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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 16, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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your hide. charles: and your entitlement is to watch us at 6:00 p.m. thank you for watching if you can't see the show dvr, you don't want to miss a moment. next two days are treacherous. leaving you in the capable hands of lou dobbs. keep it on fox business. lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. russia today warned it will direct its forces, including icbm missiles toward any european nation that receives u.s. stockpiles of heavy weapons and equipment, the russians responding almost immediately to reports the united states have offered to stockpile weapons and military equipment in allied european nations. sufficient for some 5,000 troops. the pentagon almost as quickly responded with a milquetoast quote of its own saying we have no decision when or if to move this equipment end quote. vladimir putin raised the level of his bellicose rhetoric and announced the raising of the
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number of russian intercontinental ballistic missiles by 40 this year. putin says the new missiles are capable of peerings any missile defense system. the threat and his announcement certainly got the attention of secretary of state john kerry. >> nobody wants to see us step backwards. nobody wants to go back to a cold war status. it's hard to tell but nobody should hear that kind of announcement from the leader of a powerful country, and not be concerned about what the implications are. lou: meanwhile, putin is not waiting for clarification from president obama or for an examination of possible implications. he is simply delivering a warning to nato and the united states that russia will be prepared for military confrontation with the west. on another potential flash point china today saying it's almost finished building the man made islands in the south
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china sea. the area where china is building the islands is in waters claimed by taiwan, vietnam, the philippines and malaysia. u.s. navy reconnaissance video from two weeks ago showing beijing is building those military outposts and building up the islands as they do so. the united states says china has now added some 2,000 acres of land around reefs over the past 18 months, and the communist nation wants to project power throughout the region. at the same time blunting u.s. influence in the region. on capitol hill, an effort to get answers from the federal government for not preventing the most devastating cyberattack in this country. millions upon million of government workers had classified and personal sensitive information hacked from government computers. obama administration officials weren't ready to apologize for
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vulnerability to the cyberattack. fox news chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel with our report. >> reporter: lawmakers demanding answers about the hacking of the office of personnel management didn't get many details in today's open hearing, and that made house oversight members furious. republican jason chaf its tried to pin down the step the of the damage. >> i would be glad to discuss that in a classified setting. >> there is nothing classified what the information includes. >> why the personal information wasn't encrypted and was told aging computer systems couldn't handle it. democrats didn't like what they heard either. >> i wish that you were as strenuous and hard working at keeping information out of the hands of hackers as you are keeping information out of the hands of congress. >> reporter: at least 4.2 million government employees
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had information compromised and perhaps more in a new kind of warer. >> it's not bombs and missiles launching it's the constant stream of weapons aimed at data. >> reporter: it is keeping the private health information of millions of americans as part of obamacare on which got off to a rough launch. >> it's clear to me there is a high level of technological incompetence across many of our federal agencies. >> reporter: after a closed-door classified session with jeh johnson, the house committee chairman sounded the alarm. >> the breach was serious, pervasive and a direct threat to our not only civilian but entire federal government. >> reporter: he's calling for heads to roll. >> if we want different results, it's time for the office of personnel management director as well as the cio to step down. time for them to go. >> reporter: the house homeland security chairman says anybody across the government who
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filled out a security clearance form has potentially had their information breached as well. lou? lou: mike thank you very much mike emanuel. also on capitol hill today, the house voted to give itself six more weeks to sort out legislation that would give president obama more power to fast track international trade deals which was defeated last week. now lawmakers have given themselves until july 30th to try to pass the entire trade package and send it onto president obama. however, when and if that vote were to occur is far from clear. democrats were virtually united last week in opposing the package of so-called free trade legislation. free trade that has, to this point resulted in 40 consecutive years of trade deficits. hillary's e-mail scandal it worsens by the day, and today she has a key adviser to blame for it. the house select committee on benghazi receiving dozens of pages of e-mails by clinton
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confidant sidney blumenthal, pages that were not included in the trove of clinton records provided by the state department in february. so either hillary clinton was lying when she said she turned over all of her official e-mails as secretary of state, or the state department has failed to make them available to the house committee investigating benghazi. fox news chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge with our report. >> reporter: as clinton adviser sidney blumenthal was ushered into the closed door deposition on capitol hill new questions about 60 e-mails his attorney handed over to the benghazi select committee friday never provided by the state department. government bureaucracy or hillary clinton is to blame. >> i will leave it to you to figure out whether there was a failure to produce on the former secretary's part or a failure to produce on the part of the states.
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>> reporter: she produced all the relevant e-mails, democrats were on the defensive. >> this is all about gop efforts to try to attack likely democratic nominee for president. >> i don't think it's accurate at all to say the state department withheld documents. >> reporter: the state department could not explain the gap in the record because it had never seen the blumenthal e-mails and didn't know whether mrs. clinton provided them. they agree the documents should be public but disagree on the conditions. >> i am 100% for releasing the blumenthal documents, only if, only if there is also the release of the transcript of today's deposition. >> he has considered to the immediate release, unconnected to the issue whether or not the deposition is released. >> reporter: fox news is told the documents show blum thought
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provided policy advice acting as de facto operative for then secretary clinton. the obama administration chartered a course to support opposition and overthrow moammar gadhafi, the libyan dictator. blumenthal did not stop to take reporter questions but described the deposition as -- >> civil. >> reporter: the deposition turned into an all-day affair and continues on capitol hill. lawmakers said it could go seven eight or nine hours because it may the only chance to question blumenthal directly. the next witness expected before the committee is mrs. clinton's personnel aide but there is no date on the schedule though it could come before the end of the month, lou. lou: catherine, thank you very much. catherine herridge reporting. congressman jim jordan at the blumenthal hearing that catherine herridge reported on and he joins me coming right up. but first, the search for new york's most wanted escaped
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convict going cold on day 11. the longest manhunt in new york state history. it's a surprising development when you consider more than 800 local, state and federal law enforcement officers are involved in the involved in the 24-hour a day manhunt. and the sheriff concluded fugitives are so good that joyce mitchell's getaway car was the only backup plan. >> my theory only is she was plan b. i would have viewed her as baggage almost for them to be able to escape into freedom because she's leaving behind a family and husband people are going to want to try and contact her. lou: mitchell is accused of having a sexual relationship with both of the escaped convicts, as the "new york post" reported, it was in their view a shaw-tank is sex triangle. we are coming back stay with
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us. boehner plotting to ram through religion will congress do the bidding of the multiu.s. nationals or vote down the job destroying trade deal. huge part of the country bracing for threatening weather next.
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. lou: breaking news now,
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residents in texas oklahoma and arkansas and missouri tonight are bracing for torrential rain and flash flooding as tropical storm bill is tearing into the region. that storm made landfall on the texas coast northeast of corpus christi this afternoon sustained winds of some 60 miles an hour. forecasters are warning the storm could bring as much as 12 inches of rain to parts of waterlogged texas before moving northward into arkansas and oklahoma. flooding in the region led to more than 30 deaths last month. turning to major league baseball's cybergate, spy gate whatever you want to call it, it's outrageous. the fbi and the justice department are now investigating whether officials for the st. louis cardinals hacked into the internal networks of the houston astros. the investigators say they uncovered evidence that cardinals officials hacked the
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astros database and stole information about internal discussions about trades, scouting reports and proprietary statistics. the cardinals at this point are saying that because it is now a federal investigation, it would be inappropriate for any of their executives or officials to comment. a busy day on capitol hill as we've said lawmakers heard testimony for six hours from hillary clinton confidant sidney blumenthal. blumenthal turned over his e-mails with clinton concerning the benghazi terrorist attack. documents that clinton herself did not turn over. joining us congressman jim jordan, a member of the house judiciary and oversight committee and serves on the select committee on benghazi. congressman good to have you with us. an extraordinary session you've been in today. >> yeah. lou: give us your headline thoughts on this one. >> well, a number of things going on.
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first is the whole trade issue. you know, look, we're for trade trade means opportunity to market and sell your products in expanding marketplaces but you need to do it right. we think there are certain things that need to be in the legislation before many of us conservatives want to support it, of course there's also the hearing that took place today the deposition actually of mr. blumenthal and the benghazi committee. a number of things going on today important to the american taxpayer. lou: and on benghazi and blumenthal, long-awaited his testimony and his e-mails and, are you getting what you expected in those documents? >> well the interesting news, of course, is that we got more e-mails from mr. blumenthal, 64 more than from what we got from the state department. there is explaining to do from the state department's perspective. did you not give them to us or mrs. clinton didn't, and therefore you need to give the
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information to us. the many questions that need to be answered as we're doing the work of the select committee. lou: and this committee, the going has been to put it as gently as i can, slow. because we have been engaging in this now for 2012 was the terrorist attack. the stonewall has been in effect since, and congress has yet to break through that. is possibly this the breakthrough? >> well it can certainly help, i mean the truth is we want the information, it's tough to ask all the appropriate gis don't have all the appropriate documents all the information, the complete record. so we had a subpoena from the congress to the state department now two years old and they have yet to comply with everything. give us the information. the focus here is to get to the truth. four americans were killed. four americans gave their life serving their country. the american taxpayer deserves the truth and most importantly the families of the four
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individuals deserve the truth. give us the information so we can get there. lou: and do you see in prospect those answers? will those families will the american public be seeing the truth. will it be revealed in your judgment in this calendar year? >> here's what i know lou the folks on the committee are going to do everything we can to get to the truth. the staff on the committee is doing everything they can to get to the truth. chairman gowdy is determined to get to the truth. we're going to do everything we can, it would sure go quicker and be more helpful if the state department would give us the information much faster much sooner frankly a long time ago they should have given it to us. we're going to do everything we can to get to the bottom of it. lou: let me ask you this quickly scandal after scandal whether it's fast and furious, whether benghazi, the irs, there has not been as far as i've been able to detect anything but a stonewall from
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this administration toward an inquiring congress representing the people's right to know. >> yeah, i've been involved with the irs scandal, the targeting of conservative groups for exercising their most fundamental right, political speech rights and we've had the same, same treatment from the administration on the irs scandal, the same thing on fast and furious. this is the way the administration operates. to the detriment obviously of the american people, the american taxpayer and the people who were harmed in the benghazi or irs scandal. it's the way they operate i wish they didn't. and one of the things that scares me most where the country is today. when you have an administration that won't be transparent. when you have a justice department that's more focused on politics than they are on justice that is a big problem, particularly when you're thinking about the greatest country in the world and what our country is supposed to stand for. lou: and you mentioned trade and we have the paradox, and we
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have the republican leadership in congress cooperating with the president they'reing. >> court seeking to work with the administration to give the president in effect more power. an administration that has promised to be open and transparent has been the most secretive the most restrictive in history and this leadership of the republican party in the house and senate going along with this president as they keep secret the very legislation that the american people are watching their congress vote on. how can that be excused? >> well more important, lou, the american people elected us to do certain things. let's focus on what we told them we were going to do when they elected us last fall. pew research has a poll out. you know 65% of republican voters think republicans aren't doing what they said they were going to do? because we're not doing what we said we were going to do. free trade conservatives like
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myself but want to do this in a way that's consistent with principles, keeps the checks and balances on the executive branch and on the president that the american people demanded we put on him when they elected us last fall. we offered amendment to our leadership to put in the bill that would give greater balance, greater checks what the president can do if he negotiates the treaties. we haven't had our amendment accepted. those are things we think needs to be in the legislation before conservatives support it. lou: a frustrated jim jordan, one of the good guys congressman jim jordan of texas. be sure to vote in our poll tonight, donald trump saying the american dream is dead is he right? cast your vote at a california couple finding a patriotic solution to common problem for a lot of folks across california. the city of san jose has the toughest water conservation laws trying to deal with the crippling drought. instead of looking at brown grass for the rest of the
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summer, the deckers use more than a dozen cans of spray paint to paint a giant american flag right there on their lawn. now that's inventive. and that's adapting. i like it. pope francis sparking considerable controversy and criticism for wading into the issue of climate change. this thursday the pontiff to be pontificating releasing encyclical calling on people to change life styles or energy consumption or face, quote grave consequences and calling for new world order. the rollout of his encyclical is timed to have maximum impact ahead of u.n. climate change conference in december, and it was also leaked by an italian magazine two days ago. up next i'll tell you why the eight most terrifying words in the english american
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language are i'm president obama and i'm here to help. and unusual rescue mission to tell you about tonight. you don't want to miss it. stay with us. there's something out there. it's a highly contagious disease. it can be especially serious- even fatal to infants. unfortunately, many people who spread it
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. lou: a few thoughts now on what some might be forgiven for believing that the president has a curse when it comes to business. today gap announced it will close a quarter of its stores. 175 of its stores nationwide, and also slash 250 jobs at its corporate headquarters. those closings and job cuts come over a year after the president praised gap for raising its minimum wage to $10 an hour. the president even visited gap store during a trip to new york last march. bad luck for them. gap just the latest business to feel the curse. in his state of the union earlier this year president obama heralded companies that
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didn't exist ten or 20 years ago for providing good jobs he touted ebay which less than 24 hours after the president made its address announced it was cutting 10% of workforce because of weak sales. president obama couldn't complete first year in office before the curse was in some evidence. in 2009 then-president elect obama visited cardinal faster in a manufacturer for wind turbine parts. two years later, the company was bankrupt. president obama visited allentown metal works in pennsylvania, while promoting his stimulus program. within two years, the steel plant closed its doors, and solyndra he visited the solar firm in 2010 a year later that's right, belly up. scariest words for any business owner is i'm from the government and i'm here to help but president obama and speaker boehner made it clear they're really here to help multi-u.s. nationals. the chamber of commerce and, of course, the business
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roundtable and that our middle class will be paying for more so-called free trade with their jobs, their wages and their quality of life for themselves and for generations to come. our quotation of the evening, on prosperity, author and philosopher ian rand said -- words to remember in washington. we're coming right back. stay with us. vladimir putin threatens the united states escalating tensions between russia and the west. general jack keane with us next. and cinematographers capture mother nature in all her fury. the fascinating video is next. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions
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. lou: joining us fox news military analyst general jack
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keane. great to have you here general. how important is that attack and the resulting two casualties? >> well, it's very important. as you identified, particularly the attack in yemen you know he is a number two al qaeda guy, and even more important than that running aqap, and this is the organization designated to conduct out of region attacks for the al qaeda ever since we bottled them up in the mountains in pakistan. and he is desperately tried to be successful launched four against the united states one reported because we double agent one of the guys and the other three, they were plastic bombs, two imprinted on airplanes and the other the so-called underwear bomber. none of those detonated, thank god. they will continue to try this. this organization has gained in strength in the last two years because of the houthis in the civil war in syria.
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they will replace him ideology is the same and they will continue to step up. the problem we have lou, the middle east is in chaos and the united states is in retreat. we had an embassy there, and we had a special operations base. neither exists. so the fact that we still can do an operation there, our people deserve credit. the same issue in libya. lou: absolutely. and as we are watching what is happening in the middle east whether al qaeda, whether the islamic state, russia now adding 40, 40 icbm's to arsenal and putin declares that those are sophisticated icbm's with advanced technology capable of penetrating any missile defense system including that of the united states. your thoughts? >> well, you know first of all, we don't have a sufficient defense system against icbm's. that's number one. number two, putin upgraded
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nuclear arsenal and it's a matter of public record we have not upgraded ours that's a serious issue. the third thing he has been saber-rattling the last year and a half, interesting pattern, i believe put sin a master at psychological warfare, he knows u.s. and nato are overmatch for his military with conventional warfare. he clearly understands that as does his generals but keeps threatening nuclear warfare and the reality of that is he's pushing us around not just making those threats but how he uses his bluster and his diplomatic strength and also his military forces. this is all about pushing us back. lou: and pushing us back, this is a president who is definitely on his heels. he started by saying frankly it's one of his statements mr. obama's statements. i horribly fret over and regret, and that is when he called russia a regional power, that has just added four
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icbm's. it is one of the most ludicrous and provocative statements to pint, but also clear they've been developing the icbm the additions to the arsenal for some time. these don't just show up after six months after the president orders them? >> no doubt about that. putin has a significant strategic weapon in nuclear arsenal to be sure, that certainly makes him significant military power based on that. the use of the term trying to reduce him to a regional power was all about not having the step up to him. not having to deal with him in harsh reality. what's taking place in ukraine. putin is seek a change of the political in order europe to his favor he is seek regional domination particularly of eastern europe and will eventually challenge nato. this is part of a strategy he has and continuing to move in
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that direction. lou: and is there an appropriate response here that would be successful? is there a clear response that the united states and nato could take that would alter the outcome of what appears to be a strategy on the part of putin that's gaining momentum? >> well, the appropriate response is in our history. we stood up against soviet union aggression. we did that by planting down in europe significant amount u.s. and nato forces with real capabilities there. they saw it they understood it and therefore did nothing with it. and we're not doing anything near that. we're moving units and capability over, there but it's not sufficient it's not permanent. it's only temporary, and what putin gets out of that is we're not serious enough. lou: general jack keane who is always here. great to have you with us jack. >> good talking to you, lou, as always. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight, donald trump says the american dream is dead.
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do you think he's right? cast your vote at stunning video capturing the amazing power of mother nature. two cinematographers were at the right place at the right time to capture the eruption of chile's volcano in the time-lapsed video. it's extraordinary, isn't it? it was that volcano's first eruption in four decades. columns of ash spewing six miles into the air. here in the united states, the coast guard going to the rescue of a leather back sea turtle the rare and endangered turtle was entangled in a net in long island. it swum away with great gratitude and no sign of injury. up next something very significant just happened to 401(k) plans and it's for the first time ever. it turns out prison worker
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joyce mitchell shares a lot more than an escape plan with new york's most wanted deadly killer fugitives. stay with us, that story coming right up. when a moment spontaneously turns romantic why pause to take a pill? and why stop what you're doing to
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. lou: the former president of the naacp spokane chapter accused of lying about race break her silence joining nbc's matt lauer, telling him she began identifying with the quote, unquote black experience at about the age of 5. >> are you an african-american woman? >> i identify as black. i was drawing self-portraits with the brown crayon instead of the peach crayon and black curly hair yeah, that was how i was portraying myself. lou: the city of spokane is investigating whether dolezal lied about ethnicity when she applied to be on a city police board. in 2002 she unsuccessfully sued howard university for discriminating against her because she was, at that time at least white. joining us criminal defense attorney johna spill bore
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mercedes colwin great to have you both here. >> great to be here. lou: this is -- suing howard university, all of the curfufel, if she weren't the head of the naacp, would there be a problem here? >> there would be a problem obviously what she's been doing the course of her life is being white when it serves her to be white like suing howard university and being black when it serves her to be black. the problem i have if you are claiming to be anything i don't care what race you are claiming to be, you are going to get a benefit but it's not your genuine race you are committing a fraud. she should be in jail for that. i don't care how sympathetic claiming she identifies with the black experience the black experience is culture. lou: president obama calls himself black. he's biracial why should he be more forthcoming on the issue of checking black when checking
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a box, it's repugnant that we have to say what race we're on on government forms people should tell them to go to hell. >> it's optional. lou: it's in the community studies. >> in the community studies it is. when it comes to the job applications they have these requirements that you have to put in or most of the times say it's optional. i agree with jonna here's somebody that perpetuated a fraud from day one. how many applications did she sign she was black? how many times did she certify she was black? so many times she came forward. lou: caitlyn jenner now, there was a tweet that came last night saying that dolezal is more black than jenner is female. what's the issue? now try to sort out all of the group and identity issues that explode from this one case, and
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you say it's fraud. according to who? >> well that's a great point. here's the issue, you can choose ethnicity. you can't choose race. there are tons of cases that talk about that. if someone says identify with the hispanic culture, they can identify themselves as hispanic it's ethnicity. you love the culture, like the food, the language, you can categorize yourself as hispanic. when it comes to race that's what people struggle on. lou: until, until i believe it was in the 1980s, you know, hispanic wasn't even a classification for the government. it was created to unite puerto rico and mexican heritage citizens for the purpose of government. it's a crazy kind of world we live in here. how about we get rid of group and identity politics and group and identity identification. >> that might not be a bad
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idea. we are identifying or categorizeing. >> if you're a citizen you're going to get a lot of empathy. >> if you're a human being, that might not be a bad way to go. >> unfortunately there are so many benefits. employers against federal contracts. if they have certain amount of individuals. >> women? women owned businesses. lou: let's turn to other benefits. in this case prison escapees. [ laughter ] >> and killers at that. this woman having sex apparently with both prisoners and part of the quid pro quo in this relationship was freedom. she has unleashed two killers on society. we're chuckling here, it is so incredibly serious. what they were convicted of their crimes were completely heinous. here's someone who knew that obviously she did what she did. >> she had to have had help, bringing in the whatever the
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tools that it took them to break through the wall. other people had to turn a blind eye if not flat-out help them. there should be more arrests happening, and i'm surprised she's not talking singing like a canary. i suspect that will happen very soon. couldn't have contacted alone. >> i agree. do the full investigation. see who else has been involved. and have a little oversight over your employees. how about that? lou: well it is, and for all new york, corrections and they were in a -- i mean, it blows my mind to think they were in a maximum security division of the prison and were taking tailoring classes and doing all of the nonsense, and having sex with one of the instructors. >> right. >> didn't you know threesomes were allowed in prison? i didn't know that. >> i've spent time in prison cells voluntarily. lou: what? sounded like you had been incentivized there. >> no no no.
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and i didn't bring any tools. lou: thank you. >> thank you. lou: we've answered very important questions on modern american society. i hope they catch these guys. >> they're never going to catch them. lou: on wall street, stocks closing higher. the dow up 113 points. s&p up 12. the nasdaq up 26. volume on the big board 2.9 billion shares. and in another development, rupert murdoch turning over the reins of twenty-first century fox the parent company of this network beginning july 1st. rupert murdoch will be the executive chairman of twenty-first century fox replaced by his son james lachlan murdoch as executive cochairman alongside his father. listen to my financial reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. and withdrawals from 401(k) plans exceeding new contributions because of aging baby boomer population. it's finally happened.
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people pulling out $11.5 billion in 2013, that ends decades of expansion for the 401(k) plans and wall street analysts say the shift could have major implications for money management firms, for the financial industry certainly. up next a reality tv star joining the republican presidential field, and president obama's legacy, could be in danger again. there are perks to his job like a private concert. prince stevie wonder in attendance. stay with us. who paid for that?
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you wouldn't order szechuan without checking the spice level. it really opens the passages. waiter. water. so why would you invest without checking brokercheck? check your broker with brokercheck.
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lou: really real estate mogul donald trump announced he is running for the president. >> i am really rich, by the way i'm not saying that to brag, that is the kind of mind set that is the kind of thinking you need for this country, we have to make this country rich. it is not crass. lou: it is not crass. did you hear the donald? he would be the greatest jobs president god has given america. how can you resist that.
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if subtitle has caused you to forget the name of the book, it is "end of discussion"." i have a book longer than that. >> longer? lou: yeah. >> good for you. lou: let me turn to donald trump, i thought he was just playing. the donald doesn't strike me as a fellow with a lot of patient patience with give and take. >> i will admit i'm surprised. i thought it was a faint on his part he has threatened to run for office many times never got to it, because there was money to be made, but there he was. >> he said that american dream
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is dead, only way it can be revived is through the good offices of donald trump. >> i was joking on twitter this was donald trump announcing his net worth and also a presidential run. he was excited to let everyone know how much money he has. lou: if you had almost $9 billion, wouldn 't you be excited? >> very excited. i would buy a lot of copies of my book. lou: you have the mind set that he says that america needs. i was impressed with jeb bush's announcement to be honest with you, he it the her fec perfect tone and he said the right things. >> i agree with you i thought it was a strong, serious speech. i thought when he got heckled
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and responded off the cuff pretty well. lou: a thought great. >> a a -- ener energetic crowd he played off of that. lou: let's go to pope francis. pope francis on climate change. i don't think what the profit is in this for him or the church. it is to me political. not the stuff of which i would expect a pope to get involved in. >> this has been a different kind of pope, i am not a catholic i admire him greatly
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i admire the catholic church. you know there will be some people who disagree with what the pope has to say. one thing we can all agree on, i think, christians, that we're to be good stewards of the earth. lou: talking with a new world order. >> vatican did say this is not the finalized version, a leaked version. lou: it is provocative. and speaking of provocative. the new book, "the end of discussion " >> thank you lou. lou: time for a look at our on-line poll results? we ask -- 92 percent of you said yes you do. well that is it for us, thank thank you for being with us,
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ambassador john bolton will join us here tomorrow night. good to have you with us. good night from new york. kennedy: i am back. very happy to be here. i noticed there is a national epidemic of people pretending to be something they are not the latest perpetrator, the man who believes he is presidential. you guessed it, donald trump has efficiently declared. >> ladies and gentlemen, i am efficiently running for -- officially running for president of the united states. and we're going to make our country great again. kennedy: woo! he spent whole time lobbying bombs lighting the field on


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