tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 18, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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the memory of the grandfather whose comic book collection came to the family's rescue. i am jamie colby for "strange inheritance" and thank you for watching. reme your friends. lou dobbs is the best in business and this is fox business. . lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. the nation reeling tonight from the largest mass shooting in a house of worship in almost 25 years. police arrested a troubled 21-year-old. his name dylan storm roof, when a citizen saw him in shelby, north carolina. 14 hours after police say he walked into a historic black church in charleston, south carolina where he killed nine people. republicanses say roof sat in the church's prayer meeting for nearly an hour before he opened fire. unsubstantiated reports that he told victims quote, you rape
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our woman and you're taking over our country. his facebook profile picture shows he embraced symbols of historic african white supremacist. flak jacket inscribed with two flags. the justice department announced before roof's arrest that the shooting would be investigated as a hate crime. >> acts like this one have no place in our country and no place in a civilized society, and i want to be clear the individual who committed these acts will be found and will face justice. lou: both local and state officials tonight are expressing deep sadness over this tragedy. >> the arrest of this awful man is fodder for all of us in this community and in our country to
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begin the necessary process of our healing together. >> we woke up today and the heart and soul of south carolina was broken. and so we have some grieving to do and we've got some pain we have to go through. parents are having to explain to their kids how they can go to church and feel safe and that's not something we ever thought we'd deal with. lou: and among those dead, six women three men. the church's pastor clementa pinckney, a well-known community leader and also politician, a state senator. president obama today weighing in on the shooting but in a manner that some critics quickly say callously exploited and politicized the
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tragedy. fox news correspondent doug maccel way has our report. >> reporter: after the slaughter in aurora, colorado, in new town connecticut or at a sikh temple in milwaukee, wisconsin. this struck a sensitive nerve for the first african-american president. the emanuel ame church is an epicenter of the civil rights movement, lies in the city where the first shots were fired in america's civil war. >> this is a church brought to the ground because the worshippers worked to end slavery. >> reporter: president obama criticized for comments that nudge the scales of justice in racially charged incidents. >> if i had a son, he'd look like trayvon. >> reporter: he was constrained about talk about the details of the case. >> i don't need to be constrained about the emotions that tragedies like this face. >> reporter: he indicated we would feel anger and stepped
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into divisive waters again. >> someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. at some point we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries. >> reporter: when the president sought new controls on guns after the sandy hook massacre congress sent it down to defeat a bipartisan compromise to ban so-called assault weapons and high-capacity magazines failed to get 60 senate votes. backlash as background checks surged to 2.78 million the largest on record. it sent a loud signal in the 2014 elections that gun control was a toxic issue for democrats in all but the most secure districts. >> to politicize this by beginning to call on gun control, we already know that gun control is not going to stop the viechlts only a change of heart is going to do that. >> reporter: the charleston shooting occurs amidst a crisis
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in large america cities including baltimore and new york, escalating murder rates as police pull back in the face of unrelenting criticism over aggressive policing. in the already tense atmosphere of america's inner city neighborhoods, this hate crime may produce a test of calm in the hot summer months that lay ahead. lou: doug, thank you very much. reporting from the white house. a lot more on the issues tonight. in a few moments joined by former new york city mayor rudy giuliani and bishop harry jackson a leading african-american christian preacher. we'll be talking about the politicization of tragedies like this by politicians including the president as well as the importance of dealing with the issue of mental health in this country. president obama closer to a victory on his trade agenda after the house of representatives voted to give him fast track power to negotiate international trade deals. the so-called trade promotion
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authority bill passed by a thin margin. 213-208 thanks to support from republicans and 28 democrats who support the trade deal. this vote comes less than a week after democrats torpedoed a trade package in a stunning rebuke to president obama. senate now takes up the tpa next week as well as a separate measure to help workers who lost their jobs because of free trade deals like this. that's right. they want to pass the trade deal because they say it will create jobs. they want to create the trade assistance program because they acknowledge that it will actually cost jobs. only in washington. the issue of climate change receiving a lot of attention today as pope francis released a sweeping manifesto and encyclical aimed at creating a new world order, in part. the pontiff calling for a worldwide revolution to fix
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what he describes as structurally perverse economic system in which the rich exploit the poor. his encyclical not sitting well with a lot of critics who say religion has no place in government and political and ideological matters. fox news religion correspondent lauren green with our report. >> reporter: at a packed press conference in rome the vatican unveiling the pole's wildly anticipate encyclical on the environment. as little something for everything to either embrace or shun. the pope's teaching letter on the environment intertwines god, care for the earth and the poor. he also sides with environmental advocates that global warming is real, that humans are responsible and action is needed immediately. he writes humanity is called to recognize the need for changes of lifestyle production and consumption in order to combat this warming or at least the human causes which produce or
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aggravate it. while climate action advocates rallied over the pope to safeguard the earth liberals may balk at or intentionally overlook paragraph 120 where francis talk about the unborn. he writes -- manhattan institute fellow orin cass says many ignore the statements to use the pope's authority to advance their political cause. >> it's a very selective use of the pope's authority certainly. i think it such more of a gotcha game trying to put people who are more religious and might also be skeptical of climate policy in a difficult position. >> reporter: encyclical links environmental problems to human sin. >> there is a source of dimension in ecology which the encyclical brings out with clarity. the crisis goes hand in hand
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with the spread of social injustice. >> reporter: reaction has already come on the campaign trail. rick santorum criticizing the pontum for wandering into the realm of science. >> i don't get economic policy from my bishops or my cardinals or poechlt religion ought to be about making us better as people and less about things that end up getting into the political realm. >> reporter: democratic candidate bernie sanders welcomed the pope's message with a statement. pope francis ismessage should change the debate around the world, denying the science related to climate change is no longer acceptable. the pope's encyclical is seen as a prelude to u.s. visit in september to influence debates in congress and the united nations on the issue of the environment. lou? lou: lauren thank you very much. it was bad enough when we learned two weeks ago that suspected chinese
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cyberattackers had stolen the person information of as many as 14 million current and former federal employees. now we're learning that the obama administration white house which claims to be the most transparent ever waited four weeks before telling the american public about the cyberattack. a white house official tells associated press the white house delayed that announcement and the delay was necessary to identify what information had been exposed and how many people had been affected. as of right now, the office of personnel management does not know what information was exposed or exactly where it went. we're coming right back. stay with us. much more ahead. trying to make sense of the charleston church massacre. president goes all politics all the time but the issue is how will we deal with the mentally
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learning is that the 21-year-old named dylann roof was an introverted person had very few friends and used drugs according to friends and family, and had previous run-ins with the law. roof had been arrested twice in south carolina. he was jailed in march because he was trespassing at a local mall from which he had been restricted, and he was in possession of an unprescribed drug which is a powerful, powerful narcotics commonly used to treat opiate dependency. a man who attended high school with roof said he was a quote, unquote pill popper, taking anxiety drugs such as xanax. we're going to have a lot more on this young person and his obviously troubled background. we'll be learning a lot more about him in the days ahead, of course. the u.s. marshal service today added prison escapees david sweat and richard matt to 15
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most wanted fugitives list. the search for the two men is now in day 13. authorities today lifting the lockdown on the maximum-security prison that the two escaped from, the clinton correctional facility in dannemora, new york. police are now searching seasonal camps and abandoned buildings in upstate new york. they have obviously expanded the area of the search there. has been absolutely no clue, no indication whatsoever of the whereabouts or the direction in which these men are traveling or obviously where they might be now. troubling new statistics show crime surging in new york city, according to the new york police department. murders are up nearly 20% from last year. shootings up 10%. there's been a big spike in crime in the city's subways. robbery and assault both up
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sharply. mayor bill de blasio acknowledges the city is having what he called a challenge right at this moment end quote but says he's optimistic the crime will be contained with each passing week. joining us now, former new york city mayor rudolph giuliani credited with driving crime to the lowest levels in decades when he was mayor of this great city. rudy, great to have you here. >> nice to be here as always. lou: this horrible shooting this massacre in south carolina. the president today stepping straight out and bringing politics to the forefront talking about guns, and what we're dealing with, it is clear now, is a young man who is deeply troubled most likely mentally ill by any definition clinical or otherwise. what is your reaction? >> first of all my reaction is a reaction of a horror and complete shock that someone would go into a church and kill
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people, no matter how depraved they are. but i thought nikki haley's statement the governor of south carolina was much more appropriate, more reagan-like statement putting on a higher plane and understanding the sympathy. lou: and deeply emotional. >> yeah, and the president expressed emotion i'm glad did. the insertion of gun control, which is a political issue, and someone who considers himself an expert on law enforcement, and opponents of gun control, like waiting periods and background checks. gun control doesn't prevent crime for the following reason: criminals don't seek registration. chicago in new york has the same gun control laws exactly the same. chicago has 2 1/2 times the murder of new york. the difference? new york city used to do stop and frisk and used to take the
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guns, literally take them from the criminals. law-abiding citizens use gun control. criminals don't. this guy would have gotten a gun gun control or not. lou: the gun as it turns out was given to him purportedly by his father for his birthday. >> in connecticut they have very strict gun control laws and we had the terrible shooting. there's no correlation between reduction in crime murder and gun control. mass murders in norway. murders in france, murders in england. murders in places that have very strict gun control laws. this is insanity that we're dealing with here and if we're going to focus on it are trying to understand insanity better and how to define and identify it. lou: and mental illness in this country. we have gone through -- the president today said he's made far too many statements like the one he was about to give, and he is right but the problem is the statements have
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not been about the real underlying issues here. we as a society are not dealing well with mental illness that is throughout our society as it is any, and we are not take responsibility for those that we should be trying to help and protect at the same time as a society. >> the president generally deals with this whole issue politically rather than substantively. whether we're talking about what happened in ferguson, he never talks about the underlying causes of crime. he never talks about what are we going to do about education. what are we going to do about getting jobs for people in a real sense. what are we going to do about understanding mental illness and how to treat and deal with it and confront it rather than letting homeless people be on the street. these are the things we should be talking about. these are the things that reduce crime.
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plus an aggressive proactive police force like for example the arrests in new york. one of them. lou: today three of them. >> one a police officer who sees two people suspicious people on the brooklyn bridge, george washington bridge rather. he sees them there for a little too long gets suspicious he reports it arrest them. these guys were planning to do a bombing. they call it precursors of terrorism. they teach courses on it. this is the way you deal with crime. not gun control because places that have gun control have as much crime as places that don't have gun control. lou: the saying, if you see something say something. we talk about that broadly in society as an anti-terrorist tactic. but the truth is american families need to if they know they've got a family member and this young man at least one of his family members knew he was deeply troubled. people got to say something, reach out for help.
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>> intervention we've become more familiar with that. if someone is an alcoholic has a serious mental illness you are not doing good by not intervening. if it were my brother god forbid and displaying signs of paranoia, schizophrenia, an alcoholic i would bring him for treatment. i wouldn't just let him waste away. lou: as always mayor, it is great to have you here. >> always. lou: good to see you. be sure to vote in our poll tonight, the question -- we framed that in a rather american way, we'd like to have your view. cast your vote at firefighters in texas going to the rescue of three teenaged boys that found themselves stranded in rushing floodwaters in a san antonio park when car was caught in a flash flood. waters rising instantly, the remnants of the tropical storm rushing across the place where
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they had chosen to put the car. the groups stood on top of the vehicle as water rose three feet very quickly. fortunately crews were able to get to them and rescue them as you see, by boat. up next a few thoughts on the president's somewhat curious policies that are emboldening our enemies, and a shark attack in florida. raising concerns whether it's safe to go to the beach this summer? that's right, we're raising that question about every beach in the country. not just in south carolina or north carolina or florida. it's scary everywhere. we're coming right back. (trader vo) i search. i research. i dig. and dig some more. because, for me, the challenge of the search...
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doing. any suggestion there is a guiding vision for mr. obama's foreign policy a foreign policy driving nations away from u.s.-european alliances into the orbit of mr. putin and russia. more than a year of sanctions now have disproved mr. obama's pretense and public promise that they were punishment for russia's aggression in eastern europe, threats against ukraine and the russian annexation of crimea. remember more than a year ago our president insulted putin and russia when he called the country a regional power. a regional power with almost as many nuclear warheads as this country mr. obama might have added. putin announced this week he's adding 40 advanced icbm's to russia's arsenal and by the end of this year, and he continues his military's provocations in the air and on the seas russia is not only not reeling from
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mr. obama's feeble sanctions but if anything mr. putin is extravagantly more aggressive for america. as the european union girds itself for the collapse of the greek government and its economy the greek prime minister traveling to russia, he meets with putin tomorrow. russia may not loan money to the all but bankrupt greece but the two countries have agreed to move russian gas to europe in a pipeline they'll build through greece. russia's influence rises, european dependency on russia rises. the united states has topped russia as the top producer of oil and gas now but russia still holds fist over hand in europe. russia's influence rising in the middle east where arab states are turning to putin as president obama is set on reaching a nuclear deal with iran. the former director of the
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defense intelligence agency general michael flynn warns our middle east allies are already reaching out to russia to help them develop their own nuclear arsenals. obama administration's policies are driving other countries into the arms of vladimir putin. in november of 2013 secretary kerry proclaimed the era of the monroe doctrine is over. the russian response was to set about establishing military bases in central and south america as quickly as possible. mr. obama increasingly looks like an isolationist. one however who is not only withdrawing american influence and power from around the world, but opening this hemisphere to the expansion of both the chinese and russian interests and power. our quotation of the evening. this one from founding father alexander hamilton and fierce federalist. he said --
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to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. make every week a tanzeum week. . lou: joining us now to talk politics co-host of outnumbered on the fox news channel jedidiah bila. fox news contributor fred barnes, couple of "quinnipiac poll"s, how the republicans are doing in florida. jeb bush marco leading the pack, governor john kasich, the front-runner in ohio followed by bush and walker and pennsylvania a toss-up rubio and rand paul in the lead. bush, walker and carson trailing. what do you make of it jedidiah? >> for me it's a walker-rand paul-rubio race for conservatives that's who they're looking at. jeb bush has the cash he's going to come in with tons of
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money and have to convince people he's different from his brother and name isn't problematic for me the selection about fresh blood, and young fresh blood that's out there. lou: can you see why bush would be an automatic win, right? >> exactly. come on marco rubio, he can give him a run for his money, even in florida. lou: fred what do you think? >> i agree with the last part. i think marco rubio is the benefit single candidate. >> i love this declaring early! >> i love him too. >> he is a great candidate bush will probably beat him in florida but rubio could still win. polls along with the polls we mentioned who's ahead among the republicans, there were a quinnipiac did the polls matching them against hillary clinton. and she was doing terribly in all those states. look, democrats i think are on the verge of panic when they see hillary falling behind in polls. the polls are largely
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meaningless except when hillary gets involved and you see her dropping down and down and down. that's what's most significant i think. lou: walker is gearing up bobby jindal is gearing up both formidable candidates. rick perry is in but just early. >> yeah. lou: i have to say rick perry is make an interesting presentation. he is a much stronger personality, and i think projecting a much stronger image than he about in 2012. >> he had the slipup on the debate stage, and he struggles with that a lot. he did what any good candidate would do. lou: he struggled. >> not struggling now. did what any good candidate should do he went home and sharpened all the tools. where he's talking about border security in particular, he is on point. he's much more focused this time around. lou: he's created more jobs than the other governors. >> that's the key issue for
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everyone. >> he's got a great story to tell he is so much better as a candidate right now, than he was in 2012. he's not going to have a lot of bloopers. he knows more about foreign policy now than almost all the candidates on the republican side put together, and i think he's going to make quite a showing. people are going to be surprised how impressive he is in that first debate on august 6th. lou: all right, coming up on us. >> amazing. lou: no surprise today, president obama coming straight out with a horrible massacre that great tragedy, i mean horrible. and he immediately politicizes it and brings in gun control not knowing anything about what he was talking about. let alone the principle of not exploiting tragedy. >> not surprising he does this repeatedly. he seizes the opportunity. like he's on the campaign trail still and doesn't recognize there's a time and place to do
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these things. i often say to republicans and democrats i don't care where you are on the political spectrum, when something like this happens don't use this as an opportunity to score political points no matter what it is you think is important to say. not more important than the people whose lives are lost. give it a minute and you will look better and make your point better. lou: and just in human terms fred why would the president of the united states not lead and say we've got to contend now with the issue of mental health in this country. >> which i think points to the real problem here. we don't know everything this dylann roof but know he had mental problems and addiction problems and so on and you know, when i heard about this early this morning heard about the shooting at a bible study and a church in charleston that i've been to, it just made my heart ache for the people who died and their families and thinking about race relations which aren't very good right now and probably get worse, and you know your heart aches for america, and for obama to come
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out and use it because he's still mad. lou: it's incompanyhensible. >> gun control agenda through. lou: it's embarrassing appalling and he should say he's sorry to the nation. he owes the nation and the office an apology. >> it's a great opportunity. something like that happens and you have a chance to come forward and unify the country. it's in those moments we were 9/11, whatever the tragedy may be that happened, you can come out and bring people together. and he every single time it seems comes out and uses it as an opportunity for division he part of his legacy, how he's going to be remembered. i don't think that's good for anyone to see. >> boy, you're tough. >> yes, i am tough. [ laughter ] >> this is a time to grieve. the whole country wants to grieve, and obama wants to make a political point. >> absolutely. lou: and as jedidiah suggests
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what is new about that? >> nothing unfortunately. lou: the white house. fred, good to have you here, jedidiah. >> always a pleasure. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight, the question is -- cast your vote at we'd like to hear from you. turning now to growing concerns that shark attacks are on the rise after two attacks in north carolina. a 10-year-old florida boy recovering from minor injuries after he was bitten by a shark in chest deep waters in daytona beach. the boy bitten on his calf. his injuries were not serious he was treated at the scene, and just a couple of hours south in port st. lucie. officials have been temporarily shutting down beaches after spotting these sharks normally cruise bieth beach and leaving these were hanging by the shoreline making life guards and certainly swimmers nervous. related note of sorts by the
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way. the weekend, this weekend "jaws," the 1975 summer blockbuster will be released for the 40th anniversary in select movie theaters nationwide. if for some reason you find yourself in the mood to revisit that blockbuster. up next, confidence and religion reaches a new low, pope francis may not be help anything with his comments his encyclical on well turning the earth into an immense pile of filth. poetic. we'll take it up here next.
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christian church president of the high impact leadership coalition. bishop, great to have you with us. >> good to be with you, lou. lou: as we are grieving for these folks and their families and all of us frankly about what happened in charleston. i have to say in the midst of this, i have such a strong reaction to a president who would start talking about gun control from the bully pulpit almost before he can get the words out that he's sorry about the loss of these lives. what are we going to do with national leadership that insists upon being so divisive,
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bishop? >> well, i think -- i wrote an article last week that talked about the fact that this summer we could see riots because there's so much anger. so i think we do need some unifying voices. unfortunately we may need to require the churches black, white, asian, to come out, make their voices heard. we need an outpouring lou, like after 9/11 or after the columbine shootings. many angry people in the city don't need to hear the point of blame to your point to saying it's gun control this or that. lou: it's outrageous. >> we need a human response, you are absolutely right. lou: human and honest response and this president should he have chosen, could have better far better have, chosen to talk about mental health. this is a troubled young man, clearly. why his family did not -- as
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rudy giuliani suggested, there should have been an intervention here. this picture -- >> i agree. lou: speaks volumes and for us to talk about the anger in communities and parts of this society. we have the resources and the wealth and the manpower the leadership that's supposed to be so sophisticated, so intelligence. >> yes. lou: and they seek to divide rather than unite they seek to talk about redistribution instead of organizing opportunity and creating prosperity for all americans. they divide on the issue of race, ethnicity and religion. instead of uniting in a national purpose. it is inexplicable to me. >> when you don't have the answer, we tend to come up with ideology and i don't think really either the donkey or the elephant is going to solve this problem, and i think at this particular point, we need practical solutions. i think the business community
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could actually help lead the way with economic development in urban areas but you're right. we don't need more rhetoric from politicians. lou: especially politicians like the president seeking to be divisive it seems. you mentioned business, this is a fascinating survey of unfortunately showing how little people think of religious institutions right now. our churches. but let's take a look at the poll if we could, shows churches have fallen to fourth place behind our military and small business. the job creation engine of this country and the very police who are being so criticized by some and then organized religion. to whom do we turn? religion is really under assault now. >> it is. we've got to really walk the talk. we've got to do more of what we are actually talking about on
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sundays outside the walls of the church. studies also show that the millennials want engagement, lou, they want to go help somebody that's poor in a situation like this in south carolina, they want to come join in on helping build communities or to reach out to troubled people. they want to make a personal difference. they don't want a religion that's the talking head just telling people what they should do are and not modeling to lead the way, and because we've been passive because we've been rule keepers in some ways the church has been judgmental as opposed to being helpers in the culture. this lou, can be our greatest hour it will take action as the church connecting with business, connecting with other groups, and then letting the politicians follow us but we act like more like politicians sometimes, i'm speaking of my ministerial colleagues then the politician we're always
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commenting bring ideology and no follow through. that's part of the problem of our respect level going down. lou: bishop harry jackson, always instructive. thanks for being with us. >> lou, thank you so much for having me. lou: on wall street it was a record-breaking day for stocks. the dow surged 180 points. the nasdaq up 68 points. closed at all-time high. volume on the big board picking up to 3.5 billion shares. reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. red bull pulling off another breathtaking stunt, this astonishing. this video capturing two british pilots flying through a -- well watch this. >> whoa! a 25-foot tall airport hangar at the same time inches apart. the plane's going 185 miles an hour for that incredible never before seen fete. one of the pilots said there was a great sense of relief when it was over, but he said it was great fun.
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good for him, not for me. up next -- fun to watch. jeb bush and marco rubio neck-and-neck in florida. the sunshine state rivalry. here next, and much more. automotive innovation starts... right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus. all inside a redesigned cabin
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has a new book coming out in july that is the number one "new york times" best-seller and he writes all of them there always number one best seller is one of the reason i love to talk about him is the love his books but this is the code of conduct. >> i cannot wait to read it. >> it turns out somebody at fox it does a lot of international correspondents finds that papers were leaked out of austria in these papers were terrifying and it is the kind that i wanted to read and i'm on vacation. a thrill ride but a plausible plot tied to the
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day's events. >> i call it the faction and as we talked about washington d.c. is salute -- slowly creeping in that is how crazy they are. >> but let's talk politics. we are looking at a new poll to show the g.o.p. has great strength with marco rubio or jeb bush against clinton. do you agree? >> i also think it is earlier had mayor guiliani and he was huge at the beginning so anything could happen. >> scott walker is getting ready i know the governor and i went to a stand out to you do a speech for the governor. >> what about governor john
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paul? >> he is fantastic i am not a big fan of to a bush i think it would not be good for the country to have another bush but the washington establishment would love that because they will in either way. >> donald trump? >> i think he is good for the process i see is a showman and if he has people pay attention is terrific. >> we agree on just about everything you have a candidate? >> diane with governor perry who oversaw the 12th largest economy in the world if he could do for the united states when he did for texas we will see a renaissance i'd like a thing in history i absolutely believe that promise disappointed with his debate performance last time i talked monetary policy and foreign policy he is bright and he blew me away and 1b
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over the. >> key is everything the you say and it will be interesting as the campaign moves forward right now we have a problem with putin and china and forget what is happening around the world we have to get to the campaign soon. >> had read a proven leader to say that is what we want in this country. >> as always good to talk with you code of conduct july 7th. via the way a man of great distinction to wear a yellow tie and a yellow book cover. [laughter] the poll results would you consider voting for donald trump? 25 percent said yes
12:00 am
75 percent said no. think about governor period -- perry. have a great evening. good night fro >> it tonight my money and your money it has to be the root of nonsense says a treasury department suffer is a self-inflicted maliki and is because there is the shortage of of the currency. my daughter became intrigued by paper bill sky-high she would count and stack it up in one day she asked me why aren't there any girls? i said because americans hate women and.
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