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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 27, 2015 3:00am-4:01am EDT

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you. for more of the breaking news go to fox news for continuing coverage. good night. lou: good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. the obama administration has many problems and very few problem solvers, and now it is clear, the administration has been neither vigilant nor effective in protecting federal digital information and data, nor forthcoming what our enemies carry out successful cyberattacks, stealing that information. the obama administration has been keeping the truth from the american people about the cyberattacks on what may be tens of millions of us. the head of the office of personnel management today back on capitol hill. she refused to tell lawmakers
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the depth, the frequency and the damage done by the suspected chinese hackers who carried out successful cyberattacks against her agency. the attacks, according to the chairman of the house oversight committee may have affected as many as 32 million current, former and prospective federal employees, including potential military enlisties. turns out the first major chinese breach was november 2013, and it was not discovered until four months later. in march of 2014. yet opm director archuleta reassured congress in july of last year that there had been no security breach, that no data had been stolen. she was wrong, terribly wrong. in fact, appears that at the same time she was reassuring congress that the second breach by the chinese had been under way since june of last year and, of course, not discovered
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until april of this year. the white house withheld that information from the public and congress. that's how bad it is. that's how badly our federal government is being led. . >> when did you bring that to the attention of mr. hess or mr. jeanetta. >> perhaps ms. seymour would know, we will get the information back to you. >> do you know if it was immediately? >> i would expect that it was immediate. >> let's find out, ms. seymour do you know? >> no, sir, i don't, i don't think that we -- i certainly don't think we immediately notified our contractors of a breach to our network. lou: joining us, the man you just saw in that clip, congressman trey gowdy.
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the chairman of the benghazi select committee. a member of the house oversight and judiciary committees. mr. chairman, start by saying thanks for being with us. >> yes, sir. lou: and secondly, there is a decided impression given off by those who represent this administration that they don't know much and don't want to speak substantively about many things, is that a fair observation? >> certainly narrows your witness list if you only can bring witnesses who can answer your questions, i was a little disappointed. you know jason chaffetz spends a lot of time finding witnesses that can add to deliberations and inquiry and missed out on a couple today. that's not his fault. if you can't ask the head of the agency what happened, and you can't ask someone else in a position of leadership why you didn't comply with both regulatory and contract provisions that i don't know who jason was supposed to invite.
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lou: the chairman doing his best, as you say, and yet, what we have is apparently a cyberattack, successful, two instances by the chinese, in which as many as 32 million people's personal data and data gathered by the federal government have been compromised and in fact stolen is that correct? >> well, i don't think anyone said definitively who the perpetrator was. i have certainly heard the country you mentioned mentioned, and the number, we don't know. it's as little as four million and you hate to use the word little in the same sentence as four million, but could be as small a number of four million or upwards of 30 million as you noted. and the fact that we don't. my state went through a data breach. you talk about people's worst nightmares, about having personal identifying information in the hands of somebody who may have ill will towards and you somebody who
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has no business having your information. it's a really important issue, and we've had more than one hearing on it, and i think your viewers deserve more answers than the administration officials give them to date. lou: and the information withheld the information about when the breaches occurred and the extent, the dimension of them, the number of people involved. and to this day they don't know the number and can't definitively say who did carry out the cyberattack. yet we feel very comfortable with our sources who tell us it was definitively china. i understand the retiscence and reluctance and the reason the administration and other officials such as yourself, but this administration has not been forthcoming on anything, and seems to not recognize the congress' right to know, and the right of the american people to know.
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>> tell me about it, i've been living it over a year now. the most transparent administration since the dinosaurs roamed the earth, and we can't even get them to tell us whether or not they had possession of some of secretary clinton's e-mails. i feel your pain, i feel the pain of your viewers. they deserve better from an executive branch. after all, we serve at the pleasure of the people who consent to be governed, and if you collect their information, the least you can do is make sure it is kept safe and secure, and level with people if there is an assault. people understand how bad things happen. what they don't understand is being misled or obfuscation or a failure to be transparent. we've seen this movie time and time again with this administration. lou: and the state department, well, missed as neutrally as one can, missed your monday deadline to produce copies of the 60 e-mails between hillary
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clinton and blumenthal. where do we go from here? where do you lead us from here? >> i have to get over my initial shock that an agency with 70,000 employees that we know has a searchable database can't answer a pretty simple question, did you have these e-mails to or two secretary clinton? and if you did have them, why didn't you turn them over to our committee? that is not a complicated question, not a multipronged question. it's really simple. did you have them, and if you did have them, why didn't you turn them over for us. you're right, i gave them a monday deadline, they blew through that. we are sitting on wednesday, suspicion is we get it late friday like we typically get information from the administration. it's really important, lou, if secretary clinton did not turn this information over to the state department, this notion of her wanting everybody to see everything and everything being in the public domain, we know that to be false. on the other hand, if the state
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department did have it, and they selectively decided what the people's house is entitled to and not entitled to, we have a serious problem with the state department, which i promise we will get rectified. lou: we didn't realize frankly how high your frustration threshold was. we compliment you. >> thank you, lou. lou: russia once again flexing its military muscle, and new video shows the russian army training to shoot down helicopters using shoulder-mounted rockets. these during military drills in the country's south close to the ukrainian border. soldiers standing atop armored in military exercises meant to check and display combat readiness. joining us tonight, former nato supreme allied commander, dean of the fletcher school at
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tufts university, admiral james stavridis, good to have you with us. jim, let me start with the amount of force we're moving to eastern europe. two questions, one, is it sufficient, and two, are we watching what will be a tit-for-tat contest between the united states, nato and russia in weaponry and forces? >> lou, it's aing is move by the united states, we're going to put about 250 tanks and about 1,000 additional combat vehicles into six nato allies in the eastern part of the alliance. the idea would be that this armada of weapons would be available if russia made a move on a nato nation. u.s. troops would fall in on it, the nato allies would come and fight with us, it's a very significant move, but is it enough? probably not. as i look at what's going on with vladimir putin, what's happening in ukraine, looking
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at his plans, i think we're going to have to eventually move nato troops and u.s. troops into the eastern part of the alliance, in addition to just the equipment. we're not in the cold war yet, lou, but i can see it from here. lou: and as you look at it, obviously envisioning american troops returning in significant force to europe, is it not time, given the distance between a world war ii and the 21st century, for the europeans to stand up significant forces rather than rely on u.s. forces? >> that's absolutely right, lou, and we have to point out here that the nato allies have set a goal of spending 2% of gross domestic product on defense. they're not meeting that goal. they're lucky if they hit 1.3, 1.4%. the united states, by comparison spends about 3%,
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which is about prudent for a large global nation like ourselves. i am truly surprised that as the europeans look at the threat that putin places on them, that they don't up their spending more significantly. they need to do more. >> the russians made it clear that they're going to be very provocative, not only with their air force, the navy, and the ground exercises that are going on. but a point they're adding 40 icbm's to the arsenal, to the russian rocket forces. if we could, let's take a look at the warheads, and i'd like to look at that full screen, if we may. russia has 1582 warheads on 515 icbm as well as cruise missiles, strategic bombers. the united states 1597 warheads on 785.
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the reality here is that these are arsenals neither side wants to use yet russia is sending some interesting signals, don't you think? >> i think it's shocking, lou, that russian president putin would rattle that nuclear sabre. it's extremely destabilizing, he knows that. 40 nuclear weapons on top of the 1500 they have and the 1500 we have is not significant. what's significant is a russian head of state and government would pull out that nuclear card and kind of rattle it in front of us. it speaks to his mentality of aggression, and that is worrisome, but i don't foresee a nuclear exchange any time soon. lou: with that comforting thought, admiral james stavridis, thank you for joining us, appreciate it. >> pleasure, lou. lou: the people of charleston and south carolina come together and lead the nation in
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healing without racial boundaries and without politics. and president obama, he'll be in charleston talking instead of listening to these true leaders. and this is what happens when some city leaders go along with the left's war on cops.
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. lou: now to what critics call a liberal led war on law enforcement in this country. cell phone video capturing a violent attack on two new york city police officers. the dispute centered on open container violation, the male suspect pushed a police officer as they tried to handcuff his sister, she was punching them, scratching and reaching for a female officer's gun. the male suspect then went around and sucker punched the male officer in the back of his head, both officers treated for injury, the brother and sister were arrested on assault charges. joining us now, the five co-host columnist for the hill juan williams. great to have you here. >> good to be with you, lou. lou: as you watch that on new york city streets, the idea that people no longer respect authority, attack police officers in the performance of dut
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duty, what is going on? >> heart goes out to the police officers. they're trying to establish in order the chaotic situation and dealing with people who have no understanding that they are assaulting an officer of the law, they're in serious trouble for that act. that is not a fight with somebody on the corner. but in larger response to your question, lou, there's no question, you know what's going on, i know what's going on. we have a breakdown of the minority family that is pronounced, and the first time they see anybody in authority, a male authority figure saying you better behave, it may be the police officer at door. too often if the officer is a white officer, they unload baggage on the fact that person is there to defend law and order and -- lou: and protect that person's family. >> and send protection for the family. exactly. lou: we've come a long way, and i have to say, i ascribe great blame to community leaders in the inner city.
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the power structure whether they be community organizers, whether they be the ministers of black churches. the people who should have the greatest influence are doing, it seems on, a given day the least to change attitudes in the street so that people don't get hurt so, that officer are not in jeopardy. >> look, usually and you i have different points of view. i come in tonight to be in your amen corner. i wrote a book about this. i think they watch what happens after a ferguson or a baltimore. i never see the naacp leading a march against the drug dealers. i never see them stand up and say you know, what's going on here in terms of the lack of appreciation for education. high dropout rates no matter how bad the school, but leaving education behind. why aren't we saying that's wrong and we know that's not road to success. they will complain about high incarceration rates, i never see them stand up and say crime
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breaks down a community. it leads people to flee. that poor people and the elderly have to live with bars over doors and windows as if they are the ones in prison. lou: and today our president, i say this sarcastically, elevating public discourse, using a racial slur that is anathema in any household in this country. >> at mine, i'm at war with the rappers who say they're going to take possession of the awful word, by taking possession. lou: what a lofty goal for them. >> how stupid! they think they're going to take the word. what happens is i think a lot of people who can't say it publicly are singing and rapping along, that's in the song. black people use it, i can use it why, is it black people use it and white people can't. this word is all about dehumanizing people of a certain race, and make them into human chatter. it is wrong, lou, the president
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thinks he's elevating the conversation, he is pushing us back into the ground on the conversation, you do not use this word. lou: and you hope that he's listening. i don't know if you had the opportunity to see kevin corke our white house correspondent talking about on a personal level with his own family. he is covering the president of the united states, the most -- one of the very most important jobs in our craft, and he has to go home to his family to explain why the president of the united states would use such a word. >> the funny thing is, if president obama was here on the set with us, he'd say i was trying to say you've got to go beyond saying i simply don't use the word to, in fact, address the larger issues of race in the society. he led us to the point we're not talking about larger issues, we're talking about his use of the "n" word. lou: finding he's a geneticist as well suggesting racism is in our dna. i can't tell you how impressed i was with the elevated discourse of the white house.
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>> thank you, sir. >> it is nice of you to catch up with mitch mcconnell and bring him up to date. [ laughter ] >> i'll bet he's delighted with me as always. lou: which says you are doing something right. a lot right. good to have you with us. >> thank you, lou. lou: up next, i take up the need for something called accountability in the federal
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. lou: u.s. and chinese officials meeting in washington, d.c. over the next few days for talks on everything from cybersecurity, or lack of it, to chinese aggression and the south china sea. about 400 chinese officials are take part in those talk. i said 400! they brought 400 people to washington to take up all of these. it's hosted by secretary of state kerry, treasury secretary jack lew and vice president biden will be there as well. this morning the vice
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presidentmented to find areas where both countries come together beside cyberspace. >> this is not lecturing. please do not misunderstand me. we do not fear china's rise, we want to see china rise, to continue to rise in responsible way that will benefit you most. lou: just looking out for the chinese, that's awfully nice of vice president biden. some might argue he could have been a little more forceful about the largest ever cyberattacks against the united states, the dimension of which we're still exploring. how about that? perhaps unrealistic in the way of expectations. a few thoughts on the massive chinese cyberattacks against our government. we learn today from national security and intelligence sources that the number of people affected by those cyberattacks could go as high as 30 million, including those who were job applicants and job references. the worst cyberattack against
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our federal government ever, but don't, please don't, blame the obama administration. they say clearly and categorically they don't know what's happened or hours, but the head of the office of personnel management, the agency, that was attacked does know what apparently everyone who works for this administration has been taught. they know and said today to congress no one is responsible. >> no one is personally responsible. >> i don't believe anyone is personally responsible. i believe that we're working as hard as we can to protect the data of our employees, because that's the most important thing that we can do, and i take it very seriously. lou: wow. she takes it very seriously, but no one is personally responsible. it would shock those people to learn that most people are paid to be successful at their jobs no matter how sincere or emotional they are about it.
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they are still held accountable when they fail. so let me suggest a list of folks who should be held accountable, if i may. the department of homeland security seems a good place to start because we found out they aren't securing the homeland. nothing is secure, it seems when secretary johnson is in charge, not the border, not the government's computers and servers, and they really should change the name of the department from homeland security to something like how about welcome wagon. cross our borders when you want, take our federal government servers out for a spin when you want. we're friendly folks. what about firing the administration's chief information officer, or the heads of the fbi, the nsa, the cia as well? what are those people doing? how is it that china can do as it wishes with our servers and the data on them. secretary johnson, the homeland security department, briefed
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the senate on cybersecurity just this afternoon. alongside the opm director who says no one is responsible. that must have really been helpful. of what possible benefit, i ask you, are these folks to our national security? what about the national security council. white house announced it's downsizing the national security council because the president thinks these are just jv hackers at work. all of this part of his legacy. how about the private sector? where are they? archuleta testified one of the ways the cyberattackers gained access to the opm database is through credentials stolen from a third party, you guessed it, government contractor. now that was unfortunate. just like the leaders of our entire federal government. the quotation of the evening, this one from our 40th president, ronald reagan who said --
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we're coming right back. stay with us. from flagpoles to t-shirts and everything in between. growing calls to ban what some call a symbol of hate. this is never a good place @?
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don't worry; 74 people were picked before me in the nfl draft. to fight childhood obesity, united way and the nfl are helping kids play more. to donate or volunteer, go to now i get it.
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. lou: president obama now using the charleston church massacre to preach tolerance toward the muslim community, following claims that the united states is not being, quote, cured of racism. the president is now voicing his frustrations over the treatment of muslims in this country. the president making his remarks during a white house dinner celebrating ramadan. >> here in america, many people personally don't know someone who's muslim, they mostly hear about muslims in the news, and that can obviously lead to a very distorted impression. lou: joining me is bishop wb jackson, and a senior fellow with the research council. >> thanks for having me, lou. lou: the president is now claiming that we are unwelcoming to muslims. the president says racism is in our dna. the president is going to
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deliver a eulogy friday in a community they think has been remarkable and the unity that it has found and the forgiveness it's expressed, a 21-year-old deranged person with obvious hatred toward black people in this country. >> sure. lou: whether he's insane not only to others but obviously deranged. >> he's clearly evil. i have to say, i wish the president would learn from the people of charleston, remarkably gracious, loving, giving, christian in response to what happened. who can imagine how you would respond to a tragedy like that where your loved ones are taken by a violent killer? having said that, what in the world does that have to do with islam? and what does it have to do with america needing to cured? we're sick, we're sick now? we're sick. look, hillary clinton said this is not an isolated incident. it is an isolated incident.
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it doesn't happen, this stuff is not happening all over the country. we've got to deal with the reality who we are as a country, and we're a great country with opportunities for everybody. lou: i believe dr. keith ablow last night shared a, to me, a thunder clap of a revelation as he analyze the president's motivation for making such statements about this country, for castigating us all, and he said this president finds his power in the country's -- in claiming racism, in claiming that we are not exceptional, in finding fault with us as a nation, that's what his expression, he finds his power in that. and i thought, that is just a horrible thing and something we've got to put up with as a country because we elected him president.
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>> never heard him say islam needs to are cured. he suggests that's not authentic islam. violence, the terrorism. one incident and all of a sudden this is authentic america, and america needs to be cured of this. sad, somebody so successful in our great country doesn't have a better vision and understanding who of we are as a nation. he went to harvard law school, and so did i. i think he drank the kool-aid. i didn't. lou: i can say this, god bless you for not -- [ laughter ]. lou: the great thing about this country, we produce a senator like lindsey graham, saying, in my opinion, it's time to take the flag down from the state capitol. but he's been a senator from south carolina for a long time. he just discovered that flag and what it means to some people. the flag has become some sort of a shiny object here, no question. it's time, it is going to be consigned to the industry, and
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by the way, interestingly, big business in south carolina's governor nikki haley has seen that. but this, i don't know, this political conversion that we're watching here on the part of so many people. that flag has been around a very long time, and for them to suddenly find out it's an object for a great offense. >> it was politically untouchable for a long time, and now politically touchable. maybe this is an inappropriate moment to say everybody who flies that flag is not a racist, this is a part of history, a painful part but doesn't need to be a symbol of our government. our government is supposed to serve all the people and supposed to bring us together. i love the american flag and i think that's the one that ought to be flown over state houses and, of course, over our country. lou: and i will tell you something that occurred to me today, and i'd like to hear what you think about, it bishop.
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as quick as some have been to cite their grievance at the confederate flag, i have seen few express gratitude to the great american flag you referenced for freeing the slaves and the 350,000 americans who gave up their lives to free slaves. it is a onesided expression of emotion and not always the best emotion that is expressed. >> lou, only one nation that's existed on the face of the earth said the part all men are created equal and endowed by our creator with inalienable rights. our ancestors were slaves, that's what unifies us, my organization is one nation under god. not a nation divided by race and culture and class, but one people, all fighting for the same ideals and the same values. lou: wouldn't it be a joy if
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the president were to have an epiphany about that. >> we're praying for it. >> i get to say amen. bishop, jackson, thank you so much. two delaware police officers rescued an elderly driver moments before his suv was hit by a freight train. the officers saw the 76-year-old man's car stuck in gravel when crossing train tracks sunday night. the officers raced to assist the driver just as the train's warning gates came down. police moved the man to safety moments before the suv was destroyed in the collision. no one was hurt. hillary clinton kicking off her busy summer fund-raising schedule with tony bennett and lady gaga. who were you expecting? and will they br
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. lou: a new "wall street journal"-nbc poll shows two candidates taking the lead in the competitive battle for the republican nomination. in a poll of republican primary voters, 75% of them said that they could see themselves supporting former florida governor jeb bush. that's very impressive. 74%, however, said the same about florida senator marco rubio. i think that's what they call
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within the margin of error. governor mike huckabee coming in a close third, 65% support. joining us to make sense of all this and much more, former reagan white house political direct ofox news political analyst and contributor ed rollins. you have many titles, wear a man out. >> i'm an old man, been around a long time. lou: and fox news contributor michael goodwin. let's start first of all with the poll. this looks like it's over. huckabee and bush and rubio. >> no disparaging remarks to anybody's poll. this is a poll that basically if you have any kind of personality or likable, people say i might vote for you. it's a very small sample. a thousand nationwide. 250 republicans nationwide poll. lou: wait a minute, 250 republicans? >> and you have to assume the two guys leading both come from florida. more people out of florida,
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second largest, third largest state in the country. good indicator -- lou: what does that say? "wall street journal"-nbc poll not disparaging anyone. >> i'm not disparaging, it doesn't mean a whole lot at this point in time. lou: what do you think? >> i was taken how positive everybody seemed pretty much about the whole field. that's what i think ed has put a finger on what is one of the problems, then, because it seemed to me to be somewhat empty gesture, are you more likely, do you like, could you see yourself. lou: gently phrased. >> right, you could answer, yes to multiple candidates and i think that doesn't tell you much. >> the other thing is huckabee came in third in their nest, but he's sixth or seventh in the actual who would you choose at this point in time. he may rise as time goes. on a lot of people that can do better when time goes on when there's a campaign. lou: that's what we call the ed rollins treatment for you folks
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at the journal and nbc news. got to get the facts right. >> it's important. lou: let's turn to -- speaking of elegant phrasing. the president of the united states today using a racial slur in an interview. it seemed capriciously arbitrarily and no purpose whatever as if there could ever be a purpose, but certainly made no sense and didn't elevate public discourse? >> that's perfectly put. did not elevate. it did quite the opposite and for the president of the united states to use this word, you know, again, it's in an interview with somebody in his garage, a comedian, so the president maybe played down to his host and to the host audience, but i think it was a mistake. he's supposed to elevate the country, not debase it. and i believe there is a very wide consensus in this country that we do not use that word. and i don't see any point he was making which is that there is still racism, you can make
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that point without using that word. lou: by the way, do you think -- he said race in the united states as if we are homogenous monolithic country which 300,000 americans in the civil war didn't fight for the freedom of slaves. as if every family in america owned slaves rather than about 1% of the families in america. it was astounding! >> the only problem with the "n" word, we have gotten sensitive to not using it. it is a third rail. every black athlete, everybody uses the word constantly. it's a very derogatory term, and i think the president adding to that is not in the best interest of promoteing. >> if you're a parent and telling your child not to use it, well, the president used it. lou: right. some of the statistics around that word, in the typical rap
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song, it's used five times. half a million usages on on twitter every day. and the fact that it is, if you will, common or base usage does in no way to me rationalize the president of the united states using it. >> there are all kinds of common and base things that are said on twitter and rap. all through popular culture, you would not expect the president to use it. lou: the president seems to like to, if you will, socialize with some of the worst of the inclinations in our society rather than the best. it's a strange. >> there are moments when he hits the right tone. i think most of the comments towards the terrible tragedy were in the right tone. this takes away from any of that. lou: he's going to charleston where he will be at a memorial for one minister killed,
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minister clementa pinckney, and i sure hope he finds the right tone, because this tone he's using now certainly, he could take a great lesson from the people of charleston and community leaders and religious leaders and hope he'll take that lesson to heart before he gets there.
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>> >> joined me tonight former member of a a economic
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advisory board for ronald reagan and the kind of the is doing well with housing picking up we are seeing strengthen this economy and you must be delighted. >> i am. remember from a very low base was a long way to go but every trip of a thousand miles takes a first death and "this is it." lou: "this is it" and the fast-track authority has been given to the president of article one section 8 says the house has overcome end date try to give fast-track authority and to sue for abuse of executive authority but was ready you reconcile for us that minor contradictions and? >> there are some of the contradictions. lou: i just said that little one.
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>> the fast track authority me is the republican president will have a for a least four years. lou: i asked a question what makes you think any of us draw comfort that a republican president would have that authority this is something the american people should be constraining. >> but congress has the right to vote up or down into water that is so overgenerous purpose they don't need that silly amendment i admire their humility and deferral. >> the legal process may be right but we do indeed for your trade per hour dash and i know that you disagree with non-tariff barriers.
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lou: what is the most concerning trade barrier that exist? van eck i think currency manipulation. lou: we have complained to 12 years to read we have not fix that. lou: why would we think we would fix that now? since 1993 we have been in a free trade zone by yet their human rights abuse rise to the level of malaysia. why should we think this is from the china hegemonic power in the region. >> ask a question. >> go-ahead you are not answering my. i will answer yours to make side of know-how workers' rights bit into trade. lou: why should we worry about the workers? >> we should not with trade.
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>> i am a little confused. [laughter] because if we offshore production or the jobs of the american middle-class workers to 3-1/2 million that is how trade affects us >> and what is more important is do you conceive that trade deficits slow economic growth? it is the way we get capital stemmed aikido think there is the impact with economic growth? >> i am having difficulty to get the answer but tax cuts cave at the end of 1982 the trade balance was your
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chilean the deficit because they were going towards productivity it was the capital movement in to the u.s. >> i will write that down. [laughter] >> workers' conditions and other countries imagine if we did not trade will they be better than if we don't? yes other countries to treat for the however it puts pressure on them to make better conditions will get north korea. >> you think the sanctions on north korea makes them of better country?
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>> he was one of my students years ago. >> i will tell you what i will do. it has been great to listen to you. thanks for being with us. good night from new york. >> show me the money. >> hedge fund managers making all of america's kindergarten teachers combined? >> some have much more money than others. >> and this ted dollar bill hamilton's face is not on it and will be replaced by a woman. >> you know, who she is? no. no. >> bad government is printing money like crazy then doing what?


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