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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 12, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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perhaps chastened about the proximity of base jumping, that is it, thank you for being with us, join us tomorrow, ambassador john negroponte, and ann coulter, you don't want to miss it. good night from new york. >> thursday, your day, my friday. welcome, on the watch, president extends his indifferent can kicking to iraq sends 450 troops to try to cajole a equally different set of iraqi fighters to fight isis, president has been lambasted by critics for his repeated -- mission, he has no strategy -- admission, he has no strategy. now going back to his word to keep bootses off the ground. sneaking in a few warm bodies
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here and there betrays his strategic imcome/10, and he knows. -- concompetence, is he running out the clock so the next president has to deal with an even bigger mess. he can no longer make rational decisions? what is the appropriate isis strategy? we have senator rand paul, on how to attack this quagmire. also on the show, montel williams, he is putting all he can into fight for medical marijuana, he will tell me anywhere he has been today. >> and good old bill clinton. guess what he said he might give up if hillary becomes president. find out from our panel. >> and bill bellamy is here, he will tell me what he wants to bring back from the 90s, such a good list, you can add to it
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glad you are here, i am kennedy. kennedy: all right, welcome to it iraq and isis are on everyone's mind, let's get into with g.o.p. senator, presidential candidate, rand paul. welcome senator. >> thank you, kennedy. kennedy: i had your wife on last week, she is lovely, send her my regards, adore her book, she was kind. isis, not kind. they suck. and president does not seem to have a strategy, he is getting criticized from all sides, for not having a comprehensive plan, it seems we're a year intos fight that we've known balthough he has known about it longer. when you are president, what do you do about isis,y especially in iraq. >> you have to understand the mistakes of past to not make them again, one is for 10 years,
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we've been supplying arms and training to a sectarian government in baghdad. this is almost shiite. they booted out and kicked out most of the sunnies, angered most of the sunnies, you have a shshiite garrison in mosul. you have to get rid of having one government in baghdad that is sectarian, that is a 10 year long problem. we have not made it better because we kept supporting maliki. when he was not able it develop a real national government or army. if you are going to arm people over there, do not arm those who are feckless and don't fight well, and let their arms be directly captured by isis. kennedy: i agree. to iraqi fires right now that we're training, with no clear good result, he should be sending them to isis, that is,
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where they are going unfortunately. so -- >> the only other thing i would say, and i would probably do on kurds, kurds will fight, i would promise kurds a homeland, if they are willing to fight, i would say this is your land. this is your homeland, and your nation. kennedy: you have some lofty goals for iraq. what it will take to stabilize a tribalistic part of the world, can you do that without boots on the ground. >> there has to be boots on the ground but they need to be arab boots, there will be no lasting long-lived piece that does --s f there is not will to win, by people who live there, there is no possible victory, no possible peace that will come out of this, so you need to engage the people who live there, the turks need to be involved and kurds, and the iraqis need a more
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national government and movement, sunni chieftains, and also the government in syria could be involved. but i think it would have to be a government min minus, sad. a lot -- assad, there a lot that has to happen but it requires a coalition of civilized islamic countries but not just by american troops, and more and more republicans leaders are admitting this putting 100,000 troops back is not the answer. kennedy: no, and of your republican fellow presidential candidates who has the worst plan for tackling middle east right now? >> well uyou know there is a lot of competition, i would rather stick with the best plan which is mine, no american books there maybe a small amount, that have to be there to protect the embassies, and our consulate, and make sure we're -- we are adequately defending american interests.
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but as far as active fighting and overturning, it needs to be books -- arab boots on the ground, i differ from most other, most of them would put significant numbers of troops in there, biggest mistake in middle east if you want to look at one, has been top eping secular dictate -- toppling secular dictator leads to chaos, and radical islam we need to look before we leap, a lot of what happened in middle east has made us less safe. kennedy: you have a very convincing position, i share it on foreign policy, but you don't have a lot of republicans support, have you a lot of people on the far right, the neocons, and hawks who were attacking you for this, i want to talk about a coalition you created that is very unique, in politics today, on security, and privacy you have been able to unite progressive, libertarians, and constitutional conservatives, it is an odd
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collection of political bed fellows, how do you extent the coalition beyond the nsa and privacy? >> i think there is a lot of people out there that are not represented by the old -- gop, a foundation outside of beltway, even on foreign policy, if you poll issue, should we be more involved in middle east or less involved? less involved polls 45%, maybe 50%, in most of the early primaries. kennedy: and let's talk about nsa a little bit. because, you know, you had a chance to galvanize the tea party base, and libertarians who were influenced by your father, and intrigued by limited government message you have, what did you accomplish other than a political win with the fight over the patriot act, and the passage of the freedom act you did not vote for.
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>> a significant accomplishment was a rebuke to president, saying it is illegal to collect our records and store them in utah, the court told you so, now congress, i was with part of the bill that eliminated bulk collection, i did not want to send bulbulk collect to phone c, it is a unpopular position in washington. if you get outside of the beltway, it is popular, i finding as i travel in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, crowds are coming by hundreds, they want to be left alone, they are part of a new g.o.p. coalition, i call them the leaf me alone coalition, a lot of young people are part of it you can come from all walks of life, you can be a minority because you are a evangelical christian
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or black or gay, a minority for any number of reason, and you want the government to leave you alone. kennedy: looking at democratic landscape, it is coalescing strangely right now, do you worry about bernie sanders or martin o'malley, it seems have you been targeting hillary clinton from midterm election night? >> well the thing and i think that there are a lot of independent voters in new hampshire and iowa. i think it looks like a run away on democrat side, at-this-point, it looks like a lot of independence may have a choice to vote for me, right now we lead hillary clinton in 5 skates. i think that is -- 5 states, i think that a loot i a lot comin. kennedy: i think in states where you have open primaries that could be beneficial for you, i am holding your book in front of my face, rand paul, taking a
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stand, you wrote about being a physician your training in linear thinking, what is more influential in your day-to-day work. is that linear training or as young teenager working on your dad's campaign, in washington learning liberty? >> i think a little bit of both, people always ask about nature versus nurture, i was born as an individualist, who believes in individual versus collective, but i am also someone who grew up in writings of great remark -- free market writers, i am also a medical doctor, i was taught to think about problems in an objective fashion, i think that i look at things that i don't say democrat or republican, because i don't care what party you are in i want to figure you on how we solve problem and maximize freedom, i think they work together nicely from view point of a physician. kennedy: from grover norquist to
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politico, and chris matthews, massive praise heaped you on in the back of the book. >> thank you, kennedy. kennedy: coming up, montel williams, an outspoken supporter and user of medical marijuana, he will tell me the latest place he takes his fight. and bill clinton said he will quit his day job, if and when hillary commands the country, stay tuned for that, next.
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kennedy: welcome back, former president bill clinton is promising to quit one of his favorite activities, if hillary clinton is elected president. he will stop giving paid speeches, and said he will step down from clinton foundation, if, because there is always a catch, if she asks him to, i am asking the panel about it. party panel. fox business producer, and broadcaster, and jim norton,
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comedian, host, lover of mankind, and ben dom inic. ben. so, slic willie? >> i really don't believe he will give up the foundation. kennedy: you are calling him a liar. >> yeah, he is saying those nice worries so we'll think it, he is not going to be able to turn down an opportunity to travel the world, see so many friends hang out with his good pal ep stein, and have all sorts of fun. kennedy: with young people. >> they had this money rolling in when he was not president, and now, he will have an opportunity to do it while hillary is president,. kennedy: jim, let me ask you, i hear bill clinton talk like this, saying if she needs me to
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bucker up in the morning i will be there, do you think the real draw between hillary presidency is people just want too return to the 90s and have clinton secretsly president again. >> we like the idea of a first husband. when is first time we will have that with someone we kind of know is competent, it is funny see him being the sclep and greet people, and host dinners. >> and hold the purse. >> i think he will have to step down he will be too busy being the first dude, he wants all of the questions surrounding clinton foundation to go away. he said has anyone proved that we did anything objectable? >> no.
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kennedy: if you give me money, i will give you access, i am almost certain that e-mail like that exist. and all he wants to do is get on air force one, he sees that big shiny jet, which is really an extension of his manhood. but she is so recent full of him, there is no way she is letting hill back o him back on. >> with chelsea's role, he will say, i need to give her advice she needs. that thing, which, where to stay, and when you are in davos. >> she will not know. >> he should step aside, you don't want your spouse doing when you are elected is charity work, stop doing that crap, quit wasting time helping these
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haitians and people in need. kennedy: how long before we find out that chelsea is really the most crooked krist crook clinto. >> i would hope so. >> you know, as for -- do you think he will take up something interesting or obesity all over again. >> he is skinnier than jim norton. kennedy: we need to see bill clinton shirtless on a treadmill. >> coming up bill bellamy, i am going to ask him, if he could bring anything back from the '90s what would it be in. >> and montel
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kennedy: lobbying house committee who will decide its fate to pass it on for full vote, montel william, takes medical cannabis for multiple sclerosis, he is in pennsylvania to support the bill, montel williams, emmy award winning tv personalty, legend and american hero thank you. >> thank you for addressing this issue at the national level this way this is resonating in a lot of different municipalities. kennedy: tell us what is happening in pennsylvania, i am sure people there think because recreational pot is legal in places like colorado, colorado, oregon, and alaska it is legal everywhere but it is still a fight? >> it is a fight, if is not
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legal everywhere, it is legal for different reasons in pennsylvania, 88% of pennsylvania voters, 88%, have stated they support mi medical marijuana, a bill put through, it went through, passed in senate 40-7. something like that. it has been sitting in their house in a committee, sitting upheld by one person. this state like a lot of states has a lot of interesting issues at state level, because everyone has an issue, somebody holding up different ones. one person holding back, here the opportunity for seriously ill patients to get the medication they need to just live daily. kennedy: people like this, people like chris christie, and the pennsylvania hold out, i want them to sit with terminal cancer patients who are unable
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to eat, suffering from sen send. >> and stuck with nausea, and look into their eyes. >> a woman in the press conference, she was standing on stage, she has epilepsy, she had a seizure in front of the representative that is holding this up, representative baker who is holding us up, no one knows why. kennedy: iron could, a gu ironig baker holding up the pot law. >> you have to question the politics, who you know remember, we did prove that world is no longer flat. okay. we did prove there were land on other side of the edge of that ocean, on the horizon. it is a fact, so much a fact that cap bithat -- cannabis wora
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medicinal aid for people, there are over 30 patentses how it is done if they would just educate themselves slightly,. kennedy: if is a basic issue of liberty, and the pr prohibitions so arbitrary, there are a lot of things i don't' to do but liberty does not just protest my personal win, there are people like you who are directly affected by laws like this, and one politician's inaction and why should you be made to suffer? >> kennedy this is what i've been saying take the patients off of battlefield, there is no other drug in this world, that so many people have an opinion they think they can get in the conversation between a patient and a doctor. i could have any doctor write he
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a prescription for morphine, name a drug i can get it, not one person will open their mouth. you say marijuana, people think they are expert enough to get in the conversation between me and my doctor, this is between me and my doctor, this state has been ready, the legislation governor said he would sign this it is one guy who is proving to the rest of the state he does not give a you know what about sick, and ill people, he saying the things he is saying he puts these lives, all of the pennsylvania, out there i don't care about you, i don't care about your family, i don't care about how you feel, your constitutional rights i don't care about either, i don't know why they even keep him in offers. kennedy: if you did not have multiple sclerosis, would you still smoke for fun? >> you know, i did not smoke cannabis for over 25 years in the military, i did not smoke
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before i got m.s., i would smoke maybe 5 months at a party, after i was diagnosed, i use cannabis every day. i am a tax paying citizen. >> thank you, kennedy love you so much thank you. kennedy: absolutely. >> coming up, a nobel prize winning scientist say that men and women should have separate -- an uniaccount of a car accident, so entertaining it could only mean one thing, the top
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people are freaked out by great white sharks, and researcher on camera, one of the biggest they believe is circles the planet, her name is deep blue, she is 20 feet long, an weighs 5,000 poun. in this video she is pregnant. that is a big fish. there is a side of me that rail'ed that shark to snack on his hand take him water skiing by the arm. topic 2, if you are not afraid of sharks how about bugs, a kansas reporter, was bombed bye ishefreaked out, not cool.
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but i love it watch [screaming] okay. okay. >> that is the best part, realization there is a bug on her face. i thought she was going to hyper vehypervent late. i could watch it all day. she drops microphone. i would to the same thing, who am i kidding. >> and twins, out fielder torrey hunter had a meltdown after the umpire called a strike, he thought it was a ball. >> i am surprised high does not push torii hunter away. >> he is trying to restrain
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torii, the crew chief coming in. we saw his frustration in last at bat now throwing ba throw ba. kennedy: keep going, he ripped off that elbow pad, shin guard and jersey, a few ladies started gathering $1 bills, hoping he would eject his own bat and balls, but instead -- he was ejected from the game. kennedy: topic 4. i would say this car crash eyewitness in jackson, mississippi was talking about last night's topical storm, but what happened an suv smashes into a police car, the driver fled. >> i was going to buy a burger from burger king, i stopped
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right in the middle, my hunger just went away. a police car swifted around, and lord just send it up. >> yeah. that moment internet star is courtney barnes, courtney's react was priceless, it could never top the mother of all eyewitness interviews. >> i knew something was wrong when a little pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms, something is wrong here. >> dead give away. kennedy: you know what i'm talking about, topic 5, pizza hut, ran out of places to add cheese to the pizza, they are stuffing their crust with what else? hot dogs ! yeah. 28 pigs in a greasy, cheesy blanket. that remindeds me of my prom night. the line, hot dog bites pizza,
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they promise it is real, hash tag hot dog pizza, it will be available june 18, we all know that 420 would have been more fitting. either way someone in corporate may have been inspired by snl . >> pizza. >> that is what i call a taco. kennedy: that is right, if you have weird stories, you want to see, feel free to tweet me @kennedy nation. one of those social media platforms that all young wons crave, hash tag topical storm, you can find me on instagram. >> if you could bring back something from '90s, what would it be? i would bring him back, and i have, bill bell amie is here. >> and but first, researchers found that chimps consume
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alcohol in the wild. do they make bad
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kennedy: irish so cute they are like 12. welcome back, nobel prize winning scientist, tim hunt is in hot water for saying at a press conference of science journalist the trouble with girs working is labs it leads to romance, three things happen, you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them they cry. that led00 to resign from his position, at university college london. >> he is on holiday. panel is back, carly, jim, and
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ben. yeah. you can make women cry. you also make cry. >> i always do. kennedy: but they never fall in love with you. >> never. kennedy: what has hunt down right that have you done wrong. >> i think they need to be smart, women like a smart guy, i don't care about this. i don't care about gender opinions of scientists who car cares. >> she has awful lady universe theory. >> did you really read it. kennedy: no. wait, i am just finishing it. what a barn burner. >> so convincing. >> it was a great improve, and made me hate gloriaa gloria all.
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kennedy: i walk by her at the store, and i sing gloria, glor gloria. is hunt, old, crazy or honest? >> a perv e . >> kennedy: what? >> if you are in a lab mixing chemicals and the woman is wearing lab coat what sexy about that. >> just the glasses. >> they try to put batteries in the test tube. >> we're making fun of a guy who is a giant nerd, who has difficulty relating to women, i think [ bleep ] >> well -- >> kennedy: powerful nerd. >> he is on the spectrum, i feel sad for him, he dud not -- he does not know how to relate to wim, he said something inconsiderate. kennedy: someone cried.
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>> yes. >> now i feel like a [ bleep ] >> he might have said something stupid like you are just not good at this, you should cook. and she is like i hate this guy, and girls cry a lot. kennedy: the gloria allred of male scientists. >> more scientists, chimps, they are great apes, they like to get wasted, chimpanzees getting drunk off of for minted tree -- terfermented tree sap. are you surprised it took so long to find another species getting hammerd. >> this gives me a whole new report for the chimpanzee population. you know, where would you be without a little glass of wine on alone low sunday. kennedy: you know they are in
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tropical places, and islands and sweet monkey love, what else are they doing, getting drunk on their own, these are not human cocktails. >> you know we don't know they are not drinking human cocktails, i am looking forward to discover snootier apes with the handle bar mustaches that only drink the truly aged -- >> tell the same story over and over again and have sex with the fat ones like we do? >> you told me that story about 5 times. >> i heard you, they didn't know what to do. >> i get it, a huge handful of it. good job. kennedy: i wish i would pass out right now. >> a record number of americans renounce their citizenship in first three months this year, 1336. according to irs, last year's total set a record, one survey
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found, why? high taxes. listed as primary reason but freedom from u.s. citizenship, which is not free, in 20114 government raised fee to $2350. now only rich people can refounds their citizenship, what would it take for you? >> i would never do that. >> because you are american. >> he is wearing red, white and blue. >> i am, i think, i understand i, i hate taxes but i love america. and i don't think there is anything that would make he -- >> how much do you blame obama. >> i in i don't, maybe a 5, does not matter what crime is in the white house if is -- same. >> people will say if so and so gets elected i will leave. kennedy: why didn't susan sar e
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goodon that product it, they are still here. >> you could do that, just go on an extended vacation, it is like telling me, you are unfollowing my on twitter just go away. >> our tax is too high. >> taxes -- nobody likes taxes but, i think these -- you no matter how high they are getting i don't think this is a tax issue this is a group of crazy people that are just angry with the country, there is always something to make people that would actually do this angry, i don't blame obama this is a bunch of angry people,. kennedy: i don't want to be around anger, i want to be around awesomeness, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> very nice of you. >> jim, i enjoy being around you very much and your cohorts. >> oh, thank you, so sweet. kennedy: i asked -- you delivered. thursday means fewer view are
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mail. but first -- view are mail, but first, my old friend funny guy bill bellamy, telling me about return of crystal pepsi, and other things he would like to come bónóv
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♪ kennedy: and with van haggar arkansaarkansas mazing. -- amazing, who could forget crystal pepsi, and was brilliant marketing idea from pepsi, it tasted like cola, but without that brown coloring. debuted in 1992, last the, just
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a year but now, it looks like it might come back, with a successful petition drive by this guy, a competitive eater, l.a. beast, how are competitive eaters thin, i don't get that. we hear you, and your followers we think you will be happy with what is in store, but is it a good idea? what else should we bring back from it 90s, welcome my good friend from our time in '90s, bill bellamy, you are so cute. >> how are you. how are you feeling? kennedy: so much better now you are here, crystal pepsi of born same year we were hired at mtv in 1992, it was a awful idea then but times change do we bridge it back?
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>> i think so, it is nostalgic, the 90s for you and me a fin time, crystal thing was there for a second, it faded away. but you know i am catching up on "breaking bad." i think watching "breaking bad" with some crystal makes that much better. kennedy: a different kind of crystal, a millennial crystal. >> you know, i would like to bring back fun stuff like mike and ike. kennedy: they are not around? did they go by way side of kid and play. >> they faded other candy that took over, you know i think that kit kat, and snickers beat them, let's go mike and ike. music? bring back coolio, i want to see
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him. kennedy: we had so many good times with coolio. i should have written a whole chapter in my book with coolio in colorado on the mountainside with freezing frigid air on a sofa. i would like to bring back kid and play but i think that idea that hillary clinton being president is popular because peoplen 't bill to be president again. >> yeah. i think -- i think that is great. i wish her all of the luck in world but to have bill in the house to me is like, fun, and also, too he was such a popular, he had a lot of controversy, he was popular. kennedy: people like that -- >that --they think he has magic. bill, we have about a minute. jerry seinfeld, has been talking a loot about you know pc gone
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amuck on college campuses, railing against the pc coulter, what do you say about this as comic, is it harder now to perform as stand up than 20 years ago. >> it is, people are so sensitive about the issues but as comics we are people with you know our real freedom onstage, we were you know, to put things onstage that people were thinking, expressing what we feel, people go through, that is what is it about to be a comic, now everyone is like, oh, that is incentive, oh, my god, that is comedy. why would we not push the envelope, like jerry seinfeld said, hard to just talk safe all of the time. kennedy: we don't want to be safe, we want to be good and dirty bill bel bellamy thank yo. >> thank you. kennedy: you are the best.
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reach to mailbag for your love, reach to mailbag for your love, and hate, next, stay hire.have .
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kennedy: it is thursdays, i am going postal, over your sweet messages, view are mail time, let's see who has been licking stamps this week. david, said, only if all news was like this, i would watch more. then it would not be news it would be heaven. i have a fan going through hard times jim thornton, quote, having trouble with police here in oh, main cannot hang out in lingerie department for more than 20 minutes or police willies courwillies court you o.
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>> try sears next time. >> tommy, you look very much like flo from the progressive commercial, i saw her wearing specs, you you two related. have you seen me and flo at the same barbecue? no, right. >> i found you this week i have watched you of day since, i love your show, your wit, i give you a high 5, you are my female crush, that is something i have never said about a woman, can i find a guy like you but around 60ish, you can, he is lou dobbs, he is my offers mate. >> a person writes in, i watched @kennedy fla nation two rights a
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roy, this is serious, this is all spin zone welcome. other hand, there is michael johnson said, you used to be cool, what happened to you? michael, i have a massive news flash, i have never been cool, but thanks for the retro act late? i have good news, my next goal in life to get @kennedy nation to follow me, hash tag i got this. >> totally, i am now following you, you can cross that off your bucket list, it is more important than visiting match you pitch you -- matc -- >> a fan, 1985, said, high kennedy, hi. remember you can follow me on twitter. kennedy.
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if you have something that has been burning up your pocket, like a pair of size 38, go ahead send them my way, as for now thank you for watching, good night. the following is a special one year later paid presentation for the bissell symphony. let's do this. [restaurant murmur]


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