tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business June 25, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT
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e're going to run out of time here. we're going to send it over to our good friend who always has the very latest on what's going on around the world and, of course, across the nation, and that is lou dobbs who joins us right here, right now on fox business.. lou: good evening, everybody, i'm lou dobbs. the islamic state tonight is on the move, launching offensives against two major targets in syria, one an attack on the northeastern city of al-hasaka, the second on the key syrian city of kobani. the islamic state assault on kobani carried out by fighters who disguised themselves as members of the kurdish forces who then open fire on civilians in the center of the city. the attacks began overnight with a series of bomb blasts and the islamic state penetrated both cities.
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fighting continues that the hour. we'll have much more on the islamic state advance taking that up with fox news military analyst, general jack keane. as we've been reporting here over the week, no one in the obama administration has taken responsibility for the largest cyberattacks ever against the u.s. government. not only were those massive attacks by the chinese successful, but u.s. security officials required months to even detect that government network systems and data files had been breached, and months more to begin to understand the true dimension of the attacks and the thefts of data. we now know as many as 32 million current, former and prospective federal employees may have had personal information stolen from the office of personnel management. until now, the obama administration has been reluctant to publicly blame the chinese. but today, america's top intelligence official did just
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that. >> you know, on one hand, please don't take that the wrong way, you have to kind of salute the chinese for what they did. you know, if we had the opportunity to do that, i don't think we hesitate for a minute. >> are you identifying china as the perpetrator behind the opm attack? >> well, that's the leading suspect. lou: until now, the obama administration had avoided blaming the attack on china in public, although several u.s. officials had said in briefings that the cyberattacks were carried out by chinese hackers. troubling new developments in the irs scandal. the inspector general overseeing the irs acknowledged that irs employees destroyed thousands of e-mails during the investigation into the agency's targeting of conservative groups. specifically, e-mails between targeted tea party groups and
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the former irs official at the heart of this scandal, lois lerner. and it happened ten months after a court-order to preserve the e-mails. listen to testimony before the house oversight committee today. >> we determined that 422 of the 424 tapes were degazed or magnetically erased. the erasure was done by irs employees on or about march 4th, 2014, one month after the irs realized it was missing e-mails. our investigation found no evidence to prove that the erasure of the 422 tapes was done in furtherance of an effort to conceal evident from congress or law enforcement. >> the chairman of the house oversight committee simply did
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not buy that attempted explanation. >> they destroyed evidence. that's what they did, and that's why we continue to have. this we haven't even got into the content of the e-mails. we're trying to get them to actually read them and figure out what was going on. lou: we'll have much more on the irs scandal. we'll be talking with house oversight committee member, congressman mark meadows coming up tonight. a victory for president obama today, courtesy of the supposedly conservative supreme court. chief justice john roberts once again bailing out the president's signature legislative achievement. this time in a 6-3 decision upholding the government's right to provide health insurance subsidies to residents living not only in states with their own exchanges but the 34 states that have federal marketplaces. it marks the second big win for the president this week, who also has republicans to thank for handing him fast-track authority to negotiate international trade deals. deals that critics say cut
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middle class wages and jobs and reduce overall economic growth. joining us fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. judge, good to have you with us. in this decision, is there anything left of conservatism in this court that amounts to much? >> wow, that's a great question after today, lou. the interesting thing about what the chief justice did, as out of the realm as it was, as far out as it was, it was not ideological, and he did the same thing as the -- today, as he did last time when obamacare was being examined. he created an argument that was not in the record. neither side, neither the government nor the challenger said this language was ambiguous, just like three years ago, neither side, neither the obama administration or the challengers claimed that the financial consequences of the failure to comply with the individual mandate was a tax. then he came up with the tax
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argument? today he came up with the ambiguity argument. it's an extremely dangerous argument, and it cuts both ways, liberal or conservative. it's a power argument. justice scalia points out, lou it enables a majority of the court to take plain, ordinary english words, which the meaning of which everyone knows, declare them ambiguous in this context and rewrite the statute to suit the court. lou: you know, judge, to many of us without your experience, intellect or background and legal training, look at it as just pure hogwash because it is taking words whether it be tax that means fines, fines that means tax, in this case, exchanges that mean nothing at all and simply dismiss it, is irrelevant to the intent. this is mind-boggling for any court as you suggest whether left or right, in its leanings
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it's a heck of a way to behave. >> well, if i had done this when i was sitting on the bench in new jersey, i would expect to be reversed soundly and promptly by an appellate court. this is the court of last resort. there is no way to reverse this other than perhaps a republican president in january of 2017, with republican majorities in the congress determined to undo this, but now, as of today, i'm sorry to tell you, this is the laugh the land. the remaining challenges that are coming have very little chance of success, and they're a narrow sectarian issues. lou: and frankly, i think you and i can agree that the republicans haven't been exactly powerful in their arguments. as scalia said in dissent, is this scotus scare? and i loved interpretive jiggery pokery which was the rose to the absurdity of the majority's decision.
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>> i liked when he said, and he's a brilliant writer, and it's a brilliantly crafted dissent, far better written than the majority opinion. how can it take 21 pages to explain what four words mean? unless you're obviously trying to change the ordinary plain understanding of those four words, and you need 21 pages in which to do it. lou: yeah, i think hogwash is entirely serviceable as a descriptor of what has transpired on the majority. like you, you know, to me the real issue here is now the massive, massive cost of this program. it's much, much narrower reach than we were promised, and the reality is that it turns out to be a massive subsidy for corporate america, particularly the health care companies. >> yes, yes, absolutely. if the republicans try to dismantle this, if they have the political will and power to do so, they're going to have constitutional problems with
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the five or six million people receiving the subsidies. the same court has held, once you subsidize something and pay for it, it's very difficult if a person relied on it to change it for that person. lou: although, if there is also the argument now they made such a mochrie of logic of reason and law, one might guess what might transpire in the wake of a decision. judge, we can rely you on for straightforward insights and perceptive insight at that. >> good to be with you. lou: judge andrew napolitano. certainly good for business, health care stocks skyrocketing, led by hospital operators, community systems rose nearly 13%, hca up nearly 9% it appears that government money is good for business. we knew that, though, didn't we? we're coming right back with much more.
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stay with us. congress is widening its investigation into the irs targeting of conservative groups. >> we have been misled. there has been evidence that has been destroyed. lou: obstruction of justice or just plain incompetence at the irs? and tonight all of france seems to be in revolution against all forms of french transportation. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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. lou: first there was the confederate flag, now somewhere call father stars and stripes to go as well. racist hatemonger, leader of the nation of islam louis farrakhan says forget the confederate flag, we need to put down the american flag. farrakhan made the comments in a racist hate filled rant just yesterday, and it was just this week rush limbaugh warned that the next flag to come under assault after the confederate flag would be old glory, and less than 24 hours later, farrakhan proved limbaugh to be right. president obama traveling to charleston tomorrow. he will deliver the eulogy for the reverend clementa pinckney among those killed in last week's church massacre. my next guest says president
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obama needs to use the opportunity to unite the nation instead of pushing political agenda and divisiveness. joining us is republican strategist, fox news contributor karl rove. good to have you with us. first, your reaction to this decision on obamacare? >> stunning. a gross act of judicial actism the four words refer to the states, the individual states, and instead as justice scalia said justice roberts took 21, 22 pages in order to basically say the four words don't mean what you think they mean. they mean what you want them to mean. if they said we mean what they mean, then the law would be in difficulty, we don't want that to be the case. it was a stunning act of judicial activism and i'm beside myself. having said, that let's remember this is long way from
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over. this law is unpopular and remains unpopular. you take a look at clear -- lou: here we are. >> the white board. 44% and the real clear politics average support the bill. 51% oppose the law. and bill kristol had an interesting statistic in a piece he posted at the weekly standard. 189 polls about the affordable care act. 188 of them have seen the public more negative than positive and only in one of them were the american people supposedly more positive than negative. lou: you know, karl, what do you say to people who say the consent of the government is no longer seemingly relevant, the will of the people. >> well, when you put -- lou: let me finish, put up polls that show the congress, to the republican party, the democrat party, this president the american people are opposed
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55-45 to free trade deals like the transatlantic partnership. the true cost to economic growth. the american people are not fools, they are run on over by the establishment and elites in washington, d.c. of both parties. >> well, i think edmond burke was right, when we send people to legislative bodies to represent us, they have a responsibility both to represent us and represent the better interest of the country, but don't have a similar attitude to courts. courts supposed to be the impartial arbiters, the umpires strictly applying the law regardless of the consequences. my problem with chief justice roberts is you basically say, look, i acknowledge that this is a close call, and i acknowledge those words say what you think they mean, but i'm willing to invest them with a different meaning, because if they mean what they mean, we've got real problems with the law. and that's not what the courts
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are supposed to be doing, impartially apply the law -- >> i'm sorry, go ahead. >> they're supposed to be impartially applied law as written, and if there's a problem in the law, it's up to legislators to fix and not up to our courts. if it was unconstitutional, the courts have a right to declare it so. in this instance, the law was written a certain way, and if that causes problems in the administration of the law, then it's up to the congress to fix it and the president to sign or veto that legislation. >> you know, it looks like once we get caught up in this spiral of our betters and elitists in the establishment, it doesn't much matter whether you are on the supreme court or speaker of the house or majority leader in the senate or president of the united states. at some point people have to bring reason and the empirical reality together, and i would hope, try to build a national consensus. the one group of people left out of discussion time after time and over the past 20 years
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have been the american people. our politicians our national politicians, whether presidents, congressmen or senators, aren't trying to build a national consensus. they're saying here you are and thank you very much. we've got to come, it seems to me, to a better place than that. let me turn, if i may, to who appointed this guy roberts who seems to have a problem, well, no problem really, in inventing words and meanings? >> well, as you know, lou, i suspect, he was appointed by president george w. bush, in whose administration i was honored to serve as was justice alito. two vacancies came in the years president bush was in office. lou: would you have ever dreamed that this is the path he would choose? >> no. no. in fact, what struck me about justice roberts as we went through the process of consideration and appointment was the fact that he seemed to be somebody who would not bend
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to the winds of washington. i remember his explanation, he came from an apolitical family in northern indiana and then went off to harvard, and he was apolitical himself. lou: this is where i saw aha! you said harvard. >> he discovered he was conservative because in the kind of bull sessions that you have with fellow students and in the classroom, he realized he dissented from the orthodoxy, the liberal orthodoxy, i'm shocked, his decision saying a tax, the penalty is not a tax, and i'm shocked now. lou: maybe we finally arrived at the constancy you expected in the first place. i hope not. karl, thanks so much. >> he's on other issues he's been conservative, on these two decisions on the affordable care act, i think he's been badly wrong. lou: karl rove, always -- well not always, usually right.
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good to have you with us. >> thank you, lou. >> the french love a good revolution, it seems, that's exactly what's going on. taxi drivers taking to the streets in paris protesting across much of france against the expansion of uber. the popular car-hailing service. drivers block the entrances to paris' major airports and train stations prompting police to use tear gas and violent demonstrators, this transportation in france goes beyond striking fort workers in calais, that wildcat strike, it's become far more than that has sparked an illegal immigration crisis in france. no proper security checks at the border, and illegal immigrants are having no problem hiding in trucks and pouring into the united king domestic. vote in our poll tonight --
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. lou: the house gave final approval today to a trade assistance bill, the second half of the trade package the president wanted from congress this bill designed to provide nearly $3 billion in education and retraining programs for the workers who lose the jobs because of the trade deal the president wants to push through the trans-pacific partnership. so much for the argument that these trade deals create jobs. apparently just not in america. it's not only the trade deal but also the supreme court decision on obamacare that will be driving tomorrow's
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headlines, which will just scream big obama victories, and frankly i have no argument with a headline or the editors who write them. this has been truly a week of victories for president obama. the white house taking a bow today on both trade and obamacare. >> these are obviously two quite different policy issues. but they illustrate some important things about this and the this presidency. the first is both of these issues were aggressively pursued by the president because of the laser like focus on middle-class families. lou: wow, as a political matter, the trade and obamacare victories are significant, but more significant to me are the losses that are piling up for the american working man and woman, the middle class. in the case of obamacare, the president promised affordable health care for all but without the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies funneled to
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the states, obamacare can't begin to meet its own standards for affordability. affordable? just ask any member of our middle class how it's going. and there's a reason that the health care stocks exploded on wall street because obamacare, whatever else it is, it's a massive subsidy to those corporations as well, who also lobbied hard and long, and they won much bigger than obama or anyone else for that matter. as for obama trade, the chamber of commerce and business roundtable are the clear winners and the multinational corporations that they represent. as a matter of fact, the only losers in all of this, it seems to me, has been our middle class, our small business and working men and women. they were without representation in neither the supreme court or in the congress or the senate. the outcome was assured. now our quotation of the evening on the court's interpretation of the four
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words that required a 21-page explanation in the decision in which justice scalia colorfully called interpretive jiggery pokery, our quotation of the evening -- we know now for the power lies we have only to seek the truth we're coming right back. he stood up for the middle class in congress and the leadership punished him. that congressman mark meadows joins us next. huge forest fires burning out of control, and to top it off, firefighters have a new problem to deal with. coming up.
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caring for a family member can be challenging and lead to countless questions, for them and for you. find articles, tips and tools from experts and others who have been in your place. the caregiving resource center at . lou: among the top stories we're following tonight. the supreme court saving president obama's health care law again. the 6-3 ruling saying obamacare properly authorized tax subsidies for people in states with their own exchanges and those with federal marketplaces, irrespective of the language of the law. russia's president vladimir putin again ramping up tensions with the united states. putin said russia will continue to build up military forces on western border with eastern europe. and we're going to be talking a lot more about that and all that has transpired around the
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globe with general jack keane in moments. greece and international creditors seem far apart on a rescue deal. if greece does default, it could have serious fallout for the rest of europe and global markets. republican leaders reverse punishment for one of their own members after backlash from conservatives across the country. congressman mark meadows last week was removed because of subcommittee chairmanship. he voted against fast-track trade legislation, and today was reinstated in his position as chairman. congressman mark meadows joins us tonight, a member of the house oversight committee, foreign affairs committee. good to have you here. i have to say, i'm -- like so many others -- delighted you are back in the post and jason chaffetz understood it was an absurd thing to do for a man in his case was voting conscience and judgment.
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>> thank you, lou, and thanks to the all the viewers that are out there. it was the voice of the american people that won out this day. this has never been about mark meadows, and really it's all about making sure hard work gets rewarded, and the american people have their way, i thank you so much for your kind words. but more importantly than that we need to focus on really what's happening here on capitol hill. it needs to be about that middle class that you talked about. the hard working american taxpayer, and what's best for them and for me and my constituents this fast track was not the right way to go. lou: and that vote is moving forward, the trans-pacific partnership is moving forward and it's clear the chamber of commerce, the business roundtable are going to have their way again, without concern for what is frankly best for the working man and woman in this country or small businessman or woman. our middle class. but let's move to the internal revenue service which today is
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astounding. i mean, the leadership of that agency has basically, you know put a thumb in the eye of the american people, law, judgment and the congress of the united states destroying e-mails in violation of a court order. what in the world are you going to do, can you do anything about it? >> i think we can do something about it. obviously, chairman chaffetz conducted this meeting, it was very illuminating when you see that not only has there been testimony, but there's been testimony four and five times from the commissioner saying that we've looked everywhere, we can't find them. and what we found today was not only did they not look, which we knew. in the four or five places where they said there were the backup tapes, they got specific instructions not to destroy them, and they were destroyed
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after the subpoena went out and request for that information. we don't know if there is criminal wrongdoing now, but certainly there needs to be some people with their heads rolling and people getting fired. lou: you and the other members of the united states congress have been stonewalled by this administration on every single inquiry into each and every scandal. there has been a massive stonewall constructed since 2009 in that town, that has been inviolate. you have not been able to penetrate it to get to the truth. do you have any greater hopes that that will happen this time? >> do i have greater hope, and it really boils down to the inspector general. within that the inspection division. they've been able to find things miraculously that the irs can't find the department of justice can't find. i made the comment today, perhaps we need to put them in
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charge of audits and other investigations, because this seemed to be pretty easy task for them, and this final report is coming out. they're going to name names, we're going to know those people who need to be held accountable. and certainly the commissioner is going to have to answer for his sworn testimony that seems to be contradicted today by the inspector general's testimony on capitol hill here. lou: congressman mark meadows, always good to talk with you, we appreciate your time. i would be remiss if i did not extend our thanks here on this broadcast, the house freedom caucus leader, jim jordan, among those who stood up strongly and tall for you, and senator ted cruz, and others, there's too little time to name them all. but it's good to have friends with that kind of principle and courage. >> and they were, thank you. lou: appreciate it, congressman mark meadows, exemplary of
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those two words as well. be sure to vote in our poll tonight -- cast your vote at we'd like to hear from you. massive wildfires continue to cause problems for southern california residents. about a thousand home owners forced to leave their homes to evacuate the town of santa clarita in los angeles county, as a quick moving fire has swelled to 350 acres in a matter of hours. containment just at about 20%. adding to concerns tonight weather in the drought-stricken state to remain warm and dry over the next few days. and winds are rising and shifting. authorities confirming five tornadoes hit michigan earlier this week when the storms moved through. dramatic video capturing one of those tornadoes ripping through portland michigan, taking a giant tree with it. more than 50 buildings damaged during the severe storm. thankfully no one was reported seriously injured.
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. lou: breaking news -- the white house says russian president putin called president obama tonight to talk about the situation in ukraine. now this according to the white house. president obama in that conversation reiterated the need for russia to fulfill agreements under the minsk agreement including all russian equipment from ukrainian territory. the islamic state launching a new round of attacks in syria, but a new poll says americans believe the terrorists are the greatest threat to the united states. according to a new fox poll, fox news poll showing 33% of voters say the islamic state poses the greatest long-term threat to america. 26% say china. followed by russia, iran and al qaeda. joining us now former army vice chief of staff, fox news
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military analyst, general jack keane. good to have you with us. let's start with the call between putin and obama, and the minsk agreement, and in the very week where putin says he's adding 40 nor icbm's to his arsenal by the end of the year moving more troops and heavy equipment and weaponry into the western portion of russia to meet the buildup by u.s. force. what is going on? >> first of all, it's likely he was lying to the president. this has been going on for some time. since the minsk accord which brought a cease-fire in eastern ukraine, he's violated that numerous times. i suspect that hostilities will start in eastern ukraine, driven by putin. he's interested in forming the land bridge to mariupol and it gives direct access to the
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south. so that's going to happen. secondly, he is increasing his military, and while we're decreasing ours and the europeans are doing much the same as we are, they're decreasing their military capabilities. lou: you know, building a bridge to mariupol, and as he's now solidified, consolidated crimea, what is the u.s. countermove? what is their strategic counter to his objectives in that land bridge, if you will, and are we actually executing a strategy to stop him? >> i think we have no strategy whatsoever, other than to try to persuade putin using economic sanctions to get on what the president and secretary kerry refer to as the exit ramp, and he's chosen not to do that. the sanctions are not persuasive to him. he enjoys high support inside his country, despite serious economic problems, he's probably the most respected and
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feared leader, sadly to say, in the world today. so that strategy does not exist. the thing that had made some sense would be to do what the ukrainian government would like to have us do, and that is give them lethal arms so that we're in a much fairer fight than what the ukrainian military is. lou: let's get to the principal issue here, and first we should determine is it in the u.s. national interest to stop putin and his aggression against eastern europe? second question is, do we have the conventional military power and capability, i will include the capability, the will to stop him? >> well, that remains to seen. first of all, we have the military capability with ourselves and nato, whether the will is there or not, i've got a question mark about that. however, we have finally begun
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to take some steps and recognizing that what is listed in the nato accords that russia is the strategic partner of nato, this president and the leaders of europe are finally starting to wake up that putin is likely to challenge nato in eastern europe. so as a result of that, they have formed a, what they call a very high responsive joint task force, the vjtf, and they're going to plant down in countries. lou: 5,000 troops. >> only 5,000 troops, and it's not adequate, but given where we've been, it is a start, and what we really need in every one of those countries is a heavy brigade of troops with significant infantry and artillery to support all of it. lou: turning to china quickly, i was astonished to hear james clapper, the national director of intelligence talking to an intelligence conference saying that the united states would have done the same thing as
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china, had we had the opportunity. that seemed to be a little glib for main in his particular job. and secondly, it took all of this time for clapper, at least, representing the administration, to mention china as the culprit in the most severe cyberattacks against this country ever, to which there has been no response. your thoughts as we wrap up? >> it's outrageous. this has been going on for years, the intellectual property and intelligence stolen is significant. this is the largest that's been done, and we sit here doing nothing, when we have significant capability to respond. quite frankly, we're holding china's hand in terms of trade negotiations and other economic and environmental interests we have with them, and ignoring their military aggression in the south china sea and their cyberattacks that are continuing and increasing in scale. lou: general jack keane, thanks for being here. thanks, jack. >> good talking, lou.
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lou: on wall street today stocks closed near session lows. the dow falling 76. s&p lost 6. the nasdaq down 10. volume picking up to 3.2 billion shares. reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. up next, a milestone for millennials, and don't call it obamacare. it's now scotus scare! we take that up, whether or not supreme court justice scalia is right on all of that? we're coming right back. stay with us. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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lou: the census bureau shows that millenials now outnumber the baby boomers. 83 million between 1982 and 2000 compared to a paltry 75 million baby boomers it is also more a diverse from 33% from 38% last year. minorities include blacks and hispanics and asians that make up their majority. i love the slice and dice demography. 77% of hawaiian residence 61% in mexico 57% texas there you have it. joining us now fox news
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contributor said judith miller. good to have you both here. let was as good as the justice said? >> the rest did not even crack a smile the least they could have done is to pay homage but it is a good thing for republicans that now the democrats will totally on the program. now the american people will make a judgment how effective it is. lou: the american people have been saying 55 / 45 they don't like obamacare period they want to repeal but the election that matters is not necessarily the midterms but the next
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presidential election no doubt that republicans will run on repeal and replace on obamacare then the moment of truth will arrive they will deliver or another be vital this moment but it is important to understand there is a political avenue if it is as unpopular as rethink what the republicans make the case and win. lou: the way they have been operating the last two cycles republicans need all the help they can get even of this president is unpopular and his numbers are upside-down. when a look at this field of candidates cruz christie will announce next week. i am excited about the quality are you? [laughter] >> i think it is very nice there is so many on the
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republican side it is harder for hillary she is out there alone. lou: 61% support. >> but will we really see discipline on the republican side? >> we want debate. >> we don't want to give the democrats talking points which is what happened to the last time. >> talk about the middle class working men and women in the impact of the trade deals on small business for those who generate the jobs the multinationals who have a lease on the republican party. >> the keep is will they be
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able to appeal to working-class americans? the last time republicans were happily caught up and they thought it was a great line and even as an analyst i thought they could use that but it didn't go running where because it did not mesh and it did not mean anything to them. lou: i am proud to see rick perry and rand paul. they talk taxes, and intelligent plan and approach of the guy who cares about people. rick period running the biggest most successful job creation machine in america. we have terrific people. >> will they spend all their time destroying one another or remembering k ultimate goal? to my query about the things we can control like our
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enthusiasm. >> i've always glad when qualified people enter a race but there are too many people that you will not have the debate that you want. >> at the time so many americans are upset with washington to have a robust primary gives everybody an opportunity to think they have a better chance for unity. lou: body gentle, jeb bush. get excited. come on. are you offended by the confederate flag? 93 percent said no.
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today louis farrakhan said move to the american flag next. have a great evening from new york. kennedy: is an exciting thursday watching the supreme court if they would rule against the administration on obamacare and that subsidy tax but the court was not feeling very little -- liberal with a creative interpretation the status quo stays. justice bill yet -- salia was skating and said he plays favorites that will create confusion in the future. is ongoing
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