framing the question -- cast your vote at the crew of an alaska fishing boat safe after a dramatic rescue at sea. coast guard video showing the four men coming dangerously close to drowning six-foot waves swamping fishing boat in frigid waters north of sitka
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alaska. rescuers got to them just in time. they threw the group into a life raft and hoisted them one at a time into a hovering jayhawk helicopter, fishing boat sank just as the last man was rescued. and our thanks to the united states coast guard. they do this day in and day out men and women of extraordinary courage. up next my thoughts on republicans who are put this kindly drinking the president's free trade kool-aid. whatever they're doing, they seem to like the taste. we'll talk about it. and a base jumper well, he messed up two of them probably messed up and all of it's on video. we're coming right back.
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trade authority and the massive trans-pacific partnership trade agreement. the president sending his white house chief of staff his labor secretary and treasury secretary to the hill today to try to convince his own party to support the president's trade agenda which is reportedly gain the support of only, are you ready, 20 democrats. mr. obama for his part coordinating not with democratic leaders now but with speaker john boehner. >> the president had a conversation with speaker boehner, i'm confident that's not the only telephone call the president will have with the congress today. >> i know the president he's working at this and i hope his efforts are successful. lou: those are profound words and congressman paul ryan also in the deal-making the biggest push for the president's trade agenda and so carried away today he channeled nancy pelosi! >> under tpa we decide, we get
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access, under our terms our conditions. no tpa, you're at the whims of them, the administration. with tpa, there's no ambiguity, we get the tax. tpa is declassified and made public once it's agreed to. lou: congressman ryan is quite something now, he wants his party to pass the bill so we can all find out what's in it. the arrogance, the ignorance of power in washington has initially displayed at least in these bills by nancy pelosi when she was speaker now paul ryan who obviously thinks he's a bill deal so big he's beyond the constitution and the public's right to know. the republicans are essential if the bills are to pass so this will very much be a republican bill and make mow mistake about it the gop will be accountable to the american people if it does indeed, as it looks it will pass. this time republican leaders
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are working for the president pushing to grant him greater authority on trade and immigration despite suing him for his abuse of power on illegal immigration, seeking to dismantle obamacare. the bizarre alliance take orders from the chamber of commerce and business roundtable representing u.s. multinationals and representing their interests. shipping jobs, cheap oversees labor markets adding to the 2 trillion dollars that the businesses have hoarded overseas instead of investing in the u.s. economy, instead of creating more jobs for american workers. according to the hill, some 29 republicans right now are leaning toward voting no to fast-track authority for the president. when asked if the bill would pass, josh earnest proclaimed hope springs eternal, but hope in washington is helped
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mightily by an army of lobbyists hundreds of millions of dollars and a republican party whose leaders obviously committed to doing exactly what the chamber of commerce and business roundtable tell them to do. no matter the cost to american workers and small business and that is a shame. now the quotation of the evening, on the eve of the republican congress that seems about to enable this president to continue the same mistake in trade policies that have cost millions of americans their jobs, cut wages and cut into economic growth. ian rand said in moments of history, quote -- we're coming right back stay with us. the left-wing media on the attack against republican candidates, their latest target next. daring or just plain dumb. we'll show you a researcher in
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post" said about jeb bush looked like utter vapor to me. >> insidery reporting about the bush campaign which is in a real downdrift in terms of conventional wisdom. started with the disastrous week when we couldn't up with an answer on iraq, and when he did land on what was his final answer, he was prickly and peeved about it, and he hasn't -- this hasn't been a shock and awe campaign, hasn't been as formidable as people thought and now there is soul-searching within the campaign. lou: and soul-searching is always good for all of us. i will think that would be a positive fred? >> it happens frequently in campaigns even at the highest level the presidential campaigns and there have been bumps in the road, but, look jeb bush really only has one problem, it's been what eight years since he was actually serving as governor of florida where he was a very good governor and he hasn't been a very good presidential candidate. it's as simple as that.
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i've seen him several times. his speeches, sometimes are very conversational. just do not appeal strongly to republican crowds. i'm sure at his own rallies where his supporters are, he does very well he's going to have to improve his candidacy himself and how he does. look, it's not that people are saying i'm not going to vote for another bush but -- his inadequacies personally as a candidate that are a problem. lou: hence rich's soul-searching reference which i thought was rather optimistic. >> that they're searching in the political community, yeah. lou: let's take a look at -- not paul ryan's soul, but at least his extraordinary metamorphois but so recently trade which he figured out 40 years of consecutive trade deficits, 17 years external
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trade debt, millions of jobs lost to offshoring, he wants the same. whoever the candidate is going to be held accountable for the nonsense? >> a pretty strong pro trade consensus in the party reflected among most the presidential candidates. if you look at manufacturing, for instance we are making as much as we ever have. it's just the employment which is largely -- lou: we're not making jobs. >> largely a product of technology. if you never had a trade deal a lot of this would have happened anywhere, anyway because of innovation and labor saving technology. lou: thank god, rich, those other countries have people that actually want those jobs which is where they actually migrate to if i may use the expression as we bring in increasing numbers of illegal immigrants and h1-b visas. >> disney, disney brings in --
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fires their employees in their programming department they then force them to train h1-b visa holders and said to hell with them. what in the world is going on here? and the republicans are the, quote, unquote trade party this is about trade? >> not just the trade party, the free trade party. i know you don't agree with free traders. >> show me one deal that's a free trade deal. it's not free trade with china or germany. give me one country where we have free trade? >> mexico and canada come pretty close. lou: are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. what do we export? >> we have a $50 billion trade deficit with canada and mexico. >> what does that mean? lou, that means we're doing so well in the united states that we can afford to buy a lot more from canada and mexico than they can buy from us. lou: have you looked at the debt numbers? there's no zero-sum aspect to
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trade fred. this is one of the it's not so convenient to the mihms of people who have lost their jobs in the country to outsourcing who lost them, as rich is talking about because of reduced manufacturing. >> but it's largely a technological thing, lou, if you had no trade agreements if you just had the advances in technology we've had, and in manufacturing those jobs would have gone unfortunately anyway and we're never going to manufacture little tiny plastic toys again the way the slave labor does in china. we have to do higher end manufacturing. lou: you make me feel so dated. >> i never want to make you feel dated lou. lou: i miss the little plastic things that were being manufactured. i also miss a man and woman in this country striving for the middle class in not having a job or opportunity, and
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transferring that opportunity to vietnam, to romania, to china, and i think it's time for us to understand that technology is something that is our domain. we can control it. we can, i believe still as americans, decide business practices and public policies that support families the middle class. >> i'm absolutely with you on the focus on the workers focus on wages but i think trade on the whole is good for the economy and good for growth. lou: that's another obama-like false choice, which i know you would never embrace. the issue is whether we -- >> now you are really insulting me, lou. i'm calling you outdated you're calling me obama-like. >> fred, you have escaped unscathed and as always deeply appreciated. >> i didn't think you would call me obama-like either. lou: it never crossed my mind.
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and the fact it came out of my mouth referencing rich, i appreciate it. >> see you. bye-bye. lou: having guts and just being plain stupid. you decide what happened in this particular moment captured on video. a diver off the coast of mexico deciding to leave this to high five a great -- are you kidding me? a great white. female shark is nicknamed deep blue, i don't know why they nicknamed her or what purpose there is in so doing, more than 20 feet long weighing more than 5,000 pounds. she was leisurely swimming around the cage when the driver decided to go nuts and give a high five. what possesses a person? good for him. he lived through it. up next, the latest on the
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escaped murderers in new york state. so far the nearly week long manhunt by what is literally an army of local, state and federal agents has turned up nothing. the only thing they and the governor of new york have done is scare the dickens out of a lot of people. officials are repeatedly warning people about the killers calling them desperate, dangerous, ready to kill again. the worst of the worst. the only person law enforcement seemed to have their hands on is a possible accomplice. a woman who worked in the prison. she hasn't even been arrested let alone charged with anything, and the hunt well it's return to a place just outside the prison. so we'll see. it's been quite a journey for everyone. hopefully they will be caught and soon. on wall street stocks higher, the dow up 39 point, the s&p up 4. the nasdaq up 6. volume on the big board 3.1 billion shares.
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twitter ceo dick costolo stepping down, the stock down more than 30% since last earnings report. and a reminder listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. we're coming right back. a leap of faith turning into a potentially deadly free fall and a closer look how the islamic state will deal with 50 more american troops in iraq. stay with us. hey america, still not sure whether to stay or go to your people? ♪ well this summer, stay with choice hotels twice and get a $50 gift card you can use for just about anything. go you always have a choice. book now at the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours.
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lou: now to deadly threat posed by the islamic state my guest has written a national review piece how they excuse justice. a physician a self described anti-islamist and author of book, in the land of invisible women, a female doctor's journey into the saudi kingdom, i don't know that i have read a more brutal account of what is going on. i don't think that americans understand the degree to which radical islams, whatevers form, it ask a brutal, and unfeeling barbaric bunch. >> you are right lou. when i saw this video that came to me from a counterterrorism
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expert, bryan jenkins it was breath taking, not only in. lou: to kill this woman on public street. >> on purported allegations of prosprofit using. -- prostitution in a closed panel, it is a facade that islamic state is trying to pass as islamic. even harshest manifestation of sharia law has nothing has barbaric as this. we are immune and disengaged in from this process right now. lou: the people around those executing this woman as you say, in the postal most -- way
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they have to be so desensitized. so immune on human feeling how can this be? >> as you saw on the video. the individuals were incircling her with smartphones this is a spectator sport those individuals would call themselves muslim, i as a muslim disagree inhumane, to say the least. lou: and disgusting, yet there is now now awakening the sense of threat that islamic state created for islam itself. and particularly in the region. and united states, adds to the the den bennality with 3,000 troops in iraq we sense 450 more. 110 will be trainers, about 3 to
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won is up art relationship for the 450 troops to help 110 trainers. >> without -- that says he me, we still lack the political will to take on the threat of possibly the most deadly enemy that any secular democracy can face. >> you know, i think it really says i would like to get your reaction to this, it says it this president has neither imagination, courage or will to fight an enemy that threatens our kids, a threat to the region and the vi. >> the globe. >> my concern that i think that isis came out of the vacuum when we decided to have a hands off approach with syria.
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out of that vac vacuum come these many americans say why should united states take a position in this we are the militarily supreme prime force in the world, we have responsibility and abillties others can't match and will not take on. lou: thank you doctor. >> great to be here. lou: before we go, a share a quick video with you of two base jumpers in arizona. supersupersitition mountains east of phoenix, their parachutes bekaman tangled. -- gotten tangled. the other jumper, able to free his chute and make it to ground. both walked away. perhaps chastened about the
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proximity of base jumping that is it, thank you for being with us join us tomorrow, ambassador john negroponte, and ann coulter, you don't want to miss it. good night from new york. >> thursday, your day my friday. welcome, on the watch president extends his indifferent can kicking to iraq sends 450 troops to try to cajole a equally different set of iraqi fighters to fight isis, president has been lambasted by critics for his repeated -- mission he has no strategy -- admission he has no strategy. now going back to his word to keep bootses off the ground. sneaking in a few warm bodies here and there betrays his
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