tv Kennedy FOX Business July 6, 2015 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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why did they need him? they got it. that's it for us tonight, thanks for being with us, best-selling authors brad thorpe, naomi wolf join me tomorrow, the left and the right on display. good night from new york! . kennedy: hello there, i'm a very classy and lady i'm back! all moved to new york ready for you, serviceable the entire summer unlike greece, i am watching the greek crisis devolve into a mudslide of undisciplined socialism and unserviceable debt and realizing as we in the u.s. lurch toward our own brand of protectionist socialism, we're not too far behind. for five years greece and the european union have been trying to bail themselves out of a leaking sinking ship with teaspoons and scotch tape. greece has high taxes and high unemployment and created a
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looming disaster, the country has hit the rocks and greece has decided to fly the bird to the rest of europe by rejecting further austerity. there is no way a nation of 11 million people can pay back $350 billion of debt, not soon anyways. and especially not with half baked austerity measures and piecemeal debt restructuring that don't get to the heart of the problem. raising taxes on the remaining struggling businesses and continuing the bureaucratic overregulated system of cronyism is not only a economic life half lived it is killing greecement the country doesn't want austerity but the socialists running the place don't want free market reforms and mobility needed to save it. all of that sounds like the bleak union picture in california, protectionism, unserviced debt, high unemployment. poverty and leftist policies that only encourage the bad habits. california is creeping toward
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the greek model of failure and although they share the same political philosophy of empty economic leftism, the promise of flourishing entitlements is too powerful a drug to quit. california can continue along the same road as greece by repeating her mistakes and pull the country down the proverbial commode while rational economists have seen the movie badly, people like bernie sanders, as he drags this country further to the left to influence alone, we are not far behind our forebearers of democracy. economists encourage greece to pull the plug on the eu, devalue currency, pull themselves out of the abyss and grow their own economy without forcing the rest of europe to pay the price. if greece is rolling the boulder up the hill every day, the u.s. is atlas with the world resting on our shoulders, how soon before we shrug? tonight on the show, shark
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week's lead marine biologist talks to me about diving the sharks and whether or not the string of attacks in the carolinas should have us spooked? peres hilton here to weigh in on the ultimate celebrity rung for the white house, donald trump. and a special night cap about the u.s. women's world cup triumph. is it much more than that? find out later in the show. good to have you, gooding to back. i'm kennedy. . kennedy: we'll talk about that in just a minute, i'm asked questions while i'm trying to welcome you into the fold. bernie sanders cheers on greece as they commit suicide. in a statement on his website, he said, quote -- that was me talking, i know it sounded like bernie sanders, amazing, bernie is promising tax hikes, if we wins the white house. that will really get the
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economy growing again. let's bring in the panel. who could it be? forbes columnist and superstar carrie sheffield, comedian jimmy failla and the daily beast washington bureau chief, a man with the most important title i know, will ron, welcome, panel. >> thank you for having us here. kennedy: we'll break down the greek situation for us. how does it affect us? >> i do not know. i am not an economist. if we can get to the politics of it, this is -- this speaks to the limitations of bernie sanders appeal, we're talking about him right now. up in the polls, challenging hillary. it's a rarefied audience where you find greece and rejecting the troika's deal they gave to greece, it's a big applause line. i don't think that's going to resonate. kennedy: ohi, ohi, ohi. >> exactly. this is not going to have a huge political impact certainly
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here, there's going to be economic ramifications that i'll let the rest of the panel get into. but right now seeing bernie sanders taking a bet on something that a lot of americans don't have a strong opinion on. kennedy: he's one of the candidates never going to win, it does scare me, i worry people aren't going to wake up in time. i worry that the nightmare is going to progress further to the left, and then at some point when we are at the bottom of the drain, people so the economic socialist was a bad idea. he is an expressed like explicit socialist. this kills me, because people are showing up in droves to rallies. it's insane, the greek economy is small, not the size of oregon, it's not going to have the contagion worry of ireland, portugal, that fear has gone away, i don't think it will have as big impact as five years ago. arianna huffington is greek, people asked her would have you voted for the austerity or what? she said no, i wouldn't, we
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don't need austerity, we need to forgive the debt like the germans forgave their debt. the difference is that the germans are economic powerhouse, they have economic policies that encourage export, innovation. kennedy: they're also able to collect their tax debts which greece has not been able to do. 89% uncollected tax rate in greece. 2.8 in germany, angela merkel saying if we can do it, anyone can do it. >> how did they go broke? i'm paying $20 for a greek salad everywhere i go, without chicken! and god forbid you want shrimp. kennedy: chobani! >> you just got your third mortgage on the platter. >> financed the platter. kennedy: boy, is it delicious. what makes me sad is i have
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such a special place in my heart for greece, i was eastern orthodox christian, baptized in greece, i studied at ucla, i love greek philosophy, i don't think i could love it more, seeing what people are doing to their own country and how irresponsible they're being, it breaks my heart. >> you're a little sympathetic, the deal presented to them, would you have voted yes or no? kennedy: no, the part of me that would have voted no would have been let's get out of shadow of the eu which is a manny state telling us what to do. the thing i would try to change is the culture that created the situation, no debt restructuring is going to change the cronyism. >> you want to retire when you are 50 with a massive pension, and that's the culture, a massive cultural shift that has to happen. and it can't happen overnight. kennedy: if we could all retire at 50, we would all be happy. well, onto the next, after
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officially launching the campaign last week, chris christie isn't waste anything time resuming his attacks on gop rival rand paul. here he is on fox news sunday slamming paul for opposition to renewing the patriot act. >> well, he's wrong, he's wrong and what he's done has made america weaker and more vulnerable. and he's done it and cut his speeches and put them on the internet to raise money off of them. kennedy: at least he's raising money, i guess. i have to ask you, talking about weakness and vulnerability. who would last longer in the wild, rand paul or chris christie? >> rand paul has the medical degree, you would think that helped him out. kennedy: probably a little survivalism in there, too. >> kitchen cabinets, lou roth knows his way around a survivalist shed. >> not a regular md, right? he's not an optician, he's an ophthalmologist, he went to
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medical school and got a medical degree, he's dr. rand paul. >> that's what i wanted to know. [ laughter ] >> hey, they've all been in the administration, don't knock the university. >> they laid off 900 employees. >> and that laurette university that the clintons were wrapped in. kennedy: i remember that. let's keep it on track here. how is chris christie like a puppy trying to get adopted. >> that's what i thought. picking fights, that's what you have to do in a crowded field, you have to stand out. if you go to a puppy store, that's what you have to do. they're not covered in confetti, they're attacking people. i'm just surprised. kennedy: he's got another puppy's ear in his mouth. >> look at that face, ma, come on. i was surprised they chose you got to pick a fight somewhere, the patriot act is a weird thing to pick a fight on. most americans think it has to do with deflated footballs. kennedy: that's funny, a majority of americans are like
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hey, why don't you back off my privacy, there are a lot of people who say this rand paul might have -- >> agreed. in general, when it's this far out, people aren't into the minutia of the issues. kennedy: that's a big word. >> big for me. >> well, i think chris christie is trying to throw anything against the wall and hope it sticks. spaghetti or lasagna or meaty calzone. kennedy: i can feel will ron's charisma bouncing off his blazer, we are going to service that in moments. clinton campaign staff used rope from keeping the press to get too close to hillary, because she's the most transparent in the race and so see through. we're going to talk about that. plus shark week, a shark diver is here to tell us if it's safe to hit the beach or hit the couch and watch this show on repeat. admit it, you're a little scared. stay right here. ♪
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to keep the press in line. literally. two staffers lassoed the press behind the ropeline, look at that. as they followed the candidate down the street. my gosh, what are they on a preschool outing? the campaign reportedly plans to put hillary out there more in the near future. see how that goes, and maybe next time they'll use reinforced wire. my panel is back to talk about it. carrie sheffield, jimmy failla and will ron. bad optic, when you talk about presidential candidates, you talk about optics. >> you know when they wheeled hannibal lechter through the airport in the hand truck and tried to spin it, we put up the rope, we wanted the press to be with her the whole time. you know the first thing do you is put up a rope. it was terrible. >> they said one of the press reporters stepped onto a toddler, they were protecting the toddler.
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>> that's what it was about. kennedy: you have to protect the toddler in every presidential campaign. god forbid hillary gets near it. >> they sent an invoice for letting them touch the rope. kennedy: if you were her handler, wouldn't you try to keep candidate clinton as far away from the press as possible. it's a disaster every time she interfaces with them? >> yeah, and she hates them. it's a real -- >> the toddler. [ laughter ] >> i'm not going to talk to that. it's an open secret, she does not love the press, the press gets irritated and does not love her back, and created this dysfunctional relationship and you wind up with the picture of the "new york times" reporter in a laso. this is like the peak absurdit, e treating a little bit. doing an interview on it. kennedy: we talked about sanders a little bit, is he spooking her? >> he could be. you have to remember he is the
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senator from vermont, which there is a long border to the extent they are big states. kennedy: he was the king of new hampshire. >> yeah, they know him out there. kennedy: do they love him? >> do you have a crazy applause line talking to the millennials about greece and the millennials are going crazy? yeah. kennedy: i saw you tear up a little bit with we were showing it. >> absolutely. he's got the ron paul thing going. kennedy: that's what i said, he's the ron paul of the left. knows he's not going to win, he can say outrageous things. >> pop culture icon. >> or the betty white of the left. i heard that. it's a great analogy. kennedy: i don't think they are mutually exclusive. are you excited to elect our first empress? >> well, elect? i don't know what we need the word for. kennedy: fair point. >> she is going to be, i think, a romney figure. when you talk to her, her book
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tour should have been a crescendo, it should have been like the queen is coming and people love her, on her book tour, she kept falling on her face because she is being herself. she doesn't know how to talk to the average person. she's going to be like romney. kennedy: speaking of a romney figure, don't we want to see more of her? >> we do. listen. her campaign, she said we're going to double the amount of people she talks to. that means two people. but she is in trouble with bernie sanders. i think she is spooked, obama did an out-of-nowhere thing where he had the charisma. bernie sanders has the quality of a lot of old men on the subway, screaming things into the night sky. they're adorable, they don't make sense, hard not to root for them. you stay on the train for an extra stop because of bernie. kennedy: they smell like a
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combination of urine and enriched wine. >> very sophisticated way of saying that word. >> urine. kennedy: all right, our panel is coming back for more. if they don't get eaten by sharks, they're here to talk about very smart things coming up. and it is shark week, with shark attacks grabbing the headlines and biting the limbs off of them, scaring tourists. we'll talk to a discovery channel host who gets upclose and personal with great whites on purpose. plus celebrity blogger perez hilton is here to weigh in on caitlyn jenner fashion and who knows what else we're going to talk about? he's in the house. stay right here.
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we're going in with bait, no telling what's going to happen on the bottom. kennedy: he gets eaten alive! not really, that was a clip from shark island, 8:00 p.m. during the discovery channel shark week because it reminds me of this. >> live every week like a shark week. kennedy: absolutely right. and that's how i try and do it with a startling number of shark attacks on the east coast seems everyone is talking about sharks and somewhere thinking twice before hitting the beach especially in the carolinas. craig o'connell is a shark week marine biologist, he is featured in shark island, he has innovative ideas to make it less terrifying to go back into the water. >> thank you for having me. kennedy: i love sharks, i swim in the ocean, i surf, they don't scare me unless i am swimming by myself. what is it about carolinas, are humans more delicious? >> i wouldn't put it that way.
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an interesting situation, what we have is the perfect combination of variables, maybe it's the warm water. maybe it's the increased sallinity or the bait fish that could be bringing the sharks closer to shore. kennedy: you're saying there could be runoffs, the water is saltier and they're taking bites out of people, and because there's a difference in length some, five footers, eight footers that these could be different species? >> yeah, different species, and it was just a holiday weekend, school just got out. and a lot of people going to the beach, more people in the water could increase the probability of the encounters. kennedy: you work on a show called shark island, it's a tiny itty bitty island where a couple of my friends were in a plane crash, and they both lived. the plane was hijacked and flipped over in the water. insane. seven deaths in four years, i don't think there have been seven deaths in california in 200 years. >> yeah, it's a really
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interesting situation over there. that is a situation that changed my life. kennedy: what happened? >> you have -- typically when scientists do research, we focus on the problem, but because discovery really let me investigate. i was exposed to a lot of different people. not just scientists, not just conservationists, but people that were angry with the sharks, so they told me they want all the sharks dead, and gave me the opportunity to talk to them and say, you know what? the sharks do play a really important role here and we need to find something to do to allow the people to get back into the ocean. swim, use the waters so they can coexist with the sharks. kennedy: swim, do the things that humans are meant to do in shallow water. >> exactly. it was a really interesting situation. i met all the people. i see what they're currently doing and how angry the people are. kennedy: they're killing sharks, they fear them and rightly so, if i saw seven people die in four years, i would want to do something. you came up with an idea. tell me about the magnets.
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>> sharks are very unique, from a lot of different animals, they have the electro sensory system, you can expose a shark to a very strong magnetic field, than what they are typically encountering and overwhelm the sensory system and deter them. we use that concept, combined it with a big visual system and created the shark safe barrier, which is a promising technology. kennedy: and better than the shark nets, turtles and dolphins die in those things, it's horrible, you don't want innocent marine life to die, you want to protect people. >> the sharks play a really important role in the ecosystem. when you have the attacks it's unfortunate. we can't blame the sharks, we're stepping into their environment, and need to recognize that. kennedy: that's where they live. they're doing their thing. are they the lions of the ocean? >> the thing we need to understand is sharks aren't
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targeting humans. they don't have a particular taste for our blood, so there's plenty of people that have, and they've come out alive, and i've taken them shark diving during the particular situations and -- >> have you ever ridden a shark? >> no. kennedy: have you ever been almost bitten? >> multiple times. >> you don't want to be bitten a little bit? >> i have been bitten, on my hand, i have a nice little. >> are did you like it? >> no, it hurts! >> i don't know if it's like the pain from getting tattoos. >> it was terrible. i was working with the sharks, i was manipulating them, couldn't blame the sharks it was my own fault. kennedy: i love what you do, craig o'connell, i will be watching shark week, shark island, the whole thing. let's talk more about sharks because they're fascinating creatures. >> thank you for having me. kennedy: let's save them and ride them. coming up, is kristen wiig funny or good looking, she clearly can't be both.
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>> i'm mrs. iglesias. >> no, you are not, you put sunglasses on. out. kennedy: big shot, funny women who are beautiful are almost impossible to find. first a man looked out of his home desperate and thought what would santa do. in tonight's "topical storm." that is next. visibility into your business, it can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. at&t's innovative solutions connect machines and people... to keep your internet of things in-sync, in real-time. leaving you free to focus on what matters most.
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. kennedy: in the desert of depressing ordinary news, welcome to os say -- oasis of the absurd. welcome to the "topical storm." nothing feels better than celebrating a well-earned victory than taking in the moment and letting the world know you are number one! and nothing makes you feel like a big pile of number two more than premature celebration end thats in your defeat. watch ben payne almost win the peachtree in alabama.
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he pauses for celebration, british olympian scott overall was the overall winner and caused ben serious pain. look at that. he thinks he's won. yes, i got this! woo! what? i don't? no, and scot got to stay facial disgrashl because sissy run is glashial. dogs are known for their loyalty to owners but if dog bff's abby and tanya are any guide, that doesn't extend to other dogs. abby, the french bulldog got caught red pawed in a mess of toilet paper, and tanya folds like a cheap sweater. >> did you make this mess? tanya, did she make this mess? did she do this? who made this mess?
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she did? she's pointing at you. kennedy: she pointed at you. you. yeah. you're the dirty birdie. i don't know what hurt poor abby more, her shame or disappointment in her friend. now to the toilet. topic number three. those millennials can't seem to keep themselves out of a pickle. a 23-year-old phoenix fella got locked out of his house by jioke lafi friends and roommates and genius tried to pull a kris kringle and jingle into the house through the chimney. this story is in the "topical storm" because obviously it didn't end well, it was 3:00 a.m., it was still 89 degrees out. it took firefighters 30 minutes to free him. and all that adds up to a well-executed practical joke on the part of the friends. well done, gentlemen.
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he was covered in soot, ran tests to make sure he's not a total moron. topic number four. ron dmc were so fond of sneakers, they wrote a song about it. my adidas. where the 80 rappers walk through concert doors and roam all over coliseum floors, adidas may have been hoping to have its own hit courtesy of trash found on ocean floors. the adidas pollution shoes made entirely from materials reclaimed from illegal deep sea and ocean waste. while the company shared pictures of the cool looking shoes in the same recognizable aquamarine colors at fishing nets, not clear if the shoes are going to be available to the public. the house is were created to make a point about finding solutions to pollution and added that adidas will use recycled plastic in all of its shoes. until then, the shelf tops are
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as close as you get to the ocean. sometime i dye them purple and use them as aerial bra. i have several of them. number five, if you love water sports and squirrels, you're not just richard gere, twiggy, a vegetarian who is not a roman emperor but an ordinary squirrel with a miraculous gift. watch. ♪. kennedy: yes! look at that. twiggy is a waterskiing squirrel, something about this family makes them love daredevil watercrafting, and it's not the first time we've seen the rodents make a foray into extreme sports. >> how about that? that's squirrel can water ski. [ laughter ]
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>> obviously, one of twiggy's ancestors, if it's good enough for america's favorite newsman, it is certainly good enough for us. ron burgundy needs to take the anchor job the nbc, and you and i both know it. if you have weird stories you want to see on "topical storm," use hashtag "topical storm," you can find me there, and i want to thank clayton for sending a bunch of stories over the weekend. you can send stories on "topical storm," same handle there. coming up next, should kids be invited to wedings? >> i'm going to make you a bicycle, but i don't want to make you a bicycle. >> stop being funny, guy, and make it. kennedy: one mom says inviting parents without the children is a selfish act by the bride and groom. captain carli lloyd scored a hat trick, to lead the u.s. to the world cup title last night.
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usaa makes me feel like i'm a car buying expert in no time at all. there was no stress. it was in and out. if i buy a car through usaa, i know i'm getting a fair price. we realized, okay, this not only could be convenient, we could save a lot of money. i was like, wow, if i could save this much, then i could actually maybe upgrade a little bit. and it was just easy.
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♪. kennedy: that's so cute. that brings warmness to my heart. how are you? welcome back, michael eisner, the former ceo of disney speaking out. he wanted to compliment goldie hawn for uncommon combination of beauty and humor but managed to put his big fat foot in his slobbery old mouth saying, quote -- my panel is back, carrie
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sheffield, jimmy failla and will ron, welcome back, panel. >> hey, hey. kennedy: you shared the stage with lady comics, is eisner right? >> hold on a second. i think his comments were taken out of context, that he said in hollywood it's hard to find. kennedy: wouldn't you argue he ran hollywood for quite some time. >> yeah, he did. it was predindicated more on looks than kind of an actress lookcentric town. he wasn't saying female comics aren't funny. kennedy: are women funny? >> women, no. kennedy: are beautiful women funny? >> i have a list of them. amy poehler, kristen wiig, jennifer aniston. >> kennedy? >> i was trying to punk on
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that. it sounded like my wife fishing for a compliment. you don't think beautiful women are funny? notice anything about me, jim bo? wow. >> mathematically and statistically he is correct, the default of human nature is the path of least resistance, if comedy is a process of trial and error and rejection and tomatoes thrown at you. if you're a beautiful woman and don't have to worry about any of that and people give you money to anothers wouldn't you follow the path. kennedy: qualify it by saying unbelievably beautiful, he wasn't saying kind of pretty. he was talking like -- >> does funny have anything to do with this, does anything have to did with the outward appearance. it's inner turmoil. kennedy: talking about outdated paradigm. and who was it "saturday night live," cecily strong and amy adams did the funniest sketch,
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that was the garbage sketch that they threw away, and they were so gd funny and beautiful, what the hell is he talking about? you prefer your women ugly and funny. why is that? >> i find it's easier, you're talking about the path of least resistance, and i like being made fun of by angry, bitter people. kennedy: if only slovenly. >> ugly and not funny? kennedy: he needs something to laugh at and he likes stinky women, too. >> he meets his women on light a kennedy: light a >> a serious journalist. kennedy: you are. the bureau chief of the daily beast. >> it is, i come on her to be a rambling mock. kennedy: you are not a rambling mock, put it on the glass, friend. mommy blogger is calling out
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people who hold adults only weddings on her blog, tiny blue line. she writes -- now, isn't she just being miserable and making up drama where there doesn't have to be any? >> she's trying to get traffic to her blog, more power to her, it worked. we're talking about it. adults should be able to make their choice whether they have kids or not. personally, if i get married, i want my nieces and nephew and i want kids there. kennedy: i had kids at my wedding. we had almost 500 people at our wedding. it is a scientifically proven fact, the more kids at the wedding, the more fertile the couple will be. it's not a true story but i like it. there is a wedding superstition you're suppose to have a child roll on the wedding bed. >> that's kind of creepy. kennedy: my friend had her son go to the hotel room and roll around on the bed.
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>> this is a romanian thing. kennedy: and we drank the -- i'm so glad you realized. that i can bring my kids to your weds? >> absolutely. sure. kennedy: weren't you conceived at a drunken wedding? >> well, i am irish. probably 50-50. >> it sounds very michael jackson to do that, i'm sorry, the rolling on the bed. kennedy: you can't get past that. [ laughter ] >> yeah. kennedy: i'm fantasizing about will's parents, by the way. >> i actually like this. [ laughter ] >> thank you. i guess that's what you would say in that situation. you bring kids to the wedding, everybody is drunk, couldn't be that like scarring, people are not at their best. kennedy: it can be if you do it right. >> that's why you are a parent, you're supposed to keep track of your kids. kennedy: i don't care if somebody says it's too
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expensive. i don't go. >> why are any parents mad about this. this is my dream as a parent because they've handed you the -- sorry, have you too many kids. it's not selfish, they're hooking you up. selfish is a vegan wedding, if you're planning one, get divorced right now. two idiots can't stay together. that's the most idiot thing can you do to people. i went to a vegan wedding where they didn't tell us until we got there. >> that's why they didn't tell you. >> there was like a 12 car pipe yul in the parking lot of people trying to get to arby's. people screeching now the every direction. kennedy: that was like my family. went to a wedding in a dry county in ohio. have you never seen people make it out faster, they weren't going to make it to the package store. kennedy: i'm allergic to cake,
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i have to take heart medication. >> sounds like utah. kennedy: thank you so much for being here. >> thank you, kennedy. kennedy: this increased your journalistic bona fide. i will pay you lots of money. not sherrod, though. kennedy: celebrity perez hilton is here, maybe she should be his vp candidate. stay tuned it is next.
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hilton, celebrity blogger and founder of perez hello, and welcome. >> hello. kennedy: i'm so happy to have you here. >> so happy to be here. kennedy: let's talk about donald trump. what does running for president do for his brand? is this a bad thing for the donald trump industry? >> no, it's a great thing for donald trump as an individual. for his brands not so great, lots of other companies distancing themselves from him. kennedy: macy's, nbc -- >> but he -- and this might be controversial or shocking, is a really smart man and knows exactly what he's doing, though it may not come across this way. he knows he'll get more attention by not apologizing and standing behind his cruel and offensive statements, like it's kind of what i used to do back in the day when if the bitchy blogger. kennedy: that's how you made a name for yourself. >> yes. in he knows what he's doing is wrong. kennedy: is he going to get
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bullied into changing in. >> good question, no, he can afford to ride this out. he can afford to do immense damage to his brand and have hundreds of millions in the bank. i'm more concerned for his kids having to deal with their dad, saying such mean things to groups of people, and his daughter ivanka is a successful business woman herself. >> i love her shoes. >> imagine what it's doing. kennedy: i oftentimes think that people are -- i know everyo everyones is that voters are stupid and americans are dumb, they are sophisticated to know the difference between them and their dad. what other reality star should run for president, do you think? >> i would say she's from the nonscripted world. i -- maybe wouldn't lump her into this group, i would live for oprah to run for president. kennedy: what if donald trump did have her as his running mate. >> that would never happen! come on!
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>> would you vote for a trump-oprah ticket. >> i couldn't even contemplate that. kennedy: you would love it so much. caitlyn jenner has barely gotten the tag off wardrobe pieces and getting heat from the schedule police. one new york post critic called her style horrible and likened it out of j.c. penney, i have to ask you, what would mean old perez have done to bruce jenner pretransition when the rumors were swirling he was going to come out as a woman. what would have you done in your former incarnation? >> i probably would have used the t-word which a lot of gay people used to do, and the transgender community educated us we shouldn't use the t-word. kennedy: and would have bullied bruce jenner out of closet. >> like the media has before she officially said this is what i'm going through. and obviously appearances are important. that's the first thing people see. what i'm more happy about and inspired about today caitlyn
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jenner posted on her website, a blog post how she views her story as an opportunity to educate those who came before her in the transcommunity, and getting facts about how yong transwomen have to turn to sex work. so the fashion conversation, great. kennedy: there is a high rate of depression and suicide, sadly enough. >> and hopelessness. kennedy: this is a chance to have a conversation. my friend andrew tanteros was not disparaging people. do you want to apologize for not vetting the story. >> remind me what happened. i'm brain farting. kennedy: you brain farted on your page, and she made a comment if someone wants to be a cat, do we have to call them cat. >> this is what i like to call diversion, deflecting from the real issue trying to win your point across.
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no, i'm not sorry for what i said. kennedy: andrea, come out, honey. she was cross. i had to bring it up. >> should i be allowed to marry my dog now that gay people have the right to marry. no! >> as long as i don't want have to give you entitlements, i'm fine with that. as long as i don't have to pay for your dog's health care. i'm fine with that. congratulations on the new baby. >> thank you so much. kennedy: i like the softer gentler perez. >> thank you. kennedy: thank you so much. coming up, the celebration of team usa's world cup victory and the answer to the trivia question is coming up in moments. stay tuned.
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kennedy: i know, looks professional, but i'm still an amateur waiting to get paid. world cup mvp carli lloyd cranking up that song, chris brown's dreamer. great song. horrible person. chris brown, not carli lloyd. i love soccer, i don't care who knows it, and tonight you love it, too. people often complain that women's sports don't get the same attention as men's, they cry sexism and misogyny, and i love this women's world cup victory speaks for itself, and that's what should happen. not only in sports, but in the office and at school and everywhere else competition thrives. the u.s. women haven't taken the title since 1999, and they got to tell sweden's head coach and former u.s. coach to suck it.
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she has spent plenty of time flapping her gums about the u.s. team, groufting about former player, stirring up drama in her emotional volvo. sour grapes must go down pretty lumpy when your squad is silenced by the dominant u.s. women. it's okay if you've never looked soccer. if you're resentful, this international sport crept into the u.s. mainstream, and you can't stand it, that the game is played better by girls who are able to deliver the goods! feel free to whisper usa, usa! and fist bump yourself while no one is watching. when the world is divided by politics, race and religion, it is nice when the fairer sex can bring us together to an unparalleled hat trick, thanks to carli lloyd. none of the women are feeling sorry for themselves today, no victimhood and nothing sweeter and more equalizing than the taste total victory.
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thank you so much for watching the show tonight. please follow me on twitter -- i'm glad you are living it like it's shark week, see you tomorrow night. good morrow. jamie: a cowboy inherits a baron patch of prairie. >> it is not big enough. >> beneath the soil he finds prehistoric treasure. >> this is one of the most important discoveries of this century. >> this is a job -- will this cow poke's "strange inheritance" lead him to a boom or bust? >> lightning does not strike in the same place very often, maybe neve
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