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tv   Cashin In  FOX Business  June 28, 2015 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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you have an instrument maker zoosh a market leader with great management. >> you guys are terrific. thank you for doing it. on time. that's it for forbes on fox. have a great weekend. thanks for watching. keep it right here. the number oneesesesesesesesesess block continues with eric and "cashin in." >> affordable care act is here to stay. >> first it was a mandate. the supreme court ruling in favor of obama care again this week and the court upholds same-sex marriage. the court is moving less on issues like these, then that will be a costly move for america? i'm eric. welcome to "cashin in." our crew jonathan honey ebbing and michelle fields juan williams and jessica tarla. michelle justice scalia saying we should call obama care -- it sure feels to me like the scales of justice are tipping to the left. maybe even falling over to the left. >> absolutely. the supreme court is preserving obama care at the expense of the
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english language. this incident is a direct reflection of what's happening in washington where laws are whatever people in washington want them to be. they no longer need to write legislation and think about the language because all they have to do is they write it they pass it and later they decide what it is. it's really disappointing that the supreme court is now sort of politicized group of people. it seems as though they're more concerned about preserving the obama administration's signature legislation than doing what's best for the american people and looking at the language of the legislation. justice roberts writing the opinion on it. wow, he shocked a lot of people. >> well apparently he shocked a lot of conservatives, but i think this case should never have been before the supreme court. this all boils down to knit picking by conservative who's never liked the laws and big government overreach taking away personal choices for people who
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can afford their own health insurance or have it provided by employers. of course what the law has done is provide more people who didn't have insurance. that was the purpose. i think justice roberts was saying that was the intent of the law. >> let me cut you off. >> guys we have a lot of people here. i'm going to bring you john. the supreme court, justice roberts, saying established by the states. now that's the way the law was written. they reinterpreted by the states to move the state meaning the feds. >> because the goal is we talked about time and time again the goal of obama care was control. i mean, to establish as the president talked about. health care is a right, and the fact that the deciding vote was roberts. a supreme court justice established by george bush and it indicates the extent that both the left and the right want to preserve this obligation and want to make health care all right. which, of course is an obligation to provide it. >> i think what we're missing
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here is this is actually the greatest thing ever that happened to the gop. they can have an entire election again running against obama care. what were they going to be talking about? i mean we also saved 6.4 million people from losing their insurance. a report released said if we repealed obama care it could cost $138 billion. 19 million people will be uninsured. yes, it should be your right to have health care in this country. >> just to quantify. a right to health care means that all of us and all of our viewers have an obligation to provide it. that's what it is. right is a right to action. it's not to a freeb where i for someone else. the supreme court doesn't get it. >> that's twits the supreme court has done something to fix obama care. the first time was the justice roberts had to call obama care a tax to make it work. they did it and then now he has to reinterrupt what is established by states to mean. the states which you would think would be 50, all 50 they reinterpret thad to mean the states of the federal
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government. >> this is a return to the supreme court of frank lynn roosevelt in the sense that the constitution is not what is written. the constitution is whatever the supreme court says it is. in an active expeaed ensy and i think it's a case of roberts, his personality is a guy who wants to be liked, he is desperate to be liked, and so he makes these decisions. not based on legislative foundation but based on wanting the public to do something that he is a here wroe for the public about this.
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chief justice roberts was appointed by the bush administration. >> absolutely. and being look i think what's happening is really unfortunate because it's not the supreme court's job to clean up the mess of congress. members of congress, if they messed up the language they need to go back and fix it. it's not the supreme court's role to to this. established by the state means established by the state. it doesn't mean established not by the state. if members of congress messed up well americans need to deal with the consequences. we need to force our members of congress to fix up the mess and vote them out in november. it's not the supreme court's job to clean it up. >> but the gop is essentially
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if the gop is not going to be responsible and come up with an alternative, then they deserve to be buried. >> there's only one alternative, and it's outrageous. >> john. >> yeah. there's only one alternative. it's freedom. that's just it. this idea that you have an obligation to help those in need the gop agree with that, and that's why, in effect they want to perpetrate all these entitlements and all these freebies obama care included. >> you're sitting quietly there. weigh in. >> i just sit and listen to this show. cashin in. i think we have a special sour grapes edition from the gop. 11:30. don't miss it.
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jonathan the idea that republican or democrat could have compassion and think that in our affluent society we can take care of people in medical need and not have bankruptcy. >> juan i think it's the way we take care of it. it's nobody saying that we don't -- we shouldn't take care. we should take care. you can't have a guy like gruber marching around the stage telling them how they fooled the american people. that's wrong. >> that's not the point. the point is somebody whose family is bankrupt when they have a catastrophic medical event and how can we not care as americans? >> we do take care of them guys. we do take care of those people. there's an emergency room that will -- every single city -- >> they can't say no. we have to go. hot topic. we have to get to a couple more hot topics. >> what do you think of this what we've been talking about? sound off. has the supreme court become judicial activists, and is it
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moving far left? we can respond at _#wake up america spshgs your tweet will be seen literally by millions of people. where are we scrambling to do a deal with iran a nation the administration's only intelligence chief just admitted is the biggest sponsor of global terror?
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terror attacks in france tunisia, and kuwait. raising a question about making a deal with the biggest sponsor of terrorism and with the clock ticking down on the new deadline with iran the obama administration now reportedly planning to go from sanctioning them to helping them build high-tech reaction. now, wait. it seems like madness. >> well it is madness. i mean let me ask you a question. why are they building icbm's? why do they have all the missiles over there in if they're not going to use them why are they using them? of course they intend to use them. of course they intend to have an atomic presence. we ignore it like oh we can make a deal with them. well you can't make a deal with the devil. >> you can't make a deal with the devil. john the sanctions were working against iran. they were physically working. they were having hardships and asking us to come to the table to do stuff to negotiate, and it seems like they have the upper hand on all these negotiations now. >> yeah and eric what's the
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response? if they break the treaty the tension will go back on again. iran has been the primary state sponsor of terrorism since 1979. think about how many trillions of dollars and thousands of lives have been lost fighting these iran-sponsored groups. hezbollah, islamic jihad. it all comes from iran. there's a financial and philosophical creation of islamic jihad. to negotiate with a country that openly calls for deet destruction of america in israel it legitimatizes them and hurts us. >> the only way to negotiate with iran is have some sort of trust of iran. are we really supposed to trust iran? >> i think right now what we're trying to do is develop a partner. we're trying to engage them and have them engage us. >> they're calling for destruction. >> that's my point. >> i think it's important that we understand there's got to be a bigger vision here than simply
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more sanctions. it's not -- the end point is not sanctions. the end point is to create a peaceful middle east where we are not called upon to spend more money, more lives, more death, more bombs, and a greater threat -- >> have i absolutely no confidence. >> they can't even strike a deal on capitol hill. you go to the negotiating table. we have a president and a secretary of state to have tunnel vision, and all they see is nobel peace prize legacy. they're not thinking about how do we get the best deal out of this? instead they're thinking we just want to strike a deal so that we have a good legacy but what we should be doing is making sure we have a deal in which inspectors can go to any felt any time anywhere in iran and be able to inspect it. we need to have -- >> you know why? it's your opinion. it's my opinion. it's also the opinion of a general. general higgins. take a listen. >> i don't think we're getting any time anywhere inspections,
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and all of those really do have to be preconditioned. >> there you go. >> these are things. the bipartisan agreement we need a better deal. for me we're alienating allies in the region. what happened with bebe netanyahu and saudi arabia. we're losing friends faster than we're making them and frankly, i don't really want a friend in iran anyway. >> we should always be negotiating if it's possible. we should not take a deal that's going to be bad -- >> we shouldn't go to the negotiating table as though we're weak, and that's what we're doing. >> 100% agreement. >> williams believes that people don't want to pay health insurance and aren't compassionate but iran is our partner in peace. it's delusion.
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>> we're saying it's hopeful we can get to a peaceful resolution. >> let's hear from fr juan. >> i just think that you guys have a limited way of thinking. all you're thinking about is militaryistic end and demonstrating american power. america is the world's largest military super power we can afford to try to make a deal to bring peace. >> but, juan -- juan -- >> the status quo is bad. we do not like the status quo in the middle east. it's not serving america. >> buddy, you didn't hear me. i opened the whole segment saying those are economic sanctions. not military sanctions. simply sanctions. very quick before we go. >> well i'm going to say why are they building all of this other stuff if they're not intending on using it? of course they are intending on using it. of course they're hostile. we have to build a coalition against them and keep it. >> i like the sanctions. >> coming up what the heck are they teaching our kids in college? young people caught on tape supporting fake politicians. >> senator jon bon jovi who
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just announced his candidacy has surged in the polls. do you think he has a legitimate chance of winning? >> well not really. i don't think that he is really going to win because a lot of people here push for hillary clinton. >> you would be more likely to support a guy like governor bruce lee of
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they say if you want to know where america is headed then look no further than our youth. well we've got a glimpse, and let's say america's future might not be so bright. college students say they're
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willing to support candidates in 2016. the problem is the candidates are fictional. check out this video. our friends at campus sent us. >> it's a pretty full house. there are ten guys running in the republican race. what do you think that congressman john stamos has to do to stick out? >> he has to show what he is going to work where. >> general mills wrote a book and he said he has killed people in wars in the past. >> not because he has killed people. i mean he was in a war. things happen. but maybe because he wouldn't mind killing more people. >> john god help us. they don't even know who is running or why. >> you know look sometimes i don't trust these types of things because they pick and choose who they want to talk to but there's no question that this is the result of progressive education. i mean, it's anti-american. who should bother learning the names of elected officials of those running for office?
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i bet these kids have had an environmental class or transgender study class. probably not a basic civics class, and that's wrong. >> what about senator ford taurus? >> well eric you have your next cashin in crew. >> wow. wow. those are all liberals. >> let me tell you, there's people that line up. they don't even know the facts or who is playing, but they're going to line up on one side or the other. that's how this country has ended up in a partisan polarized paralyzed mind. >> jonathan points out, it is liberal academia. that's -- >> i disagree every week. we also do have donald trump running for president. i mean let's be realistic here. this is just a great opportunity for politicians to get out there more to be talking to younger people social media campaigns. i mean this can be -- it's going to be a long slog but we'll get there, unfortunately. >> i think he is surging in the
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polls. >> he is surging. >> there's a socialist burning -- >> you will. >> he calls himself. >> too bad trump isn't able to handle it. >> i think this is what happens when you have juan's liberal friends steeching our students in college. you get people who are on the uneducated. all they know is that they can be socialists and hate republicans, and they should be basically funded by every single thing. that's all they know. >> i think this -- i think it speaks to a deeper problem, and that is what we think about the right to vote. you don't have the right to vote. you have the responsibility to vote and you have the responsibility to educate yourself about what you're voting for. if you don't do that -- >> some sort of an educational test so that people will pay us something so they can vote because it restricts the right to vote. i think you should. that's what i'm saying. i think --
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>> i think these kids need to watch cashin in. that's what they need to do. >> john couldn't hear you. go ahead. >> what wayne is proposing is bizarre that you should be required by government not only to vote but to be educated by deposit to vote. i'm sure these kids don't vote. i mean they don't even know who is running. that's because they don't even know or care. >> john, these kids couldn't find a voting booth. >> i think that these kids just need to tune in to fox at 11:30 every saturday and listen to us. that is a great idea. these are some of your friends, aren't they? >> yes. meeting them to talk about senator ford taurus. >> before we go juan i think michelle -- these are some people just slightly behind you in school. somebody educated you and did a good job. why wouldn't you think that these people should benefit from good education?
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>> i went to a great university. pepperdine. we didn't have to deal with all these liberal instructors like a lot of these other universities. >> another victim of the charleston church massacre is laid to rest today, and as the families call for forgiveness, others are preaching hate.
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i want to say thanks to aur cashin in crew for joining us. you can head to fox in to see wayne and jonathan's stock picks. okay. time to wake up america. america is trying to come together as we lay another charleston victim to rest today as family members of the victims have been calling for forgiveness. there are some who are still preaching hate. check out what lewis farrakhan said this week at the metropolitan ame church. i don't know what the hell the fight is about over the confederate flag. we need to put the american flag down because we've caught as much hell under that as the confederate flag. who will be fighting today? it's the people that carry the american flag. now, that man is part of the problem and not anywhere near the solution to racial tensions in america. as we lay to rest those innocent church goers, america, we have a choice. do we take the race -- do we listen to these beautiful people in charleston who show real
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christian values and love rather than hate promote peace versus join the race war? for me i choose peace because honestly i am suffering from a severe case of racial fatigue. have a great weekend, everybody. . good evening, everybody. i'm lou dobbs. a national debate on whether the confederate flag is a symbol now of division hate and oppression has been building for days in the wake of the charleston church murders but today big business short circuited the big discussion and took action to resolve the issue of the confederate flag on its own. as a result the flag appears to be rendered a civil war artifact and is now headed to the dust bin of american history. in quick order, south carolina's governor nikki haley called for the removal of the flag from the capitol grounds followed by a succession of major retail businesses that announced they're banning the sale of


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