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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 15, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT

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see"strange inheritance," thank you for watching, and remember, you can't take it with you. do you have a "strange inheritance" story for us. we'd love to hear with lou dobbs, keep it right here on fox business. lou: good evening, i am lou dobbs, the atmosphere suited and consequences of war against law enforcement continues to lead to brazen attacks across the country, two attacks this weekend. in dallas, a deranged man planted pipe bombs outside of dallas police headquarters and sprayed the building with bullets before driving off in an armored van the suspect evenly killed by a s.w.a.t. unit sniper. no one else was hurt. >> in cleveland shots fires from behind police officers as they ran after a suspect brandishing a firearm near the side of a 12-year-old's fatal en
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counter with police officer a year ago. no one was hit. the suspect was captured, a few blocks away, protesters gathered in cleveland. making it clear they were ready to demonstrate had their been any injury in this arrest. tonight we exam inwhy the president, politicians of both parties and community leaders are not working harder to change attitude to improve atmosphere, and help end the troubling indents. in new york conflicts and interagency squabbles among law enforcement agencies are responsibly responsible for abstracting search for the most wanted escapees, convicted killers, david sweat and richard matt. the search which is costing estimated $1 million a day has turned up -- nothing. not a single lead. not a single suggestion of where
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to look. according to "new york post," new york state police have refused to share information about the planning and the scope of this state wide search, which is extending into vermont and new hampshire as well. 4 other police agencies are involved, complain that failure to get that cooperation from state police is demoralizing. today, the prison worker who is accused of helping the inmates escape joyce mitchell, appeared briefly in court monday in shackles, she waived a preliminary hearing, and did not enter a plea to either of the cha charges against her. >> after falling for decades murder and violence crime rates are up across the country this year in chicago murder rate there up 18% in new york 20%.
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and baltimore it has risen 47%. crime in america will be front and center in 2016 presidential race today republican's 11th candidate officially entered the race carl cameron in miami with our report. >> i decided i'm a candidate for president of the united states of america. >> reporter: former florida governor jeb bush said he can fix what is broken in america with conservative principles and new leadership. >> we are not going to clean up the mess in washington by elections people who helped create it or have proven -- not able to fix it. >> bush it the son and brother of last two republican presidents he tied or leading both nationalo and in first 4 states to hole votes next february and has huge advantage in fundraising and name recognition, his last name cuts both ways, on policy, many
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conservatives dislike his support for controversial common core education stan ards and information regarnl reform some call amnesty. >> the next president of the united states will pass meaningful immigration reforms. >> jeb's wife is mexican. >> i will campaign as i would serve. going everywhere, speaking to everyone keeping my word, facing the issues without flinching. and staying true to what i believe. >> reporter: fellow floridian u.s. senator marco rubio may be his toughest rival, as a cuban-american rubio appeals to hispanics and other minorities that the g.o.p. needs to court rubio said that washington needs new blood, but cares for and respects jeb. bush's brother and father were
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not on hand but his mom who discouraged his candidacy was. >> with all of these reporters i am watching what she says too. say hello to my mom barbara bush. >> mrs. bush got some of the biggest applause in the day, he is known as -- it is worth knowing in republican party since reagan era it has been establishment candidates that have been winning presidential nomination. lou: materialcarl, thank you. >> carl cameron from miami. lou: jeb! sparked some criticism in national liberal media saying it looked data, some analyst say it is helpful to someone trying to downplay his connection to bush political die nasty, the and -- die nasty. the same logo he used when running for governor.
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in 2002 he filed paperwork to trademark it something considered unorthodox at the time but helpful now. and sticking with that same logo certainly worked for other folks, like nike, coke, and mcdonald's. i don't know too many people saying those trade styles look dated. another iconic american company not doing so well, the gap announcing closing a quarter ofs had stores in north america over next few years potentially affect thousands of jobs. >> month of june shaping up to be one that could very well define president obama's legacy, over the next 3 week, we expect key decisions on y there of the president's most ambitious initiatives, trade obamacare and talks with iran. and it looks like the president is about to suffer a string of losses. fox news chief white house correspondent with our report.
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>> reporter: turns out it was more than a political walk of shame, despite last minute arm twisting on capitol hill, president was still unable to sway minority leader nancy pelosi and fellow democrats to support his push for fast track trade authority a blow to the trade deal, one that adds to long list of obama legacy items to the ropes republican house majority leader, said it was democrats who hit the leader the hardest, saying i have never seen a party do this to their president. >> they are making him a very lame duck president so he has work to do with his party i hope he can get it done, and we can fix it. >> reporter: little doubt that president's political swagger has been staggered from ongoing iran nuclear talk to supreme court review of the affordable care act obamacare each case the president faces an uphill battle that could be decided against him in coming weeks.
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in guantanamo bay the administration authorized release of 6 more detainees of the government. >> transfer would not have occurred if secretary of defense were not satisfied that the threat that individuals pose to american national security was not sufficiently mitigated. >> reporter: senator rube grow said that the westbound westbound is playing politics with our national security, saying that president obama is once again putting his legacy above the safety and security of americans. amongty of those surveyed in latest fox news poll disapprove of the president's job 48 to 45%, within the margin of error. >> he focused on the process in a way his achievement could be accomplished but those repeals or possibility they could be
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undone means that his legacy will not last. >> reporter: the president was very busy today he reached out by telephone to house speaker john boehner we're told that g.o.p. lawmakers said to consider a second vote on trade tomorrow but given last friday's 302-126 tally it does not look for the white house going in. lou: kevin talking with boehner, perhaps he should be talking with nancy pelosi instead. >> reporter: you are spot on, that is where he needs the help he can get. lou: kevin cork at the white house thank you. >> mm-hmm. lou: russia said it will retaliate if american and nato forces go ahead with plans to move heavy weaponry to countries borders russia, we have not seen tension like this, sinces end of the cold war. tcu now reportedly planning to -- pentagon now reportedly plans to put heavy weapons for as many
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as 5,000 troops in several countries. in response russia said it will increase its forces on those borders, especially in belarus the pentagon has been criticized by some plateo allies near russia for not doingive enough to confront russia's aggression, in particular in okay you crane. ukraine. lou: turning now cyber warfare an easy target is obamacare government is keeping a vast store of personal information on millions of americans on obamacare, forever. cyber security expert warn that keeping all of that information in one place is just a invitation to cyber criminals and hackers to steal it, that is what happened when the personnel files of millions of federal
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workers, including military and intelligence employees was stolen. congress will hold hearings on that massive cyberattack tomorrow. >> we'll keep you updated. >> a massive weekend at the box office coming up, we'll have final tally for the weekend where the giantses of jurassic world crushed everything in their path. >> yen jeb bush enters 2016 campaign. >> i know we can fix this, because i have done it. >> call him jeb he has a lot more money than his rivals, will he have enough support? >> a terrifying day at a north carolina beach two teens an hour and a half apart swimming in waist-deep water grief usually injured in shark attacks
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lou: breaking news, now, we learned that rachel dolce & -- will do -- dolazel unsuccessfully sued
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howard university in 2002. she claims howard university, historically black university, denied her a job as a teacher assistance because she was -- white. earlier today, she resigned from the naacp amid -- claims for years she was black her parents said last year her. >> joining us now. take up some of the interesting twists and turns of presidential politics former white house chief of staff john sununu author of new book, the quiet
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man. >> thank you lou. lou: we want to recommend this to everyone, hw, bush, i love the idea. he was indispensable. >> a time when there was a huge opportunity for u.s., and world to take advantage. bush handled it in terms of creating the alliance if you will with thatcher and gaining gorbachev's confidence, allow that to happen without a shot fired. >> fortunate enough to see what happened. up close. and off of record, traveling with some president's delegations to moscow.
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it was a remarkable time, i also lament that we didn't do more, in succeeding years in clinton era to really cement what could have been a person bond between russia former uss rstates and europe and the u.s. >> that is say relationship that has gone to pot in last couple of years. he worked hard to establish the beginning there. he really had a -- past more domestic than. in one term. >> president who did not win 50% of the vote, because of ross
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perot, became president in in in 9292neither of his campaigns about bill clinton win 50% of the people. >> and cost him the election, world lost because this president i think could have continued, his constructive relationship with russia at that time, but beyond that, he brought israelis and palestinians to madrid, i think he would have had a chance nov things--move things forward is. lou: right now this president president's legacy is in question now on every initiative he has undertaken including his signature law obamacare. >> his legislation was flawed to begin with.
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it was only passed with democratic votes. his prime agenda right now is the iran deal, he has problems. lou: to 2016 election. what do you think of jeb bush's debut today? >> i thought it was a good opening debut they were a little late coming on tv. it is going to be a tough race, i have a bunch of friends in this race, i am going to try to avoided endorsing they are all good people, they have experience i lean toward governors and ex governors. we need someone with a leadership capacity. lou: top right now in steyer power
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index is jub bush, and marco rubio. then scott walker. carly fiorina well, ted cruz? >> i know ted. lou: he is surprisingly pleasant smart as hell, and off putting to some. >> i like governors that are able to get results. lou: we had a belly full of senators. >> we have. lou: thank you so much, the guyet quiet man that is not johnny is sinew new. >> all right. thank you, george. >> do you believe free traded traded vo trade >> cast your vote at
11:22 pm >> in north carolina two teens recovering after they lost limbs in separate shark attacks on the same beach the attacks occurred 90 minutes apart yesterday on the beach in oak island. at 4:15, 13-year-old girl was attacked. a 16-year-old boy was attacked. both victims had an arm amputated following the attack, hospital reports they in fair condition, this is just days after a 13-year-old girl was attacked by a shark while riding a boogie board suffering deep lacerations on her foot. >> on west coast california drought sparking water wars, wealthy residents are tired of being shamed for their water usage. if they can pay for it, they say, they should get more, a
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residence in rancho santa fe, saying we're not all equal when it comes to water, that is right in california, you don't have water. the rest of us are better off pope francis weighing in on global warming. calling it a major threat to life on the planet. an italian magazine today broke the embargo published a draft copy on global warming which had been said to be released thursday. 192 page document, ponttive blames -- pontiff claims it on human activity, and urges reduction on consumption of fossil fuels data from add mans most monitoring system finds that united states in midst of a 10 year long krooling cooling trend. >> up next my thoughts on republicans and democrats pushing trade deal. things getting too hot in a 5
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lou: a few thoughts to politics of trade. and house rules committee rules comet i working tonight to get a revote on trade bill that was defeated last friday. and why it wrong to tall the tpp the president's trade issue he has adopted it but so has republican party the plan is that of the chairman bir of commerce and -- chamber of commerce and round table they have been pushing it for 10 years now. and hillary clinton decided to do what she refused to do until yesterday. she has a position on trade.
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>> it needs to protect american workers, it needs to raise wages, and create good jobs at home. it needs to be in our national security interest. the president should listen to and work with his allies in congress starting with nancy pelosi. >> nancy pelosi, whatever you think of clinton, she is talking about putting american workers ahead of foreign workers the republicans better be taking notes, republican leader sound like corporatist,ist this ahead of the election where republican should be focusing on support for our middle class. american jobs, and the small businesses that create most of the jobs in this country instead of pushing a quote unquote, free trade agenda that costs every american something. >> that is part of reason that president, and congress want to keep legislation secret.
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it is welfare for u.s. multinationals, and a job killer and wage cutter for our middle class and all who aspire to it over last 20 years median household income has climbed about 5% when ajusted for inflation. 5%. over two decades. we lost about 3.95 million jobs to offshoring and outsourcing since 2003. and we run anial trade deficit every year since 1976. you can thank trade promotion authority in large measure. the president's trade agenda will extend that record of misery for working americans and small, and a hell of an note when i have to thank wikileaks for releasing details about president's secret trade agenda, neither party will tell the american people what is in it i am hardly used to saying this my
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compliment to minority leader nancy pelosi, and the democrats in the house who oppose the second rated bill. -- secreted bill, our middle class and small businesses, owe othem much. >> our quote of the evening. both parties insisting that tpp legislation be kept secret, yet demanding it be passed without public knowledge of what the impact will be on the jobs, their standard of living, and the american way of life. now this is what john f. kennedy said about secrecy in our government. he said very word secrete is repugnant in a free and open society, we're as a people opposed to secret societies and secret oaths and proceedings preceding like the ones we are watching right
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now in washington on the tpp . >> 20 years ago jurassic park made movie history this week, the latest installment in your jurassic world desurround the competition. >> no truce in war over law enforcement over the weekend more a attack on police, what could happen when a monster truck try its break a world record next, video here at td ameritrade, they love innovating. and apparently, they also love stickers. what's up with these things, victor? we decided to give ourselves stickers for each feature we release. we read about 10,000 suggestions a week to create features that as traders we'd want to use, like social signals, a tool that uses social media to help with research. 10,000 suggestions. who reads all those? he does. for all the confidence you need.
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lou: joining us tonight, investigator reporter for the review. julian melcher. and robert zimmerman, hillary clinton takes a position to trade, she comes out in favor -- she suggestions that president start talking with nancy pelosi who orchestrated his lap down last week. >> and prior priority she sets, they are important guidelines. >> i would hope they would be guidelines for every single damn politician in the country when voting on any issue. how about jobs, standard of
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living wages? >> with trade deal, in particular, there are two sides manufacturers expanding to a broader marketplace. you see them -- >> they are tearing up that vietnamese market. in chile, it is going to be awesome, and malaysia, human rights abuse will not be a problem. and mexico watching 100,000 people get kidnapped principle exporter of drugs to u.s., i am happy that it is abova is -- bafa with the president and these free traders. >> it expands it in market but we're benefiting. lou: your idea of free trade is impoverish american worker, small business person, and middle class so poor people in
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other countries can be lifted up. >> not exactly. it will lift up poor people in other country i believe it creates other opportunity. >> being specific, 3.5 million people lost their jobs outsourcing, every one of these deals, reduces our growth rate in gdp because have you 40 years of trade deficit. >> you see a lot of small businesses expanding into global markets. >> for crying out loud, i am not getting off into this, if you are not dealing with the facts. >> i have been there. >> you know -- >> i really want to understand how republican party could sell out as a bunch of corporatetivities to u.s. multinationals and say the hell with everyone but the chamber of commerce and the business round table. >> i am looking at is deal they will bring forward in terms of restructuring. lou: you are not there is no
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deal to look at, it is secret. >> there is some talk, what i hear on the hill, some talk of negotiation where democrats will introduce a piece of legislation. lou: trust ni mao me on this, american people are not being toil by anyone, what is in -- the american people are not being told what is in the bill, they go in a little room with a lytlelittle light they can't take notes they can't take it out with them, are you kidding me, what kind of american puts up with that nonsense that is dispick. >> when smoke clears, this will be a publicly scrutinized bill, i have no doubt you will make sure of it. lou: i have no doubt i will do all i can calling for openness on part of a constitutional republic. what do you think of that idea. >> obama administration does not
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have a good track record on tran transparency, that is a concern i like trade authority. lou: read article i section 8 of the constitution. >> i look at tran -- transparency of president obama if is -- >> what are you drinking? >> making sure you are listening to me. >>me. jillian, great to have you with us robert. >> glad to be here. >> there you go. great to see you. >> how many -- vote in our poll, question, do you believe free traded vo cait -- advocates distort reality. cast your vote. >> in new jersey, monster jam
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world champion, tom meeks made history in a max v truck. meeks landed first ever monster jam front flip in front of thousands, wow! that done work out is that it. >> at metlife stadium it flipped twice before landing on all 4 wheels, count that again there we go. that is one two -- i seem -- if you ignore the roof of the car the truck it is a landing on 4 wheels, he was going for a guinness record but his rear tires bounced into an over rotation he did not hit the ground cleanly. we've seen that trin eel what is that in -- triple what is that
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triple sec? >> no triple axle. guitarist michael clifford of the group 5 seconds of summer, performing onstage in london, saturday night he was accidentally hit by a pyro pyrotechnic display his hair caught fire, the concert ended. he suffered burns to his head, he is feeling better, his face is fine. up next mort zuckerman will join us and residents of an arizona city taking frustrations out on their mayor in a civic minded way. stay with us. automotive innovation starts... right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a redesigned cabin
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o successfully negotiate a resolution. volume on big tujunga 3 billion -- on the big board 3 billion shares joining me now talk about free trade and politics, and all issues, mort zuckerman. >> very glad to be here. lou: talk about free trade, we
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know they will try a revote, they the republican leadership on -- because they did not get result they businessed -- on free trade tomorrow. >> i think they are probably going to get what they want, but i think this trade deals that we're making are hurting the american economy not helping we're losing a lot of jobs, we want here. particularly for people in lower end of the salary scale. lou: mort zuckerman. let me tell you listen to this man he is one of the smartest, most successful folks talking straight not many people with your wealth, and your success are talking straight about free trade. this is a clarion call, so wonderful to hear. >> there are some kind of trades that do make sense, but it is
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ridiculous when we lose so many jobs, that is not what we want to have happen in this time in the economy with so many lousy jobs for people at lower end of the income stuck spectrum, and these are the people we have to support at this stage of the game. lou: we're told, we don't know, neither party will talk about the content. we're told by wikileaks it is outrageous. >> that is outrageous, if we're a democracy we're an open society, and if we're an open society you donor hold hold back difficult news. lou: it would give president greater authority on the executive action on immigration. these are the same republican leaders who are suing him for
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abuse of executive power. sizely that issue. >> what drives that thinking, it is inconsistent with what they have been talking about for a long time. >> unless they are hypocrites, looking just to preserve some vote. >> parish the thought could not be -- hillary clinton comes out with a nice event and makes great sense on the issue of trade, didn't you think. >> i did. lou: jeb bush today i thought that was a blockbuster opening to his official campaign. >> i thought he was the terrific to watch him he is sincere knowledgeable, and analytical, he knows political problem and the economic problems, i think he will be a real contendor. lou: with a lot of charlies.
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>> that -- challengers. >> that is the name of the game, are you to win it. lou: he he is going to campaign with heart. >> i never met him until this year, he is a very impressive guy, he will be a formidable candidate. lou: all right we is the before 11th in. >> if this country is ready -- i am your guy. lou: you would have my support mort zuckerman. >> good to be here. lou: mayor of glendale, arizona angered a lot residents for sending arizona coyote hockey team packing from their arena. watch as a phoenix coyotes super man tasers the mayor he lets
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her, wires volunteered to be stunned with the taser if $10,000 donation were made to a arizona charity that supports first responders, that is a stand up fellow to do that. that did no -- i think he needed that support. good for you mayor. outstanding, up next, ronald reagan's biggest secret revealed my next guest has it, he will share proving reagan had, a black belt in something that i will tell you about -- saying in bad assery, we'll find out next when we talk with author brad melcher.
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lou: "new york times" best selling author, uncovering a great american secret. while conducting research for his new thriller. secret service agents telling melcher, carry that ronald reagan carried a gun with him in his briefcase while on official business, and took his . .38-caliber pistol with him. on air force one in case a i did dispurr
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disturbance broke on the in midair. brad melcher is a friend of mine. congratulations on obvious blockbuster. >> great to see you. lou: the plot there are this one, this is, here you go again. how you divine all of this material from archives from history is amazing to me. >> usually i can pinpoint where i get the idea from, this one i just woke up with it i said, i met first ladies before, one thing i gleaned from them they want normalcy back, not cameras or press i have a image of a first lady in rose garden of white house, 5:00 a.m., she is by herself. she puts her hand in the dirt, smells mulch and out of the dirt she pulling a severed arm. she does not know how it got
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there. lou: the beginning. >> this is page 1-3 of the book. you know me, i take that idea, i go to secret service i said, what would you do if you were investigating that, they said, to me, first thing i would redecorate a room. what are you talking about. they said if you renovate a room, you put new wall paper up, you paint it, you can get first family out of the house investigate, press will not know. lou: when we hear that the first lady or president someone in family decided to redecorate, that means ma secret service is taking security. >> sometime a redecoration is a redecoration, but think of this, clinton, bushes and obama have all redecorated rooms you will not believe what happened here in the name of redecoration, i
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have chapter two in the book. lou: we don't want you to give away any more of the book, but ask about reagan, i first heard he carried a .38 in his briefcase, before he was shot? >> we're trying to pinpoint, we know it was after much i was in secret service headquarters, and -- there is a museum back there we were walking through since we broke story someone else has gotten in touch and saw reagan after the shooting, say he carried the gun i trusted my friends in secret service but in case someone else comes at me again, i want to be ready. we know it was after hinkley went after him we just don't know if it was before as well. lou: the great irony that president that they revered above all was ronald reagan, he unfortunately got shot.
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>> of course. lou: secrets of the secret service, what else can you share with us that other folks would not -- >> i think one of 5 favorites -- 5 favre they aremy favorites they are not only one guarding us, if you look in ratein80s, hostages came back from iran. there were great patriots. i love that idea that regular citizens are looking out for us. lou: great to see you congratulations, on another blockbuster the president's shadow. beginning tomorrow. that is it for us. thank you joining us congressman jim jordan, and
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general jack keane tomorrow, be with us, thank you for joining us tonight good night from new york. >> i am jedediah bila in for kennedy. tonight, the naacp leader who pretended to be black resigned today. and two terrifying shark attacks happened over the weekend in north carolina, what do we know, i will ask jeff corwin, i will give a piece of my mind to a film critic who say women can't undergod fellows. >> and jeb bush ajointed he is running for president


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