tv Kennedy FOX Business June 24, 2015 12:00am-1:01am EDT
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that is set for a misheard. tomorrow thank you ford being here tonight. kennedy: i cannot stand, i hate to the confederate flag controversy not because i have a long held a deep conviction in either way but it is an issue that's that's, should result pragmatically but because the flag itself has outraged in the motion is nearly impossible to have a practical discussion about the historical significance in the modern context. but it niki haley flanked by a confederacy and allies addressed the vision of history and fadeyev that has
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engulfed the state. >> whether on the statehouse grounds are in a museum the flight will always be a part of this will of south carolina. but this is a moment that the flag although an integral part of the past does not represent the future of our great state. kennedy: she did a good job it is impossible for her to talk about the shadow but she did a very good job to diffuse the issue as she placed it on her states shoulders for the 2016 presidential race. if that had been removed two years ago or two weeks ago that would have changed the course of that murder is a mutant. ultimately it is up to individuals how they are affected by such symbols for i do agree it is outdated and represents enough pain and hate that the time for the state to fly it has passed if bo and luke want
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to go around to the general the let them do that. fed now would not use of sense and importance how do we grow the economy and limit government? ann coulter is here to talk about the confederate flag controversy and her new book on immigration he'll hefner x girl friend holly madison is hear her life at the playboy mansion is making major waves and hugh hefner is not happy about it. i am kennedy. ♪ kennedy: welcome to a very pact tuesday night's of
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course, with the best selling author her latest book which we will get into bed one minute and i am so happy to be here. >> your maiden voyage. before we die in to you what you think of the confederate line? it has gone too many political revolutions. >> i am glad the democrats have come out against slavery. has taken a while but if we will remedy the sadness of the confederate side you need to abolish the democratic party it is a much more hateful symbol they stood for that even after the north for the
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republicans won the war finally got the democrats to give up slavery they continue to discriminate for another 100 years. kennedy: the 20's or '30's when they finally went over. >> it was not 100 years later because nixon was still getting a good portion of the black vote. in reaction to the sec horrible evil act, why not? why we have to pass a global warming bill? it has nothing to do with the confederate -- confederate flag. it was the democrats 100 years later he wanted that to go up on the south carolina legislature of the 100th anniversary of the civil war. contrary to every single
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show on msnbc last night that announce they put up the confederate flag because of the opposition to civil rights. kennedy: it happened at the same time. >> but one year after because i wondered what happened in 62? kennedy: i want to move on because i want to talk about your book but where are you from? >> connecticut app you have a geographic horse in this race? >> with the southern thank? >> as a student of american history i am appalled although realy lke t likeikki 80he an imgranthatoesn undstantheisty.
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it never flew over an official confederates building it is the battle flag if anybody knows anything about military history that this is no army ever check the army and the confederates army. kennedy: i a understood that. >> 30% of the of black women and they voted on backacts witha rational argument applied to the emotional debate and it will never take called. but we do want to talk about your new book audios america that takes on the broken immigration system the only way to begin to address the problem is to start with a 10 year moratorium on all immigration. if you do that then how does that dick's illegal immigration?
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how does that stop that? >> my complaint is not against illegal immigration republicans say we love them legally. this is about immigration. i will start with amnesty that would stop in five years as opposed to the installment plan but what i would like to do, and this is what i began thinking is just fix the rules through 1970 bring in immigrants that our better than us. kennedy: the early 20th century milton friedman favored a time of immigration because when you start the programs people came over for different reasons that the turn-of-the-century. >> our rules are set up to give virtually impossible to compete for like mark zuckerberg for his job but they could compete for his
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landscapers job. kennedy: some say that isn't the worst thing summit the landscaper think so. kennedy: if you work in the low-skilled jobs creating capital you are adding to the economy and better real-life. >> bay are the greece of the wheel of the economy. if you have low-wage taking more than they pay it could help the low wage to regret it definitely whole curt's those for that compete for the job indefinitely hurts those that is half the country. kennedy: even with a false so security number you have a lot of immigrants that come here to work hard and pay taxes.
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>> but they're not paying taxes. >> they are not. that is not true. if you have to have a fake social security number to use the verification system. >> they are accepting more back. kennedy: when you say that it is a point where we agree and i wonder if your view would change if we ended the entitlement status to make that will not happen. >> people will not stop coming here. >> a stopped coming to israel. >> but if they could not take more from the government house would you be more in favor? >> half of americans don't pay taxes so the minimum wage workers and pay taxes?
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kennedy: a lot of them are. >> a lot of jobs that the wealthy immigrants that contribute so much they are not wealthy coming here. they can work hard but that is not the point. >> it isn't about friends and does it matter who my friends are. day are my fellow americans i care about the middle-class and working-class americans losing their jobs and they are though once the middle class subsidize with the cheap labor to underpay the maid because they work hard. kennedy: you paid the made a and landscaper and a nanny then you can earn more money >> it may not be worth it because every time they have to pay taxes the rich save never mind if they have to pay for the of made legally
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then that is too much. kennedy: then we should have the major union. >> no. and has essayed to do with it is the individual employee coming to your house. kennedy: are you find? we're running out of time. >> it is a silly question for item answer silly questions. that is something about me. kennedy: that answers itself. >> i have heard from people you are a very fine person. audios america. a fantastic party panel said to be disqualified from the election. it could land you at the wrong end of a cattle fell. next.
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democrats for the nomination of hillary clinton. >> i have seen the polls a and you are dead last maybe 1%. what is your plan to with the democratic nomination? >> my premise is secretary clinton will not be the nominee. kennedy: to fly in the face of conventional wisdom far ahead of the other democrats polling as 75% of potential primary votes. i do have an all-star panel of political prospect editor and our comedian in our daily color senior editor. first time on the program. >> we actually had the same adviser in college.
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kennedy: i am impressed. talk about the race with the allied air you have to say something to get back in the game but his response makes people chuckle because he goes into the low single digits but hillary is the biggest threat to hillary clinton. >> i think is someone that is not even in the race yet. nobody is passionate other than those are obsessed with a female president and they loved bill clinton and all think she is a good candidate and bernie sanders , the server in iowa and new hampshire. >> and they said they expect to lose and i was. >> that could draw someone in or rollout someone to have a second chance. i don't think she is a very good candidate she is the prospective nominee but.
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kennedy: donald trump is not the only crazy person. [laughter] >> he is the only representative of the whig party. [laughter] it is the desperate move to get attention he trails all of us with the polls. kennedy: that is true. >> i would never do anything superficial to name my kid after a politician. we would named them after a car. kennedy: mike up and smell the roses hillary clinton the most popular candidate since george washington. why? we don't know but the crazy part the only challenger is elizabeth warren. i don't think she is getting into the race but it befuddles me to think that
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they have to have a socialist to have a true challenger. >> why stop there? how far left can they go? >> they're trying to reinvigorate joseph stalin to enter the race. but he could have a momentum still making also pulls quite well in iowa. >> what about law enforcement she has had a lot of trouble with the indiscretion i think they're sticking it out because of the controversy if she trips up then it is a race. kennedy: she seems impervious to the controversy but the one indicator that is promising 57 percent do not trust her that is astonishingly high that leaves room for a g.o.p. candidate to say she cannot be trusted and is out of touch. kennedy: we will talk about
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them later but i think he is far off base and does not have a set of facts to back up any of his claims because the "wall street journal" shows 90 percent of democrats will vote for curve which is phenomenally high but will joe biden job ben? who are the other people? >> cry in schweitzer is a cartoon character by joe biden could. kennedy: don't discount 20 -- cartoon carriers month dash characters i dacias foldable lens has a huge advantage by not impervious kennedy: michele obama is getting into new the race. assaulting a football coach?
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kennedy: p. diddy parent of the year? he was arrested for allegedly confronting his son's football coach at ucla with a kettlebell. the assault took place allegedly after the coach was screaming at practice. he was released on $50,000 bail and no one was injured. p. diddy said he was defending himself. but my panel is back to discuss. do you have kids?
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>> i don't. >> know kids. kennedy: is this helicopter parenting gone completely wrong? >> the ultimate extreme not even celebrities are immune. it is a class seconds -- a classic example of sports and they have more of a voice. and the kids are like can we get ice cream? and with p. diddy there is a parent rivalry because snoop dog kid is a starter so it may be the parental rivalry that one kid made the travel team. kennedy: maybe he needed some help year may be unfortunate error did p.
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diddy to o.j. simpson was a trojan. >> o.j. simpson was off on the casing and you think once you get off from murder you have freedom again. you don't want to put yourself in position to go to jail again. but he did now he got off on major cases you think he would not result in a situation like he did yesterday where he might have to go to jail. i think the biggest concern is how well affect his son's playing time on the team. kennedy: maybe he should not be on the field so they could win a national championship. >> if you are a collegiate athlete should your parents stand by? >> i get that the millstone
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take a kettlebell to go after the coach and then after the interview went to labor-management it is time to go back. >> it is so ridiculous. i had parents that were scouting kids literally said we have scouting reports on the other team. i scouted the moms. you did that to the kids? kennedy: the panel will stick around which have more self control? but first what happens when a man runs naked through
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kennedy: it is time for some weird news. "topical storm". number one. grey bourbon and fast horses and a couple of people were arrested one felt his new friend running through the superstore pouring milk over his head yelling i am on fire. why was the naked? is there is an outbreak? if he was truly on fire milkwood has been a good choice. >> and number two if you had tattoos you were a japanese prisoner or a punk band.
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but now you don't have to be hard to have a beautiful body of tattoos. getting divorced in 2010 covered himself with miley cyrus tat to. he has her solace, her face and lewis thinks that they're less than pleasing? miley cyrus herself. her condemnation crossed the line now they are removed. he should be forced to remain a billboard even though he said i never thought i would regret it. number three.
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pamela anderson cotessof t lies r h wor defeing oris it was the instagram. for her -- montenegro has not had an actual title but she could always go back to kid rock. number for mr. davies saw a cat stowaway now with ice through their veins look at the fearless himalayan cat it came from the committee in -- a mib stupid
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or evil. you decide. number five. are you hungry? ♪ spam. hormel foods have been putting it into a tin cans have spam snacks. is an attempt to go into the ledger cave market. -- the jerky market. original and bacon and teriyaki. they have this same nutritional value as a hot dog. but they look delicious.
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students from the national academy of sciences found itself identify conservatives were better than those of liberals they believed in the idea of free will plays a role but conservatives believe individuals can overcome obstacles and the mind can overcome the body's desires. my panel is back. jimmy, if you are politically undecided does that mean you are only partly self controlling? >> but if conservatives to have better self control how do you explain joshed dogger? >> that makes sense but think about if you play the blame game the thing you
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control in your own life will make you better even the existential force. what is the point? >> but what divides the two that if you are a social conservative that god controls what you do the liberals who are impulsive little freaks think they would not be attached. >> i think it comes down to your free will you are master of your own destiny. >> you should read maya new book explaining josh duggar. [laughter] but this makes sense from a common-sense perspective because you believe the of man is controlling the
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society. whenever a conspiracy theory why have self control to take steps that prove ways to succeed because of the controls you? but if you believe that you yourself cancer exceed on your own actions you made to take self control and not spend all the money today because you believe building up wealth will help. kennedy: saving can create wealth. that is why i am a libertarian. donald trump's popularity is surging showing him in second place in the field he gets 11 percent of primary voters just three points behind jeb bush. then scott walker in the top three. house said go pulls are
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people in new hampshire? >> especially when they see donald trump is no. tarot -- number two. >> it is not welcome rhetoric when he said mexico since people across the border it is criminals and rapist? the g.o.p. does not need to return a wave of voters. >> i think you agree ann coulter wed disagree portia's written an entire book on that i don't agree with that notion but that but -- parches off-putting and no one to be seen as a negative but what if he wins? to much i enjoyed him. it is a welcome diversion from the past. right now the process is very but in the up and trump is like watching a fight to.
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[laughter] and they think what he represents is if he says at least 10 things per speech that forces a candidate to resign to use that could finally break the country from our obsession to demonize every word that comes out of their mouth. kennedy: house stranger is a hampshire? bernie sanders, not to a huge surprise but donald trump? >> they are free thinkers. i am very excited that these debates will get better ratings than the super bowl and be more exciting. he will have his day in the sun but at&t has a low ceiling. could you ever vote for him? most people say no way.
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i nothing he is going anywhere. >> what about the unfavorable lead numbers? >> he seems out of touch the same way of hillary clinton and mitt romney. people cannot resonate they possibly say he is in touch with his money. but a professor at university of pennsylvania rights on having to post she was fired to speak of her own struggle to except her racial identity but she decided not to have children because they would inherit her white privilege that we cannot do our history or our white. did you ever think there'd be another human being more
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annoying than rachael? >> i am glad she didn't reproduce for other reasons but i am not ashamed to be white that is why shaming. >> i think we need police. kennedy: not those that are vertically challenged or rotund or pigment -- big boned. but you said the same thing. >> data want to put them on the world. one of me is enough but this is filled with academia and the reality is america has race problems but compared to their westar of the world where the least racist. of reports a couple years ago they surveyed countries
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would you want aid minority as your neighbor? america has the lowest rate that we are fine for only 5% said no. but anecdotally we note that the election means nothing but it is very rare a country that elected a minority. we can pretend we're racist and evil but the reality is much different. kennedy: did you come across this? i was taking a logic class she went on a diatribe why people should not have kids. i did really went out to hang got pregnant. >> that is what academia is with ridiculous various is
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one of the most asinine thing is the irony of what she is saying to characterize every called with white privilege there are plenty of work for white homes especially west virginia. >> and she is disposed to like nickel back. who once that privilege? >> and now it is mainstream now it is taken seriously. >> in high school i would have ended up with a very different boyfriend. hugh hefner ex-girlfriend is here to talk
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♪ kennedy: i love that song for you may have seen all leave madison on the girls next door that shows her life at the time as a girlfriend to hugh hefner. then she started her own show that she has a new book making waves called down the of rabbit hole holly netizen joins me now. great title. why is he so upset? >> i don't talk to him personally but i share my full story and everything went through and what made me feel bad about the situation.
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he is right -- likes to write his own legacy it is not his favorite version of the story. kennedy: of the three of you to was the least happy? >> i think it was me because i felt the most involved i had come to love him at the time i want to the relationship to turn into a traditional and monogamous i felt trapped and branded then i would be judged. kennedy: that was big gloves but were you turned on? >> it was more about young and starstruck with this intelligent man who has achieved so much. kennedy: when you are in the manchin i'm sure that world make sense. >> i'm sure. and for a lot of people it
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is up fast track to superstar down. pamela anderson or urgency mccarthy when did you know, that something went wrong? when did you wake up? >> i was unhappy for a while but i blame to the problems on the other girls if they were not here i would be happy but seven years later with bridget and kendrick going their separate ways i thought that is what i had wanted but i started to see character and a true colors of what i was ignoring. kennedy: he has three girlfriends at the time you're not a motion of the intimate what does he keep at arm's length? >> i think he wants young
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pretty girls the has close bonds for the intellectual stimulation but that was not enough for me. he had young girlfriends but some were older but they were very nice and intelligent people. kennedy: what about the bed? >> not a weirdo but a very particular. >> but things were very rich she knew what to expect every night a routine, 9:00 curfew. >> the flannel pajamas i think they were his ex-wife's. [laughter] kennedy: ben a free-for-all of people jumping into bed?
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>> ago interior detail but the same every time. >> were you ever proposed? to read no more of the situation. i was unhappy with the decision and i didn't like to be multi partner for cry felt there were so many misconceptions about me and i wanted to set the record straight. by holding sova accountable for my decisions so i can learn from my mistakes. kennedy: eight you very much for our new poll finds the american people and hopes that you will, to your senses. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count.
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you've been staring at that for a while, huh? listen, td ameritrade has former floor traders to help walk you through that complex trade. so you'll be confident enough to do what you want. i'll pull up their number. blammo. let's get those guys on the horn. oooo. looks like it is time to upgrade your phone, douglas. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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kennedy: cheers. a sad realization that some of you have given up politically. a new poll shows 67 percent don't care if there is a clinton pressure matchup it is the electoral failure a surrender of all that is right and good. is this 1992? if i want a dynasty i will watch this. cpac i can make a list of the rotten things you have done but now you have gone too far. kennedy: that is jeb bush and hillary clinton as blake and alexis. only 31 percent of those
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polled has any shred of rational dignity. it gets hillary elected if you put a fresh idea driven candidate against her she can be defeated. apathy is the main ingredient and hearst to she makes people shrugged in difference of that dynastic succession running her against a nincompoop curve victory is certain but if you're fine with held every then have that it. no more destructive force then a progress henhawk. stay strong and stay free but do not give in to the death march of less and joan collins is your vice president. then all bets are off.
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